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17 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 04:28:32
This needs to be said again: We don't mind what you do to yourselves, or the choices you make concerning your own health, everyone has the right to choose. We are against you untrained individuals offering advice that might endanger peoples lives.
The others have left already because they've said what they needed to say amd probably realise you will never admit to making an error for some bizarre but understandably human reason. The children who came here swearing didn't help matters, but people are free to say what they want to say and I'm happy that's the case. That's why I like Reddit - diversity of opinion. Just don't lump me in with them, please.
You continue to make assumptions as to how I think about matters, "had the nose grown back fully, you would be singing its praises" - a nose just doesn't grow back, Julypanda. How does a nose grow back?
How can you know for sure, really ask yourself this, how can you know for sure that it simply ate the cancer away and not normal healthy tissue? How can you know this for sure? This is a very, very important question you need to find the answer to. Because you're spreading potentially hazardous information and your pride is getting in the way of admitting it. You don't know for sure.
On that basis alone, uncertainty, you have to see that you cannot give information that might hurt people, Julypanda. This is something you don't want to hear but it needs to be said.
I am not an aweful person, a shill writing this stuff to line the pockets of the medical industry executives as some of you think for some terrible reason. I'm a dude, a normal dude, who read a forum about a lady who had a terrible reaction to some stuff that contained hazardous chemicals, made a terrible choice of coming to this forum for advice instead of a doctor, and suffered terrible consequences. I'm not sure about this stuff, I can admit it, I can also admit that I don't know enough to actually offer advice to someone going through a terrible reaction to it. And you can't live your life distrusting every single doctor. Are they all aweful, crap people July?
Don't tell me to go away just because you can't stand to hear this. Am I making no sense here? |
Edited by - Chill on 08/02/2013 04:34:59 |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 05:38:17
I am not a reddit user but believe that Chill has given a very simple explanation for how and why other posters found this forum. Sorry, no conspiracy.
What bought me here was curiosity. A number of friends had mentioned black salve to me and I was having a look into it. I was open minded about it at first but was shocked when I stumbled on this forum. Not regarding whether it works (it possibly does In some cases) but by some of the outlandish claims without the support of evidence based research and what I viewed as dangerous medical advice being given by those less than qualified to do so. Even a MD would see the ethical issue with giving advice on an online forum without knowing a persons medical history. What if she had circulation issues, a compormised immune system or diabetes? Use of black salve without medical oversight by a long term diabetic or some basic knowledge of how to look after such a serious open wound could be disastrous.
What is frustrating is that when doing your own search on the internet, peer reviwed research published in high rated journals (if it ihas been done) is often hidden behind pay walls and subscriptions. Additionally, negative results are often not published. The general public then finds itself lost and buried beneath the mountain of easily accessible but less descipherable information put out by those marketing the product or by patient testimonials. I don't believe either of those two sources of information is sufficient for me to risk my health.
The fact you keep repeating that Moh's surgery evolved from the use of black salve to a more modern technique is telling to me, but for a diffierent reason. From this fact, I personally reach the conclusion that it was replaced with a more efficient technique or one that caused far less damage to healthy tissue. This is just the conclusion I have reached, I do not know if it is fact, but it does show that two people with the same information can reach very different conclusions. Repeating that fact as "evidence" to support your own conclusions is not so convincing for some of us. We are free to reach our own conclusions and mostly free to make decisions about our health but please think about why some of us felt the need to put a warning sign up in here for others who are "researching" the use of black salve.
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/02/2013 05:51:06 |
16 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 11:16:04
quote: Originally posted by Chill
we came here because this thread was linked to from Reddit. Are you claiming we're shills? If that's the case then there's no hope for a normal discussion between human beings. Your mind is shut.
Horrux, Zinc Chloride is NOT safe to handle. If you'd like to look up the fact sheets on the chemical you'll clearly see that's it's corrosive. You are spreading harmful information.
Wow, you seriously lack any knowledge of chemistry, yet you come here with your accusations. This is amazing.
The fact sheet says it's corrosive, true. If you INHALE it, it can make you COUGH. That's bad, right? It's not melting your lungs or anything, it can make you COUGH. That's why you can breathe it in 1mg/m3 concentration without any ill effect.
Zinc Chloride has about the same corrosiveness as acetic acid, which is vinegar. While I'll not be using ZnCl2 solution on my fries instead of vinegar, it is far from the poison you are making it out to be. Javel is a much more powerful corrosive.
So, yes, pure zinc chloride CAN be harmful to use, just as pure acetic acid can cause burns. But guess what, people use vinegar in a lot of things and they're fine. |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 12:20:35
Horrux, what are your credentials in chemistry?
The fact sheet also advises in the case of skin contact, remove all contact and seek medical advice immediately. |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 12:37:28
We're going along a good fact finding mission here, I like it. Acetic acid: it's a component of vinegar - meaning around 8% of vinegar is made up of Acetic acid - not PURE acetic acid as Horrux implied. What percentage of zinc chloride comprises black salve? What's the safety levels, and how can you guys be sure that the black salve you purchase contains a safe amount?
Now just remember, Horrux first stated Zinc Chloride is safe and inert, just like table salt. We've determined it's highly corrosive to skin contact. PURE zinc chloride.
Black salve contains a percentage of zinc chloride. Who's determining what that safe limit is? If I go and buy a black salve, off of amazon for example, how can I be assured that the amount of zinc chloride it contains is at a safe level? |
Edited by - Chill on 08/02/2013 12:43:23 |
16 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 12:53:45
quote: Originally posted by Chill
Horrux, what are your credentials in chemistry?
The fact sheet also advises in the case of skin contact, remove all contact and seek medical advice immediately.
Just some college education. My credentials are of being a biologist and an economist, and thus do not relate directly to chemistry. I also tested 174 on an IQ test, that's a credential too, right? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 13:24:33
I think you can be intelligent and misinformed at the same time. Perhaps a high IQ can sometimes be detrimental to your ability to entertain self-doubt. Especially when you haven't mixed with people of a similar or greater level of intelligence on a regular basis, you perhaps get a detrimental sense of superiority. It's not an easy situation to deal with. |
Edited by - Chill on 08/02/2013 13:26:38 |
16 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 17:16:21
quote: Originally posted by Chill
I think you can be intelligent and misinformed at the same time. Perhaps a high IQ can sometimes be detrimental to your ability to entertain self-doubt. Especially when you haven't mixed with people of a similar or greater level of intelligence on a regular basis, you perhaps get a detrimental sense of superiority. It's not an easy situation to deal with.
