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 Petty Spurge Herb sap for skin cancers
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76 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2010 :  13:51:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The previous pages of this thread -- especially pages 1 and 2 -- are a primer for using and applying petty spurge. There's a wealth of info in the posts, particularly those made by the poster "SoFl". It's a lot of reading to do but pretty much the most comprehensive stuff you will find anywhere on the topic.
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Megan Hunter

2 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2010 :  14:08:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am going to experiment on my mums face with petty spurge sap and would like as much advice as possible on what to do and how much to put on etc. thank you guys
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21 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2010 :  15:17:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ms. Hunter,

Do read the entire three full pages of this thread, as Waverider offered. You will have most all of your questions answered.

Good luck to you and your Mom. As many posters and Dan have made abundantly clear, it is essential that the petty spurge sap NOT be allowed into the eye. It may result in blindness.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2010 :  12:59:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Juls

I ordered some Petty Spurge. Planted all the seeds in some Jiffy seedling potting soil and jiffy starter pots. All the seeds sprouted in 4 days. I was excited. I first had them in a kitchen window and seemed to be doing well. I live in Tx and as the weather is now HOT and the kitchen stays warmer than the rest of the house, and reading the plant like cool conditions, I moved them to my bedroom. I built a little shelf in the window that gets light but not full sun. I also installed a Philips 15 watt plant/aquarium fluorescent light above them for lack of light they may get. They seemed to be doing good but really slow slow growing. It's been 2 months and they only got about 2" high. I water them every other day since the soil seems to stay moist. I did take the little jiffy pots they were growing in and put them in some clay pots with miracle grow potting soil. The last 2 days they have all fallen over, shriveled up except 1 atm. Bottom leaves are falling off it as well. So sure it will fall over here to anytime. I did order 5 more packs of seeds to start over. Just didn't have very good success on this first batch. I'm bummed. Those that have grown with success any tips would be most appreciated. Like I said I live in Galveston, tx so must grow inside. My bedroom has it's own ac unit and I keep the room at 71 so figured that would be the best and coolest place for them.

I also made a list of all the products to buy in the mean time on the "eggplant,orange oil,dmso,sunspot es,etc forum" I got the "Now" orange oil. I put that with some dmso on some of my small facial spots just to see how it would react before putting anything on some of my larger spots. HOLY MOLY lit me up. I was on fire dancing. Left it for about 5 min. all I could stand. Tried like crazy washing it but with the dmso had to endure the "seemed like an hr" 10 min of burn. On the larger ones I'm doing the "egg plant mixture" swapping some h2o2/ammonia/dmso mixture. Also doing Sunspot/dmso when I go to bed. I can do a little Sunspot on the quarter size one on my upper lip mixed with some pure Aloe. Burn is bearable till it ceases. Yes I'm playing around with some of these mixtures till I can ever get some Petty Spurge to grow.

I really love this site. Some very interesting info on here.

Oh yea and I did some vitamin C/h2o2/dmso on the large one on my lip. The space stations almost had company. Yes used the wrong "C". Wasn't pretty seeing me dancing and crying. I'm experimenting here hoping to find something that will work. Had the one on my upper lip removed a few yrs, back and it came back triple it's size. I know this time I'll end up losing half my lip and wherever else it has spread. I'll try anything to avoid that. I have numerous spots now on my face,arms,chest. Thanks to everyone here on this site with your information. My turn to play guinea pig.


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4 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2010 :  18:50:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have one successful plant going now and want to collect seeds from it. Can anyone explain how to do this? Thanks!
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21 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2010 :  19:13:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by zenitb

I have one successful plant going now and want to collect seeds from it. Can anyone explain how to do this? Thanks!

Put mature plant on a sheet. When seed pods form from the flowers, the pods will eject the seeds onto your drop cloth so you may collect them. Otherwise, you will have the little buggers all over the place!
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2010 :  13:18:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am trying to obtain seeds. I am in Texas and have increasing problems with basal cells.
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64 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2010 :  17:27:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This seems to be the best place to order from:

Originally posted by txhouston

I am trying to obtain seeds. I am in Texas and have increasing problems with basal cells.

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24 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2010 :  20:10:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am in the process of obtaining some Petty Spurge seeds. It will be 6-8 weeks until I have grown plants it seems.

