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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bonder Posted - 12/30/2011 : 20:44:05



48   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bonder Posted - 09/01/2013 : 15:34:41

Camelot seems to think they are a great alternative to the typical options...

I dont get here as much as I used to so, I built a (live chat) in case some of us like the idea of bouncing ideas off each other and not waiting for responses....

Be Well Always,


Dave2001 Posted - 08/26/2013 : 03:03:32
bonder, thank you for sharing so many information and thoughts !
A lot of things I've red related to 'healthcare system' are mind-boggling.
Of course I wish you as much as possible positive attitude and emotions in order to finish the battle in the best way.

BTW did anyone found some useful info on laetril+DMSO creme?
Thomas Haugen Posted - 06/29/2013 : 09:52:39
Bonder, too early to tell? Some people here seem to diagnose with orange oil - if it stings you've still got it.

Some of mine healed completely and then started erupting again at the edges. The only way I can tell is to wait till it bleeds or sloughs. If it doesn't bleed or slough, I assume I nailed it.

bonder Posted - 06/29/2013 : 09:17:25
Hey All,

Well, it seems to matter what I look like these days so, I was wondering if anyone thinks the tumor area recently diagnosed as a (BASIL) tumor is starting to fill-in or are the raised areas just small tumors growing once again ?
I'll try and get these pics going...
Be Well Always,

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bonder Posted - 02/04/2013 : 08:16:22
Hey Thomas, Good To Hear From You !

I guess my messages are not as revealing as I thought lol...

"For me, I was not very happy to see several bumps start to grow within the cavern left after cutting away a single bump beforehand."

This was meant to show that I went my own direction after the complete failure of the cavemen cutting away at the original tumor and then starting multiple smaller tumors within the cavern they left on my face.

Actually, I am doing quite well according to others I speak with from time to time about it as things seem to be healing up nicely.

Greetings JulyPanda.

The answer to your question is basically: (ANOTHER FAILURE OF THE CAVEMEN).

Due to my father becoming quite ill, I was forced to start taking medication for my seizures that I had since I was a kid but, had learned about diet change with help from some adult friends and was probably one of ten people in the United states with my seizure types that were not on medications.

In order to care for him and drive back and forth to help him, I needed the safety net of the medication just in case when I started crying in the car on my way home after seeing him becoming a skinny and frail old man, my electric reactions became overwhelming.

The problem was, due to my size and some other calculations, I was prescribed about 60% more medication than I actually needed and so as the years went by, I became more and more of an aggressive/worried halfwit and this went on for over ten year even past the time of dad's death.

The tumor on my face just did not bother me very much because life became more of just being able to eat,dress and pay bills late all the time after dealing with my dad's legal and medical issues.

Until one day through the fog, I decided to get onto the internet to study seizure medications...

I was able to find out enough evidence that perhaps (over-medication) was worth checking out and so because I lived alone and had just sold my house making a tidy sum before the crash, I lowered my levels of the one medication until the fog had cleared.

Now I was able to walk downstairs and remember why I went there once again, there were no more uncontrollable reactions anymore and my neighbors that were going out of their way to harass me while I was down quit... because they once again saw in my eyes that I would not tolerate
terrorism. I also bought a dog to warn me about intruders in my yard area.

I realize this sounds fantastic but while I was trading stocks on the net one day, my laptop was not able to sell after a huge buy and I lost thousands of dollars in a day.

A greeting with a smile came onto my screen saying hello...

Also, my mail box was broken into and a false police report was filed against me for alleged burglary. (No court date was ever filed).

This helpful process I started took about 3 weeks to a month after lowering the dosage.

Then, I looked into the mirror and the vast ugliness had meaning to me...

So, I decided to study cancer,came to this website, began
and took pictures of the process to demonstrate how once again modern medicine had failed due to the physicians trained in the USA medical schools that were all enhanced by the Carnegie and the Rockerfeller families making millions on medications.

This is why only now are we learning via the internet, that lack of vitamins both the legal ones and the (illegal) vitamins are often times the answers to our medical problems....

Vitamin deficits along with the corporate food garbage Dr Blaylock speaks of on the website, makes me wonder what children will look like in the next 20 years if things do not change ?

The pics on the website are gross but, I felt people should see the process they were in for if they did this at home naturally.

The two recent videos I just posted for viewing truly help demonstrate what ascorbate can do and what angiogenisis is all about...

THE WAR ON THE WEAK!" target="_blank">!

Be Well Always,

julypanda Posted - 02/04/2013 : 05:17:36

Just curious why you let the skin cancer get so large before treating??

The scar does look wonderful considering what you started with....
Thomas Haugen Posted - 02/04/2013 : 00:09:10
Bonder, Ups and downs, eh? Story of my cancer fight too. It seems to be licked and then it pops back up.

You shouldn't be surprised considering the size of your SCC. The black salve killed most of it, right? No surprise a few cells at the bottom of the lesion escaped and are now multiplying. I feel for you man, but you seem to have found the correct lifestyle and treatment regimen to eventually succeed.

I wish you all the best.

bonder Posted - 02/03/2013 : 13:31:30
Greetings All...

