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1 Posts |
Posted - 02/19/2014 : 19:09:59
Wow, are amazing!! I am both humbled and inspired by your courage and your attitude after taking so many knocks on your journey. I wonder if you realize how truly amazing you are! I hope good things come your way :)
1 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2014 : 08:29:02
I was wondering what else besides cancer black salve / bloodroot works on. I had some black salve from a cancer scare I had about a year ago. (wasn't cancer, was a erupting blood vessel on my neck, weird) I recently had what I thought was a large pimple on my stomach. I put some black salve on it and well it worked like you see in pictures. I didn't have the pain that people describe though. This morning taking a shower the eschar fell out. very small less than 1cm I don't think it was cancer. anyone hear of it working on just a plain old infection? I'll try to post pics later.
15 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2014 : 11:23:21
A couple of years ago a naturopathic doctor recommended to me that I use Black Salve for 1-2 months to clean up my blood stream. At that time I tried to use it internally and my GI system wouldn't handle it. I had previously used it for at least two months without any problems; however, this was a about two years after having kidney cancer and at that time I was very ill. |
6 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2014 : 14:06:27
quote: Originally posted by djt10
Did someone miss something? Zinc Chloride is corrosive to organic materials all right--cellulose and silk. Cellulose is what's found in plant cells, and not in normal human cells ...except in human cell walls that have become plantlike, meaning fungal. There is something in cancer cell walls closely related to a fungal structure. This suggests that salve is able to break down abnormal cell walls so that bloodroot can get to the cancer.
No Cancer is really not fungle, thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. it's simply normal cells growing out of control. fact! Your crazy buying into the nonsense promoted by one doctor who has been struck off and convicted by an Italian judge for wrongful death and swindling
quote: Originally posted by djt10 Does someone actually believe that a substance corrosive to skin would take several days to eat through it from the outside? It just doesn't happen that way.
Yes, pretty much all burns whether heat, cold or chemical burn from the inside as the outer layers of skin are much tougher, the heat or chemical seeps into the skin and causes more damage to the deeper layers. fact. If you don't understand simple things like this you clearly should not be offering any medical advice.
quote: Originally posted by djt10 If you want to risk releasing cancer cells into the bloodstream, by all means, have a needle biopsy. Cutting or puncturing into a cancer is always such a good idea.
Nonsense, cancer does not work like this and seeing as you promote puncturing the skin with needles to get black salve in you risk this all the time, but seeing as this cant happen it doesnt matter
quote: Originally posted by djt10 And just who is going to allow or finance randomized, double-blinded clinical trials? That is wishful thinking any rational, reasonable person can agree with. Dream on.
Actually if there was any evidence to support your claims these trails would have happened a long time ago as they have with many other proven natural remedies.
The holes in you knowledge/ logic/ arguments are so big it's beyond laughable. it's just so sad that people desperate for hope will buy into your nonsense snake oil cures and harm themselves or worse |
6 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2014 : 14:24:14
quote: Originally posted by Carole
Excellent description of the options, Nanoagain! The wonderful thing is that yet Americans are still able to choose which option is the best for them personally. The sad part is that there are some who would take the choice away. Why not just live and let live and quit trying to tell someone else what is best for them?!
I don't want to take anyones choice away, i don't even want black salve banned, i just want people to stop promoting unproven nonsense about it and tell it how it is. Until someone can put together a proper peer reviewed study and trails to prove it's effectiveness and the claims that it can tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells people need to accept that this is simply a caustic substance that does nothing more than burn the cancer out but will also burn healthy cells and can cause disfiguring injuries like Hoxsey suffered.
There is a reason science needs to be based on peer reviewed studies, it's to stop someone from promoting a cure that doesn't work purely for profit. It's the age old snake oil scam, a scam you have all bought into because your desperate to believe that anything to do with mainstream medicine is a lie and that the natural way is best. Well if thats so how comes life expectancy and cures for a huge number of diseases are now far greater than they were hundreds of years ago before modern medicine came about?
