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Posted - 08/10/2009 :  18:23:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
quote]Originally posted by dorita

This website is very helpful, specifically the suggestions presented regarding the correct diets for a cancer patient. However, I am amazed at how unscientific the information on each treatment is presented here, by the patients. Ex.: It reads, "I used aloe vera and pancreatin but it gives no idea how much of each. I use 'this' and 'that' but gives no information on the ratios !? This is one of the reasons it turns out to be ineffective, often. As in other cancer treatments, most of the products presented on this forum work effectively for some people, but not for others. Cancer is a systemic illness -it is internal, it is in the body system-- and it must be attacked also through the food intake in order to enhance the activity of the INMUNE SYSTEM. All COOKED flesh is acid forming, thus, it should be limited or eliminated from the diet. The scientific literature is inundated with data showing that CASEIN causes cancer. Casein is the main protein in milk. My educated guess is that raw milk (not pasteurized dairy products) will not cause cancer. Read the book "The China Study" which is well documented. Keeping an alkaline urine pH of 7 to 7.4 is almost indispensable. A pH lower than 6.5 is a negative cellular environment, and lower than 6.5 is detrimental. The reading from urine pH is more accurate than the reading from the saliva. Eliminating all kind of sugars, including 'dehydrated cane juice' is necessary. Green vegetables alkalize the urine and the saliva. Collard greens are excellent to alkalize the urine, specially if eaten raw in green salads. Use a natural dressing of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a little shredded garlic, some chopped onions, some fresh lemon juice and unrefined salt. Salad dressings contain excessive sugars. Most vegetables oils are carcinogenic, --yes, this is from scientific data-- except Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Eating a fruit salad of fresh, ripe --not acid--fruits with some dates, a few nuts (brazil, pecan and pumpkin seeds), with one or two stalk of finely sliced celery would make a good breakfast. Drink at least 1 quart of fresh carrot juice (rich in pro Vit A) -not pasteurized- diluted with spring water: 1-1 ratio. This makes 2 quarts of fluid intake per day: 1 cup every 2 hrs. Another breakfast could be: Rolled oats soaked in water: 1:1 ratio. Add some sliced banana, a few nuts --uncooked and unsalted please-- with UNSWETENED soy milk and a little 'pineapple-coconut milk' for added flavor. Rolled oats have been already cooked for 6 hours, so you don't need to do additional cooking. For dinner have a large raw vegetable salad --no ice lettuce-- with cooked brown rice and lentils combination for a complete protein. (Ex.: 2 cups brown rice + 1 cup lentils +3 cups water. At high heat bring to boil. Then at low heat cook for 50 minutes.) Add some olive oil, garlic and salt before is served. There is report at Harvard University which states the case of an older man in his eighties, who underwent 4 surgeries to eradicate melanoma. Melanoma returned but he refused surgery. Instead he drunk a quart of chaparral tea per day for a few months and had a complete remission, his melanoma did not return. In the High Desert of Yucca Valley, California chaparral grows all over. It has been scientifically demonstrated that Chaparral contains a certain acid which inhibits cancer cells. Good luck.

Edited by - dorita on 08/11/2009 14:57:13


611 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2009 :  01:24:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
dorita, you are right, critical information is often left out of self-treatment descriptions. Hopefully people posting will begin to err on the side of too much detail. In the meantime, feel free to ask lots of questions, it helps everyone.
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Posted - 08/26/2009 :  11:31:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dorita and welcome.

I hope someday we can compile all the data here in on data sheet for evaluation. Time is the enemy here. Just not enough of it to do what I would like to do.

In regards to alternative approaches. There are literally thousands of options and ways to approach those options into the 10's of thousands.

Like buying a stock....Do your own due dilligence.

I.E. You mentioned chaparral tea. I googled chaparral and skin cancer..
One of the first results was a bulletin from the Canadian government ( ) discouraging the use because of possible fatal liver and kidney damage.

Just because things are natural doesn't mean they have no side effects. Again always do your own due diligence before trying anything you read on the internet or were told by a "professional"

What do they call a doctor who graduated at the bottom of his class?

A doctor...

Most of the people here are just average Joes with day jobs trying to find a better solution to curing skin cancer than the current alternatives.

Pick your poisons carefully.

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Posted - 04/03/2012 :  09:07:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My husband used the Black Salve recipe that you can purchase from - as per the link below . He used it on two skin cancers on his scalp, with two applications each time, covered with renewed Bandaids for about a week. It developed a scab, which he left alone - it fell off - the lump was gone and there is no scar - just a patch of skin paler than before. (One of them he had to treat twice.)

It most certainly works when applied properly and sparingly and also kept free of bacteria. Naturally if you have a far more serious cancer, not just a superficial skin type, you would crazy not to have it removed by a doctor. The salve is a powerful product, but you have to use common sense. If the lump was still there after treatment, then of course, you would have it surgically removed. It is never a case of alternative or traditional medicine, it is a matter of trying both, but monitoring the situation very closely.

It didn't even hurt my husband, except for some very slight discomfort at the start. I can vouch for the truth of these statements as I was there and saw what happened. There is a lot of misuse, fraud and trouble-making out there. Go for a reputable firm. It is worth a try. Here is the link for the recipe.[cat_id]=ALL&search_subcategories=0
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Posted - 05/08/2012 :  20:29:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have lost my mother to cancer a few years back and I have to say that it was one of the most difficult times of my life. As I am now nearing my 50s, 'the BIG C' is one of my greatest fears. I am continually in search of information and latest developments about the disease while trying to get a good grip of my health condition. I am optimistic that I can learn a lot while sharing some insights and practical experiences to others in this forum.
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Posted - 09/06/2012 :  05:20:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dorita come back, what do I eat for dinner tomorrow night? LOL
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.