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 Bloodroot / Zinc Chloride Paste / Black Salve
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17 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2013 :  06:52:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Momnson, if you're concerned for whatever reason, please don't feel that consulting a doctor is a weak choice. The information on here is all over the place, the chemicals are hazardous and the replies might say things will work out fine when the people writing them just don't know enough about your situation.

If you and your husband have legitimate concerns, do your family a service and get it checked out.

Hope everything works out okay :)

Edited by - Chill on 08/19/2013 06:56:57
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2013 :  12:11:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used Black Salve 6 weeks ago on a scalp lesion that was confirmed a basal cell carcinoma by a biopsy and it seemed to follow all the scenarios I have read about and seen on the Internet. the pain has left, but the eschar is still there. It has been loose for 2 weeks except for right in the center it is still attached. All the swelling seems to be going away. I am keeping it covered and coated with vasoline. I am a little concerned that it doesn't come off. Occasionally there is a little bleeding when I clean it off with peroxide each day. Thanks for any input!
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18 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2013 :  06:07:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I continue to be grateful to all of the contributors to this site who have shared their real-life experiences; I have found them very helpful indeed. Using black salve has been a revelation to me. Having a choice around my treatment is essential and I think even those who have aired their strong opinions will remember this site and the discoveries that they have found. Should they be unfortunate enough to experience skin cancer and its often chronic nature, they may exercise their choice in a way that they protest fiercely against now. Of course, they would disagree with this possibility. However if they walked in the shoes of those with skin cancer.....
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19 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2013 :  17:25:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

This site presents "skin cancer treatment and prevention information to enable NATURAL healing of squamous or basal cell carcinoma". So, consequently the people who visit this site who are dealing with skin cancer and posting on the forum are asking questions and seeking advice regarding ALTERNATIVE ways of dealing with their skin cancers.

You think you are being helpful by telling people to go to the doctor and that what they are using is hazardous. People aren't stupid and they are weighing up the information available to them and deciding what to do in their own individual case. They know perfectly well that they can see a doctor and, in many cases, already have.
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43 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2013 :  01:59:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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19 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2013 :  03:13:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Jules!
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53 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2013 :  12:39:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Chemotherapy and Radiation are also hazardous; (Some, not all, of the many side effects are listed below.... some even irreversible, including Death);

Chemotherapy Drug Possible Side Effects
(Not all side effects are listed. Some of those listed may be short-term side effects; others are long-term side effects.)

carboplatin (Paraplatin)

› usually given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the ovary, head and neck, and lung

› decrease in blood cell counts
› hair loss (reversible)
› confusion
› nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea (usually a › short-term side effect occurring the first 24 to › 72 hours following treatment)

cisplatin (Platinol, Platinol-AQ)

› usually given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the bladder, ovary, and testicles

› decrease in blood cell counts
› allergic reaction, including a rash and/or labored breathing
› nausea and vomiting that usually occurs for 24 hours or longer
› ringing in ears and hearing loss
› fluctuations in blood electrolytes
› kidney damage

cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar)

› can be given intravenously (IV) or orally
› used for lymphoma, breast cancer, and ovarian carcinoma

› decrease in blood cell counts
› nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
› decreased appetite
› hair loss (reversible)
› bladder damage
› fertility impairment
› lung or heart damage (with high doses)
› secondary malignancies (rare)

doxorubicin (Adriamycin)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for breast cancer, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma

› decrease in blood cell counts
› mouth ulcers
› hair loss (reversible)
› nausea and vomiting
› heart damage

etoposide (VePesid)

› can be given intravenously (IV) or orally
› used for cancers of the lung, testicles, leukemia, and lymphoma

› decrease in blood cell counts
› hair loss (reversible)
› nausea and vomiting
› allergic reaction
› mouth ulcers
› low blood pressure (during administration)
› decreased appetite
› diarrhea and abdominal pain
› bronchospasm
› flu-like symptoms

fluorouracil (5-FU)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the colon, breast, stomach, and head and neck

› decrease in blood cell counts
› diarrhea
› mouth ulcers
› photosensitivity
› dry skin

gemcitabine (Gemzar)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the pancreas, breast, ovary, and lung

› decrease in blood cell counts
› nausea and vomiting
› fever and flu-like symptoms
› rash

irinotecan (Camptosar)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the colon and rectum

› decrease in blood cell counts
› diarrhea
› hair loss (reversible)

(Folex, Mexate, Amethopterin)

› may be given intravenously (IV), intrathecally (into the spinal column), or orally
› used for cancers of the breast, lung, blood, bone, and lymph system

› decrease in blood cell counts
› nausea and vomiting
› mouth ulcers
› skin rashes and photosensitivity
› dizziness, headache, or drowsiness
› kidney damage (with a high-dose therapy)
› liver damage
› hair loss (reversible)
› seizures
paclitaxel (Taxol)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used with cancers of the breast, ovary, and lung

› decrease in blood cell counts
› allergic reaction
› nausea and vomiting
› loss of appetite
› change in taste
› thin or brittle hair
› joint pain (short term)
› numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes

topotecan (Hycamtin)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for cancers of the ovary and lung

› decrease in blood cell counts
› diarrhea
› hair loss (reversible)
› nausea and vomiting

(Oncovin, Vincasar PFS)

› usually given intravenously (IV)
› used for leukemia and lymphoma

› numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes
› weakness
› loss of reflexes
› jaw pain
› hair loss (reversible)
› constipation or abdominal cramping

vinblastine (Velban)

› given intravenously (IV)
› used for lymphoma and cancers of the testis and head and neck

› decrease in blood cell counts
› hair loss (reversible)
› constipation or abdominal cramping
› jaw pain
› numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes

* Since I copied and pasted the above information, it may not view correctly... please use the following link;

Stanford Medicine » School of Medicine » Stanford Cancer Center » Understanding Cancer » Cancer Treatment » Methods

"Properly prepared" Bloodroot Salve/Paste w/Zinc Chloride (Recipes are within this Web Site that have been implemented and are known to be safe) NOT hazardous to healthy tissue at all. Period.. Tens of thousands of Cancer Survivors (Including myself), can attest to this. Here's is only one of thousands of great articles about the healing Properties of Bloodroot;

The WHO (World Health Organization) acknowledges that many Chemotherapy CAUSES Cancers;" target="_blank">

GOD has provided each and every one of us with a wonderful mechanism called the Immune System.... and He's populated the Earth with every thing we need for the healing of that Immune System which ultimately brings about the Cure. (Not a single Product on the Earth CURES or HEALS us.... they just enable the Immune System to kick back in and do it's Job... the restored/repaired Immune System is what brings us to healing/cures)... it's up to each and every one of us to individually decide WHICH path is right for us. Doctors are that path for most, but for some of us Doctors are not an option, so we turn to GOD, Nature, and one another for the support and encouragement that we require once we've made our choices. Not every one of us will have a great outcome..... (Regardless of whether we choose the traditional Medical Route or the Holistic/Natural one)....

I pray over this Forum and it's Members. I pray GOD leads many to their healing paths that lay within these walls. "Amen"
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53 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2013 :  17:43:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Romans 12:9
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Psalm 7:10
My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart.

Psalm 12:7
You, LORD, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked,

Psalm 31:23
Love the LORD, all his faithful people! The LORD preserves those who are true to him, but the proud he pays back in full.

Psalm 34:14
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Psalm 37:40
The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.

Psalm 145:20
The LORD watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.
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53 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2013 :  17:50:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Psalm 97:10

"Ye that love the Lord, hate evil." For he hates it, his fire consumes it, his lightnings blast it, his presence shakes it out of its place, and his glory confounds all the lovers of it. We cannot love God without hating that which he hates. We are not only to avoid evil, and to refuse to countenance it, but we must be in arms against it, and bear towards it a hearty indignation. "He preserveth the souls of his saints." Therefore they need not be afraid of proclaiming war with the party which favours sin. The saints are the safe ones: they have been saved and shall be saved. God keeps those who keep his law. Those who love the Lord shall see his love manifested to them in their preservation from their enemies, and as they keep far from evil so shall evil be kept far from them. "He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." It is not consistent with the glory of his name to give over to the power of his foes those whom his grace has made his friends. He may leave the bodies of his persecuted saints in the hand of the wicked, but not their souls, these are very dear to him, and he preserves them safe in his bosom. This foretells for the church a season of battling with the powers of darkness, but the Lord will preserve it and bring it forth to the light.
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23 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2013 :  15:05:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A massive thread that opens lot of questions, but after all, we do not need to be too biased in final conclusions, independently of our core beliefs what is right.
I saw too may deaths of friends and relatives after 3rd/4th stage cancers treated coventionally. Noone actually survived for any substantial period (3+ years).
I know personally 3 cancer survivors, after conventional medicine's verdict was that remaining time to live is 2-3 months and stopped any further attempts, except prescribing pain killers. All well documented.
I didn't study what exactly helped those people and all of them didn't publicize their healing miracles (being older people without Internet literacy etc.).
I have no experience with black salve in particular and cannot vauch for or against it, but I believe and hope that some credible foundation or fund will recognize a need and trigger (read-finance) scientific trial under impartial medical supervision to find out the truth behind claims, what may indeed be of help for millions suffering from similar conditions.
There are many reasons not to trust some doctors (I had few very nasty experiences), but of course not to all of them. Big Pharma and many MDs share similar professional interests, which may conflict (to extent) with interest of patients.
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53 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2013 :  15:55:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dave2001

I believe and hope that some credible foundation or fund will recognize a need and trigger (read-finance) scientific trial under impartial medical supervision to find out the truth behind claims, what may indeed be of help for millions suffering from similar conditions.

