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62 Posts |
Posted - 09/23/2012 : 11:44:43
Hello, I am new to this forum, and I have read many posts looking for a situation similar to mine, and found none. Well, one, but it didn't totally match up. I have a diagnosed basal cell spot on tip of nose, opted out of MOHs surgery to go the natural route, after much research on the web. I followed the protocol for application as per the alpha omega labs website (which I ordered from) Friday night (night before last). I applied to nose, and to forehead, where I knew I had another spot, undiagnosed, but I knew what it was as it felt and behaved just like my prior 2 bcc's. my face has now swelled up so badly, I look like Ia boxer at the end of a long fight. My left eye is almost swelled shut. Is this normal? I'm going to try to include a photo. I did take ibuprofen, 400mg last night, on top of the hydrocodone I take every 4-6 hours for the pain. I was getting worried about so much swelling, wondering if I need to succumb to a 'real' doc to make sure it's not an allergic reaction? Sure hope not! Any experience, suggestions? Thanks! |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/23/2012 : 17:18:18
Dear Hoxsey lol ( Wish I'd thought of that)...
I have used Black salve as part of a successful protocol for my nose area and pain/swelling WAS part of it. Go to and scroll down to bottom in order to see the pics I took including the dead cell mass pic.
Now, the swelling is not part of what you will see there but, the idea of " It gets worse before it gets better" is quite evident in the pics.
My lower lip hung down on the left side like a cartoon and hardly anything on my right. suffices to say I stayed indoors for a few days until it all went down again. I had read that this was part of the ordeal beforehand and just waited it out while staying away from ALL optional chemicals like, coffee,canned foods, frozen pizzas candy, limited the booze, just a shot or two for pain before bedtime, no fast foods etc.
In my opinion, the reason I could whack a lump as big as mine down to a divit with a border was not due to the salve alone. I have read and experienced that the body needs to be cleansed from the inside out to get the best reaction and so, I went to the organic store and bought flax seed oil in the dark bottle to take with cottage cheese in the morning (yuck is right) but, well worth it, we have hardly any vitamin B 17 in our diet
My lump was as big as the side of my nose and sat just under it above my lip.
There seems to be a lot of opinions but I am guessing that for a lump smaller than a dime in diameter you are looking at a month or less until it is just an area no one will be staring at any longer if you do the whole body routine.
Caton's video at Omega gave me the best explanation of how the salve works and is why I eventually tried it.
Remember these words KEEP IT MOIST KEEP IT MOIST KEEP IT MOIST......
Get some white vaseoline like Aquaphor at walmart or somewhere and keep applying it after the lump falls out, drink you orange juice daily.
Try and report back here with your issues and someone will get back to you and quite quickly if you leave pics I have noticed ha!
People like to see living proof I think lol...
Keep the faith and
Be Well Always,
Bonder |
Edited by - bonder on 09/23/2012 21:20:24 |
668 Posts |
Posted - 09/23/2012 : 18:48:55
Hey Hoxey...welcome to fight club..;)
One mistake that a lot of people make (including myself) is they try and treat everything at once... it's a mistake IMO ..just to much bad juice flowing and it is really uncomfortable, painful and in my case caused nausea. You're already there so now it is just time..hang tough it will be history sooner than you think.. Ibuprofen is your friend and as Bonder says don't let the areas you treated dry out if you can avoid it. Wishing you a fast and successful recovery.
Tom |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2012 : 20:02:27
Thank you so much for your responses! I slept most of the day, and the swelling has gone down a bit. My forehead is now puss-ing up, and the nose Eschar feels veerrrrry deep. I took two Benadryl last night after it was suggested that I may have had an allergic reaction, to help take the swelling down. Not sure if that helped, or if it just went down on its own. I couldn't have tolerated this without the Vicodin. I have one more question. Well, two... 1. Should I treat the eschars with hydrogen peroxide? 2. What am I doing wrong when trying to upload pics? Tells me I need to log in, but I am! Wow, am I ever going to have a hole in my nose! Sure hope it fills in like most pics I see! |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2012 : 20:05:40
Bonder- thank you for all your contribution to this forum... When you say keep it moist, do you mean all the time, or AFTER the Eschar falls off? Thanks in advance! |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2012 : 22:01:09
Howdy Hoxey,
You asked about peroxide during this protocol and I would have to say that if it were me doing it again, I would still not use peroxide, I'd wake up in the morn and hold a rag of warm water over the wound on my face and (never,ever,ever pic at the wound no matter how tempting). This is a natural process from your body's immune system forcing a foreign matter out of it which is why I wanted to keep all the crap we eat out before and especially during the healing process.
Note : If you feel like you have a small cold for a while do not be surprised, that will also go away.
If you went to for the pics, then you know what I mean when I say, " it gets worse before it gets better " but, once that sucker falls out perhaps in the morning while you are applying a rag onto it, There Will Be A Hole... It is going to take patience,courage and some belief in others to achieve your goal. Personally, I still have a chunk sitting in rubbing alcohol for some reason lol...