I was reading that Dandelion also works against warts as Petty Spurge was used in Europe. So today I tried some Dandelion on my BCC. Only 4 hours later I see an immediate change in the look of the BCC. I did not take a picture before the treatment but just took one. One spot has changed from red to a brown color and is starting a scab. It is spot that was burned with nitrogen by a dermatologist and had started to come back.

I recognize that I am experimenting with myself. I reason with all the dandelions that have been handled by children over the years that I cannot do too much damage.

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64 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  02:16:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How did you use the dandelion? Did you apply the sap from the stem, make a tea from stems, or something else?

Dandelion flower tops are good sauteed, and some people add the stems too. Or use the stems in salad, or boil them for tea. They have many good benefits, and it would be great if topical use for skin cancer is one of them.

Please keep us updated on your progress!

Originally posted by txhouston

I am in the process of obtaining some Petty Spurge seeds. It will be 6-8 weeks until I have grown plants it seems.

I was reading that Dandelion also works against warts as Petty Spurge was used in Europe. So today I tried some Dandelion on my BCC. Only 4 hours later I see an immediate change in the look of the BCC. I did not take a picture before the treatment but just took one. One spot has changed from red to a brown color and is starting a scab. It is spot that was burned with nitrogen by a dermatologist and had started to come back.

I recognize that I am experimenting with myself. I reason with all the dandelions that have been handled by children over the years that I cannot do too much damage.

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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  07:48:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This morning the two I treated are both very dark, it is about 16 hours after first application. I believe this is blood. I did have a slight feeling in each of these last night almost a very very very slight burning sensation.

I applied the latex topically. I plucked a flower. Then I waited a bit for the sap to form atop the stem. Pluck the stem which is now a convenient applicator. The second applicator can be plucked from the same stem once it milks over.

I am not sure that I need to make a second application of the latex. Although I probably will.

I would guess from this experiment that there may be a large number of plants that will stop these cancers.

I am also thinking that there may be more to this than simply a topical application. In the past people at all sorts of plants as boiled or unboiled greens. Today we eat comparatively fewer species of plans, most only ones that taste great. Many plants were once or twice boiled with the water thrown out in between to remove poisons. It is possible that remaining poisons, or poisons from eating small amounts of raw greens, had some therapeutic effect. That is possibly eating small doses of compounds that vigorously destroy cancer cells is a way for nature to keep cancer in check within humans.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  07:58:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would caution that with advanced cancers it would seem if a person were to eat some of these compounds that any reaction could be violent as many many cells were destroyed within hours in my test. It could also cause internal bleeding as it appears tumor cells were destroyed leaving blood. While overall this would be a good thing it may create shock.

I would think that a person should only try consumption to stop advanced cancers under the overall supervision of a doctor, possibly in a medical setting (hospital). I would also suggest some advance evaluations in the area of blood clotting for individual patients may be warranted. If it works as fast as it did for me an overnight stay would be more than adequate after eating a dandelion salad.
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64 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  08:40:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This website has some great info about benefits of dandelion:

Here are a couple of excerpts from there about dandelion benefits:
"In 1979 a Japanese patent was filed for a freeze-dried warm water extract of dandelion root for anti-tumor use. It was found that administration of the extract markedly inhibited growth of particular carcinoma cells within one week after treatment;"

Another excerpt:

"There are many testimonials from those who have benefited from the use of dandelions in the treatment of what ailed them.

Robert Stickle, an internationally famous architect, was diagnosed as having a malignant melanoma 21 years ago, and was given, after radical surgery had not halted its spread, less than 2 years to live. He said, in a letter to Jeff Zullo, president of the Society for the Promotion of Dandelions, (June 23, 1986):

" I went on a search for the answer to my mortal problem, and [discovered] that perhaps it was a nutritional dilemma.... To me, cancer is primarily a liver failure manifestation. {Italians are very concerned about problems of the 'fegato']. [I discovered that] the cancer rate in native Italians is very low among the farming population (paesanos). When they get affluent and move to the city, its the same as the rest of civilized man. Paesanos eat dandelions, make brew from the roots, and are healthy, often living to over 100 years."

