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170 Posts |
Posted - 11/08/2010 : 18:13:42
Copied by Thanks01 from forum thread on Garlic:
I did some looking on Papillomafree and it seems to use extract of the plant Celadonium majus, known as Greater Celandine. Since I have some of this in my garden (imported as a poison ivy cure, but not too useful for that), I'll be looking more into this along with my other favorites. I intend to follow up on this. Greater Celandine may deserve a forum thread of its own. We'll see. Thanks to Osia for bringing this into the discussion. I have no idea yet whether this plant works for skin cancer but my reading so far indicates that it is GENTLE ON THE EYES. This assertion also needs some more work. My point is that this is a new plant, not so far discussed on the forum, easily available, and possibly not harmful to the eyes. I plan to follow up on this as time goes by. This info was first posted to the forum by a user in the Garlic thread and I want to bring it to everyone's attention. |
Edited by - thanks01 on 11/08/2010 18:16:06 |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/18/2010 : 17:18:31
yes it's my understanding that peplin who was in stage III clinical trials with the patented petty spurge extract was acquired by a large drug company. As I said, I think they are now just sitting on the patent and I don't believe there is any timetable for a drug coming to market. Someone correct me if you know more on that.
quote: Originally posted by clearlake
I was also just reading that Peplin who was working to bring this to market in Australia was acquired by another firm, so I have no idea when the product will actually be in the market. Maybe it's been iced until some patents run out.
SOFL, what do you mean by this? Has Peplin been gobbled up by the competition or Big Pharma in order to make them go away, with the product never going to market?
SOFL, you are such a great healer! You do a great job on yourself. I live in South Florida also.
Hey everyone here, I have a problem, would appreciate some feedback. I've had a history of superficial BCC on area between lip and nose. Treated with Aldara multiple times, didn't work. Had Moh's surgery there which left a scar, then I felt the cancer returning and used more Aldara just to see if something was going on (this was before Petty Spurge). Using the Aldara revealed another bad spot on the other side of area between lip and nose, and this spot was doing a sneaky journey across the upper lip area back to the original spot. I experimented with using bloodroot on both areas; the bloodroot lit up pretty good in both spots and left a significant disfiguring scar on the first spot where it ate into the Moh's scar, pulling my lip up into a sneer in the process. (Sorry, graphic) I tried petty spurge on these areas, and really the whole center of my face it lit up plenty. I really did too large an area and could not sustain. Also, that original Moh's/disfigurement area just seemed so deep and it was painful. I quit, thinking I would get back to it. But it's just such a visible area to be experimenting on, and too painful, as I said. Meanwhile, my lips are getting flaky and bleed if I pull off the peel. I decided to break down and go to the dermatologist, a new one. This guy seems top of the line, head of the skin cancer center, went to an ivy league medical school. When I showed him my face, he was very angry that I used topicals and said I couldn't be his patient if I continued to do that because he is against that kind of thing. He wouldn't biopsy 2 places I wanted him to (my arm! remember the pictures of my arm y'all!), but he did do 2 punch biopsies in the area of the original Moh's scar/now disfigurement. I have stitches in 2 places. Adding to my scar collection. Anyway, they just called me from the clinic with biopsy results. They said they were negative, just scar tissue. What am I to make of this? I will get my stitches out Friday and see this derm, but . . . what about my lips and how I can feel the creepy crawly itchy ever spreading to around my nose, etc? What about the fireworks every time I use a topical? Do I believe them or believe in me? I never expected this negative biopsy result!! Any insight?
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/18/2010 : 18:20:42
I just logged in to give a treatment update and document some new procedures.
First of all, I have now treated 20 or more lesions on myself and my dad, some of which were recurrences of previously biopsied and surgically removed bcc and scc. He is 82 and has a history of skin cancer.
I have had a couple of recurrences of spots treated with PS, and upon re treatment they are now gone. I attribute the recurrence to under treatment. There have been times when enough sap was hard to come by. I am going on about 2 years for the first things I treated with no recurrence.
I have no further need to experiment with other treatments. The PS is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more effective than any other treatment I've used prior to finding PS (from surgery to efudex to solaraze to aldara to almost every treatment on this board). Honestly, I don't know how it could work any better of more effectively. I say that because it's fairly quick, relatively painless and has a good end result on me. I have treated my head, lip, eye socket, nose, arms, legs, torso with it. In particular, my lower lip was a painful problem for YEARS and nothing ever cured it. I bit the bullet about a year ago and tried it on my lip. Since that time I feel like I have a new lip. No problems in a year for the first time in 15 years. Previously my lip had surgery (SCC), efudex several times, and solaraze. None of it worked except briefly (6 months or so). Now it feels and looks great.
So I've settled on a "standard" treatment which is very effective for me. It probably tends more to overtreatment rather than undertreatment. I snip one leaf at the base with sharp scissors and wait for the sap to come out of the still attached stem, and let it flow onto a flat bladed dental tool. It is a very small amount that flows onto the tool. I'd guess about 1/4 the size of an average water droplet. I make sure the skin is clean and dry because it absorbs better that way.
I then apply the sap directly to the suspect area, and I cover the area with the leaf I snipped off and a round band aid to top it off. If the spot is larger I'll use the sap from 2 leafs or the extract from a large leaf if I have one.
I keep it covered for 24 hours, shower, rub off any dead skin and do it again.
By the third day, usually what happens when using this "turbo" treatment is that the area I suspect is cancer now has a deep irregular pit, while the surrounding skin may be severely irritated or maybe even sloughing off the top layer, the PS has targeted the lesion. So the point here is that I have settled on treating a larger area than is visible. I feel that way it also gets any sub clinical areas that I didn't know were there.
Depending on the area under treatment, on the third or fourth day I may do the leaf/band aid combo or after a good shower and scrubbing I may just apply the sap to the area that is now typically a deeper pit that has been identified and targeted.
If I don't use the leaf I put it in a dropper bottle full of distilled water I keep in the refrigerator. This tincture is like a weakened version of the sap, and sometimes(almost always now) I apply that as insurance as it's healing. I get the tincture so it's almost solid thick with leaves...a lot of leaves, not that much water. I smash the leaves up a little using a tool while inside the bottle. I use an artists paint brush to put the liquid on. If I have a plant that is ready but I have no use for it, I put it in the bottle before it dies because after they shoot off their seeds, they die.
After the third or 4th day, I have enough experience with it now to know if I'm done or if I just want to continue with the sap and no band aid. Using this method, usually the PS has gone deep if it needed to and there is a scab forming. I feel that if the area under treatment forms a quick scab, it's a sign that it's normal tissue and also treating on top of a scab is not effective. I want to be sure I've gotten down as deep as the bad cells go, and after that I'm done. Used in this way with the leaf and band aid, the PS seems to be extremely toxic and fast acting on the suspect cells. The duration depends on where also. Arms and legs longest, head fastest. As a general rule 7-10 days of treatment on the arms and legs and 3-4 on the face and head for me but I've used it enough now that I can tell. I always try to over treat rather than under treat and have used it continuously while an area healed on my leg near my ankle.
I'm currently treating two spots on my arm that recently popped up. I would guess early scc because i've had enough to know what they look and feel like. It has gone deep on one and not as deep on the other smaller one, and the treatment is almost over after 3 days. I'll do one more day of sap with no band aid after a shower, then just use the tincture as it heals up.
I recently experimented with a flat mole on my shoulder (I have a lot of moles) that was starting to spread out some spidery like arms. I didn't like the look of it, I saw a picture of an early melanoma that looked similar. So as an experiment I used the PS on it for a week. My thinking was that if I made it worse or it didn't work, then I'd go see a professional. It didn't look deep or anything and had been that way for a while. I have so many moles and freckles it's impossible to count them all.
So that was about 3 months ago, and today it's the best looking spot on my body. It took out the mole, the spidery look, and it's all clear white skin and you can't even tell anything was ever there. I wish my whole body looked like that. It was an amazing result. My wife works in a dermatologists office and she was amazed. I'm amazed. That was the first and only time so far I've used it on a mole and I know I'm not supposed to do that according to the professionals. All I'm doing is stating what I did, and what happened, in the name of science, or bush doctoring or something.
So I would just like to add a disclaimer that I'm basically experimenting on myself and documenting it here. I'm not suggesting what any one else should do.
I was as desperate and lost as everyone else prior to finding the PS because nothing from the DM worked well and I always had to keep re treating. I'm not claiming to be any kind of doctor or expert either.
I'm a guy that has had a lot of problems with skin cancer and has found a solution that works for me. That said, I can't say enough good about how well PS is working for me. It has literally changed my life. After dreading regular DM visits every six months and a few things cut off every time (I've had melanoma, BCC and SCC) and living in fear, I haven't been there in over 2 years now and I doubt I will ever go again. I'm not suggesting that anyone else do that. I have now successfully treated and resolved (longest non returning about 2 years now) every suspicious area on my body and anytime anything new pops up, it now gets the treatment straight away. Since I keep a stock growing, it's free, it's far more effective on me than anything he had to offer(in my own estimation), relatively painless and no big deal any more. That's no hype, no bs, just my own experience. The PS cures scar free or nearly scar free for me. The only evidence on my body now of skin cancer are stitches and scars from the DM. I make no recommendations and no promises. I don't suggest anyone else experiment on themselves like I'm doing. What you do to yourself is at your own risk, just like me. I could be harming myself in a million different ways I don't even know about, I suppose. I do however feel compelled to share my experience because I know how desperate I was for something that really worked. Maybe it doesn't work this way for everyone, I have no way of knowing. I have never used it on a broad area, only spot treatment. Based on working with it, I would be very hesitant to use it on a broad area. Instead I am ahead of it enough now so I just use in on anything that pops up.
on the plants....
The plants do like cold weather. They are impossible to grow outdoors in south florida in the summer (they sprout but remain in a dwarf state then die) but they do ok in the winter. They like cold weather. Freezing temps (25-30F) and frost are no problem. They actually seem to thrive in that kind of weather of 30 degree mornings and highs in the 60's. I know this because I have grown them or jump started them in pots in a cold climate. They don't like full sun. Full sun will kill them. I have some growing very well right now outside in the shade of a plumeria tree. I jump started them outside with temps below freezing.
They naturally grow in disturbed soil and they like soil that contains a lot of aeration...foam, mulch, etc when grown in a pot. they do not like rich thick compacted soil or sand. They like disturbed soil. I have pretty much confirmed that now by trial and error. My best pot has a lot of foam and a lot of mulch bark mixed in with some potting soil that had foam balls in it. I give them one drop of liquid plant food mixed in with about 20 oz of water when I water them.
Last...I have never felt any systemic effects of any kind....ever. I used it once on a small spot about 3/8 of an inch from my eyeball, and I did feel a little irritation around my eye but no systemic effect. I was very careful not to get any in my eye and used many precautions in that treatment...which was a recurrence of something which had previously been surgically removed. It's gone now. The first time I used it on my forehead I had slight swelling about the size of a silver dollar but no pain and no systemic effect.
Edited by - SoFl on 11/19/2010 00:16:02 |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/19/2010 : 00:35:04
quote: Originally posted by lonewolf1218
I' hoping someone can help me.I have been trying to grow petty surge without any luck.I was in so.fla now I am in west texas.I have the seeds,I get them to sprout but after they get to be about 2 to 3 inches tall,they start to die.When they get that big,should i water everyday?Get more sunlight?Please help.My cancer sores are getting bigger and I am tired of the surgeries.