I thought I would chime in once again after scanning the web for more Cancer developments.
These last two youtube videos talk about vitamin C and how Ascorbate really seems to make quite a difference in Cancer patients that were even so severe that doctors would not operate...

The video about Angiogenisis is somewhat technical but still very informative.
The other video is from a more (regular) speaker that works with a clinic that has been using IVC vitamin C treatments since 1994.

I would have never known that one needed 400 times more vitamin C in the blood stream than is usually recommended in order to kill a tumor unless I watched this stuff. Or that many Oncologists won't use a multiphasic approach including IVC because they are afraid of it negating their precious chemo due to what seems like very old information.
( I still think it should be illegal for oncologists to get a commission on the chemo-drugs they prescribe).

There is no doubt in my mind that a person needs to adjust their diet, try the most simple and less painful approaches first and then move up in aggressiveness if needed in order to avoid the knives of the cavemen.

Question : If your child needed to be swimming in a pool everyday, would you rather have them in liquid filled with microscopic cancer cells that were loosened by an incision or, some orange oil that might be floating around ?

For me, I was not very happy to see several bumps start to grow within the cavern left after cutting away a single bump beforehand.

It does not surprise me that many people have more cancer in their families than others do.
After all, most of us eat quite often the same as our parents did and sometimes like their Grand Parents. I know I did...

Be Well Always,


bonder Posted - 11/10/2012 : 07:35:34

Saturday Oct 27, 2012 ( -- Linus Pauling Institute this month cited a report in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition as suggesting that the currently recommended dietary allowance or RDA of vitamin C should be more than doubled to increase from 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men to 200 mg per day for adults.

In my opinion, not only is the world going to have to accept cannabis for the CB2 receptors but also recognize that with less natural protection from the sun, we need more internal vitamin C....

Winter is coming so, avoid the blues with vitamin D !!!

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 11/07/2012 : 09:12:14
So, Anyone Thinking About Cannabis ?

Looks like Colorado And Washington are.

The idea of cannabis came across me in my youth but, these days there is just too much evidence in cannabinoid receptors to ignore...

There seems to be a (perfect-fit) demonstrated in the video and although I am sure Big Pharma does not want too good of a treatment out there, perhaps they will just applaud the use of (potpills) for the sick....

It has spurred an idea in me to ask around the seizure world for what have been some results ?

I remember weed as being a way to get too tired too early but, perhaps a regulated dose can (dim-down) the receptors like the video indicates just enough to make things better.

Making epileptics less afraid and more productive would be reason enough for the govt research in my opinion.

As I put onto with videos,Cancer may also be a reason to use the plant.

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 11/05/2012 : 08:20:56

As Tom says, few folks here have an agenda....
If you ever eat canned foods or go to a chinese take-out, I would take an hour with your favorite beverage and watch what a neurosurgeon has to say about our sneaky American food system and then look around for things about vaccines. This video has gone dark on so, I'll have to fix it.

As a person with various seizures since childhood, I made some guesses about fast food etc based upon my studies and lived most of my life without medication due to diet change...

Dr Russell Blaylock (Author)" target="_blank">

Be Well Always,


Thomas Haugen Posted - 09/28/2012 : 07:54:30
susanc, welcome to this forum. Each of us does our own research, some in great depth and other persons don't have that much time. As with any info on the 'net you need to do your own research to verify a particular regimen is valid and appropriate for you. Unlike some other forums, few people here have any agenda other than to find the best treatment for their skin cancers.

susanc Posted - 09/28/2012 : 04:22:11
Is this post is based on the research done? However,it is very much informative.Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
bonder Posted - 09/18/2012 : 22:09:43
Well Anivoc,

There is no one here that can say you don't have (juevos americanos) for everything you have tried lol...

After the research and listening to Alpha Omega's Man (Caton) explain his theory on how Black Salve works,
I felt the salve with the B-17 I was dosing would bring me along the lines of Dr Budwig's approaches using the cottage cheese daily. This is why I still feel if a person wants to really heal up, they need the full body approach.

It amazes me that I let myself become over-medicated by a brain quack and take too many seizure meds that dulled me after so many decades without any but, I guess that is the price we can pay for loyalty to our loved ones when they become ill like I did. I sure have cleared up recently thank goodness...

I have for many years been a very strong opponent against too much mfgr sugars and fats.

Personally,I feel Americans are now facing the hardest medical opponents in the history of our country and cannot believe that Phy-ed has been allowed to be taken out of our public school systems.

A couple of weeks ago one of my older friends underwent brain surgery for a sudden subdural hematoma episode and the nurses could not believe the short recovery time he employed. He at 67 was still eating home cooked meals and was taking his supplements daily.

We all cannot go to the natural food store all the time for less pesticides but, we can surely boil our carrots so we don't need to worry as much.

As weird as she looks, I have to wonder if this gal is on to something ?!

Thanx for your response.

Be Well Always,

anivoc Posted - 09/18/2012 : 14:03:03
Yo Bonder

Totally your call and you are right that your wound is in a majorly awkward place.

Keeping the wound covered and moist so no scab forms has two advantages the first is it will heal faster, the second is it helps keep the wound clean so less chance of contamination / cause for infection. You've got a cool beard so I wouldn't shave it off but you could definitely shave the area that you're trying to heal. It's just whiskers and they'll grow back.