There's nothing wrong with natural remedies and alternative treatments as long as they don't stop people from getting the treatment they need, and unfortunately due to the fact that black slave promotors and such like use scare tactics not based on fact to stop people seeking proper medical treatment people are hurt and die |
668 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2014 : 17:42:34
Getrealpeople... It gets old when the facts are right here in these threads for anyone to read....but for some reason some just seem to either be oblivious to them, ignore them and just bang on their own drum.
I strongly encourage you to take the 10 or so minutes it will take you to become properly informed about bloodroot paste ( Zinc Chloride paste) before trying to preach here about.
To be very clear I have been a topicalinfo member here for years...I don't sell this stuff or any of the other supplements or protocols discussed here...I'm just one of the lucky skin cancer gene pool lottery there is no monetary motivation for me to defend this me when I's not even close to "snake oil"... the stuff works and works extremely well..There have been peer reviewed studies and in fact there are some real live medically trained and licensed American doctors that are actually using blood root paste today. Not to mention plenty of veterinarians for sarcomas on horses.
One of the first things I did before using bloodroot paste, the same as thousands of others have done prior to trying was place some of the same salve on a known to be healthy patch of skin (where the sun don't shine) for 24 hours..
ZERO effect ...nada...
However in just one minute on a biopsied basal cell and I was saying Holy Moses! The stuff is powerful and is a very good option. It would be nice if the average derms around the world were more educated about it and we could all just go to them to get treated..sadly most are as unaware of its efficacy as you HERE is the link to THE TRUTH ABOUT BLOODROOT Paste Do yourself and the rest of us here a favor and read through it so if you choose to continue to speak on the subject you can do so better informed on the matter.
Bloodroot paste is a seriously powerful approach and anyone that chooses to do it should do their own very thorough due diligence..even discuss with an informed dermatologist...if you look hard and far enough you can find them. Highly unlikely the first derm you speak to will have a clue but there are some willing to learn and some that actually use it. |
Edited by - anivoc on 03/17/2014 18:05:19 |
6 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2014 : 15:51:10
quote: Originally posted by anivoc
I strongly encourage you to take the 10 or so minutes it will take you to become properly informed about bloodroot paste ( Zinc Chloride paste) before trying to preach here about.
10 minutes?? I've spent hours researching this subject and from properly researched articles from qualified people. Unlike djt10 who spouts information written by a doctor who has been struck off and prosecuted for criminal wrongdoings and who's information is not back up and is laughed at by the rest of the medical community |
53 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2014 : 17:05:59
Really? You've spent 'hours' researching this Subject? That qualifies you as an expert then hunh?
It wasn't djt10 who spouted Dr. Tulio Simonchini's well documented surgical procedures where he clearly demonstrates in 3 days how he cured both lung and colon Cancers with simple Baking Soda & Water application directly onto Cancerous (fungal) tissues, that would be me.
I find it interesting how so many people (such as yourself), will believe all of the blatant DIS-information and lies the FDA shills plant all over the Internet, and will even come into a Forum such as this one, dedicated to helping people interested in alternative therapies, to run their mouths when they haven't even 'tested' the Product for themselves on themselves.
What is it with YOU PEOPLE? Are you all such control freaks that you can't stand anyone doing anything that YOU think is wrong?
I could care less what YOU think. What bothers me is you think everyone else should listen to you when you have no experience or credentials to back your claims whatsoever, while you sling mud at everyone else on this Board.
Unlike YOU, I've done MORE than research Bloodroot Pastes. (Which I've done since 2007... not just 'hours')..... I've been taking internal Bloodroot since 2008 with no adverse effects and I've had it everywhere on my body for up to 3 days with no reactions whatsoever on normal healthy skin. (The formulation I use is similar to Greg Caton's CANSEMA- 30% Zinc Chloride by volume).
I KNOW Bloodroot cures Cancer.... and I have Medical PROOF of it. MY Medical Proof. I know Baking Soda cures Cancer, I have a friend who has Medical Proof it cured him of his Stage 4 Prostate Cancer.
If you're a Male in this Country, you have a 50 percent chance of contracting Cancer in your lifetime.... Women, 30 percent. I actually think the chances are higher... Most of the People in my Family who contracted Cancer and went the 'conventional' route are all dead... except for myself, my little Sister, and my Mom.... We're all (past five years)survivors.
