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 Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
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3 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2007 :  18:52:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, I posted this at and someone saw it and wanted me to share it here. I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else I can do:

3/3/2007: John (thejohnmalkovich[at] from Birmingham, AL writes, "NOTE: I don't know what the laws are and I don't want to get sued. Use my information at your own risk. I'm just trying to help in any way I can, because NO ONE should have to go through what I went through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you, PLEASE spread the word!

3 skin cancer growths on my face cured in a WEEK of applying Hydrogen Peroxide on them - HOW YOU APPLY could mean the difference between EFFECTIVE, or NOT (read further for detailed explanation). (NOTE: I use a lot of repetition, to make sure you understand exactly what I'm referring to.)

I would definitely recommend trying this before you try bloodroot.

THANK GOD!! WOW! I'm still shocked it worked and it took only a WEEK!!! How is this possible that people don't know about this and a truth so simple is not known by everyone is beyond me.

My story and how I used Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to cure my skin cancers: Over the period of two years two cancerous growths appeared on my face (nose); one of them was growing very slow the other one faster. Then in less then a year another one appeared on my face as well - on the side of my nose very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more red and at times really red. I applied just about every fruit on them I could think of with what seemed no effect. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that Hydrogen Peroxide cured melanoma. I was going to try the eggplant and white vinegar remedy, but was worried about the fumes from the vinegar being so close to my eye. So I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide first. At first it didn't seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about 5 millimeters in diameter and just few months ago it was a tiny spot. In my helplessness.


I took a cotton swab and soaked it in Hydrogen Peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth with the Hydrogen Peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was soaked in the Hydrogen Peroxide and was white. It stung badly, but I didn't care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on my face. After the soaking of the growths I applied cotton soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide on them. NOTE: when soaking the skin with Hydrogen Peroxide make sure you don't do it to the healthy skin, because even though it is more resistant to getting white and soaked with the Hydrogen Peroxide, it will also get white after a while. If healthy tissue gets white like that, let it air out until it regains its normal color. So do the soaking to the unhealthy tissue only or as close as you can get. After soaking and making it white apply soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide cotton ball on the growth and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more Hydrogen Peroxide. How it worked was: the soaked cancerous growth after a while formed as crust much like what happens with a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars it flattened it out like it was never there..IN A WEEK!!! Even the fast growing one!! I'M STILL IN SHOCK. I tried SO many things. THANK GOD. THANK GOD!!!"

John writes again: "In my previous email to you, I forgot to mention:

1. I stopped drinking tap water and started drinking purified water when I was doing my Hydrogen Peroxide therapy.

2. I tried applying the Raspberry Skin Cream well known to cure skin cancer to the cancerous growths on my face for weeks, but it didn't work for me - I noticed no difference. I have heard the Raspberry Skin Cream worked well for many people after about two weeks.

3. Also I forgot to mention when I started my Hydrogen Peroxide I also started using air purifier that is running 24/7 in my bedroom."

3/5/2007: John writes us again: "I didn't mention it in my email for the cure with H202, because it would get too long and confusing, but I tried garlic before I tried the H202 and in one day it wreaked havoc on my skin - it got red an blistered and it did shrink one of my cancer growths some (I tried it only on two first). On the fast growing cancer the garlic had NO EFFECT - I got so scared at that point. It was horrible. I hope this helps someone. I know a lot of people are feeling helpless at this very moment, and I wish they somehow knew of this and tried it, because it really works. It's shocking that something so inexpensive is so effective and people are dying and don't even know there is a cure ;("


611 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2007 :  00:02:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
John, thanks for this simple skin cancer remedy! I hope it works as well for others. You mentioned that at first the topical hydrogen peroxide did not seem to be working. Was that just for a day or two? Also, how many times a day did you apply it? Did you keep applying after the lesions seemed to go away? Did the lesions return to any extent? (Sorry for so many questions.)

