T O P I C R E V I E W |
mimi54 |
Posted - 06/20/2010 : 12:44:06 I had been reading from this forum when I was in search of a natural cure for Basal Cell skin cancer. I do not have health insurance, I am a natural redhead, and I did have a severe sunburn in my late teens. Three years ago I scrathed an itchy spot on the side of my nose open and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal. I thought it must have been sun poisoning which I get every year during the first hot days of the season, so I wasn't too concerned. I used peroxide on it and eventualy it scabbed over. Several months later it was open and bleeding again, and again I had a hard time getting it to heal. Over and over, every several months. Once I was out in public and had a small round bandaid on the wound and a man approached me and told me he had a basal cell removed from the same spot on his nose.....so, I started researching on the computer about skin cancer. No pictures matched what my sore looked like at first, but I had to admit that I was a perfect candidate for skin cancer. After it healed over that time, I recognized it as Basal Cell by the pearly bump that had formed. I was horrified! I didn't have the money to go see a doctor and have biopsies and all of that. From everything I read, at that point I didn't want to lose any more of my nose than the scar already covered. I started looking for something I could do myself, which led me to this forum. I used Cymilium when it opened and oozed again. It burned and became irritated and the oozing wouldn't stop. When it healed over, there were now 2 Basal bumps. Then one night I gently rubbed my nose and the skin caved in and I had a 1/16" hole that oozed slightly smaller in diameter than an eraserhead. OMG! I was packing to move when I came across a book I forgot I had which was originaly written in 1939 on homopathic natural cures. There was only one small blurb about skin cancer where it mentioned that AGRIMONY cures skin cancer. So I went to my local health food store and picked up a $14.00 bottle of Agrimony(Bach Essential Flower Essence),and the first 3 drops I applied directly to the wound stopped the oozing and soothed the discomfort.I did the same thing 3 times a day for a week and it never oozed, bled, itched,and over a year later has NEVER COME BACK!!!! I really hopes this info helps. I wish I had found this book earlier,but if it helps other people, then it was worth the divit I will always have in the side of my nose. I still can't believe it was that simple!
45 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
raulrosado |
Posted - 04/03/2012 : 18:00:27 Hi and thanks for the info I have a ? for endlesspathways regarding the blood root from Alpha Omega Labs this what you bought:
what is the difference between you bought and the other Amazon Black Topical Salve (22g) Formerly sold as Cansema
Y have a BCC in the right side of my nose .
Thanks |
bonder |
Posted - 02/03/2012 : 08:14:25 Well done Mimi, I will put some of this on americancancer.blogspot.com as part of my research, Bonder
HelenM |
Posted - 12/13/2011 : 18:27:18 Hi Melanie,
Sorry to hear what you have been going through. I too went through alot of crying and anger coming to terms with what happened to me. To have been told if I got the best result from the first cut with Mohs surgery I would not need any drastic reconstructive surgery and then to have the best result but still end up with a huge part of my lip and cupid's bow gone!
Judging from the previous posts it seems you just have to experiment to see what works for you. However, as I said I did not use agrimony first. I had a sore from the biopsy and applied peroxide and bicarb for weeks vigorously to the area before I applied agrimony. If the agrimony hadn't worked for me I would have tried blood root. To me it seems what's the difference having been disfigured anyway through surgery!!!its best to give it a go...but that is just my thoughts!!.
I have healed ok and I am still coming to terms with how I look.
I wish you all the best. Take care HelenM |
endlesspathways |
Posted - 11/11/2011 : 15:20:38 I tried the Agrimony immediately after my biopsy. it didn't really seem to make a difference even though I used it several times a day but I don't think it hurt it in any way. The biopsy came back positive for basal cell so I waited for the blood root I ordered from Alpha Omega labs to come in. I'm not sure why people are scared to use it, I have to say it was by far the easiest and probably most effective treatment I've seen. You apply it once, cover it for 24 hours and then wipe off. I was no more painful than the biopsy- tender in that area but did exactly what everyone said it would. The surrounding area turned yellow and where the cancer is, turned black. The coolest part was the there were all these black speckles far outside the perimeter which tells me that some of the cells probably spread during the biopsy which I now regret. I'm on day 7 now and it's healing nicely, I think the eschar is about to fall off. I am so hopeful that this has done the job and would encourage anyone to try it as this method has been around since the 1800's and has a huge success rate for skin cancer, wart and mole removal. |
Thomas Haugen |
Posted - 11/11/2011 : 13:29:23 My experiments: I bought some agrimony powder cheap on eBay and mixed it with Trader Joe's aloe vera gel to make a paste for my BCCs. It's unsightly but dries quickly and can be washed off to apply makeup to go out. A few weeks of this was not a sufficient time to see results, but these are some tough 10 and 15 year old BCCs that recur occasionally. When I started they were open sores and remained open but seldom bleeding.
I stopped that regimen because I got some DMSO to mix with the agrimony. About a half teaspoon of agrimony with a teaspoon of DMSO, left in a small pill bottle to mix. I apply it with a Qtip, just enough agrimony to cover the BCC and just enough DMSO to make it wet. Too much DMSO runs down, and I've found it irritates normal skin if not wiped off immediately. DMSO makes it sting, but not excruciating.