The saddest thing I've ever had to witness, is when people dismiss the truth for lies...... and then perpetuate those lies as if they're facts.
quote: Originally posted by getrealpeople
10 minutes?? I've spent hours researching this subject and from properly researched articles from qualified people. Unlike djt10 who spouts information written by a doctor who has been struck off and prosecuted for criminal wrongdoings and who's information is not back up and is laughed at by the rest of the medical community [/quote] |
1 Posts |
Posted - 05/13/2014 : 15:34:49
I have a message for "getrealpeople", and that is that while I might agree with you 100% on the potential dangers and risks of cansema, and the fact that some of the people promoting it are crooks and charlatans, the absolute wrong way to go about the discussion is the shout at people and call them idiots.
Despite the facts, and most facts are not as clear cut as we would like them to be, everyone has the right to choose what they want for their health.
I live and work in North West Australia and I have treated more skin cancers than most people will see in a lifetime. If someone wants to use topical treatment (like petty spurge, or curaderm, or even efudix) on what I think are sunspots on their arms - go right ahead, I will check it in 2 months and see if it has worked - these are safe treatments in low risk areas.
But if someone wants to use black salve, I will caution them strongly against it, especially if the skin lesion hasn't been checked or biopsied. I can usually propose a better treatment - often just curretting and burning with a diathermy. It heals more rapidly, and I have at least 95% cure rate, and I can use it safely around sensitive areas like the nose and eyelids.
I don't lecture them or call them stupid, I just provide them with what I think are the facts from my experience, and if they want to choose differently, they have my 100% support, because they are have the same rights as me.
So my advice to "getreal.... " is to treat people and their views with respect, even if you think they are wrong |
668 Posts |
Posted - 05/13/2014 : 19:18:40
quote: Originally posted by getrealpeople 10 minutes?? I've spent hours researching this subject and from properly researched articles from qualified people.
Yes 10 minutes reading the very real and valid information I posted Here and the links therein...OK maybe it will take you an hour..
If you take the time to educate yourself you'll find that the hours you've allegedly spent "researching" have left you sorely misinformed on bloodroot paste. It is not the be all end all but it is definitely a MEDICALLY PROVEN powerful tool in the treatment of non melanoma and melanoma skin cancers... |
Edited by - anivoc on 05/13/2014 19:20:01 |
3 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2014 : 05:02:51
G'day, I am now to this forum and new to Black Salve.
I put some on to a lump on the side of my nose, covered it and left it for a day. When I took the plaster off, it looked like I had seen on others on the net, red, puffy and black in the middle. That was a few days back, but I have not really understood how to have looked after it since. The first day or so I put oil on it thinking this was right, but the scab had softened and blended into the skin around it. So then I left it to dry, but again it doesn't look like pictures where it comes apart from everthing going white and would then fall off. Any help please... |
3 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2014 : 08:25:35
Apologies to you, after I posted this I found the thread from Ken Murray and have gotten my answers. |
81 Posts |
Posted - 08/31/2021 : 02:35:18
quote: Originally posted by Nanoagain
So: Conventional treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated
Black Salve treatment: lesion may recur if all cancerous areas are not treated
Conventional treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider
Black Salve treatment: cosmetic outcome may be less than optional per skill of provider
Conventional treatment: cancer may metastasize
Black Salve treatment: cancer may metastasize
If you are happy with conventional treatment, you should continue with conventional treatment. if black salve scares you, then don't use it.
Did you use black salve yourself on your skin cancer and get a bad result?
This is the best tip I've heard today, thanks! |
3 Posts |
Posted - 11/24/2021 : 17:06:30
Yes it would turn out the same, the nerves that are causing the mis-folded proteins and LPS to attack those mis-folded proteins so it cannot spread only last so long, zinc chloride expands and oxidizes the LPS so if used properly comes out to the surface, the problem is the nerves that are causing the mis-folded proteins fixing those are very hard but not impossible, I have been using it for nine years nine months. |
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