The healing faster and ending up with a better looking scar are worth it imo but again just my opinion. I am blown away with the size of that sucker and that you whacked it out so clean. Awesome.

I have this one on my forehead that I have been throwing everything but bloodroot & petty spurge on over the last few years..trying to uncover that softer gentler far not so much luck.. I've eaten a good amount of it away but I have a round ridge that stands up @ 1/8' up from the normal skin and the ridge ring itself is a good 3/8" wide..The complete diameter of the lesion is @ an inch and it sort of round with a @ 1/2' diameter cavern in the middle that has been eaten away by several different approaches. As I have mentioned elsewhere I am holding off sharing what I am using because I don't want to be another eggplant/vinegar waste of time.

Someone came here posting about caffeine and red clover a few weeks ago with unbelievable biopsy beforehand just amazing results...well I ordered the pure caffeine and red clover and tried it. First few days it did seem to effect the wounds differently but now two weeks into it the "hopium" is letting down and I think I have just found another thing that holds these things at bay. I have a deep Ak that I am using as the benchmark and if something eradicates it then I will endorse. This mixture has irritated it but like I said two weeks in and it is still there.

Well as you always say "BE WELL" brother Bonder.
bonder Posted - 09/17/2012 : 23:33:37
Okay I sure will,

I'd hate to disappoint my fans lmao !!
Thomas Haugen Posted - 09/17/2012 : 22:50:16
Bonder, I haven't had any large deep wounds to heal, so I haven't needed to keep them moist. I have read that the moist regimen assists in reducing scarring. Please let us know what regimen you use and why.

You may become the new poster boy for black salve.

bonder Posted - 09/17/2012 : 22:10:31
So Tom,

I think I will take your ( heal up ) advice now that it sort of looks like maximum medical improvement from the open lower layer of skin and perhaps just keep the area clean without extra treatments upon it...

Anivoc has been very clear about keeping wounds covered with tapes etc but, my problem area just does not seem to work well with coverage and I am not going to shave off my beard for this stupid thing lol...

So, do you not keep the area moist at all during this phase ?

Be Well Always,


bonder Posted - 09/15/2012 : 14:06:21

Hey Tom...

Well, I guess the best way to depict this is to say that the small brown spot is what is left of the (total open spot) where I could put orange oil into to get deeper through the skin.

I am only guessing when I say what looks like a protective skin layer came from the outer periphery of the wound.
When I look at the pic right above it from last month, the whole wound looks like a more red and deeper layer that I could put orange oil into...

Being as though this is my first time at this, I think it is going quite well and my friend said last week ,

" well, now it looks like you have a small wound that is healing up "

I sure hope it get smaller and smaller :)

Be Well Always,

Thomas Haugen Posted - 09/15/2012 : 08:34:37
Bonder, it looks like new skin to me. Did it grow in from the edges of the wound like skin would?
bonder Posted - 09/15/2012 : 06:41:39
The latest pic for Sept at bottom of

One month later it looks like skin is closing the gap maybe ?

opinions ?

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 08/26/2012 : 14:36:18
Dan, I came across this article about green tea treatments for (MELANOMA)on

Might be old news but, I felt it should be read...

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 08/25/2012 : 19:02:14
Thought I'd chant a bit about vitamin E application for those that might have forgot lol...

It's common knowledge that vitamin E is good for your skin, but not many people could tell you exactly what this nutrient does -- vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects and repairs your skin.

Antioxidants are agents that neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals, which are molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles [source: Bouchez]. A simple chemistry lesson can explain how vitamin E does this. The atoms that comprise your body try to maintain an even number of electrons -- that's what makes them stable. If an atom has an uneven number of electrons, it will steal an electron from another atom to become stable. When your skin takes a beating from outside factors, such as the sun's ultraviolet rays, your body can produce free radicals. Free radicals are atoms with an uneven number of electrons, and when they form inside your body, they steal electrons from healthy cells like the ones that make up your skin. This can cause a damaging chain reaction, and that's where antioxidants like vitamin E come in [source: Rice].

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage from occurring. Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants, but your body can't produce it, which means you have to make sure you're getting enough of this valuable nutrient in your diet. Eating foods high in vitamin E and taking vitamin E supplements if you can't get enough through your food intake can can help prevent premature aging of your skin and damage to your DNA [source: Phillips]. Studies show that taking vitamin E long term can even reduce sunburns from exposure to UVB radiation. This doesn't mean that taking vitamins or applying topical vitamin E will allow you to safely bake in the sun, but you can help your skin stay healthier and more supple by ensuring you get enough of this antioxidant vitamin [source: Bouchez].

I feel that my Topical use daily of the concentrated form (20,000 IU )bought at Walmart has been quite beneficial.

Dab on several times a day and then leave on overnight.

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 08/19/2012 : 20:27:30
Howdy, got this off of news links today

I was wondering how it was ok for the corporate farming of 420 to be occurring so much ?

Could be an easier cure for skin cancer is on it's way... (and a heckuva a lot of tax revenue if the prohibition laws go away)

Tom glad to see you were impressed with the evidence, I feel Caton explains it quite well in the video and he is out of Equador these days I guess.

