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 Petty Spurge Herb sap for skin cancers
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18 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2011 :  10:34:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Others have reported spontaneous healing of spots near the treated sites. Usually small spots though.
Personally, other than the first spot that was surgically removed, I have only had very small spots and have treated them one or two at a time. I've always let them heal after just two applications three days apart. Some reduced in size rather than disappearing, and I have not retreated those yet. Rather keeping an eye on them to see if they grow at all.
So far there is little change, so I won't treat them until I don't have to work for a week or so.

Sorry I can't answer all your questions...

Originally posted by Jul

Thank you for your help Irene. I started treatment on a dime size spot on my ear just above the ear lobe. I followed the advice of SoFL and treated with sap then covered with the leaf and a bandage. I did this before bed. The spot began itching almost immediately. In the middle of the night the area was very painful and throbbing and I could not sleep so i removed the leaf and just covered with a clean bandage. This morning I applied new sap and leaf and covered again with bandage. I will see how it goes. I would rather use the leaf during the day and not at night so I can sleep. I will definetely treat only one spot at a time because they are mostly all on my face and all my spots are large and I am concerned that they might spread to other areas nearby.

One more question. When the PS spreads and reveals more cancer in areas around the original do you continue to put PS on just the original spot or do you use it on the new spots as well?


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5 Posts

Posted - 05/15/2011 :  15:42:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the information and answers everyone! I will be starting (when my plants get there) with a confirmed by biopsy SCC in the center of my chest but I am worried about the bcc on my left nostril. I think I will wait on the face until I have treated elsewhere on my body and get comfortable with the PS treatments. Have to say this forum got rid of all of my anger and fear caused by "Dr. Hackers" I have been to.

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6 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2011 :  12:06:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you again Irene!

I applied the PS again yesterday for 24 hours and then applied again this morning. This morning was my 3rd application. I did not have much pain yesterday, but the pain today is intense (burning and throbbing). I think this may be because the ear is such a sensitive area? Also this morning the area was a bit bloody and fleshy, no pit had developed. I was wondering will a pit develop in an area with cartilage like the ear? If any one has done a treatment on the ear any info would be helpful. The hardest part is knowing how long to treat for, especially the first time using the PS and if no pit develops.

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18 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2011 :  12:57:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It always hurts the first day or so after treatment. Bear with it :)
I think the development of a pit depends on the size and edpth of the BCC.
I wish you success!

Originally posted by Jul

Thank you again Irene!

I applied the PS again yesterday for 24 hours and then applied again this morning. This morning was my 3rd application. I did not have much pain yesterday, but the pain today is intense (burning and throbbing). I think this may be because the ear is such a sensitive area? Also this morning the area was a bit bloody and fleshy, no pit had developed. I was wondering will a pit develop in an area with cartilage like the ear? If any one has done a treatment on the ear any info would be helpful. The hardest part is knowing how long to treat for, especially the first time using the PS and if no pit develops.

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68 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2011 :  13:11:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For the burning pain, I've found homeopathic belladonna, 30C, helpful. Recommended to me by my homeopath. If you're not familiar with how to take homeopathic remedies, read up on google. It's not enough to follow instructions on the tube. Available at health food stores, no scrip necessary.

For areas that have spread, I definitely put it everywhere it has spread. When these areas are large, it poses a problem: how to not to overload my system w/ too much sap on the one hand and on the other not to dilute the sap. If not diluted, to cover the whole area would mean too many drops of sap for me to tolerate. I've arrived at a compromise---I don't dilute the sap, but decide which of a large area I'm going to treat, knowing that I can come back and do another part of the area later. Generally, but not always, the sap will spread on its own to inflame the whole area. For me, multiple treatments on the same spots and areas have been necessary. And I'm now looking into diet, enzymes and systemic remedies to stop the spread. Dan has written some useful information (long) on the skin cancer topical treatments section of this forum, I think. It's at the beginning of some section, anyway.

Hope this helps.

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6 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2011 :  17:44:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for your insight! Pleases let us know if you find any diet or internal strategies that have been effective for you.

I have applied PS again today the 4th application and covered with the leaf and a bandage. I did not have any pain until about 6-7 hours after applying and covering. I have noticed on the previous applications that once I remove the bandage and leaf the pain slowly subsides. Is the pain a sign of something? Is it better to leave it covered and suffer through the pain or should I uncover and let the pain subside. Also, is the pain a sign that I should keep treating? I am still confused about how long to treat to make sure to get it all. I would prefer if possible not to not have to retreat because I have so many more spots to treat and this could go on for quite a while if I have to retreat them.