This is my same wish Dave2001
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186 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2013 :  15:24:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Y'know Hmatt843...

Folks like you make me sick !!

Hi Horrux,

(I understand you are likely trying to save money and that you are trying to keep high hopes, but I would encourage you to please reconsider your route of treatment and seek truly professional care. Your health should be of utmost concern and is not something to be toyed or experimented with. Please consider my words more seriously than you may be initially inclined to.)

Who is paying you to come here and down-play one of the common-man's only choices left to treat cancer without huge expense???

Cave-Man-Like tools that simply cut into and spew-open the disease and spread cancer more widely due to the harshly ignorant process of exposing your bloodstream to the disease is ineffective, then calling the surgery a success until the next time when they say ...

" Well, we could not see this part of the disease" ?

The American medical community has made billions of dollars from cancer and so I imagine it is pretty scary to see that natural ingredients like Blood Root AND Cannabis are costing so much less to cure such a terrible disease like this.

But, the time has finally come where enough humans are able to compare notes like only doctors could easily do beforehand and then come up with good solutions rather than the heartless and cruel pretenses of the American medical process that jacked the cost of care past the levels of millions of working Americans due to Republican efforts to maximize profits for their clients...

We would all love to be able to just hop in the convertible and let our qualified and experienced doctor cure our simple skin problems but, you know what? THEY CAN'T DO IT !

All that ever happens is people I know or are in my family get butchered and go through tremendous pain and maybe if they are lucky, their very own immune system kicks in for them and they quit drinking or smoking for a while so that their bodies can catch up.

Too many Americans are too ignorant of the fact that the crap that is in fast food or sugar sodas damages our insides so much that we don't stand a chance from illness after a while and that because of this, something is bound to give sometime...

And now the sun is beating down upon us like never before so that a poor old man with no hair left is bound to get skin cancer even if he lives in Alaska !!

I wont go to a doctor for my skin cancer until I know without a doubt that I cant change my diet, apply a salve or cream or perhaps ingest a liquid immune system enhancer to do the job first.

Because I can afford it, I have faith in this process and I wont have chemical-pills shoved down my throat every time I need help.

These poisons usually tell me right on the bag how the crap may make me ill in the future. How stupid should I be ????

Freaking Criminals...

Be Well Always,


Edited by - bonder on 09/05/2013 09:51:07
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4 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2013 :  21:51:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have decided because of the pain of my most recent mycosis fundoides removal 2" x 3" x 1 1/4" deep that I will not put my poor body through that again.

I am now using HERBAL PLUS Black Salve from Support 4 Heath, internally. I still have several skin spots I need to do; however now that I know I have CK/T-Cell Lymphoma I am going to do the major cleanse and hopefully kill my EBV and HHV-6 viruses along the way. It will pull ALL irregular cells from your body, break down any tumors and your body eliminates it through the normal cleansing process.

DO RESEARCH, but I won't have any more huge scars, painful and bedridden for months at a time and hopefully help with my other health issues.

I will try to post some pictures of my latest removal. Having a hard time getting them to upload

Originally posted by Horrux

OK so I have been using Black salve to successfully cure my skin cancer. 3 of my most prominent cancerous lesions fell out exactly 2 weeks after initial application. Here is my youtube playlist:

After the success of the initial application, and the fairly low pain experienced, I decided to move ahead with a more ambitious plan. This time, I am covering an area between 3 and 4 times the size of a quarter. Also, I am targeting cancer which is deeper than the first time around.

And this time, boy, am I ever in pain. In my initial round, I would rate my pain about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10, with occasional spikes to 4. During the second round, I have experienced days on end with a solid 8, with some rare spikes to a 9, where moaning and writhing from it becomes unavoidable. I had some codeine, and I ran through it quickly. I went to my doc for more, and luckily he was willing to comply, with the caveat that regulations prevented him from prescribing any more painkillers.

Now though, my cancer is halfway out, not detached all around, so clearly there is still work that needs doing, and I just took my last 3 codeine pills. I have been supplementing them with Advil and Aspirin, but I fear my liver cannot take too much more of that, and certainly not enough to treat this degree of pain.

Are there any tips as to how to be rid of this pain?

If it matters, I am located near Montreal, in Eastern Canada.


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15 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2013 :  21:39:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
(Hoping some of you who are using Black Salve are still reading the forum as this is my first post on this thread.) Have known about Black Salve for many years and we used it on a bad looking mole on my back years ago and it worked beautifully. I've had a BCC cancer, finally diagnosed more than a year ago, on the left side of my nose for probably more than five years but couldn't deal with it for a long time as I had kidney cancer and afterwards simply couldn't get my health back, losing more than 50 pounds afterwards. More than a year ago I began treating with iodine and posted on that thread for months. I have worked on it off an on for more than a year and it is still there and maybe worse. Must try something else.

I haven't wanted to use black salve on my face but absolutely will never go the medical route again as "the experts" destroyed my health with and the surgeries and treatments. For one, I was prescribed the antibiotic Levaquin, leaving me with many devastating, lifelong symptoms to live with as hundreds of others also describe on the internet. I'm past 70 now so figure I couldn't do worse myself using natural things than "the experts" did with their treatments.

I read almost all of the previous posts but the many attack posts throughout the summer I've just skimmed through as it is too much dirt-slinging to wade through. Obviously, most are aware that there is no guarantee of how one's cancer treatment will turn out (whether choosing the natural way OR the medical way. I can say without a doubt that I would never have gone the medical route with my kidney cancer IF I'd known how bad it would turn out) and I want to say how much I admire many here such as Hoxey, and others who have gone through such a lot taking responsibility for their own health. I still don't know what I'll do yet about my nose BCC but I'm sure there may very well be much more under the surface even than it appears and it does look bad. I am still struggling with other issues but must decide what I want to try soon.

I'd be interested to know what brands of Black Salve others are using that have had success. The brand I used years ago is "Herbal Plus" and it has the four normal herbs and also zinc, I believe.
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53 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2013 :  01:15:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Carole

(Hoping some of you who are using Black Salve are still reading the forum as this is my first post on this thread.) Have known about Black Salve for many years and we used it on a bad looking mole on my back years ago and it worked beautifully. I've had a BCC cancer, finally diagnosed more than a year ago, on the left side of my nose for probably more than five years but couldn't deal with it for a long time as I had kidney cancer and afterwards simply couldn't get my health back, losing more than 50 pounds afterwards. More than a year ago I began treating with iodine and posted on that thread for months. I have worked on it off an on for more than a year and it is still there and maybe worse. Must try something else.

I haven't wanted to use black salve on my face but absolutely will never go the medical route again as "the experts" destroyed my health with and the surgeries and treatments. For one, I was prescribed the antibiotic Levaquin, leaving me with many devastating, lifelong symptoms to live with as hundreds of others also describe on the internet. I'm past 70 now so figure I couldn't do worse myself using natural things than "the experts" did with their treatments.

I read almost all of the previous posts but the many attack posts throughout the summer I've just skimmed through as it is too much dirt-slinging to wade through. Obviously, most are aware that there is no guarantee of how one's cancer treatment will turn out (whether choosing the natural way OR the medical way. I can say without a doubt that I would never have gone the medical route with my kidney cancer IF I'd known how bad it would turn out) and I want to say how much I admire many here such as Hoxey, and others who have gone through such a lot taking responsibility for their own health. I still don't know what I'll do yet about my nose BCC but I'm sure there may very well be much more under the surface even than it appears and it does look bad. I am still struggling with other issues but must decide what I want to try soon.

I'd be interested to know what brands of Black Salve others are using that have had success. The brand I used years ago is "Herbal Plus" and it has the four normal herbs and also zinc, I believe.