Anyone trying this should remember that hydrogen peroxide bleaches hair!
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103 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2007 :  00:17:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have used hydrogen peroxide many times on BCC..It seems to help but slowly slowly....I would be very surpised if hydrogen peroxide cured BCC in a week...I would think more in line with many many months of using hydrogen peroxide you might see some good healing,but hey maybe that is only me...If hydrogen peroxide cured BCC in a week that would be a dream come true....
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77 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2007 :  10:55:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

What were the basics of these cancerous areas? Were they flat reddish area, were they raised pimple-like reddish areas, were they open sores and prone to bleeding or "closed off". Anything else you can share would be appreciated.

It seems like, with my limited experience, the flat-lying areas of concern may be easier to treat and cure topically. I am having difficulty with one that is raised. It seems to get better for a while and then just do nothing....not get bigger or smaller.

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Posted - 05/15/2007 :  23:18:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi I was very interested to read about the hydrogen peroxide as it is a simple treatment and I'm a great believer in trying the easiest remedy first. I just posted a new topic "Oil of Rosemary" (Eve) also a very simple treatment and seems to be working for me at the moment. I still have a lot to learn and when I have time will keep reading the forum. My "spot" on my nostril was small, red, would scab and bleed every time it was rubbed (I would forget after a shower. It had been there about a year before I finally found this forum which is a very comforting place to go I must say. Thanks everyone who contributes! By the way I'm interested to find out how many people had their bc's diagnosed by skin doctors. In a way I wish I had done that but didn't want to get caught up in the usual...
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2007 :  08:14:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How many times a day did you use this, John? Thanks!!!!!
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4 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2007 :  21:13:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Reading about topical application of h202...I talked to a gentleman who also cured his skin cancer by applying a 35% solution dipped in a cotton swab...he said it stung but completely removed the mole and cancer...I tried it on several moles... I have skin that produces skin tags and flat and raised moles..and a reddish patch that was growing ...some of the moles crusted off in 3 days...others took a week ...some 2 weekss...some I've had for 10 years and are gone- some i'm sure were pre cancerous..they've been growing fast but are gone now...I dipped a swab in the straight 35% and applied only to the it cured they became less and less sting...after I let it set on the moles it became itchy or burning i then applied aloe vera plant leave (NO lotion) to sooth the area....I have no problems with any skin redness, etc....after the moles or bad skin crusts off the spot turns pink..after the pink goes away the skin is perfect! This is all only my opinion and it worked for me...under no circumstances am I telling anyone to do this...
I am still working on my skin as it was very bad.. I am so excited that I can wear a top with a lower neckline again! 35% food grade has to be handled as hazardous...however it is my opinion that it is very healing when used sure to read up on this wonderful old product...I've suffered all these years and am now on the way to recovery....In research I realize of course that most of my skin problems are from diet so have changed that as well now...good luck to all
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4 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2007 :  21:17:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
sorry forgot to tell you how many times I applied...I was skeptical so started with twice a day....some days once...some days 3 times...I went by when I had time...It seems to keep working no matter what...I did not do it right after a shower because my skin seemed to be a little more sensitive...I did it right when I got up or before I went to bed or even in the middle of the day if I wanted them to go away fast......if the spot was especially sensitive when it started healing i left it rest a day and only applied aloe leaf that day....
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2007 :  00:41:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for the very informative posts edielous! Readers should be aware that 35% hydrogen peroxide is much stronger than the 3% kind you will find in pharmacies. You may be able to find it at compounding pharmacies, pool and spa suppliers, or on the internet. Look for food grade. 35% HP is highly reactive and can cause irreversible eye damage. Check the MSDS at I found the following link informative Unfortunately, they made an erreoneous claim that hydrogen peroxide cured melanoma in the case of John M so its overall accuracy is suspect.
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Posted - 07/20/2007 :  10:44:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi there...If you want 3% h2o2 you can mix your own aw well from the food grade 35%. my understanding is there is too many chemical stabilizers in the drug store hydrogen peroxide so we mix our own from the 35% food grade...also be sure to keep refrigerated....I am still watching skin heal and patches etc. fall off...unbelieveable! I do feel that aloe leaf is the key to keep skin from being too irritated. It's soothing effect is great and it makes the skin so smooth. Good luck to all ...I have tried many things and this has by far been the most effective. Even tho you let the skin rest a day or so it seems to keep healing and changing. We've always used aloe leaf...on that subject when my kids were little they developed foot planters warts..One of them had 10 on her foot. Each evening we used medical tape..opened a leaf of aloe..laid it over the warts and taped with medical tape then took it off in the morning. In the morning their foot was white (like they had soaked in a bathtub) but after 1 to 6 weeks all of the warts fell could see a hole where the root had been. NONE ever came back. Prior to that we had had some removed at the doctor but it always grew back. Aloe is another amazing healer. If you get burned at all apply aloe and it will never blister. Apply to sunburn and you won't blister...We now use it as a sunblock. If I apply aloe leaf before I go outside I do not burn- even if I'm out all day. but my skin gets a nice glow. Keep searching..there is more natural remedies than you can imagine...that really work!
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1 Posts

