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 Petty Spurge Herb sap for skin cancers
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7 Posts

Posted - 04/11/2014 :  05:06:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been a fan/follower of this website for years now. I have experience with cymillium, raspberry, bloodroot,.... But never the E.peplus because i've tried many times for several years to grow them unsuccessfully. I live in South Texas. Miracle of miracles!!!! I have sprouted several seeds and one is almost of size to use. April in Texas means the plants which are growing outside, are not long for this world.
I've been scouring old posts for what I thought was someone who froze masserated plants. I would like to try this as well as the tincture. Does anyone remember this post?
Thanks, Susan
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13 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2014 :  07:12:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Petty spurge worked like a charm. I cannot believe it. Saved me from a 2 inch scar on my face from Mohs surgery. Thanks Will for the plant, package will be sent this week to you. Thanks again
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9 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2014 :  17:57:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Glad to help. The spot where I planted them last year has thousands of seedlings. If anyone else would like plants please contact me.
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33 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2014 :  23:16:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone know if I should continue treating an AK once the scan has fallen off? It appeared early this year in the spot where I'd managed to cut my head afew years back, so on an old scar. After a few weeks of treating 2-3 times a day with apple cider vinegar the scab fell off, it looked much better but I continued to treat it each day, it now looks as though it might scab again, any ideas, should I continue or stop?

Many thanks.
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2014 :  11:26:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm joining the crowd of PS fans. I was scared to start using it, but too scared not to.

I have my thread DMSO+combos, and maybe after many more months, the DMSO+IP6 will do the trick, but my face looks bad and seems to be getting worse. In the sense that the sores have more of a tendency to bleed or ooze, whereas earlier, they would not do so.

I ordered the PS Seeds from the Australia site, 2 packs, a few months ago. I planted one pack into 2 pots. Funny thing, the 2 pots have the same dirt, the same water, the same light, but one is thriving and one not so. Still even in the thriving pot, the plants are very small.

This morning I decided to basically cut off the top of one of the small plants. I got a bit of sap and applied it to the 3 lesions (very close together) on the side of my nose. Then I took 2 leaves, pierced them and just stuck them on the area. After a couple of hours, I could feel "something happening." I also started feeling "systemic effects" like I was so exhausted, I almost fell asleep.

Now about 6 hours later, the area around the leaves is red and there is some swelling. It isn't terribly painful, more an annoying slight burn. Like a sunburn. Having been through the ascorbic acid paste, this is nothing so far.

I plan to keep the leaves on till tonight then take them off, and maybe rinse my face.

Several weeks ago, when pinching the plants back, I got some of the sap and put it on the inside of my wrist, and on the inside of my elbow. I got no reaction at all, not even any redness, so I know I'm not allergic to the PS.

Onward and upward.

Thanks everyone who posted their experiences and instructions about how to grow and use PS.

Edited by - gloe on 06/16/2014 11:28:53
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2014 :  08:26:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I rinsed off last night, about 12 hours after application. I was up and reapplied at 4:00 a.m. this morning. Same scenario: cut off a big part of 2 plants, put the sap on and pierced 2 leaves and covered the sores with the two leaves. The leaves stick to my face. I cut up the stems and unused leaves and put them in some distilled H2O in a glass jar in the fridge. It's now more than 8 hours since application, and the area doesn't hurt as much as yesterday; there's not as much red peaking out from around the leaves.

I am packing and going thru stuff because I am moving in a week, so I am really sweaty. The sores are oozing yellowish stuff through the leaves. Later I'll take a shower and apply an anti-infective topical, maybe Medihoney.
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33 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2014 :  08:26:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have read most people's success stories on here but still a little unclear on one thing, after applying PS once a day for 3-4 days and the scab appearing, should I just wait for it to fall off and then do it all over again? If so, how many times should I do it or allow it to scab?
Thanks in advance
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13 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2014 :  09:27:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I applied it for 10 days or so and just let the scab fall off. It started to itch when it was almost done healing. One of these days I will post pictures but it looked much worse (scabbing) days 5-8. My BBC site was about 8mm and was pretty deep. After the scab fell off and a month went by, the wound had closed but I had a small bump so I treated it again for a week. After that healed, it looks great. Much better than a 2 inch Mohs scar would look. Cannot wait to go back to my derm to show him
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2014 :  16:11:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm on day 4 and intend to keep going. Same procedure: Wash in the morning, apply sap then pierced leaves on top of the sap. Wash in the evening then apply an anti-infective topical. I clean the area with H2O2 after washing and before applying anything else.

