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 Curaderm or cansema
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1 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2007 :  00:43:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Has anyone had any success (or not) with curaderm or cansema black salve?


612 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2007 :  01:00:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Life Extension Foundation has a forum at Under the heading of "Topicals" and then "treatments for skin cancer" are a few testimonials. Included are topical skin cancer treatments curaderm (BEC5), Efudex (FU5), bloodroot, and vitamin C with coconut oil. (Please come back here!)

Curaderm appears to work in similar fashion to FU5.
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2 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2007 :  01:53:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
t seems like there are some new ways of treating skin cancer (non surgical & natural). ..
I found this informative slide show on skin cancer treatment. Takes about a minute to watch..

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668 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2007 :  14:53:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had some success with both Bloodroot paste type products XXTERRA
and with Curaderm
The jury is out with curaderm for me.. I have been using it on 2 problem areas and one seemed to be better but is recurring now the other..which did have scar tissue from a bloodroot treatment that didn't "get it" all seems to be taking forever to get to the point where I think it is "done" or "got"

I have several serious basal skin cancers that have been whooped with bloodroot.. but it is painful, scaring and ugly.

Totally as good as having the surgeons knife away though and probably just as good or better scaring results
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103 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2007 :  15:47:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Saying bloodroot treatment is painful is the understatment of the year....It really works but know this stuff will make you feel very sick if you put to much on...You can just forget about going to work or having a life if you put a lot on at once........

Edited by - fforest on 04/13/2007 18:21:22
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668 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2007 :  10:45:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Proof of the pudding...

Yes bloodroot is painful. I'm tough, have a high threshold for pain but it is painful.
Here are pictures of my experience using XXterra on some facial basal cell skin cancers.. a bit gross so viewer be warned..
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103 Posts

Posted - 04/12/2007 :  16:41:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great photos..Not to much scaring,nice job...In a few months the dents should fill in.....
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4 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2007 :  01:15:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My understanding is that you can't get Xxterra without a vets prescription. Any information about that?
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1 Posts

Posted - 09/22/2007 :  23:33:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello , i just wanted to say that i have used cansema black cell paste and i was very impressed. I tested it on clear skin as a control and nothing happened. But on the weird little lump i had it started reacting staight away. Within 2 days the size of the site trippled as the cansema went to work finding all the cancer cells. After 7 days the lump fell out- quite gross looking but it was like i had a crater left in my head were it fell out and i was honostly worried about how it would heal. But the day that it fell out it just sort of scabbed over and filled in- now there is just a tiny little scar from where it was. I am now using it again on my back on a freckle gone wrong. It also has reacted within the first day and the site is double what i thought it would be- kinda scary when u think whats under the skin. I highly recommend it !! if it saves lifes why not. At least give it a go and test it for yourself if u are doubtfull of natural products. I have come across people who wont even try it when the doc has pretty much said u need kemo ? SO i just think well if your goin to die whats it goin to hurt trying somthing eles ? i wish people would have more infomation about these products because i have seen lots of people have huge scars or died over skin cancer, and its just a very sad waste of those people's lifes
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2007 :  16:26:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For people thinking of using a bloodroot paste,for more than just a small spot.Please see my bloodroot pain management post..

Edited by - fforest on 09/23/2007 16:29:40
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Gold n Glitz

1 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2008 :  18:20:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had numerous SCC's, all being surgically removed, some with skin grafts. I heard about Cansema and was delighted. Bought the past applied it to a fresh SCC and it half worked. Applied it to another fresh SCC that had only recently been removed surgically but had reappeared and nothing has happened. I have it applied it several times. I think it would be fair to say that whilst this works for the majority it should be stated that it can still be a skin cancer if it does not work. Most of the sites say if the salve does not work it is not a skin cancer, this is untrue and could be misleading to many. Jacque
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1 Posts

Posted - 09/12/2008 :  03:44:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used cansema for my moles that had skin cancer and it worked perfect. But I wouldn't recommend it on a non cancerous mole. For non cancerous moles, try the itworkspaste it works like a charm for moles, warts, skin tags, and agespots.
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96 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2008 :  21:42:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hay GoldeNGlitz and canfree:

Where did you buy any cansema at ???????

Are you sure you did not buy the IMITATION cansema from the Indian guy, or whoever ???? [rising Sun Health] ................ maybe that's why yor black salve doesn't work. !!!!

The U.S. government siezed all the cansema salve about 5 years ago, and thru the owner in prison. ....Alpha Omega Labs: manufacturer of alternative health care products... he eventually got out, so now he is in south america, and does not sell cansema in the USA., until a few weeks ago. The original cansema salve people say that the fake cansema salve sold by the Indian guy is not worthy to use. It is sub-standard.

" -- the "Cansema" being shipped by Toby McAdams (bloodroot products .com and
I tasted the product for authenticity. (I have formulated so many zinc-based escharotics that on organoleptics alone I can identify the presence of zinc chloride and one or more hydroquinone-based herbal components).
I was shocked.
The product was nothing more vegetable oil, flour, and culinary spices."

Go to the original cansema website and click on "updates", or etc. and let theim tell you why.

So, from wom did you buy a product called cansema ????

thanks, ......

-----------------from their website---------------------------

Alpha Omega Labs

Reopens in Ecuador
August, 2008: We reopened Alpha Omega Labs on June 2, 2008 and now are accepting orders for the first time since the FDA raid and shutdown on September 17, 2003. All product will be shipped from Guayaquil, Ecuador -- at very competitive rates and delivery schedules.
Since we are able to provide a comparable product list for Cansema® Salve, CanSupport, PhytoRx, Old Amish Dewormer, Neem and Acemannan products from other vendors, we will now not be shipping these products into the United States. We will continue to ship our other available products into the United States, with the exception of H3O.
Products can be ordered from our sister site, Ecuador Passion Fruit, which markets passion fruit products in consumer and bulk size for shipment worldwide.