Posted - 02/11/2009 :  15:37:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It seems to me the big problem with hydrogen peroxide treatment is its limited dermal permability/absorbtion - getting to where it counts! I am wondering if an intitial treatment of the mole/skin growth with a known percutaneous penetrator such as hexylene glycol (that's used to enhance skin patch drug delivery) could also be used enhance the absorbtion of locally topically applied hydrogen peroxide as a two step proceedure. Also acetone is known to break down the hydrophobic properties of the skin which may improve localized skin absorbtion, perhap either of these readily available chemicals could be use to pre treat the skin to enhance hydrogen peroxide absorbtion.
Regards to all.
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Posted - 04/23/2009 :  23:44:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am really so happy to have found this thread and wanted to share my experience. I was using iodine--simple 2% iodine on a fast growing spot on my arm. The iodine had arrested the growth in the 3 week period, but a scab never formed, and the color still was dark.

After reading this thread a began applying hydrogen peroxide--a bottle that is at least one year old and not particular expensive, which I keep in a medicine cabinet. Within 24 hours as scab formed which, when removed, left very healthy looking skin.

I'm still treating the area with the peroxide, but not in such a big area, since the surrounding skin now looks irritated. I'm adding good lotions to the area to promote healing.

I'm finally feeling confident that this ominous sign on my skin is healing.

Meanwhile, I'm just finishing up a one-month course of baking soda in water, 3x a day which has cleared up a long list of discomforts from cluster headaches to colon irritation. It's like getting a new life.

I am also getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, taking vitamins, and using Lugols iodine on my feet and a tiny dose each day.

I watched my dad die of cancer a few years back and I do not want to leave this planet that way!

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3 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2009 :  16:11:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you all for sharing your success stories. I was getting nervous at this one spot of melanoma on my leg , just watching it not knowing what to do. Thank you all sooo much. It is crusting and healing nicely with a little eyedropper dab of 35% hydrogen peroxide.
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Rose Petal

33 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2009 :  16:49:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How do you know the spot on your leg is melanoma? I believe most posters here are discussing NON-melanoma skin cancer.
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9 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2009 :  15:04:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a great thread!Thanks to all for posting all this helpful info!
I am looking to start a topical treatment to cure my bcc on my chest as well other questionable spots on my chest and arms. I have been looking into using baking soda and now here, I am very encouraged by the hydrogen peroxide treatment.
Tansy, you mention using both hydrogen peroxide and also a baking soda course. Were you using both methods at the same time or first you started with H202 then moved onto Baking Soda? I would really appreciate your feedback on this.

Thank you very much.
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Posted - 09/24/2009 :  21:28:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
\i went to the site that showed pictures of the cancers and the picture of melenoma looked exactly like what \i had on my leg.

