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23 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2015 :  15:59:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by gibsontown

if you have a biopsy (pathology) report, it will note the type of BCC on there.


I may ask for it when next time with doc, as I wasn't aware that different BCC types might require different approaches.
Didn't pick the paper, as I didn't wish to continue with doctor's suggested MOHS treatment. Verbal confirmation was enough to start Curaderm therapy straightaway into the biopsy punction hole, as I evaluated various approaches for months before that.
There are numerous video materials. photos and blogs made by ordinary guys with whom one may talk and discuss various issues.
It is very convincing that Curaderm gives very good chances in some cases that look rather similar.
For example, I followed one patient's blog with very similar symptoms (size, colour, general feel of problem etc.). Not nice scenes, but it was true to bits, he offered to talk via Skype and even meet. Very generous person and gentle soul.
It took some time for me to become comfortable with idea of alternative approach, I am quite sceptical by nature.
No reason to persuade anyone to follow my advice what to use, do own homework, find people who went through it, talk with them, compare symptoms, think again. I was quite assured that it will work, before I even started.
Still, everyone is different, so our words should just serve as elements of various options on the path of finding solution that suits individual needs.
This forum helped me to rule out a lot of other therapies, although, for sure, some of them helped other people.
Also, I find very positive that opposite opinions exist strongly here and that advocates against each alternative treatment are as loud as proponents who find them useful.
There is no definitive and only one way in dealing with cancers and hopefully, sharing experiences will make people more comfortable while knowing that they are not alone in their suffering.

Edited by - Dave2001 on 01/14/2015 15:59:37
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27 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2015 :  16:05:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You can call and ask, or have them fax your pathology to you (you'll have to sign a HIPAA request and fax that over, first. It's your lab and you are entitled to your files!

Very happy for your good results, Dave!


I may ask for it when next time with doc, as I wasn't aware that different BCC types might require different approaches.
Didn't pick the paper, as I didn't wish to continue with doctor's suggested MOHS treatment. Verbal confirmation was enough to start Curaderm therapy straightaway into the biopsy punction hole, as I evaluated various approaches for months before that.
There are numerous video materials. photos and blogs made by ordinary guys with whom one may talk and discuss various issues.
It is very convincing that Curaderm gives very good chances in some cases that look rather similar.
For example, I followed one patient's blog with very similar symptoms (size, colour, general feel of problem etc.). Not nice scenes, but it was true to bits, he offered to talk via Skype and even meet. Very generous person and gentle soul.
It took some time for me to become comfortable with idea of alternative approach, I am quite sceptical by nature.
No reason to persuade anyone to follow my advice what to use, do own homework, find people who went through it, talk with them, compare symptoms, think again. I was quite assured that it will work, before I even started.
Still, everyone is different, so our words should just serve as elements of various options on the path of finding solution that suits individual needs.
This forum helped me to rule out a lot of other therapies, although, for sure, some of them helped other people.
Also, I find very positive that opposite opinions exist strongly here and that advocates against each alternative treatment are as loud as proponents who find them useful.
There is no definitive and only one way in dealing with cancers and hopefully, sharing experiences will make people more comfortable while knowing that they are not alone in their suffering.
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23 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2015 :  03:48:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Raised the question of particular BCC type with my derm who did the biopsy and very well remember whole case, as I rejected 'golden standard' treatment. It was superficial erythematous basal-cell ca., what was in derm's opinion very slow progressing (was already several years there), non-invasive sort of BCC. Doctor also said that kind is likelly to be the most frequent.
My conclusion is that this kind of BCC is a good candidate for Curaderm and that some other (I have no proofs or experence on that), might require something different.
The problem of more complex BCCs, as I could understand is that even surgical method alone doesn't guarrantee the outcome 100%, often it should be combined with chemotherapy (topical in most cases) in order to finish the job.
That may explain why some patients didn't have great success wuth their BCC treatments.
It is quite apparent that length of treatment is vastly individual and that particular pattern of how Curaderm works becomes well recognized by majority of patients who went through it. I dare to say that if within 10-15 days there are no clear signs of treatment progression (either going wider or deeper or reach phase of pus formation), that particular cancer doesn't respond properly and that much deeper sight into situation is necessary without waiting.
As seems that some other alternatives exist (which I didn't try, so can't testify) search should continue.
Nevertheless, I vouch strongly for Curaderm, if similar (surface, slow progressing etc.) BCC conditions need to be cured in rather natural way. I would to do it again myself.
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19 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2015 :  02:17:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been reading your posts. Your results sound similar to mine and I agree with your overall conclusions. I was virtually covered with skin cancer. The cream is expensive if one has large areas of cancer to deal with, and want to get rid of it all. But it's hard to imagine buying enough tubes of the cream being more expensive than any of today's standard medical treatments by a dermatologist attempting to accomplish the same thing.
Originally posted by Dave2001