He states that he began eating dandelion salad every day, and his improvement confounded the doctors. When he wrote the letter in 1986, 18 years had passed and there had been no recurrence of the melanoma."
I've used dandelion in the past for it's diuretic benefit, but it was several years ago. My grandmother used to cook the flower tops, and use the stems in salad or steep in hot water for tea. I never liked the taste of the greens, but the benefits outweigh the aversion to taste.

Originally posted by txhouston

I would caution that with advanced cancers it would seem if a person were to eat some of these compounds that any reaction could be violent as many many cells were destroyed within hours in my test. It could also cause internal bleeding as it appears tumor cells were destroyed leaving blood. While overall this would be a good thing it may create shock.

I would think that a person should only try consumption to stop advanced cancers under the overall supervision of a doctor, possibly in a medical setting (hospital). I would also suggest some advance evaluations in the area of blood clotting for individual patients may be warranted. If it works as fast as it did for me an overnight stay would be more than adequate after eating a dandelion salad.

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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  08:59:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
After my experience with this and my recent study of nutrition that it is possible the 'cure' for cancer is one of too few natural 'poisons'. However this theory will not gain much research interest as there is little money to be made from recommending people to eat some sprigs of dandelion once diagnosed with breast cancer. Far more profitable to have $500,000 bills to pay.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  10:06:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am about 17 hours into this treatment. The 'scab' came off of one of these and I have a pink area. I think what has happened is that the latex attacked the topmost layers. I am not sure in this particular one the latex penetrated significantly down. It is the BCC that was prior burned off. So I am definitely going to apply more dandelion to this area.

It does seem the penetration was only superficial. So a reasonable concern is whether this is any type of cure or whether it is simply causing the tumor cells to bleed. If it is destroying tumor cells topically this would not be a bad thing but would do little to arrest spread.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  16:18:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am about 5 hours after the second application. So far I do not see evidence of dried blood. The scab this time is about the color of a dark freckle. Prior application the scab turned dark after first turning this dark freckle color.

I did deviate from protocol. Dandelions are difficult to find in Houston this time of year. I therefore put on some other latex weed substances, thistle and another common weed that looks like lettuce on a pole but has prickly spines on the end of the leaf. After the application of these other plants I located a source of supply for dandelions that is close to home so I can simply walk there every day and treat the BCC.

I rationalize that the scab that is forming, when not dark, is dead cells. Since these plant secretions do not cause this effect on healthy skin these must be attacking the BCC.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:18:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Now about 12 hours from second application. The primary location has a reddish brown color. It is not as dark as it was at equivalent time yesterday. The scab is is continuous and no flaking of skin like that I noticed when using Dr. prescribed pharmaceutical product on my lip. I am going to sleep and will report again after the AM.

I am still encouraged that some adverse reaction with the bad cells is going on. What I fear is that this reaction is not sufficiently aggressive to root out the cancer.
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24 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2010 :  13:50:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It has been three days now since first application. I just removed the second scab after shower.

The last two days I have been applying only dandelion. So at this writing the primary plant being used is dandelion.

I have not noticed any further bleeding after the first day.

It does seem that progress is being made. There is much less redness in the sites redness has shrunk to about 1/3 the diameter of the original redness. I can only think that the cancer is being disipated. There is not however a large amount of tissue that is flaking off. Much less in comparison to the area on my lip where I used chemotherapy to remove sun damage skin. so it seems that possibly there is less violent reaction than that reported with Petty Spurge. Who knows less violent reaction may indicate less violent side effects, but that is pure speculation.

I can't help but notice that this is helping with visible improvement after three days application. This rate of improvement is much faster than the chemotherapy which took a month to run it's course.

I am going to keep applying the dandelion until which time the redness dissipates. I still have petty spurge coming I intend to grow it and use it in these sites to see if the petty spurge 'finds' anything that the dandelion does not.

The latex is kinda sticky so I guess the latex on the surface blocks access of the new dandelion latex to the underlying cells. So I hope the new application will have a more significant reaction than I got earlier today.
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64 Posts

Posted - 06/15/2010 :  18:02:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the regular updates txhouston!

Usually dandelions are everywhere and aren't easy to get rid of, considered to be one of the peskiest weeds. Wouldn't you know it, that now that dandelions are very possibly a viable treatment for my aggravating BCC I can't find a single one!