As I mentioned before, the idea of adding more salve is a mistake until you have seen what comes off during the 1st round. I went through 3 rounds until I had all of what I wanted off of me but, my lump was huge due to being too doped up on seizure medicine to react to planning correctly. ( I had to reduce the med on my own to think correctly once again).
In retrospect, it is entirely possible that one of the reasons I could go through 3 rounds with no pain killers was due to the (numbness) of my brain at the time, I do not know and will hopefully not have to try it again.
Hoxey, one thing to remember here is that once it falls out, you are now past the protective epidermis and it is open territory for other cancer-killing liquids if you have the mindset for it.
In other words, If you were to find Tom Haugen, Anivoc or Dan the owner of this site, they may be better at enlightening you on things like DMSO and orange oil. Just like a ninja warrior always finishes off his target with options if needed, in my opinion, this fight also needs a one-two punch.
If you notice in the 1st day pic I have on the site, there is a line over the tumor. That is from my incision in order to get through the epidermis with liquids before the salve use. With something as big as that sucker, I felt the only thing I was risking was infection but, I cleaned it daily and was not too worried.
Again, if it were me, I would clean with warm water, use a white vaseoline right away to help keep moist and then a 20,000 IU bottle of vitamin E after it falls out for repair and moisture. Scabbing up is not your friend here Hoxey once it is off your face if you want to limit scars.
At some point, you will see the hole getting smaller during repair phase and the lower red layer becoming new skin. For me, it was only then that I backed off and let some drying occur but, the using of vitamin E oil even in smaller amounts usually mushes up that eventually anyways and I am still applying it daily once or twice.
Keep up the good work and please tell others about these two sites if you believe in them to (pay it forward).
BTW, Anivoc or Dan might be the best bet for your answer to the reason why your pics are not uploading.
Be Well Always,
Edited by - bonder on 09/26/2012 12:41:16 |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2012 : 22:24:05
I found this today and hope it helps...
Here's how to insert a picture stored on your computer into a post:
1. First prepare a .jpg or .gif image file to be less than 90KB in size. You can go to to reduce image file sizes if necessary.
2. Save the image file into a directory on your computer where you know the path to it (such as C:\Temp).
3. In the forum where you would like to post your message with a picture, click the "Reply to Topic" or "New Topic" at the top or bottom of the thread. Don't use the "Quick Reply" method.
4. In the forum post editing window that results, click on the paperclip icon available near the bottom just above the post changes and preview buttons.
5. Browse to the directory on your computer where you saved your picture, click on your picture file, and hit the open button.
6. Hit the upload button (or select one of your previously uploaded files).
7. Close the popup window that says your upload was successful.
8. Hit the preview button in the editing window to see if it worked, then close the preview window.
9. Write a caption or message. You can delete "Image Insert:"
10. Hit the Post Changes button and you have done it!
I hope people will find the posting picture capability useful. These instructions probably sound much more difficult than it really is.
If you are concerned about your privacy, do not upload a picture you do not want the world to see. I'm not sure if the pictures can be deleted easily once uploaded. |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 10:58:28
Thank u, bonder, I will try that next. My big worry now is that it's SO deep, I may have to get reconstructive surgery after all. I say this because of how deep it feels to have gone in my nose, AND the fact that I think it has gone all the way through my nose cartilage to my nasal passage, because the pus and too is INSIDE my nostrils as well. I cleaned it out with a. Qtip last night, but decided if its gone through, or close to it, I should leave the inside alone just like the outside should be left alone. But dang, just how normal can ones nose look when that much skin dies out of it? Scaaaaaary scary time coming up for Hoxsley. I definitely had a couple of 'what the hell have I done?' Moments... But I know it was the right thing to do. I'll try the photos again, hope to get past the 'must be logged in to use this window' screen! Ask, this cancer on my nose was biopsied less than a year ago, and it came back as 'actinic keratosis', so they freeze sprayed it. I had it sprayed more than once. What are the chances of a cancer going from per cancer to full blown entire tip of nose in a year? Is that possible? Anybody know? Thanks for the support, fellow cancerites! Hoxsley
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 13:34:22
From what I am reading here and without benefit of a picture, it seems that this small area on the tip of your nose is not the (fleshy part) at the very end but, above the bone ? Because if I try to imagine sticking a needle through the very end of my nose to then go through the bone,or (cartilage area) that is a long drive dude...
See, as I understand it, depending upon the mixture, Black salve usually travels through cancer and eats up the camo hiding it from the immune system then, once it can see it ,the body uses it's normal way of kicking out a foreign material like it pushes out an infection.
So as you mentioned, unless your wound went from an AK to a full blown basal or squamous in less than a year, I have to wonder if you might be kicking out something else inside there that the salve just sort of (unmasked) for your body to see ?
In any case, through my experience and research, a black salve will send out (tentacles) like an octopus to go after cancer but, then it stops when the body's immune system says " Hey, get the out of here and take your cancer crap with you ! "
Then its back to healing like all wounds do under normal circumstances AND this supposes that you are not so full of coffee, booze, pizza and illegal drugs that your immune system is too busy fighting all that to heal the cancer.