In two weeks the oldest BCC has shrunk from 7mm wide to 6mm. The newer BCC is hard to measure but getting slightly smaller. I'll update as they improve, or if I abandon this regimen. BTW, I'm also taking astaxanthin and I give it credit for killing eight AKs that have disappeared. I wrote on that in another post. |
Just Turned 50 |
Posted - 10/28/2011 : 16:45:45 Melanie,
I had mohs on my upper lip - unbelievable what they took out, but also unbelievable how the reconstruction went. I'm 3 months out. However, I want to avoid it again. I bought the petty spurge seeds and plan on planting them soon and using them on some ac's and possible bcc's that I have. Agrimony was a joke (for me). No reaction whatsoever. However, the research I did on the petty spurge (including it's use in clinical trials) has me optimistic..... Also, an acquaintance of mine in town who has suffered through many bcc's and mohs has had good luck with the apple cider vinegar (with mother). She soaks a cotton ball and tapes it to the bcc. Does it for a few weeks, I think. She said it's a bit of work keeping the cotton ball saturated, but she showed me some scars where these bcc's just fell out of her skin...... |
endlesspathways |
Posted - 10/20/2011 : 21:54:10 Melanie. I do not want to go through what you went through, my heart breaks for what they did to you but your after pictur looks great :) I am very willing to try other alternatives. I started using the Agrimony today. The site is VERY raw and open from the biopsy so I figure this is the best time to really get it in there. The first time I did it, I started to bleed a little but just covered it with a bandaid and went to work. I used it again when I got home and it didn't bleed or even sting. I'll try it again before I go to bed. Tomorrow I will apply it at work too just to get an extra dose in. I ordered the blood root but it will take 2 weeks to get here. My dilema has been do I wait to get the biopsy results (guess there is a slight chance it will be negative but I have classic symptoms and look to it) back to start or will my "wound" be healed by then and I'll miss my chance for the medicine to really penatrate the area? My thought is that I'll use this until the blood root and results come in and then decide what the next course of action should be if I'm not seeing any results. Did anyone alternate the Agrimony with blood root? I would hate for one to interfere with the other. |
BigD |
Posted - 10/20/2011 : 19:11:20 Hello, If you want the best natural cure please read the petty spurge thread. Guarenteed to work |
endlesspathways |
Posted - 10/19/2011 : 16:28:57 Oh how I wish I had found this forum yesterday. I saw the dermatologist today and it looks like I have BCC on the side of my nose. If the bioposy comes back positive, I refuse to have surgery that will result in a scar and will likely just come back. I'd like to start on the Agrimony but don't know if I have to let the wound from the biopsy heal first or just get right to it since the area is open. If I do need to wait, I could at least take bloodroot orally in the meantime. Please help!!! Melinda |
HelenM |
Posted - 08/10/2011 : 18:53:02 Also on the news here they are going on about milk weed or radium weed which grows in your garden and that it is very effective on skin cancers. If there is skin cancer there it will penetrate it and kill it but leave the good skin. just use the sap from the plant. Also the scientist who developed a vaccine for cervical cancer is claiming within a year he will have a vaccine for skin cancer as he believes it is caused by a virus too similar to cold sores or warts which penetrates the skin when sun damage etc occurs.
Cheers Helen |
HelenM |
Posted - 08/09/2011 : 19:21:57 Hi I pricked the area which was what I had read in other forums to let the bicarb (home grade) and hydrogen peroxide penetrate the BCC. Now my BCC had been biopsied so there was a fresh wound when I started but this then healed so I pricked it as I could still see there was a bcc there or part of it. Don't give up, I then applied bicarb with water which stings a bit and alternatively hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide makes it go white and allows you to see where it is. From another forum I was told do this for weeks even months which is virtually what I did. It became a small sore. No bleeding but sometimes peeled. However, as I previously wrote I felt it needed something more and that's when I applied agrimony. It seemed to knock it out as the effects were dramatic and by the second day it allowed me for the first time to peel this thing away and all that was left was fresh skin and a small indentation. I still had whitish areas or little spots but I felt this was just needing to heal. A Gp told me these are pores in your lip and give it a month to heal which I did and they went away...sadly for me I went to have what I thought was a check of the area to confirm my results and ended up how I know am...I had two dermatologists telling me there was definitely skin cancer still there even though they couldn't see anything. Now they found nothing and they just move onto the next patient and I was correct all along. They are not always right and people should be allowed to question them without being made to feel stupid. I would keep trying the above as the GP told me bicarb and peroxide are acid like and he said another cream people use from the chemist is a multi wart cream and this is also effective. I didn't try that but would before ever resorting to MOHs surgery etc again. I know people have been helped with MOHs but what about people like me when nothing is found and you still end up with disfigurement from their surgery...just doesn't make sense to me. Sorry for rambling ...all the best...let me know how you go! |
Just Turned 50 |
Posted - 08/09/2011 : 10:20:30 quote: Originally posted by HelenM
I think the agrimony worked for me after I first hit the area vigorously with bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide for several weeks and then agrimony. Don't be a skeptic...as you would have read I peeled mine off and then went for a MOHS surgery and was told my result was all clear...not one cancer cell!!!so tell me where it disappeared to?...it was biopsied as a solid basal cancer. Also, if I had my way again instead of going for MOHs surgery I would have asked for a small biopsy again to be sure...this way I would have come out with most of my lip and cupids bow intake. At the moment,I have had a hard time coming to terms with how I look given all the information that MOHs was the least invasive!!! Perhaps depending on your surgeon as I saw what was taken of my lip on the first cut and it was not as I had been told but a large amount...something one would expect on the second or third cut. When I questioned what was done I was told I should be grateful and if I cant' accept it go and see a psychologist...nice hey!!!
