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 combo/ oils & eggplant & vinegar
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Posted - 09/25/2009 :  11:51:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi There-

I am new here.. Last week I had my consultation with Mohs Surgeon.. I have a basal cell on my face..I was quite shocked at how invasive the procedure would be. In the past I have treated most of my skin problems with natural remedies-so I found this site!! I have ordered Cymilium but I started using Eggplant blended placed in a glass jar & topped with vinegar. I have been doing this once in the AM for one Hour & once in the PM for an Hour. It is amazing how much it has brought it out..of course not looking too pretty but it is really working.
My question is has anyone tried combining the eggplant/vin mixture then later putting Frankincense & Lavender oil for a combo treatment?? Or does anyone one know if this will counteract each other?? I want to speed up the treatment not stop it..
I am planning on combining the eggplant/vin with the Cymilium when I get it.

Thank you in advance for your help!! This site is very informative I really wish info on healing was not so hard to find! The Doctors will not even talk about other options!


611 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2009 :  20:33:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome marion, it is great to have you here! There has not been much talk here yet about frankincense or lavender oil, but both seem like they have good potential on their own. Knowing how they would interact with eggplant & vinegar is a bit beyond my present capabilities. has a frankincense protocol for skin cancer using a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of the two oils listed:

1) Frankincense with Idaho Balsam Fir (3 days);
2) Frankincense with Tsuga (3 days);
3) Frankincense with Ledum (3 days);
4) Frankincense with Lavender (3 days);
5) Frankincense with clove, which may make the skin burn, so skip this step for cancer on the face (3 days);
6) Frankincense with Sandalwood (3 days); 7) Repeat cycle as needed.

The exact number of times the oils should be put on the skin cancer is up to the patient and their situation, but may range from 3 to 12 times a day.

He has also seen a testimonial for a mixture of frankincense, myrrh and elemi, which all belong to the same botanical family (Burseraceae).

Lavender oil contains perillyl alcohol, supposedly a more potent cousin of limonene (orange oil) that I have used successfully on skin cancers. These two plant chemicals belong to the large class of phytochemicals called monoterpenes. While highly concentrated in the essential oils of citrus fruits, the monoterpenes are also present in some herbs (such as mint), some vegetables and other fruits (such as grapefruit and lemon peels).

In a study conducted at the University of Arizona, researchers found that perillyl alcohol is a potent cancer preventive agent. Human skin cells were treated with perillyl alcohol followed by ultraviolet B radiation. The results indicated that numerous genes associated with cancer development were altered in the treated group, suggesting that the compounds found in citrus fruits may protect against cancer. Clinical trials in humans are currently underway.

There is a cancer timeline, often referred to as the “cancer continuum.” The continuum outlines the steps from birth to the day when the cancer is diagnosed and shows specific points at which the three steps in the cancer process (initiation, promotion, progression) can be inhibited or prevented.

The compounds found in orange peels (perillyl alcohol and limonene) can prevent the cancer process at both the initiation and promotion/progression stages and have been effective in treating early and advanced cancers in rodent models. In addition, d-limonene and perillyl alcohol have been shown to prevent breast, liver, lung, and other cancers and also have been used to treat various rodent cancers, including breast and pancreatic carcinomas.

Now for combo treatments:

Combo treatments attack more than one pathway to achieve better results but at the same time your concern is that you don't want one treatment to interfere with the other. Steve Martin of (sadly he recently passed away) put together a nice list of cancer pathways to attack. There are probably a lot more besides these.

Inhibit the activity or synthesis of the glucocorticoid receptor within the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity of the PI3K/AKT cell activation/survival- pathway.
Inhibit the activity of the RAS/MEK/ERK cell activation pathway.
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of HIF-1, hypoxia inducible factor, within the cancer cells.
Deplete NAD in the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of 5-lipoxygenase within the cancer cells.
Inhibit the activity of the proteasome complex. (Actually better to dramatically enhance it!)
Inhibit the activity or synthesis of fatty acid synthase.
Increase the leakage of cytochrome C and SMAC/DIABLO from the mitochondria.
Decrease the synthesis of peroxynitrite.
Increase the synthesis of TRAIL.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of ETS transcription proteins.
Increase the synthesis of EGR1 transcription proteins.
Increase the synthesis of ceramide in cancer cells.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of the enzyme CK2 (casein kinase 2).
Decrease tyrosine kinase activity (inhibit HER2, EGF and VEGF growth related hormones.
Inhibit the activity of NADH oxidase over expressed on the membranes of cancer cells.
Decrease the activity or synthesis of Nuclear Factor-KappaBeta
Block egress of metastatic cells out of the bloodstream.
Block histamine synthesis in cancer cells.
Block the activity or synthesis of Cox-2.
Inhibit telomerase enzyme induction.

It takes a bit of research to find the pathways affected by different treatments and see if they interfere.

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Posted - 09/29/2009 :  12:04:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dan,