I decided to put another video next to the sundance video about what Latin America and other countries have had to endure (The End Of Poverty) about 2 hours.

It really pains me to see what Europe and our country has done. Even religion was used to condemn the 3rd world !

This is why I have never trusted big corporate medicine.

The commoner is swimming in a vast sea of sharks...

Be Well Always,
anivoc Posted - 08/16/2012 : 08:45:26
Hey Bonder..

I'm out of country right now on business..I did start to post something that had some typos, started to edit but ran out of time and just deleted it.

Awesome job dude! Really proud of your courage to go at this so independently. Keep up the good work and I'll post more thoughts and questions when I am back in town next week...Again great job and congratulations!
Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/15/2012 : 22:05:15
Bonder, WOW you've paid your dues re-applying the paste. Talk about self torture. I commend you.

Orange oil is the diagnostic aid because it is supposed to create nearly unbearable stinging if it encounters cancer cells. I'm not sure if it will also sting horribly on an open wound just because.

Regarding swelling up, I believe that's an indication of how well your immune system is identifying cancer cells and killing them and removing the debris. I've posted photos of my face all swollen up just from using Astaxanthin and a good diet as a means of attacking the cancer cells. Your experience fits in perfectly with Caton's explanation that bloodroot salve strips away the camouflage that cancer cells use to evade the immune system so your body then kills them. The most plausible explanation I've read yet as to why bloodroot finds and kills cancer cells. Why has it taken me all this time and research to finally learn what I've been questioning for several years? Thank you Bonder for pointing me to Caton's YouTube video and for your explanation as well.
bonder Posted - 08/15/2012 : 19:11:33

Yeah, just from looking at the pics in order on the site, one can see definite progress...

My hope is others take the time to watch the cancer videos and read the research copy on there as well.

The videos about the works of Max and Charolette Gerson told me the tale about nutrition and how so much of what happens to us is due to our diet. I really felt Alpha Omega's Greg Caton Knew something about herbal pastes that has not been mentioned anywhere else I could find besides the Youtube link I left up above here.

If the problem was that cancer had been able to hide, then I was going to be the one to make it visible to my immune system if it was within my ability. Or, if the paste really just kills cancer cells, then that is fine with me as well.

Tom, I have applied the paste with pain (3) times to get to this point and used the petroleum gel to keep moist, then cut away the necrotic tissue as well.

Damn memory is still not back, I'm trying to remember if it was Dan or Anivoc or somebody that was so well versed about using orange oil or ascorbic acid to determine if there was still cancer cells lingering around? I have both pure oil and acid crystals.

My plan was to use vitamin C perhaps with DMSO to finish off the underneath now that I got that hulk off my face.

I can still feel something with my tongue inside the same spot as the tumor was that feels like a fat cell or two but, I can feel that on my lower lip area as well, just more separated. I just cannot remember if this is unusual for my mouth really...

(There is one thing I want others to realize about the Bloodroot paste and that is for me at least, the area I applied it to looked very swelled up at first, to the point that one side of my upper lip hung down.)

Swelling was not unexpected but, not quite to that degree lol !

Be Well Always,

robbiethegood Posted - 08/15/2012 : 14:38:24
I'm so pleased to see this. Looks like you are getting somewhere here, it's much better than the pic I saw some time ago.

Interesting stuff and some good sense talked on this thread too, good points on diet and everything.

Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/15/2012 : 13:00:17
Bonder, I just saw your most recent photo - that wound looks really good. Have you done a repeat application of salve? Who knows, maybe it's better to let the wound heal up and then re-apply. Might not be as much agonizing pain that way if your immune system didn't kill all the cancer cells.

I also cannot see any recent post by Anivoc.

Take care, Tom
bonder Posted - 08/15/2012 : 11:00:21


"Re: Vitamin B-17 - Laetrile - Anti-Cancer Properties

I'm old enough to remember the clinical trials of a drug named laetrile. The drug name may have been spelled differently. They claimed that the drug did not work. So say it worked so well they had to back track and spread misinformation about it. Others say the synthetic version of B-17 did not work. Anyway, the truth is still the truth and B-17 does seem to have tremendous value, yes. It's found easily in flax seed, sometimes called linseed. Farmers heal their animals using linseed oil.

Dr. Johanna Budwig CURES cancer (she may have passed) using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. The cheese contains a sulphuric protein that acts synergistically with the B-17 in the flax oil. BAM, cancer cured. She has taken deathbed cancer patients that could no longer eat and healed them with flax/chees enemas! "

I have personally added flax seed oil to my diet since around may 2012 and the pic you see above is only 3 weeks after the mass fell off...

Be Well Always,
bonder Posted - 08/13/2012 : 16:44:16

I am not totally giving up on the idea of (roots) or that which is called (roots). I agree with waverider about his position that cancer does not run and hide but, perhaps it does spread beyond the circle we see.

Part of the reason for this is because during both the 1st twelve hours and after subsequent applications in sections, I personally felt the (tingling) in semi-distant areas of my face. I originally chalked this up to the fact that the left side of my face has a shall we say, (re-directed nerve structure) since the surgeons removed a benign mass from under my left ear and so ever since then I can squeeze my left ear and feel the squeeze in another part of my face lol...

