These are resources that I found helpful for understanding skin cancer. Among topics discussed are the causes of cancer, growth influencing mechanisms, and practical treatment strategies that can be adapted for skin cancer.
One Answer to Cancer
Stem Cells
Current Cancer Research and Analysis Medical news on skin cancer from Medpage Today Fats and Skin Cancer Fats & Breast Cancer has implicating information about trans and polyunsaturated fats that should also apply to skin cancer. Skin cancer studies on mice points at the combination of sunlight and polyunsaturated fats being necessary for skin cancer. Also reports that a "grazing diet" is much worse than fixed meals with regards to skin cancer incidence. Finally, PABA based sunscreens are not effective at preventing skin cancer. Heart disease and cancer prevention advice that questions current accepted wisdom about fats and cholesterol and their relationship to heart disease and cancer. Skin Cancer Photos Pictures of malignant lesions of all types
Skin Cancer Facts and Statistics
Sunscreens and Skin Cancers
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) MSDS sheets
and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for other substances are available at these and many other sites: d-Limonene MSDS to consult for topical treatments containing orange oil or limonene
Citrus Oil (d-limonene) Prevention and Therapy of Cancer by Dietary Monoterpenes discusses the multiple mechanisms of d-limonene in the chemoprevention and chemotherapy of cancer with 64 references (1999)
Cancer Causing Substances Ames Test Description of the commonly used test for carcinogens. Heat Treatments for Cancer Burn prevention information to consider regarding heat treatments. Acidosis Here are more good charts rating foods affecting the acid-alkaline balance. Want a strongly
alkaline food? Eat a watermelon. Saliva Acidity Tests has many alternative cancer treatment and prevention ideas. This page describes a simple saliva acidity test.
Nutrition in Food World's Healthiest Foods with diets for diseases including cancer, recipes, and scientific information about nutrient content of foods. The Anti-Cancer Diet and other articles focused on diet. With recipes and diet advice that should be helpful for cancers. USDA Food Consumption Data vs Time shows trends in food use with fascinating custom plots. Flax & the Budwig Diet IP6 IP6 and iron overload: IP6 can remove excessive iron stores in the body that are linked to many diseases including cancer. Minerals in the Body Mercury Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements Nutritional supplements Summaries of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal extracts. Well researched reports on medicinal herbs and other alternative therapies for cancer from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Vitamin C and Lysine Ellagic acid Cancer Self Help Sites
A.P. John Institute skin cancer page explains both conventional and some alternative treatment options. This page also details a cancer diet protocol called CAAT designed to control amino acid intake. The result is to shut down the cancer cell metabolism while keeping normal cells and tissues functioning well. Wellness Directory of Minnesota Amazing resource with perhaps longest list of alternative treatment options for cancers including skin cancer. Second Opinions fulfills its mission of exposing dietary and medical misinformation. This link points to the cancer related files with a section on skin cancer. Again, the dangers of "healthy" polyunsaturated fats are presented and the benefit of sun exposure is noted. Lots of references, lots of other diseases, and fun to read. Electroherbalism: Rife machines and zappers All about bioelectronic devices and their use in alternative medicine. (My experience with a zapper was thumbs down.) Free online copy of Dr Hulda Clark's book The Cure for All Diseases Annie Appleseed Project Extensive cancer information from a patient's perspective Alternative Cancer Therapies from the Cancer Cure Foundation, capsule summaries of alternative and conventional cancer treatments.
Selected Relevant Skin Cancer Studies Melanoma Risk Assessment Tool An interactive tool to help predict the risk of invasive melanoma Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, and Stroke Risk Assessment Find out your risk of developing five of the most important diseases based on the latest scientific evidence concerning disease risk factors. Reynolds Risk Score New calculator for women's heart disease and stroke risk based on age, smoking status, blood pressure, cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and family history. Easily see the risk impact of controlling cholesterol or blood pressure (less influence than you might think considering the media attention). Support Topicalinfo by linking to any of our pages.
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