Helen, Can you detail more your treatment using the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, and then the agrimony? I bought the agrimony essence and put it on several times a day and rub it in - pretty much whenever I think about it. It's been a few days, and I'm having no reaction whatsoever....Like you, I REALLY don't want to have surgery on my face again! I've been reading the other forums and just ordered the petty spurge seeds.... |
HelenM |
Posted - 08/08/2011 : 22:02:36 I think the agrimony worked for me after I first hit the area vigorously with bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide for several weeks and then agrimony. Don't be a skeptic...as you would have read I peeled mine off and then went for a MOHS surgery and was told my result was all clear...not one cancer cell!!!so tell me where it disappeared to?...it was biopsied as a solid basal cancer. Also, if I had my way again instead of going for MOHs surgery I would have asked for a small biopsy again to be sure...this way I would have come out with most of my lip and cupids bow intake. At the moment,I have had a hard time coming to terms with how I look given all the information that MOHs was the least invasive!!! Perhaps depending on your surgeon as I saw what was taken of my lip on the first cut and it was not as I had been told but a large amount...something one would expect on the second or third cut. When I questioned what was done I was told I should be grateful and if I cant' accept it go and see a psychologist...nice hey!!! |
Just Turned 50 |
Posted - 08/07/2011 : 12:54:58 Hi All,
I'm 27 days out from Mohs on my upper lip....pretty awful procedure considering I liked my face, and about a week ago, I noticed a suspect area on the other side of my upper lip. It didn't stand out considering I've been nurturing this huge scar on the other side and focusing all my attention there. Well, after reading a bit on this site, I'm a little afraid to try bloodroot (after seeing the pics), and was told to try the apple cider vinegar. I'm using that on what I think are some AK's. On this spot on my lip, however, I'm trying agrimony. I'm applying the oil several times a day. I need to be up front that I'm a total skeptic, but am nervous to go on more immune system enhancers given the unknown long term effects. So, I'm going to use the agrimony for a month or so........I'm not inclined to ingest it, though.....I've enjoyed reading all the posts.... |
HelenM |
Posted - 07/31/2011 : 00:42:29 Dear Mimi,
I get the stitches out on Thursday. At this stage, I feel I look stupid with like no cupids bow or what I would say looks like a mono lip!...At the inital consultation there was no talk of further surgery but I gather this is where it is leading. I think I will discuss this with him then but I don't feel so confident with him at this stage...I will have to do my research. I didn't know I would lose all of my cupids bow!...such a small part of our face but looks stupid without it! I will let you know what happens thanks for praying for me I appreciate it. |
mimi54 |
Posted - 07/30/2011 : 09:19:31 Hi Helen... Did the plastic surgeon tell you if he could re-construct your lip after you heal up? You are in my prayers for a healing as well.....keep in touch with your progress...Mimi |
HelenM |
Posted - 07/29/2011 : 22:40:03 Thanks Mimi, At the moment I have had feelings of being so upset with how I look and also anger as I felt there was no skin cancer found and I still had so much of my lip removed. I felt rushed from one area to the next on the day and even though I questioned everything I was told to trust them. Well all I can do now is trust God to heal my lip and restore the cupids bow which they seemed to have removed. I think it shows us when we pray and like I had such a good outcome to wait and not be made to fear the worst by medical people. (All of them telling me the worst I could do was nothing. Well here I am at the moment disfigured anyway???) For now they have been wrong and I have ended up disfigured when there was no need for it at all.
With regard to it helping ulcers and colitis that is a good one as I have had to deal with that in my life as well...so will keep that in mind...cheers and thanks for talking to me...I am now going to believe for a miracle for my top lip...will keep you all posted!!!! |
amar.nema |
Posted - 07/29/2011 : 13:38:46 yes, It is also useful in case of peptic ulcers and colitis. Have a look at Granny Herbs
mimi54 |
Posted - 07/28/2011 : 09:37:16 Hi Helen, I am so glad that you found this forum and tried the Agrimony and that it cured your BCC. In my initial testimony redarding how I came to use it on my own skin cancer, I mentioned that after the cancer was gone I was left with a divit on the side of my nose. I thought at the time that that was better than still having BCC...almost like a war scar. Well, that divit over time has filled in with healthy skin tissue and I can't even tell where it had been! Mine was wedged shaped too. It stayed a little pinker than my skin for awhile, and slowly fresh tissue filled up the divit. I loved reading your testimony. I praise God that He placed the cure for our illnesses on earth in forms of flowers and herbs and healthy foods. We trust this to be the case, but unfortunatly many of those in the medical community are not trained to accept that. They do what they are taught...and we are taught to trust them. I feel bad that you didn't give it some time before having the surgery done to heal on your own....but you should feel great about having the courage to try an alternative means to cure your own BCC. You were not the ignorant one...they were. We have to also keep in mind that these surgeons can't make a living if they are not doing surgery. My guess would be that there would be several plastic surgeons out there that would continue surgery on patients even if they knew that Agrimony would cure skin cancer. I guess my advice would be to just trust your heart. Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us, and our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery! Mimi |
HelenM |