Since now from my last post it has healed. I applied an eyedropper of 35% food grade to the small mole. One drop fizzled , pained , 2x a day morning and night. The area around the mole got red and sore then the area of the mole grew from a small pea size to the size of a quarter and the area around also grew red. I didn't care, something was happening. It stung and pained alot but i applies aloe vera around and it soozed it. A white scab formed and then crusted off leaving pink healthy scar that is fading with the daily application of aloe.
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Posted - 09/24/2009 :  22:14:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also started doing the zapper every morning, and began with drinking one drop of hydrogen peroxide 35% in a glass of distilled water every morning, then 2 drops increasing one drop a day, on an empty stomach only one time a day, and started running every day in the fresh air and eliminated refined sugar from my diet. After my run every morning I would take some vitamins, C E iodine a teaspoon of tumeric, a teaspoon of baking soda and a little bit of cayanne pepper and some coral calcium and bee pollen.
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Posted - 12/25/2009 :  11:37:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
John I read your Post on Skin Cancer and I would like to add the following.
I too have two Cancerous groths on my face One just under my Right Ear and another on the Back of my Neck just below the Left Hairline. Anyway I had other reasons to Purchase some 35% Food Grade Htdrogen Peroxide, that I may share with you guys later on. However I studied and read a Bit and decided to Make my own 3% Grade Peroxide from the 35% Food Grade Container I mixed 11 Ozs of Distilled Water with 1 Onch of 35% Peroxide (Food Grade) and then started swabbing my sores with a Cotton Ball and I have to tell you it is working wonderfuly. I swab each one a couple of times a day I Swab (soak) About Double the Area where the sores are,. I noticed results in about 3 days,. ( Almost Gone ) But I am still doing it and can honestly say they are actually disapearing right before my eyes,. Anyway Thats my little story and I feel a lot of releif I am sure they should be completly gone within 10 days at the Most. Take Care and Good Luck

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64 Posts

Posted - 12/25/2009 :  20:48:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for the info about your use of the peroxide, and the results so far. It is great that it's working so well for you, and I hope you'll keep us updated on the process.

I have a couple of questions about your experience with this treatment:

1) Are you experiencing pain/stinging or itching with the process?

2) Does it appear to be healing w/o a scar?

I used a peroxide solution (per a dermatologist) for a short period of time on a BCC on my face, but discontinued because of extreme burning and stinging that felt like live coals being held against the skin. I was later told by another doc that peroxide kills the healthy skin cells as well as the damaged cells.

Thanks for any further info you can provide!

Originally posted by commrec456

John I read your Post on Skin Cancer and I would like to add the following.
I too have two Cancerous groths on my face One just under my Right Ear and another on the Back of my Neck just below the Left Hairline. Anyway I had other reasons to Purchase some 35% Food Grade Htdrogen Peroxide, that I may share with you guys later on. However I studied and read a Bit and decided to Make my own 3% Grade Peroxide from the 35% Food Grade Container I mixed 11 Ozs of Distilled Water with 1 Onch of 35% Peroxide (Food Grade) and then started swabbing my sores with a Cotton Ball and I have to tell you it is working wonderfuly. I swab each one a couple of times a day I Swab (soak) About Double the Area where the sores are,. I noticed results in about 3 days,. ( Almost Gone ) But I am still doing it and can honestly say they are actually disapearing right before my eyes,. Anyway Thats my little story and I feel a lot of releif I am sure they should be completly gone within 10 days at the Most. Take Care and Good Luck


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Posted - 12/25/2009 :  23:53:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote


Grace the only answer that I can give you is the following... You must use FOOD GRADE 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and it must be mixed with Distilled Water
Put 11 Ozs. of Distilled Water in a Jar or Bottle then ad 1 Oz. of the 35% Food Grade Peroxide,. And no it does not burn the Skin in anyway, A very little sting hardly anything and thats it.
It will not hurt the skin.

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64 Posts

Posted - 12/30/2009 :  14:27:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks Patrick! It's worth a try for me, I've been dealing with this one BCC for about 7 years now and I'm ready to be rid of it.

Originally posted by commrec456


Grace the only answer that I can give you is the following... You must use FOOD GRADE 35% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE and it must be mixed with Distilled Water
Put 11 Ozs. of Distilled Water in a Jar or Bottle then ad 1 Oz. of the 35% Food Grade Peroxide,. And no it does not burn the Skin in anyway, A very little sting hardly anything and thats it.
It will not hurt the skin.