You are right, it is not. It's like living on a planet of the apes or at least, being perpetually surrounded by morons. But I got over my sense of superiority long ago, for it was a failing. I'm better than that now. :D |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 19:02:48
Bwakul what outlandish claims are you speaking of? Can you cite one? I am a moderator here and I try to stay up on current post and delete spam and "sneaky advertising" There are several very active members here who are not shy to call BS when they see it..
No one I know has made any outlandish "claims" and as far as advice ..maybe some have...I personally am happy to give my opinion but ALWAYS say do your own due dilligence..I did...
Guaranteed I know a lot more about Bloodroot than any of the new crew of nay sayers that have come recently...A few years before this site came about I talked to dozen of people around the world who had personally used it...100's of hours or reading accounts and research...hunting down real people with real names and phone numbers and had conversations before ever actually trying it on myself...
I have posted very graphic pictures of my experience and my results..I am real..they are real...
To say it is "crazy as Hell" is ignorant...All procedures come with risk and bloodroot paste is a serious route to take...not something to jump into without understanding the possible consequences..
The tone the 5 aforementioned "new comers" has set is far from informed or realistic...definitely in some cases leaning on out right rude and obnoxious.
If you have genuine sincere questions, opinions, personal experience or valid info bring it on...Broad sweeping, narrow minded assumptions, accusations and conclusions bring nothing to benefit the group here.
Edited by - anivoc on 08/02/2013 19:03:35 |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 20:55:07
I'm sorry, but you are still using patient testimonials alone as your evidence. No basic science. No pathology. No double blind clinical studies.
Outlandish claims......well pretty much everything written by djt10. And overall, the idea that the black salve has only destroyed cancer cells. This is "possible", but not one of you have any pathology results to state that as fact. You may have got all the cancer (or not). But You really do not know, as you would with MOHs surgery, whether she had healthy tissue destroyed and possibly could have avoided such extensive and expensive plastic surgery.
You've picked up on one word I used and focused in on that but no one will respond to our main point. Do you think it is responsible to give medical advice to someome online, when you are lacking medical training AND know little about that persons medical history (including pathology and any other diagnostic results). ?? |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 21:02:09
As an example, lets look again at the study which looked at survival rates and chemotherapy. The whole 2% thing.
If we relied on patient testimonials there would be 1000's who could claim chemotherapy saved their lives. And maybe it has, or extended their lives substantially. But what that epidemiological study seemed to find was that overall it only improved survival rates by 2 %. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/02/2013 21:02:50 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 21:43:11
quote: Originally posted by Bwakul
I'm sorry, but you are still using patient testimonials alone as your evidence. No basic science. No pathology. No double blind clinical studies.
Outlandish claims......well pretty much everything written by djt10. And overall, the idea that the black salve has only destroyed cancer cells. This is "possible", but not one of you have any pathology results to state that as fact. You may have got all the cancer (or not). But You really do not know, as you would with MOHs surgery, whether she had healthy tissue destroyed and possibly could have avoided such extensive and expensive plastic surgery.
You've picked up on one word I used and focused in on that but no one will respond to our main point. Do you think it is responsible to give medical advice to someome online, when you are lacking medical training AND know little about that persons medical history (including pathology and any other diagnostic results). ??
OK I'll bite...
Let's start with the most relevant question first...
"Do you think it is responsible to give medical advice to someome online, when you are lacking medical training AND know little about that persons medical history (including pathology and any other diagnostic results). ?
Absolutely not it would be irresponsible... No one is giving "Medical advice" here we are sharing our personal experiences, strength and hope and knowledge therein that we have personally gained from our personal research and experimentation.... No one here is impersonating or alluding to the idea that they are medically trained doctors...People come here for a multitude of reasons but this is an internet forum and like anything on the net you better check your facts multiple places before jumping off the bridge with your internet made wings...
This particular thread started by Hoxsey starts with her already in deep trouble treating herself asking for advice...not medical advice...personal experience advice. From there on people chimed in with how they dealt with bloodroot.
As Dan states in his purpose for this forum "Welcome! Skin cancer now affects millions of people worldwide, many chronically. There are good reasons to believe that skin cancer can be prevented by diet and nutrition, that natural healing is possible, and that the best treatment may be a home remedy! These forums are for people with skin cancer and others that care to share questions, concerns, ideas, and experiences. We want better answers for skin cancer. We want to hear your story."
What he states is all true...Diet and home remedies may help in the eradication of various forms of the many skin cancers...
I don't know how much you know ...but I think you know a lot less than you think you do...
Most of us here are real common folks with real skin cancers ...It sucks and it sucks way worse than someone that hasn't got them can understand.
We're the ones that have spent thousands of dollars on painful and disfiguring Medical treatments only to have the dang things come back in a few years...Mohs surgery..the gold standard of the dermatologist... is far from perfect and though the best way to treat Basal cell it doesn't always get it all..
There is so much the derms still do not know...
I am one of those that have gone traditional route, spent thousands of dollars and now do my best to avoid them because their ways don't work any better than the alternative ways.
Do you know what Picato gel is?
Lo and is made from Petty spurge discussed here before Picato was approved by the FDA..
THis place is an awesome resource for thousands of people that are going through the torture mill of FDA approved Effudex..
Trust the doctors? seriously... Effudex is torture
Then there's fluorouracil...I remember in the 80's being told by one derm to treat my whole face...only to be told 15 years later by the same derm ..Oh I no longer recommend fluorouracil they think it might actually cause an increase in skin cancers...Wonderful.
Then there's the Pathology you ask about... There have been no double blind studies ..why you ask...well it is an ugly truth...MONEY
It cost a lot..and there is no one that can patent this so why invest in the test?
From on this complicated dilemma...
What studies have been done by modern medicine to demonstrate that these Black Salves are a proven skin cancer treatment system?
