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 Picato gel (from radium weed or petty spurge)
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Posted - 05/21/2013 :  06:42:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
PICATO: These are AKs?
Have not seen these photos.
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Posted - 05/26/2013 :  17:44:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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Hi Everyone, Thank you to everyone who has come before me to tell me of your experiences with Picato. It was very helpful to know what you'd been through before I began my treatment. Without having done that, I probably would've panicked. With your input, I was able to plough through the pain knowing that it was what others experienced and came out successful on the other side.

It is now Day 4 for me. I'm red and peeling right now and not feeling very sexy. I want to be peeling because I want to see that something is happening with my skin after all the burning and redness. It's funny how you start to think after/while going through such uncomfortableness/pain.

I pray that something good will have come from this treatment. If not, I will feel like the quintessential guinea pig--and that's not what I signed up/paid for.

Day 1- Applied in the morning to my entire nose and upper lip area. I read enough posts to realize that if I put it on at night, I would lose a night's sleep. Who needs that? Hot feeling started about 2 hours in, but tolerable. Slept that night with my head elevated. After washing face after 6 hours, applied Jack Frost Gel Pack under a soft towel intermittently for the next 2 hours or so to ease the burning feeling. I have no idea where I got it but I believe it was better than ice as it was moldable under and on my nose.

Day 2 - Was anxious about applying it as I noticed some small blistering after showering. Applied it anyway, of course and it took a good 1.5 hours to start feeling the burn. Took a walk out in the rain, with an umbrella, and the pain disappeared. Cool breeze was very helpful. I have to say that it was one of the most soothing and lovely walks of my life! Slept very well. I took 3 Advil today and Day 1, but I don't believe it did anything. But that's a hard thing to prove, so go ahead.

Day 3- Dreading applying it but did so at 8:15 am. FIgured the sooner I put it on the sooner I can take it off. One hour after application experienced intense burning. Something must be happening! (always looking for the silver lining). Same weather as day before so I dragged by son out with me to take a walk. Rain boots, umbrellas, hoods, great walk. Upon returning and in house, intense burning ensued. It was practically unbearable, so I had the Jack Frost on it the whole time. Couldn't bear it any longer so washed it off after 5 hours and applied freeze on it for the next 7 hours!!!! I'm not sure, but would the pain have decreased sooner if I used ice less? Was I hindering the healing process with the ice? I couldn't stand it, so I couldn't test these possibilities. Good news is that I slept very well that night too.

Day 4 - Still pain free and thin skin peel ocurring. Watched Mass on TV this morning. Husband, Dad and son said it didn't look bad, but they are not women and have No Idea! My Mom, the only honest one in the bunch, said I looked pitiful! Thanks Mom! But I do appreciate her honesty, Really! Couldn't help peel some off (but did not tug!) Applied very thin coat of Aquafor as skin very tight and dry. I use a magnifying mirror and I look gross. I'm noticing that a suspicous patch in between eyes looks even more suspicious now. Let's see how it looks after couple of weeks. If it clears, I will be a true believer!

I will keep you posted. BTW, I have very fair skin, freckles, premature wrinkling and of Irish descent. <i>Tried</i> to start tanning at the age of 6 and didn't give up til I was 25. I'm now 51 and paying the price for those innocent 19 years when everyone said, "Get some sun! A good burn on your chest is good for you. You're too pale!" Arghh! Forgive them Lord, for they have no idea what they've done! and

Good luck to all of you and I'll try to keep you posted! MariaIsabella (not my real name, you think?)

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Posted - 06/29/2013 :  09:04:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am sending a photo of the side of my face after my third and final night's treatment with Picato Gel. This photo is taken about 12 hours after the final treatment for several AK on the side of my face, near the temple. I also treated the other side of my face for AK, although this side was the one which had the most severe reaction, although not by much. I had no copay for my Picato, so can't complain about cost, although the reaction was a bit more than I expected after reading many people's experiences. The pain was not too bad, about like others said, like having a severe sunburn and then opening an oven door. Whoever said that hit it spot on. Overall, if it works on the AK, well worth the pain involved, which was certainly bearable.