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Posted - 01/26/2010 :  00:30:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi There! This is excellent information about the powerful uses of food grade H2O2!! If you can't find food grade hydrogen peroxide at your local health store, you can get it here:

We use it for baths, washing veggies, watering plants and for help in healing the common cold.
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5 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2010 :  01:09:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Gala I had the same problem can you tell me how has your melanoma progressed with the 35% h202?

thanks in advance

Originally posted by Shafah

This is a great thread!Thanks to all for posting all this helpful info!
I am looking to start a topical treatment to cure my bcc on my chest as well other questionable spots on my chest and arms. I have been looking into using baking soda and now here, I am very encouraged by the hydrogen peroxide treatment.
Tansy, you mention using both hydrogen peroxide and also a baking soda course. Were you using both methods at the same time or first you started with H202 then moved onto Baking Soda? I would really appreciate your feedback on this.

Thank you very much.

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2 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2011 :  00:50:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My furry best friend (dog) has a malignant melanoma on his lower gum area. I want to know if I can apply 35% food grade HP undiluted to the tumor or does it need to be diluted? I have tasted it, and it seems okay not to dilute.

Any comments are appreciated. Good luck to all...
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38 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2011 :  01:44:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mmartin

My furry best friend (dog) has a malignant melanoma on his lower gum area. I want to know if I can apply 35% food grade HP undiluted to the tumor or does it need to be diluted? I have tasted it, and it seems okay not to dilute.

Any comments are appreciated. Good luck to all...

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide MUST be diluted. Do NOT under any circumstances use it undiluted, it will burn holes in the skin.
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10 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2011 :  02:25:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's been a while since anyone posted on this topic and I wonder if there are any updates on how this has worked for skin cancer? Also wondering abut using 12% food grade H2O2 and diluting it down to 3%? You can buy smaller quantity this way and avoid paying $25 hazardous material surcharge. Thanks.
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Posted - 08/10/2011 :  08:16:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I realized I have bought a food grade brand of HP that is 12 drops to one ounce liquid that also contains aloe Vera and colloidal silver. It's berry flavored. Brand name OxyLife. So it has already been diluted.

Has anyone used this type of product? Should I get the undiluted HP?

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Posted - 09/22/2011 :  10:43:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was at the doctors the other day and she checked my skin and there was one small lesion (pinkish in colour)she was concerned about and asked me if I wanted to do a biopsy or come back in 3 months to check on it. I told her come back because I have read that a biopsy can spread the cancer if it is. Furthermore it is very slow growing if it is skin cancer. I have some food grade hydrogen peroxide which I diluted with distilled water to make a 3% solution, and have just started applying it a few times a day and comments or suggestions would be appreciated for those who have dealt with this.
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Posted - 09/24/2011 :  17:57:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My daughter is using cymillium and HP on a lesion on her chest. Since beginning the HP the lesion has raised and it has a yellowish pus that covers almost the entire top surface of the lesion. It burns when she applies the HP and afterward, once the burning stops, it is very itchy. I think this is a BCC or SCC from what I have read and the images I have found on the web. Does the burning and itching indicate cells are being destroyed?
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Posted - 10/09/2011 :  17:40:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi folks
I think I'm in the process of treating a melanoma on my back. I've got H2o2 on it now and I missed a bit and hey it's just like being stung by nettles. No concern what so ever. I totally believe in Hydrogen Peroxide. Look up this - The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide By Dr. David G. Williams - if you haven't already. It's all about the oxygen. The simple truth. Check out Dr Johanna Budwig, she worked her whole life casually bringing people back from stage 4 cancer with a flaxoil diet, same thing, replenishing the oxygen in your blood cells. She had a 93% success rate and those she couldn't save were ones who had undergone conventional treatment. Look up Apricot Kernals, they are the worlds greatest chemotherapy without the side effects. They are also seriously cheap, seriously effective and target and kill cancer cells. Good preventative medicine too. Cancer cannot suvive in an alkaline environment, so cut out the acid food and what ever you have won't spread, cannot spread. Meat and sugar feed cancer so cut them out. There's a five disc discussion of all of these things by cancer specialists - look up - Your road to health Cellect Budwig protocol. Learn about your life and survival in just a few hours !
Who am I. No-body. But then it's us no-bodies, talking like this, passing on the word and giving people the opportunity to home in on and study for themselves. Tell everyone about everything ! Remember, when they say 'good response rate' that doesn't mean cure. Western medicine has not come up with one cure for over 50 years. I've just mentioned several. The greatest thing you can do is calm down, then get your head around the fact that, it would seem, people are healing themselves by the thousands everyday. Oil, seeds, oxygen, healthy food, good attitude and no worries.

