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 Petty Spurge Herb sap for skin cancers
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11 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2013 :  00:18:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Trueson


One of the main reasons I advise patients to have a proper check and advice from their doctor before starting something like this.
I am an Australian skin cancer doctor - and I approve of people using topical treatment - if they are informed and that is what they want - anything on the head and neck - especially eyelids is fraught with danger.

I have a specialist eyelid surgeon that I refer these to - because its clear from the photo that this has extension around the palpebral margin. The reaction on the top lid is due to midline crease irritation - almost certainly not from any additional cancer.

Using petty Spurge sap directly, I would limit to actinic keratoses or what look like superficial BCCs or IEC, in other words same sort of application as efudix / aldara etc. Again avoiding anything within 5 mm or sometimes more of eyelids, nostrils, lips. The advantage of spurge, or (ingenol mebutate / Picato) is it only needs one or two applications.

Also you probably are making an assumption that this is only a nodular BCC. From my experience, at least 30 % of these will be mixed sub-type - so you may have micronodular, sclerosing or morpheoform BCC in there. If these invasive subtypes are not removed, the recurrence will be horrendous and you could need a complete new eyelid. Unfortunatley if you live in the US and are not insured it will cost you a lot to get definitive treatment for this - whereas in Australia, it probably only cost you the time to get a review and biopsy from me and a trip to see my surgeon who also works for no gap payment.

Good luck with it anyway - I would suggest have the surgery and be done with it and forget about homeopaths and other quackery

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44 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2013 :  08:10:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Peterjm1003. Three posts ago I wrote that my BCC seems to have two different parts. I have seen two GPs and one specialist eye surgeon about my BCC, none of whom told me that it was more than one type of BCC - I had to discover it myself.

Thanks for the info about the upper eyelid - it sounds to me like that is a plausible explanation.

I realise that treating skin near the eye is dangerous but I don't think that should necesarily stop you from treating it as long as you are very careful, as the link below shows. As many forum members here have attested to, just because you have a BCC sugically removed doesn't mean thats the end of the story as it seems that in many cases the BCC returns.

Finally, I don't believe Homeopaths and Anthroposophical doctors (who are licensed medical doctors) are "quacks". Have you investigated their methods with an open mind, and preferably experienced their treatment first hand? I have, and I have had impressive results.

Maybe my error was to not consult them first before trying these topical treatments. One of the Anthropsophical doctors' main treatments for cancer is mistletoe which apparently is used in 60% of cancer treatments in Europe, either seperately or together with conventional medical treatments. There is a wealth of double blind trials on the effectiveness of mistletoe.

Anyway thank you for the good wishes.

Edited by - trueson on 06/30/2013 08:16:07
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5 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2013 :  23:27:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks to SoFL and all the others who've shared their experiences using (and growing) Petty Spurge.

What worked (for me):
It was following the suggestion of lifting the scab to re-apply the sap and laying the dampened leaf across the spot after "sapping" and before bandaging, that finally did the trick for a flat shiny spot that refused to soften and dissolve (and that came back after last year's faster response to treatment).

And how:
I've also noticed that spots take a long time to clear on me, as they have for some others. Maybe these (non-biopsied) spots aren't "the right kind" of BCCs? But some here have had success treating warts, age spots, nevis (?sp) and even at least one melanoma w/PS, so maybe that's where PS's caustic nature does the trick. It cleared a mole for me last year that I'm 99.5% certain was not cancerous.

It'd be great to know more from the doc who said there were 3 BCC sub-types that PS didn't work on. It'd be useful to know the maximum treatment time that conclusion was based on. If they didn't treat those sub-types for more than 3 days, it's unclear how they can be sure the PS wouldn't be effective with a longer course.

Side effects:
As some others have experienced, I get fatigued when treating the spots. My guess is that it's because I have an auto-immune disorder (of which fatigue is one frequent symptom), so perhaps my immune system over-reacts to the caustic and other characteristics of petty spurge? Or perhaps it's the inflammation which creates the systemic fatigue?

Identifying the plants:
Euphorbia Peplis/Purple Spurge doesn't look like E. Peplus/Petty Spurge much at all. We've noticed here that people confuse Petty Spurge with Chickweed more readily than they do with Purple Spurge. Purple Spurge/E. Peplis has gray-green leaves with a reddish-purple mid-rib (thus the name) and is prostrate. Our friend Petty Spurge/Peplus is upright, the leaves are a different shape, and they're paler and more yellow-green in color.