Check out this guy removing a simple mole with black salve (watch it all) he sort of looks like Castro but, he is from NYC lol...
This is an example of what can happen above the neck for healing naturally along with eating right.
I'm no doctor but, like my pictures show, it gets worse before it gets better....
Be Well Always,
Bonder |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 15:35:13
Bonder- I am working on the diet thing, as it has been pretty baaaaad in the past. Lots of sugar, processed foods, etc. during this time, I have been eating very little, to give my body energy to put towards healing. I have had a few veggie juices from local health food store, eaten some fruits, I did do the cottage cheese thing before, too, but with ground flax seed, not the oil. I got scared today about what I'm going to look like after this huge thing falls off of my nose, so I called the aolabs and they reassured me that it grows back. My biggest concern is that I am pretty sure the cancer had grown all the way down Affecting the nasal passages. You know the photo of the lady on the quack watch site that had most of her nose gone after applying a fake salve? Well, that's what I fear I will look like after this comes off! Not really attractive, ya know? Ugh. Anyhow, thank you again, I am going to see if my pc will upload the pics that my iPad seems unable to... |
668 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 16:36:25
Hi Hoxey,
I want to clarify about the picture of the poor woman on quack watch.
That picture is not what she looked like after Bloodroot's what she looked like during plastic surgery.
I don't have the exact story at hand but as I recall it, This woman had skin cancer all over her face and applied bloodroot paste everywhere..Not for the faint of heart and definitely not anything I would recommend. I don't think she got bad bloodroot paste I think she tried to treat too large of an area at one time. That's how I recall it.. |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 17:12:58
Anivoc, Thats Da Man...
I was thinking about that picture of the lady and the quack that seems to be the largest (Big Pharma) advocate Doctor bashing alternatives everywhere I looked...
Here is what surgeons can really do if you need it...
But, b4 you get ahead of yourself,I'd get your pics up here and then see what some folks have to say.
Be Well Always,
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 17:52:54
photo worked on my pc. The nose spot- It's pretty big, this is the exact area that the salve touched, wherever salve was, it turned. I'm pretty sure there's more, but thank god I didn't do an even bigger spot! It's been very painful and feels quite deep. Anivoc- thank you for that info, I thought I had read that she did another treatment that was a fake salve or something....
Edited by - Hoxsey on 01/16/2014 10:42:26 |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2012 : 21:02:00
Ok, no big surprise that you have an oval-shaped pattern turning brown colors...
There is a lot of redness on the nose compared to the forehead however.
I have read here that others have put a dab of the salve on a part of their arm or leg to see what sort of reaction occurs to skin without cancer and determine if there is any allergics involved.
As you know, you can be allergic to dust, vegetables or whatever...
I think one of the most important things I did was get vaseline all over the wound and keep after it and get warm water on it several times a day as well but, for sure in the morning.
Before you came to this site, you followed the directions that came with the package right? What is the full name of the product you bought and does it indicate DMSO as an ingredient ?
Be Well Always,
A thought for medical professionals if you are inclined.
This is going to sound bizarre but, if you don't have both wounds biopsied yet, I'd get 2 cleaned out glass bottles from spaghetti sauce or whatever and pour enough rubbing alcohol into them in order to cover the lumps that falls out in case you do want to know what it was that fell off. Make sure to keep them covered.
Edited by - bonder on 09/26/2012 21:17:28 |
Thomas Haugen
94 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 08:41:02
Your nose wound looks like your immune system is in full response against the cancer cells as the redness/swelling indicates. Dead cancer cells are (deconstructed) and the intercellular stuff also is carried away through the bloodstream. As others have stated, the main cancer mass may come off your nose in one glob. Afterwards your nose prolly will have a depression(there's a medical term for it) where the mass was, and the new skin prolly will be redder than normal.
The good news is most skin cancers don't get as deep as you fear, so you may heal without needing extensive surgery. Google Mohs Surgery and then click on Images and you'll see lots of people who got a lot of scalpel work but none of them (IFAIK) got into the nasal passages. If you can heal up the wound by keeping it moist, then over the following months the depression prolly will start to fill in with healthy flesh and on the surface the skin will gradually lose the redness. My wound on the end of my nose became barely noticeable after a year in this exact process. Solid paste makeup will be your friend after the skin heals.
About your forehead, you now know why others have advised against treating more than one spot at a time. A strong immune system might be able to respond well to multiple wounds, but then again, maybe not. On the other hand there is the desire to get these hideous cancers over and done with and get your face back to normal. Your forehead doesn't look like the experience of others. That's why Bonder and Anivoc are asking what salve you used.
Some quacks added sulfuric acid to their salve formulas which kills normal cells. Buying known formulas and testing them on healthy skin appears to be the best Caveat Emptor.