I'm going on a trip to the midwest next week, and I think this is dandelion season there, so I'll try the sap while I'm there.

Originally posted by txhouston

It has been three days now since first application. I just removed the second scab after shower.

The last two days I have been applying only dandelion. So at this writing the primary plant being used is dandelion.

I have not noticed any further bleeding after the first day.

It does seem that progress is being made. There is much less redness in the sites redness has shrunk to about 1/3 the diameter of the original redness. I can only think that the cancer is being disipated. There is not however a large amount of tissue that is flaking off. Much less in comparison to the area on my lip where I used chemotherapy to remove sun damage skin. so it seems that possibly there is less violent reaction than that reported with Petty Spurge. Who knows less violent reaction may indicate less violent side effects, but that is pure speculation.

I can't help but notice that this is helping with visible improvement after three days application. This rate of improvement is much faster than the chemotherapy which took a month to run it's course.

I am going to keep applying the dandelion until which time the redness dissipates. I still have petty spurge coming I intend to grow it and use it in these sites to see if the petty spurge 'finds' anything that the dandelion does not.

The latex is kinda sticky so I guess the latex on the surface blocks access of the new dandelion latex to the underlying cells. So I hope the new application will have a more significant reaction than I got earlier today.

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5 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2010 :  02:08:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
New o the forums.I was wondering since I live in south florida.I have severes cancers also,all basal cells ,and sqaumous cells.I am ordering the seeds from the site from here in australia.Since the weather is very hot here should I try and grow the plants outside or indoors from my window seal?I have to try other forms of treatment.Tired of getting so many surgeries and they keep coming back.Any help on how to grow them in south florida.
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21 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2010 :  09:34:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello LoneWolf,

I have 19 out of 26 seeds planted coming up in an old pulpboard egg flat with the depressions filled with good potting soil. Seedlings sprouted inside, with exposure to sunlight through east and west facing windows. I water every day or so. After about two or three weeks, the sprouts are two inches tall, and are just now putting on their second set of leaves. Will transplant into individual pots before long. I live in N. Georgia on the north side of Atlanta, and I plan to grow mine indoors, or in a greenhouse/screened porch that doesn't get afternoon sun.

If I lived in S. Florida, I would for sure sprout/grow indoors. Don't plant them too deeply--maybe half inch at the most. Remember that these are weeds that normally seed themselves via exploding seed pods that land on the ground and are covered up by the wind and rain. It helps that they are so tiny that they may slip into just about any crack. That also means that they have limited energy reserves to work their way up thru hard packed soil.

Good luck with your horticultural pursuit!
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3 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2010 :  00:02:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
svanip - I just saw your day 70 pictures. It is looking great! How are you feeling about it?

To others that might be interested - I started treating an actinic keratosis on my leg but not regularly. I think I have applied sap 4 or 5 times in 3 weeks, but it does form a scab which I remove prior to each treatment. So far, no pain whatsoever, just red and scabby. Definitely not a pretty sight.

For those wanting to grow their own petty spurge, this is how I did it. I planted the seeds in Jiffy pots and put them indoors in a SW window. The window is partially blocked by a roof overhang and tall tress so it really only gets mid-afternoon sun. Once the plants got 5-7 inches tall, I repotted them in larger pots using Miracle Grow soil. That has been over a month ago and they continue to do well. Actually, they have seeds developing, so I guess they are happy.

I did make the mistake of putting the plants outside in the sun one day when they were about 3-4 inches high. When I got home that evening, I thought I was going to lose all of them. They looked terrible, even though the soil was still moist. They definitely did not like the strong sun, so indoors they stay. I water them frequently with filtered water and started adding fertilizer when they were a few inches high and had some leaves. So far they have been pretty easy to grow.

Best of luck to all.

Edited by - anemone on 06/18/2010 02:20:32
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68 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2010 :  11:35:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anemone

svanip - I just saw your day 70 pictures. It is looking great! How are you feeling about it?

To others that might be interested - I started treating an actinic keratosis on my leg but not regularly. I think I have applied sap 4 or 5 times in 3 weeks, but it does form a scab which I remove prior to each treatment. So far, no pain whatsoever, just red and scabby. Definitely not a pretty sight.

