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Posted - 10/29/2007 :  18:30:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hi, I am so glad I found this forum!

Last year I had a Basal Cell Carcinoma removed by Mohs from the side of my nose. It did not look like any of the pictures I could find, just looked like an odd mole. I finally went to the dermatologist to have it looked at because I was tired of people telling me I had mascara on the side of my nose. It was very close to my eye.

A few months later I developed an odd crusty area on my right hand, no bigger than the head of a fancy sewing pin. It looked nothing like what was on my nose, so I assumed it was an insect bite or something.

I've watched it come and go for a year, it would heal over, then open up again with a recessed area in the center, and a hard crusty edge. Finally went to the dermatologist Friday, she didn't think it was anything to worry about. She called today and it is a Sqamous Cell Carcinoma.

I am scheduled to have it removed November 14 with cutting and burning-forget what thats called, but not MOHS. I decided to see if there were alternatives out there, and found this forum.

My question is,since this biopsy wound (size of a normal pencil eraser) is only 3 days old, do I need to wait until it heals to try the eggplant/vinegar or other treatments on here?

Thanks again for this informative site.
Megan in Florida


103 Posts

Posted - 10/29/2007 :  19:43:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If its open its even better for treating.Try sunspot es cream.This could very well knock it right out..
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.