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Posted - 08/08/2013 :  11:32:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just finished 3 day application, and now is day 4. Wish I had read this before I started, not that I would have done anything differently, but would have been more prepared for the pain. I am treating my forehead, it hurts, is peeling with some blistering/yellowish bits. I think it looks very ugly but those around me say it's not too bad. They either are being nice or I am over sensitive due to pain/vanity...probably somewhere in the middle!

My question is regarding the "recovery" phase. I'm thinking that working out and sweating is good. Also, from reading here a Vaseline or Aquaphor (thick) would be good in a few days to aid healing.

Does anyone have advice on "best practices" on these issues during the healing phase?

Also, will my freckles disappear?
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Posted - 08/16/2013 :  18:04:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am on day 3 of Picato on my face. I have a history of BCC and AK surgically removed from my face already and my dermatologist wants to try Picato instead of more cutting, because I am only 46 years old.

Day 1: started burning within an hour and itching closer to the 6 hour mark, really red face (tried Benadryl and Advil, seemed to help with the symptoms)

Day 2: face very sore when I woke up, burning started within a few minutes of second application, lots of moderate pain and itching, swelling and redness (again Advil and Benadryl for the symptoms)

Day 3: extreme redness, extreme pain and soreness (alternating Advil and Tylenol every 2 hours + Benadryl--it takes the top edge off the pain)

It feels so much better when it is washed off! Sore, but pain free!

This is still preferable to me than surgical removal and healing. I can see right where it is concentrating the most energy, my driver's side (left side) which I strongly suspected a lot of BCC and AK were hiding, waiting to come to the surface, eventually.
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Posted - 08/18/2013 :  13:12:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am finding that Castor oil on my face is really helpful for healing. I am on day 5, two days after the 3-day treatment. I am thankful that the burning is finally gone.
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Posted - 08/19/2013 :  14:10:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My experience was almost identical....great relief when washed off the last day. I then used Aquaphor (vaseline like goop) to keep the area moist. This helped as the area then totally peeled and nice new skin emerged.I'd say fully peeled by day 11 and pain totally behind me. Only slight itching at that point. Next step is a check up to see if AKs are gone...
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23 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2013 :  09:22:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Although it is rather new, few of reputable doctors with whom I've discussed the subject, gradually developed aversion toward prescribing Picato, as effective cure. I don't know the math, but list price in pharmacy is 800$, typical selling price around 600$. Manufacturer somehow promotes Picato through doctors by coupons, so final price may drop to 25$ per package (in return they expect to ge statistics feedbacks).
In reality, doctors with experience and true committment to help patients (and not big pharmas) will prescribe it only if patients insist with advice to use another chemo instead.
More-less general consensus is that Picato doesn't help if AK or cancer (specially cancer) goes bit deeper (and most of them do). It removes surface AKs efficiently and reacts quite strongly, but repeated biopsy shows non-cured AKs in many cases.
We all would be happy that miracle gel would cure us from all AKs and non-melanoma cancers in 3 days, but it is better to face reality and undertake proper steps to achieve the goal.

Edited by - Dave2001 on 08/23/2013 09:46:44
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10 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2013 :  10:26:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dave2001, I am glad to finally see something that may explain my experience with Picato. My doctor had me do the 3-day treatment on my nose in January 2013. That was followed by a double Mohs surgery for two BCCs on my nose in March, then another Mohs in July for an SCC on my nose. That's not to say it doesn't work for some patients, but it certainly did not seem to help me. My doctor is going to have me try Effudex, if I stop sprouting new carcinomas long enough to do it.
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23 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2013 :  10:53:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Noone here, as I believe, would be against improved, faster and less painful cure protocols provided by pharmas, even at high price.
What is needed to be avoided is illusional curing, so doctors and patients should be very responsible about choice which actually works the best for the condition they cure.