I just sent you a private email Carole.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/15/2013 :  22:38:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To Dave and Blonde Ambition....The fact is the testing, the studies have already been done by the inventor of Mohs surgery. Bloodroot paste's efficacy has already been professionally medically studied and the results are quite clear it is an excellent anti cancer compound. I started a new thread and made it a sticky in regards to the TRUTH about bloodroot paste / AKA Zinc Chloride paste..HERE

Based upon the information I have shared there...IMO it is almost criminal, certainly negligent of the medical community and the schools that educate them that the average dermatologist and worse yet plastic surgeons doing Mohs surgery are not properly educated on Bloodroot paste.

If you take the time to go through and read the articles and information I've provided...I'm pretty certain you will find yourself asking how in the world can this be?

How can medical doctors, the people who are licensed and are supposed to know better than us, be unaware of the power and efficacy of this chemical compound and the history of it's use by Dr. Mohs himself?

One has to step back and much more critical knowledge / valuable information are they not being taught during their extensive and rigorous medical training and education. The education that allows them to be called a doctor and that the average lay person then puts his or her's life's trust and well being into?

Frustrating indeed..

Edited by - anivoc on 10/16/2013 07:59:47
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35 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2013 :  23:07:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Agreed with Anivoc. Not much more to add currently.

Except to say that the paste will tend in my experience, to react on precancerous tissue, as well as cancerous. It will not react on normal tissue, providing you've gotten it from reputable sources. There are also several differing strengths of the paste too. It's a question of learning a bit of skill, like how and where to apply it.
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53 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2013 :  00:37:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anivoc

To Dave and Blonde Ambition....The fact is the testing, the studies have already been done by the inventor of Mohs surgery. Bloodroot paste's efficacy has already been professionally medically studied and the results are quite clear it is an excellent anti cancer compound. I started a new thread and made it a sticky in regards to the TRUTH about bloodroot paste / AKA Zinc Chloride paste..HERE

Based upon the information I have shared there...IMO it is almost criminal, certainly negligent of the medical community and the schools that educate them that the average dermatologist and worse yet plastic surgeons doing Mohs surgery are not properly educated on Bloodroot paste.

If you take the time to go through and read the articles and information I've provided...I'm pretty certain you will find yourself asking how in the world can this be?

How can medical doctors, the people who are licensed and are supposed to know better than us, be unaware of the power and efficacy of this chemical compound and the history of it's use by Dr. Mohs himself?

One has to step back and much more critical knowledge / valuable information are they not being taught during their extensive and rigorous medical training and education. The education that allows them to be called a doctor and that the average lay person then puts his or her's life's trust and well being into?

Frustrating indeed..

It's beyond frustrating! ... It's criminal.
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53 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2013 :  00:40:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by robbiethegood

Agreed with Anivoc. Not much more to add currently.

Except to say that the paste will tend in my experience, to react on precancerous tissue, as well as cancerous. It will not react on normal tissue, providing you've gotten it from reputable sources. There are also several differing strengths of the paste too. It's a question of learning a bit of skill, like how and where to apply it.

Thank you robbiethegood for reinforcing these facts with us.
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/20/2013 :  18:07:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you have any updates of improvement from the surgeries, Hoxsey? Please let us see.
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/23/2013 :  01:37:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Yes so good Gods Word, even in these days after YOLANDA (my wifes Filipino)we need to be unshakeable!These are days of shaking, "And this word, yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain" Hebrews 12:27 Keep up the good work Bro/sis!
Originally posted by BlondeAmbition3

Psalm 97:10

"Ye that love the Lord, hate evil." For he hates it, his fire consumes it, his lightnings blast it, his presence shakes it out of its place, and his glory confounds all the lovers of it. We cannot love God without hating that which he hates. We are not only to avoid evil, and to refuse to countenance it, but we must be in arms against it, and bear towards it a hearty indignation. "He preserveth the souls of his saints." Therefore they need not be afraid of proclaiming war with the party which favours sin. The saints are the safe ones: they have been saved and shall be saved. God keeps those who keep his law. Those who love the Lord shall see his love manifested to them in their preservation from their enemies, and as they keep far from evil so shall evil be kept far from them. "He delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked." It is not consistent with the glory of his name to give over to the power of his foes those whom his grace has made his friends. He may leave the bodies of his persecuted saints in the hand of the wicked, but not their souls, these are very dear to him, and he preserves them safe in his bosom. This foretells for the church a season of battling with the powers of darkness, but the Lord will preserve it and bring it forth to the light.

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16 Posts

Posted - 11/23/2013 :  10:53:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hmatt843

Hi Horrux,

I understand you are likely trying to save money and that you are trying to keep high hopes, but I would encourage you to please reconsider your route of treatment and seek truly professional care. Your health should be of utmost concern and is not something to be toyed or experimented with. Please consider my words more seriously than you may be initially inclined to.

You know what's funny, you ignorant person? I live in Canada and all "health care" (more like disease insurance) is free. Free to be sick! Free to get cut up, nuked, and poisoned by doctors! For free! Yay!

That out of the way, I am very much taking care of business, and you can see on my youtube channel that I am making some very good headway on this cancer which was spread on my chest by ... a DERMATOLOGIST.

As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well, I'm not getting fooled twice. I am doing what makes sense for my medical condition.
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15 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  13:18:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We finally treated the basal cell cancer on the left side of my nose with black salve on December 4th. It is December 19th and yesterday the deepest and last part came out. I could not have hoped for a better outcome and feel so incredibly blessed! We knew cancer covered a good-sided area; however, after 12 hours we knew we must reapply because much of the obviously affected area still had not responded. So we applied the salve again and waited another 12 hours. I was expecting a bad situation but the cancer had mostly spread horizontally rather than deep. The remainder that came out yesterday left a very small hole and I even believe that in time it will fill in and should leave minimal scaring!
Obviously, it would have been much better to have done this probably five years ago but God has created a miracle for me. Now I want to encourage others as they seek to experience a natural solution for their own cancers. I truly believe the Black Salve only affects cancerous cells and it does an efficient job with minimal damage which is much different than having the cancer cut out.
I did try something different instead of using Vaseline to keep the area moist. I made my own salve using coconut oil and beeswax as I believe the coconut oil in itself is an excellent healing agent. I will be continuing to keep the entire area coated for some time while it continues with the healing process.
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668 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  14:15:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Awesome Carole!

If you are so inclined to do so, before and after pictures are REALLY helpful to those that need encouragement.

Obviously we don't want manufacturers here touting their goods as that would be biased.

That said it is always good to hear when someone like yourself has had good results with a certain brand ..

If you don't mind please share where you acquired your Bloodroot paste and also what the ratio was in your coconut oil / beeswax salve..Love that you did that...


Edited by - anivoc on 12/20/2013 10:24:53
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53 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  19:58:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Horrux

Originally posted by hmatt843

Hi Horrux,

I understand you are likely trying to save money and that you are trying to keep high hopes, but I would encourage you to please reconsider your route of treatment and seek truly professional care. Your health should be of utmost concern and is not something to be toyed or experimented with. Please consider my words more seriously than you may be initially inclined to.

You know what's funny, you ignorant person? I live in Canada and all "health care" (more like disease insurance) is free. Free to be sick! Free to get cut up, nuked, and poisoned by doctors! For free! Yay!

That out of the way, I am very much taking care of business, and you can see on my youtube channel that I am making some very good headway on this cancer which was spread on my chest by ... a DERMATOLOGIST.

As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well, I'm not getting fooled twice. I am doing what makes sense for my medical condition.

You have a right to be upset Horrux.... "FREE TO BE SICK HEALTH CARE" is the perfect description!
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53 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2013 :  20:22:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Carole

We finally treated the basal cell cancer on the left side of my nose with black salve on December 4th. It is December 19th and yesterday the deepest and last part came out. I could not have hoped for a better outcome and feel so incredibly blessed! We knew cancer covered a good-sided area; however, after 12 hours we knew we must reapply because much of the obviously affected area still had not responded. So we applied the salve again and waited another 12 hours. I was expecting a bad situation but the cancer had mostly spread horizontally rather than deep. The remainder that came out yesterday left a very small hole and I even believe that in time it will fill in and should leave minimal scaring!
Obviously, it would have been much better to have done this probably five years ago but God has created a miracle for me. Now I want to encourage others as they seek to experience a natural solution for their own cancers. I truly believe the Black Salve only affects cancerous cells and it does an efficient job with minimal damage which is much different than having the cancer cut out.
I did try something different instead of using Vaseline to keep the area moist. I made my own salve using coconut oil and beeswax as I believe the coconut oil in itself is an excellent healing agent. I will be continuing to keep the entire area coated for some time while it continues with the healing process.

