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Posted - 08/27/2012 :  03:23:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
NATUROPATHIC TIPS: These are some notes I found helpful from a workshop I went to by a respected naturopath who works with cancer patients and their oncologists.

Elimination: All pathways---sweating, bm's and urinating all important. Drink a lot of water and stay open. Cherry juice is a good laxative--4 - 6 oz.with no grape juice, Knutsen's Just Cherry. Or Smooth Move tea.

Sleep: try to get 8 - 10 hours.

Diet: Take digestive enzymes if problems w/ digestion. Importance of dark greens and high protein. Protein runs the immune system. Cancer patients need 75 grams/day (!) 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds=17 grams protein. 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds=18 grams protein. If you eat meat, bison is best-- the least processed and is lean. Carbs: should avoid gluten. Various rices and quinoas best. Whole grains only. No processed foods. Sprouted (yeast-free) breads are good, but no regular bread.

Fats: Coconut oil contains alpha lipoic acid (ALA), is therapeutic. Walnuts have high omega 3s. Hemp seeds also do.

Vegetables: 50% of your diet should be veggies. Superfoods are garlic, cabbage family, carrots and yogurt. Dark leafy greens (kale and spinach, esp.) build blood. Greek (whole, not skim) yogurt without growth hormones is very good if you tolerate milk.

Fruits and sugars: No white sugar. Best fruits are dark red or blue. Cherries are the least sweet and are very anti-oxidant. Cherry juice has more resveratrol than wine. Blackberries, blueberries and raspberries also anti-oxidant. See for glycemic index of all foods. Local raw honey can treat mouth sores.

Supplements and Herbs:

Glutamine is essential for cancer patients. It gets rid of mouth sores (chemo patients can get them all over palette.) She recommends 10 grams of powder 3X/day. (I've also heard 5 gram of powder 2X/day for people who are re-building and supporting their gut lining, which is crucial for building immunity and fighting cancer.) Mix it with liquid.

Curcurmin (turmeric) Use Thorne Meriva brand available from Emerson Ecologics. Important anti-oxidant. 500 - 1,000 mgs 3X/day. To be properly absorbed, curcurmin has to be heated with black pepper. Take with meals. You can't get enough from just putting it on food.

Green tea turns off the capillaries to tumors. It must not be de-caffeinated.

Melatonin turns on Gene P53, which kills cancer cells. 20 mgs at bed time. Stay on it. (Don't take if you have lymphoma or leukemia.)

Modified citrus pectin--Pectasol C---hits galectin receptors. It unsticks cancer cells and doesn't let them develop into new cancer cells. Important to take it before surgery and biopsies b/c although it won't prevent recurrences, it will ball up the tumors and make them easy to remove. Crucial for melanoma patients.

Omega 3s-- really important and should be supplemented. She recommends 2,000- 3,000 mgs of EPA/day. (EPA is in Omega 3s.) Metagenix or Pure EPA ULtimate are good brands. She advises not getting a blend of Omega 3-6-9, as you will be overdosing on the 6's and 9s. (Omega 9s are in the good oils: coconut, olive. You should have plenty of Omega 6s in nuts and other whole foods. So just supplement the 3s.)

Co Q-10 also helpful.

Astragalus builds red blood cells, improves immunity. Much research on immune support and anti-cancer effects of medicinal mushrooms. Excellent brand: mushroom blend.
Turkey tail mushrooms great for cancer. Eat cooked mushrooms as part of your diet. Correctly processed, they should not increase candida.
* * *

AYURVEDIC: Anne McIntyre, Fellow of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists and Member of Ayurvedic Practitioners Association, has been practicing for 30 years in the UK, has written 7 books, some with info on cancer treatment. See (w/ beautiful photos of her medicinal garden which was on BBC.) She says that cancer always involves low GI fire (enzymes.) Importance of clearing toxins from GI tract. Toxins are carried in the blood and lymph. For example, look into the herb andrographis for tumor suppression, righting cancer-causing genes and clearing toxins. Many herbs, including kitchen herbs, both Western and Eastern, can be helpful with cancer. Ayurveda is a big, complicated system of healing, but she de-mystifies it and her latest book is amazing (in part) for the lists of healing roles of simple culinary herbs like black pepper and many other more powerful herbs used for cancer according to people's individual constitutional types.


668 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2012 :  15:28:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting stuff Thanks Bridgette
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.