Publicly available official report from European regulator (European Medicine Agency, which is likely way more demanding than FDA in many cases) has a chapter related to efficacy of medicinal product (Page 65), current link:

Strangely, per response of LEO Pharma rep in the US, FDA doesn't require (or didn't require for this particular product) efficacy trials results, so, if true, that would definitely leave some questions opened.

For those who would not read the report, let me summarize, officially recognized trials' results that are NOT printed in booklets or mentioned in advertising or by doctors who might for whatever reason be light handed in prescribing Picato for anything than very light forms of surface AK (again, here is close to impossible to be 100% sure, that malignancy is not few microns further away from Picato reaching range).

Quoting EMA report conclusios:


1. Complete actinic keratosis clearance rate face and scalp (CRR) - Region (Group 1)- 37%
2. Complete actinic keratosis clearance rate face and scalp (CRR) - Region(Group 2) - 47%
3. Complete actinic keratosis clearance rate trunk and extremities (CRR) - Region (Group 1) - 28%
4. Complete actinic keratosis clearance rate trunk and extremities (CRR) - Region (Group 2)- 42%

Rate of Recurrence*

1. Recurrence rate of actinic keratosis lesions after 12 months face and scalp - 53.9%
2. Recurrence rate of actinic keratosis lesions after 12 months trunk and extremities - 56%

*The recurrence rate is the Kaplan-Meier (KM) estimate at the target study date of the visit expressed as a percentage (95% CI). Recurrence was defined as any identified actinic keratosis lesion in the previously treated area for patients who achieved complete clearance at day 57 in the previous phase 3 studies.

Efficacy comparison with similar product:

Imiquomod 5% (applied in its longer treatment regimen 4 week+4week with week off) showed higher efficacy (54% vs. 42 for Picato)
With regard to the 12-month sustained clearance rate, imiquimod may be better (61%) than Picato (46%).

Diclofenac showed expected weaker results what is not relevant.

Of course, Picato is the most comfortable (short-time) cure, so it may have an appeal in certain cases, but with lower efficacy than Imiquomod, which cannot be recognized as very effective by itself, the conclusions don't look like strong advocate for it.

I would not put the comfort in the front line when treating own pre- and cancerous conditions on the skin, if efficacy is under question.

Unfortunately no results comparisons have been done for 5FU, which has long history of use, but not modern trials studies behind (being an old chemotherapy product)

Now the question is whether Picato in reality offer anything more than average results within short-term cure period?

Are we on safer side with longer (less comfortable) cures like Curaderm BEC5 or 5FU or exotic black salve formulations or even Imiquomod, which by the way, per opinions of respectable dermatologists still doesn't offer very high % of sustained clearance rate, what is probably the key criteria.

To keep in mind, if one decides to use it:
Administration of Picato is not recommended until the skin is healed from treatment with any previous medicinal product or surgical treatment. Picato should not be applied to open wounds or damaged skin where the skin barrier is compromised. Make sure that your skin has healed from any other treatments or surgery before using this medicine. Do not apply Picato on open-wounds or damaged skin.

Do the homework and be well !

Edited by - Dave2001 on 08/24/2013 11:03:32
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Blueys 64

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Posted - 09/20/2013 :  21:42:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi from Australia.

I am on day four of the Picato treatment.

Did my forehead, which is now very red, with lots of dry tight skin.

Just a waiting game now I guess as to what will follow.

Do I just let it do it's own thing and slowly shed the dead skin or do I use some form of cream to keep it moist.

Man those tubes are small, used a small pair of pliars to squeeze every last drop of the gel out.

We have a very good health system here in Australia, a three tube course of Picato 0.015% cost me the princely sum of $5.90.

Once my forehead clears up I will be doing my cheeks. The ones on my face of course!

Interested in any comments about my progress.
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23 Posts

Posted - 09/23/2013 :  17:08:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is interesting to hear different experiences.
After few doctors in the US didn't vauch for Picato, I decided for Australian remedy Curaderm and month+ later everything looks very good with few AKs and one BCC. The statistics of Picato's reccurence results put me off, although I would be happy to pay even full price and be ready in 3 days.
All the best with cure and keep posting.
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Blueys 64

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Posted - 09/24/2013 :  14:52:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just recapping.