As time became an issue for me, this position on the healing was mostly why I chose an herbal paste...

I feel we need to try and enable the body to do it's own work rather than simply hack away until things cannot be seen under a microscope anymore. A strange coincidence has occurred since I changed my eating habits for this and allowed the paste into my body.

For over 15 years I have had a small bump that never changed in size on the right inside of my pants zipper which happened after a boating accident. As a man, we tend to get pretty worried about such things so, I called an old friend from college that I knew had a removal surgery for cancer down there. He was kind enough to explain to me the enlargement and pain issues etc and I was pretty convinced it was not cancer for myself.

Whatever the bump was, it is now GONE... and I check usually monthly for changes even though nothing ever changed there before.

Did I ever mention that I don't believe in coincidences ?

It would seem to me that the (total body) approach is what is needed during times when our immune systems are down and the idea of helping the body to recognize cancer as an invasive agent so it can heal itself is about as natural approach as I have been able to find next to diet change.

A person does have to be able to endure some pain for a while as the price for the healing.

However, I have had deep stitches on my face, that is for sure NOT (pain-free).

I don't expect to get out of this looking the same as I did before the growth occurred but, I already look a lot better than I did in the beginning of July.

Be Well Always,

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I think it is better compared to the pics at the bottom of (

Maybe I can start calling this a burn or something else now lol...

By The By, here was what I looked like after the Cave Men cut into me...

Looks like my body pretty much did the same thing all by itself ! lol...

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Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/13/2012 : 10:56:49
Bonder, I know what you mean. The surgeons brag about how they keep cutting until the pathologist finds no more cancer cells under his 'scope. So the surgeon removes a margin of noncancerous tissue all the way around the wound, creating a gaping hole that the technique made necessary. I would lose the end of my nose if I let them do that.

I brought up the matter because of the factual dispute over whether the tumor sends out "roots" as some salve users have reported. Your SCC may be the type that does not do that. I look forward to reading about your progress how your body can heal such a large wound.
bonder Posted - 08/13/2012 : 08:47:52
Creating a Margin

In my opinion, Big Medicine has basically been mimicking what the body does for itself and calling it some sort of genious...

As I said before, I am no expert but, perhaps the natural cylindrical uniformity of the tissue left after the Eschar is the very same principle used by surgeons today when they (create a clean margin) for a wound.

So, what would you rather do, go have stitches left far and wide or first try and see if your own body can be induced to repair itself and expel foreign matter and then leave it's own margins for the wound?

Surgical Debridement

Be Well Always,
bonder Posted - 08/13/2012 : 08:12:43

Good point waverider, I did come across this recently about resistance however (good read)

The interesting thing is, if we believe that we can swallow a pill to get better like in most medical circumstances, there are even (Black Salve Pills) we can take to perhaps seek out the so-called roots...

My opinion is most people just do not know how to approach healing themselves even in a small manner. The large mass that I had to deal with needed to be approached in (sections) just as I read and I knew that the salve had an ability to (seek and destroy) what was next to it if there was cancer so I did not goop it all over my face, just covered the whole thing on top and underneath. When the 1st piece plopped off it was pretty scary but, showed me that hacking into my face with a knife was not the only way of expelling unwanted material. Back when the cavemen cut the 1st mass off, it was much smaller in circumference and it seems only spread out the problem for me. ( I was too dulled at the time to appreciate the need for a speedy reaction) I'll be presenting an updated version of a couple of pics now that all areas are down and less inflamed.

The nurse from another part of this site speaks about necrotic tissue.

"Black or gray tissue is necrotic (dead tissue) and should be removed immediately as it contains toxins that can affect the emerging healthy tissue."

I have found that this can be painful to remove this stuff too early but have to ask this question :

If this necrotic tissue is basically dead cells then, why not make an important plan to get it out of the way during the healing/regrowth phase ? (Nurse shows it here)

So, a person can 1st get the body to expel the foreign mass, keep it moist and clean with water, then leave moist with some sort of hydro-gel and keep after the necrotic tissue while washing it (probably not with this sort of machine like the nurse has) but the same idea of using water.

Personally, I think one is wasting their time if they don't adjust their diet to consume more omega threes and A HECKUVA LOT LESS SUGAR, MSG AND OTHER EXCITOTOXINS. Otherwise, they may very well be hindering their body's natural repair system and perhaps this is why their cancer comes back...

Be Well Always,


waverider Posted - 08/12/2012 : 23:56:43
Personally, I always doubted this "roots" theory and/or the "white dots," too. There's either active cancer there or there isn't. Period. What's a root? One often hears the roots theory mentioned in conjunction with the notion that, by treating cancer on the surface with black salve, petty spurge or whatever, you might "drive the cancer deeper" into tissues. As though the cancer cells have a meeting and agree to pack up and flee into other areas to escape. I think if you have BCC in a certain area, it's not a "root"-- it's just more cancer. And cancer cells don't run away from treatment. They may recur in situ or even become resistant (though I haven't noticed resistance happening with BCC) but they don't practice escape and evasion.
bonder Posted - 08/12/2012 : 15:17:45
Well Tom,now that I blasted through most of that big bastard, my plans are to treat the area with orange oil and see what I feel. I am sure there are as many stories of those that never had a cancer problem again as there are those that did have problems afterwards. So, all one can do is keep with the diet that claims so much success and realize that every time we go to a restaurant and order a soup or gravy, we are playing Russian roulette with our bodies just as was planned by the big money...

