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 "Twinge" after petty spurge treatment

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TIsmalltown Posted - 12/16/2011 : 01:57:31
I have a strange and kind of subtle question. This summer I identified a skin cancer on the side of my leg, and lo and behold, also learned that petty spurge was a miracle plant AND growing in my back yard! (I only learned about the backyard part after spending weeks combing the countryside looking for it ... anyway ...)

I learned to use PS on the cancer and my first few applications were not too impressive, but eventually I got more skilled at applying and this darn cancer blew up really big, much bigger than I thought. The PS went to town and just obliterated it. It was pretty painful but very impressive to watch it work.

Now here's the the thing: a), I have long-lasting purple patches where the PS killed the cancer. They might(?) be slowly fading? I'm not sure. Does anyone have these permanently? They seem minded to stick around.

More importantly, from time to time I feel a little twinge, or a catch, in the treated area. It's hard to describe this feeling, but it's a feeling of "something" sort of active in that area. My thought was to retreat it with PS ... and so I've done again and again, but the PS finds absolutely nothing to object to and there is no reaction at all. I know this isn't a lot to go on, but does anyone know what I'm talking about with this "twinge"? I mostly feel late at night, and it's not often, it's more like a few times a month.

Well, thanks for reading, and best of luck with everyone's PS adventures!
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CMunz Posted - 06/07/2012 : 15:17:17
Originally posted by anivoc

I'd suggest posting in this forum for help on getting petty spurge..

Thanks,,, not sure how to do that but going to give it my best!
anivoc Posted - 06/07/2012 : 14:54:53
I'd suggest posting in this forum for help on getting petty spurge..
CMunz Posted - 06/07/2012 : 14:27:27
I am looking for information on the Petty Spurge plant. I have not been able to find and available source here in Wisconsin. If anyone has seeds or a plant they can send please post. I am looking to cure my BCC naturally. I have had moes done on my face 3 years ago... left with a large scar :( any help would be most appreciated.

TIsmalltown Posted - 12/17/2011 : 21:40:43
Wow! I did not think I would get a response ... I figured my post was a little too vague and outlandish!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it's greatly appreciated. Now that I think of it, it makes sense there might be nerve twinges and such.

It seems like it's been a long time, but when I think about it carefully I don't think I really learned to apply the PS properly until maybe August of this year. So it's right about that four-month mark. The purple patches have definitely faded somewhat, but the pace is so slow I was starting to get worried they were here to stay. Nine months I can deal with!

No worries about this being melanoma, btw. I'm am ardent researcher and a very cautious person and there is 0.0% doubt in my mind about it being a NMSC.

Thank you again for your helpful response!
anivoc Posted - 12/17/2011 : 20:51:27
Absolutely know what you're talking about and yes it has happened to me both with Petty Spurge. Blood root Paste and Mohs surgery. I assume it is nerves and ghost pains..seems to go away over time.

In regards to the scaring, it really depends on how much tissue was killed off / how deep it went. I have only used petty spurge on a small bcc on my arm and it, over the last 9 months has healed up very nicely. definitely looked ugly and purple for 3 or 4 months then started to heal up.

I have had some big daddys with blood root and they leave a scar, no worse, maybe better than mohs but definitely leave a scar.

In regards to treating skin cancers it is really important to recognize the non-melanoma cancers from melanoma. Generally speaking that is best left to the medical world and the labs they use.

Hopefully yours was biopsied, not trying to freak you out but Dan who owns this site makes it clear we are talking about dealing with non'melanoma skin cancers.. Though some people claim to have success with is just too dangerous / deadly to try and treat on our own.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.