Thanks so much
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76 Posts

Posted - 05/18/2011 :  22:22:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The question of how long to treat is one of the x-factors here. I did 5 days, once a day. Others have gone more than 10 days, I believe. Unfortunately, I think we are each of us an experiment of one, at this point. I would think that after 5 days, particularly if you've been adding the leaf and bandage, it might be a good time to let it heal up and see what you've got. There's really no downside in having to re-treat. The little leftover hot-spots I had after round 1 were smaller than a pinhead and were completely wiped out by the second round. The pain you are getting may be coming from the caustic nature of petty spurge. This caustic property has very little to do with its anti-cancer properties, which are a topical chemotherapy process rather than a "burning" away. Still, you do get some burning with this and it seems unavoidable. Once after crushing a lot of petty spurge leaves and foolishly not washing my hands, I inadvertently wiped an eye with one hand. I spend that afternoon flushing my burning eye with water. It was worse than getting jalapeno juice in your eye. So, yes, petty spurge is caustic.
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6 Posts

Posted - 05/20/2011 :  12:56:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I applied PS again yesterday (6th application )and covered with a leaf and bandage. Yesterday was the first time I was able to leave the bandage and leaf on for 24 hours. The pain/discomfort was much more tolerable yesterday. Yesterday morning and this morning there was an irregular pit formed with yellowish/white surrounding areas. I cannot tell if these surrounding areas are skin or dried oozing or scabbing or more cancer. I cleaned with peroxide and water but the yellowish areas did not go away. I treated with PS again and covered with leaf and bandage. I will see how it goes today. I am still trying to figure out if I should stop yet. Today was my 7th application of the PS.
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6 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2011 :  11:05:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SoFl

I have never used it on a broad area, only spot treatment. Based on working with it, I would be very hesitant to use it on a broad area. Instead I am ahead of it enough now so I just use in on anything that pops up.

Hi SoFl
Thanks so much for all your posts, they have been very helpful. I have a question regarding the above post. What do you mean by a "broad area"? What would you consider broad? Also, why do you say that based on working with it, you would be hesitant to use it on a broad area?

Thanks so much
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18 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2011 :  17:44:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, I think it's time to stop treating!!

Originally posted by Jul

I applied PS again yesterday (6th application )and covered with a leaf and bandage. Yesterday was the first time I was able to leave the bandage and leaf on for 24 hours. The pain/discomfort was much more tolerable yesterday. Yesterday morning and this morning there was an irregular pit formed with yellowish/white surrounding areas. I cannot tell if these surrounding areas are skin or dried oozing or scabbing or more cancer. I cleaned with peroxide and water but the yellowish areas did not go away. I treated with PS again and covered with leaf and bandage. I will see how it goes today. I am still trying to figure out if I should stop yet. Today was my 7th application of the PS.

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4 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2011 :  10:05:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A update that may help some, or maybe not.
I had a dull red spot high on my nose next to my left eye for many years. Over the last year it got larger and started to weep and then scab over. I did what most men did and totally ignored it.
However last year visiting a doctor for a unrelated problem I pointed it out and it was confirmed as a rodent ulcer that must be cut out. I was sent to a plastic surgeon as he was going to be required to graft skin from my forehead or neck to cover the gap and then it all stalled. He was reluctant to operate as I was currently taking pills that prevents clotting and I was put on a lenghty waiting list.
Cue petty spurge. Thankfully at this stage papers in the UK started running stories about this miracle plant. I then discovered this forum and as advised bought the seeds from Australia.
They arrived within one week and about 15 seeds were planted in independent pots indoors. About 60% germination success and all within a week.
On arrival of the spring 6 were planted outdoors but 4 died quickly. Without doubt mine do not like direct sun but are happy in the shade with wet feet.
After about a month they have all reached 5/6 inched in height, so I decided to start treatment.
My ulcer was about a quarter of an inch round, high on the inside of my nose close to the eye. My method was to cut a stem with scissors which immediately gave a large blob of sap which I carefully applied to the centre of the ulcer. After about 2 minutes the sap has soaked in and I got on with the day. Not covered.
Day 2. Ulcer going red. Another dose applied the same way. Day 3. Ulcer angry. Another dose applied. Then I left it alone, washing as normal and never covering. Quickly a very dark scab covered the area but at no time did I feel any pain, any discomfort or any tiredness.
Day 10 scab came off revealed new pink skin, no crater, no scarring, no damage to other areas and more importantly no sign whatsoever of any cancer, just PINK SKIN.
I didn't bleed and die, I didn't blind myself and I'm very grateful to this forum and petty spurge.
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7 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2011 :  13:56:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cause what a good post, really direct and to the point. How long ago was this? Is it still healed?
You say that after the scab came off there was no sign of a crater, does this mean that you had a crater with a ridge around it? If so, was the ridge also completely gone? The reason I ask is because I have now done 2 separate treatments with petty spurge, over 3 days like you but I kept it covered with a bandaid inbetween.
After the first time it came back just the same as before, The second time I finished about 2 weeks ago and its now looking a lot better, but I'm really not sure whether the ridge has gone. Its flatter but I can still see the outline of the ridge. I dont think it's finished healing yet so I'm waiting to see what it looks like in another week or so.
Thanks so much for the info.
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122 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2011 :  10:54:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My petty spurge treated spots looked bad after they healed. I treated them for perhaps 21 days. The spot on the tip of my nose became a lump,a raised bump. The side of my nose got several bumps and a blister looking thing. I went to the derm. she said the bump was a small cyst, and I had a bcc on the side. She told me to use efudex. So I decided to treat 4 spots.1 on my lip, one on the tip of my nose, and 2 on the right side of my nose. I started with curaderm, since the ps hadn't started to grow yet. I did that for a month or so until the progress slowed down. Then I hit it 1 time with petty spurge. It really hurt and swelled up and I guess remembering all the bumps I ended up with stopped me from continuing on. So I went back to just the curaderm. 2 places healed while using the curaderm. the one on the side of my nose and the one above my lip. But I think I fell a bump on the one above my lip. The other 2 just kind of stayed the same, not healing not getting bigger. So once a day I washed them with bobs banking soda, then put iodine on them until it dried then put the curaderm back on. Rapid progress. They got wider and deeper. So that's where I am and maybe this should go under the curaderm site, or maybe the iodine site.
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8 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2011 :  22:43:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello, thought I would add my experience with Petty Spurge as I probably went at it in a slightly different fashion. First of all thanks to the ppl that originally posted (Sofl I believe?) regarding the plant otherwise I would have been trapped using efudex (cosmetic effects of treatment weren't great). Amazing there wasn't much information on the net regarding it's use until recently, being as it is so effective.