For those wanting to grow their own petty spurge, this is how I did it. I planted the seeds in Jiffy pots and put them indoors in a SW window. The window is partially blocked by a roof overhang and tall tress so it really only gets mid-afternoon sun. Once the plants got 5-7 inches tall, I repotted them in larger pots using Miracle Grow soil. That has been over a month ago and they continue to do well. Actually, they have seeds developing, so I guess they are happy.

I did make the mistake of putting the plants outside in the sun one day when they were about 3-4 inches high. When I got home that evening, I thought I was going to loose all of them. They looked terrible, even though the soil was still moist. They definitely did not like the strong sun, so indoors they stay. I water them frequently with filtered water and started adding fertilizer when they were a few inches high and had some leaves. So far they have been pretty easy to grow.

Best of luck to all.

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68 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2010 :  11:43:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
These are the tiniest seeds I've ever seen. My fingers are crossed! I planted them in peat pots and hope I didn't dislodge them when I sprayed to keep them moist. They were also by an eastern window, so on day 5 I moved them to a brighter western window.

Has anyone found petty spurge growing wild and if so in what kind of habitat? By a stream? In woods? fields? near paths or away from paths? Any tips welcome.

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170 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2010 :  18:18:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to suggest to txhouston that we start a forum thread related to dandelion. I am very interested in the reporting on each plant's success and appreciate the detailed logs from txhouston. However, I am of the opinion that the forum works best when each topical cure has its own thread and does not just add onto an existing thread for some other plant. Even though the search function is very helpful, a newcomer might not realize that actually a new topic was started within an existing topic. So, I think that I will copy your info to a new thread. Here it is:

Thanks for all your postings, though.

Edited by - thanks01 on 06/17/2010 18:26:07
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122 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2010 :  01:40:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
After using curaderm for 2 years, I decided to stop and let things settle down for awhile before starting on petty spurge. I tried curaderm with and without dmso. It seems to work on some things and other things its really slow. I even got up to 7 times a day. After stopping the use of curaderm, I waited about 2 months and one of the places on my nose would not heal. So since petty popped up in my bougainvillea I decided to go for it. I put a drop on the scab, put some tape on it. Day 3 took off the tape with the scab and there was a whole. day 5, still a whole. putting it on twice a day. The pain is nowhere near the pain of the curaderm. Another popped up right below the first one so I'm doing them both. No scabs, a little liquid. hope this works.
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122 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2010 :  13:55:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

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This is scar from sc after curaderm.
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this is after 8 mo. of curaderm and i decide to stop.

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37.47 KB after waiting 2 mo. I decided to start petty.

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6 days into petty. All so after trying garlic,alloe, duct tape, curaderm, I Finally got rid of a wort using petty. That was 6 mo. ago. Dan I can now work the photo thing. Thank You

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170 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2010 :  17:58:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for posting the pictures. Your experience with Curaderm helps to illustrate why it is so important that we try to help each other. Sometimes it seems that skin cancer is considered insignificant -- that is, until it's actually on your own face. The attempts here to find gentle cures that work permanently are very worthwhile, in my opinion.

Please post some follow-up pictures, showing how well the skin looks after you have finished applying the medicine and nature's healing has done its best. I wish you the best possible results.

Edited by - thanks01 on 06/23/2010 18:00:29
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21 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2010 :  23:53:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Wishing you all the best. Let us know how it goes.
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122 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2010 :  10:49:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

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Day 13, I'm going to need a forest of this stuff.
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21 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2010 :  10:54:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another 7 days or so of twice daily applications, and you might then think about giving your nose a chance to heal up. Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like only a couple of spots are really active.

Carry on and keep us informed.

Put on a bandaid and enjoy your 4th of July!

Love to you, Marsha.
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76 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2010 :  13:16:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Looks like a pretty typical Petty Spurge excavation project to me. It has connected the dots between the two focal points, probably wiped out some sub-clinical stuff which was on its way to becoming malignant, anyway. That's the good thing about PS: you get a bonus preemptive strike against areas that probably aren't full-blown BCC yet -- but are heading that way.

