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17 Posts |
Posted - 06/20/2010 : 12:44:06
I had been reading from this forum when I was in search of a natural cure for Basal Cell skin cancer. I do not have health insurance, I am a natural redhead, and I did have a severe sunburn in my late teens. Three years ago I scrathed an itchy spot on the side of my nose open and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal. I thought it must have been sun poisoning which I get every year during the first hot days of the season, so I wasn't too concerned. I used peroxide on it and eventualy it scabbed over. Several months later it was open and bleeding again, and again I had a hard time getting it to heal. Over and over, every several months. Once I was out in public and had a small round bandaid on the wound and a man approached me and told me he had a basal cell removed from the same spot on his, I started researching on the computer about skin cancer. No pictures matched what my sore looked like at first, but I had to admit that I was a perfect candidate for skin cancer. After it healed over that time, I recognized it as Basal Cell by the pearly bump that had formed. I was horrified! I didn't have the money to go see a doctor and have biopsies and all of that. From everything I read, at that point I didn't want to lose any more of my nose than the scar already covered. I started looking for something I could do myself, which led me to this forum. I used Cymilium when it opened and oozed again. It burned and became irritated and the oozing wouldn't stop. When it healed over, there were now 2 Basal bumps. Then one night I gently rubbed my nose and the skin caved in and I had a 1/16" hole that oozed slightly smaller in diameter than an eraserhead. OMG! I was packing to move when I came across a book I forgot I had which was originaly written in 1939 on homopathic natural cures. There was only one small blurb about skin cancer where it mentioned that AGRIMONY cures skin cancer. So I went to my local health food store and picked up a $14.00 bottle of Agrimony(Bach Essential Flower Essence),and the first 3 drops I applied directly to the wound stopped the oozing and soothed the discomfort.I did the same thing 3 times a day for a week and it never oozed, bled, itched,and over a year later has NEVER COME BACK!!!! I really hopes this info helps. I wish I had found this book earlier,but if it helps other people, then it was worth the divit I will always have in the side of my nose. I still can't believe it was that simple!
611 Posts |
Posted - 06/21/2010 : 00:55:02
Wow, thanks mimi54, that's a great result! That sounds really easy! I suppose it is possible that a combination of Cymilium and Agrimony is needed to cure skin cancer, but let's hope agrimony is found to work on its own. This adds to our plant based skin cancer treatment arsenal that includes petty spurge, bloodroot, dandelion, orange oil, and eggplant.
Agrimony is a yellow flowering perennial. From Agrimony has a long history of medicinal use. The English poet Michael Drayton once hailed it as an "all-heal," and through the ages it did seem to be a panacea. The ancient Greeks used Agrimony to treat eye ailments, and it was made into brews to cure diarrhea and disorders of the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. Anglo-Saxons made a solution from the leaves and seeds for healing wounds; this use continued through the Middle Ages and afterward, in a preparation called eau d'arquebusade, or "musket-shot water." Later, agrimony was prescribed for athlete's foot. In the United States and Canada, and late into the 19th century,the plant was prescribed for skin diseases, asthma, coughs, and gynecological complaints, and as a gargling solution for sore throats.
It is noteworthy that agrimony was used as a treatment for athlete's foot because that means it must have anti fungal properties. One theory here is that skin cancer is promoted by underlying fungal infections.
Bach Agrimony appears to be widely available including and |
61 Posts |
Posted - 06/25/2010 : 15:17:29
I have been looking up agrimony on the net and found something confirmatory on a site called Mamaherb. There may also be something in a book called Prescription for Herbal Healing. I haven't checked the latter yet. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 06/26/2010 : 12:55:09
Thanks trudie! Here is the link about agrimony for skin cancer at Mamaherb: Notice that the remedy there is an oral treatment so it is a little different than mimi54's topical treatment.