I'm so happy with your outcome Carole!... and Thank you for sharing your personal recipe healing salve, I've made a note of it.
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15 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2013 :  09:05:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anivoc

Awesome Carole!

If you are so inclined to do so, before and after pictures are REALLY helpful to those that need encouragement.

Obviously we don't want manufacturers here touting their goods as that would be biased.

That said it is always good to hear when someone like yourself has had good results with a certain brand ..

If you don't mind please share where you acquired your Bloodroot paste and also what the ratio was in your coconut oil / beeswax salve..Love that you did that...


Unfortunately we don't own a camera so I'm not able to get pictures. I'll try to describe the thing - originally it seemed to be a skin tag and I scratched it off probably more than 5 years ago. Before long the area became a sore and bled off and on for years. At the time I was also dealing with kidney cancer and after surgeries became very ill and wasn't able to deal with the BCC for several years.

Now I believe I know why everything turned out so badly after having surgery.(I certainly wish I had continued to use the Black Salve tablets and Zeolites because a second ultrasound had showed the cancer appeared to be smaller but I got scared.) This past August a new doctor diagnosed me (and my oldest daughter with the genetic defect MTHFR A1298C after having us do a blood test). This defect causes the body not to efficiently utilize folate. (The manmade form, folic acid, acts like a poison to one with this defect.) B12 is also involved and ultimately that whole methylation cycle, resulting in the buildup of toxins because the body isn't able to eliminate them efficiently.

I finally began using iodine about 1 1/2 years ago on the nose but every time I thought I had won the battle it would soon begin growing again. I had already used Black salve years before on my back with success and was confident it always worked; however, I hesitated to use it on my face, but the thing had definitely increased in size greatly, covering a majority of the left side of the nose and I suspected that having surgery done would probably cause me to lose a huge portion of the nose because in 2012 when a doctor diagnosed it as BCC he told me he would probably have to take skin from places such as between my eyes, for example, to cover the area and it sounded terrible.

I finally came to the place when I believed I might be able to endure the pain and still be able to get some sleep with doing it ourselves. (Incredible insomnia has been one of the symptoms of using the drug Levaquin in preparation to do the kidney surgery.)

The pain of having the Black Salve on the first 12 hours was very minor; the last 12 hours was terrible but I was able to sleep a little and since then I consider the whole process has been incredibly easy and the outcome is truly a miracle!

I believed the Black Salve I used was the Herbal Plus Brand; however, after checking with the company recently I was told it was most likely their previous product name Can-X. There is no label on the container.

The coconut oil/beeswax salve I made was 4 oz. of coconut oil and 1/2 oz. of beeswax originally. I thought it somewhat hard afterwards so added a little additional coconut oil and warmed it again and mixed together. Coconut oil is hard below about 76 degrees so it works better if it is kept somewhat warm. After putting on the skin it doesn't run or smear - stays in place and I believe it is superior to Vaseline.
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668 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2013 :  09:41:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Carole!

Very cool that you were successful and you didn't lose a lot of your nose in the process.

Re: the salve
Wow the ratio you describe is 8 to 1 on the salve... I have been experimenting first with just olive oil and beeswax and then later also adding coconut oil..
Beeswax is hard, I was going at first 3 to 1 , then 4 to 1 but it is still a little hard...

The Chickweed healing salve that I have purchased in the past is the perfect consistency for a healing salve's just a hassle to get and a little expensive when you add the shipping..It ends up being @ $20 for a 4 oz tin...just too much for something I can make for a lot less.

being as it is for sure at minimum 60-70% olive oil probably more ..seems pretty expensive and my homemade stuff works every bit as good. I buy my beeswax off of ebay you can buy 1lb for @ $16 delivered...

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Posted - 01/13/2014 :  07:57:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey Hoxsey,
I wish i read your post before i used salve.
I basically made the exact same mistake. Everything you said in all of your posts were the exact the same questions i was asking myself.

I had a confirmed BCC on my left shoulder blade, it was the size of a grain of rice.
I made some salve from the recipe on the "one answer to cancer" dvd and did a test patch on my foot. It all seemed good so I put the salve all around it, about 3cm sqaured, i wanted to make sure i had got it all....the entire patch reacted. A giant escher formed and fell out.

I was by now a member of a black salve facebook support group and was posting photos, there was alot of white stuff in the wound so everyone told me to reaply the salve to the open wound which i did, this time an even bigger escher formed and fell out.
To cut a long story short, after two salves, i now have a huge, thick, lumpy horrendous scar on my back the size of the palm of my hand. Every night i look at it in the mirror and want to cry at what i have done to myself. I am disfigured.

Ive since done test patches in sun damaged areas such as other parts of my back and my arms and EVERYWHERE reacts. So how can all of this be cancer?? If it is indeed true that salve only reacts to cancer then my whole upper body is a giant cancer. How could this be possible?

Through my own experience, i now truly believe that the salve reacts to ANY skin that is very badly sundamaged, not just cancer.
And i also believe that if the both of us had of had MOHs surgery instead, we would not have the scars we have now. Im sorry to say that out loud. And i cant imagine what you went through because what i went through is not as bad as you and it has still been the worst thing thats ever happened to me. But i too lay at night and ask these same questions and i try and tell my self that i did the right thing, but i know deep down that i am lying to myself.

I'm all for natural therapies and i know what the medical industry is like, liars, but think of this everyone...if your cancer is the size of a dollar coin, well that is its size, and if you go and have MOHs surgery, they will take it all out, and yeah that sux, and if you use black salve, you will take it all out too...the only difference is, with MOHs you know its all gone, with black salve you are just guessing.
Both will leave you scarred, so what is the difference?
The difference is this, with the doctor you can sleep at night because you know it its all gone and they only took what they needed to.
How do i know if the monstrosity i have on my back now was worth it?
I will never know.

Despite my bad experience, i am not against black salve, but none of us know how it works, we are all guessing and making assumptioms as best as we can, but we are all just human guinea pigs.
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53 Posts

Posted - 01/13/2014 :  20:19:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shez

Hey Hoxsey,
I wish i read your post before i used salve.
I basically made the exact same mistake. Everything you said in all of your posts were the exact the same questions i was asking myself.

I had a confirmed BCC on my left shoulder blade, it was the size of a grain of rice.
I made some salve from the recipe on the "one answer to cancer" dvd and did a test patch on my foot. It all seemed good so I put the salve all around it, about 3cm sqaured, i wanted to make sure i had got it all....the entire patch reacted. A giant escher formed and fell out.

I was by now a member of a black salve facebook support group and was posting photos, there was alot of white stuff in the wound so everyone told me to reaply the salve to the open wound which i did, this time an even bigger escher formed and fell out.
To cut a long story short, after two salves, i now have a huge, thick, lumpy horrendous scar on my back the size of the palm of my hand. Every night i look at it in the mirror and want to cry at what i have done to myself. I am disfigured.

Ive since done test patches in sun damaged areas such as other parts of my back and my arms and EVERYWHERE reacts. So how can all of this be cancer?? If it is indeed true that salve only reacts to cancer then my whole upper body is a giant cancer. How could this be possible?

Through my own experience, i now truly believe that the salve reacts to ANY skin that is very badly sundamaged, not just cancer.
And i also believe that if the both of us had of had MOHs surgery instead, we would not have the scars we have now. Im sorry to say that out loud. And i cant imagine what you went through because what i went through is not as bad as you and it has still been the worst thing thats ever happened to me. But i too lay at night and ask these same questions and i try and tell my self that i did the right thing, but i know deep down that i am lying to myself.

I'm all for natural therapies and i know what the medical industry is like, liars, but think of this everyone...if your cancer is the size of a dollar coin, well that is its size, and if you go and have MOHs surgery, they will take it all out, and yeah that sux, and if you use black salve, you will take it all out too...the only difference is, with MOHs you know its all gone, with black salve you are just guessing.
Both will leave you scarred, so what is the difference?
The difference is this, with the doctor you can sleep at night because you know it its all gone and they only took what they needed to.
How do i know if the monstrosity i have on my back now was worth it?
I will never know.

Despite my bad experience, i am not against black salve, but none of us know how it works, we are all guessing and making assumptioms as best as we can, but we are all just human guinea pigs.

