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 Skin Cancer Topical Treatment Recipes
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  19:43:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As posted in other threads I have been on a quest for several years trying to find a better way than Mohs surgery to remove / alleviate skin cancers.. below are a few recipes of a non blood root variety

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #1
Dr. Gordon Telford has developed a skin cream to decrease the incidence of actinic keratoses (precursers to squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas). Here is how you can make your own: Put two ounces of skin cream in a sterile container and mix in 14 grams (one rounded tablespoon) of vitamin C powder, 4,000 IU of vitamin E, 60,000 IU of vitamin A, and 1.5 grams of zinc sulphate. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005. Be sure to use vitamin A, not beta carotene.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #2
If you have already developed squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas, make the contents of one artemisinin capsule into a paste by adding a drop or two of DMSO. Apply the paste to the skin cancer twice daily. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #3
Make Skin Cancer cream #2 using 1/2 capsule of curcumin and 1/2 capsule of artemisinin. Use the other half of each capsule in your next batch of skin cream. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #4
In August 1995, Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., relayed his own experience with DMSO, when a basal cell carcinoma (about the size of a dime) appeared on his ear. A dermatologist recommended surgical removal of the cancerous portion and a skin graft replacement. Instead, Dr. Whitaker made a paste from shark cartilage, vitamin C, and DMSO and applied the mixture to the lesion daily. Within 3.5 weeks, the basal cell had completely disappeared. Stanley Jacob, M.D., professor at the Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland) suspected DMSO was the hero, although Dr. Whitaker has confidence in the full formula (Whitaker 1995). - from Life Extension Foundation
For rough patches on the skin and other skin irregularities, the first thing we try is scrubbing with a cotton pad soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide. We find that doing this each day for several days clears up most problem areas. Both the cotton pads and 3% hydrogen peroxide are available in drug stores. The cotton pads are in the cosmetics section as they are used to remove makeup.
If the peroxide does not work, the second thing we try is a 50:50 mix of iodine and DMSO. Iodine is a disinfectant and DMSO carries the iodine into the skin. You can read more about this here.


668 Posts

Posted - 09/22/2007 :  23:06:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've started this Thread for everyone to post the various recipes they have.

The recipes below are from

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #1
Dr. Gordon Telford has developed a skin cream to decrease the incidence of actinic keratoses (precursers to squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas). Here is how you can make your own: Put two ounces of skin cream in a sterile container and mix in 14 grams (one rounded tablespoon) of vitamin C powder, 4,000 IU of vitamin E, 60,000 IU of vitamin A, and 1.5 grams of zinc sulphate. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005. Be sure to use vitamin A, not beta carotene.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #2
If you have already developed squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas, make the contents of one artemisinin capsule into a paste by adding a drop or two of DMSO. Apply the paste to the skin cancer twice daily. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #3
Make Skin Cancer cream #2 using 1/2 capsule of curcumin and 1/2 capsule of artemisinin. Use the other half of each capsule in your next batch of skin cream. - from Dr. David Williams Alternatives November 2005.

Home Made Skin Cream for Skin Cancer #4
In August 1995, Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., relayed his own experience with DMSO, when a basal cell carcinoma (about the size of a dime) appeared on his ear. A dermatologist recommended surgical removal of the cancerous portion and a skin graft replacement. Instead, Dr. Whitaker made a paste from shark cartilage, vitamin C, and DMSO and applied the mixture to the lesion daily. Within 3.5 weeks, the basal cell had completely disappeared. Stanley Jacob, M.D., professor at the Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland) suspected DMSO was the hero, although Dr. Whitaker has confidence in the full formula (Whitaker 1995).

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #5
“Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) per day. When the crust is formed, don’t take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait till it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed.” - Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #6
Magnesium chloride, when applied directly to the skin, is transdermally absorbed and has an almost immediate effect on local tissues and the same can be said about iodine when applied topically. The two together are safe and effective for skin and breast cancers. See Cancer Cure Protocol

Home Made Treatment for Skin Cancer #7
Dissolve powdered cesium carbonate in water and spray on the skin. Then massage in. This can be tried for skin cancer and any tumor that has broken through the skin or is not far below the surface. A little DMSO may help the cesium carbonate penetrate the skin.


For rough patches on the skin and other skin irregularities, the first thing we try is scrubbing with a cotton pad soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide. We find that doing this each day for several days clears up most problem areas. Both the cotton pads and 3% hydrogen peroxide are available in drug stores. The cotton pads are in the cosmetics section as they are used to remove makeup.

If the peroxide does not work, the next thing we try is tincture of iodine, or a 50:50 mix of iodine and DMSO. You can read more about this here.
- Editor, Alkalize For Health
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2007 :  16:58:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If any one tries any of these treatments and has good results or bad or no results please post...There are lots of so called skin cancer cures on the internet that have good theory behind them but just do not work...

The only treatments I put value in are treatments that people have tried and have had good results with..

Its great to try new things but the prof is in the pudding with treatments...It works or it does not...Or maybe it will not cure skin cacer but is a helper like Aloe Vera...Also you must consider the side effects with treatments.Like with bloodroot..Sure Bloodroot works but O-what a price you pay with this treatment...

It would be so nice if there was a single painfree cheap treatment for all skin cancers....

Edited by - fforest on 09/23/2007 16:59:53
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2007 :  19:09:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fforest

It would be so nice if there was a single painfree cheap treatment for all skin cancers....

I don't know if there will ever be in our life time a painless solution but I'm all for it. Right now I just wish there was a conclusive "for sure" Homeopathic procedure that worked 99% of the time.

In regards to posting results of any of these recipes, I made this a sticky for Topical Treatment Recipes so lets try and keep this thread strictly for posting recipes.

If you have a recipe post it here.

If you try one of these recipes start a new thread in Skin Cancer topical treatments and post your results there, otherwise the recipes will end up getting buried in the thread over time.
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612 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2007 :  00:44:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal remedy for melanoma

Traditional Chinese Medicine herbal remedy for actinic chelitis
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6 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2007 :  17:53:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't really have a recipe but I'm wondering if anyone has tried topical curcumin. I've read it's effective and available as a tincture. Unfortunately I haven't been able to locate much else.

Thank you!
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79 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2007 :  15:59:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sunni

I don't really have a recipe but I'm wondering if anyone has tried topical curcumin. I've read it's effective and available as a tincture. Unfortunately I haven't been able to locate much else.

Thank you!

I have used it. I used the New Chapter Turmeric concentrate softgel.

The biggest problem with it is that it turns the area a bright red/yellow so if you use it on an exposed area and have to go out in public people are going to stare.

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79 Posts

Posted - 11/17/2007 :  09:12:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fforest

If any one tries any of these treatments and has good results or bad or no results please post...There are lots of so called skin cancer cures on the internet that have good theory behind them but just do not work...

The only treatments I put value in are treatments that people have tried and have had good results with..

Its great to try new things but the prof is in the pudding with treatments...It works or it does not...Or maybe it will not cure skin cacer but is a helper like Aloe Vera...Also you must consider the side effects with treatments.Like with bloodroot..Sure Bloodroot works but O-what a price you pay with this treatment...

It would be so nice if there was a single painfree cheap treatment for all skin cancers....

Ok I have tried nearly everything now including

sunspot ES

plus efudex and all the stuff the dermatologists treat with.

and many others.

I recently got on to the fungal theory and to make a long story short....Iodine is making short work of my skin cancers (biopsied scc in situ) and pre cancers. The results have been VERY dramatic....major improvment or elimination in days not weeks.

So as to date, the things that work for me are iodine, an anti yeast/candida product called YEast Cleanse applied topically nd taken internally, and a product called brocco max applied topically and also taken internally at about 5 capsules per day.

The results of the Iodine have been the most dramatic. I'm only using a 2% solution but I apply it often. It stings and burns (and it's a yellow red color) but it is totally knocking out my skin cancers.
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612 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2007 :  01:28:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
SoFl, this is really good news that the iodine, Yeast Cleanse, and brocco max treatments are working. There are many supportive testimonials regarding iodine for various conditions at People concerned about iodine staining skin may want to consider decolorized iodine available at CVS and Rite Aid for less than $5. As a minor caution, iodine mixed with hydrogen peroxide evidently turns skin brown.

I decided to try Solaray Yeast Cleanse (~$15) which contains Caprylic Acid, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Garlic, Licorice Root, Vitamin C, Pau D Arco, and Tea Tree Oil. I also added a probiotic complex from Trader Joes as a second step to reduce any fungus. I don't have any noticeable skin cancers but I want to see what happens over a 15 day course. Yeast Cleanse is a powder in a gelatin capsule, how did you apply it topically?

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96 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2007 :  21:42:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
here are some hoxsey salve/bloodroot salve/cansema salve recipes.

Original cansema recipe, from authentic cansema website:

4 cansema-Type formulas are from a website:

1 Cansema-type Black Salve by "Best On Earth"

7 skin cancer salve formulas from this website:
SkinAnswer for Skin Cancer

1 Balm of Gilead (Also known as Compound X or Black Salve)

original cansema recipe: by the makers of cansema:
And what are the current ingredients in the product?