Posted - 07/28/2011 : 04:04:33 To mimi54 and all other people who have been using agrimony...here is my story after visiting this website...hope it will encourage you all. I had a skin damage area on my lip in 2008. A biopsy was done and it came back as just sun damage. I went back to my Dermatologist in 2009 as the area had moved over and I asked her to remove it. She said no as it was only sun damage and didn't want to ruin the appearance of my lip. I didn't go back for two years all the while thinking it was just sun damaged. Well it changed to a BCC. I went back this year in March asking for it to be removed anyway. She took a biopsy and it came back as a solid BCC.(In hindsight always get a second opinion and don't leave it too long between check ups...however, also had I not asked to have it removed I don't know if she would have picked it up? Anyway, I was told surgery was the only option. Went to a reputable plastic surgeon and told I needed a wedge cut on the top of my upper lip which would take most of my bow between my nose and lip. I cried and said I did not want that...I was told the worst I could do was leave it alone and do nothing. So I went home...prayed for God to help me and looked up natural remedies. I found a forum on using bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide. So I began that using a cotton tip and hitting it with both things but at separate times for over five weeks...I had developed a sore but nothing severe. I than prayed again as i felt I just needed something to give it the final knockout punch. Found this website on agrimony so went out and purchased it that day. Applied it directly to the sore without using anymore of the other two products. The effects were dramatic. It shrivalled up. By the next night after using it on and off over the course of a day I was able to peel the BCC off like a scab and only clear skin was left underneath. No bleeding but I felt now my skin needed time to heal. I kept using the agrimony as well. My lip healed very well with some small whitish spots on either side but I wasn't alarmed as I felt this was just part of the healing process. I went to see a GP who was more open to alternative therapies and he noted the result I had achieved was excellent. The small dots he said were just pores healing and to give it a month. Well they disappeared and my lip was fine with only a little indent where the BCC had been. Now I had to go back to my dermatologist for an annual skin check she went off at me and said the skin cancer was still there and there were no alternatives to surgery...please note she didnt even examine it properly. She suggested MOHs surgery. So I went to this specialist. He said I couldn't not do anything and in his opinion even though he couldn't see anything there could be a root there and to go ahead with the surgery as least evasive and most accurate. Went to the plastic surgeon connected with him who still said I could end up with wedge like incision. Go there today for procedure. The surgeon adamant there was skin cancer there when I said but what if there wasn't!!!! Well he takes the smallest piece and it comes back all clear!!!!!!! So I ask the surgeon I have the best outcome so why still the surgery which is so bad...to fix up what was done I am told. So here I sit with stitches up my lip to my nose...when I didn't need to have it done at all...the GP was correct and the natural remedies had done their work. So what do we do when we are made to feel like an idiot by so many people and when the surgery ends up resulting in disfigurement even when they couldn't find anything...my thinking is when you feel you have gotten a good result isn't it better to say lets monitor it for awhile to see if anything does appear before going and disfiguring me anyway??? Thanks for listening hope this helps people...I have told lots of people about agrimony so thank you Mimi...cheers HelenM PS not going to that dermatologist anymore!!! |
mimi54 |
Posted - 04/05/2011 : 14:54:07 Siesta......Thank-you ever so much for your reply, and a big HOORAY for the success you had with Agrimony! I certainly can relate to your fears as I went through the same thing, and it isn't fun. Trying to keep stress at bay when dealing with any sort of health issues is next to impossible, and yet being able to accomplish it is important as far as healing is concerned. When I first read about Agrimony and skin cancer, my thought was "This is too simple". I certainly had nothing to lose in trying it, and when it worked I still had a hard time believing it which is why I waited so long to post my results with it. The more people like you who try it and have success with it, the more there is hope that someday it will be a known and inexpensive cure for skin cancer. congrats and be happy....Mimi |
siesta722 |
Posted - 04/05/2011 : 13:58:46 Mimi- If I ever met you I would bear hug you! Your information about Agrimony was amazing! I've already had surgery once on a BCC and was told I would have more. I've been fighting spots with efudex, only to look like I lost a fight! The constant bleeding was not only ugly but scary. I gave myself one more week before I went in for surgery. I found your post and in one week the spot was virtually gone. I've been saying prayers of thanks in your name. The fear I have has been lifted. Not gone completely, but I'm confident about my future. Thank You for sharing your experience, I'm certain I'm not the only one you have helped. Best of luck to you in the future. I can't thank you enough! |
mimi54 |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 08:15:04 Glad to hear the Agrimony worked for you. I barely see my scar anymore as new tissue has filled in the divit on the side of my nose. It is just slightly pinker than my normal skin. Thank-you for keeping us informed about the success of Agrimony on your BCC as well. It is simple, and safe, and natural, and inexpensive, and the more people use it and find it works for them, the less stressed others who have BCC will be about using it. Keeping the stress down in dealing with any kind of cancer is a huge factor in recovery. |
judych |
Posted - 04/02/2011 : 04:12:42 thanks Mimi.... the scar areas seem to be fading pretty well now, the one i mentioned here is a bit slower so i will use some agrimony on it. appreciate the reply. thanks. judych
quote: Originally posted by judych
hi mimi...ive been using agrimony. dropping a few drops into the open wound of a bcc where the bloodroot has exposed and killed the cancer cells. What im seeing now is a hole with a heap of white tissue in there...no sign of it wanting to come out yet. Im having some issues with it drying out though because i cant keep a bandage on it... would you suggest that i keep using agrimony, just putting some drops into the wound??..i want to get this thing out of me.....judych
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
Hi Judith Agrimony is safe to use on an open lesion as was my case, and in reading about it is used for all kinds of skin dieases. I am sure it wouldn't hurt to use it on a spot that hasn't opened yet and see. Some of the readers in this forum have also made a tea from the leaves and drank it to help cure the cancer from the inside as well. My cancer has never come back, and my scar is hardly noticable. Mine was 3 years along at the time I used the Agrimony, so the damage was pretty extensive. If I were you I would definitely use it on the scar caused by your previous episode a few times a day for awhile, and try it on the bumps as well. If any of your bumps open up, use it right away on the open lesions.I hope it works....it did for me.I have had no more issues.....