Thank you so much for all of the info! I actually have been doing my treatments for 8 days now. I have been using the eggplant/vinegar in the am & pm a couple of hours(if I can) of each then in between a dose of Baking soda paste(just baking soda & water) then at night before bed coconut oil w/crushed melatonin (that I crush in my mouth) I leave on all night.
Interestingly it has brought out another pronounced area about 3/4 inch away from the main spot (but did not turn black like the cancer-only a brownish)as well as what started out looking like blackheads around the area -I am assuming these are just deformities under the skin that the treatment is bring out and maybe the brown spot precancerous area?? Anyone have any ideas?? Nonetheless the smaller brown spot fell off this morning as well as the little blackhead pieces! And the main area(Basal Cell) has also started to shrink and the scab is starting to fall off(just pieces-the sides)
So I am feeling really good about the treatment-I did not want to wait for the Cymilium and I was not certain on the Lavender & frankincense so that is what I have been using!
Please if any one has any input or good options for me let me know! I am curious once this layer falls off-is there another one normally after maybe smaller?? I have my plastic surgeon meeting this afternoon-I will let you know what kind of feedback I get!
Dan Thanx again I really have benefited tremendously from this site and have been directing everyone here for info-it has been very informative!!
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Posted - 10/06/2009 :  20:25:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just would like to update everyone how things are going! Well I will start where I left off-heading to meet w/plastic surgeon-which I knew would probably tell me to stop the treatment..which he did...we do not suggest anyone trying any natural remedies.. then explained what kind of cuts would be needed-eeeeks!Anyway I was feeling really good when I got there-not so good when I left. I continued my treatments that everyone thinks I am crazy for! I also went to see an Energy Healer which knew just over the phone where my cancer was. When I went to see her my face was not having a good day-but she is a natural healer etc.. She did her thing and proceeded to tell me the cancer is still there and I have to have the surgery and I better stop doing my remedies...!! I insisted that I was certain that this was working-I had been feeling like the flu symptoms of weakness off & on all that weak-I am certain that was my body fighting the cancer-I explained how certain I felt and she insisted on me stopping.. Now I am leaving another appointment(that I actually thought wouldlift my spirits) feeling really hard to keep up my unwavering faith!! So I decide to stop for 24 hrs after..Within that time my scabs have completely fallen off with new fresh skin -you can not even tell that I was doing anything-there is just a slight indent which I am assuming will look better with time!

(Sorry to make this long I just think it helps when you are ready to just give up)
So it has been 15 days since my start of the treatment (Eggplant/vinegar-coconut oil-in the end I add Cymilium) I am looking in the mirror and I am having a real hard time with thinking that it is still there.. I have never felt so good and certain that I have cleansed my body . Of course I will see how things play out in the next weeks ahead. I have been apply Aloe(pure) and it is really looking smooth-I am now doing a couple of cymilium treatments to make sure I have gotten it all! ??? How long after you have clean skin does anyone suggest to continue with treatments??

Do not give up-especially when it looks bad and it seems easier to throw in the towel-if I had I would not be here now! And I really feel good about where I am even if everyone disaggrees! I still have my surgery scheduled for November-Lets see what tomorrow brings!

Unwavering Faith!!
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2009 :  00:14:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Marion,

I am definitely not a fan of current mainstream traditional skin cancer removal options and have tried many of the approaches on this forum.

Several people including Dan (the owner of this site) have successfully beaten skin cancer.. Dan with diet, cymillium, orange oil and pancreatin enzymes.

I don't want to discourage you but based on my own my personal experience and others on this site, I have concluded that the eggplant vinegar "EV" treatment alone is not going to knock out any deep skin cancer.

Though several people including myself thought we were getting somewhere, I don't think anyone can now say that the EV treatment works.

The vinegar alone will certainly give you the same reaction and results.

I have never tried the melatonin topically but used the coconut oil for 3 months with no great results.

Bloodroot definitely works but is very powerful, painful and will leave you with scars.

Currently several people are having some good results with Milkweed / Petty Spurge.

I am using a dilluted to 5% version from Phytomedx and it is causing some serious reactions.
I equate it to bloodroot paste at about 10%.

Anyway I wish you the best of luck in your quest to eradicate your skin cancers. There is a lot of information and opinions here and it gets very confusing. You need top go through all of each thread because a lot of times what sounds promising in the beginning ends up being just another tried and failed approach.

Good LUck!
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170 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2009 :  16:29:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As one who also attempted the eggplant, I have to say that I feel about the same as you. However, for the future, I'm still keeping an eye on this. I am following the threads with current postings related to BEC5. In other words, Nature may have put something into the eggplant that will prove useful, but we just haven't found out how to use it yet. The BEC5 cream, which uses an eggplant extract may still hold some promise. Meanwhile, like you, I am on a Petty Spurge quest, but did not succeed in growing my own plants. Still working on Petty Spurge, more on that later. Thanks for your good summary above.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2009 :  20:38:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I continue to be optimistic.

I look like a stop sign right now. All kinds of areas that I was unaware are popping up.

I am rubbing the cream into all known lesions letting sit for about 5 minutes. I then cover the nasty looking or bleeding ones with a dab of beeswax and 3m micropore tape. I then put on coppertones latest 40 spf sunscreen and go face the stares of the public.

You get in fight? is a common question.

The positive side.. for sure 2 smaller what I believe were BCC's are with out a doubt shrinking down and not bleeding anymore. Lots of red spots within an inch perimeter showing up that weren't there before.

The AK's are behaving strangely but at 2 weeks definitely not gone. They get bumps underneath and then subside..again lots of areas popping up red that up to now I had no problem with. I am running a control area on my leg where I apply each day with no reaction at all so I don't think the redness is just a reaction to healthy skin. I believe all the red spots were in various stages of damage.

I still have the very large and a smaller Nodular BCC on my forehead that I tried to have removed with the rf thermosurgery (Yeowch never again!) The big puppy is barking loudly and starting to get oozy and red.

I equate the experience to bloodroot paste diluted down to about 10% power..

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170 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2009 :  17:57:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I much appreciate that you have been on the board and keep reporting in on some of the same things we are all trying. I hate to hear how you continue to suffer, so I am tempted to ask, besides the various topical treatments, have you worked at all with diet and some of the other website general solutions? Might you have some other skin problems, yeast, fungal, etc., such as Dan has mentioned in connection with Orange Oil, which in effect sort of promote a pre-cancerous condition? The more that people report in, the more important PREVENTION seems to be, as well as topical treatment. The prevention part may not be as measurable, but may still be very helpful to the individual who is suffering.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.