@Brigid, have you found an alcohol based tincture to be effective? I'm concerned about it increasing the burning (which is a bit fierce this evening) and about how the alcohol might interact or interfere with ingenol mebutate, the effective compound in Petty Spurge.

We've never successfully transplanted petty spurge from the garden to indoors - it always dies within a couple of weeks regardless of conditions. And we're highly experienced gardeners! But it comes up like crazy in our garden, especially now that I let it go to seed. We'll be starting some in pots for growing in a cool sunny window here in our Northeastern US climate over the fall and winter.

I have enough that I could share maybe a dozen plants with people. I pull them and put them in a glass of water and keep them in the bathroom where they last a couple of weeks while I snip and sap. I'm in the westernmost county of New York state, but am not prepared to ship plants. If you're willing to come here to pick them up, I'm happy to pull some and give them away. Most of these are 10-12" tall, and quite bushy, so would get you through treating several spots. And they'll be going to seed very soon, so you could collect the seeds (we use an artist's paintbrush to make picking them up easy) and have your own source.

Edited by - Thrivalista on 07/15/2013 17:28:26
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44 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2013 :  04:18:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Thrivalista - an intetesting post especially the news that treating for longer/more intensely worked for you. That's great to hear!

After my last unsuccessful attempt with Petty Spurge I am currently treating my eyelid BCC for a longer period - I am up to 7 days now applying the sap every morning and have also found that I can apply the sap directly to the BCC a few mm from the eye without much discomfort. I got the idea of modifying the PS from Nunga48's post in another thread on eyelid BCC and black salve, and the fact that the commercial PS cream uses a more dilute form for the face.

I think the fact that my plant is going to seed has made it less potent and more suitable for use so close to the eye. I started off diluting the sap with a few drops of water and then seeing how my eyelid reacted. It seemed to tolerate it OK so I gradually reduced the water each day until I had full stregth sap.

The PS seems to be going deeper this time. I think the problem earlier for me was the PS reacting to surface BCC and AK but not going deep enough (part of my BCC is also hard and shiny and seems to be a deep lump).

I have also started Iscador/mistletoe injections to support my immune system but have not noticed any effects yet.

Edited by - trueson on 07/15/2013 04:29:22
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Posted - 07/15/2013 :  17:29:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting theory on the sap's potency, trueson. I'll keep that in mind when I start to work on the spots on my face.
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44 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2013 :  08:30:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thrivalista: how many days in total did you end up applying PS when you successfully treated your BCC?
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68 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2013 :  12:15:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Thrivalista,

No, I"ve never tinctured the PS, agree w/ you that the alcohol would add more to the burning. Tinctures are stronger in general than teas from dried plants, (not that we ever dry ps before using) so in theory you could tincture the whole plant 1:5 ratio of plant to grain alcohol and then if the burning was intolerable, you could put the # of tincture drops you planned to use in a very small amt. of water and boil off the alcohol (for 3 minutes after boiling.). Many herbalists will tell you that boiling alters plant constituents but I've found it to work fine on some other tinctures I've used.

For the burning, I use homeopathic belladonna, every 15 minutes if it's bad enough. Also,
there are a number of cooling, anti-inflammatory herbs in common use. I don't know whether taking them internally (which you would do for immunity) would counteract the PS. I'll look into this.

As for the fatigue, some people don't experience it, and I do think it's about general immunity--I might not assume it's an autoimmune dysfunction, though it could be. Certain herbs and supplements are immune-supportive or stimulating. Which ones you take depends on your constitution and overall health picture.

Originally posted by trueson

Hi Thrivalista - an intetesting post especially the news that treating for longer/more intensely worked for you. That's great to hear!

After my last unsuccessful attempt with Petty Spurge I am currently treating my eyelid BCC for a longer period - I am up to 7 days now applying the sap every morning and have also found that I can apply the sap directly to the BCC a few mm from the eye without much discomfort. I got the idea of modifying the PS from Nunga48's post in another thread on eyelid BCC and black salve, and the fact that the commercial PS cream uses a more dilute form for the face.

I think the fact that my plant is going to seed has made it less potent and more suitable for use so close to the eye. I started off diluting the sap with a few drops of water and then seeing how my eyelid reacted. It seemed to tolerate it OK so I gradually reduced the water each day until I had full stregth sap.

The PS seems to be going deeper this time. I think the problem earlier for me was the PS reacting to surface BCC and AK but not going deep enough (part of my BCC is also hard and shiny and seems to be a deep lump).