judych |
Posted - 12/06/2010 : 04:02:52 hi there Mimi.... heres an update on my ongoing battle. Ive just gotten over the worst of bccs on my upper chest area, using internal bloodroot capsules, using petty spurge on the 'ulcers' that opened up with cancer in them...then when the cancers looked like they had dissolved, then using agrimony on the wounds to help heal . There is an area to one side of a large area where i had a bcc, the large area is now rid of the bcc, but there is a lump as i said to one side of the original site. its very itchy. Ive been putting agrimony on it about four times a day. Im not sure if there is any cancer in it or not. In your experience, would the agrimony get rid of this without it being an open wound??. any info greatly appreciated here. judych
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
I had been reading from this forum when I was in search of a natural cure for Basal Cell skin cancer. I do not have health insurance, I am a natural redhead, and I did have a severe sunburn in my late teens. Three years ago I scrathed an itchy spot on the side of my nose open and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal. I thought it must have been sun poisoning which I get every year during the first hot days of the season, so I wasn't too concerned. I used peroxide on it and eventualy it scabbed over. Several months later it was open and bleeding again, and again I had a hard time getting it to heal. Over and over, every several months. Once I was out in public and had a small round bandaid on the wound and a man approached me and told me he had a basal cell removed from the same spot on his nose.....so, I started researching on the computer about skin cancer. No pictures matched what my sore looked like at first, but I had to admit that I was a perfect candidate for skin cancer. After it healed over that time, I recognized it as Basal Cell by the pearly bump that had formed. I was horrified! I didn't have the money to go see a doctor and have biopsies and all of that. From everything I read, at that point I didn't want to lose any more of my nose than the scar already covered. I started looking for something I could do myself, which led me to this forum. I used Cymilium when it opened and oozed again. It burned and became irritated and the oozing wouldn't stop. When it healed over, there were now 2 Basal bumps. Then one night I gently rubbed my nose and the skin caved in and I had a 1/16" hole that oozed slightly smaller in diameter than an eraserhead. OMG! I was packing to move when I came across a book I forgot I had which was originaly written in 1939 on homopathic natural cures. There was only one small blurb about skin cancer where it mentioned that AGRIMONY cures skin cancer. So I went to my local health food store and picked up a $14.00 bottle of Agrimony(Bach Essential Flower Essence),and the first 3 drops I applied directly to the wound stopped the oozing and soothed the discomfort.I did the same thing 3 times a day for a week and it never oozed, bled, itched,and over a year later has NEVER COME BACK!!!! I really hopes this info helps. I wish I had found this book earlier,but if it helps other people, then it was worth the divit I will always have in the side of my nose. I still can't believe it was that simple!
mimi54 |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 08:36:24 I would keep using it a couple times a day for awhile and keep the bandaid off of it to give it a chance to dry out when you can. If it still doesn't come out, try some peroxide on it to help lift the dead cells out of the hole. Let me know how it goes.... |
judych |
Posted - 11/25/2010 : 00:55:47 hi mimi...ive been using agrimony. dropping a few drops into the open wound of a bcc where the bloodroot has exposed and killed the cancer cells. What im seeing now is a hole with a heap of white tissue in there...no sign of it wanting to come out yet. Im having some issues with it drying out though because i cant keep a bandage on it... would you suggest that i keep using agrimony, just putting some drops into the wound??..i want to get this thing out of me.....judych
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
Hi Judith Agrimony is safe to use on an open lesion as was my case, and in reading about it is used for all kinds of skin dieases. I am sure it wouldn't hurt to use it on a spot that hasn't opened yet and see. Some of the readers in this forum have also made a tea from the leaves and drank it to help cure the cancer from the inside as well. My cancer has never come back, and my scar is hardly noticable. Mine was 3 years along at the time I used the Agrimony, so the damage was pretty extensive. If I were you I would definitely use it on the scar caused by your previous episode a few times a day for awhile, and try it on the bumps as well. If any of your bumps open up, use it right away on the open lesions.I hope it works....it did for me.I have had no more issues.....
judych |
Posted - 11/21/2010 : 23:36:14 hi all....ive changed my username.. anyway here is an update.
About 12 days ago i saw the cancer dr. Had a good checkup with my face, she used a special light taht penetrated all skin layers and showed up cancers. She took pics of the area on my cheek under the scar that we were concerned about, and the pic showed a "lesion"...it was involving blood vessels as well. After biopsy it was shown to be no cancer at all but a very deep scar that went to the bone... to my joy... wonderful news.
the dr checked out every area where i had treated myself in the past with bloodroot...and she was very good about it all. No signs of cancer anywhere else on my face. She said that they would have been bccs..slow growing and not an imminent threat but could easily become one. Im so glad that i started using bloodroot five years ago. Even the scarring is worth it.( the dr had no problems with me using bloodroot.)
Ive been taking internal bloodroot caps.. been on them now for about three weeks. They made me miserable to start with, mainly my joints were very bad. i do have some arthritis...and it certainly played havoc with my joints.
