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 May I use SunSpot ES over a small general area?
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Posted - 09/07/2007 :  22:52:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All, and Fforest in particular,

I just recently found your site, and am pleased to have support for seeking alternatives in treatment for long term prevention and care of my sun-related skin problems! Wow, what a great site!

So, I am a vibrant southern California woman, now in my late forties and paying the price for years of sun worshiping on Irish/English freckled skin! I've had a handful of surgeries on BCC and Squamous, many more frozen; and two treatment periods with Efudex and Aldera respectively. (These are on different areas, not re-treatments of the same).

Anyway, after reading the posts here I wanted to give SunSpot a try. I just received a tube which I wanted to use on specific 'rough spots' on my forehead and cheeks. Can someone direct me better as to how small an area one much treat, or if there might be advantage to spreading it over my entire forehead, to see what lights up and needs attention?

I've several areas of my face were I have light browning going on, general liver spots and rough spots, etc. Is this useful on those areas?

Any suggestions or feedback about how to treat and what to expect would be appreciated! Oh, and once a day I take it?

Thanks so much!


668 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2007 :  11:06:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome Cori!

I have been using sunspot now for about 4 or 5 months. I smear it on anything that looks rough every morning after my shower. I generally light up ( turn red ) pretty good anywhere where there is damaged skin.
It takes about an hour for the redness to subside. After I apply it and it dries up @ 10 minutes, I apply the revive skin cream from Trader Joes over all of my face. This has definitely helped improve the AK rough areas but so far that treatment has not eradicated any BCC's.

An interesting thing to do is wipe your effected areas with common household vinegar. This will light you up also and show you where all your problem areas are.

I have had success on a BCC using sunspot in the curaderm technique ( covering and keeping moist) I am treating two areas on my forehead right now. One is really looking promising.. I'll discuss that one first.

I have an area that has been removed by the knife, came back after a year, treated with bloodroot came back @ 2 years later, treated again with bloodroot more aggressively. This time I thought I had gotten it but @ 2 years a bump /scar started getting bigger. I was treating another previously bloodroot treated area with the sunspot / curaderm method and in my daily treatment started rubbing some sunspot on the bump. After a few weeks the bump started to open up and bleed. I then started covering the bump with the sunspot concoction ( see my "empowering sunspot" post the sunspot es thread) and covering with the 3m tape. The small sore grew to be almost a half inch hole and went deeper and deeper. Then it started healing. ( whew!) I am at about 8 weeks now and the hole is almost healed @ 1/16th of an inch.

On the other area not so good. One area heals and another area comes back. This is what happened with curaderm too they told me I had to increase the treatments. I did still no final eradication. I will try increasing with the sunspot and see if it helps.

Edited by - anivoc on 09/08/2007 11:08:00
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2007 :  11:20:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sunspot cream works best if applied liberally to problem spots..Sunspot does not work that well if spread over a large area..If you want to treat a lage area look into the eggplant mix talked of on here,its a bit messy but works.As Anivoc said vinegar alone can work too...
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6 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2007 :  11:51:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you Anivoc and Fforest. I appreciate the responses! I do have a handful more questions if you don't mind....

Is there something magic about Revive from Trader Joes, or is this just a nice moisurizer and any will do? (I haven't found it on there site and am not familiar with it).

I've some small general areas with several brownish/red flat areas (I presume are pre-cancers) and these are the ones I am wishing to target. So, I dabbed on the Sunspot last night for the first time. Yes, these seemed to heat slightly for a while, and this morning they are about the same color, if not darker. Since these are not diagnosed as BCCs, I was thinking I'd continue in the hopes that eventually they will smooth and lighten.

Is that a correct assumption? Is it too much to work on several spots at a time on the face? I will no doubt have lots of redness! ..(But I do wear foundation and cover-up creams during work, so will be able disguise during the day)

And, how liberal is liberal? Do I need to build up a thick layer on each spot?

What would you all recommend using on areas such as lower shins, where many of us get damage and spotting? Do you all get things frozen frequently at the dermatologists?

Again, thanks so much....and let me know if there is another area I should post more of my experience and/or history.

THank you!
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2007 :  12:25:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would be nice if there was a ABC treatment plan for all skin problems but I do not think there is..Every problem spot is different every person is different you have to find what works for you...There is not really a set amout of sunspot to use or a set time how long to use it,but I think applying it for 2 or 3 days to see how your skin reacts would be a good start..Having redness on your face is no fun so if you do get to much redness back off from using the sunspot..

Edited by - fforest on 09/08/2007 12:26:54
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