I have also started Iscador/mistletoe injections to support my immune system but have not noticed any effects yet.

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5 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2013 :  12:34:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Trueson, I apologize if I wasn't clear. Lifting the scab and/or scraping it away combined with the sap+leaf technique is helping that persistent spot *to soften and dissolve*. It's not all gone yet (I've been treating it for over a week), and one small section of it is particularly resistant. But it is dissolving more than last time. I'm now alternating the sap + leaf treatment with an occasional day of just aloe to rest a bit. I'm reluctant to give the atypical cells a day to recover and get tougher, but need to balance that with managing pain and fatigue so I can work. (I have several spots going on my forearm, since the PS spread and they "lit up".)

About sap strength during seeding - it would be good to see the science on this. Some compounds in plants do decrease during flowering and seeding - for example, the volatile oils - but I don't know plant chemistry enough to know if the diterpene esters fall into that category. I know the sap is working, albeit slowly, but I'm not sure I could handle stronger/faster with so many spots that started doing the PS thing.

Brigid: thanks for responding. I think I'll try the leaves in water solution that worked for SoFL as a cushion for times when I can't get the plants to grow.

I didn't mean to imply that every person who had the fatigue reaction has an auto-immune disorder, I was just putting that out there as one possible piece of the puzzle. (There are several other things I'm doing for my immune system, which are also beneficial for fighting cancer in general.)
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68 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2013 :  12:49:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Speaking of mistletoe causing fevers in the body, isn't there a heat treatment for skin cancers that's said to be effective? I've read that it also can cause burn damage to the skin, so I'm not sure I'd use it on eyes or lips or nostrils. It's not a self-treatment. Has anyone tried it? Is it used more in Europe?

Originally posted by trueson

Thanks anivoc. Unfortunately the Petty Spurge hasn't really worked. The face is all healed up now and the PS has done some good but has not removed the whole of the BCC on the very edge of the eyelid.

There seems to be two parts to my BCC-the outer Nodular part and the inner BCC which is white and pearl-like and like a hard lump. The PS has done a reasonable job on the outer but hasn't touched the inner.

I'm running out of options now. I will do another round of PS but I have also booked in to see an Anthroposophical doctor with a view to getting some Iscador or misletoe injections which create a fever in the body which helps to attack the cancer. I have also booked in for the eyelid surgery but will cancel or postpone this if something else works. I might also see a homeopath. It's late here now so I will post some pictures later.

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44 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2013 :  08:18:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Brigid, I haven't used it but there is a centre here in Australia which uses hyperthermia for cancer. I contacted them and unfortunately their machine isn't suitable for head and neck treatment but may be useful for the rest of the body.

Thrivalista, thanks for your reply to my question. I hope you are successful with your treatment and your perseverance is rewarded. It was actually SoFl who originally gave me the idea that the sap from a seeding plant is less strong and it seems to be born out by my experience.
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3 Posts

Posted - 07/30/2013 :  21:06:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, the scab / rash that appeared MUST be cancer. It's in no way a result of the crazy **** you've put on your face.

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1 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2013 :  13:41:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Skin Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer with about one in five Americans being affected each year. The incidence of the cancer of the skin has been recorded to have risen over the years with the increase in the level of risk factor and carcinogens in the environment. Though there are three common form of skin cancer; the Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma and Melanoma, the first two are not very serious and can be treated and cured easily.

[url=]home remedies for scabies[/url]
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44 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2013 :  07:05:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Crazyashelllol

Yeah, the scab / rash that appeared MUST be cancer. It's in no way a result of the crazy **** you've put on your face.


I don't know if you've read the whole thread or not but I would say most of us here test a remedy on healthy skin first so we know we aren't allergic to it and also to see the effect on healthy skin. I know I do this with everything I try. You don't want healthy skin to be effected in the process of killing the cancer.

The attractive thing about these remedies is that, unlike most of the medical topical treatments, they are selective in their effect and specifically target cancer cells. We wouldn't use them if they didn't. The best way to demonstrate the truth of this is to do a test on your own healthy skin and let us know the results.
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23 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2013 :  15:56:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by trueson


I would say most of us here test a remedy on healthy skin first so we know we aren't allergic to it and also to see the effect on healthy skin. I know I do this with everything I try. You don't want healthy skin to be effected in the process of killing the cancer.