Everything that I have written here is MY OPINION, to which I am entitled. Wake up, this is like having the plug pulled out from the back of your neck in the film 'The Matrix'. Oh and listen to Joseph Dispenza on Youtube. The man is my Guru.
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76 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2011 :  23:15:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Judy

My daughter is using cymillium and HP on a lesion on her chest. Since beginning the HP the lesion has raised and it has a yellowish pus that covers almost the entire top surface of the lesion. It burns when she applies the HP and afterward, once the burning stops, it is very itchy. I think this is a BCC or SCC from what I have read and the images I have found on the web. Does the burning and itching indicate cells are being destroyed?

I don't know what strength (%) of hydrogen peroxide you are using. If it is standard "drug store" HP, then I can't comment on that. However if you are using the higher-percentage "food grade" HP, it will burn when applied to anything, including unbroken, normal skin. (That's not to say it doesn't have beneficial effect on skin cancers -- it does.) The best "test" for the presence of residual skin cancer cells is to use orange oil, which gives a definite stinging sensation when abnormal cells are present but produces no sting on normal skin, including open cuts. You can use the search function to get the posts on orange oil.
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3 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  23:03:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i use 35percent h2o2 for a long time now, as an oral rinse (diluted) and on problem skin issues, i have used it with success in the past and currenty working on a skin cancer problem on my arm, it was slow groing for a year then i noticed it getting raised more, blackish and hard, so i began working the heck out of it 3 days ago, i wanted to mention also if you dont already know about ozone oil, you can buy it online, i use gnosis wellness center's because its strong, and u can buy online or ebay, i bought some last yr kept in frige and its still strong like the day i bought it, i apply that on it after the burning of the h2o2, all of it but one area is still black, very resistant, so im dotting the h2o2 on it slightly and just locallized not to damage or burn the surrounding skin, but ill let you know if it works completely maybe next week, yes i know its malignant because i had people look at it that are experts and begged me to go to a dr to get it cut out. possibly needing radiation too.. but, if it metastasises in the body thru blood it can spread, so y would i want someone cutting into it? i will take my chances this way, at least killing most before i have to get it cut into... that way i have better chance ... isint it common sense? i also drinking ozonated water 3x a day to help oxygenate the blood.. just buy a good ozonator bubble it thru a glass of purified water (bubble at least 15 min) and drink it ...makes you feel very awake too...
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Posted - 11/01/2011 :  23:10:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
not full strength, awww poor doggie, dilute it half and apply with cotton swab to the area a few times a day for a week, just keep an eye on it and full strength will be too strong at the gum line.. i would do half for a week, then if you need to go a tiny bit stronger just dab her, but not all the way 35%.. just my tasted the full strength 35%? it would immediatly burn the tounge,, or after a few seconds,,does it say 35%?.
Originally posted by Lily44

Originally posted by Mmartin

My furry best friend (dog) has a malignant melanoma on his lower gum area. I want to know if I can apply 35% food grade HP undiluted to the tumor or does it need to be diluted? I have tasted it, and it seems okay not to dilute.

Any comments are appreciated. Good luck to all...

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide MUST be diluted. Do NOT under any circumstances use it undiluted, it will burn holes in the skin.

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10 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2011 :  16:56:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just thought I would add my experiences with H2O2. I purchased some food grade 17% a while back. I got it initially to do an internal cleanse by diluting it with water and taking orally. I have also been using it undiluted 17% strength on some large growths.