Started my three day treatment nine days ago, all going well.

Day one, slight burning sensation and redness on forehead after a few hours, left on for eight hours then lightly washed off with water only.

Day two, more slight burning, redness increased forehead tighter, left on for eight hours then washed off as above.

Day three, less burning feeling, still red tight skin on forehead and starting to scale.

Day four, no pain and scaling of skin makes my forehead feel like a crocodile skin (must be working)

Day five, starting to itch but determined to keep my fingers away.

Day six, getting dry and scaly, directions say not to put anything on it until healed. (alright for them to say)

Day seven, as above.

Day eight, Enough is enough! put lashings of moisturiser on to prevent cracking. Really worked.

Day nine, I feel like the butterfly that has just come into the world.

With a wet cloth in warm water I was able to successfully debraid all the dead skin from my forehead leaving the new skin nice and smooth, albeit still a little red, which is to be expected.

Another week or two and I will be a happy camper.
I will do my cheeks in a months time.
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Posted - 09/26/2013 :  09:16:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Did anyone use Aloe after the completion of there three day Picato treatment? I have been using aquafor, but I think the Aloe would feel refreshing after this blowtorch treatment. Thank you in advance for your reply. I am getting close to the completion of my third day application.

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Posted - 10/11/2013 :  10:04:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sibo10

My experience with my first treatment with Picato on my scalp was intense pain, burning, intense attacks of goose-pimples (which was very painful when the skin on the scalp contracted). The reaction may depend on the level of the keratosis. In January I had 3 positive tumors surgically removed (thankfully small ones).
I was told not to use any creams or salves to reduce the reaction/pain as it is not yet known if they can 'negate' the process of Picato. So, grin and bear it (grimace and bear it?). It also states clearly that the treated area should not be covered. We suspect the active ingredient is UV sensitive; it needs light to function.
My second treatment starts on Friday and I am a 'bit' nervous.
(An interesting aside; here in Germany the treatment without insurance costs €150,00 - $200,00, so at $600 you are (again) being scammed by your drug companies )

It's interesting to see how many are getting different advice from their skin doctors. In the instruction is specifically says that the COMPLETE treatment of three tubes should be used, (one per 24 hours). And the dermatologist who prescribed three tubes for the whole face obviously has no idea what he is doing. The treatment is for 4 sq inches (25 sq cm).

I've attached images of my treatment, after 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 8 days and 15 days.

Picato after 1 day:

42.41 KB

Picato after 2 days:

32.47 KB

Picato after 3 days:

32.23 KB

Picato after 8 days:

24 KB

Picato after 15 days:

36.39 KB

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lady diana

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Posted - 10/17/2013 :  16:06:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am going to start using Picato 0.015% at the end of the month. At no place in the literature doe it say when to wash your face each day. It will be for pre-cancer of my nose, around my lips and cheeks. Doesn't sound like "fun". How many hours are recommended to wait before washing, and what type of product do you use? Any other info would be great to learn.
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Posted - 11/21/2013 :  10:21:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lady diana

I am going to start using Picato 0.015% at the end of the month. At no place in the literature doe it say when to wash your face each day. It will be for pre-cancer of my nose, around my lips and cheeks. Doesn't sound like "fun". How many hours are recommended to wait before washing, and what type of product do you use? Any other info would be great to learn.

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Posted - 11/21/2013 :  10:33:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was putting it on at night and not washing it off until the next evening. I want to get the full effect. I put it on half of my nose and the next day, I had a swollen nose, very red and no significant spots. The second morning, I had several small blisters. The third morning, I had another blister and a couple of them were oozing, turned into small scabs that took up to a week to peel off. This was a very mild reaction compared to effudex I did 4 years ago on my entire face. My entire nose was a nasty thick scab for a week or more. And it does prove that you have to keep at it because more damaged skin will continually show up as you age.