Despite over 100 years of use, evidenced by medical patents at the U.S. Patent Office in the late 19th century, the actual mechanics of escharotics are still not fully understood. By examining the results of blood work, we know that when zinc chloride (in a liquid form at room temperature), while in the presence of certain herbal combinations at known concentration ranges, has strong cancer-killing properties. For some reason, the proper escharotic formula will kill cancer cells, while normal, healthy cells will only become mildly irritated. When applied to normal tissue, the properly-prepared escharotic is merely a "rubifacient." It will redden the skin slightly and perhaps even produce a small amount of edema -- but even that goes away after a couple o

update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl

Edited by - drbeckl2 on 01/24/2010 21:56:46
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96 Posts

Posted - 11/28/2007 :  22:01:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just realized that part of my formulas was a repeat of the original post by anivoc, that began this thread. []

......... I guess the repeated info will be a good reminder anyway.
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96 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2007 :  11:30:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote


Mickey Hunnefeld, M.S.O.T., C.T.B.

My first experience with biomagnetic therapy came at a workshop taught by Suzy Balliett,

update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl

Edited by - drbeckl2 on 01/24/2010 21:58:56
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96 Posts

Posted - 11/30/2007 :  11:33:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is skin cancer formula using Vitamin C, and the protocol on how to use it:

November 10, 2007
Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, November 9, 2007
Topical Vitamin C Stops Basal Cell Carcinoma(OMNS Nov 9 2007)

The most common form of skin cancer,

update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl

Edited by - drbeckl2 on 01/24/2010 22:00:36
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96 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2008 :  11:37:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is a message I found on a message board, ....... about a home remedy for skin cancer. I have not tried it. possibly; Go to the forum page below to try to contact the author.
Collins/Johnson/Stodghill recipe to cure skin cancer

BillieLee Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: TX
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Edited by - drbeckl2 on 01/24/2010 22:01:53
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96 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2008 :  20:01:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Choctaw Indian skin cancer salve recipe:

Equal parts of:
update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl

Edited by - drbeckl2 on 01/24/2010 22:03:05
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170 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2008 :  20:22:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have just finished creating a new thread under the "Skin disorders, treatments, and surgery topic." titled 'BCC “Case History, 2007”.' I copy out a section here pertaining to the EGGPLANT-VINEGAR mixture:

Observing the Eggplant-Vinegar Mixture:
I made the eggplant-vinegar mixture pretty much as indicated on the website. I did use apple cider vinegar but I did not use organic eggplant. I puréed it the best that I could, although the seeds remained. Later on I strained the purée, which is quite timestaking with the raw eggplant, but gives a much more manageable mixture. I kept the mixture in the refrigerator most of the time, but not always. Neither leaving it out for a few days nor letting it get fairly old seem to hurt it.
I started by applying the eggplant with a bandage over the spot, ordinary easy-pull-off bandages (not the stick-tight variety), or the micropore tape, sometimes even masking tape. This worked fine on my wrist, but I found that when the bandage held the mixture near my eye either the fumes or the liquid spreading on my skin or my eyelashes spreading it caused irritation inside my eye. This was tolerable but did not seem to be a good idea.
Next I tried “swiping” the mixture over the main spot as often during the day as I could remember to do it. I think this is when I made the least progress, probably because the quantity was just too thin. Later I went back to applying a good-size “gob” of the stuff over the spot and letting it just dry in place and stay there without a bandage. As one poster to the website mentioned, it seemed that each time the dried-up remainder of the gob was removed some skin peeled off and there were signs of improvement.
Regarding the changes in the spot, as one poster said (FForest, I think), almost as soon as I started with the mixture there was increased definition in the area. My BCC (size of a dime) had at that time left the “crater” stage and gone to a “pearls” stage. After applying the eggplant mixture, these pearls became more visible and seemed to separate from the spot. Over the weeks that I continued, I would say that the “pearls” slowly shriveled, disintegrated, and peeled off, although not completely.
In the middle of the treatment I had to return to the cosmetic surgeon for some questions about the biopsy. I quit using the mixture a couple of days before so that my face would look a bit more normal. And I think it was when I resumed that I started the “gob” application. It seemed that the quantity of mixture now at times was almost too irritating. The entire area of the actual spot and perhaps some places nearby were getting quite sore and red. This is probably desirable, but it leads me to suggest what I next tried with the break for the doctor visit, namely, “taking a vacation” once in a while and letting the surrounding skin kind of catch up and be more generally healthy.
My experience overall favors the “long and slow” approach, if and when I ever have another spot like this to deal with. I understand the concern about penetrating the depth of the spot, which is not named “basal” for nothing – it comes from the base of the skin. But a gradual exfoliation, worked on constantly, with “vacations,” seems constructive to me. Someone might reply that the reason I ultimately required the operation at the end of two months is that I had not reached the depth of the cancer. And I would say yes, that is why more time would be needed, but to have gone “faster” and more destructively did not seem to be a good idea. I think that I got better progress the other way.
For several days before the scheduled day of the Mohs surgery I once again “took a vacation,” to reduce surrounding inflammation and present a good appearance. I hoped to win the doctor over to let me continue as I had with the natural treatments. My personal observation was that the “pearls” had been reduced to very small pinpoint scabs, truly smaller than before, and almost peeled off entirely. Behind the “pearls” there still seemed to be a darkly red color to the original spot which looked different from normal, even reddened, skin.

Requiring surgery, after all:
I kept to the original schedule, but I did at least ask the Mohs surgeon whether she really needed to do the operation, and whether it might be so slight that she herself could stitch it instead of my needing the cosmetic operation the next day. She kindly replied that she did indeed see improvement in the spot, but that she still felt it needed the operation. I trusted her enough to believe her, and put my incomplete success down to lack of time.
During the operation she did a “first pass” and found “firm perimeters,” which was encouraging. She told me that she needed to take a “second pass” for depth (meaning mere fractions of an inch). She also said that the area worked on required that I have the repair done by the cosmetic surgeon the next day. So I complied with both scheduled operations. I feel the surgeons did their respective jobs very well. Since I am still healing, the final result is not clear, but the cosmetic surgeon worked very delicately. All people involved were very kind and skilled and I do trust them. I am sure that these well-trained scientists are needed in some cases, especially where the cancer has been allowed to make too much progress.
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1 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2008 :  06:00:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone have any cures for nodular BCC on nose in 45yr old? Surgical excision is the most reliable I understand.

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668 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2008 :  10:41:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Kerry

There is no "Best way"
Mohs is the gold standard in dermatology. At least from a lot of people here it is jthe best traditional medical way to deal with a skin cancer.
Depending on the surgeon and the magnitude of you cancer problem it can still come back

Bloodroot works well but can be very painful and in some instances very disfiguring. Like Mohs it works well but it can reoccur.

There are a dozen other approaches that are discussed here on this site and I know a few people here have had success using these other alternative approaches. Dan who owns this site is a believer that the skin cancers are caused by a weakened immune system due to a more serious problem with your body ( Chime in Dan if I don't get this exactly right) high ph / acidity, usually caused by improper diet.

There are hours of reading here to help you learn more about eating healthy .

In regards to Nodular BCC. These are one of the tougher BCC's to knock out because of their depth. I know this first hand..yeoowch!

Depending on the size of the BCC, I would either go for the Mohs or Bloodroot. I've done both and neither is perfect.

I'm fighting one on my forehead that I am seriously thinking about having treated with the technique I discuss below. Sadly there is only one place in the States I can go to have it done. For me it's close so I can do it.

There is a new technique that I recently spoke with one of the inventors about called Thermosurgery. In the states there is only one place that offers in phoenix. The equipment to perform the surgery cost @ $25,000.

They us Radio Frequencies (RF) to do this.
They numb the area being treated then take 2 metal probes and space them across the tumor. They then heat the tumor using RF waves to 120 degrees for 30 seconds. It is not a high enough temperature to damage healthy skin but will destroy the malignant tumor. This technique works on all cancers not just skin cancers.

It's a new / old procedure. They have been using it for 30 years to deal with eye lid cancer on cows.

Here's a link to the site.

Good luck with your decision.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/26/2008 :  09:37:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found this elsewhere on Dan's site and felt it should be posted here also as it covers a lot of ground on various approaches, recipes , success's therein.

Dan obviously spent hours placing the site and there are pictures and links that are not part of the copy and paste version here..

Here is a link to the original area I found this info..