The problem is it's too hot. If they don't get enough cold weather at night, they remain dwarves and then die. I learned that through trial and error. You may be able to grow them inside, or outside during winter in those areas. |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/19/2010 : 11:34:58
Experimental observations on potency:
The sap from a given plant seems to have the same potency regardless of where on the plant it's extracted from. The lower leaves just off the main stem seem to have the most sap. Also, the plants seem to give off the most sap before they make and drop their seeds. After they drop their seeds, they will slowly die. I had one or two plants which had 2 seed productions, but mostly they die after they make their seeds. The seed pods "explode" in hot weather, throwing the seeds potentially a few feet away from the plant.
On a given plant, if you try to extract from it every day, the amount of sap you get is reduced. If you clip a leaf on a branch and get sap, leave that branch alone for a day or more.
If a plant is dying, it will have little sap production, but it is still potent.
some plants seem to be more potent than others. the most potent plant I had was a scraggly plant that had struggled to survive but it was a very deep green color with very dark red stems. When the plant matures, the stems go from green to red. You want to see the stems turning red and thickening up, otherwise the plant may remain in a dwarf state. Cold weather kick starts them into the mature phase.
The most potent action is from the sap, but the leaves are also potent. Following is my ranking of potency for treatments from strongest to weakest
1.) sap covered with leaf covered with band aid 2.) sap covered with band aid 3.) sap uncovered 4.) leaf covered 5.) tincture made from plant stems and leaves crushed in water covered 6.) tincture uncovered
On my body, a site will heal completely while still applying the tincture, but on the other end of the spectrum, you will still get some amount of reaction with the #1 even if the bad cells have already been wiped out. For me this also depends on where on the body it is. My legs for example are resistant to full strength sap, on the nose or head, not as much.
quote: Originally posted by Brigid
If you’ve used petty spurge, please reply. I'm on day 5 of applying the sap to a 2 1/2 year old twofer one squamous/ basal cell tumor above my upper lip. The area puffed up more from the sap, got a little red and developed a thin scab that I pulled off a few times and kept covered with a poultice of the crushed leaves and a band-aid. The scab was not on the whole puffy area, it was just on 2 tiny red eruptions that popped up 8 months ago. Nor did the whole puffy area turn red. Now it’s red but no oozing yet. There's also a strip of bumpy, non-puffy inflamed skin about the length & width of band-aid adhesive that extends from the original site to the crease at the end of my mouth (smile line.) There's no similar irritated area on the other side, so it’s not from the band-aid adhesive. I guess its either a surface reaction to the spurge or more cancer there that was under the skin. When I tried the spurge on a spot on my hand, nothing happened, so it’s probably not an allergic reaction. I put the crushed leaves poultice on 1 - 3 X/day and sap once or twice a day, but not much is happening other than stinging, redness, scabbing (which I’m trying to keep off) and rash-like stinging area I described. There’s some deeper pain at one of the eruption sites when I put pressure on it.
Where’s the oozing that will get the cancer OUT? Is oozing a sign that the cancer’s leaving, or can it leave without that? I hope someone knows the answer to that...
On the other side of the lip, above it, a new spot I treated blistered up, onto the red skin of the lip and there are some little white bumps, similar to what Marcie described. I also treated one AK on my nose that got red, but no pain there. Yea!
My face is reacting only on the exact spots where I apply the sap: it’s not spreading. Why hasn't it spread over the whole puffy area above my lip since that's clearly from the tumor? (It was a little puffy for some months before I applied the sap.) Wondering if my plants have weak sap? Is it important to take the sap from the main stem? But that reduces the # of times you can use a plant, while if you take it from the smaller branches at the top, you can use the same plant many more times. Still I’ve taken some main stem sap, too. Like other people, I'm trying to conserve the plants: I have 4 or 5 other spots ony my face to treat. Do you think the sap in the little branches at the top is weaker than the sap in the main stem? Of course there’s less sap in them. Or is it possible that the tumor is somehow partly dead or encased? Also, does anyone know whether the clear watery sap you get from pinching a recently cut stem is potent? I assumed less so than the white sap. Please reply if you have any experience with this or know about apoptosis, etc.....
122 Posts |
Posted - 11/19/2010 : 13:17:58
SoFi, I took two plants, some had seeds, and put the whole thing in the juicer. I put the juice in brown bottles and refrigerated them. One small bottle I added a vitamin c, food based. It thickened it up into a nice paste. I just put that on today for testing.But I was wondering how long do you think the sap will stay good in the refrigerator? I thought maybe the vitamin c would help preserve it, but reading up on natural perservitives, it seems like there arn't any, grapefruit seeds are good.Any ideas? |
170 Posts |
Posted - 11/19/2010 : 21:29:06
These recent posts are all very interesting. Today I visited the basement where I had put the PS plants in a south sunny window when freezing weather threatened. We have no heat on yet in the basement and it must be 40-50 degrees there. The plants were doing the best ever. I know that SoFl put in some details about the treatment near the eye, which seems to have come off successfully with no "leakage" into the eye or possible eye damage. However, I would be interested to hear more such details from SoFl and others, since "near the eye" is my main concern right now. I have been growing the PS, but not using it out of fear for negative effects on the eye. Thanks to all for the great descriptive posts on "how-to" and results. |
68 Posts |
Posted - 11/20/2010 : 09:34:31
Marsha, Isn't Vitamin E also a preservative?
SoFi, great to read your summary of the plant parts potency. What about agents that will carry substances into the skin--besides DMSO and coconut oil. Any suggestions?
Yesterday was day 30 after using the petty spurge sap. I remembered SoFi's advice to cover it and did during part of the first week, but it's difficult to bandage over the lip, so I gave up except at night, when I covered it so as not to rub it and possibly rub my eyes. The crushed leaves in water stung almost as much as the sap itself.
The good news first: The white bumps have completely disappeared, and the skin on tip of nose and above lip is fresh and new, still pink but not too noticeable. The area at the crease of the nostrils took a long time to lose their scabs, but now there's just fresh smooth new skin. There's still very occasional itching on one side there. The original tumor site above lip is no longer puffy, which I think is probably a very good sign. There's now a little area at the tumor eruption site which is "outlined" with a fine oval-shaped crease. My hope is that the has shrunk to just this area. It's not gone yet.
I'm going to apply another round of sap next month, viewing it as plant chemo. This time I won't try to tackle all my spots at once. Since I believe it got rid of 2 AKs, I'm just going to do the nostrils and encased area.
11 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2010 : 03:08:06
quote: Originally posted by thanks01
I am very eager to try the Petty Spurge. But at the moment my plants are extremely "petty" or SMALL. I planted the seeds in potting soil, rather than just garden dirt, but they are not taking to it the way most plants do. Perhaps it's just the lousy "perpetual spring" weather of gray and rain that we had for 3 months. I'm still hoping for some leaves to pick and some flowers and seeds, before fall.
Petty Spurge, Capsaicin, and also, still, Pancreatin (in skin cream) are my favorite 3 right now. As for Eggplant, I make sure to EAT it, not using it topically right now. My main trouble with myself is that I am back to that "glass of wine," which is bad for the Candida. I am enjoying it and wishing I did not. Best to all.
Hi. I have been trying petty spurge on my bcc which is about the size of a thumbnail. I bought 2 plants from our local market and it grows quite well here in sub-tropical Queensland Australia. I think the biggest problem is that it would take a lot of sap to treat a large bcc and the sap obtained from a stem is very small. I can see it may be very usefull on a small sunspot but on a large tumour we may be struggling. I have been thinking of pulverising a whole plant to get enough gunk to smear on my bcc. I have been experimenting with different plants as well and it appears that most of the successful treatments come from different species of euphorbia. My bcc has flattened out and is not as pronounced as it was. I have the black salve (cansema) and have been very wary of the potent properties of it and the damage it may cause. What i did was apply a touch to a small part of my bcc to see what would happen. I washed it off after about 4 hours. It formed a scab and i applied tea tree oil as an antiseptic. The scab came off after a few days so i proceeded doing another small area with the same results. I am now waiting for the hard dry skin to flake off to see the results. Will keep in touch. |
68 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2010 : 10:05:18
No need to cut stems. I wrecked a whole plant that way. Others on this forum, including myself, have just used the bead of sap from cutting a leaf off its tiny stem. SoFi in his last post mentions that the larger leaves toward the bottom of the plant have more sap. That was my experience too. I also had a VERY large area to cover—and found that 4 - 7 beads of sap were necessary to cover it all. Sometimes I used a poultice of mashed leaves & water since the area was so big. One bead of sap spreads, and I found that if I continued using as much as 7 beads a day, the stinging and systemic effects were difficult.
Good luck with it. |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2010 : 14:20:56
ok let me try to help on this along with some similar questions below.
Your mixture in the juicer is the same thing as what I called the tincture.
From my experience there is no substitute for the pure sap. The pure sap has almost like a solvent base. It's runnier than water and evaporates fast. Due to that, it is absorbed very quickly and completely into the skin. So aside from the fact that the pure sap is stronger I think it also goes deeper. I believe that to cure a lesion the sap ultimately has to be delivered to within about .1 mm of the lowest affected skin layer or it will regrow. On an area I treated on my leg, it went close to 3mm deep. In every lesion I've treated, the ps ate wider and deeper than what was visible.
On the sap, when you get the conditions right, the plants grow quickly. So if I have something large, I just grow a lot of plants prior to treatment
here in sofl the winter is the only time cool enough so I grow a lot in pots and I try to get everything done in winter and spring. Again, if your plants remain dwarves, the aren't getting enough cool weather. These plants only thrive with cold nights . Last year I had one dwarf double in size 2 days after a 40 degree night. Lows in 30s highs in 60s or low 70s is perfect. Once they have reached the adult stage cool weather isn't as critical.
On the lip.
When I treated my lower lip I used sap applied with an artists brush last thing before bed going under the idea I'd be less likely to swallow any that way. I did not cover it. I think I treated for 4 or 5 days. It wasn't a day at the beach but far more tolerable than 14 days of efudex and this worked. I'm not sure if I swallowed any sap or not but I suffered no I'll effects.
I would also like to document this about the lip. Scc on the lip hurts. When I applied the ps, I had instant relief from the pain. So the initial treatments actually felt good.
quote: Originally posted by marsha
SoFi, I took two plants, some had seeds, and put the whole thing in the juicer. I put the juice in brown bottles and refrigerated them. One small bottle I added a vitamin c, food based. It thickened it up into a nice paste. I just put that on today for testing.But I was wondering how long do you think the sap will stay good in the refrigerator? I thought maybe the vitamin c would help preserve it, but reading up on natural perservitives, it seems like there arn't any, grapefruit seeds are good.Any ideas?
25 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2010 : 14:32:40
Thanks for all the invaluable information SoFL! I always always get so upbeat when I read your posts and we appreciate you sticking with it and keeping us informed. I'm going to go back to my lip area after Thanksgiving, you've inspired me!
Question for you: you've mentioned in previous posts about getting on lesions early and right away using the PS. You've mentioned wanting to take care of problems while they are small. Just what is your tip off visually for a possible problem area or lesion (that's still small)? |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2010 : 15:01:39
I'm glad I can share my experiences.
What I've found is that if you have a problem with skin cancer, you get to learn a lot about your own skin, what skin cancer looks and feels like on your own skin, how it progresses, and then what to do. Especially having it on the lip which is very sensitive, you learn a lot about it...for example, on me skin cancer seems to flare up in the evenings. On some of mine, they would hurt a little bit in the evenings and look inflamed, but when I woke up in the mornings no pain and reduced redness in the early stages of something.
The last derm I used to go to before I fired him said if something changes and doesn't resolve itself after about 6 months, he'd want to treat it. Almost always, those treatments whether surgery or cream were ineffective and re treatment was required later on. Usually the re treatment failed then his protocol was just to hack off a huge area and stitch it up for a nice Frankenstein looking scar.