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4 Posts

Posted - 01/05/2014 :  11:56:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I read this forum prior to beginning my Picato treatment and found it quite helpful. I thought I would return the favor by sharing my experience. Background: I a 65-year-old male diagnosed with actinic keratoses on my forehead and temples. My dermatologist said it was not a real bad case. Mostly I have very tiny, hard dry bumps all over my forehead. They are barely visible, but I notice them every time I wash my face. I also have a couple patches just about eye level on my temples just outside of my eyes. So, here are notes I made over the last 5 days.
Day 1 (1-1-13): 11:30am - It was a little difficult to cover the entire area and a small spot on my ear. There was a very minor burning sensation with the first application. The gel dries very fast. 8:30pm - My forehead feels a little dry. I have been hesitant to touch it, let alone rub it or scratch it, all day. 11:00pm - My head feels a little itchy, but so far so good.
Day 2: 9:00am - My forehead feels a little irritated today. I noticed when I pulled a sweatshirt over my head. I had one small crusty area near one eyebrow. 11:30am - Applied the second treatment. Thanks to a suggestion on this forum, I used a pair of pliers to get every bit of gel from the tube. Great idea! There was just a tiny bit of burning with the application. I am not real raw anywhere at this time. 12:30pm - My head is beginning to feel more irritated and a little more itchy. 5:30pm - My forehead has become red. It does not feel warm like a sunburn, but it hurts like one. My skin feels very tight, and wrinkling my forehead hurts.
Day 3: 8:00am - I was more uncomfortable last night. I did not sleep well. I am a side sleeper, and that irritated my face. I feel very irritated this morning; my skin is itchy, tight and dry. I have some peeling in a couple small areas. 11:30am - Applied my third, and last, application after showering. I could not use a washcloth on my forehead in the shower as my skin felt raw. There was an uncomfortable burning when applying the gel today. 7:30pm - I am feeling more uncomfortable this evening. The tiniest wrinkling of my forehead hurts. It is not unbearable, just very uncomfortable. I had one small spot that oozed last night, but today it is just very sore and getting scaly.
Day 4: 10:00am - I am still quite tender today. I feel as though I was heavily scrubbed with a very stiff brush. My entire forehead is tight and crusty, but it does not look bad. Yesterday it hurt to wear my glasses, but that is OK today. 12:00pm - My shower was the most painful of all days so far. Even lukewarm water just running down my forehead hurt.
Day 5: 6:00am - Last night, the night of Day 4, was my worst. I had a lot more pain. It is just raw. The covering of flakiness is really a hard crust. Anytime I would move and my face or temples would rub the pillow, that hard layer of crust would press into the raw skin beneath it. I did not get much sleep. I have a few very small areas that looked like there was a little bleeding. It is more itchy today. 1:00pm - I showered this morning, and it was painful. I did let some cool water run off my head and down my face, and that felt kind of good. I am still very uncomfortable. It is both itchy and painfully raw at the same time. I feel as though today is the turning point. I feel like the itching is going to overtake the raw pain.

