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23 Posts |
Posted - 10/21/2009 : 20:39:36
I am not one of those who think non-melanoma skin cancers are a fungus, but I do think there could be merit to the idea that fungal infections of the skin can make people more likely to develop skin cancer. I have had multiple diagnosed BCC's so far and I am only 32. The only reason that this is odd is because nobody else in my immediate family out to my grandparents have ever had a BCC and many of their collective sun exposure is worse than mine.
I have had issues with various skin fungal infections for my entire life. As a kid, it was primarily chronic athletes foot. By my early 20's, athletes foot's brothers and sisters started showing up at the party in the form of ring worm, a big toe nail fungus infection and other fungal varieties all over my torso (most notably during the hot/humid summer months). Topical treatments don't seem to do much other than limit the spread and take money out of my wallet. I watch my diet, supplement with probiotics daily, and all the other things one can do and I still have problems. I have accepted the idea that I may have to take occasional courses of systemic anti-fungals to keep it in check. The only time in my life that I had complete relief was in the 6 months following a 90 day course of lamisil tablets that knocked out my nail infection. It was wonderful to sleep through the night without waking to scratch my sides!
So... for those of us that are afflicted with skin cancer:
Do or did you struggle with recurring fungal infections? |
170 Posts |
Posted - 03/16/2010 : 18:44:37
I would like to answer YES to this poll, but can't find out how to register my answer here. Add me to the YES column. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 12/24/2010 : 18:50:10
Hi -- I am new to this forum and was drawn to this web site because I like to look for natural ways to deal with health issues (I had a melanoma in situ removed from my arm 2 1/2 yrs ago and recently underwent Mohs surgery for a BCC on my cheek). I have been doing a LOT of reading and am VERY appreciative of Dan's and others' efforts to put this web site together and share experiences, etc.
Not sure that this is the best place to post for the first time, but I was drawn to the possibility of fungus being a cause or contributor of cancer -- or maybe it just shows up frequently as well, since the immune system seems to be under par for most/all of us.
I have dealt with athlete's feet for years now. I have had problems in private areas as well (beyond fungus and the gyne telling me it couldn't be cured -- but I am an avid user of coconut oil -- best stuff in the world -- and that area is pretty much normal now). And just this summer I finally went to the doc for ringworm on the top of my left foot. I had tried many topical lotions, and natual remedies without success, but he convinced me to really give lamisil a try for several weeks. It worked. I have also had various toenails "go fungal" on me. He told me I'd need to go on anti-fungal pills (maybe lamisil) to knock out the toe nail fungus. I didn't want to at first because I thought it might do more harm than good -- don't like drugs... but, now I am convinced that I should go back to him and ask him for a prescription. Especially now that I just finished a course of antibiotics for the Mohs surgery. At least that is my planned start (among many other things I have been reading about here) to try and prevent any more skin issues in the future.
But, yes, I sure have had my share of fungal issues. And now skin cancer... |
23 Posts |
Posted - 03/19/2013 : 12:22:13
I voted "I am prone to them but I figured out how to prevent recurrence"
Solution for me is regular use of 35% food grade hydrogen in RO water - also strengthen immune system - good diet no sugar. Last time I had a nail fungus which did not go away I finally got rid of it with topical and homeopathic solution Zetaclear - worked great. |
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