Tom |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 13:58:13
Yes, I ordered from alpha omega labs, I got the 'amazon deep tissue black topical salve'. I tried it on 2 areas prior to facial application, and it did nothing more than turn red for a few days. My nose is confirmed basal cell. My forehead was never biopsied. I do know it was at least per cancerous. (The forehead.)
The ingredients are listed as: The original Amazon original salve formula has evolved over time, largely to improve performance and minimize pain management issues. The current ingredients of the original formula are, listed in order by weight: zinc chloride (ZnCl2), chapparal (Larrea mexicata leaf [contains active principle: NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid, 17% by weight)]), glycerine (used as a humectant, to keep the product moist), graviola leaf extract (distilled water, Annona muricata), oleander leaf extract (distilled water, Nerium oleander), and sanguinaria root powder (Sanguinaria canadensis).
At least the packaging it came in says alpha omega labs, and looks just like what is on their website...I haven't gone back to look at receipt or email to confirm-
do the fraudulent companies use identical packaging?
My cheeks (or maybe I should say 'jowls') are puffy in that photo as the swelling has slowly traveled down my face. I am sure my immune system is not very strong, and I now understand the importance of ONE SPOT AT A TIME. I only did 2 because I never imagined they would both react under the entire treated areas! Lesson learned.
I am just disgusted at how the FDA and AMA have controlled our options in health care, and have MISguided the American public as to what works regarding healing ourselves. What a sad state our country is in.
Thank you again for your responses... I certainly couldn't have done this without the benefit of these forums and websites dedicated to opening up this world I never before knew existed, or knew was an option! (The natural cancer cures) I plan on getting my whole story out there among them somehow, once the process is complete, so others may have one more positive proof that its not quackery, it works.
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 19:23:50
Ok Hoxsey,
If the recipe for your product is (by weight) and the 1st item is zinc chloride and the last is (Sanguinaria canadensis) AKA Bloodroot, then in my opinion you just chose a recipe much different than many others which are largely made of Bloodroot...
I'd be interested in anyone else's opinion here... so, the caustic nature of Zinc chloride is probably why it is called (deep tissue.) and probably why you have more reaction to it and not due to any allergies or other issues. Obviously, you should seek professional advice if you see fit.
If it were me, I'd be ingesting lots of carrot juice with apples (preferably in a juicer), take in lots of water,rice, greens and (soft gel or liquid ) multivitamins like the ones linked to the banner at the bottom of
Although they are pretty cheap, you don't need to buy there but, you can sure listen to what the natural doc says in the videos and see what they look like etc. Discount store hard vitamins are a waste of money during healing times. 20,000 IU vitamin E liquid is quite important here to be rubbed on after the glob falls off until the wound is pretty much minimal.
I was talking to a guy at a place I bring my used clothing to today and he told me a story of a friend who was diagnosed with stomach cancer like his father and uncle before him. The friend told him there was no way he would go through the proceedures like the others only to suffer and then just die...
The friend totally changed his eating habits, did the juicing, used an enema bag for cleansing and he has been doing it since the 1980's and still today. so, I pay it forward...
All of this info can be found on the net and I feel a lot of it is in the videos on my website.
Be Well Always, Bonder
Edited by - bonder on 09/27/2012 19:25:49 |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 19:45:02
Bonder- Well, crap! Why do you mention seeking professional advice? Do you think I have hurt myself here with this recipe?? You don't think my forehead is reacting from skin cancer, just possibly from sensitivity to what has been put on it? Now I am wigging out a bit. I'm going to feel like and idiot for doing this to myself if I am now scarred for life!? Oh boy.... |
62 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 22:31:25
Ps- I have been loading up on vegetables and have been getting juices that are mainly carrot and apple among other veggies from the local health food store. Tomorrow I just might have juices only. My daily vitamin is from a company called mega food, it's one hundred percent whole food based. I have read that typical grocery store ones are crap. I take fish oil (from a good company as well)!and have flaxseed oil, from the grocery store. Not sure if the maker is very good or not... I watched 'forks over knives' today, and have been doing a lot of research regarding how the foods we eat are the primary source of what makes us sick, and I am trying to slowly make changes in my diet to be more healthy. It's tough. Another good one is 'fat, sick and nearly dead', if you havent seen it. I highly recommend! |
186 Posts |
Posted - 09/27/2012 : 23:43:28
Here is the deal when you self-medicate...
You run the risk of over-doing it and while I think you will heal like everyone else,the (double dose) you put on may not be much fun for a while fore sure so, I'd be a jerk not to remind you that one can go to emc and ask their opinion, reflect on what they suggest and decide if you just want to wait it out or have them do something for you to make things easier
Nobody says you have to go to a surgeon tonight and have surgery but, always keep in mind that those guys see people with burns, cuts etc. every day.
Zinc chloride is no party favor and while we are talking about a small chance, you must consider that you might be sensitive to it.
Longer to heal is more accurate in my opinion which is why it is imperative that you watch what goes into your system and keep things moist
Nobody wants bad news but, you came here for truthful information good and bad...
I think the (good news) Is what Haugen said about no nasal passage issues typically.