I'm not a Dr nor a PS expert by any means but after 13 days, personally I'd be inclined to lay off now, let it scab over, heal up, and then see what you've got. Looks pretty clean and like it wants to heal up now if you let it. In reading the patent pdf's at the Peplin website I don't find any reference to these extended treatment periods. Most of the examples there describe 3 to 5 days, if I recall correctly. If it turns out there are still some lingering hot spots later, you can hit them again with PS in a "mopping up" operation and it seems to work just as well the next time around (i.e., I haven't seen any sign that the BCC develops a resistance, or that the PS loses its effectiveness.) It will "find" any leftover residual stuff, target that, and leave the other healed areas alone. Just my two cents.
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122 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2010 :  11:33:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you so much for responding.The feed back is really important. I feel so relieved. Im putting in another photo, If you will notice there are now 3 or more white dots at the bottom, where there was one before.
I think those white dots are basil cell root tips. My sc did not have white dots but my basil cell does. I think I probably have both.

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21 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2010 :  16:06:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

You might want to hit the "white dots" for a few more days. If you have been applying sap for 13 days so far since abandoning the Curaderm. One of the contributors to this thread wrote about continuing until the treatment area was "uniformly inflamed" then stopping. IIRC, after stopping at that point, the healed former lesion site was uniform in appearance. That said, the "white" tissue that is showing may well be killed off, and in the process of sloughing off.

Good work! Happy 4th to you.
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24 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2010 :  12:40:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I obtained a petty spurge plant. I took a cutting and put it into an Aerogarden. Within a day the cutting looks better than it did on the plant.

I expect the cutting to take root within a week and the cutting to resume growth. This suggests that Aerogarden indoor hydroponics system will grow Petty Spurge all year around.

I bought my Aerogarden from Bed Bath and Beyond on clearance for $65. I checked craigslist here in Houston and see 6 for sale at prices starting at $35 each. The biggest single cost is replacement bulbs at $15 so this is a cheap way to go. You also get some fresh herbs as well so that will help spice up your life.

On day maybe dermatologists will have a few aerogardens growing petty spurge to treat cancers.
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24 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2010 :  12:49:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also noted in the Dandelion area that I switched to Petty Spurge once I obtained a petty spurge plant. Immediately the area erupted with small blisters. I do think that the Dandelion knocked back the BCC but did not root it out. This may be a systemic problem with Dandelion or it may be due to the fact that I did not get suffcient latex from Dandelion.

I am posting this here as now I am on a Petty spurge treatment regimen rather than a Dandelion regimen.
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25 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2010 :  16:52:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Responding to Marsha's progress with Curaderm and now Petty Spurge; I would continue using the P.S. since you've done a lot of the hard work of getting to the bottom layers of skin and revealing the source of the problem. You have the cancer in your sites, I say keep at it! I've found when I don't use the P.S. long enough, and let it heal over, it's not really gone at all. Then starting all over again and with me, taking several weeks to get to the bottom layer of the problem again. Maybe I just have a slow metabolism, or poor immunity (don't we all on this list), but I think you should use the P.S. until it stops reacting, stops bleeding and pussing, and gets shallower, even if this takes weeks. Just my two cents!
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122 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2010 :  10:14:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
clearlake, I was just about ready to stop when i read your post. I thought maybe I was taking it to extremes. On the other hand, I used curaderm on about 5 places that did heal on there own, even while putting on the curaderm. They poured out yellow stuff, then stopped, then healed. I see that my petty spurge site is filled with yellow stuff when I take off the bandage. So I was thinking it wasn't done yet. Did you get any of those white dots? Not around the edges,but inside.
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24 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2010 :  13:39:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am unable to upload a picture of my leasions. I am getting a different reaction that is more like blisters than scaling I got from chemotherapy.
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25 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2010 :  10:21:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Marsha
I've used the Petty Spurge on my arm, and now I'm using it on my face for the second time. On my arm, I think I got one area to clear of Basal Cell, but I still need to go back and do some other areas on the arm that were revealed later during the treatment. The area that seems cleared took about 10 weeks. It's just that those other areas were getting painful to do and I took a break. I guess they are deep, and I did not spend 10 weeks on the newer, revealed spots. I used the PS on my face on a large area for about 3 weeks and it all lit up; however it was too ambitious of an area, and I quit and let it heal up to see if it was gone, but it seems to not have been treated thoroughly enough.