Overall, I guess it has not been as bad as I thought it might be. However, it is not something I would like to go through again. Hopefully, I will be well into healing later this week.
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Posted - 01/07/2014 :  16:26:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Why can't you apply Picato after a shower? I just showered, how long do I have to wait before I can apply the gel?
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Posted - 01/09/2014 :  12:31:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't give you a definitive answer, but I assume it has to do with diluting it. Interestingly, my doc told me to apply it after showering, but not to a wet skin. He said some dampness would help it to spread easier. I applied mine about half-an-hour after showering. It worked just fine. Good luck.
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Posted - 01/10/2014 :  10:32:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am a 55 yr. old, blonde hair, blue eyed female with a history of SLE and melanoma. I see a Derm. Oncologist. Skin damage due to excessive sun abuse as a teenager with no screens. Started my first series,1-5-14, which is my whole face and the MD ordered the the higher dosage 0.05%. As you can imagine I look like a gargoyle! Excessive swelling, (eyes almost swollen shut), ulcers, blisters, oozing, etc, I have continued with cold compresses on eyes, and have to compress around mouth and chin because it is so dried and blistered, and cannot eat unless it's soup or everything cut up small. Sleeping is rough, especially since the healing process has begun in various areas and scabbing and itching is a problem. Unfortunately my specialist's last day was the day I saw her, and will meet my new Doc in Feb., so I am working with a resident, as a nurse which is sometimes not a good thing and a ton of questions that were not answered but timing was essential because I am scheduled for a minor procedure next month and need my face to be healed. With all that being said is Aquaphor the way to go and can I start using it now? Category 4+ in severity with all skin reactions, which I am sure is related to the dosage and my autoimmune disease. I need some relief with this dryness so I can get some sleep. Who better to talk to then my fellow patients that are going through this as well. Hopefully this will be the worst. I start my arms in Feb, and chest in March. Better look like a Rockstar when I am done, lol. No seriously, just want all this precancerous crap off my body. Thanks to all !
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Posted - 01/10/2014 :  13:29:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Sounds like you are having it pretty rough. I feel bad about even complaining at all compared to what you are going through. Did you get a call from someone at Leo Pharm after you filled your prescription? A nurse called and emailed me. She said I could call her at any time with concerns and questions. I took advantage and called about using a moisturizer. She told me it was best not to use anything for two weeks. However, she also told me that if I was in real bad shape (which I was not), that I should call my doc and talk to them about getting something.

Hope this helps,
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Posted - 01/10/2014 :  14:23:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Jim. Resident is nice but hopeless, won't see new specialist until Feb.3rd. I am going to start the Aquaphor. My husband is picking some up. Can't get any worse. I need sleep or I will be on a most wanted poster. My chin is so ulcerated and scabby that it is starting to bleed. Just need to soften some of this stuff. I can handle the forehead and swollen face...just need to get some kind of moisture. Keep drinking lots of water, Hope all goes well with you.
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Posted - 01/26/2014 :  12:47:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I started Picato on Thursday, Jan 23rd. I woke in the morning with reddish spots one of which was larger and raised. I added the second application on the 24th and the next morning I had blisters on one spot and dark red/scabbed spots on the other two which kinda spread up my neck. Today the blisters burst and now they are burning/tender to anything touching them. Which spots are the true cancer? The blistered spots or the red/scabbed spots? Will this continue to go up my neck to other spots that I did not treat? Also, can I put any cream on my spots or simply let them breath? My spots are on my chest.
1st picture is next morning after 1st nightly treatment
2nd picture is day two after second application