So if I have something that changes, first of all I don't freak out. I think people in general are too freaked out about skin cancer. I used to be in that category when I was forced to rely on the professionals who in my opinion are like clueless fear mongering barbarians who think they're god and you are a fool. Anyway they are not highly regarded in my book and that is based on having dealt with many. If you go to one having done any sort of self treatment, the first thing they are going to do is ridicule you up and down and they might not even want to treat you or take you as a patient although they are "practicing" the "art" of medicine on you.
My dad has had a horrible time with skin cancer and he's 82, and has no health issues at all related to skin cancer. Like myself, he has had every type of skin cancer. He also relies exclusively on PS now.
So I'll usually give it a month or two to resolve, and if it doesn't, on goes the PS. How big of a deal is it to wear a band aid for a few days? I get worse scrapes and cuts out gardening than the ps treatment. So at this time I see myself keeping these plants growing for the rest of my life, and just using it in that way each time something pops up. Meanwhile, I'm living my life. I'm not dwelling on it because there's no point, especially when I have something that works and works effectively.
If I treat something, I give it a few months to settle down, and if there's any indication I didn't get it all, I retreat. I had to retreat a confirmed bcc on my head. After a couple of months, near the periphery of where I treated, I noticed a little bit of new redness and a slight pain in the area at night. So I retreated, sure enough the PS went right for that spot and dug in...the overall treatment was much milder and now I consider that resolved after a year or so with nothing new popping up. That entire area on my head now is a little bit whiter than the surrounding skin, but you would never know I had anything ever there unless you closely examined my skin on my forehead.
They say that the skin cells migrate up from the bottom in a 30 day cycle. So if you didn't get it all, typically I know about it within 30 days as those bad cells migrate up from whatever layer they are being generated from. If I go 2 months or 60 days after I treat something and it stays gone and looks clean and benign, chances are (on me at least) it's gone for good.
quote: Originally posted by clearlake
Thanks for all the invaluable information SoFL! I always always get so upbeat when I read your posts and we appreciate you sticking with it and keeping us informed. I'm going to go back to my lip area after Thanksgiving, you've inspired me!
Question for you: you've mentioned in previous posts about getting on lesions early and right away using the PS. You've mentioned wanting to take care of problems while they are small. Just what is your tip off visually for a possible problem area or lesion (that's still small)?
11 Posts |
76 Posts |
Posted - 11/23/2010 : 10:15:41
" ... first of all I don't freak out. I think people in general are too freaked out about skin cancer."
Thank you for making that point, SoFl. I have a hard time giving advice re PS to friends/relatives, etc -- or even just describing my own experience with it -- because their inevitable knee-jerk response is, "But this is CANCER! The BIG C! You can't mess around with CANCER! You must do what the doctor says IMMEDIATELY."
Actually ... as long as it's not melanoma ... I believe I CAN mess around with skin cancer quite a bit. (And have.) Meaning: try different things, experiment, research alternatives. That's a reckless and revolutionary notion to many people, and I understand their reluctance: As long as the C-word is attached to anything, it's a powerful inducement to panic. But I've now got clear skin on my head, and the side of my nose, where over a year ago I had verified BCC. And I got it not by turning on the lights and sirens and rushing Code Blue into a surgical procedure. I got it by "messing around with cancer" and using (respectively) a weed growing in pots out on my patio, and a 99-cent bottle of vitamin C tablets I crunched up and liquified. I know many Drs -- and their patients -- aren't receptive to hearing about this, so I pretty much keep a low profile on the topic. That's what's so valuable about this forum, the truth can be brought out of the closet. That scandalous truth is, I believe, something as simple as PS is probably a cure for many/most cases. |
25 Posts |
Posted - 11/23/2010 : 18:03:41
Thanks again SoFL - I'm with you on your weigh in on dermatologists. Unless they see something huge, deep, bloody and scary looking, they tell me "it's nothing" even when I swear there is a problem and I can feel it/see it at certain times. They seem to want to wait until it is something bigger, which just means, as you said, an inevitable road to surgery. Of course, this is Florida, and the dermatologists here do see a lot of skin cancer and are almost burnt out on it. One doctor told me he sees way, way, worse cases than mine. He said he wasn't worried about me at all! The doctors themselves are very pale and look like they avoid the sun fanatically.
I appreciate especially the feedback about how you are retreating, when, and why. I tend to be less methodical than you and panic when something continues to lurk, and get discouraged and give up. I need to patiently keep hitting my areas and give it time to resolve. We are all looking for that quick fix!
Of course it is so awkward treating the lips/face when that is what you show the public. That holds me back somewhat on these topicals because they do a great job of oozing, bleeding and pussing. I need to focus on smaller areas, for shorter lengths of time, and retreat as necessary to get these bad spots under control.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/24/2010 : 23:37:35
hi trying to find the posts by SoF1 and cant find them..where do i look??
quote: Originally posted by RidgebackDogs
Hi dim! Check further back in this thread there are posts from SoFl who talks about how he (she?) used the petty spurge - also there was someone from OZ that SoFl was in contact with about how to use it (by email on this forum i assume). Any pix you could post of your treatment with Petty Spurge could only be a tremendous help to others! Thanks for your post and your contribution. Hope the info above helps - you will have to go back to June posts and a little further or even use the search engine on the forum. Good luck! you are in my prayers!
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 01:01:51
hi there...if you are having trouble growing from seed, try soaking your seeds in a solution of 1 1/2 teaspoons of 3 percent hydrogen pyroxide to a cup of distilled water. You may find this makes all the difference. It makes the seeds far more vigorous and a more robust plant. judych
quote: Originally posted by thanks01
Anivoc, Thanks for this. Can you post us the information on how to get this petty spurge solution so that we can try some? I am one of the ones who ordered seeds from Australia and had poor luck in growing them. As MiKe1 pointed out somewhere, the seeds appear to have suffered from radiation going through customs. My plants grew very poorly for a WEED and I consider this season lost on that count. However, I am interested to try this spurge. Thx.
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 03:35:52
hi there SoFl... its great to read your posts... i finally found them and they have been really informative reading.
I currently have five bccs that ive dosed once with topical bloodroot on my upper chest. Do you think it would help for me to dose them now with petty surge?? we have copious amounts of it growing here in our garden..we had a gem without realizing
Ive already used petty surge on my ear, there is a scaly patch there with slightly swollen tissue around it. ive used the sap about three times in two days. No pain, a little discolouration happening there now as i look at it.
What concerns me now really is the area around my bathers top line.. this is where the sun damage has hit me the greatest..and there are bccs through now as i said. Im currently taking internally bloodroot capsules to clean my system out. I think this is what started the reaction on my chest.
Would it be a good move to put some petty spurge on the bccs that are now showing an inflamed ring around the outside, a white ring and then a black pinhead centre?? bcc that i have has a large amount of cancer tissue..dead because its one cavity but it wont come out......will petty surge help this one do you think?? I dont know if we are able to put petty surge into a cavity that has formed with cancer inside.
Nothing seems to be straightforward at this point in time for me. I appreciate so much the information that you have shared here...its invaluable, more than you will know......judych
quote: Originally posted by SoFl
I just logged in to give a treatment update and document some new procedures.
First of all, I have now treated 20 or more lesions on myself and my dad, some of which were recurrences of previously biopsied and surgically removed bcc and scc. He is 82 and has a history of skin cancer.
I have had a couple of recurrences of spots treated with PS, and upon re treatment they are now gone. I attribute the recurrence to under treatment. There have been times when enough sap was hard to come by. I am going on about 2 years for the first things I treated with no recurrence.
I have no further need to experiment with other treatments. The PS is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more effective than any other treatment I've used prior to finding PS (from surgery to efudex to solaraze to aldara to almost every treatment on this board). Honestly, I don't know how it could work any better of more effectively. I say that because it's fairly quick, relatively painless and has a good end result on me. I have treated my head, lip, eye socket, nose, arms, legs, torso with it. In particular, my lower lip was a painful problem for YEARS and nothing ever cured it. I bit the bullet about a year ago and tried it on my lip. Since that time I feel like I have a new lip. No problems in a year for the first time in 15 years. Previously my lip had surgery (SCC), efudex several times, and solaraze. None of it worked except briefly (6 months or so). Now it feels and looks great.
So I've settled on a "standard" treatment which is very effective for me. It probably tends more to overtreatment rather than undertreatment. I snip one leaf at the base with sharp scissors and wait for the sap to come out of the still attached stem, and let it flow onto a flat bladed dental tool. It is a very small amount that flows onto the tool. I'd guess about 1/4 the size of an average water droplet. I make sure the skin is clean and dry because it absorbs better that way.
I then apply the sap directly to the suspect area, and I cover the area with the leaf I snipped off and a round band aid to top it off. If the spot is larger I'll use the sap from 2 leafs or the extract from a large leaf if I have one.
I keep it covered for 24 hours, shower, rub off any dead skin and do it again.
By the third day, usually what happens when using this "turbo" treatment is that the area I suspect is cancer now has a deep irregular pit, while the surrounding skin may be severely irritated or maybe even sloughing off the top layer, the PS has targeted the lesion. So the point here is that I have settled on treating a larger area than is visible. I feel that way it also gets any sub clinical areas that I didn't know were there.
Depending on the area under treatment, on the third or fourth day I may do the leaf/band aid combo or after a good shower and scrubbing I may just apply the sap to the area that is now typically a deeper pit that has been identified and targeted.
If I don't use the leaf I put it in a dropper bottle full of distilled water I keep in the refrigerator. This tincture is like a weakened version of the sap, and sometimes(almost always now) I apply that as insurance as it's healing. I get the tincture so it's almost solid thick with leaves...a lot of leaves, not that much water. I smash the leaves up a little using a tool while inside the bottle. I use an artists paint brush to put the liquid on. If I have a plant that is ready but I have no use for it, I put it in the bottle before it dies because after they shoot off their seeds, they die.
After the third or 4th day, I have enough experience with it now to know if I'm done or if I just want to continue with the sap and no band aid. Using this method, usually the PS has gone deep if it needed to and there is a scab forming. I feel that if the area under treatment forms a quick scab, it's a sign that it's normal tissue and also treating on top of a scab is not effective. I want to be sure I've gotten down as deep as the bad cells go, and after that I'm done. Used in this way with the leaf and band aid, the PS seems to be extremely toxic and fast acting on the suspect cells. The duration depends on where also. Arms and legs longest, head fastest. As a general rule 7-10 days of treatment on the arms and legs and 3-4 on the face and head for me but I've used it enough now that I can tell. I always try to over treat rather than under treat and have used it continuously while an area healed on my leg near my ankle.
I'm currently treating two spots on my arm that recently popped up. I would guess early scc because i've had enough to know what they look and feel like. It has gone deep on one and not as deep on the other smaller one, and the treatment is almost over after 3 days. I'll do one more day of sap with no band aid after a shower, then just use the tincture as it heals up.
I recently experimented with a flat mole on my shoulder (I have a lot of moles) that was starting to spread out some spidery like arms. I didn't like the look of it, I saw a picture of an early melanoma that looked similar. So as an experiment I used the PS on it for a week. My thinking was that if I made it worse or it didn't work, then I'd go see a professional. It didn't look deep or anything and had been that way for a while. I have so many moles and freckles it's impossible to count them all.