I then got inspired by Svanip on this thread who treated just one small area and was able to carry on with his life during the process. So now I'm treating what I thought was a not-too-severe set of spots forming a swath from bridge of nose to under eye socket on my right side of the face. Imagine where eye glasses rest, those are the spots. I'm working on week 6 on this general area, it all lit up of course, more is being revealed as time goes on and the bridge of my nose is quite raw. I cover it with a few well placed tan pieces of 3M tape listed on this site. The cheek area is doing some scabbing over, don't know if it's done; in my experience with my arm, it will do this for awhile, scab over, be raw, bleed some more, etc. My feeling is that it's not done until the area looks like normal skin, maybe red though, and stops reacting to the PS.

Anyway, this is my summer experiment, I want to see if it works, so I'm a guinea pig just like everyone else. Marsha, your lesion looks deep, so I would give it some more time. Perhaps your spot will respond faster than mine. I think Joybells post on this thread is misleading, because her spots seem like very minor ones, or precancers, so they clear in 8 days. Hers look nothing like yours. Yours is much deeper. I think Joybell jumps on hers at the first sign, whereas we have longstanding issues that are more stubborn. I can't tell you what the white dots are. Maybe if you continue, you can inform us what they do.
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122 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2010 :  11:01:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My petty spurg was drying up so I had to go pull some up from my friends yard.It was really scruffy looking. Its in a glass of water. This time I used an eye dropper, works well. The juice from her plant is thicker and stays where I put it. I keep a bandage on my spot all the time, so I dont get any scabbing. Curaderm works really fast for pre cancer and surface spots, I think ps would be the same.Anyway here is todays picture,looks better but who nose,(joke)
I really put alot on this morning. Just to be sure.

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21 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2010 :  17:03:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It looks like it is already healing from the edges, and the inflammation looks like it is abating. I like Clearlake's protocol, in large part because it is based upon experience in dealing with a known recurring skin cancer. Good luck, kiddo.
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170 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2010 :  17:15:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Clearlake, and any others interested,
In May I started a POLL on this forum titled "Eyeglasses and Cancer on Face," @ . You might be interested to participate.

I am one of the ones who think Candida colonies are at least partly to blame for skin cancers. Also, in my case, I seem to be at least mildly allergic to the parts used in eyeglasses (allergies to metal, etc. inherited from my mother). My thought was that the (sometimes mild, sometimes severe) allergic reaction to eyeglass parts causes irritation where the Candida colonies then move in, later to be followed by skin cancer in those who are susceptible. I felt I had to question why in particular that area of my face got the cancer spots. They did not seem to be related to sunburn areas.
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122 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2010 :  23:32:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Im on a trip so I can't send a picture, BUT IM FREAKING OUT!!My nose itched all day, when I took the bandage off and rubbed slightly, all the skin came off and the thing is twice as deep. It looks like I can see the muscles or whatever that is cartalage. So Im not putting ps on tonight. Maybe I should just get my nose removed..Maybe Its just to deep.
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64 Posts

Posted - 07/09/2010 :  02:27:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Marsha,

I'm not using petty spurge, but I have experienced many extreme itching times with other treatments I've used/am using on my basal cell. I've noticed that every time I have a severe itching phase it is followed by skin peeling off, or white bumps surfacing and coming out. So it seems like the itching is caused by cell die-off and is ultimately a good thing in the long run, even though it has kept me awake many nights.

It might be a good idea to not use the ps for a couple of days, and see how the area looks after resting from treatment. I've had my basal cell for several years, so I have many layers to work through. It's easier for me to deal with the treatment and healing process if I take a break from treatment while the peeling is going on. I put a salve or organic coconut oil on it during that time to help keep it from drying and cracking, and to soothe the inflamed skin.

I hope you get relief soon.

Originally posted by marsha

Im on a trip so I can't send a picture, BUT IM FREAKING OUT!!My nose itched all day, when I took the bandage off and rubbed slightly, all the skin came off and the thing is twice as deep. It looks like I can see the muscles or whatever that is cartalage. So Im not putting ps on tonight. Maybe I should just get my nose removed..Maybe Its just to deep.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.