Greg Caton and his wife, Alpha Omega labs in Ecuador should be given an apology from the USA government.
It is a sad state of affairs our country is in. As Cyndi Lauper said.. Money changes everything.
I was fortunate to learn about bloodroot before the inquisitions began.
If I understand it was not for selling the bloodroot paste but for making false claims (that really were'nt false just not FDA substantiated) about it.
Just wanted to provide an update as promised -- this is about day 8. Things have progresses beautifully -- exactly as described on the Alapha-Omega site. In total it looks like there were 3 larger growths (ranging from about 0.5cm to 1.0cm and 2 smaller ones. All have left the mothership as dead tissue and the regeneration process has began. Interestingly, one of the growths was quite remote from the others and I strongly suspect would have been missed by surgery. One was larger than it looked on the surface and left a cavity about 4 mm deep. The others are about 2-3 mm deep.
There are two other questionable areas I started to treat because I was not sure if they might be C or not -- they have somewhat reacted (not as strongly as the others) so it looks like that was a good idea.
I will keep an eye out for anything else that looks suspicious and zap it, but as of now, things are looking good.
Overall experience with Amazon Black (formerly Cansema) 10 out of 10.
quote:Originally posted by MARK B
I am a first time user of Cansema (Amazon Black) that I got from Alpha Omega -- first I'll say the service was courteous and the product arrived within the time line as detailed.
I am on day 3 with the product and I can say that things are going exactly as the instructions indicated they would. The growth on my face was about 1.3 cm round, with amoebic-like pseudopods. It was tough to get the growth to react with the first try (I've had for about 2 years) so I carefully uses the pin technique as described on the A-O site and away she went. The growth was not biopsied but was diagnosed by both a dermatologist and plastic surgeon as a BCC. I decided to go with this method because I heard too many stories of people getting surgery and then having to go back because there were still cancer cells. I am glad I did because this salve reacted in areas well outside where the plastics guy was going to cut, so I suspect that I might have been on of those people.
As mentioned, this is only day 3 and it is pretty ugly right now (black, pus and dead tissue) but in my case there was very little pain -- just itching, tingling, and a mild burning sensation that last about 24 hours. There was also swelling with redness and I still have that but it is starting to subside. I did not take any pain meds at all. Not sure if I have a high pain threshold or there were not many nerves where the problem was (just to right of my nose) or ??, but in any case, not much discomfort at all for me.
Having read what Cathryn and Greg went through, I am in awe that they persevered all the persecution -- clearly they believe in their products and if things keep going as well as they are for me now, I will too.
I'll update this forum in a week or so and let you know how I am doing.
I'm new to this forum and came by it while researching Black Salve via the Alpha Omega Labs site. I have a specific interest in BCC at present, because I suspect I have one on the left palm and it may be prudent to deal with it before it advances or spreads.
While browsing the posts dating back to 2009, I noted many commentaries that are in various ways familiar - for example, reference to Quackwatch, which site I became acquainted with some years ago during the earlier part of my cancer research activities, which have now been in progress for about eight years. The site stank to almighty heaven and I happened to find two articles at the site on the first visit - one defending Mercury-Silver dental amalgams and the other defending fluoridated domestic water. When I returned on a subsequent occasion to copy those articles to hold as evidence pertaining to my review of the site as given in the book I have been working on concerning cancer, they were no longer there. They'd been removed. It didn't matter too much. There was plenty of other fraudulent material authored by a Dr. Stephen Barrett. Very soon, owing to a distinctive literary style, I came to suspect Barrett may actually have been the principal of the Quackwatch site. Last year, I was able to verify that my suspicion was correct. Barrett is the principal of Quackwatch. I see this fellow as a low-grade Morris Fishbein copycat.
I note the FDA action against Greg Caton. This is nothing new or out of the ordinary where the FDA is concerned. It's been doing that for 80 years or longer - Neal Deoul, Dr. Krebs, Dr. Burzynski - the list is almost endless. The organisation is rotten to the core and I could provide you with factual quotes that would make you angry. But it's one thing for the FDA to be prosecuting people whose works in medicine have most greatly exceeded the quality of the mainstream and therefore threatened the politico-economic status quo - it's another entirely to find that judges of the highest American courts are actually providing the FDA with successes in these prosecutions. Now, Australian Law is by no means perfect, but from what I see of American Law on these issues makes my skin crawl and I know that much of the dirty, crooked stuff that goes down in these US courts would never happen in Oz. They'd never get away with it for two reasons. First, the economics of litigation, prosecution and so on are different in Australia, so endless prosecution as a financial tactic to break someone's bank and ultimately render them too broke to effectively defend themselves cannot happen here, at least not to the same extent. Secondly, judges are fully answerable for their jurisprudence and can be challenged in such serious ways that if they're not provably acting correctly, they can be disrobed and jailed. For those small blessings, I may in future become very, very thankful, because I have reason to believe I'm on a collision course with the TGA and the FDA. Hey, might as well add the EFSA. Right now - well, I'm small potatoes - invisible. I'm not on their radar, yet.