"In the orthodox community this question refers to a "longitudinal, peer-reviewed, double-blind study with carefully monitored control groups, using strict statistics measures..." bla, bla, bla, bla. We believe in the time-honored tradition of empiricism. It is the fundamental principle underlying the development of homeopathic, naturopathic, and herbalist formulas, even entire volumes of formularies (pharmacopoeia), not to mention the healing techniques of dozens of other modalities. A formula is proven to be effective and safe, in our minds, when it has been tested upon thousands of individuals over a period in excess of one century (that's 100 years) and has been found to repeatedly, thousands of times over, cure legions of patients with little or no side effects. Such is the history of escharotics, the illustrious herbal tradition from whose roots Cansema has sprung. It is the foundation of our South American medical herb formulas, and virtually all herb-based products.
The pecularities of modern food and drug law, based as they are on 19th century "atomist" theories on pharmacology, have totally turned the free market on its head - and this is something most people either don't know, or don't take the time to figure out.
The simple fact is, escharotic preparations are not sufficiently proprietary for anyone to get a useful patent on them. No drug company on earth is interested in a compound if they can't get an enforceable patent on it. And why? Because no drug company on earth ---- no, make that no intelligent human being on earth -- would ever invest the $100 million plus it takes to get "drug approval" in the U.S. and other major Western countries without the reasonable assurance a patent provides THAT THEIR INVESTMENT WOULD BE PROTECTED FROM THE ENCROACHMENT OF COMPETITORS!
The fact is, medicine today -- whether you live in Perth, Edinburgh, Nassau, or Los Angeles, is far more about the dynamics of making money, than it is about doing what is best for the patient. Only when you can clearly view this industry from the inside does the intensity of this concept become so solidified and crystal clear that you would no more question it than you would think to doubt the curvature of the Earth.
Like the Mother Goose story about the Emperor who wore no clothes, the masses of those living in Western society live behind the veneer. Only when one stands back and innocently looks at the structure of modern health care for what it is -- only when one takes the time to follow the money trail, can you understand why the very best products on the market have no chance of becoming mainstream if the most powerful interests in health care cannot figure out a way of cornering the market. It can be a "cornering" of short duration (a patent in the U.S., for instance, lasts 17 years), but it must be a turf that can be legally protected, with artificially high margins, for at pre-calculated period of high, sustained profitabilit." Source: Alpha Omega Labs
Edited by - anivoc on 08/02/2013 21:50:42 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 21:55:00
It was a DOCTOR that developed Black Salve.....
Skin Cancer - Black Salve Around the mid-nineteenth century, Native American herbs became very popular in Europe and a Dr. J.W. Fell, working at Middlesex Hospital in London developed a paste made of bloodroot, zinc chloride, flour, and water. This was directly applied as a paste to a malignant growth and generally destroyed the tumor within two to four weeks.
Bloodroot (Sanguinarea canadensis) is one of the most beautiful eastern North American woodland herbs and was commonly used to treat cancer by the Native Americans. Since that time it has been identified as a primary ingredient in most escharotic salves and pastes, as these are called, used for the treatment of cancer. The alkaloid, sanguinarine has been indeed found to possess powerful anti-cancer properties.
The Eclectics medical doctors of the 19th century, especially Dr. Eli Jones, specialized in the treatment of cancer emphasizing internal treatment and lifestyle changes but evidently used escharotic Black salves and ointments with success. The late Dr. Raymond Christopher created a Black Ointment drawing salve that contained potent anti-cancer herbs such as poke root and black walnut bark. Many consider this to be only for drawing out slivers and such embedded in the flesh, but in fact, the salve is also used for drawing out cancers and tumors. In recent times various formulas for the salve has been sold or given away by various clandestine individuals who are mostly motivated by the desire to help provide patients with a less invasive and harmful method to remove cancers from various parts of the body.
One of the most startling facts is that the use of escharotics has been and continues to be an accepted and recognized medical procedure. A medical text entitled Chemosurgery: Microscopically controlled Surgery for Skin Cancer was written by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, B.Sc., M.D. and last published by Charles Thomas in 1978. It uses the same basic escharotic paste used by Eli Jones, Hoxsey, and others for application for topical application for the removal of various cancers, molls, warts and other growths and excrescences. Dr. Mohs was clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin Medical School
However, of the modern researchers, the two most respected and well-known authorities in the use of this approach were Dr. J. Weldon Fell and Frederic E. Mohs, MD, both of the United States.
Fell was a faculty member of New York University and later was one of the founders of the New York Academy of Medicine. In the early 1850s, he moved to London and built up a very successful cancer treatment practice based on escharotic therapy using bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) as the herbal base. He published his results
Frederic Mohs extensively. We know today that the alkaloids in bloodroot do indeed have a strong anti-tumor effect.
Frederic Mohs called his approach chemosurgery and used a fixative paste. His was more an integrative approach that combined the use of the escharotic paste with surgical tumor removal and analysis, rather than allowing for the sloughing off of the eschar. His contribution is immense as he put the procedure on a very sound, scientific footing, with a tremendous amount of research that spanned decades. The soundness of his approach was underscored in a 1990 report that stated he had a verifiable and documented 99% success rate in his treatment of skin cancers!
As recently as the late 1960's Vipont pharmaceuticals under the name of Vipont Chemical Co. of Fort Collins, Colorado, was formed by a rodeo cowboy named Howard McCrorey and two friends specifically to research and develop the Black salve for FDA approval. At one point they informally sent it off to an investigator of Mayo clinic to be tested for its efficacy in treating cancer. The investigator sent back two letters stating he had not tested anything that even came close to the anti-tumor activity of the Black salve.
In order to keep the company viable they performed various contract work. As a result they brought a toothpaste to market called Viadent which utilized the ingredients of their Black salve to maintain dental hygiene and prevent and cure periodontal disease. It was and still is very effective and the company was eventually bought up by Colgate who is the manufacturer of Viadent.
Besides its topical use, there is a tradition of internal use for cancer and all infectious and inflammatory diseases. Vipont conducted an LD/50 toxicity study of the salve for internal use. It was reported that the LD/50 was around 700mg per kilogram of body weight. Since the recommended dose for internal use is no greater than 250mg, at this level toxicity is very low. However, it should never be taken on an empty stomach as it can be too irritating. The salve can be taken in a 00-sized gelatin capsule as it is taken each day.
