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Posted - 04/25/2014 :  02:30:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a small (1-2mm) red (slightly raised) spot on my nose. I have tried to add a few pictures of it - resolution not great. I noticed that it appeared a while ago (~2005) after a bad case of sunburn where my skin blistered on my nose and cheeks. I went to a doctor and he said it was probably just a spot and not to worry about it. I am posting it here because I am still concerned about it as it doesn't look anything like other freckles/moles I have.

If anyone could give me a more expert opinion that would be much appreciated.


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Posted - 04/25/2014 :  02:39:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A bit more personal info:

30 year old male
fair skin
as mentioned - a bad case of blistering sunburn ~2005
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Posted - 04/26/2014 :  11:06:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm no expert but I get suspicious of red marks that don't go away and especially when they have a red v in them.

I use a "blow up" combo on suspicious spots. One is vitamin C, green tea extract and vit E mixed together and applied a few times during the day. For me it destroyed abnormal skin and left the healthy skin intact. If your growth is abnormal it just may amaze you just how much damage is lurking in that area.

Another combo is ACES--Vit A, Vit C, Vit E and selenium mixed together and applied. I found this to be even stronger than the first combo.

These combos will smart and itch and leave your skin kind of unsightly at first. But it is nice to see the extent of the infection.

topical iodine has also worked well for me, just kind of slow and the skin peels a bit.

I would definitely start treating it and not ignore it. Things like iodine or baking soda work well and are benign enough not to cause you more problems, I should think.

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Posted - 06/29/2015 :  18:05:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
10 years is a long time - it could be a basal cell which is treatable! I use cbd oil & after about 20 days the lesion begins to rise, pulling the cancer to the surface & then at 40 days it scabs & soon it should fall off.

go to youtube & view - "Run From The Cure" w/ Rick Simpson - it's unbelievable!

Has anyone else ever bought cbd oil from the website
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668 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2015 :  06:29:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by drweb

10 years is a long time - it could be a basal cell which is treatable! I use cbd oil & after about 20 days the lesion begins to rise, pulling the cancer to the surface & then at 40 days it scabs & soon it should fall off.

go to youtube & view - "Run From The Cure" w/ Rick Simpson - it's unbelievable!

Has anyone else ever bought cbd oil from the website


Hemp oil is not cannabis / pot oil and I can attest hemp oil does not work.

In regards to Rick Simpsons video it is impressive. I just don't know for sure.

It's been a while but when I researched it the kind of pot oil needed is expensive and several people here have posted not such great results..

That certainly doesn't mean it doesn't work..At least to my knowing, we just haven't had a single person come here with evidence it does.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.