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 Bentonite Clay - Baking-soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
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Posted - 12/02/2008 :  18:15:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ever since I have had skin cancer I have been using baking soda to clean my face ... and Hydrogen Peroxide as an astringent. People often remark on how great my skin looks. I tell them that is all I use.

I also have used Bentonite Powder. I mix the clay into a paste and apply it to the cancer, and let it dry. It pulls the cancer cells to the surface and they absorb into the clay. I found the topical use online and am sure glad I did.

And I am a huge fan of ACV as well. It has so many wonderful uses!

From visiting this board I've learned about Oil of Oregano, and just ordered some.

Great forum!



611 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2008 :  01:28:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Muffet! Both baking soda and hydrogen peroxide have strong proponents as simple cancer treatments and your idea to routinely use them for cleaning is quite appealing. The Bentonite powder skin cancer remedy also sounds great! What brand did you use and how long did it take to work?
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27 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2008 :  18:09:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dan,

I use the NOW brand, as they are very reasonable and good quality. The best price I've found is at The last time I used the clay I had a spot that was almost black and it pulled it right up and off after just a few applications. It's barely noticeable now and I've started to put the OO on it yesterday, to see if it will clear it up completely.

When I went to the Dr. she looked at it closely and didn't see the spot as a "problem." I attribute that to the Bentonite Powder.
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15 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2013 :  14:16:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Let me throw my hat into the ring for bentonite clay. I am no expert in the stuff, but I actually had a bucket of it that I ordered off Amazon so I read a bit about it and have been using it sporadically, among other things, on an unknown skin cancer that I have. I know it seems strange but I think it actually does what people say-- use some sort of ion difference to bring the skin cancer up to the surface, sometimes into the clay itself. There is a photo online of someone using bentonite clay before black salve (you can find it with a search), and it shows the area as white after the clay is removed, which supposedly means there is cancer there and/or the immune system is overwhelmed. That happened with the first place I tried, but after a week, that place looked great but everything surrounding it angry. I've been using it a little bit at a time around the large area that iodine, et, al had helped identify.

Read up on clay because it's strange, but fun to work with. Here are some random thoughts from my experience--

1. Take seriously all the admonitions, like not touching it to metal. Also, it is helpful to mix the powder with water a couple of days ahead of time (plastic jar, covered). It is kind of like soaking beans. I have used to after just mixing it but I don't think it works quite as well. When you put it on, it shouldn't be too wet, or it will be a mess. If it is just pliable but won't stick to the skin that well, use a bandage or tape to make sure there is contact with the skin the entire time.

2. Another admonition..... You don't want to get this stuff in your plumbing, unless you happen to know what you are doing with baths, etc. The garbage can is your friend!

3. Put it on THICK. Most places say an inch thick. It probably doesn't need to be that thick, but definitely more than a thin layer.

4. Leave it on about an hour to an hour and a half. If you have it bandaged down, you can do most stuff while you have it on. You can generally tell immediately after removing it that there is a change to the area.

Most of the other stuff I have been using (lots) has been commented on a lot here, and I am not sure I have much to add. But there don't seem to be that many bentonite clay users so I thought I would add that.

I haven't used the stuff internally so I have no comment about that.

Oh, also, instead of using baking soda internally and externally, I use tri-salts. There is no sodium in it. I have to restrict sodium.

I am also using turmeric because my problem is on my back so it doesn't matter if my skin turns yellow. I also take it. At some point I might post about that.

Thanks, Dan, for this website, and thank everyone for their contributions. I've used a bunch of different stuff suggested here, and most of it works to varying degrees.

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1 Posts

Posted - 10/15/2013 :  11:27:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
@Paullie - Another "admonition" to using bentonite clay would be not storing it in a plastic container. This is a big no-no. You must use glass, preferably dark glass, ONLY, for storage of mixed clay. Once the clay is hydrated it becomes very adsorbent and therefore will draw the chemicals out from the plastic. You don't want to apply cancer causing chemicals to your skin cancer do you?
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.