Vipont and company has documented the use of the salve for a wide variety of problems, ranging from the removal of warts, moles and skin cancers to other internal cancers, colds, eye problems (diluted in a saline solution, one part salve to 1000 parts water), staff infections, impotency, skin diseases, gastrointestinal inflammations and other conditions too numerous to list. One representative who reported this story and was on the Board of Directors of Vipont Chemical Company, Clark Bigham stated that "my inclination is to try it for just about any known condition other than stomach ulcers and auto-immune diseases." |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 21:58:58
Wow thanks for pushing ...The net has grown and more old data is available CHECK THIS OUT read it and recognise the truth....
Arch Dermatol. 1976 Feb;112(2):211-5. Chemosurgery for skin cancer: fixed tissue and fresh tissue techniques. Mohs FE. Abstract Complete microscopical control of the excision of cancer of the skin is achieved by removing tissues layer by layer and examining the undersurface of each layer by means of frozen sections. If the cancer is extensive and complicated or if it is of a type readily spread over an excisional surface, the tissues are fixed in situ with zinc chloride prior to excision (chemosurgery, fixed tissue technique). If the cancer is not too extensive or complicated, the tissues are excised in the fresh, unfixed state (chemosurgery, fresh tissue technique). Both techniques are highly reliable; for example, in two consecutive series of basal cell carcinomas treated chemosurgically, the five-year rate of cure was 99.3% for the 9,351 lesions removed by the fixed tissue technique and 97% for the 127 lesions removed by the fresh tissue technique.
So there is the TRUTH in Black and white...disgusting!!!! 9,351 lesions tested... 99.3% cure rate using The hideous Zinc Chloride "Fixed tissue" and 97% cure rate using the "fresh tissue technique" The frozen slices under microscope.....Hmmmm why in the world would the medical community use the lesser successful method? Money doesn't talk it swears...
Rub a little zinc Chloride on the lesion have the patient come back the next day remove all the white tissue... or bring in a specialist and start slicing and dicing ...for hour$$$$ ...take the sample to the technician...he freezes it..slices it real thin then the derms look at it under a microscope for irregular cells..Oops still some bad cells in the margins we have to take some more skin.... Here we go again...this process can take several hours...I know..I've been there done that...I even convinced the Derm to let me meet the technician and watch him freeze and slice my specimen...quite the handy dandy micro meat slicer... and quite the money making machine..The whole procedure that is..
Lets see rub some paste on the lesion, cover it...24 hours later pull off the bandage ..cut away all tissue that has turned white
Total billable hours maybe 1 hour..and no special "technician with a zippy zoomy machine to pay for..AND 99% cure rate..
The Freeze method at minimum 3 to 4 billable hours plus the tech / lab fees and a 97% cure rate...Makes sense to me. Dollars and Cents! ..THose crazy fools using zinc chloride are out of their minds....or maybe they're not...just saying
Edited by - anivoc on 08/02/2013 23:10:15 |
19 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 22:54:53
Anivoc, I think your posts are great but, unfortunately the recent visitors to this forum aren't really interested in listening to anything that you have to say. They haven't come here to discuss anything, but rather to lecture. There is nothing positive about their posts at all.
To Chill & co. you are talking to people here who have used black salve, ignore what they say, and yet you think you know all about it.
I have had two BCC's and one SCC cut out of my face by plastic surgeons. I was never game to use black salve from the negative reports of it on the internet but finally decided it was worth trying as an alternative to being cut up once again and used it on an SCC on my arm and BCC on my face. I am over the moon with the results and will NEVER go near a doctor to be carved up and mutilated by them again.
You seem to be unaware that every time a doctor cuts out a skin cancer they are not just cutting out the cancerous cells, but also a massive amount of good skin just to be sure they have got it all. Google it on the internet and have a look at just how much healthy skin they cut out - it will just about make you sick. Black salve does not destroy healthy skin, but only the cancerous tissue.
The results from my use of black salve is that it is far less disfiguring than what is achieved by the expert doctors, mainly because of the reconstruction the plastic surgeon has to do from removing such a massive amount of skin and the consequent distortion to your anatomy, particularly in an area that we really care about - such as the face!
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 23:09:10
I definitely do not know a lot about skin cancer, nor the modern or alternative treatments for skin cancer. I never claimed to. I stated my major issue. However, I understand that there is a fine line between sharing information and personal experience and offering medical advice. I feel that line was crossed at times. I continue to have a pesonal interest in this area though. My brother just had a BCC removed. He is very young and I am concerned for him. Our neighbour just died of melanoma at age 50 and both my sister in law and mother in law have both had extensive treatment for melanoma quite recently. This is something that affects so many people and I find myself paranoid about any changes to my husbands and my own skin.
I actually do apologise if I have been obnoxious. I think you would be surprised if you were aware of my background and personal situation.
Your post made me laugh a little, as I am the less than enthusiastic audience to these arguments (lectures) pretty much daily from my husband. His whole world view is based around a fixed reference point, that "Government Lies". He is a very intelligent and creative person, but we approach things from a very different angle. I am distrustful of government and corporations but strongly support evidence based medicine.. I am hoping to speak with my sister in law about black salve. She is a naturopath, with an undergrad in science, a doctorate in herbal medicine has lectured both natural medicine snd medical students at a a university. Her thesis was on the use of herbal medicine concurrently with conventional medical practise and she has spent years involved with research into herbal medicine, I think many of you here would find her input of interest ?
After hearing what you have been through, I can definitely understand why my posts have offended you. I have been through similar experiences my entire life with the medical establishment. I have had serious and chronic health problems since I was a child. Incidently, my experience with alternative therapies has also been less than satisfactory, I do support and often encourage people to be their own best advocate when it comes to their health.