About eight days ago i noticed some small red areas on the tops of my breasts that were uncomfortable, very itchy. I thought they may have been to do with the bloodroot treatment...so to make sure i put some external paste on them. Now ive got at least three, maybe four or five even, bccs coming through. the first one is quite nasty...but well on the way out.
im using peroxide to clean it, agrimony on it, plus vaseline to keep it soft.
There is a big issue here with me though and i have to share it with you.
About thirty years ago i had breast augmentation. Ive had a wonderful run with it all...no problems at all. I regularly check my breasts out ..no signs of any unwanted lumps.( i wont have a breast xray though) Now, however, these bccs are coming through in that area..around the outer perimetre of my breasts.
Mainly across the top area where Ive had sun all these many long years. No signs of anything near the nipples or under the breast itself... nothing at the sides near the armpit.
I want to know if there is anyone here who has had similar experiences, or knows of someone who has had implants who has had issues. Could you please email me??.... i need as much info on this as i can get. If i cant get enough info to help me, i will have to go back to the dr....and i dont want to do that at this stage.
All general info here on the site gratefully received as well...... thanks to everyone judych
quote: Originally posted by judych
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
...more on this Malcome.. I agree about this company. There are many questions that i need to have answered. This is a steep learning curve for me as Im sure it is for everyone here... it does make such a difference when we can actually ask the hard stuff of someone who can really give some relevant input. im impressed too.....judy
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
HI Malcome...good to hear that you are starting the course of tumor x in november. it isnt cheap but if you can get around the digestive issues that can crop up then its a wonderful treatment. my daughter Nicki who had chronic fatigue many years ago is starting to feel some response from her glands already and she has only been on them for a few days. i noticed last night that one area on my lower leg where i had the fib and tib broken and reset many years ago was a bit painful...not something that i usually experience. Something was stirred up in there Im sure. I have bladder problems and arthritis as well so you never know what mnay come out of this....especially with the extra virgin olive oil... so im really hopeful...... I will keep you up to date on how im coping with it all... have a great day judy
quote: Originally posted by randolph
HELLO JUDITH...I'm thrilled to see that you are starting Tumor-X and that someone else out there is doing it. I am on the verge of doing this, just waiting to get some $$$$ together. Kelly says I will need Pack 6 which is not cheap. .....Also I like this company, I think they are about as professional as you're going to find in the alternatives arena. I especially like the fact that Kelly is there fulltime for you and is willing to talk and support you. Most of these cancer gurus and sellers of these wonderful cures are never there, or will not talk to you, let alone having any form of physical address. Having someone inhouse in a supportive role is worth a lot, and Kelly does seem to be very knowledgable with good documentation. He has been very helpful and uplifting so far.
I hope to order my protocol within a week, so hopefully I will be started by November. Also Judith I do hope you will keep us posted as to your progress with this.
Best wishes for Wellness! I am Randolph
judych |
Posted - 11/21/2010 : 22:16:49
IS there more than one type of basal cell carcinoma??. i wasnt aware of that... im using agrimony at present as well. im goign to post shortly and bring everyone up to date. judy
quote: Originally posted by trudie
Grace, thanks for your input. I hadn't realized one could buy agrimony in bulk. I will look for it. It sounds like you are having some success. What type of basal cell do you have?
judych |
Posted - 11/21/2010 : 20:29:50
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
...more on this Malcome.. I agree about this company. There are many questions that i need to have answered. This is a steep learning curve for me as Im sure it is for everyone here... it does make such a difference when we can actually ask the hard stuff of someone who can really give some relevant input. im impressed too.....judy
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
HI Malcome...good to hear that you are starting the course of tumor x in november. it isnt cheap but if you can get around the digestive issues that can crop up then its a wonderful treatment. my daughter Nicki who had chronic fatigue many years ago is starting to feel some response from her glands already and she has only been on them for a few days. i noticed last night that one area on my lower leg where i had the fib and tib broken and reset many years ago was a bit painful...not something that i usually experience. Something was stirred up in there Im sure. I have bladder problems and arthritis as well so you never know what mnay come out of this....especially with the extra virgin olive oil... so im really hopeful...... I will keep you up to date on how im coping with it all... have a great day judy
quote: Originally posted by randolph
HELLO JUDITH...I'm thrilled to see that you are starting Tumor-X and that someone else out there is doing it. I am on the verge of doing this, just waiting to get some $$$$ together. Kelly says I will need Pack 6 which is not cheap. .....Also I like this company, I think they are about as professional as you're going to find in the alternatives arena. I especially like the fact that Kelly is there fulltime for you and is willing to talk and support you. Most of these cancer gurus and sellers of these wonderful cures are never there, or will not talk to you, let alone having any form of physical address. Having someone inhouse in a supportive role is worth a lot, and Kelly does seem to be very knowledgable with good documentation. He has been very helpful and uplifting so far.
I hope to order my protocol within a week, so hopefully I will be started by November. Also Judith I do hope you will keep us posted as to your progress with this.