So that was about 3 months ago, and today it's the best looking spot on my body. It took out the mole, the spidery look, and it's all clear white skin and you can't even tell anything was ever there. I wish my whole body looked like that. It was an amazing result. My wife works in a dermatologists office and she was amazed. I'm amazed. That was the first and only time so far I've used it on a mole and I know I'm not supposed to do that according to the professionals. All I'm doing is stating what I did, and what happened, in the name of science, or bush doctoring or something.
So I would just like to add a disclaimer that I'm basically experimenting on myself and documenting it here. I'm not suggesting what any one else should do.
I was as desperate and lost as everyone else prior to finding the PS because nothing from the DM worked well and I always had to keep re treating. I'm not claiming to be any kind of doctor or expert either.
I'm a guy that has had a lot of problems with skin cancer and has found a solution that works for me. That said, I can't say enough good about how well PS is working for me. It has literally changed my life. After dreading regular DM visits every six months and a few things cut off every time (I've had melanoma, BCC and SCC) and living in fear, I haven't been there in over 2 years now and I doubt I will ever go again. I'm not suggesting that anyone else do that. I have now successfully treated and resolved (longest non returning about 2 years now) every suspicious area on my body and anytime anything new pops up, it now gets the treatment straight away. Since I keep a stock growing, it's free, it's far more effective on me than anything he had to offer(in my own estimation), relatively painless and no big deal any more. That's no hype, no bs, just my own experience. The PS cures scar free or nearly scar free for me. The only evidence on my body now of skin cancer are stitches and scars from the DM. I make no recommendations and no promises. I don't suggest anyone else experiment on themselves like I'm doing. What you do to yourself is at your own risk, just like me. I could be harming myself in a million different ways I don't even know about, I suppose. I do however feel compelled to share my experience because I know how desperate I was for something that really worked. Maybe it doesn't work this way for everyone, I have no way of knowing. I have never used it on a broad area, only spot treatment. Based on working with it, I would be very hesitant to use it on a broad area. Instead I am ahead of it enough now so I just use in on anything that pops up.
on the plants....
The plants do like cold weather. They are impossible to grow outdoors in south florida in the summer (they sprout but remain in a dwarf state then die) but they do ok in the winter. They like cold weather. Freezing temps (25-30F) and frost are no problem. They actually seem to thrive in that kind of weather of 30 degree mornings and highs in the 60's. I know this because I have grown them or jump started them in pots in a cold climate. They don't like full sun. Full sun will kill them. I have some growing very well right now outside in the shade of a plumeria tree. I jump started them outside with temps below freezing.
They naturally grow in disturbed soil and they like soil that contains a lot of aeration...foam, mulch, etc when grown in a pot. they do not like rich thick compacted soil or sand. They like disturbed soil. I have pretty much confirmed that now by trial and error. My best pot has a lot of foam and a lot of mulch bark mixed in with some potting soil that had foam balls in it. I give them one drop of liquid plant food mixed in with about 20 oz of water when I water them.
Last...I have never felt any systemic effects of any kind....ever. I used it once on a small spot about 3/8 of an inch from my eyeball, and I did feel a little irritation around my eye but no systemic effect. I was very careful not to get any in my eye and used many precautions in that treatment...which was a recurrence of something which had previously been surgically removed. It's gone now. The first time I used it on my forehead I had slight swelling about the size of a silver dollar but no pain and no systemic effect.
38 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 04:07:33
quote: Originally posted by marsha
SoFi, I took two plants, some had seeds, and put the whole thing in the juicer. I put the juice in brown bottles and refrigerated them. One small bottle I added a vitamin c, food based. It thickened it up into a nice paste. I just put that on today for testing.But I was wondering how long do you think the sap will stay good in the refrigerator? I thought maybe the vitamin c would help preserve it, but reading up on natural perservitives, it seems like there arn't any, grapefruit seeds are good.Any ideas?
Dr. Mercola recommends ASTAXANTHIN to keep olive oil from getting rancid, but it might not work on water based things. I take it for my eyes. It costs about $8 at Swanson Vitamins. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 05:04:22
i have more questions for you Sofl... You mentioned that petty surge in your experience is better than using many other products...and im thinking of bloodroot paste right now.
Ive used it.. i know that it scarrs a lot. i have scarring on my face that i can do without.. that goes back five years. thats from bcc's being killed off by bloodroot paste.
I want to know a bit more about what happens when the petty spurge kills off the cancer.
AS you know, the bloodroot kills of the cancer cells and then pushes the ischar out of the body... what actually happens to the cancer site with the spurge??... ive not heard anyone mention any ischar or its removal from the site. where does the cancer itself go??......
...Im thinking seriously now of changing over from bloodroot to petty spurge, especially as we have loads of it growing here... and it doesnt sound like it scarrs... Like i said earlier though, im still on the bloodroot capsules...its a great detox.
Im hoping that the two wont clash..but i dont see how they can.
any info gratefully received. thank you for all your inputs here... its been really good. regards judych
quote: Originally posted by judych
hi there SoFl... its great to read your posts... i finally found them and they have been really informative reading.
I currently have five bccs that ive dosed once with topical bloodroot on my upper chest. Do you think it would help for me to dose them now with petty surge?? we have copious amounts of it growing here in our garden..we had a gem without realizing
Ive already used petty surge on my ear, there is a scaly patch there with slightly swollen tissue around it. ive used the sap about three times in two days. No pain, a little discolouration happening there now as i look at it.
What concerns me now really is the area around my bathers top line.. this is where the sun damage has hit me the greatest..and there are bccs through now as i said. Im currently taking internally bloodroot capsules to clean my system out. I think this is what started the reaction on my chest.
Would it be a good move to put some petty spurge on the bccs that are now showing an inflamed ring around the outside, a white ring and then a black pinhead centre?? bcc that i have has a large amount of cancer tissue..dead because its one cavity but it wont come out......will petty surge help this one do you think?? I dont know if we are able to put petty surge into a cavity that has formed with cancer inside.
Nothing seems to be straightforward at this point in time for me. I appreciate so much the information that you have shared here...its invaluable, more than you will know......judych
quote: Originally posted by SoFl
I just logged in to give a treatment update and document some new procedures.
First of all, I have now treated 20 or more lesions on myself and my dad, some of which were recurrences of previously biopsied and surgically removed bcc and scc. He is 82 and has a history of skin cancer.
I have had a couple of recurrences of spots treated with PS, and upon re treatment they are now gone. I attribute the recurrence to under treatment. There have been times when enough sap was hard to come by. I am going on about 2 years for the first things I treated with no recurrence.
I have no further need to experiment with other treatments. The PS is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more effective than any other treatment I've used prior to finding PS (from surgery to efudex to solaraze to aldara to almost every treatment on this board). Honestly, I don't know how it could work any better of more effectively. I say that because it's fairly quick, relatively painless and has a good end result on me. I have treated my head, lip, eye socket, nose, arms, legs, torso with it. In particular, my lower lip was a painful problem for YEARS and nothing ever cured it. I bit the bullet about a year ago and tried it on my lip. Since that time I feel like I have a new lip. No problems in a year for the first time in 15 years. Previously my lip had surgery (SCC), efudex several times, and solaraze. None of it worked except briefly (6 months or so). Now it feels and looks great.
So I've settled on a "standard" treatment which is very effective for me. It probably tends more to overtreatment rather than undertreatment. I snip one leaf at the base with sharp scissors and wait for the sap to come out of the still attached stem, and let it flow onto a flat bladed dental tool. It is a very small amount that flows onto the tool. I'd guess about 1/4 the size of an average water droplet. I make sure the skin is clean and dry because it absorbs better that way.
I then apply the sap directly to the suspect area, and I cover the area with the leaf I snipped off and a round band aid to top it off. If the spot is larger I'll use the sap from 2 leafs or the extract from a large leaf if I have one.
I keep it covered for 24 hours, shower, rub off any dead skin and do it again.
By the third day, usually what happens when using this "turbo" treatment is that the area I suspect is cancer now has a deep irregular pit, while the surrounding skin may be severely irritated or maybe even sloughing off the top layer, the PS has targeted the lesion. So the point here is that I have settled on treating a larger area than is visible. I feel that way it also gets any sub clinical areas that I didn't know were there.
Depending on the area under treatment, on the third or fourth day I may do the leaf/band aid combo or after a good shower and scrubbing I may just apply the sap to the area that is now typically a deeper pit that has been identified and targeted.
If I don't use the leaf I put it in a dropper bottle full of distilled water I keep in the refrigerator. This tincture is like a weakened version of the sap, and sometimes(almost always now) I apply that as insurance as it's healing. I get the tincture so it's almost solid thick with leaves...a lot of leaves, not that much water. I smash the leaves up a little using a tool while inside the bottle. I use an artists paint brush to put the liquid on. If I have a plant that is ready but I have no use for it, I put it in the bottle before it dies because after they shoot off their seeds, they die.
After the third or 4th day, I have enough experience with it now to know if I'm done or if I just want to continue with the sap and no band aid. Using this method, usually the PS has gone deep if it needed to and there is a scab forming. I feel that if the area under treatment forms a quick scab, it's a sign that it's normal tissue and also treating on top of a scab is not effective. I want to be sure I've gotten down as deep as the bad cells go, and after that I'm done. Used in this way with the leaf and band aid, the PS seems to be extremely toxic and fast acting on the suspect cells. The duration depends on where also. Arms and legs longest, head fastest. As a general rule 7-10 days of treatment on the arms and legs and 3-4 on the face and head for me but I've used it enough now that I can tell. I always try to over treat rather than under treat and have used it continuously while an area healed on my leg near my ankle.
I'm currently treating two spots on my arm that recently popped up. I would guess early scc because i've had enough to know what they look and feel like. It has gone deep on one and not as deep on the other smaller one, and the treatment is almost over after 3 days. I'll do one more day of sap with no band aid after a shower, then just use the tincture as it heals up.
I recently experimented with a flat mole on my shoulder (I have a lot of moles) that was starting to spread out some spidery like arms. I didn't like the look of it, I saw a picture of an early melanoma that looked similar. So as an experiment I used the PS on it for a week. My thinking was that if I made it worse or it didn't work, then I'd go see a professional. It didn't look deep or anything and had been that way for a while. I have so many moles and freckles it's impossible to count them all.
So that was about 3 months ago, and today it's the best looking spot on my body. It took out the mole, the spidery look, and it's all clear white skin and you can't even tell anything was ever there. I wish my whole body looked like that. It was an amazing result. My wife works in a dermatologists office and she was amazed. I'm amazed. That was the first and only time so far I've used it on a mole and I know I'm not supposed to do that according to the professionals. All I'm doing is stating what I did, and what happened, in the name of science, or bush doctoring or something.
So I would just like to add a disclaimer that I'm basically experimenting on myself and documenting it here. I'm not suggesting what any one else should do.
I was as desperate and lost as everyone else prior to finding the PS because nothing from the DM worked well and I always had to keep re treating. I'm not claiming to be any kind of doctor or expert either.
I'm a guy that has had a lot of problems with skin cancer and has found a solution that works for me. That said, I can't say enough good about how well PS is working for me. It has literally changed my life. After dreading regular DM visits every six months and a few things cut off every time (I've had melanoma, BCC and SCC) and living in fear, I haven't been there in over 2 years now and I doubt I will ever go again. I'm not suggesting that anyone else do that. I have now successfully treated and resolved (longest non returning about 2 years now) every suspicious area on my body and anytime anything new pops up, it now gets the treatment straight away. Since I keep a stock growing, it's free, it's far more effective on me than anything he had to offer(in my own estimation), relatively painless and no big deal any more. That's no hype, no bs, just my own experience. The PS cures scar free or nearly scar free for me. The only evidence on my body now of skin cancer are stitches and scars from the DM. I make no recommendations and no promises. I don't suggest anyone else experiment on themselves like I'm doing. What you do to yourself is at your own risk, just like me. I could be harming myself in a million different ways I don't even know about, I suppose. I do however feel compelled to share my experience because I know how desperate I was for something that really worked. Maybe it doesn't work this way for everyone, I have no way of knowing. I have never used it on a broad area, only spot treatment. Based on working with it, I would be very hesitant to use it on a broad area. Instead I am ahead of it enough now so I just use in on anything that pops up.
on the plants....