I've removed MANY Cancers from all over my body with my own formulation of Black Salve... which is a 'traditional' 30 percent Zinc Chloride/bloodroot formulation (along with some other herbs, oils and DMSO)... but my experience has not been the same as yours.... only 'bad/Cancerous' skin reacts... The healthy skin on my body does not react whatsoever. I've been researching this a long time, and I know DOZENS of Friends and Family Members who have used 'traditional' MOHS and/chemo/and/radiation/and surgery instead of bloodroot, and I'm here to tell you that ALL of them were told the Cancer was gone and they were in remission and/or cured. Well, I'm sorry to say that ALL of them are now departed and only my younger Sister and myself are still here, so while you can choose to believe "you can rest assured they got it all", I know for a FACT that you cannot. I am not a human guinea pig.... I'm a LIVING breathing survivor of CANCER.... and I owe it ALL to bloodroot.
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62 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2014 :  10:36:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting story. I think you're right... I guess we are both giant walking precancerous/cancerous specimens? I believe bs does allow your body to identify and attack cancer cells. However it will also kill abnormal cells, common black salve knowledge. We, and surely plenty of others are the same. Something had to have been different about my skin cells where the bs was applied. All precancerous? . The biopsies just outside of the eschar area confirmed they were not CANCEROUS cells, but could they have been pre cancerous/abnormal? Theres no way to know. So that's a little scary, and lets say the entire area WAS cancerous? Then there's got to be more, because there's no way I applied it exactly to the edges of the cancerous cells.
I actually just used bs again last week on a bb sized little grey skin bump that had recently popped up. I used the salve confidently, only covering the small didn't react or hurt, but 24 hours later, had a little Eschar, three days later, out, next day pretty much filled in! Great!

But SOMETHING different is going on with my face. Like you, just about anywhere I touched it on my face, it would immediately start to sting. I wish someone could explain it or research it and figure out what the deal is. My guess is precancerous cells. but damn, if thats true, Im in for trouble ahead! I can put it on my arm or hand or mostly anywhere else with no reaction.

Black salve is great to use to remove small skin cancers. I just won't ever apply it to such a big area, ESPECIALLY not on the nose.

With your story, I'm curious... You said you applied 3cm. How did it get to be the size of a palm?
(Play the glad game... At least it's not in the middle of your face!). : )
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53 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2014 :  11:27:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hoxsey

Interesting story. I think you're right... I guess we are both giant walking precancerous/cancerous specimens? I believe bs does allow your body to identify and attack cancer cells. However it will also kill abnormal cells, common black salve knowledge. We, and surely plenty of others are the same. Something had to have been different about my skin cells where the bs was applied. All precancerous? . The biopsies just outside of the eschar area confirmed they were not CANCEROUS cells, but could they have been pre cancerous/abnormal? Theres no way to know. So that's a little scary, and lets say the entire area WAS cancerous? Then there's got to be more, because there's no way I applied it exactly to the edges of the cancerous cells.
I actually just used bs again last week on a bb sized little grey skin bump that had recently popped up. I used the salve confidently, only covering the small didn't react or hurt, but 24 hours later, had a little Eschar, three days later, out, next day pretty much filled in! Great!

But SOMETHING different is going on with my face. Like you, just about anywhere I touched it on my face, it would immediately start to sting. I wish someone could explain it or research it and figure out what the deal is. My guess is precancerous cells. but damn, if thats true, Im in for trouble ahead! I can put it on my arm or hand or mostly anywhere else with no reaction.

Black salve is great to use to remove small skin cancers. I just won't ever apply it to such a big area, ESPECIALLY not on the nose.

With your story, I'm curious... You said you applied 3cm. How did it get to be the size of a palm?
(Play the glad game... At least it's not in the middle of your face!). : )

So happy to hear from you Hoxsey!!!! (Doin' the 'happy dance' here just reading your post!).. and I'm doing my best to find more info re bloodroot and WHY some of us have faces that appear to be pre cancerous everywhere. (Which CAN be the case for those of us who were heavy Sun Worshipers)... I do know for certain that Bloodroot WILL react to Actinic Keratosis (and many other skin conditions considered to be pre-cancerous).... Many informative Web Sites and other informative Sites re Bloodroot have been 'pulled down' (if you will), by the "Powers that be". It's apparent "they" don't want People to discover the healing agents available outside the current Medical Paradigm. (For obvious reasons, such as GREED).... Have you ever seen photos of the people whose Derms prescribed Efudex to treat all of the pre-cancerous lesions on their faces? Oh my, if you haven't, you need to Google that now and the pictures will floor you as their faces are scabby messes (sometimes for months!) before they heal. I'm wondering if any one on this Forum knows if "Bloodroot" is in the Efudex formulations? Love to know that for certain.
Again Hoxsey, so happy to hear from you again and read your posts. After all, this particular thread is yours... and those of us who love and admire you hang for your every post.
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Posted - 01/16/2014 :  18:41:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you, Blonde ambition, I know you are a front runner in the bs online world, and I respect all you have to say!
I took down my icky photos today as it hasn't done much for the 'pro black salve' movement. I want this post to stress how important it is to use caution and as directed, to only apply very small amounts at a time, which at the time, I thought a quarter was a small amount. Not small enough in my case. Especially on the nose. I want to stress to others to do your OWN RESEARCH. I did my due diligence, and I was blown away that there were real cures for cancer out there that I had never heard of before... BLOWN away, like I had discovered the cure for cancer myself.... And I knew it was the way to go. But even with my due diligence, my case ended with a totally different result. It didn't turn out like the hundreds of other cases I saw photo proof of, especially Bill O'Leary's fantastic blog about his nose bcc salve experience. I did what he did and had extremely different results. I lost the entire area I covered plus all the cartilage beneath... ALL Of it so there were holes under the area I applied the salve...Bill lost a tiny spot out of the quarter sized spot he applied. So, people, know that my **** CAN happen to you. Or you could use bs and have perfect results... I just had perfect results with my little bb spot. My honey has an Eschar about to come out on his chest.

I guess my whole face is pre cancerous. Who knows. What I don't understand is why private donors don't come forward to pay for the research and testing of ALL the different natural cancer killing remedies that big pharma isnt willing to research, since they cannot patent or profit from these methods. Why? Or have they? Surely the philanthropists who donate generously have most all had a friend or family member affected with cancer at one time or another, so why wouldn't they want to contribute to researching natural methods as opposed to giving to the American cancer society or the Susan Komen whatever you call it? I'm just sayin.. Who can even do this kind of research? There are even websites where people donate to complete strangers. Maybe I will ask for donations if I know where to send them.

Good to connect with you, blondie! I'm still around... Just needed a break from this **** for a while.

Edited by - Hoxsey on 01/17/2014 17:52:12
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15 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2014 :  19:45:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm extremely grateful for the outcome of my own BCC just recently; however, as I wrote earlier no one can possibly know how their personal situation will turn out after treatment whether they choose the medical route or use natural methods. There's simply no way of knowing the outcome. The left side of my nose is still red but everything has filled in except where the biopsy was done and most likely that will always be indented. But I'm so happy with the outcome that I will never complain about what my nose looks like the rest of my life!

The crime of all this is that these more gentle methods are hidden from the public when they definitely cause less pain and scarring besides the cost factor.
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53 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2014 :  20:41:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hoxsey

Thank you, Blonde ambition, I know you are a front runner in the bs online world, and I respect all you have to say!
I took down my icky photos today as it hasn't done much for the 'pro black salve' movement. I want this post to stress how important it is to use caution and as directed, to only apply very small amounts at a time, which at the time, I thought a quarter was a small amount. Not small enough in my case. Especially on the nose. I want to stress to others to do your OWN RESEARCH. I did my due diligence, and I was blown away that there were real cures for cancer out there that I had never heard of before... BLOWN away, like I had discovered the cure for cancer myself.... And I knew it was the way to go. But even with my due diligence, my case ended with a totally different result. It didn't turn out like the hundreds of other cases I saw photo proof of, especially Bill O'Leary's fantastic blog about his nose bcc salve experience. I did what he did and had extremely different results. I lost the entire area I covered. Bill lost a tiny spot out of the quarter sized spot he applied. So, people, know that my **** CAN happen to you. Or you could use bs and have perfect results... I just had perfect results with my little bb spot. My honey has an Eschar about to come out on his chest.

I guess my whole face is pre cancerous. Who knows. What I don't understand is why private donors don't come forward to pay for the research and testing of ALL the different natural cancer killing remedies that big pharma isnt willing to research, since they cannot patent or profit from these methods. Why? Or have they? Surely the philanthropists who donate generously have most all had a friend or family member affected with cancer at one time or another, so why wouldn't they want to contribute to researching natural methods as opposed to giving to the American cancer society or the Susan Komen whatever you call it? I'm just sayin.. Who can even do this kind of research? There are even websites where people donate to complete strangers. Maybe I will ask for donations if I know where to send them.

Good to connect with you, blondie! I'm still around... Just needed a break from this **** for a while.