"Boil 50 Gms of finely pulverized aerial parts of Agrimony in 250 ml of water for 30 minutes. Strain and drink the Agrimony aerial extracts twice daily for six months along with conventional treatments. The prognosis of Skin cancer is considerably improved in six months of treatment with Agrimony aerial extracts." |
61 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2010 : 20:02:39
Thank you for printing the link; I am still a bit technologically-challenged. I just bought the Bach flower remedy of agrimony. I don't know if it is aerial essence. All it says is for relief of naturally occurring nervous tension. and that it helps communicate one's true feelings. Hmmm. I hope there are some others out there who have used this. |
61 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2010 : 20:06:37
Mimi, do you know the title and author of that book on natural cures? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 06/27/2010 : 21:32:20
Hi Trudie, The name of the book is BACK TO EDEN written by a Jethro Kloss. I have referred to this book for all kinds of things in the past, and it has been an absolute wealth of knowlege. I wish I had thought about it when I first showed symptoms, but I didn't know for sure what I was dealing with until it was too late. Yes, It says right on the bottle that Agrimony is for the relief of natural occurring nervous tension. What dawned on me when I read it was that some other natural means I have read about of treating not only skin cancer, but other kinds of cancer as well, are also recommended for calming nerves. Maybe there is a connection??? If I were into cancer research I would probably follow that path. I wasn't sure if Agrimony would work without taking it internally, but the woman at the health food store said she rubbed it on her infant from time to time to help him relax. I just used the eye dropper that came with the bottle and applied it directly to the sore. I was expecting it to burn, but it didn't, and the oozing stopped immediately. Being as I had no directions on how often to use it,I figured that I would just use it a few times a day for awhile and see what happened. No oozing, no itching, no redness or pain.I was so excited I told all my friends and family who were also concerned about me, but I waited a long time before posting the results on this forum because I wanted to be sure it worked. It did for me, and I pray others will have the same results. Good luck! |
611 Posts |
Posted - 06/29/2010 : 01:14:36
Here is a public domain illustration of the agrimony plant from Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany.
 79.77 KB |
61 Posts |
Posted - 07/05/2010 : 09:52:35
Mimi, thanks so much for your reply. I have started applying it for almost a week now. My BCC was not oozing; it had bled once before I had it biopsied in May. Now it just looks like a sore spot on my chin. Do you Know how long it takes to heal? |
61 Posts |
Posted - 07/05/2010 : 10:13:27
On the mamaherb site there are 140 home remedies listed for skin cancer,and also how many people have been helped. The cure known as juniper had the highest result of 13 out of 13 people being helped. It has to be made by using the leaves of a cedar tree and is described on the site. |
17 Posts |
Posted - 07/06/2010 : 08:13:41
Hi Trudie Don't know how long it would take yours to heal using Agrimony as mine was oozing for quite some time before I tried it, so it was an open wound at the time. |
61 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2010 : 09:52:55
HI again Mimi, I thought of another question regarding agrimony. I gather you had not had a biopsy; is it possible you were not treating a skin cancer? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2010 : 13:36:41
Hi Trudie, At first I wasn't sure what it was because I didn't notice a spot or a mark on the side of my nose before it itched and I scratched it open. Then it wouldn't heal... As this kept happening, all I could find about a wound that would not heal that matched what I was going through was skin cancer or diabetes. Other wounds on my body healed quickly...all but this one. Then I met a doctor who had a basal cell removed from his nose in the same spot at a show we were doing in Ca. He looked at it and said it was exactly what he had, and that he went through the same things I was going through before he had it removed. So I looked up basal cell skin cancer, and I was the perfect candidate, but I didn't notice a pearly bump....not until the next time it healed up and there it was! From everything I read about it...the itching/burning sensation, the location, the size, the color, the pearl-like bump,the oozing, I didn't need a biopsy at that point to know what it was. I started looking into health insurance so I could get it removed, but we are self-employed artists and there was no way we could fit it into our budget.I was happy it hadn't opened up again and just covered it with makeup to hide the scar, but when it opened up again I realized it wasn't just sitting there doing was desroying the skin cells beneath the pearly bump and left a good sized oozing hole that would not heal. If it wasn't basal cell skin cancer, I sure don't know what else it could have been. I hope this helps you. good luck |
61 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 12:20:42
Thanks again, Mimi. I also live in NC and am an artist. If you would care to correspond, my email is in the profile. |
122 Posts |
Posted - 07/11/2010 : 21:41:55
I ordered Agrimony tincture and 1 pound of dried herb for tea.Still waiting. Im also an artist/screen printer. |
17 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2010 : 00:50:05
Marsha...Good luck with the Agrimony. Let us know how it works for you. My husband and I make fine quality jewelry out of natural stone and sterling silver, as well as fossil and stone home decor and giftware. We do fine art and craft shows all over the country...mostly outdoors..and I wear a hat and sunscreen when I need to be in the sun. Other than that I try to avoid the sun whenever I can. I would like to think the reason we go through things like BCC is to help others learn from our experience. I hope Agrimony works as well for you as it did for me, and for anyone else who happens to hear about it. Let us know. |
64 Posts |
Posted - 07/19/2010 : 13:00:54
After reading the info about agrimony I decided to give it a try on my (biopsied) basal cell on my face. I've tried a number of natural remedies in the past couple of years, and it has continued to grow, despite some treatments seeming to work at first.