Orally there is many benefits to ingesting FG H2O2. The added O2 seems to increase immune response, cleans and detoxifies the system and increases energy levels. I started off trying the method described here:

Be forewarned H2O2 at any concentration over 3% is very caustic. It will burn skin, damage clothing etc. Also it tastes nasty at even low dosages. If you attempt a self cleansing, be sure to read all the information you can ahead of time. Google it! You NEVER want to drink straight H2O2. It must always be diluted at the proper concentrations. Never more then 25 drops of 35% H2O2 per 10oz of distilled water. I only went to 22 drops of 17%. Food grade H2O2 only. Drug store H2O2 is usually not food grade and contains other stuff that you don't want to ingest. Distilled water or fruit juice only. No tap water with chlorine in it. Take on an empty stomach 1 hour before food or 3 hours after. Although your mouth will feel and be clean, you will sometimes get a chlorine after taste.

My response to the oral ingestion was good, but in the beginning I got some side effects from toxins. H2O2 will kill off yeast fungus. As they die, toxins are released. I got headaches and skin eruptions. As I continued the oral treatment, my skin cleared and has really never looked better. Nice tone and color. I attribute it to the extra O2. Headaches also went away. I took the H2O2 up to about 22 drops of the 17% twice a day with water or fruit juice. Even with juice the H2O2 taste still came thru. I stopped for a few days around Thanksgiving and then resumed with just 10 drops twice a day. The effect of extra O2 and the cleansing is amazing. Much more energy.

Skin use has also been good, but results are not as fast as I had hoped. Topical application have removed 2 BCC and reduced the size of several others. The one on my arm was removed with about 4 applications using a Qtip. In between the applications of H2O2, every 2-3 days orange oil/dmso was used. Aloe gel was applied approx 20 mins after each application of both the orange oil and H2O2. If your growths are large and raised, H2O2 may help remove the surface mass so that other treatments can get deeper. I had one large growth that turned yellow and the entire top died and fell off. I have also used it to remove small moles, and a wart.

17% H2O2 will cause blistering and I would not suggest anyone use it on their face or other sensitive areas. Damage to surrounding skin can be minimized by careful application and the use of Vasoline to protect surrounding skin. You will feel H2O2 work and burn. For me it wasn't unbearable, but for others it might be. Try an area before hand that can be easily washed and determine how sensitive you are.
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Posted - 01/12/2012 :  14:52:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Make sure when you are buying H2O2 for internal use that you select high quality food grade H2O2. Getting the 3% solution at a local drugstore is not the same as buying 35% food grade h2o2 and diluting it yourself. If you are planning on undergoing Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy you should most likely find a reputable dealer either locally or online(buy in bulk to save on shipping and hazmat costs). I would never recommend using 35% undiluted even on pets. You always want to dilute the H2O2 to a very low quantity and then go from there. If your dosage is too low there really wont be any negative effects, but it can end up doing more harm then good if you dont dilute it properly. Just start off with a very small amount(im talking drops) of 3%, and slowly increase the dosage until you notice an effect starting to happen.

If you are looking for an online peroxide supplier, I'd recommend .
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Posted - 01/21/2012 :  15:35:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was scheduled to have BCC taken off my upper lip but during the wait period I removed the BCC completely in a little over one week, no scar, nothing , but I used 35% H202, right out of the food grade bottle, yes it burns a little but not for long, I have an appointment Wed to look at what could be a Melanoma on my shoulder, about a week now treating with H202 it looks like a scab , I have read if you put a tumor in H202 it will die instantly, I rinse my mouth with a ratio of 12 to 1 H202 35% every time I eat something, I breath it down into my lungs evry time I rinse, I have no side affects , keeps my gums healthy, I'm not tellin you to do what I do, cancer thrives on anarobic(without oxygen), so this is what I do to put some H20 in my body, I'm not selling just using it
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Posted - 01/21/2012 :  16:13:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BBirdz

It's been a while since anyone posted on this topic and I wonder if there are any updates on how this has worked for skin cancer? Also wondering abut using 12% food grade H2O2 and diluting it down to 3%? You can buy smaller quantity this way and avoid paying $25 hazardous material surcharge. Thanks.