Our product line-up now consists of roughly 150 of the more than 350 product items (or SKU's) we carried at the time of the raid. Approximately 40 additional products (including products from our old order form) are planned for release in the next 60 days.
Inquiries can be made at our email support page.


Fake Product Compensation Program Announced

The success of AO Lab products in the alternative health care community is well-established. (A Google search for Cansema® yields over 9,000 pages . . . it takes several hours just to read our four web pages of customer testimonials connected to Cansema®).
There is no success that does not attract opportunistic imitators. The legal attack against AO Labs by the FDA in 2003 attracted several such imitators. Because Cansema® has been in use since we created it in 1992 and we are the holder of the U.S. trademark, we sent polite letters to various violators to cease and desist in using our web pages, copyrighted material, and trademarks.
Our pleas have been ignored.

The most serious aspect of these violations is that the imitations don't work as well, if they work at all. They are not the original product. For a period of four years, we attempted to work with the FDA to put a stop to the fraud. We even sent them a small sampling of the hundreds of complaint letters we received.
They did nothing.

Because of the adulteration and misbranding involved in the McAdams operation -- whose primary sites are Bloodroot and RisingSun -- we can only assume that this is an FDA renegade operation is to permit, foster, and protect illegal product. By working less effectively, they will hopefully convince people that alternatives are inferior to mainstream pharmaceuticals. This would make perfectly good sense and is consistent with their overall modus operandi, as documented in numerous books by Lynne McTaggart, Leonard Horowitz, John Abramson, Joseph Mercola, John Morgenthaler -- to name just a few.

Please see our Compensation for Fake Product page if you have purchased product from the following or any other companies illegally using our trademarks, Cansema®, CanSupport (TM), Alpha Omega Labs (TM), or our domain names: (TM), (TM), or (TM).
Jennifer Wilson (Australia)
George S. Ackerson
(FDA informant)


Fake Cansema: Vegetable Oil, Flour, and Spice

On August 24, 2004, I had to report to federal court in Lafayette, Louisiana, for my sentencing hearing. At the hearing I had two witnesses who came to testify on my behalf. (This -- in addition to the hundreds of testimonials we gave to my attorney, Lewis Unglesby, of which he had given about 20 to the court). One of the two witnesses present was a medical doctor with extensive experience in the use of Cansema® (Edwards Smith, M.D. -- in fact, his own grandfather, also a medical doctor, had privately used escharotics in the early 20th century to treat cancers -- evidenced by formulas he left after he passed on).

Before the hearing -- a gut wrenching experience in which I was sentenced to 33 months in prison -- we all sat down to breakfast at a Lafayette restaurant. At that meeting, I was presented with the jar you see above -- the "Cansema" being shipped by Toby McAdams (bloodroot products .com and
I tasted the product for authenticity. (I have formulated so many zinc-based escharotics that on organoleptics alone I can identify the presence of zinc chloride and one or more hydroquinone-based herbal components).

I was shocked.

The product was nothing more vegetable oil, flour, and culinary spices.

Over the next four years, the personnel at my one remaining manufacturing company (Lumen Foods - wrote numerous letters and made untold phone calls to officials all throughout the FDA concerning this adulterated (i.e. contains ingredients rendering it unfit for its intended purpose) and misbranded (i.e. contains ingredients other than what is listed on the label) -- an aggregious violation of 21 U.S.C.A. § 301 et seq. [1938].

Above and beyond the FDA issues was the consumer fraud. Specifically, many of the complaint letters we received had to do with credit cards being charged for product that was never shipped; non-response after repeated attempts to get a proper refund; and attempts to avoid the consumer after the sale.

After years of seeking a solution and then seeing that a "fig leaf Warning Letter" sent out in April, 2006, was intended never to be enforced, I and my staff came to the one inexorable conclusion -- namely, that the FDA never intended to enforce the law as it pertained to Toby.

It is with this background that after 6 years -- (we later learned that his illegal activities as it pertains to Cansema actually began in the fall of 2002) -- that we realized that unless this activity was made public and effort was made on our behalf to compensate the victims, no proper resolution would ever happen.

[/b]Critical to the destruction of AO Labs in the United States was the coordinated involvement of my former associate, Kevin Trudeau -- of late-night informercial fame -- and George Ackerson,[/b] a former associate who bragged to associates about his role after my imprisonment. (Additionally, the DOJ prosecutor in my case, Larry Regan, identified George Ackerson to me in language so descriptive that his identity was unmistakeable.)

George Sylvester Ackerson After my imprisonment in September, 2003, Ackerson went about the business of setting up imitation Alpha Omega Labs companies with two of our former distributors -- first, in the form of working with Toby McAdams to copy all of our materials; and then working with Jennifer Wilson of Drake, Australia, to copy our company name and all our materials. To this day, Jennifer Wilson produces Cansema with the same name, same material -- even the type style of Cansema (i.e. Cooper Black) is identical.

To help identify the source of the counterfeit materials she is producing with George Ackerson's aid, I post her contact information below:

Jennifer Wilson
C.M.B., Drake NSW
2469 Australia
Phone: + 02 6737 6767 (mobile)
+ 61 4040150 671


Introduction: When the FDA closed down Alpha Omega Labs on September 17, 2003, not only was a extensive lab operation and nearly all its raw materials and inventory destroyed, but so was the opportunity to protect its most valuable asset of all: its reputation and trademarks -- the value of which had been carefully nurtured with life-saving formulas for over a decade.