I was also the manager of a research lab where our Professor was seen as a radical by the rest of the medical establishment. I disagree with many of the methods and conclusions of my husband and my boss, but I also have a lot of respect for them. I think we need people like them. They are usually extremely creative, and push the boundaries, and this is when we make huge leaps in science. Visionaries are often not so great with the details, and I think great things are possible if these rare people are supported by a team of more detail oriented people. Don't even get me started on the process of clinical trials and dealing with the federal regulatory agency. Or the difficulties of funding and commercialisation. This is what I dealt with daily.
So, no. I do not see everything in black and white. Maybe you could also refrain from the personal attacks. You are just as guilty of this as the "nay-Sayers".
You've added some posts while I was writing this. I've only quickly read through it but I have some questions. I already knew black salve had been used historically, but it would be great if you could find some more research feedback from people like Moh's beyond the 70s. Is he still alive? Why did the chemosurgery progress to current methods? Was it because patients had better cosmetic outcomes and there was more assurances that the cancer was removed? I don't know, I am just asking the question.
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/02/2013 23:26:49 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 23:17:33
No personal attack just pointing out the obvious over 10 years posting here and suddenly 5 people show up blatantly bashing bloodroot all within a few weeks of each other..coincidence...maybe...I just don't was weird at best...Sorry if I offended you...but the comments coming from the "Nay sayers" got several of us who have been there done that a little upset......the only good that came from it was forcing me to take a fresh look for hard evidence..which I stumbled upon like black and white proof...I provided it here
Slam dunk Zinc Chloride has been tested and proven on over 9000 lesions 99% cure rate...hmmmm |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 23:21:38
See my edit in my last post. Is there anything more current than 40 years ago? And aren't those statistics the same or better for surgery? Possibly with better cosmetic results? Happy to be informed and change my mind on this.
I still don't see the slam dunk on the question of whether it destroys healthy tissue? Which has been my argument all along. I have never argued it doesn't kill cancer tissue.
And I'm sorry, but you did make personal attacks. Equal to or worse than anything I wrote. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/02/2013 23:38:04 |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/02/2013 : 23:45:40
quote: Originally posted by cheryl21
You seem to be unaware that every time a doctor cuts out a skin cancer they are not just cutting out the cancerous cells, but also a massive amount of good skin just to be sure they have got it all. Google it on the internet and have a look at just how much healthy skin they cut out - it will just about make you sick. Black salve does not destroy healthy skin, but only the cancerous tissue.
Most people are aware that surgeons use margins of healthy tissue.
Where is the evidence that black salve does not affect healthy tissue. I think this is the main point of contention. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/02/2013 23:46:22 |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 00:07:55
I'm going to leave you guys alone now, I've just realised you are all dealing with something horrible and Hoxsey has not asked to be "defended". If you're happy with your choices, and the black salve has offered the right answers for you, the best of luck to you. I hope Myself and my family and friends do not have to suffer any more from this horrible condition and I hope the same for you and yours.
If my sister in law (the Dr. And herbalist) has anything interesting to add, I might post that information if it is useful. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/03/2013 03:29:38 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 02:53:14
Interestingly I decided to see what was being said on reddit.
I searched bloodroot paste and zinc chloride and found NOTHING linking back to this site...
Chill would you mind sharing the link to the post you are speaking of on reddit that links back to this forum? |
21 Posts |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 03:53:27
Anivoc, I've definitely been offended by the accusations leveled at me. I would like an honest discussion, but it's difficult when the person you're expressing your opposing view to takes that as a personal attack and gets nasty.
Here's something you're not going to like, so just be prepared for it and please understand that I'm not attacking you personally, I'm simply pointing out an error. I don't have an agenda etc. etc. etc.
You've found Moh's 1976 publication. His process with Zinc Chloride was a little different from the process you guys use:
He injected a controlled amount of zinc chloride as a fixative, CUT AWAY the tissue, examined it under a microscope with a very clever plan of determining how much cancer still needed to be cut away. The process required years of training.
His use of Zinc Chloride has been replaced with freezing the excised skin.
Anivoc, honestly ask yourself if this process is equivalent to the process you guys use at home, and that you're allowed to claim the 99% rate as being yours to claim. Doesn't that seem a little disingenuous?
Here's some historical context for you:
I'm really sorry your argument doesn't work out, and I hope you don't take it personally. Just try and think of it clearly without letting emotional fervour cloud your judgment.
Please guys, if someone comes here with a post asking if severe facial swelling is normal, just tell them to perhaps go see a doctor?
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 03:55:45
Thanks Bwakul
So basically a bunch of lay people who don't have skin cancer expounding on their ignorance. Really disturbing...reminds me of 12 year old kids ganging up on the weaker ones....
So this is where this all came from...
Only God knows for sure but based on thousands of videos on youtube of people using bloodroot paste I am going to venture an informed guess that had Hoxsey chosen Mohs surgery they would have had to take every bit as much tissue and maybe more...
We'll never know ...There is a minute amount of "bad press" and thousands of real people with real pictures and videos all over the net indicating there are a whole lot of people that have successfully used blood root paste. Using it is not for the faint of heart...
I have personally applied to a non exposed area of my skin for 24 hours with Zero effect on healthy skin...on a basal cell lesion using the same paste WHAM! in minutes of application it was tearing it up..
Edited by - anivoc on 08/03/2013 03:56:32 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 04:19:00
Chill it appears we have gotten off on the wrong foot...Not all of the people that came here recently were as rude as others nevertheless it put several of us on the defense..
The link you posted is great...
The exact page that comes up when you click on the link says mohs applied a zinc chloride "paste" and that it had to be left overnight causing the patients GREAT pain...later when rushing to do a video he did the frozen tissue thing and decided it was better... I doubt Mohs was "only in it for the money"..He was a courageous medical innovator, the likes that could not operate legally in todays litigious world..
All you have to do is search youtube and bloodroot paste and you will find hundreds of testimonials ...a few from sellers but mostly from people like me and the other people here who came to the conclusion Bloodroot paste was a viable consideration in dealing with our skin cancer lesions...If you browse topical info you will see this site is not JUST Bloodroot but hundreds of approaches to deal with skin cancer...Bloodroot paste and Zinc Chloride are just one tool in a huge toolbox of choices and approaches...