Be Well Always, Bonder
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/01/2012 : 00:33:55
Ok, it's been a few days to 'see what happens" with my two treated cancer spots... - Unfortunately, I MUST be of those cases that ends up with a MUCH worse case than most people experience. :( Crap.
-The eschar is still attached to my nose, but it's loose enough that tonight, I could pull the top part away enough to see that my worst fear/outcome is going to be my reality. I can see my nose cartilage underneath the eschar, and I can even pull air through the top/front area of my nose if I completely clog my nostrils. To put it bluntly, there is no skin left under the eschar to regenerate NEW SKIN outward from the center of the eschar pit???!!(it's going to be an open PIT, exposing my nasal cartilage and nasal passages to the WORLD!!!) (YAY!). What do I do now?) Yes, I have had the 'Holy ****, what have I done??!! thought...) I'm past it, because what's done is done. I have to move forward now.
Any personal experience/heard of others' experiences with this??????
(I have only heard of one individual, personally.... He did a black salve like I did, and ended up with such deep penetration it exposed the internal nasal passages like me...) that he had to have plastic surgery to fix it. -Which is what I was trying to avoid from the start, of course, but I suppose you never know until you start cutting or salving, eh?)
But seriously, from ALL of the photo documentaries I checked out online, I have not seen one case where this has happened to another individual using a herbal remedy... (The first one I saw and that completely convinced me to do this was Bill Oleary's blog. Just google "Bill oleary cancer" and it will be the first webpage to come up on Google. Scroll down from there and you see his photo journal...)
Sooooo, am I just an unlucky, unusual cancer individual, or is this an uncommon, but known sort of case where an individual has such an aggressive basal cell cancer on their nose that it has eaten up more skin than can be naturally regenerated????? How does a hole in the middle/front of your nose naturally fill in with no skin left underneath in the center????? I had my nose biopsied about a year ago, and it was 'diagnosed' as 'actinic keratosis', or 'pre-cancer'. (and has been 'treated' with freeze therapy three times since then.)
Can it really go from being a basal cell pre-cancer to full blown 'it's the entire tip of your freakin nose' BCC in less than a year??????? I have heard basal cell was a slow grower. : /
Understandably, as you can imagine, I am sickened and freaked out by my personal revelation tonight- that the salve went completely through my nose down to my nasal passages.... The only thing that makes my mind feel halfway ok right now is that I have faith that the salve only took out CANCEROUS cells, not normal skin cells, and that a Moh's surgery would have taken more, and would have had much more initial scarring. I did test this salve on two suspicious skin spots prior to application on my known basal cell cancer spot, (one on my inner arm, one on my shin.) but nothing happened more than they got a bit red. Yes, I used a 'deep tissue salve' that has DMSO in it, but would that kill regular skin cells???? I didn't think so.
I believed, instinctively, that this was THE RIGHT thing to do once I saw so many salve photo healings online. Unfortunately, mine reacted like no other I have seen, where its so deep, the center of the cancer spot is gone/open??? Will it grow back in from the center somehow? I have heard that it can/will. I just don't see how it could..... yet, on others I suppose (now that I think back) that I have seen a breast cancer come completely out of a breast from @ the breast center, and the skin tissue came back together.... I don't know how that happens!?
Ok, so from all of this, I have two questions: 1. Does anybody have evidence to prove my nose might fill back in, from an empty center, or will I need reconstructive surgery to look normal again?
2. Is there some chance that the 'deep tissue' formula containing the DMSO somehow burned through my healthy tissues?
I cannot tell you how much your unpaid/experienced responses mean to me. I mean to pay it all forward.
(got many great chances today because everyone that sees bandages on your face is compelled to ask what happened, so I 'witnessed' to about 5 individuals today about how wacked our AMA and FDA are, and how Criminal it is that they hide all of this in our country!!!!!!!) :o)
PS- I have many many photos if anyone wants to see more evidence of what I am going through.... |
186 Posts |
Posted - 10/01/2012 : 17:33:52
Luckily skin usually grows from the outside-in so I'm thinking things will still be ok IF... (you leave the eschar alone) My wound did not go to a cartilage but, went down far enough to see deeper tissue layers for sure.
Eventually, most salve wounds just get smaller and smaller.
If you could, post some pics of what you are trying to describe here so others can get a better grasp of what is happening A.S.A.P. Be well always,
Bonder |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2012 : 13:50:27
Yes Bonder,
I do need to post more pictures, and I am going to now. I can't seem to do it from my iPad, so I have to trudge over to my sloooow PC to get the job done! The Eschar has not come off of my nose. I am getting a little concerned only because of how 'attached' it still feels on the bottom, or lower section. I am also struggling with keeping the edges moist, yet not covering it too much because it's my understanding that the eschar needs to be 'dried out' to shrivel up and come off. So what I have is an eschar that needs to stay dry, and borders that all need to stay moist! -Am I correct in my thinking, or can/should I just keep this thing covered and totally moist all around all the time? Pics to come, next post! |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2012 : 14:22:19
Removed pic. |
Edited by - Hoxsey on 01/16/2014 10:43:22 |
186 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2012 : 20:56:27
My experience was warm water all over the mass and the vaseline or vitamin E all over as well. The mass will probably shrivel in size regardless but, scar tissue is better when kept moist longer which means keeping moist well past the time the mass falls out.