The attractive thing about these remedies is that, unlike most of the medical topical treatments, they are selective in their effect and specifically target cancer cells. We wouldn't use them if they didn't. The best way to demonstrate the truth of this is to do a test on your own healthy skin and let us know the results.

Trueson, thank you very much for sharing your experience on the forum. It is revealing and help other to learn a bit more about natural remedy Petty Spurge.
I hope you'll heal eyelid this time successfully and your example is so good to show that persistence is as important.

If you go for a longer treatment how you'll know it is enough long or not too long?
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44 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2013 :  08:02:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your kind words Dave2001. The length of treatment is really just trial and error. If applying sap for 3 days doesn't work then one can try 5 days, let it heal for a time and reassess the situation. I would just increase by a small amount each time then let it heal and decide if you want to do more.

Unfortunately PS has not helped my BCC even with extended treatment of 10 days. I suspect I have an unusual type of BCC which is impervious to PS and everything else I have tried. I am now on Homeopathics and Mistletoe injections and I seem to be getting some reaction in the BCC but it is a bit too early to be sure. I will post again if I have any success with these methods.
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3 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2013 :  18:26:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jilly,

I read your post about your kind offer of sending seeds. I've had severe Actinic Cheilitis for years and tried everything to no avail. I'd really appreciate if you can share seeds and/or sap. I'll be happy to pitch in for your effort and time. Thanks!

No unfortunately he didn't and in fact he said that while the trials were successful he wouldn't recommend that I go pluck a plant and use the sap. I did not cover with a bandaid but maybe I should have. My scab formed immediately upon application and I too most likely had a nodular BCC. I do have the three types written down somewhere so I'll try to find them and post in addition to the photo of my current state. Cheers.

Originally posted by BBirdz

Jilly-Thanks for clarifying. Did the doctor you met tell you anything about how to use the PS? When I used the sap I covered it with a bandaid so a scab wouldn't form which I don't think they did in the peplin trials. I did have an open pit form where the nodule had been but by the next morning it had filled in with white. I wonder now if that was the core of the cancer I was seeing.
Do you know the names of the types of cancer that don't respond? I thought they were mostly testing it on superficial basal cell. The one I have is most likely nodular.

Originally posted by Jilly

Hi there,

Yes I meant my 3rd round. Each round I waited until the skin healed enough before starting, that is now open wound or scabbing. I kept retreating because even though the external part of the tumor fell off, it is still there underneath the skin. I can see it, its white and is directly under where the external part fell off. My skin is now healed again and I see that unfortunately it is still there. I was told that there are three types of carcinomas that require MOHS, where nothing will work. The Dr. who told me this happened to run part of the Australian trials of Peplin. As I haven't had a biopsy yet of the tumor I don't know for sure which one i have. I just know its still there underneath. I did the applications once a day for three days. I tried this last 3rd time to sleep with it one night. I stop usually when I see the area become extremely inflamed. (immune response maybe) I'll post photos tomorrow. Hope that answers your questions.
Originally posted by BBirdz

When you say you are starting your third application do you mean of your second treatment round or is this actually a third round of treating the same spot? I had to delay re-treatment as I got sick and didn't want to treat when my immunity was low. I am wondering how your retreatment has been going,how many applications you did the second time around and how you are determining the need to treat a third time (if this is your third round) Thanks and wishing you all the best with your treatment!

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Posted - 09/18/2013 :  18:35:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Jilly,

I hope you are in good health and spirit! Are you by any chance still offering to share your seeds/sap? I've had severe actinic Cheilits for years and have tried so many things to no avail. I'd really appreciate your kindness.
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Wisconsin guy

5 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2013 :  06:16:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, new to posting here but have been lurking for awhile. Its my 1st treatment on a BC with PS sap on a spot on my arm that was froze by a derm. about 10 years ago, this spot for the last 2 years has been either bleeding or scabed over. I am not new to skin cancer, ive gone under the knife 7 times and have had spots froze alot of times. Get this, the last time I had 4 spots froze each one was considerd as a surgery and was charged $1200 per spot and they all came back. 2 years ago I went in and had a BC surgery and now have a 3" scar and had a $4000 dollar bill. At that time I was told I had over 30 some skin cancers on my back and other areas and now some are getting worse so I decided to look into self treatment and thats how I found this forum. I first thought I would use bloodroot, went out in our woods this spring and dug some bloodroot and made a batch of black salve, while reading here the petty spurge seemed to be a better starting point than going black salve right away. I orderd some seeds and now my PS plants are 2 1/2 months old and prod