It was at the open wound, tormenting me night and day, oozing, bleeding, etc. stage again when I first tried the agrimony almost two weeks ago. I got some bulk organic agrimony at the local health food store, and a bottle of the Bach's liquid agrimony. I made a strong tea with some of the dried agrimony, then saturated a cotton pad with it an held it to the bc site for several minutes at a time. It does stop the bleeding immediately, and it soothes the burning while the tea-saturated cotton is making contact. I keep the tea in a glass jar in the fridge and do the saturated cotton pad treatment several times a day.
After a couple of days it stopped oozing and bleeding completely. The Bach's has alcohol in it and burns really bad, and instead of soothing it like the tea does, it irritates it. So I went back and got a larger quantity of agrimony bulk and continued the tea treatments. I also started drinking a cup of the tea every day.
The last few days the bc site has become covered in white spots, and has become painful like a pressure behind the wound. I stopped the tea/cotton pad treatments over the weekend, and just continued to drink it, and it helped to give it a break. I started using the cotton pad treatment again last night, and the white spots are starting to come off like dead skin peeling.
I made a concoction of organic grapeseed oil, organic coconut oil, and a few drops of lavender essential oil to apply over the weekend, and now between tea treatments. It has soothed it enough to sleep through the night, too (which rarely happens).
I hope others using the agrimony have positive results. I'm hoping and praying that this rids me of the bc once and for all.
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
Hi Trudie Don't know how long it would take yours to heal using Agrimony as mine was oozing for quite some time before I tried it, so it was an open wound at the time.
61 Posts |
Posted - 07/19/2010 : 13:32:09
Grace, thanks for your input. I hadn't realized one could buy agrimony in bulk. I will look for it. It sounds like you are having some success. What type of basal cell do you have? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 07/19/2010 : 13:45:08
Hi Grace Please keep us posted as to your results. My cancer was down through several layers of skin before I discovered the info on Agrimony and bought the Bach remedy. Mine was oozing but was not bleeding anymore so I had no discomfort from the alcohol in the tincture. Before I tried it mine itched and burned really bad, and the Bachs soothed it immediately and stopped the discomfort as well as the oozing. I hope that no matter which way you use it that it works as well for you as it has for me. Please keep us all informed of your progress. |
122 Posts |
Posted - 08/16/2010 : 23:15:31
grace2Go, Those sound like the white spots I've had with curaderm and petty spurge.I was thinking they are the basil cell roots.I think that what ever one uses they have to use it with out a break until the white spots are gone or the wound heals while still using what ever it is your using. That's just my own opinion.
64 Posts |
Posted - 08/17/2010 : 10:53:06
Marsha, It does seem like white spots are the roots, and once it comes out that area begins to heal. I have white spots of various sizes, some very small that come out overnight once they surface, but also larger ones that are peeling off a layer at a time. The severe itching seems to signal a white spot, or colony of them beginning to surface. Then when they come out the itching stops in that spot.