Also, these are often deep connections and need time come off, rushing it is not a good idea....
Be well always, Bonder |
38 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2012 : 13:07:36
Just wondering how you are doing today. I check on this forum almost every time I log on to see if there are any new post. I hope everything turns out well for you. |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2012 : 14:02:26
Hi lily44... Well, the forehead Eschar came off today, and it looks good underneath. It's kind of pitted, like I had expected. The nose Eschar is pretty loose but still seems attached near the bottom. It's quite scary and pretty traumatic to look at when I lift it and peek under. I feel quite like a freak show, or that I will look like one when it comes off. I am totally having second thoughts about going this route. I hope I can soon look back at this and say 'well, everything turned out alright, I need not have worried'. Right now, under the Eschar, I do not have a nose tip. It feels like I have mauled myself, deformed my nose, possibly for good/forever. Yes, people keep telling me it may fill in, but right now... It just seems like an impossibility. If my nose tip just miraculously grows back from a completely open hole, (and looks normal enough to not have surgery to look normal again) it will be one of, if not THE most miraculous thing I have ever seen.
On the plus side, like every online story I have read, there has been no sign of infection whatsoever in either spot. I'm unsure why they seem unable to get infected, but that's all i ever read, and it has been my experience as well.
I'll try to post updates as I heal. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2012 : 15:51:31
Hi Hoxsey..
First things first ..who told you to let the eschar stay dry? That is exactly the opposite of what I was told and did with decent results..I used chickweed salve that is mainly beeswax and olive oil. I always kept my lesions covered especially after the eschar fell out. I've heard of other people using auquaphor.. Anyway not sure which is "right" but that's how I dealt with mine. One thing for sure we are not supposed to pull on the eschar..we need to let it fall out on it's own..
...really sorry that you like so many of us here have to go through this skin cancer hassle. Your's are especially tough because of where they are and the magnitude of the size... Bonder sure had a big one under his nose that he is healing nicely from .
Our aesthetics are really important and for women even more so... I remember complaining to a nephew of mine about the scars and he said yeah but a few scars add character.. Well as guy yeah maybe..for you ladies not so much.
IMO and bottom line as far as you doing this or going traditional. In my experience bloodroot paste knocks out the does not take damage healthy skin.. I applied the same paste that went crazy on my lesions on the inside of my thigh ( where the sun don't shine ever) and had zero effect on that healthy skin..
So what does that say? Again just my opinion but the major loss of skin you have experienced was tumor and if you had gone the Mohs surgery route they would have had to take easily as much and likely much more to get all the bad tissue. Once they were done removing all the diseased tissue they would perform plastic surgery to improve the aesthetic end result. Once you are through with this treatment if you are unhappy with the end results you can have plastic surgery too if you so choose. I was lucky the one on my nose was very small fell out and healed amazingly nice. The ones on my foreheads left some scars but they were much bigger lesions.
I am hoping and praying the best outcome for you.. hang in there.
Edited by - anivoc on 10/05/2012 15:58:31 |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2012 : 21:45:45
I wasn't told to let it stay dry, what I wrote last is a bit confusing. I am keeping them moist for sure. I use vitamin e oil sometimes, but mostly now am using aquaphor. It's day 17, and the nose Eschar still has not come off. It still itches too, so I suppose it is still doing its thing and healing/killing the deepest cancer cells. Forehead it'll itching as well. Just an update, wanted to clear up the moist/dry confusion. The saga continues!!! |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2012 : 21:50:31
quote: Originally posted by Hoxsey
I wasn't told to let it stay dry, what I wrote last is a bit confusing. I am keeping them moist for sure. I use vitamin e oil sometimes, but mostly now am using aquaphor. It's day 17, and the nose Eschar still has not come off. It still itches too, so I suppose it is still doing its thing and healing/killing the deepest cancer cells. Forehead it'll itching as well. I am still sometimes taking an anti itch Benadryl type medication. Just an update for anyone interested, and I wanted to clear up the moist/dry confusion. Tom- I agree...scars on men='cool'...on women , 'not so much'!! But it does add character! My saga continues...
38 Posts |
Posted - 10/09/2012 : 14:22:27
Not many people would have a sense of humor in your situation. I'd say you must be a very wonderful, and brave person. I wish only the best outcome for you. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 16:35:29
I have a BCC on my nose, and will be having Moh's surgery on the 25th of October. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
Do you have an updated photo to share? I'd love to see the gradual results. From what I've seen online, it looks like your wound is very similar to all of the others' |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 18:59:00
Thank you, lily44... Cvxixi- good luck with your surgery! I hope it's not very deep... My Eschar is about to drop off. Ick! Once it does... It will be countdown to see what happens. I know I should have faith, but if somebody had the end of their nose cut off, would it just grow back? No. I'm not sure how this is any different, but I am going to find out, whether I like it or not! I'll send pic in next post... |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 19:13:21
Removed pic. |
Edited by - Hoxsey on 01/16/2014 10:43:59 |
2 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 19:23:56
Do you have any photos of the original BCC?
