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 sodium bicarbonate
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Posted - 04/23/2010 :  15:02:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am on active surveilance for prostate cancer.
My PSA readings in last year were 8.5, 9.5, 9.54, 10.5, 12.5, 10.5 and 9.0.
I had two biopsies 10 core each, both negative, but with high grade PIN and ASAP.
I have used super curcumin, ESSIAC tea and recently sodium bicarbonate orally. The recent drop in PSA reading (this from 12.5 to 10.5 and from 10.5 to 9) both happened after 5 day sessions of sodium bicarbonate 2 teespoons twice a day.
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Posted - 04/25/2010 :  17:26:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Halo Marylou, you have mentioned that you used 250 gram of baking soda a day.
That seems like a lot - it is about 1 cup or 100 teaspoons of soda.
I have used just 4-6 teaspoons a day with 1 liter of water plus alkalizing diet, and my urine pH was 8.2. By the way, normal urine pH is between 5 and 6, depends on your diet. You may change it by drinking baking soda, but that doesn't mean your blood and other internal fluids will change to alkaline too. Prostate is the organ urine is passing through, but I don't understand how urine alkality will affect breast cancer.
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Posted - 05/22/2010 :  04:28:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i just found this forum. looking for advice and real experience with sodium bicarbonate. my father has colon cancer. part of the tumor is outside the rectum. no metastasis. blood in the stool. lot of pain. he cant sit and very painful to walk. pains goes down to his leg. he is scheduled for first chimio in 3 weeks. i just started him on one tsp of sodium bicarbonate twice a day but i'm very scraed it could cause problems. he has high creatinine. should i stop or continue with the sodium bicarbonate? your help is much appreciated. any suggestions what other alternative solution out there?
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64 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2010 :  11:38:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello racha,

The forum topic here titled "Alka V6" has information on an alternative solution that's worth your time to check out.

Here is a link to the research about it, and there are many testimonials about using it for various types of cancer.

The Alka V-6 can be taken internally and used on external tumors as well, which targets the cancer from both directions.

Wishing the best for your Dad,

Originally posted by racha

i just found this forum. looking for advice and real experience with sodium bicarbonate. my father has colon cancer. part of the tumor is outside the rectum. no metastasis. blood in the stool. lot of pain. he cant sit and very painful to walk. pains goes down to his leg. he is scheduled for first chimio in 3 weeks. i just started him on one tsp of sodium bicarbonate twice a day but i'm very scraed it could cause problems. he has high creatinine. should i stop or continue with the sodium bicarbonate? your help is much appreciated. any suggestions what other alternative solution out there?

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Posted - 05/30/2010 :  07:39:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To contact Dr. Simoncini:


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Posted - 09/04/2010 :  01:09:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Reply to Rocco (Psoriasis sufferer Feedback) PSORIASIS PROTOCOL RESULTS OVER A 30 DAY PERIOD September 2010 - AUGUST 2010 - I can only speak of my personal results. For the believers, naysayers and skeptics alike and with all respect. I have used the Iodine tincture 7% and sodium bicarb treatment for 1 month. I began August 3 and today is Sept. 2, 2010. My results following Dr. Simoncini's psoriasis protocol is absolutely amazing. I am ecstatic and thrilled to share my results with you! The thick angry inflamed 'red' patches of Psoriasis I had are now gone, or are now a thinning 'lightly scaling' pinkish white (healthy follicle growing skin is visible and healthy in areas that were completely covered a month ago) My skin itches when I smoke - drink coffee use alcohol etc..Things I know I should not do. My Psoriasis is gone from my hands. Period. I have not used the 10-20-30 times daily protocol as is prescribed as I am NOT working directly under a doctors care so I don't want to over-do the iodine thing. But, the results are indisputable. The protocol as Dr. Simoncini recommends is too much for me (I am afraid of 30X anything daily), but I work with a couple applications of Iodine tincture 7% at a time.. a few times a day.., then - and only after it drys - (approx.2-3 minutes really) I apply very liberally the Sodium Bicarbonate (in some places actually "caking" it over the ugliest patches - my right calf & left elbow in my specific case). I let that dry 45 minutes approx. It stings like a son-of-B*^$#@! for about several minutes in the beginning of the protocol, but less and less and for shorter & shorter periods of time as the condition improves. It's not painful per say just uncomfortable for a few minutes... The result? My condition has DRAMATICALLY IMPROVED. Using 2% or 5% tincture of Iodine did not seem strong enough and REGULAR IODINE IS USELESS for this protocol ( I tried Regular Iodine to save money - it was useless). You must special order the 7% Tincture solution for this protocol to work effectively. Google: Tincture of Iodine 7% and you will find suppliers on Amazon. I am no doctor or medical professional, I am a financier and broker out here in California ~ in the South Bay Area ~ south of San Francisco. I have nothing to gain here by telling you my story and my only loss has been Psoriasis from both hands - one elbow. The other affected area(s) - my shines - right calf - right thigh at the knee are smooth & flush with my normal skin level but still slightly "pink". My skin (dead Psoriasis flakes) is shedding away gently, revealing the healthy shade of white underneath. The Sodium Bicarb application is a bit messy,and a bit of a hassle but what the heck! It's $1.50 a box (Arm and Hammer) the Iodine is about $10.00 with shipping per 1OZ. bottle, and the distilled water is $2.00 bucks USD. I am now on my second 1-ounce bottle of 7% Iodine and about my 6th box of Sodium Bicarb. If I was a really smart guy with a lot of ambition I would set up a clinic using THIS system. Unless someone determines that Baking Soda or a 2 ounce bottle of Iodine tincture administered topically can cause your willy to drop off, the Pharmacy Industry is going to have to adjust future earnings (way downward), and Armand Hammer Baking soda will go to $10.00 / a box! I have a new appreciation in vacuuming my living room carpet now that I never had before for some reason. :-) This is my testimonial for Dr. Simoncini's Psoriasis protocol using Sodium Bicarb and Iodine Tincture 7%. ~jck - Mountain View California. I am pissed I have spent thousands on treating this scourge on my body when this was here all along.
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Marcel P

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Posted - 09/05/2010 :  23:59:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I posted way back in 2008 that when in Rome I would visit Dr Simoncini and just ask a few basic questions such as where and who would perform a treatment for my prostate cancer.
In essence I was not convinced when told the insertion of two catheters would be done in a hotel room by two un-named doctors. The fee was 8,000 euros cash for each side of the prostate, 16,000 in total.
If the operation was to be performed in a clinic I might have given it more consideration but I’m afraid that the whole process and attitude was not very convincing. I was told that I would have to do the daily injections into each catheter with a sodium bi-carb solution. For removal of the catheter I could remain in Rome for ten days or so and they would be removed for a fee. I was also told that any doctor would remove the catheters for me to which I suggested that it would not be that simple to arrange. The 10 minute “consultation” was 65 euros cash.
Subsequently I have had the prostate removed and have no regrets.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.