Raised the question of particular BCC type with my derm who did the biopsy and very well remember whole case, as I rejected 'golden standard' treatment. It was superficial erythematous basal-cell ca., what was in derm's opinion very slow progressing (was already several years there), non-invasive sort of BCC. Doctor also said that kind is likelly to be the most frequent.
My conclusion is that this kind of BCC is a good candidate for Curaderm and that some other (I have no proofs or experence on that), might require something different.
The problem of more complex BCCs, as I could understand is that even surgical method alone doesn't guarrantee the outcome 100%, often it should be combined with chemotherapy (topical in most cases) in order to finish the job.
That may explain why some patients didn't have great success wuth their BCC treatments.
It is quite apparent that length of treatment is vastly individual and that particular pattern of how Curaderm works becomes well recognized by majority of patients who went through it. I dare to say that if within 10-15 days there are no clear signs of treatment progression (either going wider or deeper or reach phase of pus formation), that particular cancer doesn't respond properly and that much deeper sight into situation is necessary without waiting.
As seems that some other alternatives exist (which I didn't try, so can't testify) search should continue.
Nevertheless, I vouch strongly for Curaderm, if similar (surface, slow progressing etc.) BCC conditions need to be cured in rather natural way. I would to do it again myself.

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668 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2015 :  21:18:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Miller though there are dozens of people who have posted here including myself that have used Curaderm with miserable, painful results,there are some like Dave and Howard that have had success. Going along with what Dave said above, I have come to believe it works on some types and not on others... That is not how it is marketed and that does anger me as I feel I was misled / cheated by their marketing and business practices.. a lot of time, money and pain for something that was never going to work on my large nodular BCC's.

Glad it's working for you and hope you have success

Edited by - anivoc on 01/28/2015 21:25:19
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668 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2015 :  17:46:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sounds like you're a tad younger than most of us here.

It also seems like you're trying to tell me my skin cancer is my own fault and it's my own foolishnessfor being suckered in by Curaderm false claims

We of the baby boomer era had no idea that getting a sunburn was dangerous or could lead to skin cancer...
In fact having a tan was encouraged and considered looking healthy..all pale and white was considered sickly.. I did not "knowingly do this to myself and there was no way of "knowing" when the damage was being done.

In regards to Curaderm false information...the devil is in the details and with them you have to dig deep to uncover the BS.

Sites like this one did not exist when I took the plunge..I wish they had as I would have never drank the Curaderm Kool Aid.

That is why I and other dissatisfied Curaderm users voice our distaste for the company and the product. So people can see past their false advertising and have realistic expectations of the possible outcome of their products and hype therein.

If I had had that chance, I'd of never purchased a single tube.

If someone like yourself chooses to support such a company and product after reading all the negative comments about it here, I wish you the best of luck. You're going to need it.

Don't forget to share your before and after pictures...POIDH

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668 Posts

Posted - 02/03/2015 :  09:49:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No worries.

I understand that it is easy to get defensive when you're the one using / invested in a product, it seems to be getting good results and then see other people bashing it..... so I get it.

I do hope you have the type of skin cancers that the stuff works on and you have 100% success with it.

I am pasting a link below to a thread where Dan has posted a step by tutorial on how to post pictures in this forum. They have to be uploaded / hosted elsewhere. I usually just upload the pictures in my google docs or google plus page and then right click on the uploaded image, copy the url and then paste into image system here. There are 1000's of places you can host for free...I just know it's unlikely that google is shutting down anytime in the next 20 years my post and the pictures therein will stay in the post for a long time.

Here's Dan's post on the subject...,pictures

All the best!
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2015 :  23:20:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm posting to encourage others to persist with Curaderm as I found this forum particularly discouraging at the time I needed encouragement with so little information available. The trouble is, no dermatologist will support you and most have never even opened their minds up to this treatment. Also, those closest to you always try to push you to go for mainstream treatment so really you're on your own and riddled with doubt. I had a BCC below my knee which was finally healed over on day 64 of treatment, so mine was one of the 28% which took longer than 8 weeks. I nearly gave up at about 6-7 weeks as it didn't seem to be getting any better. Suddenly, at about 8 weeks, the red area faded and shrunk and after that it was obvious that healing was underway. Before I get interrogated about evidence etc, no I'm not getting a biopsy and I haven't taken photos. I'm just happy that it worked and want to encourage others and let them know of my positive experience. Now that it's worked once, I'm treating a keratosis on my face with didn't completely disappear after cryotherapy. It will be easier this time as it should be quicker and now I have the belief.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2015 :  16:48:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for being honest and circumventing the "interrogation process".