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60.73 KBuce alot of sap, they have been grown in a basement window. I put sap on for 3 days, one day off and then 3 more days of sap(one drop a day). I will say that the sap made me feel like when Ive been stung by bees, not the pain of the sting but the way my body felt overall. I stopped putting sap on after day 6 because day 7 I was feeling alittle run down and the spot was sore. Im not sure the sap will get this cancers root, it seems to be deep, in pic 6 and 7 you can see in the hole what apears to be a root. I will post updated pics and reports as I see changes. Thanks for all the info here.
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23 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2013 :  15:55:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you Wisconsin guy for sharing.
Please keep us posted with updates.
PS would be my choice if available, I couldn't find it and decided to try Curaderm on BCC.
Seems that both are excellent remedies, PS being (my impression) a bit more active and penetrating, as result eventually faster.
Also, seems that each cancer is individual so if one remedy doesn't work as expected there is a good chance that other one may help.
Anyway, my experience with Curaderm and BCC was excellent (in terms of how predictable a cure course developed with healing result that came out as expected).
I wish you great results with petty spurge.
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25 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2013 :  15:17:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for sharing the photos. That looks like the PS cleared out that crater! Should heal up nicely.
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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 09/24/2013 :  19:16:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
update, this pic is day 12 , starting to close in but still going deeper. Thanks 4 the replys.

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25 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2013 :  15:32:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wisconsin guy, did you continue to apply the PS after day 6 (curious since you are saying the PS is still digging deeper). Also, great photos, what kind of camera did you use?
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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 09/25/2013 :  19:18:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just put it on the 6 times, the deeper hole seems to be draining around the edges of the root and going deeper. I am thinking about doing another day or 2 because the root looks strong or healthy yet. The camera is just a old kodak with close up option, I crop and fix the pics on the computer the best i can.
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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 10/03/2013 :  08:47:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Today is 21 days since my 1st treatment of p.s. on my arm, I have not put any on since day 7 and im happy with the way it has healed so far. I did put some p.s. sap on a spot on my chest and applied for 3 days. With the 1st treatment I could tell it was working on that spot, before I applird on day 3 it was raised and swollen with a area about the size of a golf ball red and rash looking. Day 4 the sap had the target spot raised and swollen with a few other spots that were in that golf ball sized area raised and swollen also which showed me there was more there than just that targeted area (target area was the size of pea). The spot on my chest is on day7 and is scabed and looking better every day. Its sad to see my plants are seeding now, but I do have some new started and getting bigger everyday so I should be able to treat the many more skin cancers I have. Pic is day 21 of my arm.

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668 Posts

Posted - 10/03/2013 :  09:43:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Congrats on your success so to bug you to remember to document with pictures....The old POIDH "pictures or it didn't happen" Talk is cheap but pictures are proof of the pudding..or lack thereof ;)

Pictures provide assurance....

One thing that I am curious about with petty spurge is if some people might with poison ivy or oak, have a allergic reaction "anywhere" they put it..

I tried it on a undamaged area as I did with bloodroot paste and it had no effect on healthy skin... That said I one of the lucky ones who is also not affected by poison oak...

I encourage you to do the same...just to make sure..

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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 10/03/2013 :  10:38:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tested it on myself on an un-effected area (where your arm bends oppisite the elbow)wher the skin is tender, got just a slight redness that faded in a day. The ivy's tear me up, logger for many years and always had poision ivy some place.
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25 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2013 :  15:40:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wisconsin Guy you should be pleased. Healing is going so well. Thanks for sharing the photos. You're like a textbook case for PS. Even if the Basel Cell comes back a little in the future, you could always hit it again.
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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 10/10/2013 :  08:26:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Today is 28 days from the 1st drop of P.S. sap on my arm and its looking better than it has for 2 years. I go next week to my doc for my yearly check up and will tell him about useing the sap, he has had BCC surgery on his face and the scare is nasty. The spot on my chest is clearing up nice also, im happy I tried this treatment and will be useing it on many more. Pic of my arm 29 days in.

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25 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2013 :  11:01:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Looks very nice Michigan Guy. Soon will be invisible! Inspiring case. If there were a textbook written about Petty Spurge, which of course there hasn't been (yet), your case would have to be in itI I want to do some spots on my face, but dreading facing people looking terrible . . .
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Wisconsin guy

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Posted - 11/01/2013 :  06:36:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is an updated pic of bcc spot on my arm at 50 days, it does not feel like there is any mass/hard spot there anymore. I am a week or 2 from my next go with P.S. sap, new plants are around 5" tall now. I did get alot of seeds from the old ones and re-seeded them self also.