I'm still drinking a cup of agrimony each morning, in addition to applying it with a cotton pad as many times a day as I can. I've found that by keeping a small jar of the tea in the fridge and using it for a cold compress increases the soothing time.
I've had my bcc for almost 7 years, so it's taking some time to get rid of it. My regular Dr. is pushing me to have it cut out, and is very upset with me for using alternative treatments. Yet he said it does look much better, and has noticed the improvement.
quote: Originally posted by marsha
grace2Go, Those sound like the white spots I've had with curaderm and petty spurge.I was thinking they are the basil cell roots.I think that what ever one uses they have to use it with out a break until the white spots are gone or the wound heals while still using what ever it is your using. That's just my own opinion.
122 Posts |
Posted - 08/18/2010 : 21:19:23
I wish I could find a doc that would see me as needed. So then If things got to deep I'd just say "OK cut" with a plastic surgeon.That's my main fear about taking it to deep. What if I hit an artery? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 00:40:36
Marsha....Where is your skin cancer located on your body? How long have you had it? Was a biopsy done on it? Is it an open wound at this time or closed? Did you get the Agrimony you ordered yet? Have you tried it? I did a lot of research online about skin cancer when I was dealing with it. It kept the stress down somewhat to be informed about it. Mine was located on the side of my nose where the top of my nostril met the bridge. Watching which way the cancer was destroying cells, I figured I was pretty safe for awhile except I knew that I would have a visible scar in a very noticable place on my face.I can hardly even see it now.... Agrimony was an an answer to my prayers, and I pray now that it can also help others like me. Only way to find out is to keep in touch with others who try it. |
122 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 10:28:06
mimi54,I got the agramony,in bulk. I made a strong tea. About 4 cups of tea boiled down to about 1 cup of liquid. I keep it in the refrigerator. Ive been drinking some everyday, Ive washed my face with it. But I haven't held it on my spots. There are a lot of pictures of me on the petty spurge site. My petty spurge(wounds)have actually healed very nicely.I was biopsied with ssc on my nostril. I used Curaderm on that one, it almost went through the nostril. That was about 4 years ago and I have had no recurrence.I had moes on the side of my noes 22 years ago. I have some spots above my lip that are worrying me, and my nose still has a spot on the other side. |
17 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 11:18:59
Marsha....When I used Agrimony I used the tincture straight from the bottle onto the open sore which had been oozing for over a week at that time. It immediately stopped the oozing and itching and pain. It was the Bach Essential flower essence. It cost $14.00 at the health food store. I used it several times a day for over a week..just a couple of drops at a time. It healed up and never came back. Another person in the forum made a tea from leaves and applied it to the open wound because the alcohol in the liquid tincture seemed to irritate her wound. She liked it better that way and said she was getting good results as well. I don't know how to pull up your photos and look at them...I tried. I would think that the Bach remedy may be stronger than making a tea from leaves, but if the oil irritates the area, then applying tea would be my next choice. To drink the tea as well is a good idea. I wouldn't be afraid to use the oil or the tea directly on the affected area as I did. Mine was so irritated at the time I did it that if the alcohol played a part in irritating it more it wouldn't have mattered......but amazingly enough I can't remember if I had that reaction or not at the time I first used it. All I remember is that the oozing stopped at once.....and I seem to recall that that the itching an pain stopped shortly after the first application. The cancer had eaten through the layers of the flesh that would bleed at that time, and was down to just oozing. |
170 Posts |
Posted - 08/19/2010 : 13:41:17
I think I'll also buy some bulk Agrimony. I plan to make small "ice cubes" of very strong tea to use as needed. Just an idea. |
4 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2010 : 10:57:13
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