38 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 22:20:19
[quote]Originally posted by Hoxsey
It looked just like a tiny spot...
I have a spot on the side of my nose that looks worse than that. I just wonder if maybe you got a hold of some "bad" salve. I've never tried black salve, and probably would never use it on my face, maybe some place less visible. Best of luck to you. |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 23:03:25
I will double check who I ordered from, but I think it was alpha omega labs... That's what the container says. But I will double check. I have heard that there are copycat companies. Wouldn't that be a bitch! But I have also read that those (or that ) company(ies?) use ingredients that do nothing at all. (?)
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2012 : 23:14:49
Hi Hoxsey,
I have to admit having never seen the before picture before, I am really surprised how much tumor was there. I have a few questions ..
You mentioned you tried it on a test area i.e. and area that you were sure was healthy skin before using it on the diagnosed BCC..Did you leave the paste on that healthy area for 24 hours? On the picture is this the worst it ever looked before applying the paste? Did it ever bleed? When you applied the paste how much did you apply on that tiny spot?
Please do confirm that you did buy this from the real "Alpha Omega Labs"
Edited by - anivoc on 10/10/2012 23:22:43 |
186 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2012 : 09:22:49
Okidokey Hoxsey :)
You seem to be at the (Gets worse before it gets better) stage...
(Now) in my opinion, is the most crucial time to treat the area to aid in scar minimization. So, when the mass falls out,if it were me, the idea would be to get a clean & warm wet cloth in there every morning to soak it. Then,once it dries from the water apply the gel throughout the day to keep moist.
Anivoc has asked some very important questions here and he was the guy I asked the most questions from when I wanted to know about Bloodroot so I hope you respond to him.
These are all important.
1.You mentioned you tried it on a test area i.e. and area that you were sure was healthy skin before using it on the diagnosed BCC..Did you leave the paste on that healthy area for 24 hours?
2.On the picture is this the worst it ever looked before applying the paste? (In other words, did it get much worse and you finally said "ugh, I'm tired of this getting worse and worse so, I'll try bloodroot")
3.Did it ever bleed?
4.When you applied the paste how much did you apply on that tiny spot? (Some people first use the size of a grain of rice and others start with the size of a finger full).
Hoxsey, if you notice once again on your forehead as with the area under my nose, it is easy to see that the paste seems to work in a (Uniform Cylindrical Manner). On your nose, the shot is a bit squashed to be able to see but the mass is certainly not (jagged) in structure.
I don't yet know if this is due only to bloodroot or just how the immune system works on the face.
Before bed, I rubbed a finger full of vitamin E oil over it.
My guess is, slowly but surely you will see the hole getting smaller and pink skin forming there.
One thing to consider is, the mass on your forehead is probably easier to heal.
You might be able to judge what is going to happen there first....
Keep up the good work,
Be Well Always...
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2012 : 20:24:55
Hi Antioch and Bonder! Yep, I'm am at the worse before better stage as I still strongly believe I will need corrective surgery to look normal again. Oh well!! At the least, hopefully I got it all, and took out less tissue than MOHs surgery would have. It sucks that the scary pictures of forehead flap surgeries and scars that led me to learning about black salve are likely going to be in my future anyway. But why cry over spilled milk?
I have not yet confirmed where I purchased my salve, but I will call them tomorrow to find out. Here are the answers to your questions:
1. Yes, I covered and left the salve on 2 spots for 24 hours, one on my inner upper arm, and one on my shin. All my skin did was get a tad red, nothing more, no reaction.
2. This pic is not the best, does not show the bcc area very well, but it was the easiest one to share as it was already on my ipad. The funny (maybe the wrong adjective to use?) thing is that about a year ago, it was biopsies and came back as pre cancer, or actinic keratosis. I have had it 'frozen' about three times. It continued to bleed every now and then, and never stopped being a little red spot. The derm said the redness would eventually go away. Seeing as it never did, and that it still bled, I wanted a second opinion/biopsy, and sure enough, it came back positive as a bcc. I'm thinking the first biopsy was not taken properly, or was mis diagnosed. I was not impressed with that derm, and went to another one for the MOHs surgery I had on my upper lip, that the unimpressed derm biopsied. ( I had both spots biopsied at the same time, as they both would bleed every now and again, looked and behaved exactly the same.)
3. Yes, it bled if rubbed vigorously when washing my face with a washcloth.
4. I put the salve all over the tip of my nose. I wanted to get it all, and any little satellite cells that may be around it. As I said before, everywhere the salve was applied, my skin reacted on my face. So that leads me to believe there has got to be more. 
I am keeping it covered at all times, (for the weak of heart and the general publics sake!!) and use the aquaphor cream to keep both spots moist. Will continue to until it is completely healed, or until I have surgery...