I had a few spots on my face that looked suspicious so was principally looking to treat those but guessing that there were probably other areas waiting to spring up I treated the whole face. The sap was applied directly to the more obvious problem areas and then the leaves were crushed up with a tiny drop of distilled water and painted on the rest of the face using a small painters brush. Areas that I knew were an issue scabbed up quickest other areas that also started to scab i applied with sap and then again painted the whole face with the crushed leaves. Suffice to say my whole face went red and large areas scabbed. Continued this treatment for about nine days (twice a day). I was amazed at how quickly the skin seems to heal after the PS treatment. After 3 weeks there was just a slight pinkish tinge and then at 4 weeks I was cruising in the carribean with company and the skin was looking better than it had in a long time.

It has been almost a year and I am looking at growing some more plants and repeating the treatment. I will be interested to see if I get a similar reaction or wether it will be much reduced, I am presuming the latter. I would envisage having to do this several times through the years ahead but that of course will depend on results of the ongoing treatments.

A couple of notes: Within the first 3 weeks of treating be careful about going out in the sun. I live on the beach and after 2.5 weaks couldn't resist the water and ended up going ruby red for a couple of days after only a few minutes in the sun. I did apply crushed leaves near the eyes but had no adverse reaction.

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122 Posts

Posted - 06/01/2011 :  00:24:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I sure wish you had taken pictures. I was all so wondering if you had any deep,very deep spots?That sounds very brave. Thank you for posting.
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18 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2011 :  06:47:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for detailing your experience. In my opinion, you did go at it with an "over-kill" method that is not necessary, and perhaps even quite unhealthy.
Treating just the spots diagnosed to be, or that you suspect to be, BCC seems to me the better and more prudent approach.

Originally posted by BigD

Hello, thought I would add my experience with Petty Spurge as I probably went at it in a slightly different fashion. First of all thanks to the ppl that originally posted (Sofl I believe?) regarding the plant otherwise I would have been trapped using efudex (cosmetic effects of treatment weren't great). Amazing there wasn't much information on the net regarding it's use until recently, being as it is so effective.

I had a few spots on my face that looked suspicious so was principally looking to treat those but guessing that there were probably other areas waiting to spring up I treated the whole face. The sap was applied directly to the more obvious problem areas and then the leaves were crushed up with a tiny drop of distilled water and painted on the rest of the face using a small painters brush. Areas that I knew were an issue scabbed up quickest other areas that also started to scab i applied with sap and then again painted the whole face with the crushed leaves. Suffice to say my whole face went red and large areas scabbed. Continued this treatment for about nine days (twice a day). I was amazed at how quickly the skin seems to heal after the PS treatment. After 3 weeks there was just a slight pinkish tinge and then at 4 weeks I was cruising in the carribean with company and the skin was looking better than it had in a long time.

It has been almost a year and I am looking at growing some more plants and repeating the treatment. I will be interested to see if I get a similar reaction or wether it will be much reduced, I am presuming the latter. I would envisage having to do this several times through the years ahead but that of course will depend on results of the ongoing treatments.

A couple of notes: Within the first 3 weeks of treating be careful about going out in the sun. I live on the beach and after 2.5 weaks couldn't resist the water and ended up going ruby red for a couple of days after only a few minutes in the sun. I did apply crushed leaves near the eyes but had no adverse reaction.


