Hi guys. I don't know what that was on my face, it might have been just a mole. It was getting steadily larger and hurt when I pressed on it. Sometimes I thought it hurt when I wasn't pressing on it but that might have been my imagination. Someone took a picture of me in public and the spot was noticeable on the picture, that's when I first began to acknowledge it and freak out about it. It wasn't dark all over like a regular mole, it was mostly skin color but darker in the middle, and had a raised surface with cauliflowery edges. It was already 1/4 inch wide. I looked around the internet for advice and found this forum. I wanted to say thank you for having so much information and encouragement from people who had much worse situations than mine. Reading all those other stories made me calm down. My husband says he had a similar spot on his temple (he says that's where everybody seems to get them) and he burned it off using hydrogen peroxide (the 33% food grade kind) and garlic. I read on the net that if you go to a dermatologist they would freeze it off. Freeze or burn, given that I have to pay cash for whatever happens to me, it wouldn't hurt to try it the home way first. What he did is for five days, Sept 26th - Sept 30th, dipped a q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and held it on the spot for five minutes, then put a small slice of garlic in a bandaid on top of it. Starting Oct 1st, I only changed the garlic every day. I should have thought of taking a picture before we started but I didn't. So the first picture is after it's already been burned with the peroxide twice. The next one is after the fifth such treatment. It was kinda nasty looking but it wasn't hard to feel hopeful, because it had a "retreating" look to it instead of "advancing". I kept garlic on it for a couple days, then it seemed like it wanted to form a scab, so I left it open for a day to dry up. It started to itch badly then formed a scab, which I pulled off even though it wasn't quite ready. Later there was still a faintly dark center (third picture) but the next day it formed another thin layer that I pulled off, and all the darkness came away. Now it's only pink and it looks fine to me. I don't think about it any more and it gets fainter pink every day. So what was it? I don't know, but I'm glad to have it off! I wanted to show you guys and say thanks!
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