I think applying the leaves is keeping it moist so it is not scabbing. I have alot of oozing gunk. The area did not bleed after washing this evening, but it did bleed this morning and the past 2 days (since day 2). It is amazing that with open sores like this applying the sap and leaves is not painful. It sort of hurts later as the PS gets to work. Day 2 was the worst day as far as pain, so far.

Some people say to treat for 14 days. Others say treat until it stops reacting and starts healing. I intend to play it by ear, but most likely will not go beyond 14 days.
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33 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2014 :  23:35:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks to all, day 4 today, some of the skin has flaked off on the bcc site so as I have lots of plants growing wild in my garden (north Essex uk) I will just keep going until it stops reacting. Mines a bit sore (on my neck so shirt collars rub a little) but nothing I can't ignore especially considering the potential benefits.
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2014 :  00:42:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Day 6. What was 3 distinct small sores is now a large bloody mess on the side of my nose. More bleeding this a.m. on the upper part going into the top of my nose. No leaves, just sap for the past 2 days.

Yesterday I felt very sick and was getting a bad headache. The area hurt quite a bit. Having had wounds before that I was afraid were infected, I followed the same procedure: I ate lots of raw garlic (don't chew; just cut up into tiny pieces and wash down with water) and took massive doses of ARG/Nutricology Thymus glandular. 10 caps 3 times over the day. I felt much better after the first dose.
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35 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2014 :  05:44:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Gloe, that reminds me of when I was using vit c on my modular BCC--I was sick as a dog on and off during the treatment. Perhaps it is a result of the dying cancer cells being cleared from the body? Anyway, sounds like you are making progress!
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2014 :  11:51:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Nanoagain

Gloe, that reminds me of when I was using vit c on my modular BCC--I was sick as a dog on and off during the treatment. Perhaps it is a result of the dying cancer cells being cleared from the body? Anyway, sounds like you are making progress!

Well, something is definitely happening!

5 hours after applying the sap, I applied Medihoney. I'm just going to leave it like that till the morning.

Edited by - gloe on 06/21/2014 11:52:25
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13 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2014 :  12:21:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I never felt sick but it did bleed and form a real scab. It also hurt for a few hours after I applied the sap. I did not get the white/yellow scab you see in pictures but the kind of scab you get from a wound that bleeds. I hope you have the sane luck with the treatment as I did.
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127 Posts

Posted - 06/22/2014 :  08:50:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by srains99

I never felt sick but it did bleed and form a real scab. It also hurt for a few hours after I applied the sap. I did not get the white/yellow scab you see in pictures but the kind of scab you get from a wound that bleeds. I hope you have the sane luck with the treatment as I did.

I'm not really getting the white/yellow kind of scab either. Though this a.m. when I washed the gunk off (dried blood and yellowish gunk) there was left behind a thinish looking yellowish "scab." Not really a scab and I could have easily rubbed it off, but I decided to let it be.

Day 7, applied sap and no leaves. Will apply Medihoney later and leave it on til tomorrow morning, as I did yesterday. It doesn't really hurt anymore. Feels kind of irritated.
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2 Posts

Posted - 06/24/2014 :  01:43:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Everyone
I've started Picato treatment today - face & scalp and stronger treatment for my hands and forearms.
I'm a fair skinned Australian male. Australia has the highest incidence of Skin Cancer in the world. I have had 6 excisions on legs and back. Having another soon.
Freezing had limited results. Tried Effudex on hands, again with limited results. I'm expecting a similar skin response, though over a much shorter time with quicker recovery. Opted for Picato (An Australian innovation ) as an alternative to Photo Dynamic Therapy. My AK are quiet extensive. It's around $150 AUD a treatment (3 applications). Picato Australia (LEO) recommended after treatment care using a high quality Vitamin E cream kept in the fridge to help ease burring and speed recovery.
Best wishes to all.
I decided to take 'before, during and after' pictures to help me keep track of results

