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blue eyes

4 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  22:17:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought I would add my experiences with skin cancers in case it might help anyone. I am in my late 50s, very fair skin and blue eyes. Raised in a swimming pool in Arizona, I have had minor skin cancers and ACs since my early 20s. The doctors have increasingly relied on surgeries to remove my BCs. Unfortunately they didn’t always get all the cancer cells and at several sites, the cancers returned…So I had both a “new” skin cancer and a scar…nice. As I got older, more and more popped up. At this rate my face would look like it had been shoved thru a screen. Docs prescribed Efudex…a messy, painful experience lasting 30 days, that in the end didn’t work. I learned about bloodroot paste several years ago. I tried it, and folks it works. It worked for me, my brother, and my mother. If it doesn’t work, you have gotten a cheap imitation… easy to do since the FDA has been on a rampage of late against those with effective formulas. However, bloodroot is not without problems. First, you don’t know how extensive the cancer is since a lot of it hides under the surface…but the bloodroot will find it. So you can end up with a much bigger hole at the cancer site than you thought - bigger hole, generally bigger scar. Not to mention a gooey black mess for at least 10 days. And yes, it is painful. The bloodroot burns the cancer and you feel the burn. I have found using DMSO daily beginning after the first 24 hours helps alleviate the scar and some of the pain. If you use it, DON”T PICK AT IT…let it do its thing. This is hard, because the 10 to 15 days after treatment is UGLY. And if the cancers are on your face, it’s a dice roll, because you don’t know what scaring will develop after it’s healed.

I have tried Curaderm on some ACs and one recurring BC; it didn’t work for me. At first I thought it was working, but as is often the case the skin cancer came back. Then Sunspot…same thing, seemed to work, but they came back. Then I found this GREAT site and began experimenting some of the cures. Orange Oil, didn’t work. vinegar/eggplant…didn’t work, but did work on a fungal infection. Epson salts…didn’t work, hydrogen peroxide and iodine…ditto. I haven’t tried the cymilium, just didn’t get around to it, and am afraid of the Aldera (I have developed a paranoia of mainstream medical treatments.) Then I tried the vitamin C mixed w/DMSO. Yes it STINGS and didn’t work.. Then I added some retinol (Retin A) I had, AND IT BEGAN TO WORK. As a coincidence, for those who believe in them, about a week after I began using the mixture, a friend gave me a copy of a Dr. Whittaker news letter. He was recommending the same mixture. I use an extra strong retinol I ordered from the internet…same place I got the Curaderm. Mix up everything in roughly equal portions..not very scientific I’m afraid. I generally mix it fresh each day, but have no idea if it matters. The mixture has eaten most of the ACs after about 3 weeks. Plus it brought several pimple like spots and scaley areas to the surface. Possible new BCs in the making; again I have no idea. I continued to treat them w/the mixture and they too have disappeared. After the mixture begins to penetrate the ACs it stings and itches for about 20 minutes. So far for me the sting has not been horrible. About a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale. I even used it on my lower lip, and not too bad a sting. It sounds much like results Dan got w/the orange oil & ammonia mixture. I have not had any open, bleeding BCs, to try it on. After 3 weeks of use on an old scabbed over BC, it has reduced it’s size, but it’s still there. So the jury is out. I was going to wait to send this to see what happens w/the old BC, but have been so pleased w/the mixture on the ACs that I wanted to share it. I am contemplating using the bloodroot on that particular BC, since the size has been reduced. I have had more success w/this than any other thing, so I thought I would add it to your list of therapies…I must say, I find it very interesting that some things work for certain people, but not others. Also, thanks to all especially Dan for your time and effort to help others. God Bless.


668 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  22:53:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Blue Eyes

If you have been through the site you will see you and I concur on pretty much everything you just said. I'm a bloodroot believer but I am hoping for a bit sofetr gentler way to get the same end result ..fingers crossed blindly.

If you would, please provide the brand of orange oil, DMSO and the % strength of the Retin A.



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blue eyes

4 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2008 :  23:23:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tom...Thanks to you as well for providing so much info on this site. You do a lot of heavy lifting as well. I have read many of your posts.