The Eschar is literally hanging by one strand now. I'm leaving it to fall off, no pulling, no rush! It's pretty freaky to lift it and look under though. Wowza... i never thought I would see my nose look like this! I just cannot imagine people dealing with disfigurement who do not have the money or means to have it fixed. So, things could be much, much worse, and I realize this. I never much liked my nose. Of course, I would love to have the nose i hated back! Just makes you realize how silly it is to be hard on ones self, when its easy to forget how lucky you are to have what you have, in that regard. I guess it's human nature, eh? Sill, looking at my nose in the mirror makes me look back and realize I had a great nose compared to this!!
Not sure why I just went off on that tangent.
That's it for now! I'll be back with updates as they come up. Cheers! |
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2012 : 20:53:51
Hats off to you Hoxey! Great attitude.
Interesting what you said about how it effects anywhere on your face. I am wondering if bloodroot paste attacks any sun damaged skin be it pre AK or full on BCC.
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2012 : 08:47:34
Anivoc- I thought it did, from whati remember reading here and there, but not positive. I am looking into doing Gerson therapy to treat the rest of me, and avoid any more holes in my face or body! :) |
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2012 : 12:27:20
Hi Hoxsey..
I'm all for better nutrition but ..
Here's a link that seems to take a reasonable look into the therapy for you to draw your own conclusion..
Not sure if you were planning on going to the clinic or doing it on your own..but if I was going to try the clinic ( at $5500 a week) I would ask for some previous customer references. I'd speak to several and qualify that they are real and sincere. Before I ever tried Bloodroot paste I spoke with ( on the phone or via e-mail) at least 10 people who had used it personally.
As a contractor I was always able to provide a list of happy customers..they should be able to do the same ..if they can't it is because they don't have them... |
Edited by - anivoc on 10/13/2012 12:32:02 |
186 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2012 : 17:59:43
Good point Anivoc,
Here is some more text...
The Gerson Institute provides a newsletter and contact details of support groups run by long-term recovered patients. The Gerson Institute offers a list of “Recovered Patient Referrals” to prospective new patients. Further details of the Gerson network are set out on their website.
Charlotte Gerson has continued her father's work much more than most (with) a degree in medicine do.
While it is true that the clinic stays are expensive, you can learn a lot just from some of the videos on and go on from there to study. If you listen to Dr. Blaylock (Neurosurgeon), the diet most of us eat is the playground cancer lives in along with many other illnesses and the more of a (raw food) sort of diet is having a tremendous effect.
But, don't expect to get that from the AMA or NCI,why admit you are wrong when keeping up the facade keeps paying the bills ?
For a very long time they had me convinced there was no other way than the knife available.
When the cavemen screwed that up on me, I did some significant research of my own....
Be Well Always, Bonder
668 Posts |
Posted - 10/13/2012 : 20:33:40
Bonder you are a good man!
Thanks for digging deeper and providing the info above...
As you always say.. "Be Well" my brother! |
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2012 : 12:53:28
Hi guys! Well, to be more specific, I am not looking into going to a gerson clinic, I'm just fascinated by all I have read about it online, and in videos. I am juicing some and studying up on the what and whys of food as your cause of disease, and using real food as your healer. I looked at the cam cancer site, and wasn't impressed at who they name as backers for the trials and researching. I am also wondering why they don't check out and list black salve a remedy?
Well, my big news is that the Eschar came off night before last! Boy, it felt like such a Huge Event! It looks EXTREMELY clean underneath, but I prefer not to look at it much. It's been kept bandaged and moist ever since and I'm not taking it off until tomorrow night. Yes, I am taking photos, and still hope for a positive outcome so I may list another success story! |
186 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2012 : 14:17:59
Hey There Hoxsey
Oh happy day it finally all came out YAY !!
Now its just sort of (wait n watch), keeping moist and clean as I recall. It was kind of strange waiting for my top layer of skin to grow back in place of a red and (open) look.
How is the forehead looking ? If you have about an hour to spend, maybe scroll down on to watch Dr. Russell Blaylock the neurosurgeon speak about (excitotoxins). He seems pretty well convinced that industry is (dumbing down American society). He also seems to feel that these poisons are exhausting our cells and immune systems.
I spent a bit of time around some of those with seven zeros in their bank balances and I noticed they rarely spent any time in fast food joints...
Here is a good link for this sunday" target="_blank">
Be Well Always,
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/14/2012 : 23:21:34
For the full effect, and just in time for Halloween, I am sending the pic of what I have to work with. I am glad it's off, but cannot wait for it to fill in, at least as much as it can. Anyhoo, here goes. 'Enjoy!' 
...aaaand there went nothing. Files are too large, will try again tomorrow. It's late.
62 Posts |
Posted - 10/15/2012 : 16:15:59
I'm am CONFIRMED! I just called alpha omega labs, and they confirmed that it was them that I ordered the deep tissue bs from. So that's a relief. |
Edited by - Hoxsey on 01/16/2014 10:45:04 |
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