Absolutely Hoxsey... the 'risks' for heavy disfigurement and scarring with Black Salve are REAL... and people NEED to be aware of this and heavy researching and due diligence before use is definitely in order. I'm also afraid countless numbers of brave People have attempted to fund researching for Black Salve (among other Cancer curing alternatives) and have met with failure and in many instances jail, due to BIG PHARMA and other "Powers that be" whose interests are motivated by money and Cancer 'sick' care. The REAL Money lies in SICK CARE, not cures. Twisted Medical Paradigm eh? I sure wish I knew how to win this fight regarding funding alternative Cancer Cures.... but I'm afraid it will forever exist only in our dreams because those that oppose us are far richer and more powerful than those that be for us. So very very sad.
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6 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2014 :  12:00:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow, what can i say but wow.

Hoxsey, I'm so sorry you went through this, I'm so sorry that there are people in this world who are so evil or so deluded that they market this product, Black Salve, as a safe and effective cure for cancer.

I can totally see why you were sucked in. The people making money off this stuff are very clever and pick on desperate people who will do anything to stay alive when faced with possible death from cancer.
But Hoxsey, after all you've put yourself through, how can you still be advocating this stuff. Is losing the end of your nose not enough to convince you that this stuff is not what it is claimed to be?

Here is a fact for you. Black Salve can not tell the difference between healthy cells and cancerous cells. That is a fact!

It is simply a highly caustic substance that will burn any flesh it comes into contact with. If you want to argue this fact with me then here is how you can do it. If you believe Black Salve will not kill healthy cells, then apply a patch of it to some skin you know to be healthy, leave it on for 24 hours in the same manor you would treat a cancer and see what happens. I will bet any amount of money that you will end up with a large burn and the skin would react in exactly the same way as it would to cancerous skin. The reason it reacts so much worse on the face is that the skin on your face is much more sensetive than other areas.

Unless you are prepared to do this do not waste your time trying to convince me or anyone else that Black Salve can somehow tell the difference between healthy and cancerous skin.

If you've just read through this blog and are thinking about using black salve I bet you are desperately wanting to see the pictures that Hoxsey had posted but has now removed. Well in the interest of public safety I will now post those picture. I'm sorry if this upsets Hoxsey, I have cropped the photos so she cannot be identified, but I feel it is important for people to see these so they can see just how corrosive this stuff is.

Hoxsey, I know you want to believe that this stuff really works, and that for some reason, like all the skin on your nose was pre-cancerous and thats why it burnt so bad. Because if you accept it doesn't work and it is just a caustic substance that burns anything it comes into contact with, you will have to accept that you have been conned, and bought into a lie that has caused you to permanently disfigure your face when standard medical practice could have removed the cells and only left minor, if any scaring. But Hoxsey, wake up, you of all people should be warning others of the dangers, not still defending this snake oil.

Remember people, there was only a small patch of pre-cancerous cells on the end of her nose, and this is what the Black Salve did to her

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Edited by - getrealpeople on 02/13/2014 12:25:01
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Posted - 02/13/2014 :  12:59:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by djt10

If science is your god, god help you.

The only "proof" out there is the horrendous, well-documented outcome of conventional cancer treatments. Statistically, we are in far worse shape now as a nation than when the "war on cancer" began decades ago. A 2.1% "success" rate (survival at 5 years) for chemotherapy, compared to a 5% survival rate for doing absolutely nothing (spontaneous recovery) tells the whole story. Happily, there are scientific studies and research supporting the effectiveness of bloodroot on cancer cells specifically, and at least one study done on a cohort of cancer patients using salve (over 5 thousand, I believe)successfully.

It's all very well posting stats like that but I'm calling BS unless you can direct me to the studies that back up these claims so I can verify them

Here's some facts for you
Blood Root
Toxicity to animal cells[edit]
Sanguinarine kills animal cells by blocking the action of Na+/K+-ATPase transmembrane proteins. As a result, applying bloodroot to the skin may destroy tissue and lead to the formation of a large scab, called an eschar. Bloodroot and its extracts are thus considered escharotic.

Zinc Chloride
Zinc chloride is a skin and respiratory irritant according to its MSDS.[40] Precautions that apply to anhydrous ZnCl2 are those applicable to other anhydrous metal halides, i.e. hydrolysis can be exothermic and contact should be avoided. Concentrated solutions are acidic and corrosive, and specifically attack cellulose and silk as Lewis acids.[41]
Zinc chloride fume has occupational exposure limits set, as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have both set limits at 1 mg/m3 over an eight time-weighted average. A short-term exposure limit for exposure is set at 2 mg/m3.[42] An Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health explosure is set at 50 mg/m3.[43]

Edited by - getrealpeople on 02/13/2014 13:07:08
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21 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2014 :  05:51:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought it might be beneficial to post this, as most will not have free access to this journal article from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

I recommend reading the complete article. Some fascinating remarks about Mohs.

A Review of Topical Corrosive Black Salve
Kristin L. Eastman, MD,1,2 Lynne V. McFarland, PhD,2 and Gregory J. Raugi, MD2,3


Black salve is a compound derived from various inert ingredients, but it can be transformed into a corrosive ointment by the addition of bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) or zinc chloride. Black salve products have been advertised as a natural remedy for many ailments, ranging from bee stings to skin cancer. This article reviews the current literature surrounding this compound, which in its corrosive form can be dangerous for use without medical supervision. Patients should be educated about the lack of objective evidence supporting the clinical efficacy of black salve as a skin cancer treatment, as well as the possible cosmetic defects resulting from tissue necrosis secondary to the effects of bloodroot and zinc chloride.


Black salve topical products are used as an alternative therapy for everything from boils and bug bites to warts and skin cancer. Widespread use of the Internet has allowed for easy dissemination of non–peer-reviewed information on alternative therapies, often referring to anecdotal reports rather than objective, peer-reviewed studies. Additionally, it is questionable whether the original lesions referred to in testimonials were truly skin cancer because many lack documented biopsy results to confirm a cancer diagnosis. This reliance on anecdotal reports may lead patients to use a black salve product that is not scientifically proven to reliably cure skin cancer and can potentially lead to disastrous complications.

The components of black salve vary widely, from a combination of various innocuous ingredients to inclusion of bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) or zinc chloride, which results in a corrosive topical agent capable of indiscriminately damaging healthy and diseased tissue alike and forming eschar (sloughed dead tissue). It is this escharotic form that has been marketed as an alternative skin cancer treatment, and although numerous testimonials exist, references about the clinical efficacy and associated risks are scarce. Common names of these corrosive black salve products include Can-X, CentreForce (formerly Cansema), Curaderm, HerbVeil8, Hoxsey's dark red paste, Mexican black salve, and PureCents.

Although black salve has a reputation as being an alternative treatment, its history includes significant roots in allopathic medicine. Frederic E. Mohs, the originator of Mohs micrographic surgery for skin cancer treatment, first performed the surgery using a fixed-tissue technique using a paste composed of stibnite (antimony sulfide), bloodroot extract (S. canadensis), and zinc chloride applied to the tissue to be excised.1 In 1944, Mohs patented the paste and signed all rights over to the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for $1. Dr. Mohs explained, “The purpose of patenting was to prevent others from doing so and selling [the paste] indiscriminately to persons not trained to use it with complete microscopic control.”1 He went on to make arrangements to ensure that the fixative was supplied only to physicians certified to use it properly.

The use of this fixative in Mohs micrographic surgery fell out of favor in the 1970s, when multiple investigators, including Mohs himself, discovered the fresh-tissue technique was equivalent to the fixed-tissue technique for cancer clearance1,2 yet was completed in 1 day, while the fixed-tissue technique took an average of 3–5 days.3

Around the same time of Dr. Mohs' discoveries, Harry Hoxsey, a self-proclaimed healer, marketed and sold a similar escharotic paste as a cancer remedy. Hoxsey eventually opened 17 clinics in the United States, promoting his “Hoxsey Cancer Treatment,” although he lacked objective evidence that any of his patients were indeed cured of skin cancer.4,5 Eventually the sale of the Hoxsey Treatment was banned and his U.S. clinics shut down. One clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, established in 1963, remains operational today and still offers Hoxsey therapy.

This article reviews the literature for the benefits and risks of corrosive black salve use. This review is intended to educate providers and patients on current black salve literature and to warn providers about the potential dangers for patients engaging in unmonitored use of escharotic black salve.


