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Posted - 10/14/2008 :  01:09:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please consider asking your question or posting your comments in the forum instead of emailing. Your responses help keep the forum active. It takes a little courage but everyone then benefits instead of just you.

There are several things that can go wrong when trying to email someone who has posted in these forums. First, you need to register in order to use the email feature. You also need to have posted at least one time in the forum. If your message did not get through, it is likely the recipient has declined to receive emails through the forum, one of the options when registering.

I think it is very understandable that many people choose to use temporary or invalid email addresses when registering to protect their privacy when discussing their medical issues in a public forum.


1 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2011 :  18:29:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Why is this forum not active any more? It is 2011 and the last posts are years old. Do I need to find a more active forum? How?
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Posted - 11/03/2011 :  17:45:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sunny

Why is this forum not active any more? It is 2011 and the last posts are years old. Do I need to find a more active forum? How?

Hi sunny

I'm a new member and just started posting. I also wondered why more members were not currently posting. I am thinking it may be true people do not want to discuss personal information, health issues, on the internet and on a chat forum. Also many may be skeptical about natural cures.

I read other forums and decided I got good information from this forum even if some of the posts were posted months ago and not recent.

Might as well post and see what happens. You may spark others to start posting too.

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668 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2011 :  00:22:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Though it is not hundreds of visitors everyday we get several every day.
Make sure you are looking at all the sections
Look to the right side.. it shows who has posted most recently
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Posted - 01/07/2012 :  17:55:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Everyone...Thank you SO MUCH for this thread...I have had a BCC on my nose for several years. I had watched my father with a BCC on the opposite side of his nose from mine...he had surgery and radiation and they still came back! He passed away at the age of 96 and had a BIG BCC still on his nose after going through all the treatments by a Dermotologist for several years and MANY $$$$$$! I was determined I was NOT going through that myself and searched for alternative treatments! I was SO happy to find your site telling about Lugols Solution. I ordered Lugols from JCrows and started treatment about 2 months ago and the progress was evident but still appeared to be pretty SLOW! My Primary Care Doctor informed me that NOTHING would cure the BCC other than surgery! This morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror I could tell that the scabs were very dark and were going to come off by themselves for the first time...I was SO excited! I have had trouble keeping myself from "PICKING" at the scabs. They did come off as I was applying the Lugols with a Q-tip and is actually healing underneath!!!! I know more scabs will form...but I am VERY encouraged and it just feels better and I feel SO encouraged by the whole experience! I am also drinking Lugols in my water 3 times a week as it appears that my system is deficient of disappears and fades within a couple of hours after applying! I feel great and feel so lucky to have found this site where I was encouraged to TRY Lugols Solution. I bought mine from JCrowe...which I trust as being what they claim they are! THANKS to ALL of you who have posted and given me the encouragement I needed to TRY this treatment! I will keep you posted of my progress...but I feel that I am getting the BCC on my nose under control...wish I had of found this treatment several years ago. I had a similar spot on the back of my leg which was VERY tender to touch and after a couple of applications of LUGOLS it has now nearly cleared up and I no longer have to wear a bandage over it! Thanks Again for sharing your experiences!
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Posted - 12/15/2012 :  04:49:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
RSS feed to My Yahoo and Google Reader for it to be indexed by them. Add a relevant link directory to your blog,
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Posted - 04/17/2014 :  04:09:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh google reader may you rest in peace :( But yes RSS indexing is very useful (especially if you forget your login details LIKE AN IDIOT WOULD) (not that I did that honest)
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.