I had been reading from this forum when I was in search of a natural cure for Basal Cell skin cancer. I do not have health insurance, I am a natural redhead, and I did have a severe sunburn in my late teens. Three years ago I scrathed an itchy spot on the side of my nose open and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal. I thought it must have been sun poisoning which I get every year during the first hot days of the season, so I wasn't too concerned. I used peroxide on it and eventualy it scabbed over. Several months later it was open and bleeding again, and again I had a hard time getting it to heal. Over and over, every several months. Once I was out in public and had a small round bandaid on the wound and a man approached me and told me he had a basal cell removed from the same spot on his, I started researching on the computer about skin cancer. No pictures matched what my sore looked like at first, but I had to admit that I was a perfect candidate for skin cancer. After it healed over that time, I recognized it as Basal Cell by the pearly bump that had formed. I was horrified! I didn't have the money to go see a doctor and have biopsies and all of that. From everything I read, at that point I didn't want to lose any more of my nose than the scar already covered. I started looking for something I could do myself, which led me to this forum. I used Cymilium when it opened and oozed again. It burned and became irritated and the oozing wouldn't stop. When it healed over, there were now 2 Basal bumps. Then one night I gently rubbed my nose and the skin caved in and I had a 1/16" hole that oozed slightly smaller in diameter than an eraserhead. OMG! I was packing to move when I came across a book I forgot I had which was originaly written in 1939 on homopathic natural cures. There was only one small blurb about skin cancer where it mentioned that AGRIMONY cures skin cancer. So I went to my local health food store and picked up a $14.00 bottle of Agrimony(Bach Essential Flower Essence),and the first 3 drops I applied directly to the wound stopped the oozing and soothed the discomfort.I did the same thing 3 times a day for a week and it never oozed, bled, itched,and over a year later has NEVER COME BACK!!!! I really hopes this info helps. I wish I had found this book earlier,but if it helps other people, then it was worth the divit I will always have in the side of my nose. I still can't believe it was that simple!
20 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2010 : 23:46:48
hi there mimi54. I know that im a bit late reading this and sending a reply to you but i wanted to know.....would this work on a basal cell carcinoma that was still intact?? i have a lump on my forehead that i know is a basal cell carcinoma. Ive had a few on my cheek and used bloodroot on them. this is left some scarring and i was wondering whether this treatment may help me as well. Ive got a scarred area with a scab where a carcinoma was treated a few weeks ago... and i think there is still some cancer underneath that wasnt dealt with. i would be really interested to know what your thoughts are on this one. How did you go eventually?? are you still happy with your results, or have you had more issues?? chessie62
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
I had been reading from this forum when I was in search of a natural cure for Basal Cell skin cancer. I do not have health insurance, I am a natural redhead, and I did have a severe sunburn in my late teens. Three years ago I scrathed an itchy spot on the side of my nose open and I had a heck of a time getting it to heal. I thought it must have been sun poisoning which I get every year during the first hot days of the season, so I wasn't too concerned. I used peroxide on it and eventualy it scabbed over. Several months later it was open and bleeding again, and again I had a hard time getting it to heal. Over and over, every several months. Once I was out in public and had a small round bandaid on the wound and a man approached me and told me he had a basal cell removed from the same spot on his, I started researching on the computer about skin cancer. No pictures matched what my sore looked like at first, but I had to admit that I was a perfect candidate for skin cancer. After it healed over that time, I recognized it as Basal Cell by the pearly bump that had formed. I was horrified! I didn't have the money to go see a doctor and have biopsies and all of that. From everything I read, at that point I didn't want to lose any more of my nose than the scar already covered. I started looking for something I could do myself, which led me to this forum. I used Cymilium when it opened and oozed again. It burned and became irritated and the oozing wouldn't stop. When it healed over, there were now 2 Basal bumps. Then one night I gently rubbed my nose and the skin caved in and I had a 1/16" hole that oozed slightly smaller in diameter than an eraserhead. OMG! I was packing to move when I came across a book I forgot I had which was originaly written in 1939 on homopathic natural cures. There was only one small blurb about skin cancer where it mentioned that AGRIMONY cures skin cancer. So I went to my local health food store and picked up a $14.00 bottle of Agrimony(Bach Essential Flower Essence),and the first 3 drops I applied directly to the wound stopped the oozing and soothed the discomfort.I did the same thing 3 times a day for a week and it never oozed, bled, itched,and over a year later has NEVER COME BACK!!!! I really hopes this info helps. I wish I had found this book earlier,but if it helps other people, then it was worth the divit I will always have in the side of my nose. I still can't believe it was that simple!