The two most common escharotic agents used in modern black salve preparations are bloodroot (S. canadensis) and zinc chloride. Bloodroot, a perennial plant native to eastern North America, was originally mixed with onions by the Native Americans to create an escharotic paste. Bloodroot contains the alkaloid sanguinarine, which causes oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis, thus leading to tissue necrosis.6,7 Two independent studies suggest that sanguinarine contains anticancer properties; these studies found that (1) sanguinarine shows differential binding to various polymorphic nucleic acid conformations8 and (2) at micromolar concentrations it preferentially induces apoptosis in human squamous carcinoma cells over normal human epidermal keratinocytes.9 It is important to note that the differential response of cancer and normal cells to sanguinarine is only at very low doses. Typical bloodroot black salve preparations contain high doses of sanguinarine, which lead to the indiscriminate death of normal and cancerous cells alike and result in extensive tissue necrosis with possible secondary necrotizing vasculitis.10

Zinc chloride was popularized as an escharotic cancer treatment in the early 19th century by Canquoin of Paris, Bougard of Brussels, and Dr. J. Weldon Fell. It was then repopularized by Dr. Frederic Mohs in the 1940s. Dr. Mohs is credited with discovering that zinc chloride causes in vivo fixation, preserving the histologic tissue architecture. These discoveries were the basis for use of zinc chloride in modern-day escharotic pastes, although the exact mechanism of zinc chloride–induced necrosis remains unclear.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not oversee the manufacturing of herbal supplements but does monitor their marketing. Manufacturers and distributors are not obligated to disclose to the FDA or consumers what evidence they have to support their product's safety or claims before putting their products on the market. However, if products claim to cure, treat, mitigate, or prevent disease and are not proven safe and effective for their labeled use, they are considered unapproved new drugs marketed in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.11 Beginning in 2008, the FDA has collaborated with the Federal Trade Commission to prevent the sale of fraudulent cancer cures by sending warning letters to companies illegally claiming that their product, including black salve, can be used to treat cancer on their websites.12,13 Because of the rapidly changing content available on the Internet, it is difficult for the FDA to eradicate all false claims about black salve. At the time of this review, a simple Internet search yielded websites claiming black salve “completely eliminates abnormal tissue”14 and “can be applied safely to healthy skin tissue, even sensitive skin.…[It] does not affect healthy tissue, only neoplastic (cancerous) cells.”15

Despite regulation efforts, the public continues to have easy access to these ointments advertised as a cancer cure through do-it-yourself Internet recipes, Internet and local distributers, gifts from friends or relatives, and products brought back from trips abroad. To circumvent some of the barriers imposed by regulatory agencies, “animal” black salve products are being marketed and sold with manufacturer admissions that the ingredients for the banned human version and available animal version of their products are the same.16

These compounds are subject to poor quality control and may contain a wide range of active and inactive ingredient concentrations. Beyond manufacturer variation, Graf and colleagues (2007) reported that sanguinarine concentration varies between wildcrafted and cultivated bloodroot.17 Cultivated bloodroot has a slightly lower absolute concentration of sanguinarine (2.25–2.75#8201;mg/100#8201;mg dried rhizome) compared with wildcrafted bloodroot (2.81–3.96#8201;mg/100#8201;mg dried rhizome). Furthermore, the concentration of sanguinarine in wildcrafted bloodroot varies seasonally, being highest in early spring.17 Therefore, the concentration of the escharotic agent, sanguinarine, is variable depending on how the bloodroot was grown and what time of year it was harvested.


Although laboratory evidence documents anticarcinogenic effects of black salve ingredients (bloodroot and zinc chloride), no randomized clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of black salve products have been published. Lacking randomized clinical trials, the evidence for any benefits of black salve comes from published case reports, as shown in Table 1,18–26 which details a spectrum of outcomes ranging from patient satisfaction,18,19 unacceptable scarring,20–22 to invasive recurrent tumor21,23 to ulcer complications26 to death due to delayed definitive treatment.21,24 Following are examples of published case reports describing the range of patient experiences

Table 1. Published Black Salve Case Reports

A 51-year-old man who presented with a confirmed basal cell carcinoma on his nasal tip was offered Mohs micrographic surgery. Instead he preferred to self-treat the lesion with a bloodroot-based salve. After eschar formation and subsequent secondary intention healing, he was left with a depressed, irregular scar on the nasal tip and a fair cosmetic outcome. Twelve months after the bloodroot salve treatment tumor had not recurred, but he remains under long-term surveillance because there was no definitive proof (i.e., histology) that the tumor was completely eradicated.26

A previously published case letter by the current authors details a patient who used a corrosive black salve product for a self-diagnosed skin cancer on the left side of his nose. The treatment resulted in necrosis and permanent loss of his left ala (Fig. 1). However, despite his cosmetic defect, the patient continued to support the use of black salve for skin cancer. Since his black salve use 11 years ago, there has been no tumor recurrence on or near the left side of his nose.18 A similar report by Saltzberg and colleagues also describes the complete loss of the nasal ala due to black salve use.22

Metastasis of basal cell carcinoma is uncommon (<1%), but the frequency of metastasis increases according to the size of the primary cancer (up to 50% for tumors >10#8201;cm in diameter).27 An example of this is a case of a 52-year-old man who originally presented with a biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma of the left side of his nose. In lieu of definitive surgery to remove the tumor, he elected to treat it with black salve, which achieved apparent clinical resolution. However, 11 years later, the cancer recurred in the same area and penetrated to a level that necessitated two stages of Mohs micrographic surgery, a partial maxillectomy, a radical neck lymphadenectomy, and radiation therapy. The cancer subsequently metastasized to distant bony sites, and despite systemic chemotherapy the patient died.24 Whether the recurrence was due to a failure of black salve to remove all residual cancer cells or to a new occurrence of cancer is unknown. Basal cell carcinoma rarely spreads to the bone, but this metastasis has been reported by others.28


Surgical excision, electrodessication and curettage, and Mohs micrographic surgery are the current standards of care for skin cancer treatment. It should be recognized that the standard of care, although an excellent management strategy, is imperfect for several reasons: 1) If a lesion is assumed to be contiguous, islands of residual tumor may possibly be left behind in the normal tissue; 2) time constraints in performing Mohs surgery do not allow for routine use of immunostains and cell markers, thus causing some tumor types to be difficult to identify microscopically and possibly overlooked;29 and 3) the health care provider may make technical errors. No skin cancer treatment is curative 100% of the time, but the high success rate of these techniques, in addition to other factors outlined in Table 2, makes the standard of care a superior choice over corrosive black salve.30–33

The scarring that results from initial black salve treatment can obscure the tumor and disrupt the lesion continuity that is essential for optimal surgical performance. Therefore, surgical treatment is best used as a first-line treatment and not as a second-line treatment after black salve therapy.

Table 2. Comparison of Black Salve with Mohs Micrographic Surgery


One risk that accompanies self-treating with corrosive black salve is the patient's belief that clinical resolution of the lesion equates to histopathologic clearance of the lesion, which it does not. Because of the escharotic character of black salve, this treatment may destroy both cancerous skin and healthy skin to a degree that eradicates the local cancer.20 However, without proper evaluation, which includes a conclusive biopsy, there can be no guarantee that all the cancer cells have been completely eliminated. If residual cancer cells are present after treatment, the cancer will recur; the lesion may then require excision or the cancer may metastasize to other sites in the body.21,24 In addition, if suspicious lesions are not biopsied to rule out cancer, the corrosive salve may cause unnecessary skin damage in the case of a benign mole or lesion. Self-treatment with corrosive black salve may also result in a substantial delay in definitive diagnosis and surgical treatment of melanoma, which increases the risk of metastasis or deeper penetration of the lesion.21,24,25

Many black salve users do not understand the potential consequences of this product. Health care providers should communicate clearly that although black salve is labeled as “natural,” the salve is not necessarily safe or harmless. Providers should maintain an open dialogue with patients who are interested in using these products and thoroughly educate them on the risks, the range of aesthetic outcomes, and allopathic treatment options. Escharotics may potentially lead to elimination of all tumor cells, but patients may not be satisfied with the cosmetic outcome and choose to undergo scar revision surgery, as other dissatisfied patients have.20,21


Given the wide range of available skin cancer treatment options, some patients prefer naturopathic/homeopathic treatment regimens, such as black salve, over the current standard of care of surgery or electrodesiccation and curettage. However, the modern public may not fully understand the lack of objective data on the efficacy of black salve products in predictably curing skin cancer. They may also be unfamiliar with the potential risks associated with this corrosive compound, such as significant cosmetic defect, unconfirmed clearance of all cancer cells, and cancer recurrence or spread.

Because of the widespread availability of black salve products, providers should be familiar with this compound and its potential dangers. It is important to keep an open dialogue with patients about alternative medicine, while striving to effectively impart evidence-based information for the patient's decision-making process. Although patients should be appropriately counseled about their treatment options, providers must ultimately respect a patient's autonomy to choose the course of treatment.