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Posted - 01/27/2014 :  08:26:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tiny1917, I found that having my Doc write a script specific doage for 90 day thru my mailorder was the cheapest. I have to use a ton. My first treatment was my whole face, which I used 5 tubes. I blistered so bad, I had to back off. My chest is in Feb., R arm in March, Left arm in April. I see MD on Feb. 3rd. We will calculate how much I will need. She will have to write starting date x 3 days, once a day and approx. how many boxes I will need per month per treatment area. If the script is written correctly it will cost me $90.00 all total for co-pay instead of thousands. I wanted to do the 3 day treatment to get it done and over with, but I have to say, the face was brutal. Good Luck.
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Posted - 01/27/2014 :  08:41:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Busybeetrio, this was trial and error for me as well if you have read my previous post. Speaking with my 2 pharmacist neighbors, since I didn't get too much info from the resident I was working with ,(will meet my new oncologist on Feb. 3rd), the application is best put on in the afternoon. Needs to absorb and is not to be put on after a shower, because of vasodialation. (Pores open too much because of heat). If you put it on at night and went to bed, chances are it spread to other areas that didn't need treatment. Picato is used for all precancerous skin and it is used as proactive treatment to prevent melanoma and basal cell CA. I have been blessed with 3, my worst, stage 3 on my thigh. They told me if there are blisters and oozing, not to put the ointment directly on that spot. My face was so bad I won't post the pics because I don't think anyone would use this med if they would see it. My treatments were on a Sunday thru Tues. and by Friday my face was so swollen, blistered , oozing and couldn't open my eyes. Thanks to this forum, I did start on the Aquaphor which adds moisture but still allows air to heal. In 2 days I felt much better. I did use cool compresses as well on the blisters and tried to wash the areas with Cefadil and re-apply the Auaphor a couple of times a day. Can hardly wait to start my chest area in the middle of February. Good Luck.
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Posted - 02/22/2014 :  09:35:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am on day 10 after first application on face. I had pretty severe reaction, feeling much better now (smooth, no scabs, no pain, slight itch). Although, face is still VERY red and blotchy. I am very concerned about scarring. How long does it take for all the redness to completely heal? I haven't seen much improvement in the past 3 days.
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Posted - 02/22/2014 :  10:01:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
kdante, my reaction was so severe, they switched me to Flouracil for my chest. Started that Monday. 2 weeks every night. Nothing really happening yet. As far as the Picato, as bad as I was there is no scarring. Kept using the Aquaphor. Did the Picato the beginning of January and still notice some redness after I shower or work out. Since I had such a major reaction, Md's decided to hold off on me doing my arms and see how I react with the Flouracil for now. They did tell me to apply major suncreen to my face, at least a 50, and want me to get an acid peel. Good luck. Picato is wicked.
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Posted - 03/05/2014 :  20:03:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello all. I am on Day #4 of the Picato 'experience'. I used it the first day and thought there was something wrong considering what I thought was an extreme reaction so I did not use it the second day and then I read on these forums about how painful it can be and all the redness (feels like looking into an open oven with an extreme sun burn) and that my reaction was somewhat of a typical reaction so I went ahead with days #2 & #3.
My face is super red and there is some peeling and crusting as of this writing. The pain is over with (thank god!). I do fear that perhaps I spread it around too much (2in x 2in being the suggested treatment area). I have been putting on moisturizer (Aquaphor) and have used a little bit of cortisone cream at times. I will say, I do not know if I want to go through Picato again. It was rough stuff. Especially day # 3, I was pacing around trying to distract myself from the pain for the last two hours. I don't see how anyone could put it on before bed or even go to work. It is best to be at home and have your mind set on trying to be as calm as you can and go through the treatment.
In any case, I hope it will work. I am unsure of the results so far.
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Posted - 03/23/2014 :  10:29:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I picked up my Picato gel prescription yesterday. With my insurance and the $200 copay card from the manufacturer, my copay was $124.00. In the afternoon, I applied it liberally to 2 spots, one on my cheek and the other above my lip. It burned almost the whole time it was on. I am almost positive that I applied too much and did not do a good job avoiding the surrounding areas. So, the surrounding healthy skin areas have huge blisters and swelling and I look like a freak. It feels like a sunburn. Today, I applied it very conservatively just to the treatment areas. I am considering contacting my doctor tomorrow as my reaction is described as "severe" in the patient leaflet. I am also concerned that I may have caused damage to the healthy skin. Any thoughts?
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Posted - 03/23/2014 :  11:27:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
angbat...I used the gel over my entire face for 3 days, and I would think I had some healthy skin that was involved. There was no damage to the healthy tissue. To be honest, I think I had better results when they switched me to the Efudex on my chest for the 2 week treatment time. Can definitely tell a difference with my chest. Face, I am not sure. See oncologist again next month. They keep trying to push me to get a "blue peel", by Dr. Obagi, who is out of Pittsburgh but nationally known. I don't think it is medically nec. and if you all would see the pics of my face when I went thru the Picato, it looks like I did go thru a major acid peel. The docs and residents that saw my face could not believe the adverse reactions. Hopefully all the pre-cancerous cells are gone, was hoping to get rid of at least, some of the wrinkles as well after what I had been thru.
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Posted - 03/23/2014 :  14:33:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I had to cover my entire forehead and temples to get many small spots, so I covered a lot of good skin. It all seemed to have about the same reaction (although not as bad as yours sounds), but it all healed up just fine. I had more scaling and crusting than I did blisters. The precancerous spots did react a little more than the normal skin.