Best wishes for Wellness! I am Randolph
Posted - 10/18/2010 : 19:44:00 ...more on this Malcome.. I agree about this company. There are many questions that i need to have answered. This is a steep learning curve for me as Im sure it is for everyone here... it does make such a difference when we can actually ask the hard stuff of someone who can really give some relevant input. im impressed too.....judy
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
HI Malcome...good to hear that you are starting the course of tumor x in november. it isnt cheap but if you can get around the digestive issues that can crop up then its a wonderful treatment. my daughter Nicki who had chronic fatigue many years ago is starting to feel some response from her glands already and she has only been on them for a few days. i noticed last night that one area on my lower leg where i had the fib and tib broken and reset many years ago was a bit painful...not something that i usually experience. Something was stirred up in there Im sure. I have bladder problems and arthritis as well so you never know what mnay come out of this....especially with the extra virgin olive oil... so im really hopeful...... I will keep you up to date on how im coping with it all... have a great day judy
quote: Originally posted by randolph
HELLO JUDITH...I'm thrilled to see that you are starting Tumor-X and that someone else out there is doing it. I am on the verge of doing this, just waiting to get some $$$$ together. Kelly says I will need Pack 6 which is not cheap. .....Also I like this company, I think they are about as professional as you're going to find in the alternatives arena. I especially like the fact that Kelly is there fulltime for you and is willing to talk and support you. Most of these cancer gurus and sellers of these wonderful cures are never there, or will not talk to you, let alone having any form of physical address. Having someone inhouse in a supportive role is worth a lot, and Kelly does seem to be very knowledgable with good documentation. He has been very helpful and uplifting so far.
I hope to order my protocol within a week, so hopefully I will be started by November. Also Judith I do hope you will keep us posted as to your progress with this.
Best wishes for Wellness! I am Randolph
Posted - 10/18/2010 : 19:27:29
HI Malcome...good to hear that you are starting the course of tumor x in november. it isnt cheap but if you can get around the digestive issues that can crop up then its a wonderful treatment. my daughter Nicki who had chronic fatigue many years ago is starting to feel some response from her glands already and she has only been on them for a few days. i noticed last night that one area on my lower leg where i had the fib and tib broken and reset many years ago was a bit painful...not something that i usually experience. Something was stirred up in there Im sure. I have bladder problems and arthritis as well so you never know what mnay come out of this....especially with the extra virgin olive oil... so im really hopeful...... I will keep you up to date on how im coping with it all... have a great day judy
quote: Originally posted by randolph
HELLO JUDITH...I'm thrilled to see that you are starting Tumor-X and that someone else out there is doing it. I am on the verge of doing this, just waiting to get some $$$$ together. Kelly says I will need Pack 6 which is not cheap. .....Also I like this company, I think they are about as professional as you're going to find in the alternatives arena. I especially like the fact that Kelly is there fulltime for you and is willing to talk and support you. Most of these cancer gurus and sellers of these wonderful cures are never there, or will not talk to you, let alone having any form of physical address. Having someone inhouse in a supportive role is worth a lot, and Kelly does seem to be very knowledgable with good documentation. He has been very helpful and uplifting so far.
I hope to order my protocol within a week, so hopefully I will be started by November. Also Judith I do hope you will keep us posted as to your progress with this.
Best wishes for Wellness! I am Randolph
randolph |
Posted - 10/18/2010 : 10:06:57 HELLO JUDITH...I'm thrilled to see that you are starting Tumor-X and that someone else out there is doing it. I am on the verge of doing this, just waiting to get some $$$$ together. Kelly says I will need Pack 6 which is not cheap. .....Also I like this company, I think they are about as professional as you're going to find in the alternatives arena. I especially like the fact that Kelly is there fulltime for you and is willing to talk and support you. Most of these cancer gurus and sellers of these wonderful cures are never there, or will not talk to you, let alone having any form of physical address. Having someone inhouse in a supportive role is worth a lot, and Kelly does seem to be very knowledgable with good documentation. He has been very helpful and uplifting so far.
I hope to order my protocol within a week, so hopefully I will be started by November. Also Judith I do hope you will keep us posted as to your progress with this.
Best wishes for Wellness! I am Randolph |
Posted - 10/18/2010 : 06:59:49 ....well, ive started taking the tumor x capsules today. I have a problem with indigestion and was worried thatI would have a lot of trouble trying to take these tabs...so yesterday I bought some extra virgin olive oil and started taking that orally...one dessertspoon about four times daily. Straight away i found that the indigestion left me. Ive had problems for a long time and even meds didnt help me much so i was out on a limb when i decided to use the tumor x. So...today Ive started on the olive oil...and also I had one tablet of tumor x at breakfast time and one at lunch time. im goign to just take the two daily for this week and see how my gut responds. But, having said this, im truly amazed that the olive oil has helped me so much. Mind you it has to be the extra virgin one...it really does grab the back of your throat when you take it off the spoon, and it also has a nutty flavour... Im hoping that this advice will help someone else out there who has had problems with indigestion and wants to be able to take the tumor x capsules......will let you know how it all goes......judy
quote: Originally posted by randolph
REGARDING taking Bloodroot orally, the organization "TUMOR-X" uses the oral application. Their primary protocol is based upon the use of supplemental enzymes, and then the Bloodroot is gradually added to the daily dosage. It is a bit slow going at first because one has to slowly adapt to the intake of Bloodroot in small dosages at a time working progressively up to a larger amount as their individual body & system will permit. .......Tumor-X appears to have good success for all cancers using this method with good documentation, but in some cases they will revert to the Bloodroot topical paste if results are not favorable after a reasonable length of time. These people are very professional, responsive and most helpful although their program is a bit pricey and available in different packages (levels) depending on one's needs. Checkout tumorx.com. I hope this is helpful. Be well, Randolph
Gabby |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 09:56:26 My recent experience (went to the derm yesterday morning) is that in large practices, they are pretty much restricted to the peer reviewed protocols.