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1 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2014 :  03:04:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

First time poster here.

I have read all the posts to date and am quite interested in this plant.

Bit of a background on me and why I am interested:
I have had a melanoma removed from my lower back. The melanoma I had removed was 1 mm deep and was thankfully removed in the initial biopsy, i.e. had not cleared the margins of the cut (a 6mm semi circular crater is the best way I can describe it). I had a further 'wider excision' where the surgeon simply removed some more skin around the area for precautionary measures.

I go back to my surgeon every 6 months for a checkup on any suspect moles. (can the PS be simply applied to a mole, if so would that not simply remove the mole and hide any risk of it been a melanoma?)

I'm very interested in this plant for any future issues I may have. I don't have any BCC or SCC, my skin is in quite good condition, I guess its all the Olive oil I ate in my Greek upbringing. I have just had that 1-off melanoma removed 2 years ago.

I guess what I am asking is:
1.If there is anything I can use this plant for in my situation as it appears a lot of people are using it for SCC add BCC.
2. Do I randomly apply it to some normal looking moles to see?

Thanks for all this information, it’s great to see.
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7 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2014 :  06:44:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can excess plants be blended into a soup and stored in the freezer? Has anyone tried this?
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Posted - 03/21/2014 :  10:30:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Anivoc,
I've been following your posts on topical info, and may i just say Thanks!! for all your feedback and info. I just now came across your post that you'd seen ps growing in Encinitas, and that's where I am!! The funniest story.. I'd been up till 3am reading thread after thread,at last coming across the petty spurge info. I've been doing a vit C with DMSO past for about 9 weeks now; it has set the lesions back, but I have one I'm concerned about and decided to do more investigating. Thinking- I have to find this plant! I ordered some seeds from the AU site, but upon gazing at all the photos of ps, and looking at the map of where it grows, I realized it's probably around here somewhere. Then showed photos to my roommate, who said 'I think it's growing on the back patio!' Sure enough, we took a flashlight (nighttime) and there it was. The little weed we've been routinely pulling out. So what I've got are a few scrubbly little plants growing in the cracks of concrete blocks, but I intend to water and spread some light feed around and see if they can grow more. In the meantime, I will look for more, larger and robust plants.
I have several spots that have emerged over the last few years. Have been cut into plenty at a cost of about 2,000 each time. Sent me into bankruptcy, basically. Grew up here on the beaches of Encinitas, a red-haired kid who burned a lot, but brown eyes pigmented my skin enough to get a golden tan. Spent sooo much time in sun, now payin' for it. I will document my self treatment to post on this site, and do the best I can with photos because I know what a valuable service this is! Again, many thanks to you Anivoc. Advice and pointers to the precious plant greatly appreciated! - Vlynn
Originally posted by anivoc

Tom I am finding this stuff growing all over the San Gabriel Valley and saw some down in Encinitas last week. I had several nice ones growing in a patch behind my garage but too direct exposure to sun so summer killed them..

Yesterday I was across the street talking to my neighbor and there several growing in his front yard planter.

Point being for us here in Cali the gettin is good all over the place.

To date only the sap has been used as a treatment..I am curious/ suspect there may be other ways to get the active ingredient out of the plant.. certainly if the plant dies the active ingredient is still in the plant...( maybe the ingredient becomes ineffective by I doubt it) just my thoughts on it. I have a dozen or so dried up plants in the back yard to experiment with...

At this time I am trying a few other protocols ( vitamin c) ( the caffeine and red clover mix that a poster spoke of having remakable results with)...for far.. not near the good results of petty spurge or blood root paste

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18 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2014 :  01:10:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hi to all just another update after a few years on now post the treatment

Here is the image of the area

Originally posted by Grace2Go

Your bcc area looks great svanip! Thanks for posting the regular pictures of your progress.

My 3 little plants are growing very slowly, but as soon as one is big enough I'll be starting the sap treatment on my bcc.

Originally posted by svanip

Hi just thought I would put into action a live treatment for your information if anyone would like to see the results....

So far - 24th of March 2010 - I went for a Skin Check with my local GP I pointed out a legion I was concerned about "not seen by Dr" - A Shave biopsy taken following day of a 7 x 4 mm legion on Upper Left Lip region....