The first topical skin cancer treatment that I found works quite well is Cymilium, an over the counter insect bite remedy. Cymilium is a beige cream that comes in a carton containing 14 little foil pouches. Each little pouch is said to contain 2 doses, but I found I could get around 15 applications out of each one. I simply applied the Cymilium several times a day with my finger to my lesion with skin cancer symptoms, briefly working it into the skin until it disappeared. I then rinsed my finger because it became a little irritated over time if I did not rinse it. I usually reapplied it whenever I had to use the restroom. There was a bit of a sting and smell from the ammonia that went away within a minute. Otherwise the treatment was painless for me. For the first few days my lesion seemed to swell somewhat. After that, the lesion became well defined and then started to shrink in size. Significant healing progress of my probable skin cancer lesion was observed within a week. Cymilium is listed for purchase for about $10 US at in April 2004. I did not hyperlink this intentionally. I am not promoting, nor do I want to appear like I am promoting this product. This product is apparently not otherwise widely available.

The good news regarding Cymilium is that the components of an effective topical treatment for skin cancer, at least in my experience, are known. The ingredients disclosed on the Cymilium box are the active ingredient ammonium hydroxide 3% in a base containing aloe vera, cetyl alcohol, diazolidinyl urea, emulsifying wax, methylparaben, mineral oil, pancreatin, petrolatum, polyethylene glycol distearate, propylene glycol, propylparaben, sodium laurel ether sulfate, stearic acid, urea, and water. Ammonium hydroxide is commonly known as ammonia. Petrolatum is commonly known as Vaseline or petroleum jelly. I think the most critical ingredients in the Cymilium product for topical skin cancer treatment are pancreatin, ammonia, aloe vera, urea, and possibly stearic acid. The other ingredients in the Cymilium preparation probably function as preservatives and topical carriers that disperse the active ingredients, maintain contact with the skin, and prevent rapid evaporation. The urea compounds in particular may also act as wetting agents and penetration enhancers. Urea works by breaking up the surface tension of the fluid that surrounds the cancer cells, allowing access of the other ingredients to the cancer cell membranes. Many of these ingredients, except for pancreatin and ammonia, can be found in common skin lotions.

Picture of Cymilium box and foil pouch.
Picture of Cymilium box and foil pouch as sold in late 1990's. Intended for insect bite relief, it has also been found to be useful in some cases to treat non-melanoma skin cancers according to testimonial reports.

Here is some rationale for picking pancreatin, ammonia, aloe vera as the most important ingredients of Cymilium. I think the pancreatin enzymes kill the cancer cells by breaking up the proteins in the cell membranes, possibly allowing the cell to be recognized as defective or foreign by other body defenses. Aloe vera contains polysaccharides which stimulate immune defenses. Aloe vera also contains amylase enzymes that break up carbohydrate based strands that can block the access of the pancreatin enzymes to the membranes of the cancer cells. Aloe vera is easily absorbed into the skin and acts as a carrier for the pancreatin. Aloe vera gel may help with detoxification of the dead cancer cells. The ammonia makes the mixture alkaline to protect the pancreatin from acids that tend to destroy it. Ammonia probably has other functions as well.

The degree of acidity and alkalinity of a substance is characterized using a pH (potential Hydrogen) scale that ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is in the middle of the scale and is considered neutral. An acid has a pH below 7 and is stronger as the number approaches 0. An alkaline has a pH above 7 and is stronger as the number approaches 14. Both strongly acidic (pH typically less than 2.5) and strongly alkaline (pH typically greater than 11.5) substances can cause burn-like injuries to skin. Each change in the pH scale by one is a factor of ten different in concentration.

Cancer cells are sensitive to both alkaline and acid environments. Cancer cells in the laboratory grow most rapidly at a pH of about 5.5 and quickly die when exposed to a pH of 8.5 or greater. Cancer cells also die in the laboratory when exposed to acids with a pH less than 2.5. The problem with using acids to attack skin cancer is that normal skin will experience acid burns near that pH level. Attacking cancer from the alkaline side makes more sense in terms of safety and being able to utilize other immune defenses.

Ammonium hydroxide (ammonia diluted in water) makes the environment very hostile to the cancer. The ammonia helps get the mixture through the acid mantle (dead outer layer) of the skin and also neutralizes the acid envelope that surrounds the cancer tumor. Ammonia has the fastest rate of skin penetration of common alkalies. Ammonia exposure leaves the tissues alkaline for several hours. These are potentially desirable qualities for topical skin cancer treatments.

Pancreatin enzymes, and especially the protein dissolving enzyme trypsin, are most effective in an alkaline environment with a pH of 8.5 but still work less optimally over a pH range of about 6.5 to 9.5. Skin cancer lesions are normally more acidic than normal skin. This is because their metabolism of glucose is anaerobic so that they generate substantial lactic acid byproducts, and their internal blood circulation is poor. The pH of an ideal topical solution would appear to be in the range of 9.0 to 11.0 to be relatively safe for skin contact, be capable of neutralizing the acid environment surrounding the lesion, enable the direct killing of cancer cells by making their environment alkaline, and promote the optimal activity of pancreatin enzymes.

Household ammonia typically has a pH of about 11.5. Other familiar pH reference points are baking soda with a pH of 8.5, Ivory brand bar soap with a pH of 9.5, milk of magnesia with a pH of 10.5, and Windex (as in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding) with a pH of 12.

Stearic acid could also play a role in Cymilium. Stearic acid is a saturated fat molecule that has an exceptionally strong affinity for free ionic calcium Ca2+. Consumed by the cancer cell, the excess Ca2+ attracted by the stearic acid is speculated to cause the cancer cell's glucose metabolism to shut down, and the cancer cell soon dies. In order for this scenario to work, sufficient calcium must also be available in the blood. Other experimental cancer drugs target the Ca2+ cancer cell apoptosis (cell death) mechanism. This speculation may or may not be correct, but eating an alkalizing diet with adequate calcium is a good idea in any case.

See real experiences with Cymilium in the Topicalinfo Skin Cancer Forums.
1 month of cymilium
PDQ Herbal
Combo Treatments - and one that works
Lichen Planus treatment using Cymilium
BCC Longevity Success Rate Poll
Hello all
My experience with topical treatments
Has anyone tried orange oil for skin cancer?
How do you know when you are healed?
Update on my Hydrogen Peroxide treatment
Bleeding after using Cymilium 3 days
I have BCC and a couple questions
Supra Clens experience
what I have learned treating my skin cancer
Cymilium and other stuff
Just a few comments to add my 2 cents worth
Too much pancreatin?
coping with a recurrence
Making an experimental topical skin cancer preparation based on Cymilium's ingredients

It has become desirable to try to create a topical skin cancer home remedy preparation with commonly available ingredients that will duplicate the success of Cymilium. The major ingredients of Cymilium useful for skin cancer are believed to be ammonia, aloe vera gel, and pancreatin. Stearic acid and urea could also play important roles. I really do not know which of the ingredients of Cymilium are essential and which can be left out. Use this information at your own risk

There are many sources of pancreatin enzymes available that could be used in topical preparations. One easy-to-use and readily obtainable pancreatin source is Alcon Opti-free SupraClens, an enzymatic cleaning solution to remove protein on contact lenses. SupraClens comes as a liquid in a small dropper bottle for about $6 at almost any supermarket or pharmacy in the US, and is also available worldwide. Powdered enzymes in gelatin caplet form, such as Pancreatin by Now Foods or another product with the same name by Twinlabs, are particularly easy to use by opening the caplet. Source Naturals Pancreatin 8X is my current favorite potent brand in a gelatin caplet because it is inexpensive and potent. Wobenzym makes a high quality and widely available pancreatin enzyme supplement. Enzyme supplements will be less expensive and probably more effective to use in topical preparations over the long term than the SupraClens drops. Also consider including enzymes from multiple sources to mitigate concerns about potency.

Aloe vera gel is widely available at pharmacies, supermarkets, and vitamin specialty stores. Pick a brand without added alcohol, such as Panama Jack Green Ice, Trader Joe's, or Aloe 80. Aloe vera gel products often have added urea which should help their effectiveness.

Household ammonia used for cleaning and disinfecting can be found in half gallon bottles (64 fl oz) for about $2 at almost any supermarket in the US. If you desire a source of ammonia intended for human skin contact, consider another insect bite remedy named Afterbite by Tender Corporation. Afterbite comes in a little plastic tube about the same size and shape of a ballpoint pen, seals tightly, and disperses single drops.

A moisturizing skin lotion can be used to supply stearic acid and many of the remaining ingredients of Cymilium, such as Vaseline Intensive Care Aloe Naturals or Jergen's Shea Butter lotion. Stearic acid is a fatty acid often used in soaps and cosmetics. Cocoa butter contains very high amounts of stearic acid. Check the ingredients of any skin lotions you may already have.

Here is an example of how these ingredients could be combined into a topical formulation.. This topical formulation is very experimental and should be considered cautiously.

