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 Skin cancer topical treatments
 Not a Good experience with Hydrogen Peroxide
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  12:07:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I started using this on a scaly lesion on my forehead. ( I used PDQ last Aug. on it, scarred badly & was back by Christmas). It did fizz and burn. Last night I took a cotton swab, applied to the area and the crust came off. It is now a deep open sore that is bleeding. This AM it is not better. I applied a triple antibiotic cream on it with a bandaid. It also hurts. I changed the bandaid about 11:30AM & it is still bleeding a bit and no sign of a scab forming.

Folks, I am scared out of my wits. I dare not put the HP on it. I sent John M. an email yesterday and he has not responded. If anyone knows of a healing salve that will help, please let me know.

PS: My husband is ready to kill me for being so stupid.


77 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  14:13:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you haven't already, take some time and read through several of the topics in this forum. It seems there are several topical treatments that work for the various posters.

We have heard favorable results using orange oil, chopped broccoli, cymilium, eggplant/vinegar, etc. There are options to consider, but do what makes you comfortable. You may need to actual see a dermatologist to get a comfort level that will allow you to make a confident decision. It sounds like you probably have either a BCC or SCC...either of which can be treated topically, or, especially if it isn't too large, by removal by a Moh's surgeon or dermatologist.

I have had one removed by Moh's on my temple....there is a scar, but it isn't too bad. I have had a smaller one removed by curetage and electrodesication above my eye brow....and again, the result is just kind of a off-colored area not really a big scar.

Whatever you have, it can be healed.

Also, you might consider some of the supplements that are discussed on the website and in these forums. They do seem to make a difference in the long run.

Good luck and keep us informed.
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36 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  16:01:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sammy - Do you know for sure what the lesion is? How big is it? Is it BCC? Thats what I have and after using topical treatments suggested on this board (see my post under orange oil) I've been having great luck. But I will tell you that the topical treatment is the tip of the iceburg in my opinion. I think Diet plays a huge role. I changed my diet drastically. Now I try to eat mainly things that have an alkaline affect on my body and I have confirmed its working with PH strips (testing saliva and urine first thing in the morning). Acidic body = acidic skin = cancer from what i can tell since cancer cells are anerobic. It is my opinion that food is the most important drug you can take. But results are slow, so most people "cheat" way too much. Here is a link to help choose foods wisely:

As for the deep pit in the lesion, i have the same thing with mine. And it did bleed quite a bit for the first several days. For that reason, i couldn't use H202 very often in the beginning. So i've been using ointments instead. The "lump" around the ring of my lesion has considerably shrunk, so I know its working. Despite that, the center "pit" is still deep and probably even wider than before. I'm guessing its because as the dead cancer cells are removed, my body hasn't been able to keep up with creating new normal cells fast enough. Im now able to use H202 about twice a day which does seem to be speeding up the process (its been a week now).

I agree with the above comments though. Check out this entire board and learn as much as you can (from this and other sources) to form your own opinion. Good luck!
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  18:20:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you both. I also had a lumpy ring around lesion. And now the pit is wider also after using the HP. We sound like twins! LOL! I believed it was scar tissue from PDQ. It became scaly and red within 4months of stopping PDQ. Mark, what type of ointments have you been using? I used the HP for 3 days, now have a triple antibiotic on it. Should I try the HP 1X today?

I had 2 different diagnosis. 1 derm said psoriasis. Meds didn't work. 2nd said BCC. That's why I am gun shy about seeing another.
As far as my diet, I looked at the web site and I am on the right track.
Thanks all for your support.

Edited by - sammy on 07/12/2007 18:26:39
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2007 :  14:16:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have used Hydrogen Peroxide a million times on BCC..Hydrogen Peroxide is good to use with other things in treating skin cancer but in my experience it would take months and months of using Hydrogen Peroxide alone to maybe treat skin cancer if it even worked alone....
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2007 :  01:27:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sammy, you bring up a lot of good points that also affect many other people. I think most of us are or were scared trying to fight skin cancer on our own. You will probably continue to be scared, and rightfully so, until you find something that works for you. Hydrogen peroxide might turn out to a very good treatment for skin cancer. Probably the only way we will know is for people to try it and tells us about their experience. Thank you sammy, fforest, and Mark for your reports.

It may help to consider conventional medicine as a safety net, and even to make an appointment now that you can cancel later if things are going well. Dermatologists can usually manage skin cancers to some degree. We are just trying to find something better than that.

Take pictures (maybe you have a camera phone) so you can compare one week to the next. It will help you objectively gauge whether it is getting better or not. However, almost any working treatment is going to make things look worse for a while, so the first week or two of any treatment requires patience.

Many of us have spouses that may not be supportive. That can be no fun. I remember Dr Kelley saying one of the worst things to do is to tell your spouse or friends that you are self-treating your cancer. He wasn't kidding. However, it does help to communicate with someone and to feel you are not alone. That's one nice thing about this forum.