9 Days Pass
Biopsy / Histology result was of a multifocal superficial BCC..

GP referred to plastic surgeon for surgical removal - surgeon not available to see me 12 weeks.....

After much deliberation and investigation I decided to try Petty Spurge treatment - it pretty much grows in every garden as a pest weed here......

6 April Image shows – Start "2 weeks post shave biopsy" - Then the following morning after initial application of the Milk/Sap.

Euphorbia Peplus - Petty Spurge - Radium Weed - Cancer Weed

SEEDS - try here ( Service was very good )

This substance contains known carcinogens.... Try it at your own risk !!!

You may need to copy and paste this link....." target="_blank">

What does the active ingredient do:

Basically the Sap starts to kill the Cancer Cells (Cell Necrosis) within hours of the application then the active components in the sap induce a secondary inflammatory response at the site of the application within 24-48 Hrs, which in turn generates tumor-specific antibodies to hopefully get rid of the balance of the nasty cells.... Something like that anyway - in very simple terms....

My treatment plan 12 Days twice a day application.....

Pre Treatment Image - 2 Weeks Post BCC Shave Biopsy


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First Day of Treatment !

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Day 2 approx 36 Hrs Post Euphorbia Peplus Sap/Latex Application - it is growing

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Day 2 Afternoon Update - Its drying out and not stinging so much.....

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Day Six - Morning Image - sorry re the lack of weekend images. It was a very painful weekend but not unbearable - the scab had completely covered the inflamed areas and came off on several occasions. I do quite a bit of sport - ie cycling and swimming so with the sweating and being in the water for several hours the area was scab free. The area seems to have stopped growing and feels like it is calming down somewhat ie: less pain and less blistering scabbing etc -I am opting for a review after the 12 Day x twice a day application period which is a little more than most I have read about online using Euphorbia Peplus raw sap only - I will continue to apply until the scabbing has been resolved then rest and recovery. I do not wash the sap off and I have not covered the area -unless showering etc then I re apply and let it dry on the treatment area - The amount of sap I use is quite small - a tiny drop - maybe the size of a pin head or two. This seems to be an ample quantity to soak into the treatment area - the sap is quite watery and not very viscous - it flows very willingly and spreads out over the area rapidly - the activity of the sap appears to radiate out and around the original treatment area without any need to cover it completely be careful this is a very strong substance indeed - as you can see from the images. I noted that several people had stated the the treatment was not painful - well on the face it is quite painful and it burns for several hours, if you can imagine a mild acid or caustic burn - that is what it is similar too - for me anyway.... enjoy

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Day 6 of treatment....

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Day 7 Images - The area appears to be healing and feeling OK the scabbing is very thick and firm now - the treatment area has some skin flaking around the margin - I am still applying the raw sap to the top of the scab after showering etc - it is still burning, so I guess the treatment is still working......

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This afternoons shot of the crusty demon - was a mild burning sensation all day "as usual" no great change today !

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Morning of Day 8 - Feeling similar scab is quite thick still some mild stinging after application of raw sap - not unbearable though.

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Afternoon Day 8 - Its Itchy and annoying !

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Morning Day 9 went for a hard twilight bike ride last night a lot of sweating etc - so in the middle of the scab the dark area is a crater about 3mm deep which obviously washed out with the fluids. this was the location of the original BCC Site - Ewwwwww Gross .....

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Afternoon Day 9 - Not much to report - its very crusty itchy and annoying - the scab is huge and very thick, you cant see it on the image really...

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Morning Day 10 - Went for a 2K swim last night - scab is still mainly intact due to attached beard I think - not much change to the area, it is tender and a little itchy quite a bit of new pink skin is visible - I use a prescription antibacterial cream called Bactroban 2% at night over the entire area - want to minimize any secondary infection after swimming etc.

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Afternoon Day 10 - Feeling OK at the moment not much pain at all today, scab is shrinking "with help" if it wasn't in such a prominent position you would barley know it was there

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Morning Day 13 after some sporting activities and shaving the large scabs came of with a smaller center piece from the original BCC site still remains... have stopped the application of the raw sap and am covering the area with Bactroban 2% to aid in healing the area... lets hope that the BCC is dead and gone !!!

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Afternoon Day 13

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This is a close up of the site morning Day 13 v's Day 1 pre application..
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Day 14 Scab came off and left area visible......Second image is a close up shot - not sure if the BCC is gone or still alive.....