* Start by buying SupraClens contact lens protein remover or pancreatin enzymes in gelatin capsules (Source Naturals (preferred), Twinlabs, Now Foods, Wobenzym). The capsules are cheaper to use and are likely much more potent. SupraClens comes with a contact lens case that is handy to mix, store, and carry the ingredients.
* Remove one cover of the contact lens case and add a glob of aloe vera gel. Find a brand without added alcohol.
* Add a few (0 to 25) drops of household ammonia. For reference, Cymilium had an ammonia concentration of 3% which is similar to household ammonia (3 to 5%), so that household ammonia should be prominent if the goal is to mimic Cymilium.
* Add a few (0 to 6) drops of SupraClens or a pancreatin enzyme dietary supplement (Source Naturals Pancreatin 8x preferred). If using enzyme supplements, start with less than a capsule. It is a good idea to leave out the pancreatin on the first application to check for any reaction from the other ingredients.
* Add some plant based saturated fat (stearic acid). This can come from cocoa butter, shea butter, or skin lotion (Vaseline Intensive Care Aloe Naturals or Jergens Shea Butter). A bit of plant derived saturated fat seems to improve the potency.
* Stir it up with a Q-tip or a finger.
* Seal the cap tightly when not in use to prevent the ammonia from evaporating. Mix up new batches frequently.

The mixture was applied to the affected skin frequently, at least 3 times a day, with a Q-tip or a finger. If using a finger, rinse it after each application to avoid irritation over time. Treatments were continued for several weeks. Small batches were used because the mixture has an unknown shelf life.

Some people have applied the mixture to just the affected area, others to a much wider area. Applying to a wider area can be troubling if there is widespread skin cancer. Often, the extent of the skin cancer is underestimated, so it initially looks as if the topical treatment is making matters worse. Additionally, any side effects such as nausea will be worse if attempting to treat too much too soon. The pancreatin can react strongly with skin cancer after a single application, resulting in redness, swelling, and itching. Itching can be alleviated by applying a product called Aveeno Anti-Itch Concentrated Lotion. It generally takes about five days to become convinced that the treatment is working and things are getting better instead of worse.

There are ways to make the mixture more potent but with the possibility of a stronger reaction. One of these is to add a skin lotion called Refresh sold at Trader Joes. Refresh contains orange oil that aids penetration and has cancer fighting properties by itself. Orange oil allows the topical remedy to reach deeper into the skin. Also consider including coconut oil and melatonin in the mixture. Coconut oil seems to make the mixture much more potent, possibly by causing cell membranes to swell. Chewing melatonin tablets into a paste and spitting it into to mixture also adds amylase enzymes from the saliva. Both amylase enzymes and lauric acid in coconut oil should allow the pancreatin enzymes better access to the defective protein structures of the cancer cell. Coconut and orange oils can be applied separately from the pancreatin mixture. If too strong a reaction occurs, rinse the skin thoroughly with warm water. See experiences with skin cancer home remdies in the Topicalinfo Skin Cancer Forums.

I do not know how effective Cymilium or a preparation that mimics Cymilium is for other people. I have received some positive feedback, but not a lot. People have written to me about success using one third household ammonia, one third aloe vera gel, and one third skin lotion along with pancreatin. Others have used only aloe vera and pancreatin. Still others have used only straight household ammonia twice a day for a month. Still others have indicated that Cymilium worked for them. So within these ingredients is the potential for many variations that could work, but it needs to be stressed that Cymilium or any homemade preparation is experimental with unknown risks and benefits.

The best procedures for using the mixture including when and how to discontinue treatments are not known. Contact with the eyes must be avoided, especially if using ammonia! Always have a source of water available to flush the eyes if necessary.

Probably the most prudent approach would be to start with minimal amounts of ammonia and pancreatin and increase slowly. However, there was not a "China syndrome" with any of these ingredients for me even at full strength. That is, applying household ammonia or aloe vera gel or SupraClens at full strength to skin did not seem troublesome even if left unwashed. But everyone is different and the ingredients could cause problems for you.

Be sure to see the Natural skin cancer healing: What to expect page as a swelling reaction should eventually be expected if cancer is present . Also see my statement of caution and disclaimer. Please realize this home remedy is very experimental, immature, and may have undesired results or side effects. Consider using this information at your own risk.

I have concerns about the toxicity of ammonia in the above preparation and advise caution. It is very important not to get any of these ingredients (especially ammonia) in the eyes. Even dilute ammonia can cause permanent harm if it contacts the eyes. If eye contact does occur, rinse immediately with water for several minutes and get prompt medical attention! Apply only when a source of water is available for an emergency rinse. See the warnings that come with these products for details! Also note that ammonia comes in a wide variety of strengths and purity that may not be safe to use on the skin. Concentrated ammonia can cause skin burns. Use of any ammonia product not intended for skin contact is potentially dangerous. If you are considering topical application of pancreatin or ammonia, be sure to look at their material safety data sheets (MSDS), as there are serious risks to consider!

Coconut oil and melatonin topical skin cancer home remedy" border="0">

topical skin cancer home remedy ingredients

Ingredients for the topical melatonin and coconut oil skin cancer home remedy

This skin cancer home remedy is adapted from a topical breast cancer remedy described on the Grouppe Kurosawa website. They combined the principle ingredients coconut milk, an extract from green tea called EGCG, and melatonin, a hormone made by the pituitary gland. The ingredients were combined in an isopropyl alcohol base for topical cancer treatments. It may be unwise to meddle with success, but I am still leery of isopropyl alcohol based on the assertions of Hulda Clark that link it to cancer.

The version of the skin cancer remedy described here has many good attributes. It is simple to use. Its ingredients are readily available and inexpensive. It can be spread on large areas without affecting normal skin, ensuring adequate coverage. It appears to work gently albeit slowly. It works in harmony with mechanisms already present in the body. It can easily be adapted and controlled by the user. Best of all, as far as I am aware, neither coconut oil nor melatonin have safety concerns regarding topical or oral use so it can be used indefinitely. Regardless, please realize this home remedy is very experimental, immature, and may have undesired results or side effects. Consider using this information at your own risk.

Coconut oil is a terrific candidate for topical skin cancer treatments. Coconut oil has a variety of saturated fats, several of which have been determined to have anticancer benefits. Coconut oil is about 50% lauric acid (found abundantly in human milk) that enhances the performance of tumor necrosis (killing) factor present in the body by 60 times. When it gets taken up into the mitochondria, lauric acid causes the mitochondrial membranes to swell, thereby making them unstable. This further promotes programmed cell death or apoptosis. Approximately 6-7% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are capric acid, another medium chain fatty acid, which has a similar beneficial functions to lauric acid.

About 9% of coconut oil is palmitic acid, a saturated fat that is very toxic to damaged tissues and promotes programmed cell death. Palmitic acid is also the direct precursor of ceramide, the so-called death lipid. Palmitic acid simply makes cancer cells unstable. Palmitic acid consumed orally is normally broken down by the digestive system before reaching a cancer cell target, but applied topically it can be all business. Coconut oil is often available in ethnic food sections of supermarkets for about $4 a bottle and at health food stores for a bit more.

Melatonin is secreted from the brain at night during the dark and is a natural anti-cancer agent. As we age, levels of melatonin decrease as hydrocortisone levels increase. Melatonin is a natural anti-hydrocortisone agent, and this is very important in the treatment of any cancer. Although glucocorticoids like hydrocortisone are used to treat leukemias and lymphomas, they will promote the growth of other cancers. They accomplish this by activating a number of anti-death pathways that allows cancer cells to escape programmed cell death. Melatonin, by blocking hydrocortisone binding, promotes cancer cell death and healing through new normal tissue growth. Melatonin has high affinity for the receptors on the membranes and in the nucleus of all cells so it is acting as a true hormone when it targets a cell. Melatonin inhibits the activation of the 5-LOX gene. When highly metastatic human prostate cancer cells are treated with 5-LOX inhibitors, they die within 2 hours.

The body makes about 0.3mg of melatonin on a good night's sleep. Supplements often contain 3 to 10 times this amount with 3mg being typical. Expect to pay about $6 to $10 a bottle for melatonin. Applying melatonin topically can result in relatively huge dosages to the skin. This high dose is one reason it works so well in topical cancer treatments but is also a reason to be cautious.

Applying coconut oil and melatonin: The simplest technique is to chew a tablet or two of melatonin but not swallow it. Instead, spit the ground residue into the palm of the hand. Next a tablespoon or so of coconut oil is added and mixed with the melatonin paste using a finger. The mixture is then applied just before sleeping by vigorously rubbing and spreading using both hands (to the entire face and scalp of the case I know). The mixture leaves the skin feeling oily but there is not much of a smell. Chewing a melatonin tablet is a convenient way to make a paste but also serves another purpose. Saliva contains amylase enzymes that can dissolve carbohydrate hairlike shafts on the surface of a cancer cell that can protect it from the body's enzyme defenses.