I'm about 4 weeks into the combo and have had more sucess w/it than anything else beside the bloodroot. I hope that if you decide to try it, it will help you as well. I know to well the frustration of buying something that has been touted, only to be disappointed. And I remain curious as to why some things work for some, but not others. I do know that my older ACs are a lot harder to remove than the new ones. I just keep applying the stuff; they peel off, and I do it again, and again. Each time the remaining AC is smaller. The newer ACs are gone in about a week. The older ones take more time. I have one on my shoulder that doesn't seem to be shrinking like the others. But I remain persistant. For the orange oil I used a d-limonene from Life Extension Foundation that came in capsule form and was recommended for ingestion as an antacid. Perhaps it wasn't strong enough to get the same results Dan did. I use Life Extension Foundations DMSO ( It's 70%. I have both spray and gel. The spray seems easier to mix. I got the vitamin C powder from a good vitamin store. For the retinol, I started w/Retin-A .50%...I ran out and found they sold it in a more consentrated form for acne (1%) at International Antiaging Systems ( I have been using that for about 2 weeks. I can't tell for sure, but I think it works better...but it may be that I didn't give the other enough time. It is more expensive, but not nearly as expensive as curaderm, nor is the application procedure as complicated. I have begun to swab the mixture on my whole nose because I do believe it is identifying potential problem areas. They arise as small spots, turn whiteish, then pink, and slightly sore. I continue to apply directly to them and they begin to sting, scab up slightly, and fall off in a couple of days. There is not the strong stinging sensation that Dan desccribed w/the orange oil/ammonia combo, but only a slight sting, and usually only the first two days. If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer...Best Wishes
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2008 :  01:45:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the details of your DMSO-Vitamin C-Retin A skin cancer remedy, blue eyes! Looking up the prices, the DMSO sells for about $10 and the Retin-A cream goes for $45 before shipping. Vitamin C powder typically sells for $10-$20. The prices are very reasonable if it works. I did not realize until your post that Life Extension Foundation sold DMSO. There is always a worry about the purity of DMSO because any contaminants can be transported through the skin as well. I think I would trust the purity of LEF DMSO.

It is interesting that some remedies work well for skin cancers in some people and not others. Kind of frustrating at the same time too, but at least we're getting to the point where there are lots of inexpensive combos to try that have worked for someone. Finding a remedy that works is definitely thrilling. Maybe we'll eventually find something that works for everyone.
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2008 :  11:02:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am wondering what to do and where to begin,there are so many treatments for basil cell.The doctors that I have seen,three,have all had a different view of my cancer.Has anyone ever cured basil with a combined treatment of aldara and ?
I don`t know if I should stop using aldara and try something else or combine it with ?
I got some buffered vit C crystals but when I apply it,it just dries up,do I have to mix it up with something besides water,what about liquid vit D or iodine
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2008 :  11:08:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
where can I get the right black salve can someone E mail me and tell me I do not care about scars on my face I just want the cancer gone.
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blue eyes

4 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2008 :  14:32:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tarbabby..before you start the bloodroot/black salve/cansema treatment, I suggest you read as much as you can on the internet. Start at, then google cansema and do some research. Also, depending on the extent of your condition, you might considering using one of the other topical formulas suggest on this site first. I have found that using sunspot and curaderm helped decrease the size of the skin cancer, but did not eliminate it. I would think that if you could reduce the size of your skin cancer with one of the alternative choices, a smaller spot would mean less of an ordeal with the cansema. It did for me anyway...but I can only speak for myself and am not trying to give you any medical advice. I would also add a relative of mine ignored a growing cancer on his lip and paid dearly for it. He ended up w/surgery that left him somewhat deformed. So before you do anything, you need to consider the size of the skin cancer and how fast it is growing. Like anvioc advised on another post, a skin cancer on the lip is nothing to play with. I would get medical advice.

I have found that the vit c/dmso/retinol combination worked very well for me. Interestingly, retinol is a derivitive of vitamin D, so another combination might well be C+DMSO+Liquid D. As an update, after using the C/Retinol combination I had three spots left that wouldn't budge. I don't like using the same combo for more than 4 weeks. So to change up, I hit the spot again with Sunspot and was surprised by a good reaction. So I will continue w/the sunspot then maybe return to the Vit C regime.

Just to say a lot of internet research on the cansema...I learned a lot that way. Good luck. mistake..Retin A is from Vitamin A not D....

Edited by - blue eyes on 08/20/2008 18:20:16
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2008 :  16:30:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Blue Eyes
I am on aldara and am using it on my bcc that is beside my nose one half an inch it is scabbing and red but looks small compared to pictures that I see.I am wondering about using the black salve possibly after the aldara treatment if it dosn`t finish the job.
I have had mohs surgery and bcc appeared right below.
Money is an issue for me,no insurance,so I am looking for something that will work for me.I will buy some dmso and try mixing with the C and D gell vitamin on some other bcc`s ,thanks for your concern.
Where do you get the right black salve that works?
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2008 :  16:57:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What can I replace dmso with since I need a persciption to get it?