Good luck!
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Posted - 03/26/2014 :  10:41:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you, butkus22 and jimb630! I appreciate your responses. I called the Picato nurse line and the woman I spoke with said that what I was describing is a normal reaction. She also told me that I should not have any scarring. I don't look quite as freaky and hopefully, the skin reaction will just follow its course and do what it is supposed to do!

My dad uses Effudex and I might go that route if/when I have AK spots again as it sounds a little more mild.

Thanks again!
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Posted - 04/06/2014 :  19:36:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Today is April 6th,2014.
I started using Picato Gel on the 1rst, 2nd and third of April to the left side of my face below my eye. Was out raking the following 2 days. No discomfort, small amount of redness and peeling. Today is Sunday and the peeling is done and the redness is almost gone. Applying polysporin 4-6 x a day between rx's. Would I recommend it? Yes for me I've had no issues with it. Will see my dermatologist at the end of September 2014. All the best to everyone who needs to use it.
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Posted - 04/28/2014 :  11:54:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just wanted to add my experience with Picato gel to this forum. After reviewing all of the previous posts, I started my treatment on April 21 with much trepidation. I realized that the posts would probably be skewed towards those with a negative experience since those folks would more likely be posting in order to obtain advice and assistance while those who had a more benign experience and nothing really to gain would be less likely to post. Nevertheless, given some of the horror stories that were posted, I was very anxious about starting the treatment. By way of background I have a mild to moderate case of AK, primarily on my upper forehead near the scalp. My dermatologist strongly recommended Picato as an adjunct to liquid nitrogen treatments which have provided only temporary results.

Fortunately, my experience has been mostly positive. Other than a mild headache on day 1 and a general reaction similar to that of a sunburn, I have had no significant side effects. The progression from the first treatment to the third didn't seem to be all that much. My forehead did get more irritated and blotchy but the pain wasn't much worse. By the way, a few other posts had noted that they had washed off the gel after 6-8 hours. I'm not sure why that would be necessary since the gel dries rather quickly and is presumably fully absorbed by 6-8 hours later. Anyway, by day 5 itchiness had increased and I began to apply AquaPhor to the affected area. This relieved the itchiness greatly. By day 7, about 95% of the dead skin has flaked off, leaving my skin a light pink hue.

If recommended by my dermatologist, I would consider another Picato treatment for AK on my scalp and nose. However, I'll probably wait a while to see whether I have a recurrence of Ak on my forehead.
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Posted - 06/01/2014 :  10:48:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've just taken 3 doses of Picato for my face - I was instructed to put it on all rough areas of my skin. My cheeks were red with Rosacea but also rough. I applied it to my cheeks plus my forehead and both sides of my face. My cheeks were on fire after my third dose but they are calming down now - the other areas are a little red and blotchy. My derm expects it to scab up and blister where there are worse potential Basal or Squamous cells. My derm thinks I will be in very good shape by 15 days...we'll see.
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Posted - 06/26/2014 :  03:34:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Everyone (friendly wave from Australia).
I've started Picato treatment - face & scalp and stronger treatment for my hands and forearms.
I'm a fair skinned Australian male. Australia has the highest incidence of Skin Cancer in the world. I have had 6 excisions on legs and back. Having another soon.
Freezing had limited results. Tried Effudex on hands, again with limited results. I'm expecting a similar skin response, though over a much shorter time with quicker recovery. Opted for Picato (An Australian innovation ) as an alternative to Photo Dynamic Therapy since my facial AK are quiet extensive. It's around $150 AUD ( I don't qualify for Gov rebate- which would significantly cut the cost). A treatment consists of 3 applications. I clipped the end off the tubes to get as much as I could. . Picato Australia (LEO) recommended after treatment care using a high quality Vitamin E cream kept in the fridge to help ease burring and speed recovery.
Best wishes to all.
I decided to take 'before, during and after' pictures to help me keep track of results.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.