Other ingredients to consider adding: Vitamin D tablets are a good candidate to include with the melatonin. Vitamin D, produced in skin oils during sun exposure, is a powerful cancer fighter that is often lacking in skin cancer victims hiding from the sun or living in latitudes away from the equator. This is a very natural mechanism to exploit for skin cancer. Again there are very little smell or color problems associated with adding vitamin D. Green tea extract containing EGCG is another good candidate used in the Grouppe Kurosawa preparation, but may add a green tinge and a nasty smell. The smell is not actually due to EGCG, so it may be possible to find a brand that is more agreeable to the nose. Quercitin is another candidate. Taken orally as a supplement, quercitin doesn't get through the digestive system in therapeutic amounts, but topically it can be presented to a skin cancer loudly. Quercitin adds a bright yellow tinge to the mixture (but no smell), limiting its use to nighttime. Pomegranate extract containing ellagic acid might be a good choice.

What to expect: This is the unknown part that will vary from person to person. If it works, it may take a month or two to see clear results. But the healing process could be much quicker. Inflammation for several days is something I have come to expect from any cancer healing process before apparent progress. It always seems to look the worst just before it gets better. The results of using these mixtures are unknown and the risks are also unknown.
Citrus oil home remedy for skin cancer

citrus oil home remedy

This product containing the citrus oil extract d-limonene was used as a topical skin cancer home remedy.

This skin cancer home remedy is based on oils extracted from orange peels. D-limonene is a liquid with a citrus odor and taste that constitutes about 90% of orange peel oil. D-limonene and a closely related compound called perillyl alcohol have been the subject of many cancer and heart disease animal based studies over the past several decades. In one study using rats, limonene caused 87 percent of advanced mammary tumors to shrink. Animal studies also show activity of D-limonene against pancreatic, stomach, colon, skin, and liver cancers. It is said to work by inducing tumor cell apoptosis, activating carcinogen metabolizing enzymes, initiating tumor cell differentiation to a more benign type, and inhibiting cell growth regulating proteins. There are studies showing D-limonene accelerates, albeit weakly, cancer development in the presence of tumor promoting chemicals but this mechanism is believed to be unique to male rats and does not apply to humans.

Human exposure to orange oil and d-limonene is widespread. Extracted d-limonene is used as a fragrance in soaps, detergents, creams, lotions and perfumes, and as a flavoring agent in foods, beverages and chewing gum. It is found in beverages, ice cream and ices, candy, baked goods, gelatins and puddings, and chewing gum. A glass of orange juice contains about 20 mg of d-limonene. It is also an effective biodegradable cleaner and degreaser. D-limonene has a GRAS rating ("Generally Recognized As Safe") from the US FDA. Some believe higher d-limonene consumption is partly responsible for the lower cancer and heart disease benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.

Applying d-limonene topically to human skin cancers has not been studied. Both long and short term effects on human skin cancers are not really known. This home remedy is certainly not without risks, some of which are mentioned here. D-limonene is considered a skin irritant probably because it removes skin oils. Organic orange oil is an available alternative to consider. People can develop allergic reactions to orange oil, although allergic reactions are less likely using the extract d-limonene. Topical exposure to orange oil makes skin photosensitive (easily sunburned) and can cause dermatitis (rash). D-limonene is also an eye irritant.

The product used was Ecover Natural Citrus Cleaner and Degreaser. Ecover's current web site ( does not mention this product so it may have been discontinued, but it is still widely available for sale on the internet and grocery stores for about $7 US. Similar products from other companies are also available such as Citrisolve. For reference, the d-limonene content of the Ecover product was greater than 30%. Surfactants are added to make the product water soluble. The surfactants also probably help the d-limonene penetrate more deeply into the skin to make it more effective.

Two food grade orange oil products that could be used in place of the Ecover citrus cleaner as a source of d-limonene. The natural essential oil product from NOW Foods is cold pressed from fresh oranges. The TKO product is made from organic oranges and is available in a spray bottle. Both products cost about $5 US. The NOW label cautions "Not for internal use if undiluted." and "Reacts strongly to ultraviolet light."

While this version of the citrus oil skin cancer remedy described here has many good attributes including decisive action and low cost, it is a bit scary and painful to use. The product was applied to skin undiluted using a cotton ball as an applicator. Applying the product to normal skin resulted in no pain even if the area was not rinsed with water. This suggests that the citrus oil cleaner could possibly be used as a diagnosis tool.

There was no immediate sensation after applying the Citrus Cleaner to a suspected skin cancer. After about a minute, a tingling was noted. This increased in intensity to full fledged pain (like hot wax) over the next five minutes. The pain began to diminish after about twenty minutes, and at thirty minutes was barely noticeable again. There was a strong but pleasant citrus smell that did not clear until the skin was rinsed. The suspected skin cancer formed a crust of dead skin on the second and subsequent days that readily flaked off leaving reddened skin underneath. After a couple of days, the pain associated with the applications was noticeably less. Eventually, the suspected skin cancer seemed to act and look as normal skin over a period of three weeks, and there was no pain associated with applying the Citrus Cleaner.

To keep a good balance between killing cancer cells and healing, it probably makes sense to apply the citrus cleaner on a weekly schedule. An example weekly schedule is to apply daily for three consecutive days and then take four days off. It would probably make sense to be very conservative the first few times if considering this home remedy by diluting the product with water and applying to a very small area. Always have a source of water and a towel available to rinse skin and eyes if necessary.

The pain may seem like a significant detriment to using this home remedy, but it possibly gives important feedback regarding diagnosis and healing progress. The pain can be temporarily intense following the first few applications. The affected skin can become very red, but presumably only if skin cancer is present. The redness can be managed by modifying the weekly schedule example.

Although numerous subtle anticancer mechanisms are associated with d-limonene, the direct solvent action on destroying improperly formed cell membranes may be most important in topical treatments.

citrus oil home remedy

Healing progress of skin lesions on back of neck. The area was treated with one or twice daily applications of orange peel extract and less frequent applications of household ammonia. The first photo (upper left) was taken on the third day of treatment. (The resulting inflammation was more pronounced at that time than before treatment began.) The second picture (upper middle) was taken on the 6th day, the third picture (upper right) was taken on the 11th day, the fourth picture (lower left) was taken on the 18th day, the fifth picture (lower middle) was taken on the 23rd day. The last picture (lower right) shows the area became well healed on the 33rd day.

There is a combination of a d-limonene cleaner and household ammonia that has been tried with an apparent very fast response to a suspected skin cancer. In this variation, the d-limonene cleaner was applied to the skin with a cotton ball and allowed to penetrate for about 30 minutes. Then, household ammonia was applied with a cotton ball to the same area, scrubbing the site somewhat. There was a brief stinging sensation associated with the application of ammonia. The skin was thoroughly rinsed with water after about a minute. The site immediately welted and actually hemorrhaged (bleed) slightly. To lessen this reaction, it would probably be better to use a more diluted ammonia and water mixture. The suspected skin cancer site was well defined and bright red for about two days before healing over a week. One observation was the area of subsequent redness was unexpectedly larger than the original suspected skin cancer site. Also, another reader reported using topical lemon ammonia to cure their skin cancer in about one month, although I do not know if that product contained d-limonene.

The results of using citrus oil extracts are unknown and the risks are also unknown. Also, the results of using topical ammonia are unknown and the risks are also unknown. Do not get any ammonia into the eyes and have rinsing water and a towel nearby. Read all cautions on the products. See real experiences with orange oil in the Topicalinfo Skin Cancer Forums.
Supercharging Efudex with DMSO

Efudex (fluorouracil or FU5) is a widely used prescription topical cream using a fluoride based compound that interferes with the cancer cell's ability to replicate. The use of fluorouracil is normally limited to small skin cancers. A reader named Ernest contributed the following information on how to improve the delivery of fluorouracil to make it more effective against skin cancers. The improved delivery potentially cuts the treatment and healing time of fluorouracil while enabling its use on larger skin cancers.

Please consider using this information entirely at your own risk. DMSO is a very effective carrier that may deliver contaminants as well as intended medicine deep within the skin. All the risks of using these ingredients may not have been disclosed.

Ernest wrote:
In the period 1998 to 2003 I have had thirteen skin cancers diagnosed and excised by surgery. Some of these were on my ears, nose and cheek and resulted in disfigurement. In January, 2004 another appeared, bleeding and not healing, about 8 mm. across, on my right ear. At this time I had the thought that if the prescription cream, Efudex, (5% 5-fluorouracil(FU)) that had been prescribed to me for an earlier case were mixed with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) with its ability to carry drugs into the skin, the antimitotic (means anti cell division) action of the FU would be enhanced.

I mixed one part by volume of 5% Efudex cream into four parts by volume of 99.7% DMSO and applied the mixture to the bleeding sore on my ear with a brush. This application was repeated daily for four days. A scab formed and with no further attention came off after about four weeks revealing normal unscarred skin. Later in 2004 I had two more bleeding sores at the junction of my ear lobes and my cheeks. These I gave the same treatment as soon as they appeared. The bleeding stopped and the sores healed without significant scabbing leaving normal skin. To date none of these three have recurred. I have been waiting for another to appear so I can have it diagnosed before I try the FU/DMSO treatment, but none have appeared.