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5 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2014 :  06:31:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have been diagnosed with a BCC just below my lower lip. Decided to do the Moh's Surgery but have ordered Petty Spurge seeds to get rid of any other spots in the future. The seeds I ordered from Australia and they have not arrived yet.
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127 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2014 :  09:57:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For almost a week (while I was packing, moving and unpacking) I applied only the water in which the cut up leaves and stems were soaking. The affected area has shrunk considerably. I still get a little bleeding. There is still a smallish scab which is more like dried blood than the yellowish scab that others have posted.

Yesterday and today I am back to applying sap. But I am running out of "plant." I started treating when my plants were very small but I had a lot of them. I had to cut off stems to get sap, rather than leaves . . . I am trying to continue treatment without completely killing off the plant that has done the best. I want seeds, so I can treat again. (My extra packet of seeds got "lost" while my elderly mother was helping me unpack. :-( )

I will tell ya, I looked like a real mess for a while. I had a lot of bleeding which would run some and dry up. Yuk!!! The area that was "reacting" was pretty large, and this is on the side of my nose. An area that I did not even put sap on crusted up and formed a scab (though this one was more yellow as opposed to red/bleeding on the "main" sores.) Now everyone has noticed how much better my face looks, but I am still very concerned that I may run out of plant before I am done.

My new place does not have a balcony, but I have a big east facing window. Still, it looks like the change in their environment has caused the plants some stress. Interesting that they were doing well on a west facing outdoor porch, with very intense afternoon sun.

I wish everyone the best.

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127 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2014 :  06:03:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A week ago today was my last day of using sap. I have run out of stems to cut off. On this last day, a thick blood scab came off when washing my face. Underneath was just raw skin, but very little bleeding. Unlike the last time a scab came off, when I saw white dots in the middle of raw skin, this time there were no white dots. If those were the roots of cancer, they appear to be gone. Putting sap on the raw skin one last time (for now) it is amazing how little it hurt. Just some stinging for a bit.

So for the past week I am just applying the water in which the cut up leaves and stems have been soaking. I do this once or twice a day. I am trying to keep 2 tiny plants alive so I can repeat the treatment as I am not sure I am done.

Since the last sap treatment one week ago, a new thick blood red scab has formed. It is smaller than the last one. I get very little bleeding/oozing now. When I run out of water to apply, I will let it heal up and see what I have. Until I have more PS plant to get sap from, I may have to choose an alternative treatment while I wait for plants to grow. I may very well go back to vitamin c mixed with DSMSO/H2O.
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33 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2014 :  02:16:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Gloe, how's your treatment going?

My BCC on my neck seems to have lost a lot of the redness since the 8 day (once per day) treatment of PS. It does still itch from time to time though, anyone know if this is normal or does it maybe need another zapping with PS?

Also, I mentioned earlier, I have around 15 PS plants in my garden, some of which are pretty big - they respond well to tomato plant food! Anyway, whilst I might not need them now I'm wondering if there's any way they can be stored for future use? They will eventually die off as winter sets in and might not be so proliferant next year..any ideas?
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9 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2014 :  04:13:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You can dig them up and put them in pots for the winter. Also, if your experience is anything like mine, you will have thousands of new plants after the winter.

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127 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2014 :  09:37:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
hi judo, the new dark red scab came off on Saturday the 12th. No bleeding or oozing, but still a small area of raw skin, so much smaller than before. The general area is red but there is mostly new skin. A new scab has formed, but this one is much smaller and not that really dark red.

I continue to treat with the water the cut up leaves and stems have been soaking in. I'll continue to do this until I run out.

I decided to try to germinate a few more seeds (the pack that I thought had been lost has been found, stuck to the bottom of an egg carton!) I am now barely keeping one small plant alive, and I would feel much better if I could continue to treat with sap.