FBI Warning We believe the evidence is extensive and compelling that in the aftermath of the destruction of our U.S. facility, renegade forces lead by FDA agent, John Armand, encouraged select parties to use our trademarks and put out adulterated and misbranded product. The goal was simple and straight-forward --- Cansema®, by that time, had cured so many thousands of people of cancer that a decision was made to allow other co-opted entities to make different products using our trademarks -- products pre-designed not to work. Our offices received hundreds of complaint letters from Sept., 2003, to March, 2007 (when our flagship company, Lumen Foods [] was sold). We forwarded these complaints to the FDA. When the FDA finally sent Toby a Warning Letter in April, 2006 -- Toby did nothing for nearly two and a half years, and then finally made minor bandaid alterations in August, 2008. Ironically, the complaints in the FDA's Warning Letter are virtually the same as those used to destroy Alpha Omega Labs.
No one can so blatantly ignore "Warning Letters" from the FDA unless the agency never intends to enforce them.

The only way that we can compensate individuals who have ordered "our" products under fraudulent pretense -- all with the knowledge and help of the FDA -- is to compensate by making the real products available at a dramatically reduced price. If the FDA were not a active party in the theft of our intellectual property, we would have legal remedies, but they have shown themselves to only be helpful in ensuring that we cannot protect our own U.S. trademarks.

How The Program Works
The following table indicates what products are available, and at what reduced price.

Code Description Regular
Price Program
800 Cansema® Black Salve - 22 g. $ 24.95 $ 9.95
800X Cansema® Black Salve - 102 g. $ 59.95 $ 15.95
800D Cansema® Salve Deep Tissue - 22 g. $ 24.95 $ 9.95
800DX Cansema® Salve Deep Tissue - 102 g. $ 59.95 $ 15.95
800K Cansema® Salve With Iodine - 22 g. $ 24.95 $ 9.95
800KX Cansema® Salve With Iodine - 102 g. $ 59.95 $ 15.95
800V Cansema® Salve
for Cats, Dogs & Horses - 22 g. $ 24.95 $ 9.95
800VX Cansema® Salve
for Cats, Dogs & Horses - 102 g. $ 59.95 $ 15.95
803 Cansema® Tonic III - 236 ml. $ 59.95 $ 14.95
800VX Cansema® Salve
for Cats, Dogs & Horses - 102 g. $ 59.95 $ 15.95

A special Fake Product Compensation Program Order Form has been created on our sister site. On this page you place your order, just like you would on our regular order page. It doesn't matter where in the world you are, as long as you meet the other requirements.
This program ends December 31, 2008, and carries two requirements:

1. You must fill out Fake Product Questionnaire -- (which takes approximately 3 minutes). Included in this Questionnaire is a statement by you that at the time of the alleged purchase of the fake product, you believed you were purchasing the original formula. (We know you're out there, because we've gotten hundreds of emails ourselves).
2. You must email an invoice or other proof of purchase as a file attachment to -- or fax it, toll-free, to (888) 450-7909 -- or mail your document(s) to the Miami address below. Note that to be eligible for this program, your purchase must clearly represent a violation of one of our trademarks: Cansema®, CanSupport (TM), or Alpha Omega Labs --- regardless of how the words are spelled. They only have to be phonetically similar such that the intent of the provider is to deceive the consumer.
3. OPTIONAL: We are requesting -- but not making mandatory because availability may be an issue -- that those taking part in this program send us what is left of the original "fake product" to either our U.S. or Ecuadorean mailbox:

Herbologics, Ltd.
8345 NW 66th Street, #7093
Miami, FL 33166-2626

Herbologics, S.A.
Casilla 09-04-99 P
Guayaquil, Ecuador

4. Then place your order.

Edited by - drbeckl2 on 09/13/2008 22:31:33
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18 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2008 :  09:49:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have purchased my cansema from omega labs and there is no bloodroot,I see that there is a name Greg Caton on the jar.
I think that wherever you apply this stuff it will have a major reaction and create an area that you body will discharge(zinc chloride),here are the ingredients of the cansema that I purchased,zinc chloride,chaparral,galanga,graviola leaf and glycerine.
I would like to hear from anyone who has used this same product and the outcome of the time frame in which it worked,I have had an area that I had treated one week ago and there is a white outside ring and clear liquid coming out and a scab in the middle,but nothing pushing out yet,am I too impatient or what?I put the cansema on and left it on for the full 24 hours and am now waiting for the ??
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1 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2008 :  21:40:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Before using a salve, look at the following web site which pictures a woman who used the black salve and ended up having her nose and half her face slough off.

Get Mohs surgery. Use a plastic surgeon for closure.

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23 Posts

Posted - 12/23/2008 :  12:20:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While Mohs surgery is considered the gold standard by dermatologists, many people on here have had one or more surgeries to remove skin cancer only to see it reoccur soon after. Since most people don't want to have scars all over their bodies they try to find alternative methods to deal with the skin cancer as well as answers as to why they keep getting cancer in the first place. This was the reasoning that led me to this site and probably led others here as well.

People come here to learn and debate on various treatments they have tried or are about to try and to talk about some of the factors that can increase your chances of getting skin cancer, outside of the common belief that the sun causes it. I know in my case that my doctor only told me to keep putting on sunscreen for protection but I have learned there is way more to it than that. And guess what, I followed her advice and had a reoccurence that I am currently dealing with.

I am thankful to Dan for this site and to other natural health sites for allowing me to learn more about skin cancer prevention and good health in general. While it is helpful for you to post links regarding various treatments that are being discussed it is not helpful for you to just give a blanket statement of 'Get Mohs surgery'. Many have been there, done that, and don't want to do it again.
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3 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2008 :  11:53:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Three weeks ago I had MOHS surgery to remove SCC on my leg. I really babied myself & stayed off my feet as much as possible. It is healing nicely and I would have the procedure again if necessary.

Doc said I was lucky my insurance covered it. Medicare does not cover MOHS below the neck.

Since I was somewhat housebond, I used Efudex on my chest. Very uncomfortable for 2 weeks, but area is now nearly back to normal.