One thing I wish to say to the community here in general about cancer recurrence - this is a common problem, for merely killing off malignant cells can never achieve cure. One must recognise that the malignant cells are the symptom - not the cause of the disease. So eliminating them does not eliminate the risk of relapse, recurrence, etc. Basically, the conditions which gave rise to the malignancy in the first place is probably still present. This is not said to frighten anyone, but to evoke the kind of response that says, "Well, alright, let's go after the cause/s. So what are they?"
The answers are too many and complex to speak of in detail here unfortunately, but one must in the most general terms address the obvious issues of diet, nutrition and lifestyle. Then there's systemic toxicity for which the logical treatment is detox. Then there's the microbe connection - candida, bacteria, viruses and parasites. Beyond that, there are some other considerations, too.
Please allow me to recommend a magical and very potent anticarcinomic agent which is totally safe, totally non-toxic, is a chelating and adsorbent detox agent, an immune system booster AND a cell cycle arrest apoptotic with incredibly high affinity to and aggression against malignant cells. This stuff activates the P21 and P27 genes, has activity with the P65 gene and inhibits Protein Kinase B, NF-Kappa-Beta and a number of other activities. As a detox, it preferentially takes up heavy metal cations - loves lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic. When the system is relatively clear of those, its secondary chelating targets are pesticides and other organic toxins. The best thing about it as a detox agent is that because it is both chelator and absorbant, yet one that will circulate freely throughout the system and even cross the blood brain barrier, (other absorbants Bentonite and charcoal are limited to GIT or maybe skin) is that it does not burden the liver. DMPS for example will mobilse toxins out of the tissues and if that exceeds the liver's capacity to glucuronidate and eliminate them, then you have a systemic toxicity problem. So many detox programs need the use of multiple agents and depend on a very sensible and careful dosage program to balance mobilisation and elimination of toxins. With this agent, that is hardly a problem, because it does the chelating, absorbing and elimination via both kidneys and stools - therefore tremendously simplifies the whole detox game. OK, the agent is Clinoptilolite - a specific species of Zeolite mineral - in activated and micronised form. Many brands of this are available in various countries, such as Zeoactiv8 and Zeotrex. One thing that is strongly advised is to supplement with essential minerals alternately with zeolite doses, as one should do with any other detox modality.
Detox may not be the singular solution to cancer recurrence, but it's certainly a major one that should not be ignored.
I hope that for anyone who wishes to tackle the longer-term issue of carcinogenesis, this will be of help. I suggest you research Zeolite - what you will find is a lot of data on such things as impressive complete remission stats of around 80% (plus more long-term survivors at around 9% without complete remission) when used exclusively with patients who have Stage III & IV terminal (untreatable by the mainstream) cancers of most major kinds, INCLUDING LIVER & PANCREATIC. Imagine an agent - ANY agent - that almost routinely produces complete remission in two cancer types that normally have an almost 100% mortality rate?
Truthfully, I don't actually know how well the stuff will work on BCC, SCC or Mel. Zeolite does not work rapidly in its full range of capacities - treatment programs may span 3 months to 3 years and most clinical trials of it spanned about 18 months, I think. But the detox angle is the slowest process, for that can take up to four years for a heavily toxified first-time customer. And that is a major path towards the recurrence problem - because it's the removal of a fundamental causality factor.
Thanks Ken for all the information and the excellent youtube video with all the documentation .
quote:Originally posted by Ken Murray
Greg Caton and his wife, Alpha Omega labs in Ecuador should be given an apology from the USA government. I am using the same formula of Black Salve from an Australian supplier, connected with his Ecuador production facilities.
The Cansema - Black Salve i use contains Bloodroot, Graviola, Chapparal, Galangal, Zinc Oxide, and DMSO and it has been very effective over the years in removing basal skin cancer outbreaks on my face and upper chest area. I would recommend people to use only Cansema - Black Salve preparations from a reputable maker, with an excellent track record ...and not make homemade concoctions.
I am currently dealing successfully with over a dozen such unwanted basal cancer cell outcrops.
Thank you Raulrosado and others above, for your encouragement regarding my 5 Part Series on YouTube regarding my successful removal of over 20 outbreaks of Basal Skin Cancer.
I visited my Skin Cancer Doctor Specialist about a month ago and had a full body check and scan, as well as a more detailed scan at the Hospital.
All clear was the verdict!
But i still remain vigilant for any new outbreaks.
Fortunately i keep a couple of small jars of Cansema Black Salve, in my fridge, in readiness, just in case i might need them or someone in our family or friends might need it.
Interesting to read your positive reports too, MARK B. Keep up the good work and your progress reports to us.
Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.