The plants do like cold weather. They are impossible to grow outdoors in south florida in the summer (they sprout but remain in a dwarf state then die) but they do ok in the winter. They like cold weather. Freezing temps (25-30F) and frost are no problem. They actually seem to thrive in that kind of weather of 30 degree mornings and highs in the 60's. I know this because I have grown them or jump started them in pots in a cold climate. They don't like full sun. Full sun will kill them. I have some growing very well right now outside in the shade of a plumeria tree. I jump started them outside with temps below freezing.
They naturally grow in disturbed soil and they like soil that contains a lot of aeration...foam, mulch, etc when grown in a pot. they do not like rich thick compacted soil or sand. They like disturbed soil. I have pretty much confirmed that now by trial and error. My best pot has a lot of foam and a lot of mulch bark mixed in with some potting soil that had foam balls in it. I give them one drop of liquid plant food mixed in with about 20 oz of water when I water them.
Last...I have never felt any systemic effects of any kind....ever. I used it once on a small spot about 3/8 of an inch from my eyeball, and I did feel a little irritation around my eye but no systemic effect. I was very careful not to get any in my eye and used many precautions in that treatment...which was a recurrence of something which had previously been surgically removed. It's gone now. The first time I used it on my forehead I had slight swelling about the size of a silver dollar but no pain and no systemic effect.
76 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 11:20:30
Judych, Here's a short version of petty spurge effect on BCC.
Its twofold action against skin cancer cells is pretty ingenious. Almost as though it was specifically designed by nature to do just that. First, PS activates an enzyme called protein kinase that "signals" abnormal (i.e. malignant) cells to kill themselves -- process called apoptosis. Protein kinase actually instructs the cancer cell's own machinery to self-destruct, mainly via initiating rapid internal swelling. Basically, they explode. Their shattered remains are then sloughed off and/or carted away on stretchers by the immune system like any other dead cells in the body. This action happens spontaneously and immediately, on contact. But there is a secondary, longer-term effect, too. Petty spurge incites huge production of neutrophils -- white blood cells of the immune system -- that flood the affected area with a tsunami of tumor-toxic white cells, killing off any residual malignant stragglers over a longer span of time. If you use PS you'll notice oozing of clear fluid, sort of like the stuff that comes out of a blister, and that's what it is. Peplin, the Aus company that had the original patent (now acquired -- unfortunately, perhaps -- by the Dutch pharma giant LEO) did some experiments with mice that were genetically altered so they didn't produce neutrophils. Thus, this secondary action of petty spurge was blocked, though its primary action -- cell suicide -- still worked. These experiments showed that, although the primary action killed the malignancy initially, because the secondary white blood cell response was absent the skin cancer tended to recur. So, this secondary property of PS is very important. All in all, it's a very potent one-two punch against BCC in a single package. Lots more re this at peplin's site: Go to Products & Technology > Research |
170 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 11:37:51
Thanksgiving morning, catching up recent posts. OUTSTANDING INFO! Thanks to all! |
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 16:32:20
quote: Originally posted by judych
i have more questions for you Sofl... You mentioned that petty surge in your experience is better than using many other products...and im thinking of bloodroot paste right now.
Ive used it.. i know that it scarrs a lot. i have scarring on my face that i can do without.. that goes back five years. thats from bcc's being killed off by bloodroot paste.
I want to know a bit more about what happens when the petty spurge kills off the cancer.
AS you know, the bloodroot kills of the cancer cells and then pushes the ischar out of the body... what actually happens to the cancer site with the spurge??... ive not heard anyone mention any ischar or its removal from the site. where does the cancer itself go??......
...Im thinking seriously now of changing over from bloodroot to petty spurge, especially as we have loads of it growing here... and it doesnt sound like it scarrs... Like i said earlier though, im still on the bloodroot capsules...its a great detox.
Im hoping that the two wont clash..but i dont see how they can.
any info gratefully received. thank you for all your inputs here... its been really good. regards judych
quote: Originally posted by judych
hi there SoFl... its great to read your posts... i finally found them and they have been really informative reading.
I currently have five bccs that ive dosed once with topical bloodroot on my upper chest. Do you think it would help for me to dose them now with petty surge?? we have copious amounts of it growing here in our garden..we had a gem without realizing
Ive already used petty surge on my ear, there is a scaly patch there with slightly swollen tissue around it. ive used the sap about three times in two days. No pain, a little discolouration happening there now as i look at it.
What concerns me now really is the area around my bathers top line.. this is where the sun damage has hit me the greatest..and there are bccs through now as i said. Im currently taking internally bloodroot capsules to clean my system out. I think this is what started the reaction on my chest.
Would it be a good move to put some petty spurge on the bccs that are now showing an inflamed ring around the outside, a white ring and then a black pinhead centre?? bcc that i have has a large amount of cancer tissue..dead because its one cavity but it wont come out......will petty surge help this one do you think?? I dont know if we are able to put petty surge into a cavity that has formed with cancer inside.
Nothing seems to be straightforward at this point in time for me. I appreciate so much the information that you have shared here...its invaluable, more than you will know......judych
The best way I can reply is this. The Petty Spurge has cured everything I have used it on. The cosmetic result has ranged from no visible scar whatsoever (after a few months) to a slight lightening in color area to a slight darkening in color area. Overall, being a man and not overly concerned about perfect skin, I would be happy with the PS even if I was getting a much worse cosmetic result.
In all cases, the cosmetic result was better than any of the professional treatments I have received from surgery or efudex or aldera. There isn't even any comparison. I have come to use the "tincture" I described above once a day usually after a shower in the healing process, and in addition to knocking out any stragglers, I think it also gives a better end cosmetic result. It may retard the healing time a little bit, but I have used this method in a spot on my face, arm and chest where there is absolutely no visible evidence even from six inches away that anything was ever there at all, whereas before treatment it was fairly prominent. I don't think I can realistically expect anything better than that.
The next thing is...someone said they have it growing in their garden...PS is not native to the US. It does grow here in places but Petty Spurge (Euphorbia Peplus) is a unique plant among a genus of plants belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae which consist of about 2160 species. So the first thing is make sure you are really using Euphorbia Peplus. I am not an expert on how to differentiate it from other similar plants. I bought my starter seeds as confirmed PS seeds. I have read other posts in here where some people seem to think that any plant that has white sap is somehow a substitute. This is not in any way true. PS has a unique chemical and it is a unique plant. There are no substitutes.
So regarding bloodroot or any other treatment, I have no need for that now because PS does the job just fine. The post just above this gives a good description of it's potent two fold 1 2 punch which has been confirmed by scientists in the lab.
Unfortunately, it looks like the patent for the PS based treatment has been shelved. My thinking is that it would offer too much competition to currently patented treatments already on the market so peplin was acquired by someone with an interest in one of those patents and the PS patent shelved until who knows when.
So I guess I'd say if it were me, I'd do what I have done which is to go about tackling them one by one. PS only, nothing else required or desired.
79 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 16:45:38
quote: Originally posted by Lily44
quote: Originally posted by marsha
SoFi, I took two plants, some had seeds, and put the whole thing in the juicer. I put the juice in brown bottles and refrigerated them. One small bottle I added a vitamin c, food based. It thickened it up into a nice paste. I just put that on today for testing.But I was wondering how long do you think the sap will stay good in the refrigerator? I thought maybe the vitamin c would help preserve it, but reading up on natural perservitives, it seems like there arn't any, grapefruit seeds are good.Any ideas?
Dr. Mercola recommends ASTAXANTHIN to keep olive oil from getting rancid, but it might not work on water based things. I take it for my eyes. It costs about $8 at Swanson Vitamins.
I have one bottle of the tincture that is about a year old. The leaves inside have turned a darker green but it doesn't smell funny and I'm still using it. I keep it in the refrigerator (in the door so it doesn't freeze). In the mean time, I'm building a new batch how.
The base I used was distilled water with collodial silver added in order to prevent bacteria or spoilage. I do not believe that collodial silver has any action on the cancer (I had experimented with that in the past), it's just used to prevent spoilage. The reason I used it is because I have found that if I spray it on fresh fruit from the store, it doesn't spoil or mold.
I have never tried to use an oil base for the tincture, since the sap is water based. I would think that an alcohol base would be better than an oil base, but I like the water base.
I also used plain distilled water once and kept that for 3 months or so with no problems. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 18:33:05
thanks for the learning fast. Now, these bccs Ive got have appeared as inflamed areas on outside,white ring in middle and dark area in centre. this happened with bloodroot. Now, can i just use the petty spurge on thse bccs as they are?? the fact that Ive started this off with bloodroot means im a bit unsure about changing midstream. One lesion is open, the white mass in it refuses to come out,its also very inflamed on the outside. Ive started putting petty spurge (which ive ground with morter and pessle) ..stems, leaves and all, witha little water...) onto these lesion, and started on the others as well. What i want to know is this?? will the ischars come out of my body, as they do with bloodroot.. or whill the petty spurge change the way the cancer is dealt with?? i guess thats what i need to know right now. I want to know waht Im seeing. thank you all for the info. This is an excellant site. WE have heaps of petty spurge growing, and its the real this treatment is goign to be the one i use from now on......judych
quote: Originally posted by waverider
Judych, Here's a short version of petty spurge effect on BCC.
Its twofold action against skin cancer cells is pretty ingenious. Almost as though it was specifically designed by nature to do just that. First, PS activates an enzyme called protein kinase that "signals" abnormal (i.e. malignant) cells to kill themselves -- process called apoptosis. Protein kinase actually instructs the cancer cell's own machinery to self-destruct, mainly via initiating rapid internal swelling. Basically, they explode. Their shattered remains are then sloughed off and/or carted away on stretchers by the immune system like any other dead cells in the body. This action happens spontaneously and immediately, on contact. But there is a secondary, longer-term effect, too. Petty spurge incites huge production of neutrophils -- white blood cells of the immune system -- that flood the affected area with a tsunami of tumor-toxic white cells, killing off any residual malignant stragglers over a longer span of time. If you use PS you'll notice oozing of clear fluid, sort of like the stuff that comes out of a blister, and that's what it is. Peplin, the Aus company that had the original patent (now acquired -- unfortunately, perhaps -- by the Dutch pharma giant LEO) did some experiments with mice that were genetically altered so they didn't produce neutrophils. Thus, this secondary action of petty spurge was blocked, though its primary action -- cell suicide -- still worked. These experiments showed that, although the primary action killed the malignancy initially, because the secondary white blood cell response was absent the skin cancer tended to recur. So, this secondary property of PS is very important. All in all, it's a very potent one-two punch against BCC in a single package. Lots more re this at peplin's site: Go to Products & Technology > Research
11 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 19:13:19
Ok, this is not a sales pitch as the product should be avail in your country. We are an registered Australian based biz making and supplying Australian grown neem products to health food shops in Hong Kong. Personally we find that for those stinging little sun cancers, warts and moles and most skin probs either a Neem leaf tincture or a Neem seed oil extract will have a 100% success rate and they will not return. Neem of course has been around for 5000 years or so and its medical uses are well documented.