If you go to and scroll down, you will find a video about (EXCITOTOXINS) by a Christian Neurosurgeon named Russell Blaylock (the best 60 min vid on health I have watched in a very long time).

It is becoming clear that grocery store pizzas are too dangerous for a guy like me as are many canned soups.

I truly have to wonder how many children could be so much more functional if only certain foods and drinks were kept out of their diets and then medication levels reduced accordingly ?

Not every Black Salve has zinc chloride in it and personally Tom, I don't want to promote non-experts making their own salves and feel that folks should look towards places on the net where they are still legal to buy from.

I'm no expert but, my guess is the U.S. has the ability to close down websites that freely advertise Black Salve products on them if that would be legal for them to do so.

Until then, people should probably just spend the $30 to $60 for the help.

Be Well Always,
Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/12/2012 : 11:15:02
Bonder, thanks for the info, and congratulations on accomplishing removal of the bulk of that tumor. Others who used black salve wrote about finding "roots" of the cancer cells going into the tissue. Has that been your experience? A surgical oncologist on another discussion board stated there are no such things as roots or tendrils of cancer extending outside the tumor mass, contradicting the statements of salve users. It's not a trivial matter as this issue determines the re-treatment protocol: apparently most users keep re-treating until no further reaction is observed - in other words even the deepest cancer cells have been expelled. And to be safe, an area around the wound would also need to be treated in case a cancer has spread.

I have read about persons who used salve but months or years later the cancer came back in the same place. I'm wondering if they only applied salve once or twice and then allowed the skin to completely heal up, being overly anxious to complete the process. What are your plans?

For the benefit of others on here you may want to say where you got the zinc chloride as it's not easy to find in small quantities.

Take care, Tom
bonder Posted - 08/12/2012 : 10:20:31
Thanx Tom !!! good to hear from you again....

I really don't have much to add for Black Salve protocol except that thanx to the youtube videos of Greg Caton, I was able to find out how to make a paste. The world of skin cancer owes a great deal to Mr. Caton...

I followed instructions from the past and simply covered the (entire) mass from top to bottom.
The 1st 12 hours were the worst and for me, having a few beers in the fridge kept me away from ingesting pain killers due to the fact that I am not much of a drinker these days lol...

Initially, I used concentrated vitamin E for moisture but, after a bit more reviewing of websites, decided upon vaseline due to it's density and the fact that I was looking for my body to (push out) this area of flesh not nourish it.

To my surprise, a few days later I was cleaning the area with warm water on a towel and (Plop) the yellow mass you saw on just fell off.

I stood there thinking to myself...

" But, there is no gushing blood spewing all over my sink, just a bit of ugly goop and there is this big divit here on my face".

Kind of strange that all of this tissue came off without a knife and the basis of the divit was in the form of a circle.

So, as was written before me, I just cleaned off the area, let it rest a day and then reapplied some more to the other section that did not come off with the 1st try. I put more vaseline around it again and that area plopped off as well.

I was left with a roundish section carved out well below the skin line that is not fun to look at but, much easier to take in than that huge mass making it's way into my nostril.

The one thing I can attest to with this sort of salve is, (More Is Not Better) just as Greg Caton said...

There was no need to goop this on an inch thick, simply covering the area totally was enough for the job.
It did not surprise me that with an area this large, one section reacted right away and another did not.
Addressing it in (sections) while painful, was appropriate.

Tom the thing you have to understand is that this effort to research and act on this cancer issue was all done during a time that I was apparently taking in (way) too much seizure medicine than I needed and my thinking was so clouded, I needed to rethink things over and over again just to get through each day.

For most of my life, my diet changed things enough so no medicines were needed until I had to start taking care of dad as he was fading away.

A few weeks before I decided to go the black salve route, I made the decision to cut back the level of medication and slowly but surely my cognitive functions and memory became better and better.

The combination of Dan's site with you,the doctors and authors I have on, the knowledge of Greg Caton and The Gerson guidance for diet has supported my efforts to a tremendous degree during a time when once again, pills made me dulled to what was good for me just like the times of my youth in the medical facilities.

As Americans, we need to understand what we are all up against with big medicine and in order to survive, must rely on each other's experiences to get by without digging a bigger hole for ourselves.

It embarrasses me to think the leaders of our country have been allowing all this greed to go on for so long in the place where I was born.

And now, other people trained here are doing the same thing in other countries...

Be Well Always,

(From Someone Else On This Site)


I am a registered nurse who has worked with a Dermatologist. Here is what I recommend regarding removal of scabs during this process:

First, know that avoiding scabrous tissue formation is by far the best in order to avoid scarring of the healed, healthy flesh. This is accomplished by keeping the treated area moist at all times or as much as humanly possible. This also increases the efficacy of the Vit. C treatment, too. GENTLY removing a soft, moist, loose scab is fine.