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Afternoon Day 14
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Morning Day 15 Healing well.....
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Close Up Day 15

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Day 15 afternoon image

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Day 16 Morning Image (Vitamin E used over night)

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Close up Day 16

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2 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2014 :  06:44:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thank you for this. So appreciate it. Amazing how similar my own treatments for SCC's look.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2014 :  07:55:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fantastic pics Svanip! Thank you for sharing these!
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Wisconsin guy

5 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2014 :  07:53:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Its been awhile since I posted so here is a update. The spot I treated on my arm needed to be hit again in 1 tiny spot where I thought was a deep root, the skin in that treatment area does not look like normal skin but like a scar from a bad burn. I would like to give a tip on what I found about P.S. sap, I found if the plants do not have red stems (red in the stem) the sap is weak.I had a fresh bunch of plants growing over the winter and they kinda stuggled and never got that red in the stems and the sap was not worth useing. Another thing I found is after my 1st plants seeded in the fall I cut them back to within a inch of the soil (in a pot)and gave the a small amount of water weekly and a couple months later I was seeing new growth and now are about 10 inchs tall with bright red stems and very strong sap. I have used this sap on a couples spots and found it really would attack the area, it would swell up and be more painfull than I have noticed before but seems to be killing the BCC. So try cutting your plants back and see what happens you might get the best P.S. plants you ever had without planting more seed.
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13 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2014 :  10:06:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I joined just because I came across this old thread that had recent updates. My story echos many of yours. I ordered the seeds mentioned on the site but wanted to know if live plants are available?

My condition was diagnosed this week though I had a feeling that it was BCC based upon researching my condition. One BBC on the cheek. Of course my Dermatologist highly recommends Mohs surgery which he says will leave a 2 inch scar. What disturbs me is the strong desire just to perform an expensive surgery without even trying other, less invasion solutions. Thanks for anyone who can help.
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2 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2014 :  13:09:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just took one from my cheek with petty spurge. It took 8 days and I had a nasty red blister for a couple of days. Now 10 days later my cheek is smooth and perfect again. No sign of the bcc. At least try it as a first call. I pick my petty spurge on roadsides however I live on an island with my spray policy so can pick with confidence. Good luck.
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Wisconsin guy

5 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2014 :  14:05:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had surgery on skin cancer 4 times and 3 of those times they did not get it all with the 1st cutting. My concern with not getting it all is how many cancer cells got in my blood stream, is this why I have so many now? The last surgery I had they got it all,the spot was about the size of a nickel and the scare I have is 3 inches long. Every one needs to decide if surgery is right for them or go other routes. I will say I will never have them freeze (liquid nitrogen spray) another because every one I have had done came back and worse. jmo
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68 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2014 :  15:18:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by srains99

I joined just because I came across this old thread that had recent updates. My story echos many of yours. I ordered the seeds mentioned on the site but wanted to know if live plants are available?

My condition was diagnosed this week though I had a feeling that it was BCC based upon researching my condition. One BBC on the cheek. Of course my Dermatologist highly recommends Mohs surgery which he says will leave a 2 inch scar. What disturbs me is the strong desire just to perform an expensive surgery without even trying other, less invasion solutions. Thanks for anyone who can help.

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68 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2014 :  15:24:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Srains,

There's a lot of information on the petty spurge part of the site. When I first joined, I read every thread. That was a while ago so there are more now, but it was worth the time. Getting informed is important. I also learned a lot from reading the introduction or general info about skin cancer that's posted under Skin Cancer Topical Treatments. I wish I'd known when I first joined that surgery isn't the only way to go, and collectively we have a lot of experience and information on this website. Take it slow, take a breath and hang in.

Originally posted by Brigid

Originally posted by srains99

I joined just because I came across this old thread that had recent updates. My story echos many of yours. I ordered the seeds mentioned on the site but wanted to know if live plants are available?

My condition was diagnosed this week though I had a feeling that it was BCC based upon researching my condition. One BBC on the cheek. Of course my Dermatologist highly recommends Mohs surgery which he says will leave a 2 inch scar. What disturbs me is the strong desire just to perform an expensive surgery without even trying other, less invasion solutions. Thanks for anyone who can help.

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13 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2014 :  08:39:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the responses. I ordered the seeds and will continue to research. I have still not found someone in the United States that sells the plants.
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9 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2014 :  13:50:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Once again, I have plants and will give them to anyone who wants them. I live in the New York area.
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13 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2014 :  14:56:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Awesome, thanks so much. I work in white plains, ny. I will send you a message
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.