As previously posted i have a large bcc on the cheek near the ear on the jawbone which is approx 3 yrs old or more. I have tried many things (including PS and including Neem extracts) with limited or zero success.
To be fair, I have young PS plants growing and waiting until they increase in size so i can add more sap more frequently to see if it works.
Talking to a friend who specialises in growing herbs he told me about a friend who had a very large bcc on his scalp. He tried it all including PS without any success. He finally hit the jackpot and cleared this large growth completely using the sap from Euphorbia Tirucalli. Looking on the internet it is dangerous and has caused deaths from ingesting and the sap can be very painful if dropped on the skin.
Just wondered if anyone had or heard of any experiences from this plant. |
41 Posts |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 21:05:40
opalxx mentioned a different kind of Euphorbia, cited anecdotally by a friend.
There are HEAPS of plants called "Euphorbia this" and "Euphorbia that" and "Euphorbia the next thing" ... Please, Let's not create confusion on these forums: petty spurge is, as I understand it from these forums,
Euphorbia Peplus (NB Peplus with a "U")
PEPLIN -- the Australian company that investigated a skin cancer remedy derived from Euphorbia Peplus, describes Euphorbia Peplus at: Their website says: quote: "PEP005 (ingenol mebutate), or PEP005, ... is a novel compound derived from Euphorbia peplus, or E. peplus, a rapidly growing, readily-available plant, commonly referred to as petty spurge or radium weed."
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2010 : 07:34:30
hi there SoFl Just reading your posts about you cutting off the leaf at its junction with the stem on the petty spurge... also about you mashing it up with a little distilled water and keeping it. Have you tried, or do you know if its safe to do the same with the stem of the plant?? Mash the lot up?? as we have them growing in our garden the quantity isnt a problem here for us. Is it possible that the stem isnt good to mash up as well??....all advice greatly appreciated. regards judych
quote: Originally posted by SoFl
I have some updated information based on my continuing research.
- I was initially cutting off a branch and sticking a small paintbrush against the plant side of the branch to extract the sap. I have since found that all I have to do is to cut off a leaf at its base and that is much more efficient and much better. The sap is white but it is fairly viscous. It isn't thick like latex. It's watery like mineral spirits. It absorbs into a brush in an instant. I have also found that the leaves contain the active ingredient and if I don't have enough sap I can mash up a leaf in a teaspoon and add a drop of water and that appears to me to have the same therapeutic effect.
- I have been in contact with someone from Australia who has used it on many occasions, and he told me he used it in a way such that he applied it once a day until the suspect area scabbed over and healed. In other words he used it until there was no more reaction.For me that was important information since I stopped my head treatment after only 3 treatments.
- I have finished off the biopsied bcc on the head. This treatment has had the benefit of removing the biopsy scar and although the area is still peeling (not completely healed) it looks all brand new like nothing ever happened at the site. At this point it looks like an abraision happened. My head seems to heal very fast so I expect within a week there will be no visible evidence of any prior treatment...we'll see.
- I am now using it on what I suspect to be a slow growing SCC on my lower leg. My suspicion is based on having biopsied confirmed ones before. The leg is much less reactive. I have been using it for about a week so far and it has eaten a large crater within the treatment area that now appears to be improving (becoming less reactive). On this one I plan to keep using until there is no more reaction but based on the reaction so far, it has already eaten deeper than my (now ex) dermatologist would have cut out with a knife. It has swollen very slightly but so far it has been completely painless although it looks pretty ugly right now.
-summary...I am ecstatic about this plant. I have at this point abandoned all other treatments and experiments because for me, I believe this is a cure, I just need to do more work to figure out the optimum way to extract and use it. I will continue to post my experience with it.
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2010 : 09:00:28
thanks for this waverider.. it makes more sense now. Ive started to apply spurge to the lesions that have erupted after taking bloodroot capsules and after applying initially the bloodroot paste. Between the two there shouldnt be a problem when they all heal up. Hopefully anyway.. Im still reading and learning...... i just dont want any more scarring than i already have. regards judych
quote: Originally posted by waverider
Judych, Here's a short version of petty spurge effect on BCC.
Its twofold action against skin cancer cells is pretty ingenious. Almost as though it was specifically designed by nature to do just that. First, PS activates an enzyme called protein kinase that "signals" abnormal (i.e. malignant) cells to kill themselves -- process called apoptosis. Protein kinase actually instructs the cancer cell's own machinery to self-destruct, mainly via initiating rapid internal swelling. Basically, they explode. Their shattered remains are then sloughed off and/or carted away on stretchers by the immune system like any other dead cells in the body. This action happens spontaneously and immediately, on contact. But there is a secondary, longer-term effect, too. Petty spurge incites huge production of neutrophils -- white blood cells of the immune system -- that flood the affected area with a tsunami of tumor-toxic white cells, killing off any residual malignant stragglers over a longer span of time. If you use PS you'll notice oozing of clear fluid, sort of like the stuff that comes out of a blister, and that's what it is. Peplin, the Aus company that had the original patent (now acquired -- unfortunately, perhaps -- by the Dutch pharma giant LEO) did some experiments with mice that were genetically altered so they didn't produce neutrophils. Thus, this secondary action of petty spurge was blocked, though its primary action -- cell suicide -- still worked. These experiments showed that, although the primary action killed the malignancy initially, because the secondary white blood cell response was absent the skin cancer tended to recur. So, this secondary property of PS is very important. All in all, it's a very potent one-two punch against BCC in a single package. Lots more re this at peplin's site: Go to Products & Technology > Research
76 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2010 : 10:49:54
Judy, I envy your bumper crop of petty spurge. Here in California you have to coax them up singly out of a pot and even then a lot of them don't thrive.
The best advice I can give is that you are now, like all of us who have tried this, part of the experiment. All you can do is give it a try. I took a "less is more" approach. The full, cumulative reaction of each application is somewhat delayed so, personally, I never used it more than 5 consecutive days. Others have gone longer. And, at some point, you do have to back off and let things heal up so you can evaluate what you've got. After healing, I found no downside to using it again for a second (or third) round if necessary to mop up any leftover hot spots that remained. Works just as well. The good news I think you can derive from posts on this section (if you read back far enough) is that -- as long as you use it sparingly and definitely DO NOT get any in your eyes -- it's not going to go wild on you, or do something drastic like bore a hole down to your bones. It's actually pretty predictable stuff once you start using it. The action of PS does not include ejecting eschars -- it functions as a natural chemotherapeutic which induces the cancer to destroy itself and then be dissolved away by the immune process. So, trying PS after previous use of bloodroot will be a new twist to add to the accumulated knowledge base here. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/26/2010 : 18:06:07
hi there waverider..good to hear from you. thanks for describing the way the petty spurge works. Because Ive only been used to using bloodroot, which pushes the ischar out, i was a bit confused by what i was reading. Now i understand ( I that they work differently to each other as to how the body disposes of the cancer. Yes, i guess i have added a new element to this whole issue. The fact that Ive been bloodroot tumorX ,and then put bloodroot paste on the lesions that appeared, before using spurge, have added a new element here. O.k... here is an update. I hope it helps somewhat. For starters, the bloodroot tumorX is hard to cope with at first, it can make you feel realy nauseaus plus the detoxing itself. Ive been on these tabs about a month now. Initially it was to help bring out anything that i had on my face. Ive got a deep scar that the drs were worried about and i had a small biopsy on that area. It came up clean. Praise God for that. At this time iwas in the early stages of taking tumorX. About a week after i saw the specialist,who had checked my upper breasts with her light when i asked,and could only see inflammation, about four lesions appeared on my chest, around what i call my bra line. Also an area of lots of sun burning over the years.These areas were very painful, very red and swollen, white ring and then the black centre as it always does when cancer is present. One lesion in particular was a real worry. the cancer, which i could see in the hole, seemed to be joined off to the ride, hidden by healthy flesh. This was what really did concern me, i thought that there was way more under there, perhaps clusters??... The other three lesions werent as developed. So this big lesion was getting scabs on it, which I cleaned and kept soft, waiting for it to separate..its taken over a week for the scab to lift off, with ischar under it, but not as big as i knew it needed to be. I could still see white areas in the hole. So, i cleaned it with peroxide, waited a day for i to settle a bit then applied a drop of purge sap to the hole. At the same time i applied sap to the other three lesions which hadnt opened up yet and no sign of ischar separating in them. But, i apllied sap to all of them as i said. Ive also put a bruised leaf under a bandaid to help it along. To complicate things ive got a reaction to bandaids. Now i have a 'sort of rash', but not a big one. Its very itchy just around the area where the bandaid was. Im watching that.. can see about four little blisters coming through so Im this more cancer now?? more than just a rash? so Im going to treat this as cancer. meantime, on the lesions, the whole area has started to change in appearance. The lesions have flattened out, the raised inflamed areas around the outside have dimmed a bit. Generally they have slight scabs on them which im goign to lift with peroxide later on. they look a lot drier than before. The biggest lesion did weep some last night under the purge leaf and band aid, and after reading here i thought that was cancer being disposed of. The others are dry at this time. I have to moisten them later. Im still on tumorX...feeling pretty good on it in fact. MOst of the detox seems to be done, at the first i felt so sore in my joints that i could hardly some nausea. So, I have to be very careful now about the load on my kidneys i think..remember to drink more water through the day. I dont have good skin..Ive already treated at least five small bccs on my face and got scarring as a result. This is what was upsettng me. when i looked at mychest area and could see that there must be more underlying areas that were stll to be treated, i had visions of more pain with bloodroot application, more scarring etc etc.. plus waiting ..sometimes weeks, for the ischar to come out completely. ..and i couldnt see any end to it really. Bloodroot does a great job...but its best used when there is only one lesion at a time. I had four come out at was too much . I was miserable, it did hurt and my clothing made things worse, no matter what i did. In the big lesion the pain went through my breast to my back, very hard to put any pressure on at all, including clothing. Thats the one thats very itchy now where there are some small blister like things coming through. Im goign to treat them with spurge now..i dont want to wait until the others have cleared up. WE are going into summer here. I was talking with hubbie this morning bout the spurge in the garden and he says that i does die off here in summer, or at least some of it does. I need to keep pressing in with treatment now while i have a ready supply. One thing though.....while i was being seen to by the specialist, she gave me the all clear on my face where id previously treated bccs with bloodroot. She was able to check right through the skin layers. I did see a pic of the scar on my cheek,through all the dermal layers , she said it looks exactly like cancer under the skin, so i got a good idea of what the cancers look like. ..I did ask her to check out my upper chest as there were some itchy patches there. She used the same implement on the chest area, said it looked like some inflammation was going on but was totally confused as to what it was. She didnt seem toworry one little bit. AS i said, it was these areas that erupted a week later, and there my story really starts. ...I cant help wondering about the specialist though. she knew i was using bloodroot, knew nothing about it, yet wasnt going to continue with any more exploration of the chest area where she saw waht gives there?? Did she really care at that point?? or was she just going to send me home and wait for me to go back to her with big problems? not that i wanted her to do anything, it just wasnt discussed at all. But Im wondering. AS i type here my right breast, on the top side is very itchy. Once again, Im no sure if its due to bandaids or not. Does anyone have a remedy for this please?? i will have to use bandaids sometimes on this area. I may just put some sap on the sores today after softening scabs and removing them. Not use the leaves, and have a 'lay day' as far as treatment goes. my left breast isnt sore anymore, i have to say that. No throbbing like there was before with the bloodroot... and I think i understand a bit more now as to why its different to spurge treatment. Otherwise i would be panicking that i had stopped any progress that i was making. Im goign to take bloodroot for another two to three weeks.. I hope to take them at least twice a year now. I will let you know tomorrow if there is any more improvement with the lesions. They definatley are changing in appearance. I do hope that this is a good thing. judych
quote: Originally posted by waverider
Judy, I envy your bumper crop of petty spurge. Here in California you have to coax them up singly out of a pot and even then a lot of them don't thrive.