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4 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  18:06:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We supplied Alpha Omega Labs with the Cansema black salves. At ome time we made most for their products. I quit sellng to them. Greg was putting sulphuric acid in the black salve, that is what caused the woman to lose her nose. Grag Caton is a con and fraud and his products do not have the ingredients that he states are on the label. As for and they have the real salves and there is no flour in the salve. Additionally, both companies were visited by the FDA and are still open. Unlike Greg Caton and Alpha Omega labs whom are wanted by the FDA and numerous others. Be prepared if you buy products from Alpha Omega Labs, you may be visited by the FDA for purchasing products that are banned. Alpha Omega Labs is banned from selling products in the US because of the dangerous and toxic ingredients used. Most companies in the US that sell the same type of products follow protocols.
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2 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2009 :  17:29:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My name is Cathryn Caton.
My husband created Cansema -- and its predecessor versions in the early 1990's, including HerbVeil 8 and Formula G.
My husband documents the facts on the entire history of escharotic preparations in his online book, Meditopia ( We are the holders of the registered trademark of Cansema in the United States and Ecuador.

I am writing because the preceeding post contains so many provable lies that it simply cannot go unanswered. Many posters hide their identity. I never do. The preceeding post was written by Toby McAdams, who was a distributor of Alpha Omega Labs up until 2003. At no time did McAdams ever make anything that Alpha Omega Labs sold. It never happened. What he DID do was pirate our webpages, artwork, tradenames -- all of which can be verified by comparing our webpages on the Wayback Internet Archive (

We have received so many complaints from former customers of Toby McAdams' sites, and, that we had to create a Compensation Program to address all those who had been injured. We discuss the particulars on the Alpha Omega Labs website ( He states that we are not allowed to ship into the United States. NONSENSE. We ship into the United States every single working day and I can prove it.

If anyone wants to consult with me on any of these issues, I'm easy to find. Our number is (305) 851-2308 ... or you can continue to have faith in scamsters who make a living by attempting to copy other people's work and posting unsubstantiatable claims on bulletin boards, hoping the original principals and targets of their theft don't find out and respond with provable facts.

Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, ECUADOR
Makers / Inventors of Cansema (1994-2009)

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1 Posts

Posted - 03/14/2009 :  00:55:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Speaking of someone losing their nose, OUCH Bloodroot1 !!! - that had to hurt! Looks to me like you just bit your own nose off to spite your face by attacking Greg Caton and Alpha Omega labs when you are one of the well known villians involved in the pirating of their products and outing them to the FDA. I have been following Alpha Omega Labs for a long time and know that what you posted is pure fabrication. I also know that thousands have been helped by their products and that they enjoy the respect and admiration of a very large body of the alternative health community.

Did you really think you could get away with posting such bull on an alternative health website? Here's another clue for you Toby, you won't win a whole lot of points on such sites bragging about how your products are approved by the FDA either. And if I were you I wouldn't bring up the part about your association with Kevin Trudeau or the discredited FDA agent either.

Maybe you should try Quackwatch - now, they won't like your products if they really work and compete with anything their mainstream medicine masters market but they will happily post anything critical of other alternative health products and companies regardless of the whether the products work or not.

Edited by - Dquixote1217 on 03/14/2009 01:00:33
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2010 :  15:26:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I had a BSC on my right cheek for a couple of years. I tried ascorbic acid for a few days, but gave up on that. Then I tried Cansema for a while and the BSC seemed to disappear completely, but in 2 weeks it was back and then grew rapidly. It eventually grew to about 1-1/2 inches in diameter (originally it was 3/8 inch in diameter). It now was also 3 dimensional, but it was hard to measure the height. So I started with the Cansema (with DMSO this time)again. Since it was so much larger now than the first time, it was quite painful, especially at night when I was trying to sleep. I didn't use any type of pain killer, however. When the BSC became roughly flush with the surface of the skin, I switched to Curaderm and used that for 12 weeks. There was a burning sensation that only lasted for 15 minutes after each application. What an improvement over Cansema! (with Cansema the pain lasted all night) The progress in reducing the BSC size was steady and unrelenting. Now there is no sign of the BSC - no scar, no pain; the skin looks normal. In my opinion this is a wonderful product!
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13 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2010 :  12:49:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks to this forum and other postings on the internet I just successfully removed a good sized skin cancer. I tried three things: First... baking soda and vinegar (someone else suggested that), because the premise is that the alkaline kills cancer cells. The baking soda alone removed about 40% of the cancer that protruded above the surface of the skin... ate it away in two days. However it was messy (had to keep a paste on it) and it hurt like hell.

Then I used Curaderm. It worked too... used it for about a week and got a significant size reduction in the cancer, though it also was time consuming and painful. Had to apply it several times a day, etc. I'm sure it would have worked completely had I given it enough time, but I am impatient.

So then I tried Cansema (now called "Amazon Topical Black Salve" and shipped from Equador). I had to do two treatments because I knocked the first scab off before it was really ready (they tell you not to do that but it was an accident). There was still some cancer remaining so I then let it heal for a day and did another treatment. That did the trick and a week later the scab fell out on it's own and I have a nice clean hole where the cancer used to be.

To make sure the cancer was all gone I applied a baking soda and vinegar paste into the cavity and left it on for about an hour to see how it felt (baking soda stings like hell on cancer... but doesn't on healthy tissue), I got a brief tingling for about 5 minutes... then nothing. So I'm as sure as I can be that all the cancer is gone - it looks gone also as the hole/cavity is healthy, pink tissue.

I wish I had tried the Cansema first but it sounded so much more painful than the others. It really wasn't that much more painful - they all hurt ... but what's a little pain when you are getting rid of cancer? Over the counter pain medication worked just fine as long as I took it every 3-4 hours.