But, still, overall very pleased. At one time I had 4 sores, now I am down to one remaining, which I think is the original one.

Update: On Saturday the 19th, the new scab came off. Underneath was a crusty bump, not raw skin. I am still using the soaking water everyday. Right now (Friday the 25th) it feels like a very small scab has formed, which I expect to come off eventually like the others. But I would feel much better about this if I had more sap to use.

So, I planted about 7-8 new seeds in a pot, and 4 have germinated. I am going to do my best to keep these alive. (The last live plant that I was babying has died along with the rest.) There are areas outside my new apartment where it looks like weeds are allowed to grow, and that are shaded from the hot summer sun, so I am considering buying a few more packets of seeds this winter (or hopefully, using seeds I get from the new crop I have starting), and next spring, just scatter them around outside. Maybe they would even grow this Fall . . . with these seeds so inexpensive to buy from Australia, there's no reason not to experiment.

Edited by - gloe on 07/25/2014 08:39:30
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5 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2014 :  21:03:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had the surgery on the BCC on my lower lip. The BCC seemed very small but the cut is larger than I thought it would be.

Now I want to plant the Petty Spurge seeds I received from Australia and treat what appears as pre-cancer spots on my face with the sap so to never have to have my face cut again.
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5 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2014 :  21:32:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am going on vacation in August and want to plant the PS seeds when I get back the end of August. I live in Southern California and want to get advice on the best way to plant the seeds in the autumn. Can anyone give me advice on this?
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668 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2014 :  04:01:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lorne,

I live in Covina....Petty spurge grows like crazy all over southern California..Curious what the strain you get from Australia will look like in comparrison.. PS dies off in the heat of summer but seems to pop up in Autumn and again in spring here..
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68 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2014 :  07:02:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, I've posted about my indoor planting of the seeds. Worked great for me but you do have to keep them cool with an AC in the room (not directly on them, imo). They dislike heat. If you read some of the back posts, somewhere before the end of page 5, you'll see posts from various people on how to grow them. They're very, very tiny so make sure not to bury them in your soil, just a fine sprinkling on top will do.
Originally posted by lornebarvizub2b

I am going on vacation in August and want to plant the PS seeds when I get back the end of August. I live in Southern California and want to get advice on the best way to plant the seeds in the autumn. Can anyone give me advice on this?

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4 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2014 :  01:48:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Brigid, I live in a fairly hot country and the Agriculture Department told me that Petty Spurge is found all over here! So maybe different strains do well in different places. What I hope, is that the one here works....!
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127 Posts

Posted - 09/11/2014 :  04:45:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, after using nothing but the "soaking water" for almost two months, I quit about a week ago to let my skin heal. I have been using "unpetroleum jelly" on it (Available at health food stores and on the internet such as I tried other supposedly "soothing" ointments, but they all seemed to make it worse.

Now, my skin looks a lot better. The "affected area" has shrunk considerably down to one sore that still needs more attention. I knew I wasn't done when I ran out of sap . . .

I planted what was left of my remaining packet of seeds, divided into two pots, and numerous seeds germinated. Several survived and now they are just beginning to form their second set of leaves. YEAH! That is critical . . . I am sure the cooler nights now in the Northeast USA are helping to stimulate them to grow. I keep them in front of an open window all the time, all through the chilly nights, and let them get about 1-2 hours of direct early morning sun a day (when it's sunny).

As I have posted before, I also do ALOT of work on my diet and supplements, in order to keep this thing in check. Once I have usable plants, I will re-treat, and this time I will wait for the plants to be large enough so that I don't have to destroy them in the process of using the sap.