The best advice I can give is that you are now, like all of us who have tried this, part of the experiment. All you can do is give it a try. I took a "less is more" approach. The full, cumulative reaction of each application is somewhat delayed so, personally, I never used it more than 5 consecutive days. Others have gone longer. And, at some point, you do have to back off and let things heal up so you can evaluate what you've got. After healing, I found no downside to using it again for a second (or third) round if necessary to mop up any leftover hot spots that remained. Works just as well. The good news I think you can derive from posts on this section (if you read back far enough) is that -- as long as you use it sparingly and definitely DO NOT get any in your eyes -- it's not going to go wild on you, or do something drastic like bore a hole down to your bones. It's actually pretty predictable stuff once you start using it. The action of PS does not include ejecting eschars -- it functions as a natural chemotherapeutic which induces the cancer to destroy itself and then be dissolved away by the immune process. So, trying PS after previous use of bloodroot will be a new twist to add to the accumulated knowledge base here.
38 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2010 : 01:26:36
quote: Originally posted by opalxx
Ok, this is not a sales pitch as the product should be avail in your country. We are an registered Australian based biz making and supplying Australian grown neem products to health food shops in Hong Kong. Personally we find that for those stinging little sun cancers, warts and moles and most skin probs either a Neem leaf tincture or a Neem seed oil extract will have a 100% success rate and they will not return. Neem of course has been around for 5000 years or so and its medical uses are well documented.
As previously posted i have a large bcc on the cheek near the ear on the jawbone which is approx 3 yrs old or more. I have tried many things (including PS and including Neem extracts) with limited or zero success.
To be fair, I have young PS plants growing and waiting until they increase in size so i can add more sap more frequently to see if it works.
Talking to a friend who specialises in growing herbs he told me about a friend who had a very large bcc on his scalp. He tried it all including PS without any success. He finally hit the jackpot and cleared this large growth completely using the sap from Euphorbia Tirucalli. Looking on the internet it is dangerous and has caused deaths from ingesting and the sap can be very painful if dropped on the skin.
Just wondered if anyone had or heard of any experiences from this plant.
I'm confused, what are "stinging little sun cancers"? Are you saying that neem leaf, or neem seed oil will get rid of warts and moles? I have some neem leaf capsules that I have been taking lately, would this work if I make a paste out of it, and apply it to warts and moles? I started to buy some neem seed oil, but the reviews said it stunk so bad, that I figured I probably wouldn't use it. I was thinking of using it on some AK's that keep reoccurring. I know this is a petty spurge thread, but I don't have any. I'm a little afraid to try and grow it, because I have 4 cats, and 1 dog, and I'm afraid they might get into it. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2010 : 02:52:37
hi there lily44....i dont think you would have any problems with your animals getting into petty spurge. We have always had it growing here, without realizing its potential nor its dangers...always had it.. and we have always had free roaming cats and dogs.. dont let this put you off.....if you can grow it, i would just do it... your pets will be safe. judychquote: Originally posted by Lily44
quote: Originally posted by opalxx
Ok, this is not a sales pitch as the product should be avail in your country. We are an registered Australian based biz making and supplying Australian grown neem products to health food shops in Hong Kong. Personally we find that for those stinging little sun cancers, warts and moles and most skin probs either a Neem leaf tincture or a Neem seed oil extract will have a 100% success rate and they will not return. Neem of course has been around for 5000 years or so and its medical uses are well documented.
As previously posted i have a large bcc on the cheek near the ear on the jawbone which is approx 3 yrs old or more. I have tried many things (including PS and including Neem extracts) with limited or zero success.
To be fair, I have young PS plants growing and waiting until they increase in size so i can add more sap more frequently to see if it works.
Talking to a friend who specialises in growing herbs he told me about a friend who had a very large bcc on his scalp. He tried it all including PS without any success. He finally hit the jackpot and cleared this large growth completely using the sap from Euphorbia Tirucalli. Looking on the internet it is dangerous and has caused deaths from ingesting and the sap can be very painful if dropped on the skin.
Just wondered if anyone had or heard of any experiences from this plant.
I'm confused, what are "stinging little sun cancers"? Are you saying that neem leaf, or neem seed oil will get rid of warts and moles? I have some neem leaf capsules that I have been taking lately, would this work if I make a paste out of it, and apply it to warts and moles? I started to buy some neem seed oil, but the reviews said it stunk so bad, that I figured I probably wouldn't use it. I was thinking of using it on some AK's that keep reoccurring. I know this is a petty spurge thread, but I don't have any. I'm a little afraid to try and grow it, because I have 4 cats, and 1 dog, and I'm afraid they might get into it.
24 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2010 : 10:24:53
hi Brigid I fell sorry you have skin cancer like so many. and I'm uesed to be one of them have ever heard any one say this treatment is a cure for skin cancer I bet you not. but the answer is so sample. you have PC you can read print H2o2 and read how to use H2o2 safely put some of %3 in small Gare and by a cotton swap souk the skin cancer 7 to 10 time a day in a weeks you will be cure have a good life. this reply for every one have a skin cancer |
24 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2010 : 10:38:22
hi Brigid I forgot make sure H2o2 a %35 food Grad FG . good Luke spread the world |
38 Posts |
Posted - 11/27/2010 : 20:00:14
Does any one here in the USA have this kind of PETTY SPURGE seeds for sale, or do I have to order them from Australia? Does PETTY SPURGE work on moles? I have a thing on my back, about 3 inches from the base of my neck, that I've been calling a mole. I'm not sure, because, I can't see it without a mirror. I've been afraid to mess with it, but I'm wondering if these problems on my face are coming from it. I noticed a raised pearly pink lump on my face about 4 years ago. When I started trying to get rid of it, many more pimple things popped out, kind of in a row, and along my jaw line, (same side as the mole on my back). I've used many homemade concoctions, plus other herbs, and oils, etc. I managed to get rid of the Pearly lump on my face, (not sure, because I could always see the outline of it), and a warty black thing under my breast, with a homemade mixture of several herbs, plus soda and duct tape. I treated the pimply things, which changed to slightly raised light tan things, for the most part, with a homemade mix of raspberry seeds, and thin, dried, dark purple eggplant peelings, soaked in olive oil. I strained and used the oil. I let these soak for months at a time. The spots would continue to peel, until I could barely see them, but never completely go away. They never looked really bad, and were not noticeable to anyone but me. Unless you get caught with tape all over your face by the mail lady, who looks at you funny, but never ask questions. I thought I had everything under control. Nobody could see these spots but me, and only with a magnified, 3 way make-up mirror, and thick glasses. I started hurting under my right ribs, especially when sitting at this PC for hours. I was also having bad indigestion, especially at night. I decided to do a parasite cleanse, with many herbs, plus neem leaf, and milk thistle. Well, I'm not hurting under my right rib any more, and I very seldom have indigestion. I'm still taking the parasite cleanse, milk thistle, and neem leaf, along with my usual lot of about 30 supplements daily. The problem is my face has gone wild. I think the internal cleanse has made stuff pop out again. I tried my raspberry seed, eggplant olive oil mix, which caused only a slight peeling in several places, including the original pearly pink thing on my face. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I started using APRICOT SEED OIL on my face and neck. Maybe it has some of the good cancer fighting stuff left in it. I'm trying some new stuff, which seems to be working better than my raspberry seed, eggplant, olive oil mix. It's really too early to tell. I guess if PETTY SPURGE works, I need to try and get some seeds. Thanks for reading my post. Any comments would be appreciated. |
11 Posts |
Posted - 11/28/2010 : 14:45:36
quote: I'm confused, what are "stinging little sun cancers"? Are you saying that neem leaf, or neem seed oil will get rid of warts and moles? I have some neem leaf capsules that I have been taking lately, would this work if I make a paste out of it, and apply it to warts and moles?
As far as i know they are the little pre-cancerous flakey bits of skin (keratoses) that sometimes sting like hell when touched.
Unfortunately i have no idea of the quality of the neem in your capsules so cannot answer if it would work. Personally i do not stick anything down my throat unless i am 110% sure it is safe and contains no garbage. We have neem trees growing on our property and i take a neem leaf from these every so often and eat them. Very bitter but like most bitter foods extremely good for you. Our neem leaf tincture is extracted into ethanol but you could try making a strong tea out of your capsules and apply to warts and moles. Seems like an expensive way of doing things though. I know there used to be an organic neem plantation based in Florida so perhaps you could check that out.
Regarding Petty Spurge i have only purchased plants recently and am waiting for them to grow big enough and also re-seed so i can take a whole plant out and mash it up to get a decent amount of paste to apply to my bcc and check the results, although i may not need too due to the following.
I think i have made a BIG discovery and hence great progress on getting rid of my bcc. By trying other plants in the same genus as Petty Spurge i found one that seems to have had a dramatic effect on my bcc. It is larger and hence enough sap is extracted from one leaf stem to cover a large area. I applied the sap from (don't know the common or the botanical name) to my bcc. I just let it dribble out over my finger and applied it at about 3pm. I awoke early hours of the morning feeling a wet patch to the area and when i checked the bcc had completely scabbed over. The wet area was where i had rubbed the area on the pillow dislodging some of the scab which caused it to bleed. It had never bled before except when i nicked it while shaving. The scab was black and now three days later it has turned to a sickly yellow so i am waiting patiently to see what is going to happen over the next few days or until the now crusty bits fall off. As i am testing this out i am not adding any other doses until i see what is going on with a single application. No pain or discomfort at all except a little tight where the area has dried.
I also have a small squamous cell on my shoulder and i am now experimenting by adding a few drops of this sap into a natural skin cream that we make which is manuka honey based. It will be interesting to see the results (if any) and how much sap needs to be added to the cream before any results are noted. I applied the first dab a day ago and will wait a couple of days for any changes to appear. If none is apparent i will increase the strength of the mix. Will keep you informed. |
38 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2010 : 02:50:24
quote: Originally posted by opalxx
quote: I'm confused, what are "stinging little sun cancers"? Are you saying that neem leaf, or neem seed oil will get rid of warts and moles? I have some neem leaf capsules that I have been taking lately, would this work if I make a paste out of it, and apply it to warts and moles?
As far as i know they are the little pre-cancerous flakey bits of skin (keratoses) that sometimes sting like hell when touched.
Unfortunately i have no idea of the quality of the neem in your capsules so cannot answer if it would work. Personally i do not stick anything down my throat unless i am 110% sure it is safe and contains no garbage. We have neem trees growing on our property and i take a neem leaf from these every so often and eat them. Very bitter but like most bitter foods extremely good for you. Our neem leaf tincture is extracted into ethanol but you could try making a strong tea out of your capsules and apply to warts and moles. Seems like an expensive way of doing things though. I know there used to be an organic neem plantation based in Florida so perhaps you could check that out.
Regarding Petty Spurge i have only purchased plants recently and am waiting for them to grow big enough and also re-seed so i can take a whole plant out and mash it up to get a decent amount of paste to apply to my bcc and check the results, although i may not need too due to the following.