The medical world is not a perfect system and the way it has been set up restricts what doctors like Mohs used to do...add to that the fear of lawsuits and you have a tight bottleneck for progress and experimentation. |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 04:27:24
I only saw the reddit posts because of the link posted on this forum. It appears that a reddit post will end up with the majority leaning one way or another and differing views get voted or shouted down. It also depends on where something is posted, for example whether it is in the alt-med sub-eddit versus a skeptics sub-reddit.
There were a few comments in there from doctors too...this one for example...which was also posted on this forum.
"I had a fairly young patient once who used "Blood Root Salve" for her breast cancer. Continued to grow until it replaced her whole breast. By the time she came to a real doc, it had invaded the ribs into the pleural cavity & all the breast skin was gone. Necrotic tumor was growing out of her armpit like a cauliflower. It bled & oozed & smelled so horrible that the Hospice House had to kick her out. She was so skinny & the tumor on her chest was just huge sucking up all her nutrients & life. She hurt like hell. She didn't tolerate chemo & antiestrogens didn't do much. As a desperate measure we irradiated it which slowed the bleeding & debulked as much as possible surgically without leaving to much of her heart & lungs exposed. Helped the pain a lot & improved the smell enough that her family could visit."
He writes 3 long posts (in yellow) in response to a nurses post which is at the top of the linked page and makes some good points. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/03/2013 04:47:00 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 04:38:39
In regards to what we say when someone comes here asking for opinions from others who have EXPERIENCE....why in the world would we not share what we experienced...Do you really think the dermatologist would know how to answer that question better than we could?
Trying to understand your we did her a disservice telling her that swelling was normal... it's what happens when you use Blood root paste. She asked, Bonder and I replied
None of us could have known the severity of her situation until she posted pictures later... even then the deed was already done ...getting to a dermatologist at that point would have had no effect on the end result or lessened what was already being eradicated.
As Doctor Larsen explained it to me ...these lesions are undetectable by our immune system...They have a sac or veil around them that hides them...when we apply bloodroot paste it removes the veil and exposes the lesion as an invader..the white blood cells attack and the body expels the invader...
It is not the blood root or zinc chloride that do the killing, it is the white blood cells doing their job... By the time she posted her question their work was done. It was then just a matter of time for the body to eject the dead tissue ala swelling and puss.
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 04:53:29
I read the link and it is about a woman who used bloodroot paste for a breast cancer...
I chased another link about the down side of Bloodroot paste and it was about a man with melanoma.. Though there are mentions of people beating Melanoma with it...they are questionable and unproven to my knowledge.
For sure Dan ( owner of topical info) makes it clear that the alternative therapies discussed here are for NON MELANOMA "SKIN CANCERS" if you have Melanoma get yourself to your doctor ASAP...Always get suspicious lesions biopsied to confirm they are not Melanoma... |
21 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 05:05:56
I did read his disclaimer, I had not noticed it at the bottom of the page. Good to see.
It would be good to see an additional warning there for those with a damaged circulatory system. Being a type 1 diabetic of 30 years. The use of something like black salve would be disastrous for me. I form eschers spontaneously from minor damage to my skin and a wound only a couple mm across cam take 6 months to heal. Too bad for me, as I could completely overlook a possible skin cancer as I have several wounds that won't heal at any one time. |
Edited by - Bwakul on 08/03/2013 05:10:42 |
48 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 13:01:06
My black salve formula, and the light salve used with it to draw out toxins and help with the healing process came from a 150-year-old book owned by a chiropractor, so that formula using bloodroot, zinc chloride and flour, was published in the mid-eighteen hundreds, so it obviously wasn't "created" by Dr. Fell. It was published in our county paper in 1981, The Yakima Herald-Republic in a story about a sting operation to "catch" people using it--but the published the full formulas and instructions, so there are people all over this area who have used it including my family since 1986. We do this in private. Most people have been diagnosed with cancer, but don't return to doctors after using it. There is a good deal of information on bloodroot--it's not "caustic or corrosive" to healthy tissue. In fact they've used it in toothpaste. And all anyone has to do is some basic research on zinc chloride to find out it is not corrosive to healthy tissues, the only organic material it breaks down, as I've aleady said, is silk and cellulose, which is closely related to chitin, found in fungal and cancer cell walls, which would explain how it helps to expose cancer cells to the immune system, although there is some research that bloodroot does selectively have an impact on cancer cells. I'm going to post this link again to the medical studies on bloodroot: However, we've used black salve for numerous conditions. |
48 Posts |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 14:13:47
By the way, medical doctors in the Philippines have integrated black salve use for cancer into their conventional medical treatments after observing it's effectiveness. It is now part of mainstream medicine there, so anyone wanting to be under a licensed physician's care and can afford the trip can go there for treatment. Also, I've seen one failure. I gave some to a woman with metastasized stage 4 lung cancer, but her immune system was so far gone that despite a new application daily, her body couldn't mount a response to it other than a little redness where she pricked the skin with a sterile needle to help it penetrate through the skin. She died a week later of cancer-related seizures. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 09:28:54
Hello, everyone. I'm from reddit, too. Chill has already said a lot of what I would have said, but I wanted to give my two cents.
Firstly, this forum does have a noticeable disclaimer saying to seek professional help for treatments. So from their perspective, these people on the forum are just people who have had success or looking for alternatives to the choice they already know about, and wanted to share their experiences and spread the word of alt medicine. That's natural to want to share things with others that work. I find nothing wrong with this forum itself,nor do I find faults with the members of the discussion for the most part.
The original poster clearly had access to medical attention, but made the conscious decision to look elsewhere for the moment. She's a grown woman, that's her choice. Great! Her decision didn't turn out the best, did it? I at least was hoping to see more members clarify the seriousness of what was happening. When a normal person sees something like that, it's time to recommend a professional- it's time to say "look, I have had positive experiences with alt med but clearly it's not working out for you - I cannot give more testimony as I fear it will alter your judgment on what you should do with that serious situation. Stop posting and go to the doctor immediately!