No pictures + No Biopsy = No factual evidence

You may be passionately happy with Curaderm. Unfortunately your conclusion as to its efficacy is anecdotal and based on unscientific, unreliable assumptions.

I and many others here have been down the Curaderm rabbit hole and disagree wholeheartedly with your conclusion that it works as it is advertised.

After much thought about it and some people like yourself claiming success, I've come to believe Curaderm may work on some types of skin cancer...certainly not on all BCC's and certainly not with the effectiveness one would take away from reading the information on their web sites. I know personally and very painfully so, that for sure it doesn't work on large nodular BCC's.

I also know there are plenty of other alternative treatments discussed here that "no dermatologist will support" that I and others here believe are more effective than Curaderm and far less expensive.

Curaderm is a far cry from a "be all, end all" alternative skin cancer treatment.

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15 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2015 :  17:52:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"Curaderm is a far cry from a "be all, end all" alternative skin cancer treatment."
@ anivoc
If this thread is supposed to be for people to report their success or lack of it, I think they can read all the comments and come to their own conclusions. It seems though that the site "Nazis" have taken over and are trying to force their views on others. I don't suffer bullies gladly, but others on here might feel intimidated by your aggressive comments.
You demand evidence. Well I could likewise demand evidence that you followed the curaderm instructions and kept going with it.
I'm sorry that you didn't succeed with your treatment, but please don't squash the hopes of others and let them make their own assessments and choices.

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15 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2015 :  18:00:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another interesting observation, for those who want to use Curaderm...At about week 5-6 I had to take a course of antibiotics for 2 weeks. (for another condition) Before that it was going well. During the antibiotic treatment, the red area got larger, very inflamed, swelled up and was very hot. I'm thinking that the antibiotics may have caused a setback as it interfered with the natural healing process. That was when I almost gave up. So glad I kept going past this obstacle.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2015 :  20:15:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You're out of line Deeo...Nazi's? That's em Nazi's their evil....How did I "squash the hopes of others" and how did I interfere in letting them "make their own assessments and choices"

By sharing mine and others here personal bad experiences with Curaderm and pointing out that there are othe roptions and your experience was anecdotal? Damn Nazi's

Sorry pal a spades a spade. IMO Curaderm is very misleading in their marketing, overpriced and a mediocre at best choice in alternative approaches to eradicating non melanoma skin cancers. I've used it and other treatments and TAKEN PICTURES and SHOWED THE RESULTS...
I've been participating here for a lot of years with 550 + come post two post and with your plethora of skin cancer wisdom call imply I'm a Nazi... yep you're credible.

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15 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2015 :  23:52:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"I've been participating here for a lot of years with 550 + come post two post and with your plethora of skin cancer wisdom call imply I'm a Nazi... yep you're credible."

That is precisely my point, Anivoc. Are you the boss of this site or self-appointed authority? Any new person coming to this site with good news gets immediately put in their place and you let them know quickly that you don't believe in it and that you're in charge. IMHO that is nazi-like behaviour.The original post by Barbara asked: "Has anyone had any success with Curaderm?" My posting was an answer to that question. I did not document it and take photos every day, as, like Barbara, I had my doubts. I wasn't looking for a massive photo opportunity or looking to advise others. I have simply reported my experience in answer to Barbara. You have now insinuated that my report is not "credible". Please yourself with what you believe as I know you will anyway! Obviously I'm unwelcome on this site and I was expecting the cold shoulder from the start as I had read your previous interactions with others. Hopefully people can see some success stories in amongst all your negativity. I won't be adding to this comment as this conversation is going nowhere.

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15 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2015 :  00:02:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
By the way: meaning for 'nazi"
a derogatory term for a person who is fanatically dedicated to, or seeks to control some activity, practice etc.
That was my meaning, nothing to do with Hitler or Nazism.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2015 :  05:52:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Deeo you're happy with your results and that's fine. You are welcome to come here and post as you wish..I will do the same. I have no power over you and you have none over me. We clearly disagree on Curaderm based on our own anecdotal experiences. This is a 7 year old thread so I think "Barbara" has figured out her course of action.

You want to bring comfort and encouragement to those that have chosen to use Curaderm.
I want to warn people that Curaderm is marketed in a very misleading way, is not near as effective as they promote and that there are other faster, more effective, less expensive alternative treatments. I went through over 100 days of suffering before I gave up. I did get one positive takeaway from the experience ...I learned about 3m micropore tape which has been a God send.

I have openly admitted it does seem to work on some people some of the time...

You can start a Curaderm users support thread where those of you that have chosen that route can cheer each other up.

