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 Natural Remedies Under Attack - Again!
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Posted - 10/12/2010 :  18:57:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is the kind of thing that makes it more and more difficult for those of us interested in natural remedies to get those products. I know there are some "bad apples" in the natural remedy business, but what is described in this article is taking it way too far in an effort to shut down the supply or use of supplements.

Here is an excerpt from the article, and the link follows to read it in it's entirety (bold print emphasis is mine):


"They patted Jim down and removed him from the office. They didn't show me a warrant. They came in very aggressively, that was needless," said Tricia Feijo, Jim's wife and partner and a trained homeopath.

"They locked us out of the building and for the next four hours they went through everything. They took personal correspondence, they took phone records. It's so over the top that they're going through personal e-mail to see if I told a friend how to use a certain product, or told somebody what they could do for an illness."

"We've developed a series of products based on Biblical principles," said Feijo. "We've never had a complaint, never harmed anyone, and thousands of people have told us they've been helped by our products. We've never had a lawsuit.

"They're making it sound like it's an urgent matter to protect the public, yet they've had our client list for six months and haven't contacted them," Feijo told WND.

The raid is the latest development in a three-year legal battle between the Federal Trade Commission and Daniel Chapter One, which sells products intended to promote natural healing without the use of prescription drugs.

"The position for the FDA is only drugs can treat illness. We believe drugs don't treat anything. Fifteen years on the radio, no one's ever complained, no one's ever been harmed, we haven't been sued, but 106,000 people will die this year from FDA-approved drugs," said Jim Feijo.

The FTC alleges that Daniel Chapter One falsely claims its products can cure cancer.

"We never said that," said Tricia Feijo. "They took a few words from one paragraph, some words from another paragraph, put them together, and said we implied we could cure cancer … their biggest complaint was testimonies of people saying they were healed of cancer."

The conflict began with a Federal Trade Commission Internet sting operation against companies that claimed they could cure cancer. According to the Feijos, 130 health products companies were targeted, and all but Daniel Chapter One reached agreements with the government.

"They ordered [us] to tell our customers there is no science behind our products, that only conventional medical treatment has been proven safe and effective in humans. We know from experience that chemotherapy and radiation are not safe
," said Jim Feijo.


Read the full article here:

Apparently as long as whatever harms or kills you is FDA approved and was prescribed by a medical doctor it's no problem! But take control of your own treatment by an alternative means, and now it's a crime, whether any harm was done or not!!
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.