As evidenced here, a variety of outcomes are possible after the use of corrosive black salve, ranging from patient satisfaction and cancer eradication to significant morbidity, suboptimal treatment, and death.18–25

The difficulty lies with the unpredictability of patient use, varied product quality, inconsistent user directions, and lack of regulation surrounding this compound. Such unpredictability puts patients at increased risk of adverse outcomes and is unnecessary in a time when the standard of care is scientifically proven to be safe, predictable, and effective in cancer eradication. It is important to note that Dr. Mohs patented his salve to prevent the widespread use of a potentially dangerous topical treatment by untrained persons; however, today this is exactly what is happening with the unregulated distribution of escharotic agents for unmonitored home use by the general public.1

The concept of black salve as a cancer treatment is not unfounded, as some escharotics agents have been shown to have anticarcinogenic properties, but randomized controlled trials comparing them to standard therapies are lacking.23,34 A small, preliminary clinical trial comparing trichloroacetic acid (another type of escharotic agent) with other types of treatments has shown promise for reducing the development of nonmelanoma skin cancer.35 Because of the documented corrosive nature of black salve, enough tissue necrosis can occur to eradicate cancerous cells; however, the resultant collateral damage to surrounding normal tissue can be unacceptable and unsafe and does not constitute optimal medical care.1,10,20–25 Sanguinarine possesses the potential for development as a topical skin cancer treatment as a result of the differential response of squamous carcinoma cells and epidermal keratinocytes documented by Ahmad and colleagues.9 However, more investigation is needed to determine its safety, the optimal concentration necessary to target cancer cells while minimizing damage to normal cells, and its efficacy as a topical chemotherapy. In the future, we recommend randomized, double-blinded clinical trials testing the efficacy, safety, and therapeutic dose of sanguinarine for topical treatment of skin cancer.

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48 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2014 :  13:57:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Did someone miss something? Zinc Chloride is corrosive to organic materials all right--cellulose and silk. Cellulose is what's found in plant cells, and not in normal human cells ...except in human cell walls that have become plantlike, meaning fungal. There is something in cancer cell walls closely related to a fungal structure. This suggests that salve is able to break down abnormal cell walls so that bloodroot can get to the cancer.

Anyone who has watched the salve process carefully and as many times as I have for myself and different family members and friends knows that applying salve to healthy skin with nothing underneath gets no results other than maybe a faint pinkness. When there's something on top of the skin, of course. When it's beneath, it has to absorb into the tissues and it's only when morbid material comes to the surface and breaks through that surface tissue is eaten up, the same as a boil or any skin eruption would cause. In fact, to go after internal things, I always used a sterilized needle to prick the surface of the skin where salve is applied because of the difficulty in having it absorb through healthy skin, and even then it's not immediate. Does someone actually believe that a substance corrosive to skin would take several days to eat through it from the outside? It just doesn't happen that way. And many people take it internally (a tiny bit of salve in a capsule) or in the form of bloodroot capsules or pills with no action on the stomach or bowels.

If you want to risk releasing cancer cells into the bloodstream, by all means, have a needle biopsy. Cutting or puncturing into a cancer is always such a good idea.

And just who is going to allow or finance randomized, double-blinded clinical trials? That is wishful thinking any rational, reasonable person can agree with. Dream on.
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21 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2014 :  15:48:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
ThAT is pseudoscience.

Do your own research on zinc chloride and fixatives. The intention is to retain the structure of the cell and prevent putrefaction but all biochemical reactions within the healthy cell cease and for all intents and purposes the tissue. Whether healthy or cancerous, is dead. Toxicity will depend on the concentration and other contents in the salve. i.e it won"t necessarily "fix" all tissue it comes into contact with.

It is notable that studies have found bloodroot to be selective for cancerous cells over healthy cells, but apparently only at low concentrations, not at those higher concentrations found in most black salve products.

It would be interesting for someone to do some in vitro work on the apparently large amount of empirical data that people experience less reaction on healthy skin than diagnosed BCCs or precancerous skin. There certainly seems to be a strong case from personal anecdotes here. I'll look further at the preclinical studies or scientific rationale for this, if there are any. A lack of published evidence doesn't mean it ain't so! I find some of your stories fascinating.

But yes, unlikely RCTs could attract funding or pass ethics approval with the patient case histories and evidence of serious adverse reactions. Add to that the high efficacy of conventional treatments. Of course, conventional treatment has it's risks too. We nearly lost my father a couple of months ago from a post surgical infection after removal of a BCC from his ear. He came close to sepsis and now has a "Spock" ear. I won't be sending him back to that particular dermatologist. I think I can sort of see why someone who has many recurring small BCCs might choose to self treat. ANIVOC - would you suggest someone with a larger BCC defer to conventional surgery due to the increased risks of not getting all the cancer, greater risk of damaging healthy tissue and especially lack of confirmed borders? Despite your experience of cancer returning.years after confirmed borders, I would think it still offers better odds?
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53 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2014 :  21:03:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ditto djt10. I've been taking internal bloodroot (30/30 ratio), since 2010 with no damage whatsoever to my internals. I've been using it since 2008 externally, and as you have stated, with NO reactions whatsoever to healthy skin tissues. My Husband, (along with other family members and friends who have tried it), can attest to this also. It's interesting that you mention 'human cell walls that have become plant-like, related to a fungal structure".... Please read what Italian Dr. Simoncini (who discovered that "Cancer is a Fungus"), has to say on this exact matter.

Cancer is fungus
by Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Among the many books that try to give an answer to the problem, the one given by the oncologist Tullio Simoncini distinguishes itself by its simplicity and its innovative ideology.

The book “Cancer is a fungus” describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. The growth of the fungous colonies, together with the reaction of the tissue that tries to defend itself against the invasion, causes the tumour. This is a simple and solely extracellular phenomenon.

Therefore, there is only one cause of cancer: candida, which, according to the anatomical branch concerned causes different histological reactions. This is the reason why there are so many types of tumours.

Nice seeing you on the Forum wall again djt10....

Originally posted by djt10

Did someone miss something? Zinc Chloride is corrosive to organic materials all right--cellulose and silk. Cellulose is what's found in plant cells, and not in normal human cells ...except in human cell walls that have become plantlike, meaning fungal. There is something in cancer cell walls closely related to a fungal structure. This suggests that salve is able to break down abnormal cell walls so that bloodroot can get to the cancer.

Anyone who has watched the salve process carefully and as many times as I have for myself and different family members and friends knows that applying salve to healthy skin with nothing underneath gets no results other than maybe a faint pinkness. When there's something on top of the skin, of course. When it's beneath, it has to absorb into the tissues and it's only when morbid material comes to the surface and breaks through that surface tissue is eaten up, the same as a boil or any skin eruption would cause. In fact, to go after internal things, I always used a sterilized needle to prick the surface of the skin where salve is applied because of the difficulty in having it absorb through healthy skin, and even then it's not immediate. Does someone actually believe that a substance corrosive to skin would take several days to eat through it from the outside? It just doesn't happen that way. And many people take it internally (a tiny bit of salve in a capsule) or in the form of bloodroot capsules or pills with no action on the stomach or bowels.

If you want to risk releasing cancer cells into the bloodstream, by all means, have a needle biopsy. Cutting or puncturing into a cancer is always such a good idea.

And just who is going to allow or finance randomized, double-blinded clinical trials? That is wishful thinking any rational, reasonable person can agree with. Dream on.

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35 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2014 :  10:20:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Conventional treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated

Black Salve treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated

Conventional treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider

Black Salve treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider

Conventional treatment: cancer may metastasize

Black Salve treatment: cancer may metastasize

If you are happy with conventional treatment, you should continue with conventional treatment. if black salve scares you, then don't use it.

Did you use black salve yourself on your skin cancer and get a bad result?

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15 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2014 :  13:58:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Excellent description of the options, Nanoagain! The wonderful thing is that yet Americans are still able to choose which option is the best for them personally. The sad part is that there are some who would take the choice away. Why not just live and let live and quit trying to tell someone else what is best for them?!
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53 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2014 :  22:34:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well said.

Originally posted by Nanoagain


Conventional treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated

Black Salve treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated

Conventional treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider

Black Salve treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider

Conventional treatment: cancer may metastasize

Black Salve treatment: cancer may metastasize

If you are happy with conventional treatment, you should continue with conventional treatment. if black salve scares you, then don't use it.

Did you use black salve yourself on your skin cancer and get a bad result?

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53 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2014 :  22:41:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Beautifully articulated Carole!

Originally posted by Carole

Excellent description of the options, Nanoagain! The wonderful thing is that yet Americans are still able to choose which option is the best for them personally. The sad part is that there are some who would take the choice away. Why not just live and let live and quit trying to tell someone else what is best for them?!

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.