Black or gray tissue is necrotic (dead cancerous tissue) and should be removed immediately as it contains toxins that can affect the emerging healthy tissue.

If a scab is really hard, dry and firmly attached, I would not recommend pulling it off. Rather soften the area with long, warm soaks and continue with the Vit. C under a bandage keeping the area moist. Be patient, the scab will soften in a couple of days, max. I would recommend using 4" x 4" gauze cut and folded in half and apply to the treated area with a 1/8" perimeter to ensure that underlying undetected cancer is being reached. A double piece of gauze slows down evaporation and thus requires less frequent moistening.

Your local drugstore has albeit somewhat costly occlusive dressings that are very effective at sealing the treated area and thus locking in the moisture for a longer period of time. You may get away with saturating the gauze once a day with this type of dressing. Ask the pharmacist where to find it if you do not see it on the wound care isle.

Lastly, I would not use apple cider vinegar or H2O2 topical dressings as both will increase scabbing and it may be overkill because Vitamin C is already proven to cause tumor necrosis. Antibiotic ointments should not be necessary, either. Bacteria cannot grow in a highly acidic environment like ascorbic acid. Applying aloe or a purified petroleum based product like aquafor to the site is a fantastic idea. Most Dermatologists do not recommend antibiotic ointment application after removal of cancerous or pre-cancerous lesions anymore.
Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/11/2012 : 12:40:39
No idea if this is legitimate: Quikheal

Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/11/2012 : 11:27:01
"Moist wound treatment is the best way to ensure healing, and to reduce the risk of scabs and ultimately scarring.
Under moist wound healing conditions, the formation of a crusty scab is prevented. This is because moist wound healing promotes growth and migration of new cells and ensures that essential proteins for closing your wound stay where they belong in order to do their repair job.
Wounds that are left to dry in air will always create scabs, which make it hard for a wound to close itself, as under these dry conditions new skin tissue will have a tough time forming."
Thomas Haugen Posted - 08/11/2012 : 09:59:24
Bonder, those photos are amazing! You really nailed a huge mass of cancerous tissue. Did I miss it or have you explained what treatment you used? (Which brand of black salve, how much of the tumor you covered, how long you left it on, etc.?) How much pain?

What is your next step? Some others who have used black salve mentioned undergoing a second treatment to ensure they got all the malignancy. Of course there is the issue of extreme pain when black salve is applied to an open wound and the need for prescription painkillers.

For dealing with scars I'm trying to remember about a natural treatment I read about a while back. If it dredges up I'll let you know.

Take care, Tom
bonder Posted - 08/11/2012 : 05:54:59
Latest Pics During Time Of Removal At Bottom Of Canceramerican Website(natural cylindrical uniformity)

So anivoc, any ideas about recovering after bloodroot black salve to aid scarring?

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 05/22/2012 : 06:44:07
To dscochran99,

I am happy to say that these (comments within our discussions) here have stimulated my thought process to search out modalities on my own.

Personally, because people are not giving advice here, it is a much better platform for me.

(no one here seems to be playing a doctor on the internet)

Be Well Always,
dscochran99 Posted - 05/21/2012 : 22:22:12
I agree that this website is not, in anyway, intended to be for the sole benefit of selling natural alternatives. It's a great resource for people struggling with the same problem and are looking for advise as well as encouragement. I have learned so much that has helped me decide to use Effudex as well as get answers about struggling through treament. No worries from here and good luck to you as well!
dscochran99 Posted - 05/21/2012 : 22:18:03
Originally posted by bonder





bonder Posted - 05/15/2012 : 06:13:33
To Tom and Dan...

Started 5000 iu of D3 and now looking into alpha lipoc due to your previous (comments within our discussion) here.

I am happy to say that these (comments within our discussions) here have stimulated my thought process to search out modalities on my own.
Personally, because people are not giving advice here, it is a much better platform for me.

(no one here seems to be playing a doctor on the internet)

I am on the fence about choosing ANY peanut butter after reading this.

"Back to our little cancer cell and Dr Budwig: she states there are many reasons for a cell to lose its charge, but peanut butter is a very common one. Can you believe it? Something as simple as peanut butter causing your cancer? Most peanut butters are hydrogenated. Why? To keep from separating, increase shelf life, and more flavorful. Go look at your natural peanut butters. Many are kept in the refrigerator section because that is how they keep them from separating."

2 new videos about vitamin C and more at the top of canceramerican


Be Well Always,
bonder Posted - 05/12/2012 : 11:18:27

I have discovered through the process of elimination that once again, medications have changed my perception and behaviors...
So, regardless of a doctor's opinion, I cut back simply (one) pill each day and my alertness has changed dramatically according to a long time friend.

Of course the downside to this is an inheirited influx of (abstract thinking) which often times wakes me up at night with ideas lol !

I am guessing your former recommendation of adding a little vodka to the topical mixture has to do with NanoMedicine and the diluting of compounds.

My thoughts are to try and keep my face goop more thin so as to have better absorption.

Here is what has been clinking around in my head lately (thank God, finally...)

In my research, I've found that western medicine uses many materials to gain the most bang for the buck and that is why I was given the same chemical to thin my blood as is commonly used to kill rats in North America, just at a much smaller dose.