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8 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2011 :  01:10:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Marsha, no I did not have any deep spots just superficial

Originally posted by marsha

I sure wish you had taken pictures. I was all so wondering if you had any deep,very deep spots?That sounds very brave. Thank you for posting.

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8 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2011 :  07:46:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As users of this plant will know the hardest part is trying to find that 3 week window of opportunity in between work commitments and social commitments where you can get away with having a less than attractive visage. Has anyone been succesful in growing the plant all year round ie. once one lot dies off another is ready to go so you can do the treatments when it suits you best and not just in late spring.

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122 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2011 :  10:34:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have the wild seeds + the ordered seeds. The wild seeds produce a smaller leafed plant.They both re-seeded,and grew more plants. the wild one stayed alive all winter, but got really shriveled. To bad I don't like the petty spurge right now, be cause I sure have a lot of it.
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16 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2011 :  17:37:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In answer to BigD regarding keeping the plants alive all year long: I live in the Phoenix, Arizona, USA metro area where it gets up to 120 degrees in summer and touches freezing in winter. It's desert climate, meaning it's very dry and sunny all year long. I'm growing my plants on a north-facing patio in shallow planters. This winter my petty spurge got very little direct sun at all. I planted them from the Australian seeds last July. The plants are thriving, re-seeding themselves and now in various stages of growth. All I do is water them once a day. The seeds have blown into other planters and now I am overtaken with petty spurge!! I have no green thumb, so this is definitely a noxious weed, but I am happy to have a future source should any bcc spots recur...have used PS on warts and old-age spots with success. Cannot report, however, on using PS on bcc as I didn't have it when treating my bcc. My conclusion is PS can be grown in a multitude of climates with benign neglect and the plants have great longevity. As others have suggested, use the Australian source--it's very reputable.
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18 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2011 :  10:42:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
IMHO The size of the leaves seems to depend on the light, moisture and soil quality, not the origin of the seed.
The new seeds that my plants (from Australian seeds) threw all over the place are growing with wild abandon. Seeds I planted from those I found inside scattered over the floor have resulted in massive growth (see picture I posted a couple of months back).


Originally posted by marsha

I have the wild seeds + the ordered seeds. The wild seeds produce a smaller leafed plant.They both re-seeded,and grew more plants. the wild one stayed alive all winter, but got really shriveled. To bad I don't like the petty spurge right now, be cause I sure have a lot of it.

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8 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2011 :  07:12:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did actually take photos Marsha or rather my partner did, but they are exactly as you would expect. No reaction where there was no sun damage mostly the chin area, scabbing and redness on areas where there was; mainly nose, cheeks and forehead. The great thing with Petty is that it heals quickly and the look of the scabbing and colouring is natural, as opposed to efudex which seems to go a very unatural bright red colour when it is doing its thing. I have just laid down some new seeds in expectation of a new tretment come spring time

Originally posted by BigD

Hello Marsha, no I did not have any deep spots just superficial

Originally posted by marsha

I sure wish you had taken pictures. I was all so wondering if you had any deep,very deep spots?That sounds very brave. Thank you for posting.

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8 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2011 :  00:47:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A wild shot here. I live in Perth WA does anyone know of the plants growing in this area?
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18 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2011 :  09:39:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As per:

here is the range map for the USA

Originally posted by BigD

A wild shot here. I live in Perth WA does anyone know of the plants growing in this area?

Image Insert:

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6 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2011 :  09:54:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I finished treating my ear and it is still scabbed and healing. I started treating a spot on my nose a couple days ago and it has opened a much larger area surrounding. The area is not deep at all just shallow and spread all around. The pain on my nose so far is much less intense than it was on my ear.

I notice little white specs in the area I have been treating. Does anyone know what these are or what this means? I did not notice these on the ear, but it was harder for me to see and the area was much deeper. Also, should i apply PS to the entire area even though it is large about the size of a silver dollar?


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25 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2011 :  10:13:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't know about the white spots, but if treating that large area doesn't hurt, I would say go for it and get it under control all at the same time. Petty doesn't scar that much, so however upset you or others are at your appearance now, it is temporary.
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2011 :  20:46:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi everyone! I'm back. My seeds did well and are ready ahead of the schedule I thought I would use. I figured they would be ready about July 4th but there are flowers starting already so I started tonight treating the one spot on my chest, confirmed SCC.

In growing my seeds I followed Irene's advice and my plants look a lot like hers. When I snipped the leaf, I only got a tiny bit of sap from it and was disappointed, then I saw the leaf stem I snipped it from that was still on the plant. There's the sap! Perfect tiny amount, used a dental tool and applied so no touching.

Thank you Irene (and all the others) for the excellent advice. Will keep in touch to update on how it goes.