I am really so grateful for Alpha Omega Labs (and the Curaderm people - as that was working also and is probably good for smaller, more surface cancers), AND also for the people who took the time to post their personal experience here in order to help others.

Could I have had this surgically removed? Sure... it would have cost $300 to over $1000. Curaderm cost a little over $100 and the Cansema was under $30 WITH shipping. From what I read... people who have done the surgery route have not always had success with it being completely removed the first time... so it seems like no treatment is 100% effective for everyone. People have to make their own (hopefully informed) decisions on health care... it's just a shame that here in the United States so many safe, natural and inexpensive treatments are "illegal." Shame on our government and the FDA for "protecting" us (or is it big Pharma profits they are protecting?). They are protecting many people right into the grave.

By the way... I am also now taking MCP - Modified Citrus Pectin - as a precaution against any spread of the cancer, as well as Vitamin D supplements and getting more natural sunlight each day for more natural Vit D (also do other antioxidents like berries, broccoli, etc). The MCP I'm using is both PectaSol from Dr. Isaac Eliaz's site and the DeTox from Qivana. Do searches on MCP and Vitamin D to learn what studies show about them and cancer.
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20 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2010 :  23:27:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Im new to the forum and Im having problems with facial skin cancers.. Ive been treating it topically with bloodroot salve...have a suspicion that there may be an underlying mastasis thats caused a lot of the smaller cancers on my face.
I want to start taking bloodroot powder a liver cleanser and as another attack on the cancers.
Idont want to buy powder in capsules.
They are expensive. I would much rather buy bloodroot powder either by the lb or by the oz. Does anyone here have it or do you know of a reputible site that has it please?
i live in Australia and have a lot of difficulty accessing this sort of thing. We dont have the outlets here. i would really appreciate some input getting rather worried about my condition.
I do have an appointment with the cancer clinic on the 11th nov. I want to be underway by then with an internal treatment of bloodroot .
Im taking milk thistle tablets...going to start on lots of fresh lemon juice drinks in hot water...goign to have barley green a few other things that Ive learned i can do.
I also have three small skin cancers on the tops of my breasts. One has been treated with bloodroot salve over a week ago and is still not healed .......

Ive also been reading about bi carb of soda.....and thinking about taking that as well.... please, please...there must be someone here who can help me out.......judy
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27 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2010 :  01:07:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
HI JUDITH....It is almost imperative that you first determine what type of skin cancer(s) you are dealing with before trying to find a workable solution. The only way for this is of course the biopsy. Chances are they are common BCCs (Basal Cell Carcinomas) or maybe SCC (Squamous Cell). But then there is always the possibility of being Melanoma too. Try and definitely get biopsied at your Skin Cancer Center appointment.
.......Also Judith, you might want to checkout some of the success stories using H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide). This cost is almost nil and should be easily available in the food store or local drug store, etc. since it's so common. Read up some too on a man named Bill Munro who had very good success with H202 healing his own Melanoma and Prostate Cancer as well. You should be able to find his name easily on Google or Google.aus.

I hope this is helpful.
Be Well!
I am Randolph
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20 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  05:56:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hi there Randolph..
good to hear from you. I dont know much about peroxide but Ive got a friend who knows a bit about it you have any sites i can look at??
Also...Im booked into a cancer clinic to have my cancers accessed...yes, i agree that i need to know what is going on. Im booked in for nov 11th..
meantime the original site on my cheek where i removed the cancer is still a problem i think, so there could be something underlying there. Anyway, I will soon know. If they are basal cell carcinomas, whats the chance of them becoming a problem??..
Ive just gotten rid of two small cancers on my chest...around the neckline of my bathers....could it be sun exposure??...not that i have that much exposure really.. but its interesting the area where they came through.
Anyway, they have gone now...
Im not confident that there wont be I wanted to give my liver and my immune system a good boost......
chessie62. australia
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122 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  11:04:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Judith, when you said you got rid of the ones on your chest, did you mean that you finished by using the blood root. First you said after one week they were still there.(one week is a very short period of time)Then you said you got rid of them. What happened? pictures?
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20 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2010 :  18:31:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hi there. I should have given more details.

Firstly, I applied the
bloodroot paste to two small areas on my chest. Both were like little pimples that just wouldnt heal. At the same time i was treating larger areas on my face.

The two areas on my chest reacted....and it was about nine days before the ischar lifted in both of them...

i applied bloodroot once to them both and then covered them because of clothing. as the ischar started to form there was a lot of pus and inflammation so i then treated with peroxide 3%. about twice a day. I kept them covered until last weekend when they finally came out.
Both areas are clean looking and i hope that they will heal with mimimul scarring....

I dont have any pics. There is no point in getting pics of it now...I needed to get some from the beginning. Next time I need to use bloodroot paste i will do that...get some pics....
regards chessie62
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32 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2010 :  17:31:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I come across this video in youtube and hope to share with everyone using Curaderm BEC5.

See link below:
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20 Posts

Posted - 11/09/2010 :  18:07:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

this is really interesting. Can i this readily available in As\ust?? and what does BECS mean...i noticed that these letters are after the word curaderm. thanks judykaren

Originally posted by Heirsolo

I come across this video in youtube and hope to share with everyone using Curaderm BEC5.

See link below:

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22 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2010 :  01:12:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Judith, I'm from victoria, I dont think you can buy curaderm in australia, but you can get it via the net. I read somewhere that BEC stands for Bill Elliot Cham the Dr.who formulated curaderm. Regards River.
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27 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2010 :  01:48:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
HI JUDITH...You might try Swanson's Vitamins for your CuraDerm BEC5. I've bought CuraDerm and other stuff from them for about 2 years and their service is 1st Class as well as most reasonable shipping costs. Far superior to another supplier I used.

Be well,
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20 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2010 :  03:32:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

thanks to both rivers and randolph... im going to check this one out..appreciate this. judykaren.