An advantage of FU/DMSO, which I call AMC for Antimitotic Composition, is the very short number of applications needed to stop the growth of malignant cells, four for AMC versus fifty-six for Efudex alone. Also four to six week treatments with Efudex cream may result in an unsightly wound in the skin and final scarring. I have never noticed any erythema (redness) from AMC in my use of it, nor any final scars.

The optimum technique for treating a skin lesion with AMC is not established. An application dries in about ten minutes, so my recommendation is to reapply it just before then, and repeat this procedure for a half hour. Finally, either wipe or wash the area or leave it until a washing later, a matter of convenience. Repeat for four days.

Efudex is a topical cream manufactured by Valeant Pharmaceuticals, Costa Mesa, CA and is prescribed by dermatologists to eliminate keratoses and superficial basal cell skin cancers. It is also available in Australia as Efudix. If you do a Google Search on <Efudix +Pacific> you will see several non-prescription sources. The active ingredient in Efudex is five percent 5-fluorouracil (FU), a potent antimitotic agent. More detail can be found at: <>." target="_blank">>.

It looks expensive, 25 gram tube for sixty plus dollars, but considering the small amount used per application and the alternative, it is cheap. My source of Efudex so far has been prescription by my dermatologist, but the URL above shows another path. The pictures presented by the URL show the trauma that may be avoided by using AMC treatment. I have yet to try using Adrucil, a five percent solution of FU, nor crystalline FU.

Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is a byproduct of the paper industry and is widely used as an industrial solvent. It is available in pet shops in some states in purities of 99+,% for use by veterinarians in topical applications. 100% DMSO is used by the bio-medical community for preserving organic specimens. The FDA has approved only its use in treating interstitial cystitis and one area of brain research. In my research I have used only the 99.7% veterinarian grade from a local pet shop with no side effects detected . The URL, <>" target="_blank">> is the address to an excellent discourse on DMSO. Another URL for a good overview on DMSO is: <" target="_blank"> The online market offering DMSO is a jungle, and I do not trust any of them. The only DMSO I use, from a local pet supply store, comes in a white opaque plastic bottle. It is labeled <99.7% DMSO Pure, not for Drug Use, not approved for human use,> one pint size and cost $9.95. The labeling also says " distributed by Solvent Sales, Inc., Bensenville, IL. This DMSO also may be available in local health food stores and pet stores.

This DMSO as AMC has been spread widely several times on myself over two fungal infections and one other person who had many red itchy skin areas diagnosed as psoriasis, but which I think may have been fungal. Neither of us had any adverse effects with results being ordinary skin within two to three weeks.

In preparing the AMC mixture at home the use of common plastic kitchen nested measuring spoons is convenient. My sizes run from One Eighth Teaspoon to One Tablespoon. I generally measure one full teaspoon of DMSO into a one ounce vial that has an air-tight cap. Next I fill a quarter teaspoon spoon with Efudex. Then using an artist's paint brush, (No. 6, the ferrule is about 1 mm. diameter) I brush the Efudex from the spoon into the DMSO and stir until the mix is uniform. Whether it is desirable to add one quarter teaspoon of water to the AMC mix, diluting the DMSO down to 80 %, improving the penetration of the DMSO, I do not know. Better DMSO penetration does not necessarily mean more effective AMC. I do not know how stable the AMC mix is but I have used it four months after mixing and found it still effective.

AMC treatment caused no significant pain. In fact, about a minute or two after it is applied there may be a very slight stinging sensation for a few minutes. Other than that there is no sensation.

Some words of caution: the caveats for Efudex apply to AMC; avoid the eyes, lips and other body orifices. Allergic reaction is very rare, but be alert with the first use. Also, because DMSO is a solvent there is the problem of the storage container and its cap. Glass is ideal, though the clear hard plastic used for vials appears unaffected. Caps should give a vapor tight closure and contact with the AMC should be avoided.

AMC is very effective against fungal infections. One application usually is sufficient.

See real experiences with Efudex and DMSO in the Topicalinfo Skin Cancer Forums.

Other commonly used topical skin cancer treatments

There are already several recognized topical treatments for skin cancer. Skin cancer salves using zinc chloride along with bloodroot have been used successfully outside of conventional medicine. From what I have read, these salves can be effective but can be painful to use, are difficult to control, and can possibly also harm healthy skin.

The topical prescription cream Aldara, originally introduced as a treatment for genital warts, has been recently approved by the FDA in the United States as a treatment for skin cancer. Aldara works by stimulating the immune system to attack the cancer. Aldara is an attractive approach but is expensive. Some people have reported bad reactions from using Aldara on skin cancers. Some of the reactions may be due to engaging a cancer that is much more extensive than is apparent. This is a common issue with all topical skin cancer treatments. It is also a reason why surgery often fails to cure skin cancers.

Curaderm is a nonprescription product derived from an eggplant variety found in Australia.

P.D.Q Herbal is designed to enhance the ability of the body's natural immune system comprised of white blood cells, lymphocytes, T-cells and macrophages to attack abnormal skin cells while not affecting normal cells. PDQ uses undisclosed ingredients comprised of a blend of herbs and other organic matter (tree bark, leaves and roots). Costing around $90 for a bottle with 40 doses, PDQ is a thick oily like substance that has to be applied once in the eve and once in the morning. The lesion will turn white over the next few days before turning into thick scab that will gradually flaking off over next week or two. On the one case reported to me, PDQ worked well on a few small satellite lesions. A larger lesion was so thick it could not get to the root. It would scab and then slowly grow back.

Other topical treatment candidates to consider include creams containing ellagic acid from raspberries. Coenzyme Q10 has been used as a cancer treatment with some success. Coenzyme Q10 can be applied at high concentrations to the skin by puncturing a softgel capsule and spreading the liquid on the skin. Some coenzyme Q10 supplements are in powder form. These could be mixed with aloe vera gel and spread topically. Paw paw is an extract from the graviola fruit that is another topical candidate. Many of the other nutritional supplements described in the skin cancer strategies could also be considered to be applied topically. Several other skin cancer cream recipes are available in the topical skin cancer treatment forum.

The fact that skin cancer is accessible for direct topical treatments is a unique opportunity that does not exist for most cancers. Topical treatments can be expected to work faster than oral supplementation because the active ingredient delivered to the site is concentrated. Consider using other strategies in addition to topical treatments. I think it is especially important to mitigate body acidity with antacids, an alkalizing diet, and mineral supplements, as the reactions that kill the cancer cells may generate acid products which deplete the enzymes throughout the body and reduce the capability for oxygen transport by the blood..

These descriptions of topical formulations are given for information purposes only. The formulation proportions are supplied for example only. The formulations should not be presumed to be effective or even safe to use. The formulations may change or be removed without notice. These topical formulations have known and possibly unknown risks for the user that may or may not have been disclosed on this web site. Read all warnings supplied with these products before use. Any feedback from experimenters regarding the success or failure of topical treatments is always appreciated. A good place to share experiences, results, or questions is on the Topicalinfo Skin Cancer Forums.
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3 Posts

Posted - 10/30/2008 :  00:36:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been using my own homemade raspberry skin cream with very good results so far. Quite obvious changes in my skin lesions within 48 hours. I have tried to use as fresh as possible for the ingredients.
My recipe is this:
1-2 fresh raspberries mashed, 1/2 teaspoon vitamin C,10 drops zeolite, 20 drops liquid zinc, 1/2 teaspoon burdock herb, teaspoon approx. fresh aloe vera gel. Mix all together then apply a small amount onto the skin cancer and cover with a waterproof dressing. This keeps in the juices from the mixture and also protects your clothing from stains. Change the dressing 2 x day[morning and night] and make up a fresh batch of mixture every 2 days.
I am now using it on other skin blemishes and I am truly amazed at the rate of healing that is taking place. Nothing in this mixture will harm you so I figure its worth a try. I would also add the herb Chaparral as it has anti skin cancer qualities but I was unable to attain it here at present.
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79 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2009 :  12:22:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to offer a pointer to the petty spurge thread. I am having tremendous success with it, and based on preliminary results I favor it far and away over anything else I've used, pharma or non pharma. It's very fast, very thorough and free once you establish the plants. That's a tough combination for me to beat. That said, caveat emptor. I'm basically using myself as a human test case. I am trying to provide a detailed writeup of my experience in that thread.

Edited by - SoFl on 03/30/2009 12:23:12
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Posted - 04/01/2009 :  13:18:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hi my mom just got home from the dermatologist and had four biopsies done on her face.
she was a big baby oil tanner in the 70's.
our natural family doctor retired and can't be located.
what do you recommend we start doing with her spots?
the biopsy won't be back for a few days and i want to have something available in case the doctors start talking about cutting.
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Posted - 12/28/2010 :  03:21:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is site for topical chemotherapy :
which gives you information about how chemotherapy treatment help to cure skin cancer.