I was scheduled to have a skin cancer removed on my upper lip, during the wait I removed the cancer in about 10 days with straight 35% food grade H202 with a cotton swab, no scar, clean, just fell off, might put some vasoline around the area because it stings, depends on where the cancer is, you use two swabs, one to dab and the other to catch the spillage, I order mine from Garden of Eden , 20.00 a quart and pay no surcharge
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Posted - 01/21/2012 :  22:18:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did also cure myself and my wife with H2O2 and wrote a book about it. Would you send me some pictures of your case?
Originally posted by Bullmoose

Originally posted by BBirdz

It's been a while since anyone posted on this topic and I wonder if there are any updates on how this has worked for skin cancer? Also wondering abut using 12% food grade H2O2 and diluting it down to 3%? You can buy smaller quantity this way and avoid paying $25 hazardous material surcharge. Thanks.

I was scheduled to have a skin cancer removed on my upper lip, during the wait I removed the cancer in about 10 days with straight 35% food grade H202 with a cotton swab, no scar, clean, just fell off, might put some vasoline around the area because it stings, depends on where the cancer is, you use two swabs, one to dab and the other to catch the spillage, I order mine from Garden of Eden , 20.00 a quart and pay no surcharge

Edited by - FERNANDO c ROBAINA on 01/21/2012 22:19:57
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Posted - 04/19/2012 :  02:16:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello i used hydrogen peroxide half a year ago on my skin cancer it was small round red. and i used it for a week it look good it did something dig a hole where cancer was and after couple of days h202 stopped working in the hole and white a little hard stuff formed inder the skin because of h202. i thought it was all ok and then just waited to heal and the redness gone. but still after all this time the redness is there it looks like before treatment but without a bump. and today i put on after half a year h202 on it and nothing happened
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Posted - 04/19/2012 :  03:50:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
and if i pin myself directly in the center of that red 'skin cancer' it doesnt hurt even if i go deep but this is only on thet milimeter directly on the center of red circle. this means how deep the cancer is?
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Posted - 04/19/2012 :  04:15:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
with needle
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Posted - 08/22/2012 :  19:31:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To DaveB

Hello Dave,

I have found your input very interested.
That was 3 years ago. Did you do any research on that since then?

Thank you very much,

Posted - 02/11/2009 : 15:37:25 Show Profile Reply with Quote
It seems to me the big problem with hydrogen peroxide treatment is its limited dermal permability/absorbtion - getting to where it counts! I am wondering if an intitial treatment of the mole/skin growth with a known percutaneous penetrator such as hexylene glycol (that's used to enhance skin patch drug delivery) could also be used enhance the absorbtion of locally topically applied hydrogen peroxide as a two step proceedure. Also acetone is known to break down the hydrophobic properties of the skin which may improve localized skin absorbtion, perhap either of these readily available chemicals could be use to pre treat the skin to enhance hydrogen peroxide absorbtion.
Regards to all.
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Posted - 08/30/2012 :  05:02:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks all for this wonderful information. I know that Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 6% 20 Vols is a well-known antiseptic agent, and is effective against the majority of micro-organisms. It works as an oxidising agent to kill micro-organisms that do not require oxygen to survive. But now I know that Hydrogen Peroxide 3% can cure skin cancer too.

Edited by - anivoc on 11/24/2012 09:17:11
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Posted - 09/10/2012 :  13:02:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you have pre-cancer a dermatologist will freeze it, if you have skin cancer they will cut it out, or you can use straight 35% food grade and burn both off, I not only burned off the skin cancer on my lip but have removed warts, big warts, and other funny looking skin growths or precancerous growths
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Posted - 09/10/2012 :  14:00:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
as a mouth rinse and a inhalant , to breath down into my lungs, I have been using a 12 to 1 oz ratio, 12 oz water and 1 oz 35% food grade HP, some use more and some report that is too much, as one says 1 drop HP to 1 oz of water, what do you think?
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Posted - 09/10/2012 :  14:14:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
when a dermatologist does surgery to remove the skin cancer you will have a scar, remove it with straight 35% HP food grade their will be no scar , its amazing, I still have scars on my face when they were frozen for precancerous growths, for the lip cancer I removed , no scar, again, amazing
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.