Originally posted by randolph

HI JUDITH...You might try Swanson's Vitamins for your CuraDerm BEC5. I've bought CuraDerm and other stuff from them for about 2 years and their service is 1st Class as well as most reasonable shipping costs. Far superior to another supplier I used.

Be well,

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3 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2011 :  09:52:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used a Black Topical Salve that had amazing results. I applyed the product as directed by the info sheet that came with the product and it was amazing. I purchased it from Its called Amazon Black Topical Salve.
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1 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2011 :  18:34:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does the cansema fromm jenny wilson work
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/16/2011 :  02:25:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I sm trying to find someone thats using curaderm BEC5
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1 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2011 :  16:41:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have used Cansema for several years. Bought it on a friends recommendation when my son had a cancerous tumor surgically removed which grew back in less than a month.

Upon applying the Cansema the area around the tumor became somewhat red but there was no pain. 8 days later the tumor fell out and never returned.

My dog developed a large black mass on her right foreleg that was diagnosed as "an extremely aggressive carcinoma" and it was recommended that she see an oncologist immediately. I applied the Cansema to the tumor, wrapped it with a stretchy gauze, changed the dressing daily until, again, 8 days later it fell out and never returned. She never gave any indication of being in any discomfort.

A girlfriend whose 93 year old stepfather who had never been in a hospital was diagnosed with skin cancer on his cheek. He refused traditional treatment (surgery) at his age. She asked if they could try the Cansema as an alternative.

He applied the Cansema to the affected area and followed the after care instructions. He DID report that it was painful and he could feel something "pulling" from his neck region up to the area where the Cansema had been applied. This time the results took much longer, 3 months, before the tumor fell out and the next skin test by the dermatologist showed no indication of any malignancy. Of course the doctor was convinced the condition had been misdiagnosed originally.

The only reason I can think of for the extended time frame for the healing was that 1) it was a different type of cancer than we had treated before and/or 2) the infection was more far reaching.

Unfortunately, the Canadian company I bought the product from was forbidden by the US FDA from producing the product again. I'm not sure why the FDA should have any influence on a Canadian company but it seems they can do some far reaching things.....
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122 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2012 :  02:15:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
purplesageman, I use curaderm
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3 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2012 :  11:21:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The product has been renamed to Amazon Black Topical Salve and is available here:

Originally posted by jodoinl

I have used Cansema for several years. Bought it on a friends recommendation when my son had a cancerous tumor surgically removed which grew back in less than a month.

Upon applying the Cansema the area around the tumor became somewhat red but there was no pain. 8 days later the tumor fell out and never returned.

My dog developed a large black mass on her right foreleg that was diagnosed as "an extremely aggressive carcinoma" and it was recommended that she see an oncologist immediately. I applied the Cansema to the tumor, wrapped it with a stretchy gauze, changed the dressing daily until, again, 8 days later it fell out and never returned. She never gave any indication of being in any discomfort.

A girlfriend whose 93 year old stepfather who had never been in a hospital was diagnosed with skin cancer on his cheek. He refused traditional treatment (surgery) at his age. She asked if they could try the Cansema as an alternative.

He applied the Cansema to the affected area and followed the after care instructions. He DID report that it was painful and he could feel something "pulling" from his neck region up to the area where the Cansema had been applied. This time the results took much longer, 3 months, before the tumor fell out and the next skin test by the dermatologist showed no indication of any malignancy. Of course the doctor was convinced the condition had been misdiagnosed originally.

The only reason I can think of for the extended time frame for the healing was that 1) it was a different type of cancer than we had treated before and/or 2) the infection was more far reaching.

Unfortunately, the Canadian company I bought the product from was forbidden by the US FDA from producing the product again. I'm not sure why the FDA should have any influence on a Canadian company but it seems they can do some far reaching things.....

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3 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2012 :  11:23:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cansema has been renamed to Amazon Black Topical Salve you can get it here:
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10 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2012 :  07:13:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just want to mention in regards to AlphaOmega Labs now located in Euquador... they do indeed ship products into the USA. I purchase my Lugol's iodine from them. Clearly that poster bloodroot1 is telling a unscrupulous tall tale.

I would give my business to Alpha Omega any day... and I feel compelled to support the Cantons for their dedication and sacrifice to humanity.
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122 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2012 :  01:02:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had success With curaderm.
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Posted - 01/19/2012 :  20:13:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have used the Cansema Black Salve from RisingSunHealth and found it very productive. I have ordered from Alpha Omega and hope it is as good as the other. I first treated a small spot on my chest that eventually grew to incorporate a bunch of satellite spots. It was pretty ugly for a while, but when they all healed I only have one tiny scar from the center eschar. I just finished treating a spot on my nose, temple and chest with about the same reactions and results. Much better than having a chunk of your body cut out leaving an ugly scar. Fortunately, I have treated spots before they have become very deep and have had minimal discomfort, not even having to take aspirin.
I tried Curaderm and it did nothing for me.
It is sad to see posts calling RisingSunHealth a quack organization. After I had what I'm sure was walking pneumonia, I called and talked to the owner and he was very nice and helpful to guide me to the correct product. It worked like a charm and my lungs felt so much better--after I stopped coughing! I'm sorry they're not selling their salve at the moment, but glad to have found another source.
Now I'm going to try the itworkspaste on some moles and skin tags.
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Ken Murray

34 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2012 :  05:42:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greg Caton and his wife, Alpha Omega labs in Ecuador should be given an apology from the USA government. I am using the same formula of Black Salve from an Australian supplier, connected with his Ecuador production facilities.

The Cansema - Black Salve i use contains Bloodroot, Graviola, Chapparal, Galangal, Zinc Oxide, and DMSO and it has been very effective over the years in removing basal skin cancer outbreaks on my face and upper chest area. I would recommend people to use only Cansema - Black Salve preparations from a reputable maker, with an excellent track record ...and not make homemade concoctions.