Edited by - tarbabby on 08/21/2008 00:13:24
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2008 :  01:37:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think you can get DMSO without a prescription at
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2008 :  22:37:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by blue eyes

I thought I would add my experiences with skin cancers in case it might help anyone. I am in my late 50s, very fair skin and blue eyes. Raised in a swimming pool in Arizona, I have had minor skin cancers and ACs since my early 20s. The doctors have increasingly relied on surgeries to remove my BCs. Unfortunately they didn’t always get all the cancer cells and at several sites, the cancers returned…So I had both a “new” skin cancer and a scar…nice. As I got older, more and more popped up. At this rate my face would look like it had been shoved thru a screen. Docs prescribed Efudex…a messy, painful experience lasting 30 days, that in the end didn’t work. I learned about bloodroot paste several years ago. I tried it, and folks it works. It worked for me, my brother, and my mother. If it doesn’t work, you have gotten a cheap imitation… easy to do since the FDA has been on a rampage of late against those with effective formulas. However, bloodroot is not without problems. First, you don’t know how extensive the cancer is since a lot of it hides under the surface…but the bloodroot will find it. So you can end up with a much bigger hole at the cancer site than you thought - bigger hole, generally bigger scar. Not to mention a gooey black mess for at least 10 days. And yes, it is painful. The bloodroot burns the cancer and you feel the burn. I have found using DMSO daily beginning after the first 24 hours helps alleviate the scar and some of the pain. If you use it, DON”T PICK AT IT…let it do its thing. This is hard, because the 10 to 15 days after treatment is UGLY. And if the cancers are on your face, it’s a dice roll, because you don’t know what scaring will develop after it’s healed.

I have tried Curaderm on some ACs and one recurring BC; it didn’t work for me. At first I thought it was working, but as is often the case the skin cancer came back. Then Sunspot…same thing, seemed to work, but they came back. Then I found this GREAT site and began experimenting some of the cures. Orange Oil, didn’t work. vinegar/eggplant…didn’t work, but did work on a fungal infection. Epson salts…didn’t work, hydrogen peroxide and iodine…ditto. I haven’t tried the cymilium, just didn’t get around to it, and am afraid of the Aldera (I have developed a paranoia of mainstream medical treatments.) Then I tried the vitamin C mixed w/DMSO. Yes it STINGS and didn’t work.. Then I added some retinol (Retin A) I had, AND IT BEGAN TO WORK. As a coincidence, for those who believe in them, about a week after I began using the mixture, a friend gave me a copy of a Dr. Whittaker news letter. He was recommending the same mixture. I use an extra strong retinol I ordered from the internet…same place I got the Curaderm. Mix up everything in roughly equal portions..not very scientific I’m afraid. I generally mix it fresh each day, but have no idea if it matters. The mixture has eaten most of the ACs after about 3 weeks. Plus it brought several pimple like spots and scaley areas to the surface. Possible new BCs in the making; again I have no idea. I continued to treat them w/the mixture and they too have disappeared. After the mixture begins to penetrate the ACs it stings and itches for about 20 minutes. So far for me the sting has not been horrible. About a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale. I even used it on my lower lip, and not too bad a sting. It sounds much like results Dan got w/the orange oil & ammonia mixture. I have not had any open, bleeding BCs, to try it on. After 3 weeks of use on an old scabbed over BC, it has reduced it’s size, but it’s still there. So the jury is out. I was going to wait to send this to see what happens w/the old BC, but have been so pleased w/the mixture on the ACs that I wanted to share it. I am contemplating using the bloodroot on that particular BC, since the size has been reduced. I have had more success w/this than any other thing, so I thought I would add it to your list of therapies…I must say, I find it very interesting that some things work for certain people, but not others. Also, thanks to all especially Dan for your time and effort to help others. God Bless.

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16 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2008 :  14:38:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
tarbabby, where do you live? I got DMSO at the health food store. Perhaps it's a different story in some other states.
As far as mixing aldara with other stuff, I'd be very careful about considering that. Aldara messes with your cytokines. I perceive that as chemotherapy, although my dermatologist denies that. For me, the aldara took 12 weeks. The idea isn't to make the area bloody or oozing, but red and itching would indicate something is working. I'm no doctor, but I was told to lay off for a week or so when the site started bleeding and scabbing over. It's not a quick process.
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18 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2008 :  21:14:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you all for the input and information I am going to lay off the aldara for a while.I wasn`t mixing anything with aldara but eas working on some other areas on my arms and neck. I have a few problems from I think, working in the sun for twenty years.
I have shrunk a bcc down to almost nothing with buffered C,orange oil and dmso switching to perlins blend then to pine sap,applying in no regular order or regularity.I also have been cutting aloe up and rubbing pure aloe gel on everywhere a few times a week.
It`s just this nasty one next to my nose that won`t go away.
It`s back to the doctor in a few weeks to see if another round of mohs or perhaps cansema,got some coming and just might try it if the doc will go along with the idea.I just want to get sown up nice and not have a big scar,the last doc did a nice job of sewing me up but didn`t get it all and it came right bcck.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.