PS I didn't realize there was another Grace on this forum. Apologies for the similar name. No idea how to change it!
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2011 :  20:51:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi everyone! I'm back. My seeds did well and are ready ahead of the schedule I thought I would use. I figured they would be ready about July 4th but there are flowers starting already so I started tonight treating the one spot on my chest, confirmed SCC.

In growing my seeds I followed Irene's advice and my plants look a lot like hers. When I snipped the leaf, I only got a tiny bit of sap from it and was disappointed, then I saw the leaf stem I snipped it from that was still on the plant. There's the sap! Perfect tiny amount, used a dental tool and applied so no touching.

Thank you Irene (and all the others) for the excellent advice. Will keep in touch to update on how it goes.

PS I didn't realize there was another Grace on this forum. Apologies for the similar name. No idea how to change it!
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2011 :  20:58:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi everyone! I'm back. My seeds did well and are ready ahead of the schedule I thought I would use. I figured they would be ready about July 4th but there are flowers starting already so I started tonight treating the one spot on my chest, confirmed SCC.

In growing my seeds I followed Irene's advice and my plants look a lot like hers. When I snipped the leaf, I only got a tiny bit of sap from it and was disappointed, then I saw the leaf stem I snipped it from that was still on the plant. There's the sap! Perfect tiny amount, used a dental tool and applied so no touching.

Thank you Irene (and all the others) for the excellent advice. Will keep in touch to update on how it goes.

PS I didn't realize there was another Grace on this forum. Apologies for the similar name. No idea how to change it!
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2011 :  23:41:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was a test subject in the 3rd phase of the Peplin study. I was only allowed to treat an area that was approximately 2" x 3" on the side of my face - cheek to the ear. The instructions were to apply once a day for 3 days. The area was not to be covered. The area reacted immediately, first going red and then opening up with fluid and what appeared to be whitehead pimples ... very similar to some of the pictures shown here. The reaction was pretty intense and frightening looking. It did itch, but it wasn't horrible. It scabbed over. About 2 weeks after treatment, most of the reaction had faded. About 2 months after treatment, there really was little indication of treatment. They kept me in the study for an additional 6 months or so to monitor. There was no return of the AKs and BCs in the area. The study was for AKs.
I asked to be called for further studies. I'm currently in the 2nd phase of a 2-phase treatment over the entire facc for a new Zyclara generic. I don't know whether I have the Zyclara or the generic. I definitely do not have the placebo. I started with 7 AKs and BCs on my face. After 2 weeks of applying once daily, there were 21 AKs and BCs. After 2 weeks of rest, there were 3 left. I'm 10 days into the 2nd phase and there are (to my eye) about 7 new inflamed ugly areas. I preferred the Peplin for several reasons. It was applied only for 3 days vs a total of 28. Other than the severe nasty ugly reaction and irritation at the site, I had no other symptoms. With the Zyclara (or the generic if I'm using that), I felt ok for the first 3 days. After that, I had (sorry) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold sores, horrible fatigue. Who'd think a topical could make me feel so badly. The side effects persisted almost 10 days after finishing the 1st phase. The doc advised that I try taking Unisom each evening for the 2nd phase. While still tired and nauseous with some diarrhea, it is not nearly as bad as the first phase.
So now I've purchased some Petty Spurge seeds, and I will attempt to grow them indoors. I have so many areas of concern after years of black-red sunburns on fair skin. Unfortunately, these research studies don't treat the entire problem -- only the areas selected by the doctor.
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2011 :  23:44:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Houston

I was a test subject in the 3rd phase of the Peplin study. I was only allowed to treat an area that was approximately 2" x 3" on the side of my face - cheek to the ear. The instructions were to apply once a day for 3 days. The area was not to be covered. The area reacted immediately, first going red and then opening up with fluid and what appeared to be whitehead pimples ... very similar to some of the pictures shown here. The reaction was pretty intense and frightening looking. It did itch, but it wasn't horrible. It scabbed over. About 2 weeks after treatment, most of the reaction had faded. About 2 months after treatment, there really was little indication of treatment. They kept me in the study for an additional 6 months or so to monitor. There was no return of the AKs and BCs in the area. The study was for AKs.
I asked to be called for further studies. I'm currently in the 2nd phase of a 2-phase treatment over the entire facc for a new Zyclara generic. I don't know whether I have the Zyclara or the generic. I definitely do not have the placebo. I started with 7 AKs and BCs on my face. After 2 weeks of applying once daily, there were 21 AKs and BCs. After 2 weeks of rest, there were 3 left. I'm 10 days into the 2nd phase and there are (to my eye) about 7 new inflamed ugly areas. I preferred the Peplin for several reasons. It was applied only for 3 days vs a total of 28. Other than the severe nasty ugly reaction and irritation at the site, I had no other symptoms. With the Zyclara (or the generic if I'm using that), I felt ok for the first 3 days. After that, I had (sorry) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold sores, horrible fatigue. Who'd think a topical could make me feel so badly. The side effects persisted almost 10 days after finishing the 1st phase. The doc advised that I try taking Unisom each evening for the 2nd phase. While still tired and nauseous with some diarrhea, it is not nearly as bad as the first phase.
So now I've purchased some Petty Spurge seeds, and I will attempt to grow them indoors. I have so many areas of concern after years of black-red sunburns on fair skin. Unfortunately, these research studies don't treat the entire problem -- only the areas selected by the doctor.