For all I know, alt med seems to work for some, and not for others. I just feel the evidence is there that supports going to the doctor is going to result in a better ending the majority of the time. But hey- keep spreading the news about alt med, love that freedom to do so! Just make it clear before you converse with these wide eyed health seekers that while it worked for some, you cannot says with a clear conscious that it will work for them. Remind them it is a gamble with their well-being, probably similar to how some of you view modern medicine. (Which is true, too, but research is simply going to take sides with modern medicine. If there is truth to alt med, it will eventually be universally known. Humans are cool like that in large demographics - they end up with what works. while there may be many intriguing truths you could tell me regarding alt med, something tells me modern medicine will be the drug of choice, pun absolutely intended - for a very long time.
Stay healthy, everyone! |
53 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2013 : 22:26:25
quote: Originally posted by Control
Hello, everyone. I'm from reddit, too. Chill has already said a lot of what I would have said, but I wanted to give my two cents.
Firstly, this forum does have a noticeable disclaimer saying to seek professional help for treatments. So from their perspective, these people on the forum are just people who have had success or looking for alternatives to the choice they already know about, and wanted to share their experiences and spread the word of alt medicine. That's natural to want to share things with others that work. I find nothing wrong with this forum itself,nor do I find faults with the members of the discussion for the most part.
The original poster clearly had access to medical attention, but made the conscious decision to look elsewhere for the moment. She's a grown woman, that's her choice. Great! Her decision didn't turn out the best, did it? I at least was hoping to see more members clarify the seriousness of what was happening. When a normal person sees something like that, it's time to recommend a professional- it's time to say "look, I have had positive experiences with alt med but clearly it's not working out for you - I cannot give more testimony as I fear it will alter your judgment on what you should do with that serious situation. Stop posting and go to the doctor immediately!
For all I know, alt med seems to work for some, and not for others. I just feel the evidence is there that supports going to the doctor is going to result in a better ending the majority of the time. But hey- keep spreading the news about alt med, love that freedom to do so! Just make it clear before you converse with these wide eyed health seekers that while it worked for some, you cannot says with a clear conscious that it will work for them. Remind them it is a gamble with their well-being, probably similar to how some of you view modern medicine. (Which is true, too, but research is simply going to take sides with modern medicine. If there is truth to alt med, it will eventually be universally known. Humans are cool like that in large demographics - they end up with what works. while there may be many intriguing truths you could tell me regarding alt med, something tells me modern medicine will be the drug of choice, pun absolutely intended - for a very long time.
Stay healthy, everyone!
Excellent advise. I'm certainly listening and will be certain to apply these cautions you so wisely suggested Control. :) |
18 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2013 : 07:34:46
I don't visit this page for a while and I suddenly see some abusive posts! Discussion - YES! Personal comments - NO! What I have to offer is this - When talking to my dermatologist about black salve, she told me that a doctor in the hospital had given a presentation about 3 of his patients who had done 'do-it-yourself surgery'with the salve. The outcome he delivered was that 1 patient had been cured, one patient had a return of the cancer and the other patient had not bothered to come back to the clinic (probably cured rather than died, I think). The doctors (inc the dermatologist)I have shown my disappearing lesions to are puzzled but they look at my photographic evidence alongside and they acknowledge that something is definitely being removed. I too am regarding cancer in a holistic way and am using the salve alongside other positive health/lifestyle choices. I am also now having mistletoe therapy to boost my immune system. The doctor who administers this is also a conventionally trained doctor as well as an anthrosopic doctor. In some cases, mistletoe is available on the National Health Service in the UK. My doctor is also a little frustrated that funding for cancer research is mainly channeled away from 'alternative' or 'natural' cures. He has seen first-hand the mistletoe working. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2013 : 00:40:07
I just want to say how thankful I am to the many posters on this board. Overall, what a wonderful and caring group of people that post here! I can't say the recent flurry of personal attacks helped anything, but the ensuing discussion was welcome.
No one here thinks it turned out great for Hoxsey. Her experience left us with questions such as Does a black salve destroy only the cancer or does it also eat into normal tissue in some people? Does it affect different people, perhaps like those with diabetes, differently? Maybe we will find those answers, but I think it is important that her very real experience is there for others to consider as we look for better ways to deal with our skin cancers.
16 Posts |
Posted - 08/14/2013 : 06:05:39
quote: Originally posted by Bwakul
quote: Originally posted by cheryl21
You seem to be unaware that every time a doctor cuts out a skin cancer they are not just cutting out the cancerous cells, but also a massive amount of good skin just to be sure they have got it all. Google it on the internet and have a look at just how much healthy skin they cut out - it will just about make you sick. Black salve does not destroy healthy skin, but only the cancerous tissue.
Most people are aware that surgeons use margins of healthy tissue.
Where is the evidence that black salve does not affect healthy tissue. I think this is the main point of contention.
Surgeons use margins of healthy tissue on your FACE, but not when you have the cancer on your chest. At least, such was my case. Infinite stupidity and blatant disregard for what is best for the patient. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 08/14/2013 : 22:08:00
I was studing about cancer last night both my wife and I are being treated with a zinc cloride,mixed with plain white flour paste,she has breast cancer I had an old mole on my arm a new mole on my stomach both turned out to be cancers,I had read an article on cancer cell takeing in larger amounts of iron,zinc cloride being a caustic to metal,may just attact these iron ladden cells,any thoughts on this,something has to be diffrent in good cells vs cancer cells I think we over complacate things sometime |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2013 : 02:55:59
You mentioned both you and your wife are "taking" a mixture of zinc chloride and white flour.
Do you mean you are both taking it internally?
Are you getting this from a Naturopath?
My knee jerk reaction is Zinc chloride is not something you would want to take internally..but I am not a doctor and don't know for sure either way.
Breast Cancer is not skin cancer and this forum is really about "non melanoma" skin cancer.
I offer hope and prayers for you and your wife and strongly urge you to get her and you to a qualified medical doctor ASAP.
Her, because it is breast cancer and you because unfortunately moles that turn cancerous are more often than not, NOT one of the less dangerous skin cancers, a bleeding or irregular growing mole is a symptom of Melanoma ....the type of skin cancer we are NOT discussing treatment of here because of it's lethal nature.
This all said
I have personally been experimenting with ZC on some superficial and also old large basal cell tumors.