So, the B17 theory AKA Laetrile is one with even more interest to me because it is not sold where I live.

"At the Mexican border, U.S. Customs has permitted the entry of amygdalin for private use without benefit of even an affidavit for over a decade. Amygdalin is an extract of apricot kernels, which makes it a food supplement and nothing more. Under FDA guidelines, however, any substance that is used to treat a disorder can be classified a drug. In the U.S., it appears as though the FDA has the authority to label ANYTHING a "new drug" when a claim is made for that substance or even suggestions given as to how to take it.

As of 2000, there are different State Statutes in the U.S. that make the the posession and use of Laetrile perfectly legal in some states and illegal in others. The FDA, however, has banned the commercialization of Laetrile in the U.S. by making it illegal to import it for resale, or to transport it from State to State. Therefore, If you are in the U.S., you will not be able to purchase Laetrile.

4) Q. What is the recommended daily dosage of vitamin B-17 for prevention?

While exact amounts of B-17 for a "minimum daily requirement" in cancer surveillance have not been established, the basic concept is that sufficient daily B-17 may be obtained by following either of two suggestions:

One, according to Dr. Krebs, eating all the B-17-containing fruits whole (seeds included), but not eating more of the seeds by themselves than you would be eating if you ate them in the whole fruit. Example: if you eat three apples a day, the seeds in the three apples are sufficient B-17. You would not eat a pound of apple seeds.

Second, one peach or apricot kernel per 10 lbs. of body weight is believed to be more than sufficient as a normal safeguard in cancer prevention, although precise numbers may vary from person to person in accordance with individual metabolism and dietary habits. A 170-lb man, for example, might consume 17 apricot or peach kernels per day and receive a biologically reasonable amount of vitamin B-17. Two or three Vitamin B17 tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental dosage per day.

And two important notes: Certainly, you can consume too much of anything. Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts (no more than 30 to 35 kernels per day).

5) Q. What is the difference between apricot seeds and B-17 100 mg tablets when used for prevention? Is one better than the other? Do I need to take both?

Dr. Krebs always suggested that the raw form of vitamin B-17 (e.g. apricot kernels) is better than the purified form when used for prevention. This holds true for any other food: The raw form of vitamin C (e.g. grapefruits and oranges), for example, is also better than the pill. The difference between these two forms of vitamin B-17 is that the tablet is a more convenient method of administration; the seeds have a bitter taste to them and some people prefer the convenience of a tablet. Some people have dentures and simply find it difficult to chew on the seeds. Most people take both. It is completely safe to take both forms as many cancer patients take up to 4 times the amount of seeds recommended for a non-cancer sufferer, and up to 50 times more of the purified form (tablet form). It is not necessary to take both forms but, as stated above, you can get away with doing so while getting a reasonable amount of vitamin B-17.

IMPORTANT: Cancer, patients, however, may require higher, more purified forms of vitamin B-17. It would be impossible to get the amount of vitamin B-17 needed to control existing cancer from the seeds alone. One would have to eat way too many seeds and this may, of course, produce unpleasant side effects

(See Phase I and II metabolic therapies)

6) Q. I have been diagnosed with Cancer. Will vitamin B-17 work on any type of cancer?

Dr. Krebs says "yes". Cancer cells all have the exact same characteristics. Cancer cells, no matter the type of cancer, are known as Trophoblasts (See Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer). These cells contain an enzyme called Beta-glucosidase, also known as the unlocking enzyme. When Laetrile comes in contact with the enzyme beta-glucosidase, the Laetrile is broken down to form two molecules of glucose, one molecule of benzaldehyde and one molecule of hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Within the body, the cancer cell-and only the cancer cell-contains that enzyme. The key word here is that the HCN must be FORMED. It is not floating around freely in the Laetrile and then released. It must be manufactured. The enzyme beta-glucosidase, and only that enzyme, is capable of manufacturing the HCN from Laetrile thereby affecting the cancer cell-and only the cancer cell. If there are no cancer cells in the body, there is no beta-glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, no HCN will be formed from the Laetrile (See Amygdalin's Mode of Action)."

Therefore, I now see why the Gerson therapy requires so many apples to be juiced daily because of the one element not spoken of much and that is the (cyanide) inside of apple seeds. Cyanide is also inside of the apricot seeds as well.

All I knew about Cyanide before this was that it was used as a poison (Thank you Mr. Rockerfeller) your American medical schools have done their jobs quite well...

According to my research, Cyanide is tolerated by the human body well at low doses but, CANCER CANNOT TOLERATE IT !

Chew on this a bit if you don't mind and get back to me.

God it is great to be able to see past the fog finally !

Be Well Always,

bonder Posted - 04/21/2012 : 15:02:00

For The Group....

As you can see, I look around on this site (for ideas and to help if I can).

Personally,I have found that, topical use of ascorbic acid or orange oil halts some growth, (especially when using DMSO), baking soda will invade cancer cells and changing your diet to more alkaline helps quite a bit as well.

If you feel like finding out why kids misbehave and why things may not work in your immune system, take out 60 mins and listen to a neurologist

Worse than when your parents were young, the grocery store has become a bit dangerous in the canned food section.

Be Well Always,

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.