Hope everyone is doing well.
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4 Posts

Posted - 09/12/2014 :  00:40:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi every one I'm new to posting but have been following this forum for along time. Little history I have a BCC on my neck and have tried numerous things to stop it's growth but haven't to date been very successful. Have not had any orthodox treatment...have tried to find PS but I live in the NOLA area (New Orleans) and it gets hot here in the summer. Should anyone live in the far south of USA I would very much appreciate any and all info about this plant growing in this area.. .
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127 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2014 :  14:39:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cloudy

Hi every one I'm new to posting but have been following this forum for along time. Little history I have a BCC on my neck and have tried numerous things to stop it's growth but haven't to date been very successful. Have not had any orthodox treatment...have tried to find PS but I live in the NOLA area (New Orleans) and it gets hot here in the summer. Should anyone live in the far south of USA I would very much appreciate any and all info about this plant growing in this area.. .

Cloudy, go back in this thread and read all the posts by "SoFl" which I believe means he is from Southern Florida -- also very hot and humid. You may need to order seeds from Australia and grow them initially yourself. They are not expensive. I ordered 2 packets of 30 seeds for I think about $13.00 including shipping from Australia. Best of luck.
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4 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2014 :  18:00:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by gloe

Originally posted by Cloudy

Hi every one I'm new to posting but have been following this forum for along time. Little history I have a BCC on my neck and have tried numerous things to stop it's growth but haven't to date been very successful. Have not had any orthodox treatment...have tried to find PS but I live in the NOLA area (New Orleans) and it gets hot here in the summer. Should anyone live in the far south of USA I would very much appreciate any and all info about this plant growing in this area.. .

Cloudy, go back in this thread and read all the posts by "SoFl" which I believe means he is from Southern Florida -- also very hot and humid. You may need to order seeds from Australia and grow them initially yourself. They are not expensive. I ordered 2 packets of 30 seeds for I think about $13.00 including shipping from Australia. Best of luck.

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5 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2014 :  07:58:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi.Do you still have Petty Spurge plants? I got some of the Petty Spurge seeds from Australia and they've sprouted, but I can see it's going to be quite a while before I have a full grown plant to use for a BCC I have on my face. If I could get a plant from you that would be helpful. Let me know.

Originally posted by willwill

Glad to help. The spot where I planted them last year has thousands of seedlings. If anyone else would like plants please contact me.

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9 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2014 :  11:58:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All of my mature plants died off in the heat. I do have some reseeds that are just about ready to use and you are welcome to them. My email is
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5 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2014 :  08:14:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is a website with info about Petty Spurge and where to buy the seeds.
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2 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2014 :  09:39:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Has anyone ordered seeds from this website? It's unclear how much they charge for shipping and if they ship to the U.S. from Australia.

Originally posted by lornebarvizub2b

Here is a website with info about Petty Spurge and where to buy the seeds.

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5 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2014 :  09:47:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi there,

No I have never ordered seeds from there but I have seeds if you like, you can email me directly. I think so far the seeds I have sent to people have grown.

Originally posted by rcomella

Has anyone ordered seeds from this website? It's unclear how much they charge for shipping and if they ship to the U.S. from Australia.

Originally posted by lornebarvizub2b

Here is a website with info about Petty Spurge and where to buy the seeds.

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2 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2014 :  16:47:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am wondering if anyone has had the experience of doing large area of the face with PS like BigD (see below.) While I do have a couple of AK's on my nose, I also have sun damage, sunspots and dark spots on other areas of my face. Does anyone recommend treating the whole face a quadrant at a time? Perhaps with a watery version of PS. I am confused about whether the irritation from PS is caused by it going after the cancer or just because it is caustic to human skin? Or perhaps a strategy would be to do AK spots first and then a very mild watery version of PS later to see if any more spots emerge and to do a kind of light peel.

I am interested in hearing your experiences and opinions.

It won't be right away that I will be able to try PS since I have to grow it. At the moment I am actually using Curaderm with DMSO on my nose (before I saw this forum). I thought it would only take a week or two but it is now a month. I am really interested in finding a faster method.


Originally posted by BigD

Hello, thought I would add my experience with Petty Spurge as I probably went at it in a slightly different fashion. First of all thanks to the ppl that originally posted (Sofl I believe?) regarding the plant otherwise I would have been trapped using efudex (cosmetic effects of treatment weren't great). Amazing there wasn't much information on the net regarding it's use until recently, being as it is so effective.