I am currently dealing successfully with over a dozen such unwanted basal cancer cell outcrops.

This time i have decided to document on YouTube my positive experiences in treating skin cancer, and you can see Parts 1-3 of this series that i have already done, so far, at:
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Posted - 01/30/2012 :  19:19:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote


A study recently published in Dermatologic Surgery (2011, 37, 858-861) by Dr Leonard Goldberg and colleagues from the Department of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medical College in Houston, Texas has shown that treatment with the cream Curaderm BEC5 eliminated squamous cell carcinoma (Bown’s Disease) on the penis. A previous attempt to treat this cancer with two courses of Imiquimod (Aldara) failed as the lesion returned 1 year after treatment with the second course of Aldara.
During treatment with Curaderm BEC5 the patient experienced the typical response to Curaderm BEC5, including inflammation and necrosis followed by ulceration and recpithelialization (regrowth of normal skin) of the treated skin. There was complete clinical regression of the patient’s tumour. The treatmet of this tumour with Curaderm BEC5 resulted in the sparing of tissue and preserved the functionality and thus Curaderm BEC5 treatment was superior to other more-destructive treatment options for Bown’s disease of the penis.
It was similarly shown in another recent independent publication in the Journal of Cancer Therapy (2011, 2, 728-745) by T. R. Chase at the Australasian Medical Research Centre that Curaderm BEC5 treated other large skin tumours including a large squamous cell carcinoma on the penis. The article was appropriately titled: Curaderm BEC5 for Skin Cancers, is it? An Overview.
The conclusion of the published article was: Curaderm BEC5 for Skin Cancers, it is!
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32 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2012 :  17:26:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Posted - 03/04/2012 :  17:29:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am a first time user of Cansema (Amazon Black) that I got from Alpha Omega -- first I'll say the service was courteous and the product arrived within the time line as detailed.

I am on day 3 with the product and I can say that things are going exactly as the instructions indicated they would. The growth on my face was about 1.3 cm round, with amoebic-like pseudopods. It was tough to get the growth to react with the first try (I've had for about 2 years) so I carefully uses the pin technique as described on the A-O site and away she went. The growth was not biopsied but was diagnosed by both a dermatologist and plastic surgeon as a BCC. I decided to go with this method because I heard too many stories of people getting surgery and then having to go back because there were still cancer cells. I am glad I did because this salve reacted in areas well outside where the plastics guy was going to cut, so I suspect that I might have been on of those people.

As mentioned, this is only day 3 and it is pretty ugly right now (black, pus and dead tissue) but in my case there was very little pain -- just itching, tingling, and a mild burning sensation that last about 24 hours. There was also swelling with redness and I still have that but it is starting to subside. I did not take any pain meds at all. Not sure if I have a high pain threshold or there were not many nerves where the problem was (just to right of my nose) or ??, but in any case, not much discomfort at all for me.

Having read what Cathryn and Greg went through, I am in awe that they persevered all the persecution -- clearly they believe in their products and if things keep going as well as they are for me now, I will too.

I'll update this forum in a week or so and let you know how I am doing.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2012 :  04:36:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ken Murray

Greg Caton and his wife, Alpha Omega labs in Ecuador should be given an apology from the USA government.

It is a sad state of affairs our country is in. As Cyndi Lauper said..
Money changes everything.

I was fortunate to learn about bloodroot before the inquisitions began.

If I understand it was not for selling the bloodroot paste but for making false claims (that really were'nt false just not FDA substantiated) about it.
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2 Posts

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  21:28:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to provide an update as promised -- this is about day 8. Things have progresses beautifully -- exactly as described on the Alapha-Omega site. In total it looks like there were 3 larger growths (ranging from about 0.5cm to 1.0cm and 2 smaller ones. All have left the mothership as dead tissue and the regeneration process has began. Interestingly, one of the growths was quite remote from the others and I strongly suspect would have been missed by surgery. One was larger than it looked on the surface and left a cavity about 4 mm deep. The others are about 2-3 mm deep.

There are two other questionable areas I started to treat because I was not sure if they might be C or not -- they have somewhat reacted (not as strongly as the others) so it looks like that was a good idea.

I will keep an eye out for anything else that looks suspicious and zap it, but as of now, things are looking good.

Overall experience with Amazon Black (formerly Cansema) 10 out of 10.

Originally posted by MARK B

I am a first time user of Cansema (Amazon Black) that I got from Alpha Omega -- first I'll say the service was courteous and the product arrived within the time line as detailed.

I am on day 3 with the product and I can say that things are going exactly as the instructions indicated they would. The growth on my face was about 1.3 cm round, with amoebic-like pseudopods. It was tough to get the growth to react with the first try (I've had for about 2 years) so I carefully uses the pin technique as described on the A-O site and away she went. The growth was not biopsied but was diagnosed by both a dermatologist and plastic surgeon as a BCC. I decided to go with this method because I heard too many stories of people getting surgery and then having to go back because there were still cancer cells. I am glad I did because this salve reacted in areas well outside where the plastics guy was going to cut, so I suspect that I might have been on of those people.

As mentioned, this is only day 3 and it is pretty ugly right now (black, pus and dead tissue) but in my case there was very little pain -- just itching, tingling, and a mild burning sensation that last about 24 hours. There was also swelling with redness and I still have that but it is starting to subside. I did not take any pain meds at all. Not sure if I have a high pain threshold or there were not many nerves where the problem was (just to right of my nose) or ??, but in any case, not much discomfort at all for me.

Having read what Cathryn and Greg went through, I am in awe that they persevered all the persecution -- clearly they believe in their products and if things keep going as well as they are for me now, I will too.

I'll update this forum in a week or so and let you know how I am doing.