I think i have made a BIG discovery and hence great progress on getting rid of my bcc. By trying other plants in the same genus as Petty Spurge i found one that seems to have had a dramatic effect on my bcc. It is larger and hence enough sap is extracted from one leaf stem to cover a large area. I applied the sap from (don't know the common or the botanical name) to my bcc. I just let it dribble out over my finger and applied it at about 3pm. I awoke early hours of the morning feeling a wet patch to the area and when i checked the bcc had completely scabbed over. The wet area was where i had rubbed the area on the pillow dislodging some of the scab which caused it to bleed. It had never bled before except when i nicked it while shaving. The scab was black and now three days later it has turned to a sickly yellow so i am waiting patiently to see what is going to happen over the next few days or until the now crusty bits fall off. As i am testing this out i am not adding any other doses until i see what is going on with a single application. No pain or discomfort at all except a little tight where the area has dried.
I also have a small squamous cell on my shoulder and i am now experimenting by adding a few drops of this sap into a natural skin cream that we make which is manuka honey based. It will be interesting to see the results (if any) and how much sap needs to be added to the cream before any results are noted. I applied the first dab a day ago and will wait a couple of days for any changes to appear. If none is apparent i will increase the strength of the mix. Will keep you informed.
Thanks, I've got my own experiment going on also. The pearly pink bump I discovered 4 years ago, peeled off almost flat, with a mix of herbs, soda, and tape. Then I used my RASPBERRY SEED, EGGPLANT, OLIVE OIL MIX on it, and on rough, flakey raised spots. I quit using it after they stopped peeling. The spots are flat, but the outline is still visible under the skin. They seemed to show up more after taking the parasite cleanse, milk thistle, and neem. That's when I applied the RASPBERRY MIX again. The main one peeled (like a mild sunburn). Some of the other little spots peeled a little. Then more red pimply things appeared close by the main one. I'm always reading about diseases, and health. I'm not interested in medical drugs, only natural cures, from weeds, trees, herbs, etc. I was reading about a new prostate cure, (from a plant). They said it might be good for other cancers as well. It's been used for centuries in China, for other medical conditions. The variety I have in my yard, contains the same 2 main things as the Chinese variety. The articles I read said it was "non toxic".
I threw some leaves and stems in a blender with a little water, strained it, and applied it to my arm. I did this several times during the day, with no reaction. (The mix was too watery. I set the bowl in the sun to dry it up some, so it would be more potent.) I finally got up the nerve to put a little on my face. I did this for a couple of days, several times during the day. It kept drying up too fast. It didn't burn or sting, but the area turned pink, especially the cancerous spots, which had peeled a from the RASPBERRY MIX. The NEW GREEN MIX was pretty strong by now. I wet down a bandage with it, and taped it to the main cancerous spot. I could feel it, but it didn't hurt, just sort of burned a little. I checked it several times during the day. It was getting redder. I kept applying more of the NEW GREEN MIX, to keep it wet. It was definitely having a reaction. That night I took the bandage off, and had a big, red scabby spot, but only on the cancer, not the good skin. After a day or two, I peeled the scab off. It looked good, but was still red. I applied another bandage with the mix and kept it wet, but every time I looked at it, it looked better. It wasn't getting red or scabby. It seemed to be healing up with the wet bandage on it. That's only been a couple of days ago. It's still a little pink, but I believe it looks better than it has in 4 years. Today I'm trying it on the other pimply, rough places. Only time will tell, but I'm still going to order some PETTY SPURGE seeds. Needless to say, I'm not a medical doctor, and I'm not qualified to give anyone any medical advice. I would never suggest that anyone try this. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2010 : 09:28:46
Hi Lilly,
What is the name of the weed / plant you ground up? |
38 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2010 : 14:59:21
quote: Originally posted by anivoc
Hi Lilly,
What is the name of the weed / plant you ground up?
I've just started trying it, and I'm not sure of the results, so I wouldn't want to post that information yet. E-mail me privately with the subject line "cancer forum" and I will give you a link to some information on it.
I've recently started posting on this site, and I wouldn't want anyone to try something I might suggest, for fear they might have a negative result.
If DAN, the owner of this site, would please e-mail me, I would be happy to give him the name of the plant. He could check out the research being done on it for cancer, then he could decide if it's worth posting. Thanks
11 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2010 : 19:10:22
quote: Originally posted by Lily44
quote: Originally posted by anivoc
Hi Lilly,
What is the name of the weed / plant you ground up?
I've just started trying it, and I'm not sure of the results, so I wouldn't want to post that information yet. E-mail me privately with the subject line "cancer forum" and I will give you a link to some information on it.
I've recently started posting on this site, and I wouldn't want anyone to try something I might suggest, for fear they might have a negative result.
If DAN, the owner of this site, would please e-mail me, I would be happy to give him the name of the plant. He could check out the research being done on it for cancer, then he could decide if it's worth posting. Thanks
I spent a coupla hours yesterday trying to identify the euphorbia that seems to be chomping away at my bcc, but as there are over 2000 in the genus it is taking awhile and i haven't hit it yet. I think the thing we have to be careful of is that all euphorbia sap is very toxic and we must be very careful when experimenting, and must not ingest it or accidentaly rub it into our eyes. There have been deaths from ingesting euphorbia sap so make sure that you wash up well.
As i mentioned previously i was told of a person obtaining great success using the sap from euphorbia tirucalli (commonly known as the malabar or pencil tree) on a very large bcc, but it is extremely toxic and will cause great pain for days if accidently dripped on to the skin, and also temporary blindness for a few days if rubbed into the eyes. If you try to shower it off even the diluted sap will cause pain from the parts of the body it touches. I have not used this yet and the sap from the euphorbia i am experimenting with seems mild as it hasn't caused any discomfort which is just as well as i tend to be a slackass and have got the stuff all over my hands when draining from the plant. I have now invested in some plastic gloves!!!!
So, my bcc is now itchy and it looks like one hell of a mess, sort of like a red bloody squishy mash potato mix. I am contemplating putting some t-tree oil on it to dry it up. |
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2010 : 19:56:49
my bccs are mushy right now as well. Ive had band aids on them as they are very touchy and very im going to try and go without bandaids for a day. Its not easy...its right where my clothes rub.
quote: Originally posted by opalxx
quote: Originally posted by Lily44
quote: Originally posted by anivoc
Hi Lilly,
What is the name of the weed / plant you ground up?
I've just started trying it, and I'm not sure of the results, so I wouldn't want to post that information yet. E-mail me privately with the subject line "cancer forum" and I will give you a link to some information on it.
I've recently started posting on this site, and I wouldn't want anyone to try something I might suggest, for fear they might have a negative result.
If DAN, the owner of this site, would please e-mail me, I would be happy to give him the name of the plant. He could check out the research being done on it for cancer, then he could decide if it's worth posting. Thanks
I spent a coupla hours yesterday trying to identify the euphorbia that seems to be chomping away at my bcc, but as there are over 2000 in the genus it is taking awhile and i haven't hit it yet. I think the thing we have to be careful of is that all euphorbia sap is very toxic and we must be very careful when experimenting, and must not ingest it or accidentaly rub it into our eyes. There have been deaths from ingesting euphorbia sap so make sure that you wash up well.
As i mentioned previously i was told of a person obtaining great success using the sap from euphorbia tirucalli (commonly known as the malabar or pencil tree) on a very large bcc, but it is extremely toxic and will cause great pain for days if accidently dripped on to the skin, and also temporary blindness for a few days if rubbed into the eyes. If you try to shower it off even the diluted sap will cause pain from the parts of the body it touches. I have not used this yet and the sap from the euphorbia i am experimenting with seems mild as it hasn't caused any discomfort which is just as well as i tend to be a slackass and have got the stuff all over my hands when draining from the plant. I have now invested in some plastic gloves!!!!
So, my bcc is now itchy and it looks like one hell of a mess, sort of like a red bloody squishy mash potato mix. I am contemplating putting some t-tree oil on it to dry it up.
31 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2010 : 03:14:15
hi there waverider and everyone. Well, ive stopped taking bloodroot capsules...stopped about three days ago. Ive used petty spurge about once a day since then.
the cancers are very wet looking, very itchy...but definatley not as inflamed as before. Ive noticed that about five very small cancers have come through, and im imagining that taking the bloodroot capsules have literally pushed even very small amounts of bccs out through my dermal layers.... which is great.(better out than in in my
At the moment i have about 8 bccs, in varying sizes, at least three of them deep, on my upper chest... not nice. anyway, im going away tomorrow so Im just going to have a complete break from any treatment, I will just put zinc cream on them. when i have any more news i will give you an update. judych
quote: Originally posted by waverider
Judy, I envy your bumper crop of petty spurge. Here in California you have to coax them up singly out of a pot and even then a lot of them don't thrive.
The best advice I can give is that you are now, like all of us who have tried this, part of the experiment. All you can do is give it a try. I took a "less is more" approach. The full, cumulative reaction of each application is somewhat delayed so, personally, I never used it more than 5 consecutive days. Others have gone longer. And, at some point, you do have to back off and let things heal up so you can evaluate what you've got. After healing, I found no downside to using it again for a second (or third) round if necessary to mop up any leftover hot spots that remained. Works just as well. The good news I think you can derive from posts on this section (if you read back far enough) is that -- as long as you use it sparingly and definitely DO NOT get any in your eyes -- it's not going to go wild on you, or do something drastic like bore a hole down to your bones. It's actually pretty predictable stuff once you start using it. The action of PS does not include ejecting eschars -- it functions as a natural chemotherapeutic which induces the cancer to destroy itself and then be dissolved away by the immune process. So, trying PS after previous use of bloodroot will be a new twist to add to the accumulated knowledge base here.
68 Posts |
Posted - 11/30/2010 : 23:45:03
Hi Judych,
Could you say what the five very small cancers that have come through look like? Are they small white bumps? Others, myself included, have noticed those— in my case toward the end of the 3 weeks I treated. I'm not sure whether they're cancer or not. Also, could you say what the zinc cream does and whether there are fragrance chemicals and/or preservatives in it? Thank you!
Good luck with the treatment (and enjoy the break from it.)
Originally posted by judych
hi there waverider and everyone. Well, ive stopped taking bloodroot capsules...stopped about three days ago. Ive used petty spurge about once a day since then.
the cancers are very wet looking, very itchy...but definatley not as inflamed as before. Ive noticed that about five very small cancers have come through, and im imagining that taking the bloodroot capsules have literally pushed even very small amounts of bccs out through my dermal layers.... which is great.(better out than in in my
At the moment i have about 8 bccs, in varying sizes, at least three of them deep, on my upper chest... not nice. anyway, im going away tomorrow so Im just going to have a complete break from any treatment, I will just put zinc cream on them. when i have any more news i will give you an update. judych
quote: Originally posted by waverider[/i]
Judy, I envy your bumper crop of petty spurge. Here in California you have to coax them up singly out of a pot and even then a lot of them don't thrive.
The best advice I can give is that you are now, like all of us who have tried this, part of the experiment. All you can do is give it a try. I took a "less is more" approach. The full, cumulative reaction of each application is somewhat delayed so, personally, I never used it more than 5 consecutive days. Others have gone longer. And, at some point, you do have to back off and let things heal up so you can evaluate what you've got. After healing, I found no downside to using it again for a second (or third) round if necessary to mop up any leftover hot spots that remained. Works just as well. The good news I think you can derive from posts on this section (if you read back far enough) is that -- as long as you use it sparingly and definitely DO NOT get any in your eyes -- it's not going to go wild on you, or do something drastic like bore a hole down to your bones. It's actually pretty predictable stuff once you start using it. The action of PS does not include ejecting eschars -- it functions as a natural chemotherapeutic which induces the cancer to destroy itself and then be dissolved away by the immune process. So, trying PS after previous use of bloodroot will be a new twist to add to the accumulated knowledge base here.
[/quote] |
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