I had a few spots on my face that looked suspicious so was principally looking to treat those but guessing that there were probably other areas waiting to spring up I treated the whole face. The sap was applied directly to the more obvious problem areas and then the leaves were crushed up with a tiny drop of distilled water and painted on the rest of the face using a small painters brush. Areas that I knew were an issue scabbed up quickest other areas that also started to scab i applied with sap and then again painted the whole face with the crushed leaves. Suffice to say my whole face went red and large areas scabbed. Continued this treatment for about nine days (twice a day). I was amazed at how quickly the skin seems to heal after the PS treatment. After 3 weeks there was just a slight pinkish tinge and then at 4 weeks I was cruising in the carribean with company and the skin was looking better than it had in a long time.

It has been almost a year and I am looking at growing some more plants and repeating the treatment. I will be interested to see if I get a similar reaction or wether it will be much reduced, I am presuming the latter. I would envisage having to do this several times through the years ahead but that of course will depend on results of the ongoing treatments.

A couple of notes: Within the first 3 weeks of treating be careful about going out in the sun. I live on the beach and after 2.5 weaks couldn't resist the water and ended up going ruby red for a couple of days after only a few minutes in the sun. I did apply crushed leaves near the eyes but had no adverse reaction.


Edited by - rcomella on 09/20/2014 19:46:17
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127 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2014 :  09:35:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm just about out of "soaking water" but my new plants are just about ready to be "pinched back." When I pinch back, I will do one a day, so I will be able to use the sap to continue treatment.

Family and friends are giving me grief about "this thing" on my face. What they don't get is that topical chemo (which PS certainly is) makes things look alot worse before they will look better.

Best to all.
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25 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2014 :  12:58:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've noticed Leo Pharma has come out with petty spurge gel, trade name "Picato", read somewhere it's expensive unless insurance covers it.

Some links have photos:

Click on tab "What kind of skin cancers can be treated with this gel?" to see a photo:
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127 Posts

Posted - 10/24/2014 :  03:56:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by clearlake

I've noticed Leo Pharma has come out with petty spurge gel, trade name "Picato", read somewhere it's expensive unless insurance covers it.

Some links have photos:

Click on tab "What kind of skin cancers can be treated with this gel?" to see a photo:

There is at least one picato gel thread on this forum. However, it has only been approved for pre-cancerous conditions, so no derm doctor is going to give it to anyone if they have actual skin cancer (well, I should say, it is unlikely).
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68 Posts

Posted - 10/24/2014 :  08:22:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My experience using petty spurge is that it's best to go slow---1 or 2 drops of sap one one tumor at a time, or maybe two. It hurt on my face but not on my legs. But it depends where on your face the tumors are and what your pain threshold is. My suggestions are to read everything you can on the petty spurge forum and not to try doing a large area at one time. I also think anything you use on your tumors is good to google as well as going through the posts on this site. Just my own opinion.
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43 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2014 :  19:36:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have loads of plants that grow wild in my yard. I am happy to share the seeds if you can tell me how to harvest them. I have looked on the ground but can't see them. Blooming season here in Northern CA starts in Feb. A few have popped up but starting in a few weeks I'll have lots. Once extracted the sap must be kept chilled so sending the sap itself is not practice.

I have been using the sap under the observation of my dermatologist for about 1 year now. I have used it on my body and face. After I had a basal cell carcinoma surgically removed on my face I was prescribed Picato for use on my face for some AKs. The Picato was not covered by insurance and cost $700 for 3 very tiny tubes. Picato is essentially Ingenol Mebutate or sap from the Peplus plant suspended in an alcohol based get. Picato must be kept chilled else the Ingenol Mebutate decomposes. I also tried this with harvested sap and at room temperature it lost effectiveness overnight but kept refrigerated it lasted over one month.
The Picato is sold in two concentrations, one for body and one for face. The sap is probably closer to the body so go slowly when first using it on the face. I used the sap per the instructions for the Picato. I clipped a few stems and dabbed a few drops sap on my forehead. I then took a wet finger and rubbed it around a small area. Once a day for three days. Normal cells will react slightly like a sunburn but precancerous and cancer cells will react strongly. You will see the precancerous and cancer areas react differently than normal cells. You can also put a drop directly on a lesion and it will stay localized.
The Ingenol Mebutate (IM) will cause the mitochondria of the cancer cells to stop functioning and die. The IM also causes a strong localized immune response to replace the dead cells with new healthy ones. Truly a miracle plant.
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19 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2014 :  23:50:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Gloe,