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1 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2012 :  14:32:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hello all & good luck, Mark B.

I'm new to this forum and came by it while researching Black Salve via the Alpha Omega Labs site. I have a specific interest in BCC at present, because I suspect I have one on the left palm and it may be prudent to deal with it before it advances or spreads.

While browsing the posts dating back to 2009, I noted many commentaries that are in various ways familiar - for example, reference to Quackwatch, which site I became acquainted with some years ago during the earlier part of my cancer research activities, which have now been in progress for about eight years. The site stank to almighty heaven and I happened to find two articles at the site on the first visit - one defending Mercury-Silver dental amalgams and the other defending fluoridated domestic water. When I returned on a subsequent occasion to copy those articles to hold as evidence pertaining to my review of the site as given in the book I have been working on concerning cancer, they were no longer there. They'd been removed. It didn't matter too much. There was plenty of other fraudulent material authored by a Dr. Stephen Barrett. Very soon, owing to a distinctive literary style, I came to suspect Barrett may actually have been the principal of the Quackwatch site. Last year, I was able to verify that my suspicion was correct. Barrett is the principal of Quackwatch. I see this fellow as a low-grade Morris Fishbein copycat.

I note the FDA action against Greg Caton. This is nothing new or out of the ordinary where the FDA is concerned. It's been doing that for 80 years or longer - Neal Deoul, Dr. Krebs, Dr. Burzynski - the list is almost endless. The organisation is rotten to the core and I could provide you with factual quotes that would make you angry. But it's one thing for the FDA to be prosecuting people whose works in medicine have most greatly exceeded the quality of the mainstream and therefore threatened the politico-economic status quo - it's another entirely to find that judges of the highest American courts are actually providing the FDA with successes in these prosecutions. Now, Australian Law is by no means perfect, but from what I see of American Law on these issues makes my skin crawl and I know that much of the dirty, crooked stuff that goes down in these US courts would never happen in Oz. They'd never get away with it for two reasons. First, the economics of litigation, prosecution and so on are different in Australia, so endless prosecution as a financial tactic to break someone's bank and ultimately render them too broke to effectively defend themselves cannot happen here, at least not to the same extent. Secondly, judges are fully answerable for their jurisprudence and can be challenged in such serious ways that if they're not provably acting correctly, they can be disrobed and jailed. For those small blessings, I may in future become very, very thankful, because I have reason to believe I'm on a collision course with the TGA and the FDA. Hey, might as well add the EFSA. Right now - well, I'm small potatoes - invisible. I'm not on their radar, yet.

One thing I wish to say to the community here in general about cancer recurrence - this is a common problem, for merely killing off malignant cells can never achieve cure. One must recognise that the malignant cells are the symptom - not the cause of the disease. So eliminating them does not eliminate the risk of relapse, recurrence, etc. Basically, the conditions which gave rise to the malignancy in the first place is probably still present. This is not said to frighten anyone, but to evoke the kind of response that says,
"Well, alright, let's go after the cause/s. So what are they?"

The answers are too many and complex to speak of in detail here unfortunately, but one must in the most general terms address the obvious issues of diet, nutrition and lifestyle. Then there's systemic toxicity for which the logical treatment is detox. Then there's the microbe connection - candida, bacteria, viruses and parasites. Beyond that, there are some other considerations, too.

Please allow me to recommend a magical and very potent anticarcinomic agent which is totally safe, totally non-toxic, is a chelating and adsorbent detox agent, an immune system booster AND a cell cycle arrest apoptotic with incredibly high affinity to and aggression against malignant cells. This stuff activates the P21 and P27 genes, has activity with the P65 gene and inhibits Protein Kinase B, NF-Kappa-Beta and a number of other activities. As a detox, it preferentially takes up heavy metal cations - loves lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. When the system is relatively clear of those, its secondary chelating targets are pesticides and other organic toxins. The best thing about it as a detox agent is that because it is both chelator and absorbant, yet one that will circulate freely throughout the system and even cross the blood brain barrier, (other absorbants Bentonite and charcoal are limited to GIT or maybe skin) is that it does not burden the liver. DMPS for example will mobilse toxins out of the tissues and if that exceeds the liver's capacity to glucuronidate and eliminate them, then you have a systemic toxicity problem. So many detox programs need the use of multiple agents and depend on a very sensible and careful dosage program to balance mobilisation and elimination of toxins. With this agent, that is hardly a problem, because it does the chelating, absorbing and elimination via both kidneys and stools - therefore tremendously simplifies the whole detox game. OK, the agent is Clinoptilolite - a specific species of Zeolite mineral - in activated and micronised form. Many brands of this are available in various countries, such as Zeoactiv8 and Zeotrex. One thing that is strongly advised is to supplement with essential minerals alternately with zeolite doses, as one should do with any other detox modality.

Detox may not be the singular solution to cancer recurrence, but it's certainly a major one that should not be ignored.

I hope that for anyone who wishes to tackle the longer-term issue of carcinogenesis, this will be of help. I suggest you research Zeolite - what you will find is a lot of data on such things as impressive complete remission stats of around 80% (plus more long-term survivors at around 9% without complete remission) when used exclusively with patients who have Stage III & IV terminal (untreatable by the mainstream) cancers of most major kinds, INCLUDING LIVER & PANCREATIC. Imagine an agent - ANY agent - that almost routinely produces complete remission in two cancer types that normally have an almost 100% mortality rate?

Truthfully, I don't actually know how well the stuff will work on BCC, SCC or Mel. Zeolite does not work rapidly in its full range of capacities - treatment programs may span 3 months to 3 years and most clinical trials of it spanned about 18 months, I think. But the detox angle is the slowest process, for that can take up to four years for a heavily toxified first-time customer. And that is a major path towards the recurrence problem - because it's the removal of a fundamental causality factor.

Best Wishes, everyone!
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.