17 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 08:10:18
Hi Judith Agrimony is safe to use on an open lesion as was my case, and in reading about it is used for all kinds of skin dieases. I am sure it wouldn't hurt to use it on a spot that hasn't opened yet and see. Some of the readers in this forum have also made a tea from the leaves and drank it to help cure the cancer from the inside as well. My cancer has never come back, and my scar is hardly noticable. Mine was 3 years along at the time I used the Agrimony, so the damage was pretty extensive. If I were you I would definitely use it on the scar caused by your previous episode a few times a day for awhile, and try it on the bumps as well. If any of your bumps open up, use it right away on the open lesions.I hope it did for me.I have had no more issues..... |
4 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 09:20:38
In August of this year, I had a biopsy done on my cheek. It turned out to be bcc. I found Mimi on this forum and immediately started using Agrimony as well as Frankincence. It has completely healed and is hardly noticable. I am still using Frankinsence everyday as well as Scaro to help diminish the small scar. Immunologist Dr. Mahmoud Suhail and a speaker at the Young Living convention stated, "Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted. It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. Frankinsense separates the 'brain' of the cancerous cell-the nucleus-from the 'body'.-the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it from reproducing corrupted DNA codes." He says, "Working with frankincense could revolutionize treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherpy, doctors blast area around a tumor to kill cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could eradicate cancerous cells alone and let the others live." Source:
I want to thank Mimi and Dr. Suhail for sharing their experience and research on the matter. Bless you!
21 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 09:56:07
How did you apply what I presume was an essential oil of frankinsence, along with the agrimony.
quote: Originally posted by Daisy
In August of this year, I had a biopsy done on my cheek. It turned out to be bcc. I found Mimi on this forum and immediately started using Agrimony as well as Frankincence. It has completely healed and is hardly noticable. I am still using Frankinsence everyday as well as Scaro to help diminish the small scar. Immunologist Dr. Mahmoud Suhail and a speaker at the Young Living convention stated, "Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted. It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. Frankinsense separates the 'brain' of the cancerous cell-the nucleus-from the 'body'.-the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it from reproducing corrupted DNA codes." He says, "Working with frankincense could revolutionize treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherpy, doctors blast area around a tumor to kill cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could eradicate cancerous cells alone and let the others live." Source:
I want to thank Mimi and Dr. Suhail for sharing their experience and research on the matter. Bless you!
4 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2010 : 11:26:32
Hi Gabby, For the first few weeks, I applied both Bach Flower Essence Agrimony and Young Living Frankincense both morning and night along with an anti-bacterial cream and a bandaid while sleeping. I continue to apply Frankincense every morning and night along with Scargo to help reduce the scar it left. In further research, I found that a biopsy (curtage electrodessication) has a 90% cure rate and that the healing of gets rid of any residual bcc that is left. |
20 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 02:47:09
| you, Ive had a small bcc on the side of my nose right up high, in fact its where the frames sit from my specs. I dont wear specs much, only for computering, so it wasnt due to that. I used bloodroot on it. What happened was it came out as a small 'acne' type sore... and wouldnt heal so i then treated it with the bloodroot. A cancer came out within about 8 days. its currently healing over, im hoping that the acrimony tincture that Ive just bought will help it heal. Im goign to buy some bloodroot capsules as well to take. Ive got four areas on both my face and chest where ive just gotten bcc's out, and i know that in at least one place there are still roots, so Im reallyfinding these comments very helpful. I actually saw roots under the bcc that came out of the top of my cheek where the old scar is..... thanks for your input and to everyone else here. its so good. ive just ordered some acrimony. i think i remember just looking very quickly at the book called Back to Eden" many years ago. I may have a friend who has it in her possession. Im goign to see if she has it and whether she will lend it for a while. I think, in the light of my skin problems, that its going to be quite enlightening. judy
quote: Originally posted by mimi54
Marsha....Where is your skin cancer located on your body? How long have you had it? Was a biopsy done on it? Is it an open wound at this time or closed? Did you get the Agrimony you ordered yet? Have you tried it? I did a lot of research online about skin cancer when I was dealing with it. It kept the stress down somewhat to be informed about it. Mine was located on the side of my nose where the top of my nostril met the bridge. Watching which way the cancer was destroying cells, I figured I was pretty safe for awhile except I knew that I would have a visible scar in a very noticable place on my face.I can hardly even see it now.... Agrimony was an an answer to my prayers, and I pray now that it can also help others like me. Only way to find out is to keep in touch with others who try it.