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Posted - 05/24/2011 :  07:30:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi anivoc,Nice starting from you and thanks for interesting thread.

interesting cancer facts
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Lori Elliott

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Posted - 06/05/2011 :  21:38:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please help me! I am looking for something to use to stop itching! My mom has Mycosis Fungoides/Sézary syndrome (MF/SS). The docs gave her about 2 months. She is in a care facility now and the only way to keep her from itching and crying is to keep her sleeping. I HATE this!! There has to be a better way, something that we could rub on her skin to lighten up the itching. If anyone has anything to try, I would be very grateful.

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612 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2011 :  00:21:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lori, sorry to hear about your mother's Mycosis Fungoides/Sézary syndrome condition. There is a good person named Ted from Thailand at earthclinic that maybe can help. He recommends a borax remedy. see

He writes: "The remedy that I have found to work extremely well against fungus or myocosis fungoides in case of a fungus (and they are tough!) is the borax remedy, as being both the easiest to use and generally works quite well. The remedy is prepared with 1/4 teaspoon of borax in one liter drinking of water to be used to drink throughout the day for only a couple of days where the recovery I have witness are relatively quick."

He also writes: "Another safe remedy I know is drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% added to one liter of drinking water along with borax which is estimated to be about 12 drops per liter of water. There are other remedies I am aware of that are quite effective, but because the chemicals are hard to find, I am reluctant to post them unless other common remedies were already tried. It should be noted that I do have good feedback from such condition when eating a fish diet, with the chinese parsley since fishes generally break down into proteins, amino acid, and urea, which may break into trace ammonia, which has a strong anti fungus properties also. In some rare cases, the lack of sea salt added to drinking water, and the acidic urine where an alkaline remedy using baking soda for example 1/4 teaspoon x 2 times a day in 1/2 glass of water can further reduce such a problem. It should be noted that certain minerals other than boron (from borax) also have antifungal properties. These include molybdenum, and copper. Green tea (no milk and no sugar please!) because of their high tannin contents also discourages some fungus growth just the same. However you approach it, excess sugar and fats should be avoided whenever such problems do occur."

He suggests the condition could be brought on or exacerbated by vaccines or antibiotics. Antibiotics seem to generate more fungus growth since antibiotics are actually manufactured from fungus. Vaccines contain live mycobacterium which may lead to fungus problems. I would write to him in case there is anything new since this 2007 post.
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Posted - 07/06/2011 :  16:16:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My husband has had several bouts of skin cancers on his face and his left hand. He has had both removed surgically (burned off or frozen off) but they keep coming back. The one on his left hand is a very fast growing cancer that produces a crusty lesion which just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I have come to this "TopicalInfo" site looking for information regarding home or alternative remedies for skin cancers and today (July 6, 2011), we bagan mixing the Vitamin C powder (5,000 mg), DMSO Gel (70%) and the Retinol A (1%) into a fairly runny paste which I applied to his hand and covered it with a 2" X 2" cotton pad and finally with a large 2" bandaid. One person said that she mixes a fresh batch every day but so far, I've not read where anyone says anything about how often they apply this mixture on a daily basis. This is information I feel is necessary so I'd like to hear from anyone who has had success with this formula who can give me some further information on using this therapy.

Also, I've never had skin cancers but I've been plagued with major skin problems all my life (extremely dry skin, psoriasis, etc.) so I have spent my life being sent to all kinds of doctors, specialists and nutritionists without any kind of help. Because I am highly allergic to nearly all prescription drugs, I began looking into alternative medicine starting in the early 90's beginning with Dr. Whitaker's Newsletter, moving on to newsletters from various naturapathic physicians as well as newsletters from a host of other physicians. I was lucky enough to find a local MD (in Oregon where I live in the winters) who is into alternative medicine so he is well aware that there are those of us who just can't take any kind of synthetic drug.

One of the reasons I bring all this up is because throughout all my years of research, I have had better luck relieving my health problems through herbal medication than I ever had when I relied on conventional medication. This being said, I thought that I would take this opportunity to tell the readers of this post about a book I managed to get ahold of called "The Bare Facts" written by a wholistic practioner named Hannelore Helbing-Sheafe. This book deals with all kinds of skin problems as well as a lot of other types of health issues and is, in my opinion, a 'must have' book for anyone dealing with poor health.

In trying to order this book, I found that the publishing company went out of business but I was able to get ahold of Mrs. Helbing-Sheafe's phone number in Olympia, WA and called her. She told me that she had several copies of this book left and was kind enough to let me purchase one from her. It has been worth the money ($18.95 + $5.00 S&H) and the effort it took to locate and purchase my copy. This book was published in 1987 and I bought my copy in 2004.
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76 Posts

Posted - 07/06/2011 :  23:25:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A few months after knocking out a BCC on my scalp with petty spurge, I had a very small bleeding spot appear on the side of my nose. Would not heal. Crusted over then bled after washing. Produced a sting response when orange oil was put on it -- pretty much a dead giveaway for skin cancer, far as I'm concerned. I watched it for a couple months getting incrementally larger. Unfortunately, by then it was the dog days of summer and my entire petty spurge crop had withered away and died. So, I took the high-potency liquid vitamin C route. I read the postings here and elsewhere about it and made it to that recipe. Just crunched up cheap 500 mg tablets in a pill crusher. I also got some DMSO and used that as a penetrant. I also have some food grade (35%) hydrogen peroxide which I diluted to quarter strength. Applied the vitamin C/DMSO combo with q-tip about 8 times a day (I work @ home.) Every few days I would skip the C and put 8% hydrogen peroxide on it instead twice during the day -- burned like @$#! at first. After about two and a half weeks, it was reduced to a very small, pale flesh colored crater with healing skin. I'm coming up on two years later now and it has never recurred. I still consider PS the gold standard but vitamin C seems to be a good alternative, too. There is good science behind how it works against cancer cells and there are postings on other sites from people (incl Dr. Whitaker) who report repeated success with it.

I mixed up enough vitamin C for several days use at a time and kept it in the 'frig.
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3 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2011 :  12:13:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have used iodine to get rid of what seemed like it was psoriasis (but was probably, now that I see it could disappear, a fungal dermatophyte (which is what I had always thought anyways).

I had a patch on my sinus area and nose that was getting worse and worse. It had gotten to itch really bad, was very red and flaked.

I don't much care about what others think, so I used plain iodine from Frys at first (which seems to be the best at destroying it quickly).

I spread it across the 4 inch width and 2" height of the eyebrow area and the entire nose.

It felt just like a sunburn for a couple days, then started peeling big-time. It came off in thick yellow dried skin like when a snake sloughs its skin.

It REALLY hurt those first couple of days.

Although better... I had to keep at it, trying many different kinds of iodine. At first, each time a violent reaction would occur that would hurt like a sunburn and then peel.

I tried Lugols, the higher percent iodine from Amazon, Iodine 64 (this is actually not much stronger than 3% iodine), and decolorized iodine; but the cheap 3% from Frys (and the higher percentage iodine) worked best.

When new clear skin grew back, I thought the war had been won... but it wasn't that simple. I tried using many different things, figuring it was a fungus. I tried using Kyolic Garlic liquid (which works great, but eventually the red rash would slowly return).

Next I tried baking soda and honey. I'd let it stay on as I watched TV. Very messy and ugly-looking; but I was determined.

The red would creep back. There was a 1/4" patch on the side of my nose that would start feeling kind of a burning sensation, or itching, again.

I'd fight it back with iodine, it would disappear, I would do it about another week.

Finally, after about 2 months I started using a 100% Oregano oil mixed with olive oil. I would smooth it over my nose and eyebrow area. The red didn't return.

I kept using the oregano oil / olive oil mixture.

The last couple of weeks I've used nothing at all.

The 'psoriasis' is gone, after having had it for nearly 35 years.

Anybody who says that psoriasis is not a fungus is an idiot. I just proved that 'psoriasis' can be gotten rid of, even if it has been around for over 35 years.

After seeing how well it did on my face I started attacking any strange spot on my arms. They were not very evident until I started putting iodine on them.

Afterwards? There were about seven dark spots on my right arm, and another seven on the other arm.

One kept peeling, then going deeper and deeper as I applied iodine over weeks.

After about 2 weeks I'd use a round-ended X-Acto knife scraped sideways across the thick pad of dead skin. I would dip it into isopropyl alcohol first (for about 5 minutes) to make sure no bacteria entered. Then I'd use it to core out the dead flesh. Afterwards, underneath, was perfect skin.


My girlfriend had a round white spot on her arm about 3/4" around that the doctor had called 'Pre-cancerous'.

She applied iodine, repeatedly over about a four-month period. It went from being white to having a certain thickness. It's still not perfect skin, but it's only about 3/8" wide now and is no longer white skin.

She had many spots on her face which are now completely gone. She had been trying to get rid of them with creams (which was doing nothing). They're now gone.


Moral of the story... use regular 3% from the supermarket. Use diluted oregano oil to keep it away and finish the process.