Correction - the original Peplin study lasted 6-8 months. They added on an additional year.
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611 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2011 :  01:40:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Houston for the report. In case anyone is confused, Peplin is a new pharmaceutical undergoing clinical trials for treating skin cancer using the active ingredient of petty spurge.

Zyclara appears to be nearly the same as Aldara. Both are topical imiquimod creams. Imiquimod works by engaging the body's immune system to fight the skin cancer. It is a nice idea, however, some people react very poorly to it. According these adverse reactions sometimes continue after the treatment is stopped.
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25 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2011 :  10:24:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow Houston! Great Post! Everyone here who's tried Petty Spurge already feels like a guinea pig, but now we're hearing from a guinea pig who's gotten guidance! Very interesting that the treatment time is 3 days (for AKs). Interesting they did not have you cover it. I thought Peplin was supposed to come out with their product by now? Do you have any inside info on this? Please keep posting on your continued experimentation with Petty Spurge and let us know if the previously treated area is "cured" or what over time. Your skin sounds so much like mine, with all the problems . . .
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2011 :  10:58:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi - I am now about 2 years post Peplin treatment. (Just went on a woman's retreat last month and was really ugly for the same retreat 2 years ago!) I've seen nothing returning in the Peplin-treated area. The Zyclara/or Zyclara generic treatment has not pulled up anything new in this area either. Are you in Clear Lake, Texas? or somewhere else? I ask because the doctor is still taking patients for the Zyclara research. They tell me that my side reactions are not common. Nausea today.

Originally posted by clearlake

Wow Houston! Great Post! Everyone here who's tried Petty Spurge already feels like a guinea pig, but now we're hearing from a guinea pig who's gotten guidance! Very interesting that the treatment time is 3 days (for AKs). Interesting they did not have you cover it. I thought Peplin was supposed to come out with their product by now? Do you have any inside info on this? Please keep posting on your continued experimentation with Petty Spurge and let us know if the previously treated area is "cured" or what over time. Your skin sounds so much like mine, with all the problems . . .

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25 Posts

Posted - 06/20/2011 :  15:14:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No, I'm located in Florida. I've tried Aldara a few times, which Dan posted is similar to your Z stuff and I reacted strangely also. Aldara made me very hyper, if I applied it at night as they directed, it kept me up all night. If I applied by day it was just a weird day, and I guess it was hyping up my obviously slow immune system. I've read some negative things on this forum about Aldara side effects, and I'd just as soon stay away from it.
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Posted - 06/20/2011 :  17:50:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also read Dan's Aldara post and was pretty frightened by it. I believe the Zyclara is a lesser strength of the IQ. I can deal with the nausea, headaches, exhaustion, etc., but more than this would be horrible.
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1 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2011 :  21:50:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I am posting for the first time. Do not try this at home just had to try it. I have put up with AC since last November and now it is almost July. The constant itching, sloughing skin made me scared. Keep in mind my skin is very thin and pale and I avoid sun like crazy, so when I did the 6 mile walk on the hot day with no hat, well I got the AC on my forehead and nose. I tried the route of Apple Cider Vinegar first, with Mother, which is supposed to work, but it did not. So I looked for Petty Spurge and yesterday I sat in my car with a plastic pen lid. The little stick end that holds it to a shirt pocket is a perfect applicator. I slathered 10 plants' sap all over the forehead and nose. I'm sure I did the whole three day treatment in one day.

Day 1- One hour later the jalepeno sensation began and my forehead and nose got very hot. Four hours later the veins and muscles were standing up and throbbing. The throbbing continued all night long and I could not sleep well.

Day 2- Pizza Face comes to mind. Bubbled skin, raw underneath. I won't put more on because this reaction is so over the top already, I can't imagine how people apply it for a week. I would have no skin left.
Now the end of the day and the oozing is very bad. I am so scared for secondary infection that aloe vera went on first to help the intense itching, and now neosporin is my best friend. I have to pick the ooze back to stay at the eyebrow line because I know that will turn into a huge scab, it is already drying into a crust. I am very concerned that I rubbed the skin on my nose and it began to lift off to expose a huge pink skin like an open blister. Thus the concern for secondary infection. I have to lay back and watch my face swell like a huge bee sting. I want to cry because I am so scared, but I am hearing stories of surgeons much scarier than this, so I will trust those who have already been doing this. Here is a pick of day 2 pizza face. The red dots on nose and forehead have all ben replaced by uniform red swelling, oozing, jelly like skin under the initial dermis, and I feel like a clingon with that fat forehead piece on.
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Posted - 06/26/2011 :  22:24:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I keep trying to insert the image. here goes again for day 2 pizza face...As you will notice, my eyes have also swollen a bit, as has my whole face. I am very sensitive to any medications, which is why I better not put more on. My whole forehead is already a liquid ooze. You can see my nose also inflamed.