Also, I had several of those lumpy rings around the lesion. I always wondered about that shape: was it a feature of the cancer or was it a feature of the immune system fighting the cancer? Any ideas?
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2007 :  08:43:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks all, I really appreciate your support. I am seeing a bit of improvement. I have made an appt. with a Derm.. They can see me on 8/13. I am only using the HP AM & PM. In between that time I am using an antibiotic. Here is something strange. I ran out of the Neosporin (which was doing nothing) and switched to a Generic drugstore brand. I started seeing improvement. I checked the ingredients on the drugstore brand. It contained Zinc which the Neosporin did not. I wonder if the Zinc & HP are working together & if I should switch to a straight Zinc Oxide ointment. Any thoughts?
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2007 :  15:54:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Update - 6 days of using the Peroxide & 4 days using the zinc with it. It still bleeds & fizzes when I use the Peroxide but it does not burn as much. However, I noticed the pit is no longer deep. Whether it is pus that is pushing its way out or new tissue, I can't tell. Has anyone had this happen and why does it still bleed? Thanks!!!!
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2007 :  01:02:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the updates sammy. I don't know what to think about the bleeding other than the hydrogen peroxide and/or ointment perhaps softens any scab that tries to form and it gets rubbed off easily. I like to include a rest day or two per week with other treatments I have tried to allow for some healing. It seems counterproductive but I found it often helps. Also the HP is already a topical anti-infective so an additional antibiotic is probably not needed. I don't think there is any evidence that cancer can be killed by antibiotics. Good observation, maybe the zinc is helping.
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77 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2007 :  08:56:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
for what it is worth as far as healing a wound...the last round of Moh's surgery that I had the nurse recommended that I clean the wound twice a day with H2O2, but dilute it to half strength so that it doesn't do what you describe....that is, it lets new skin begin to form. I poured a tiny bit into the cap and added a similar amount of tap water and applied with a cotton swab....don't wipe it, just roll the swab over the area.
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2007 :  10:02:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks! I am going to give it a rest and I will dilute the next time around.
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4 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2007 :  10:58:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sammy...I have been using h202...I also put aloe leaf on after to sooth a little. some of my patches have bled a little but not much...i let them rest a couple of days and just applied aloe leaf..when i went back to applying h202 the skin started healing and the burning became less and less and now they are healed. Everyone is different but I'm a believer..You really need to feel confident and do what it is works for you mentally and physically. I do apply aloe leaf after h202 where there is alot of seems to help the whole process...Also the diluting works as well.
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/20/2007 :  12:22:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks so much. I am seeing the skin heal already. The "pit" has filled in. Trying to find an Aloe leaf will be a quest. I live in a small town in the South. The grocery doesn't carry it and neither does our 1 health food store. Will a gel from a drugstore do? I know it will not be pure, but I would like to start the aloe now.
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5 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2007 :  03:12:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am new to the forum, and the Aloe Vera posting caught my eye. If still unable to find it, there are on-line sources, and I recommend the live plant.

Aloe is an Extremely Easy plant to maintain. Over-watering is what kills it. I literally forgot about the fifteen plants I transplanted for 5 months (during a move) and although thin, they were alive and happy to be quenched. It will thrive in an east or west windowsill with once a month watering. Break off the leaf for truly fresh juice for skin ailments.

Aloe is a natural PH balancer for the skin and stimulates normal growth of living cells.

It is my understanding that cancer is present in an acidic body PH with lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Hence the HP and Aloe suggested remedy makes sense to me.

Glad to hear your lesion was healing. Now a few weeks later, hope this post finds you healing further.
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2 Posts

Posted - 09/17/2007 :  13:25:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to jump in and say I have used all these things and have 8 different experiments going. Eggplant vinager(white and Apple Cider)
Some I added DMSO and some Orangeoil amonia and DMSO and one I added peroxcide to the eggplant mixture. None of them were penatrating but then I read about baking soda and made a paste and pressed it firmly for a few minutes and could feel it breaking down the legion. (I have BCC and have had it frozen last year just to come back this year)I then washed it off and applied peroxide to it and WOW did it start to fizzle. Now I am not sure if I should keep using baking soda or just the peroxcide or since I got it to brak down, maybe I should use the eggplant. Any suggestions?
And thank you in advance to everyone on the post for all the info
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79 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2007 :  11:13:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by chelelyn

Just wanted to jump in and say I have used all these things and have 8 different experiments going. Eggplant vinager(white and Apple Cider)
Some I added DMSO and some Orangeoil amonia and DMSO and one I added peroxcide to the eggplant mixture. None of them were penatrating but then I read about baking soda and made a paste and pressed it firmly for a few minutes and could feel it breaking down the legion. (I have BCC and have had it frozen last year just to come back this year)I then washed it off and applied peroxide to it and WOW did it start to fizzle. Now I am not sure if I should keep using baking soda or just the peroxcide or since I got it to brak down, maybe I should use the eggplant. Any suggestions?
And thank you in advance to everyone on the post for all the info

I've been trying all the experiments myself too but it's too early to report results for sure. I have a lot of spots to try.

As far as the peroxide and baking soda go, I've been using that to "finish off" things I think I've cured. The standard strength peroxide is just going to keep eating away the tissue. So I use that for about 15 minutes on the lesion...I get it wet, let it fizz, dry it off, repeat. This will take irritated skin right down to the dermal layer if you do it enough. So my point is that if you just keep using full strength peroxide, I think it's going to just keep eating away more skin. That's what happens with me anyway.

So anyway, then I use the baking soda, with a few more peroxide treatments, for another 15 or so.

Then when finished I just keep applying wet baking soda to the area for a few days. that dries the area out, a scab forms and hopefully when the scab comes off you are successful.

There really seem to be two basic approaches to killing skin cancer...the most common is things that destroy tissue, hopefully at least preferentially the cancerous tissue.

The other approach are things that just slowly kill the cancer and don't make the lesion ever look worse, just better. The only one I've used successfully in that category is a new product called solaraze. I have been very pleased with the results of that so far.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.