17 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 08:48:15
Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi |
122 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2010 : 09:47:28
Judith,I wish you would take some pictures for us. Ive never heard of taking blood root internally. Did you read about that on this site? |
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27 Posts |
122 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 00:04:34
Thank you both for the info. I think maybe I'm just chicken. Or maybe it's not for me. What if you had a tumor that hit a main artery? |
20 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 02:28:33
I will Mimi.......ive just ordered the agrimony...and im goign to get the bloodroot tabs very soon.....judyquote: Originally posted by mimi54
Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi
20 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 03:06:12
...more on this. I really do struggle with my opinion of drs. Its a hard balance. Sometimes they are really a godsend...but other times they can be a real hindrance. What upsets me a lot and makes me very defiant is that they are so intimidated by the AMA or whoever, that most of them wont get alongside and help us while we use natural treatments...for fear of losing their licence. Thats what really makes me angry in all this. I should be able to go to my dr ...tell him how I want the cancer treated, and have him be able to get alongside me with it all. I would appreciate that..but it just cant happen like that anymore.
quote: Originally posted by JUDY_CH
I will Mimi.......ive just ordered the agrimony...and im goign to get the bloodroot tabs very soon.....judyquote: Originally posted by mimi54
Good luck Judy and keep us informed. The only way we know for sure if these natural oils work is for people to keep us all informed of thier progress. It would really be great if people didn't have to spend a great deal of money getting these cells surgically removed, especially if caught early enough to where natural meathods didn't even leave a scar. So, let us know......Mimi
17 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 08:44:39
I think most of the problem with most doctors is good ol American greed! If you can cure yourself with the use of natural remedies, then they loose out on the money made from your office visits and proceedures. They also can't prescribe medications from the pharmacutical companies from which they get perks and kickbacks. Though I believe they are necessary in certain situations, they aren't as necessary as the pharmacutical companies want you to believe they are. There is a drug for every symptom a person can have,but the focus of wellness should be on the cause of the problem and what we need to do to eliminate the cause, and not on the amount of money that can be made by doctors simply treating the symptoms.Just my opinion,lol. |
21 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2010 : 09:56:26
My recent experience (went to the derm yesterday morning) is that in large practices, they are pretty much restricted to the peer reviewed protocols.
My derm saw the progress against AK's on my forehead and the side of my face as a result of ongoing treatment with decolorized iodine, PAV, and Perrin's Creme Complete (a combination of a lot of good stuff, including frankincense) over the past three or four months. I got the usual inspection and spritz with liquid nitrogen where the little buggers were showing themselves. I'll probably do a round of efudex (I hate that stuff) later on in the fall or early winter.
The derm said that there are a raft of effective treatments out there that have been used for generations (she is aware of the history behind petty spurge, and the ongoing present trials, but had not heard about agrimony or frankencense), and concocted by compounding pharmacists and physicians before that age of big pharma--it is just that in her practice, as part of a nationwide non-profit, she cannot prescribe them. All of the derms around where I live see patients all day, every day--not a single one is waiting around for business. I see folks like us digging around and "relearning" information that has been largely forgotten. The power of blogs like this can be used for much good. Do your own research, and be as careful as you can be with yourself. |
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