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Posted - 06/26/2011 :  22:35:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am attaching this pic of a petty spurge with my hand behind because I don't think people who look for it realize how tiny this plant really is. I found fully grown ones 8 inches high and fully seeding plants only three inches high.

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68 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2011 :  23:13:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Sap from 10 plants is waaaaay too much. Where did you make cuts to get the sap? From the main stems?

The way most people apply the sap on this forum is to just get a drop---sometimes a tiny drop smaller than a straight pin head. You can cut a single leaf at the base, on the tiny stem that holds it to the larger stem. No need to cut any of the stems. One drop is enough for a little bump on your face. (For larger areas, one poster here has had a lot of success on himself and family members by crushing up some leaves, putting them on the larger areas and covering them with a bandage.) But glad you're stopping for now.

I understand wanting to get it all out at once. But it's often a process, and better to go slow with it. The max I've used is 7 drops on different areas at one application, and that was too much. (Just to give you some idea.)

It seems hard to believe when you're going through it but your face really will heal. If you look at the posts on this forum, you'll seem some pretty nasty sores and posts where people were scared too. They do heal. Check out the posts from the beginning. There's a lot of helpful info here.

Besides what you're already doing to prevent infection, you could take 2 - 5 grams of vitamin C, and an herbal antibiotic as well, such as echinacea or D-Lenolate, and keep sugar, peanut butter, cream, butter, coffee, colas (inflammatory foods) and any food allergens out of your diet while treating. Eating fresh ginger and raw olive oil helps reduce inflammation. I cooked with a lot of ginger while treating. Onions and mushrooms (or mushroom extract) also strengthen immunity.

Originally posted by julielshepard

OK, I am posting for the first time. Do not try this at home just had to try it. I have put up with AC since last November and now it is almost July. The constant itching, sloughing skin made me scared. Keep in mind my skin is very thin and pale and I avoid sun like crazy, so when I did the 6 mile walk on the hot day with no hat, well I got the AC on my forehead and nose. I tried the route of Apple Cider Vinegar first, with Mother, which is supposed to work, but it did not. So I looked for Petty Spurge and yesterday I sat in my car with a plastic pen lid. The little stick end that holds it to a shirt pocket is a perfect applicator. I slathered 10 plants' sap all over the forehead and nose. I'm sure I did the whole three day treatment in one day.

Day 1- One hour later the jalepeno sensation began and my forehead and nose got very hot. Four hours later the veins and muscles were standing up and throbbing. The throbbing continued all night long and I could not sleep well.

Day 2- Pizza Face comes to mind. Bubbled skin, raw underneath. I won't put more on because this reaction is so over the top already, I can't imagine how people apply it for a week. I would have no skin left.
Now the end of the day and the oozing is very bad. I am so scared for secondary infection that aloe vera went on first to help the intense itching, and now neosporin is my best friend. I have to pick the ooze back to stay at the eyebrow line because I know that will turn into a huge scab, it is already drying into a crust. I am very concerned that I rubbed the skin on my nose and it began to lift off to expose a huge pink skin like an open blister. Thus the concern for secondary infection. I have to lay back and watch my face swell like a huge bee sting. I want to cry because I am so scared, but I am hearing stories of surgeons much scarier than this, so I will trust those who have already been doing this. Here is a pick of day 2 pizza face. The red dots on nose and forehead have all been replaced by uniform red swelling, oozing, jelly like skin under the initial dermis, and I feel like a clingon with that fat forehead piece on.

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Posted - 06/27/2011 :  01:31:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, the itching stopped at the end of day 2. To answer your question, my A.k. had gone on for 8 months now and the itching was getting so intense that I was finally willing to try this. I didn't think it was this potent. I broke the fresh plant off near the top and took the drop of white sap, then another break and sap, and another break and sap until I had gotten down all major stems (IT DRIPS OUT)and gotten all the sap. I used pure sap, not ground leaves, because I had collected lots of plants and was able to give myself a large dose. I now see that the sun damage goes across my whole forehead and down the left side of my face, consistent with the direction we walked on a 6 mile march when the sun was at full noon (very stupid, I might add, while the young people still swear skin cancer is made up by the government, and they do not fear it) Here is a pic of the end of day 2 and the skin all coming off. The oozing has slowed and we are getting ready for a huge scab. I look like a large blister. Keep in mind the ac was across my whole forehead, not one or two dots, so I could not see where one started and the other ended- single dots would not have worked for me.It really was quite severe.

