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 "The Hidden Story of Cancer"
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Posted - 05/28/2012 :  15:57:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Brian Peskin has written a book called "The Hidden Story of Cancer" which I think might be a great breakthrough in our understanding of cancer. He suggests that the epidemic of cancer that has occurred in the 20th Century and continues today has been caused by the invention of processed vegetable oil in 1913. His work is based on Otto Warburg's Nobel Prize winning discovery that any cell can be made cancerous if deprived of just 35% of its normal oxygen supply. Warburg controversially believed that this was the only fundamental cause of cancer, and all other "causes", like genetics, exposure to carcinogens, radiation etc should be considered "triggers" which will not lead to cancer unless this other primary oxygen deprivation was also present. He proposed that if a way could be found to keep the body's cells fully oxygenated, cancer could be defeated.

Now fast-forward 70 years or so, and Brian Peskin, a medical researcher claims he has found the factor which will keep the cells oxygenated - avoidance of processed vegetable oil, and a regular consumption of two particular types of unprocessed oil - Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) (an Omega 3 oil), and Linoleic Acid (LA) Omega 6. He calls these "Parent Essential Oils" or PEOs, as from these "parent" forms, the body can make its own derivatives, like EPA and DHA. (He is very much against the now widespread use of fish oils to get these derivative forms of Omega 3.) This theory goes beyond the so-called Budwig Protocol based on flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. Peskin says that the flaxseed oil is very useful, but the cottage cheese is irrelevant - but even more important than the ALA in the flaxseed oil is unprocessed Omega 6 Linoleic Acid.

The basic principle is simple. The membrane of a cell is 100% lipids, (which is what oil is called inside the body.) The lipids in the blood provide the oil to oil contact that facilitates the transfer of oxygen across the cell membrane and into the cell. The lipids in the blood come from the oil that we eat. Now when an oil is processed, you end up with a product that has a long shelf-life, which of course is a very useful characteristic. It allows for ease of transportation and storage, and brings the price down etc. But the reason the oil has a longer shelf life is that it no longer takes up oxygen anywhere nearly as effectively as it once did. (It's the oxygenation of oil and other food that causes it to spoil, or go rancid.)

So the modern population has chronic widespread, long-term low-level oxygen deprivation on a cellular level leading directly to the explosion of cancer (and heart disease too) that we see today.

Brian Peskin has no medical qualifications (although he has received an honorary Adjunct Professorship at Texas Southern University in the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in recognition of his work.) He has however received many accolades from doctors, including cancer specialists, who are convinced that his work, The Hidden Story of Cancer is a great breakthrough in our understanding of cancer.

There is plenty of information on his website, and I recommend watching the audio-visual presentation he gave at the Boulderfest health conference which is on YouTube..." target="_blank">

You can read about one of his experiments where he collaborated with qualified medical specialists to test his theory about the effectiveness of his "PEOs" as an anti-cancer therapy here..." target="_blank">

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.