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31 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2011 :  12:55:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think we would all love to see before and after photos of any remedy. There are so many mentioned on this site, it would be great to come up with one that would help us all especially if it were painless and had predictable results. Since many of these potential remedies are caustic it is important to start with a tiny spot in a less visible area that can be monitored and kept clean. I used a black salve for 15 years until it was taken off the market by the US government. I saw a photograph on another site of a man smearing a dime sized mound on his nose for his first trial. This is not only foolish and potentially painful if there is a large cancer beneath the surface, but this sort of thing that gives a bad name to the remedy by misuse. We need to be safe and practice good science by using one remedy at a time with before and after photos. Ideally we would have a biopsy to prove what we had and photographs to document it being gone. This is a great forum and has the potential to find the remedy for skin cancer without the cost and side effects Western medicine provides.
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186 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2012 :  11:34:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Howdy Anivoc whats shakin ??

I chose you as my bloodroot expert here on the board, hope you don't mind?

I decided to look around some more about bloodroot and then decided to call about the Amazon products.

Now, mind you I think it stinks what happened to Caton if all of that is true...

Anyways, I just wondered what you think about zinc chloride being added and if a guy has anything to be worried about buying from the other side of the world?

I like the results that have been shown but, have no clue as to what ingredients to be weary of or whom to buy from if I decide to go that route?

Be Well Always,


Edited by - bonder on 05/22/2012 07:05:38
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668 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2012 :  08:24:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Bonder

Sorry for the late reply...Zinc Chloride is an original part of the recipe that Dr. Mohs used and in all the bloodroot paste that I have seen that worked. I wondered if bloodroot on it's own would have an effect and bought some blood root powder...nada..add the zinc chloride and Wham.. I read somewhere that it works kind of like DMSO as a carrier..

All I can say is the blood root paste I used with success had Zinc Chloride in it was made by a horse Vet who uses it on Horse Sarcomas with regular success.. He no longer sells to us humans just the horsies.
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186 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2012 :  17:47:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anivoc... Where Art Thou ?

Well, after all the research,all the posting and even the development of, Just like most average Americans, I bowed to the power of time...

Y'all were right about the wickedness of BLOODROOT... whew !
I'm not normally a "sexist" type but,

if I was a woman with a LARGER mass that had not already had children, I would pass on this method unless you have a FULL WEEK to yourself....

Natural Cylindrical Uniformity.

One of the reasons I stayed away from this method was the Round Pics.
I was so surprised to wake up one day and have a round blob of skin fall out of my face, you could of heard a pin drop for 5 mins as I stared into the mirror...

But, that comes with a lack of faith in one's own destiny and thinking " well, it will never be that easy for me"

I just could not pass on "getting to the root quickly" as I was seeing vitamins were not doing the trick for me by themselves although, the nutrition will always be in my corner I feel...

So, now that I'm almost through the 1st part which is removal, I have to endure the (fill in) which is why I came looking for you Anivoc.

I studied quite a bit about it and almost every author speaks about "keeping it moist"

The first question that came to mind was How ???

I decided upon vitamin E for some obvious reasons but now am considering vaseoline or aloe vera due to so much more density and lasts longer.

I wondered about your thoughts and whether you ever heard of

Dr. Christopher's complete tissue product?

It seems if you are going to use Black Salve, you are going to want to plan out meals cuz eating seems like my last enjoyment right now but, that is probably my older system acting up.

If it werent for watching the deserving vocal career of England's Susan Boyle and her Quest to sing for the queen along with Elvis videos on,

I just might not of made it...

Any thoughts? the hole in my face is not very attractive,
(But A Heckuva Lot Better Than Looking At That Huge Thing)

Be Well Always,

Edited by - bonder on 07/26/2012 15:51:40
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22 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2012 :  10:09:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry, but this link has been removed. Evidently, it cuts into the profits of Big Pharma.

Originally posted by drbeckl2

Choctaw Indian skin cancer salve recipe:

Equal parts of:
update 1-24-2010
this message has been post-empted by concerns over copywrite laws as applied to internet web page copying to this forum. Doing that could possibly cause a loss of revenue for the Google Corporation; a CIA front group that now appears to own about 75% of the internet spaces and forces annoying their advertisements down your throat. Aparently google can copy everyone's else's website and call it a cache, the wayback machine can copy everone's website and call it a archive, but somehow you & me can not copy stuff off of the internet to show each other. Please go to "screw google" search engine at to help find the information that used to be here. That search engine mite help you keep google from tracking your internet searches. ... drbeckl

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186 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2012 :  11:17:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Latest Pics During Time Of Removal At Bottom Of Canceramerican Website(natural cylindrical uniformity)

So anivoc, any ideas about recovering after bloodroot black salve to aid scarring?

Be Well Always,


Edited by - bonder on 08/10/2012 11:21:41
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2012 :  09:49:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Bonder...sorry a lot of days late..

IMO healing is going to be like how you heal from any wound and some people just heal better..

We've all seen the bandaid commercials where they show a wound that is healed with a bandaid and one that was just exposed to air and allowed to scab up...The bandaid one heals faster and nicer..

Using that philosophy on my wounds I tried to keep them covered and moist with a healing salve which did OK .. I used one called Chickweed healing salve and it has always seemed to work. I dab a bit of salve on the wound and then cover them with micropore 3M I buy the flesh colored tape online in boxes of 12 rolls...In the 12 years I've been messing with these darn growths I've gone through two boxes...and several single rolls I've bought locally.

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Posted - 09/19/2012 :  09:21:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thought I would give an update about my facial psoriasis.

Every month, or so, the redness would start to come back and I'd have to apply iodine again to make it back completely away again until I learned that, after having gotten rid of it with iodine... I then wash it with hydrogen peroxide straight-out-of-the-bottle and poof, that's all that's needed. I just do it every day and the redness stays away.

About putting iodine on spots on my arms. It seems that, even though initially putting iodine on pre-cancerous spots rids you of them; they seem to grow back stronger than they were before afterwards. You can usually scrape off the dead cells with a fingernail, which is strange. But, it seems to irritate and cause the cells to proliferate even stronger afterwards when they weren't even visible before.

Also, it oftentimes makes spots darker. Strange enough, when I used it to get rid of psoriasis on my face, it didn't darken those. However, on my arms they got darker when before you couldn't even see them.
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Posted - 12/15/2012 :  04:53:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
skin cancer in this country, is at times, a scary and perilous gamble. If the options are surgery or radiation, the light at the end of the tunnel might not look to bright.

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23 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2013 :  03:33:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are some herbal Salve links which I believe fits with the original intent of this thread:

History of the Salves in North America

Information about "bloodroot"

Cure Rate

Got these from:
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16 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2013 :  13:10:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
what is the conclusion...when you place black salve on a suspicious mole, with a bandage, leave on for 24 hours, and the only visible effect is redness on the surrounding skin,but no change to the mole??? this black salve i am using, is zncl, chaparral, galangal,
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16 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2013 :  15:41:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
addendum to my posting above, zinc chloride, bloodroot chaparral and galangal is the black i am using, with no change to the mole, only some redness on surrounding perimeter of skin. 24 hours or more with bandaid. If no change to the mole, does that imply, that we're dealing with benign growth???
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Posted - 08/18/2013 :  00:03:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by drlarryvon

addendum to my posting above, zinc chloride, bloodroot chaparral and galangal is the black i am using, with no change to the mole, only some redness on surrounding perimeter of skin. 24 hours or more with bandaid. If no change to the mole, does that imply, that we're dealing with benign growth???

Given that the Black Salve does react with cancerous lesions, the conclusion is that the mole is just a mole, nothing more. On a cancerous lesion, the black salve sticks, and creates an unmistakable reaction within 24 hours, and after that.
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Posted - 08/19/2013 :  06:32:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Really got new information and i bookmarked the shared link.
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Posted - 08/26/2013 :  16:11:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i found a cheap, simple cure online that worked. I had a small melanoma about the size of half a dime that my dermatologist bioopsied and wanted to surgically remove. Since it was on my face, and I didn't want to be disfigured, I chose this alternative:
Apply a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide on a dab of cotton to the mole, and secure it with a bandaid. Keep it moist continuously by changing the compress often as needed for a week or so.
My melanoma gradually faded and completely vanished, leaving no scar--skin normal. It has never returned.
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Posted - 09/01/2013 :  21:29:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
TAKE the black salve internally, making sure it's the true stuff without zinc oxide in it. I just removed a huge mycosis fungoides and it hurt too much! I have started taking it internally and am having great success.

Originally posted by anivoc

Originally posted by fforest

It would be so nice if there was a single painfree cheap treatment for all skin cancers....

I don't know if there will ever be in our life time a painless solution but I'm all for it. Right now I just wish there was a conclusive "for sure" Homeopathic procedure that worked 99% of the time.

In regards to posting results of any of these recipes, I made this a sticky for Topical Treatment Recipes so lets try and keep this thread strictly for posting recipes.

If you have a recipe post it here.

If you try one of these recipes start a new thread in Skin Cancer topical treatments and post your results there, otherwise the recipes will end up getting buried in the thread over time.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.