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Posted - 06/29/2011 :  17:46:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It has been a year since I last posted with my hopes of growing some PS. My first ones that I ordered from Aus. did not have much success. I grew them in the house in a room that was kept between 75 and 72 degrees. Built a ledge on a window for them so they got good light but not direct sunlight. They only got about 2-3 inches high then all wilted. I then ordered 4 more packs from Australia. Finally got around to planting them 8 weeks ago. This time however I have done them all outside. Mind you I live in Galveston,Tx and it is very hot here. Heat index in the 100's. They are on a little table out of direct sun and seem to be doing very well inspite of all I've read they do not like heat. But on the same note as was stated they like air thus not doing so well inside. I keep a very close eye on them and if I see they may not be doing well I will bring them in during the day and put them out at night.

In the big pot I put a whole pack of seeds in with just straight Miracle grow potting soil, In the 2 smaller pots I used a half of a pack in each. Their soil is mixed half with Miracle grow Violet potting soil(which is high in alkaline)and half regular Miracle grow potting soil. Now the big pot with a whole pack only half came up, the 2 small pots with a pack divided with the mixture of soil they ALL came up. Wasn't expecting them to all come up thus in small pots, so need to repot them soon. Hate to disturb them but will watch them on how they are doing if I need to repot. I still have 2 packs of seeds on stand by, but so far these seem to be doing ok outside in this heat.

Also read to pinch the tops which I read to late to do to make them a more bushy plant. Will next time.

Attaching photos I took today of them as the leaves seem so small right now. Wanted to know when you are able to start using them?

Also attaching photos of some of my cancer spots that are rather large and if anyone has used the PS on such large spots. I have numerous smaller places all over my arms,hands,chest, and face. The one on my lip I did have removed years ago. Was very small. They cut my lip in half and was only the size of a large pimple then. Said they got it all. Well it came back and a BAM and exploded. In the last year I am having a explosion of outbreaks coming out all over. Which I believe it is in my system spreading everywhere. Bad sign.

I'm not scared to try this PS because the way I look at it as you see from the photos they are now quite large and very ugly to look at, so what a doctor would do to me I would lose my lip and such with their surgery now. The large ones are extremely painful, one on my lip as you can see now starting to eat my lip and the one on my arm that is in the fold of my arm is very painful as where it is with moment.I am embarrassed to go out anymore. Haven't been fishing in over a year now which is my favorite thing to do. I avoid the sun and have become a prisoner in my own home. I have tried some of the other home treatments on here, from eggplant,vitamin C,amonia,vinager,you name it, was posted on here I tried it. I really don't care about any scaring from the PS as you can see anything would be an Improvement from what I look like now. People look at me like I have something contagious.

So anyway just wanted to share and ask if the plants were big enough and when I start I will keep photos of my progress of such large spots.

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What I use to look like a little over a year ago, How fast this stuff has exploded and spread:

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25 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2011 :  16:15:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Juls, are you sure it's cancer? Have you had a biopsy to confirm? Awfully rapid acceleration for Basal Cell - supposedly so slow growing. Looks almost like Eczema.
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76 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2011 :  19:59:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not a doctor and not playing one, but this has a resemblance to superficial basal cell.

Superficial BCC is less common than the nodular or ulcerative BCC that most people get. It really likes to spring up on the shoulders and upper back. As the name implies, superficial spreads horizontally just beneath the top of the skin vs. digging down deep vertically like nodular BCC does. It typically covers more real estate than other types but spreads wide, not deep. For what its worth, it is my recollection that superficial BCC is easier to treat with topicals for that reason. For example, if you read the literature, all the early tests of the Peplin petty spurge gel were done on superficial BCC, not on nodular or ulcerative. I think petty spurge is reputed to be effective on superficial because there is less requirement for it to be absorbed so deep into the skin as with other forms of BCC. I would google and research it specifically as "superficial basal cell," because it's distinctly different from more common types of BCC.

I can't tell from the camera angle how tall your PS plants are, Juls. But they look healthy and juicy and, consider that they probably aren't going to get much higher than 12 inches anyway before their life cycle times out. My crop is already dead stalks in this heat.
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8 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2011 :  23:19:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Radium weed/Milkweed mentioned on the news in Australia today. A 2 minute piece giving some background on how it has been used as a treatment for years by ppl in the know and then a cut away to a lab in QLD that is continuing with research (getting correct dosage and length of treatment). Quote from the intervewee was "expect the topical cream to be available to the market early next year". Hopefully good news for those that are unable to grow the plant locally.

A note to those that are attempting to grow from seed, I did the same thing myself last year. This year now that I had a good idea on what the plant looked like in the flesh, not just pictures on the net, I had a closer look around where I live. To my surprise the plant is everywhere, prefers slightly shaded conditions, loose soil and loves cleared earth. I live on the coast in Western Australia.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.