How are you going with your treatment? Have you finally had success? I hope your skin cancer is finally gone from all your treatment.

Best wishes,
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Posted - 01/07/2015 :  05:01:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, as I posted on the vitamin C thread, I am still struggling. For those who asked questions about PS, before I ever put it on my face, I tested 2 spots with sap (inside of wrist and inside of elbow). They didn't even get red. I put it on my face, and POW, it started eating away at a cluster of sores on the side of my nose. I had a lot of bleeding at first.

Untimately, however, this has not worked for me. 6 months of PS, mostly the "soaking water" made by cutting up leaves and stems into a small jar with a little distilled water, and kept in the fridge. I got the idea from I think SoFl. I did get 2 sap treatments out of my plants, in June and in October, both for about 2 weeks.

What would happen to me with PS is that the area would scab up with a bloody scab, the scab would get thicker until it would come off in the bath, leaving open skin that would bleed. Then more PS made it scab up again, and repeat for all these months.

Last Thursday, I got all the scab off in the bath, and had a large red area with small areas of bleeding. I put a mix of DMSO and IP6 on it. I rinsed it off after 2 hours and then applied Argentyn 23 Gel. I have written about this before. It is a very soothing, clear gel that is easy to find. (Amazon sells it. Just a warning though, it is freeze sensitive, so if you live in a cold climate, I would not order it on line right now.)

The next morning, all the peripheral redness had gone away and I had 3 small distinct dark sores in an area roughly the size of a dime. Then I had the brilliant idea of putting Lucas' Papaw ointment on it -- something I find incredibly healing on my super dry hands in the winter (so dry I get cracks that bleed). Well, papaya contains an enzyme that breaks down protein, so within 30 minutes, the scabs were dissolving, and the whole area was red and disgusting looking. I just washed my face that night, and put nothing else on it. The area has stayed all red with some bleeding here and there. This morning I put IP6 + DMSO on it; I will rinse it off after 2 hours and apply Argentyn 23 again.

I don't know what my next step will be other than the IP6+DMSO routine. Ascorbic acid paste is a possibility.

Before I used PS, I had a cluster of red bumps in this area, one of which would occasionally bleed a little, but my face did not look so bad that I felt I needed to put a bandaid on it. Now, I rarely go out without covering this mess up. I'm not saying PS made it worse -- it looks worse, but I think PS goes after abnormal cells, but just couldn't finish the job for me.

I really wish everyone the best. I am going to look into electronic brachytherapy (a form of radiation treatment that is being used for skin cancer). I posted a separate thread about this.

Edited by - gloe on 01/07/2015 05:03:58
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Posted - 01/08/2015 :  02:17:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi gloe,

I'm really sorry to hear that all your hard work hasn't paid off yet.

I had read where SoFl had great success using petty spurge on BCC's and SCC's using the method that you tried so I thought that it should work for you. I was never game to try that method myself.

I have been using petty spurge for about ten years and originally got the instructions for its use fron an Australian doctor. I always apply 1-2 drops of sap to the area once a day for 3-4 days and then leave the scab to form. The scab is not to be touched or got wet but just left to fall off when it is ready. This never leaves any scar at all. Using this method I have found that petty spurge only gets rid of minor skin cancers. I now use it as a diagnostic as it is great at finding the skin cancer. I apply it for 2-3 days, then put black salve on. I haven't used black salve on my nose though as fortunately any I have had on my nose have been minor skin cancers.

The radiation treatment certainly sounds good without being disfiguring. Good luck with whatever you do and please keep us posted.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.