I can say this ...yeouch! If I have an open wound where there is a skin cancer Zinc Chloride (just zinc chloride liquefied to a 50% solution with water) definitely creates an immediate and obvious reaction. Using pure Zinc Chloride in a 50% solution I have had MAJORLY strong results...did it kill the tumor? it definitely killed some of it...It turned white (I suspect this is white blood cells) swelled and then died off.
I had a small basal cell on my cheek I had been hitting with a long list of various ingredients for the last 2 years... One night it was being exceptionally annoying and as I was messing with it started to bleed...I knew from previous experience that the zinc chloride 50% solution worked like a styptic pencil on shaving nicks so I applied a little ...WHAM! it stung and this little 1/4 wound started to swell up something was like there was a small marble under the skin..On this one I never covered it and it took a few weeks for it to go down...where the original tumor was it has healed up and is slightly indented... Though this area is in the best condition it has been in in a few is still tender and I suspect there is still some cancer there...
The infamous Dr. Mohs documented it.. Zinc Chloride kills cancer cells..
Now on the iron thing I was not aware of it but I do find it VERY interesting because of an observation I have made this year in regards to iron rust and skin cancer.
I was repainting a wrought Iron fence and was sanding the metal...When I went in to take a shower I noticed that all the little lesions on my face had sucked up the rust like little magnets..The rust was in the air from the sanding but seemed to condense and collect on the lesions...the shower cleaned them up..
A few more times while sanding metal I noticed the same phenomenon...what that all means I don't know just an observation..
In regards to how Zinc Chloride works I base the following on what I was told by a Veterinarian who made his own Bloodroot paste with Zinc Chloride to treat sarcomas on horses successfully.
He explained it as such...Cancers have a way of tricking the immune system so that it won't attack them..It has a veil or sac that mimics natural healthy cells.. when you apply the paste it exposes the tumor as an intruder and the white blood cells attack.. the rest is a pain, swelling miserable battle between your immune system and the invading tumor cells.
If I apply the same 50% solution to healthy skin (at least in my case ) nothing a healthy wound nothing happens... a cancerous wound....WATCH OUT ...
Well that's my two cents and that about what it is worth... I do hope and pray you get you and your wife professional medical advice can always do the alternative thing but you really should know for sure what your traditional options are and the risk involved should you decide not to go that way..
All the best to you and good luck!
7 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2013 : 08:23:21
anivoc iam sorry if it sounded like i was takeing this internally we are not," applied only to skin" my family has been using this since at least 1930 my mom has cured many people we use ground flaxseed politce after frist day changed daily,washed between applications with a cup of warm water mixed with a capful brown bottle lysol never have seen infection, after cancer comes out start using a homemade healing salve. my wife is under a doctors care. its a long road, painful at times but we know cancer can do no more to you than God will allow. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2013 : 10:33:46
I would appreciate you posting your ground flax-seed poultice recipe and also your healing salve recipe if you are willing.
It was coincidental that you posted the other day as I am getting more agressive with Zinc Chloride. I was in a lot of pain when I replied yesterday...I have a very large area on my shoulder that I can't get knocked out with Vitamin C and dmso ( been successful on smaller lesions )
Using a q-tip that I first moistened with water and squeezed it out.. I dripped a few drops of the 50% solution of Zinc Chloride on it...I then dipped the tip into my Vit C DMSO solution ( about 10 drops) and applied it...OUCH! well it hazed over white and swelled up pretty bad...started throbbing..this is very diluted in comparison to bloodroot paste..I will hit it again today the same way.. The swelling has gone down some ..this area is about 1" wide and was relatively flat..after the application last night it raised up about 1/4 of an inch...
BTW this is on my shoulder so the liquid doesn't just stay on my lesion no healthy skin had a reaction...only the lesion...again this is a dilluted version but it is noteworthy that again I personally have never had standard bloodroot paste or any of my solutions of Zinc Chloride effect MY healthy skin...
As has been mentioned, results can vary widely dependent upon the person, level of health and other medical conditions... Always smart to try a test area first..
Just a footnote on Zinc Chloride as blood stopper. It does seem to have an coagulator effect like a styptic pencil...
My son-in-law had a zit he had messed with that wouldn't stop bleeding I gave him a q-tip with my 50% solution and it stopped it immediately. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2013 : 11:15:21
anivoc just use ground flaxseed from foodcity. ect.make into a paste with hot water,apply to gauzepad dont use nonstick pads change daily flaxseed meal will dry out pulling cancer to a head after several days. as this increases may have to change twice daily as flaxseed meal dries it gets hard edges will get sharp. can be painful according where it at I guess not so bad on body parts that dont flex forarm back ect mix a ,thinner mix at first maybe alittle stiffer each day as it will rim and break adding is own liquid I posted the healing salve earlier in another post if you dont find it let me know |
7 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2013 : 20:35:03
what we have always done is to mix very little zinc cloride about the size of a kitchen match head with a few drops of water to a thin syurp then mix with plain white flour to make a stiff paste put on gauze pad cover place 24 hours it will burn or itch at first if cancer is present it will find it, may be a lot larger than place than it was applied to you will know when pad is will be white or gray. |
4 Posts |
Posted - 08/16/2013 : 15:44:21
Hoxey, great job! I am just finishing a spot on my buttox, that blew up to be huge! It just came out last night. I will try to post some pix. I am looking at previous pix from my face - when I did it I also swelled up so much I didn't recognize myself.
How is your nose now?
Talk soon, I logged in, will this post?
New as of today |
4 Posts |
Posted - 08/16/2013 : 15:48:04
[quote]Originally posted by anivoc
I thought the black salve was only suppose to have the 4 herbs? Why do people use the zinc chloride when it works without it?
There is so much information. My latest eschar removal has my husband and I quite concerned. Should I get a biopsy of the area before doing it again? I am trying to post pics but have to work on it.
Thanks |
7 Posts |
Posted - 08/16/2013 : 21:58:42
healing salve goes like this- one 3.5oz jar vaseline 10 drops carbolic acid,10 drops iodine,1/4 teaspoon copper sulphate ground to a fine powder,best to warm vaseline mix well should be a light can find copper sulphate on ebay ,carbolic acid or phenol acohol by scrip,maybe a vet,anyone have a good source please post,good iodine is hard to find I think because of meth be sure your not allergic iodine not sure about copper allergies |
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