My derm saw the progress against AK's on my forehead and the side of my face as a result of ongoing treatment with decolorized iodine, PAV, and Perrin's Creme Complete (a combination of a lot of good stuff, including frankincense) over the past three or four months. I got the usual inspection and spritz with liquid nitrogen where the little buggers were showing themselves. I'll probably do a round of efudex (I hate that stuff) later on in the fall or early winter.
The derm said that there are a raft of effective treatments out there that have been used for generations (she is aware of the history behind petty spurge, and the ongoing present trials, but had not heard about agrimony or frankencense), and concocted by compounding pharmacists and physicians before that age of big pharma--it is just that in her practice, as part of a nationwide non-profit, she cannot prescribe them. All of the derms around where I live see patients all day, every day--not a single one is waiting around for business. I see folks like us digging around and "relearning" information that has been largely forgotten. The power of blogs like this can be used for much good. Do your own research, and be as careful as you can be with yourself. |
mimi54 |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 08:44:39 I think most of the problem with most doctors is good ol American greed! If you can cure yourself with the use of natural remedies, then they loose out on the money made from your office visits and proceedures. They also can't prescribe medications from the pharmacutical companies from which they get perks and kickbacks. Though I believe they are necessary in certain situations, they aren't as necessary as the pharmacutical companies want you to believe they are. There is a drug for every symptom a person can have,but the focus of wellness should be on the cause of the problem and what we need to do to eliminate the cause, and not on the amount of money that can be made by doctors simply treating the symptoms.Just my opinion,lol. |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 03:06:12 ...more on this. I really do struggle with my opinion of drs. Its a hard balance. Sometimes they are really a godsend...but other times they can be a real hindrance. What upsets me a lot and makes me very defiant is that they are so intimidated by the AMA or whoever, that most of them wont get alongside and help us while we use natural treatments...for fear of losing their licence. Thats what really makes me angry in all this. I should be able to go to my dr ...tell him how I want the cancer treated, and have him be able to get alongside me with it all. I would appreciate that..but it just cant happen like that anymore.
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
I will Mimi.......ive just ordered the agrimony...and im goign to get the bloodroot tabs very soon.....judyquote: Originally posted by mimi54
Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 02:28:33 I will Mimi.......ive just ordered the agrimony...and im goign to get the bloodroot tabs very soon.....judyquote: Originally posted by mimi54
Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi
marsha |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 00:04:34 Thank you both for the info. I think maybe I'm just chicken. Or maybe it's not for me. What if you had a tumor that hit a main artery? |
randolph |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 18:44:48 REGARDING taking Bloodroot orally, the organization "TUMOR-X" uses the oral application. Their primary protocol is based upon the use of supplemental enzymes, and then the Bloodroot is gradually added to the daily dosage. It is a bit slow going at first because one has to slowly adapt to the intake of Bloodroot in small dosages at a time working progressively up to a larger amount as their individual body & system will permit. .......Tumor-X appears to have good success for all cancers using this method with good documentation, but in some cases they will revert to the Bloodroot topical paste if results are not favorable after a reasonable length of time. These people are very professional, responsive and most helpful although their program is a bit pricey and available in different packages (levels) depending on one's needs. Checkout tumorx.com. I hope this is helpful. Be well, Randolph |
Daisy |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 09:59:04 Marsha, I googled "bloodroot" and this is what I found. Just thought you may want to know. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodroot |
marsha |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 09:47:28 Judith,I wish you would take some pictures for us. Ive never heard of taking blood root internally. Did you read about that on this site? |
mimi54 |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 08:48:15 Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 02:47:09 mimi...like you, Ive had a small bcc on the side of my nose right up high, in fact its where the frames sit from my specs. I dont wear specs much, only for computering, so it wasnt due to that. I used bloodroot on it. What happened was it came out as a small 'acne' type sore... and wouldnt heal so i then treated it with the bloodroot. A cancer came out within about 8 days. its currently healing over, im hoping that the acrimony tincture that Ive just bought will help it heal. Im goign to buy some bloodroot capsules as well to take. Ive got four areas on both my face and chest where ive just gotten bcc's out, and i know that in at least one place there are still roots, so Im reallyfinding these comments very helpful. I actually saw roots under the bcc that came out of the top of my cheek where the old scar is..... thanks for your input and to everyone else here. its so good. ive just ordered some acrimony. i think i remember just looking very quickly at the book called Back to Eden" many years ago. I may have a friend who has it in her possession. Im goign to see if she has it and whether she will lend it for a while. I think, in the light of my skin problems, that its going to be quite enlightening. judy
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
Marsha....Where is your skin cancer located on your body? How long have you had it? Was a biopsy done on it? Is it an open wound at this time or closed? Did you get the Agrimony you ordered yet? Have you tried it? I did a lot of research online about skin cancer when I was dealing with it. It kept the stress down somewhat to be informed about it. Mine was located on the side of my nose where the top of my nostril met the bridge. Watching which way the cancer was destroying cells, I figured I was pretty safe for awhile except I knew that I would have a visible scar in a very noticable place on my face.I can hardly even see it now.... Agrimony was an an answer to my prayers, and I pray now that it can also help others like me. Only way to find out is to keep in touch with others who try it.
Daisy |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 11:26:32 Hi Gabby, For the first few weeks, I applied both Bach Flower Essence Agrimony and Young Living Frankincense both morning and night along with an anti-bacterial cream and a bandaid while sleeping. I continue to apply Frankincense every morning and night along with Scargo to help reduce the scar it left. In further research, I found that a biopsy (curtage electrodessication) has a 90% cure rate and that the healing of gets rid of any residual bcc that is left. |