I can start a Bad experience with Curaderm thread where we who clearly just didn't use it as instructed can speak the evils of it.

But in this thread I'm not going to let support of the product go by without scrutiny and pointing out to the visitors coming here for advice...Buyer beware there are other options you might want to consider.

Convenient choice of sources for your definition of Nazi must have had to search a while for one that defended what you "meant" to say...Usually one goes to the dictionary for a definition...From

noun, plural Nazis.
a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.
(often lowercase) a person elsewhere who holds similar views.
(often lowercase) Sometimes Offensive. a person who is fanatically dedicated to or seeks to regulate a specified activity, practice, etc.:
a jazz nazi who disdains other forms of music; health nazis trying to ban junk food.

Edited by - anivoc on 03/20/2015 06:20:05
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7 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2015 :  13:13:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am interested in hearing about your experience and I appreciate you taking the time to share. In general, I like details such as the size, location, and nature of the cancer, e.g., squamous cell, basal cell, morpheaform. There are other parameters of interest. Pictures are interesting but biopsies are useful data. Follow-up data is important such as recurrence at the same location or adjacent locations. Quantitative data is useful in helping to determine under what conditions the treatment is likely to work, which is why people are interested in this dialog. For example, avoid Curaderm for treating subcutaneous morpheaform basal cell on the face or neck because this form of cancer tends to dive deep and follow nerve pathways. Curaderm cannot penetrate more than 2 mm of skin before the tissue starts to heel. At least, this has been my experience. So far, there is no quantitative data that supports or refutes the use of Curaderm under specific conditions. Since it has not passed the FDA approval process, which is based on quantitative data, it cannot be recommended nor sold as a cure. I believe in this approval process. This site claims that it works for some unknown skin lesions under some conditions for some people. So, please keep sharing experiences and, if possible, include more quantitative data.
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2015 :  17:43:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, John.
@John & Anivoc
Firstly, I'm not extolling the virtues of Curaderm. I never was. I just wanted to share my news that it seems to be healed. That has me overjoyed as it was a hard road and so hard to believe. It's early days yet and the treatment has exposed several smaller areas nearby that may need treatment. I listened to Howard's advice that its best to keep putting the cream on for a while and not to treat those smaller ones until the larger lesion has faded a bit.
My BCC was about 4mm in diameter and had a red raised crater around it and a tiny, pin-prick hole in the centre . I'd first noticed it about a year ago, thinking it was a stubborn pimple or suchlike. It was only when it started to bleed for no reason, that I realised it was something more sinister. Thinking back, the whole area had been itchy for some time. At first I intended to get proper medical advice, but had a bad experience with them which led me to research alternative treatments on the net. The GP I saw, declared that it looked like a BCC but she'd like to do a biopsy later and also do one on my face and on the two spots on the sole of my foot. This would cost $40 a pop plus another $100 for the visit , plus the hundred I had just paid. (total $360) This would then lead to a referral to a specialist, expensive and lots of time wasted waiting. When I got home, licked my finger and washed the two spots off my foot, I just wasn't willing to put my life in this person's hands and simply ordered the Curaderm.
I have no idea at this stage if the treatment has succeeded long term. There is no point in taking a photo as it is still a dark pink/purplish colour (as scars are when healing). I hope the colour will fade in time. I will report back either way.
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Posted - 03/20/2015 :  18:00:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I forgot to add that I decided to treat the one on my leg first and not risk it on my face as I'd seen a number of bad reports on here. Some time later, I referred myself to a skin specialist, (skipped the GP). She had all the proper equipment, cameras etc. She declared all the other spots as pre or non-cancerous and wanted to do a biopsy on the leg one. I told her I wanted to finish the treatment first(which at that stage seemed to be working). She had never heard of Curaderm, wasn't happy and told me that there was "no topical treatment for skin cancer that works." If the lesion opens up again, I may have to resort to surgery but I doubt that surgery would've discovered the little satellite ones around the main lesion.
anivoc, I agree that micropore tape is a great discovery. I reacted badly to every other type of bandaid or tape, but that one is good.
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Bruce Albrecht

9 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2015 :  03:10:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It has been over 2 years since I posted on this forum and since that time there seems to be the same pattern of Curaderm working for some and not for others. I have used Curaderm with success on small bcc cancers but have also been successful with Fluorouracil 5%. None of mine were advanced but one had a biopsy that confirmed the cancer before I experimented. There has been no reappearance of cancer in my three treated areas. I have had a few small possible new cancer areas that have all responded to the Fluorouacil. On my trip to Florida I visit a dermatologist to make sure. I found that the Fluoroucil worked with less drama compared to Curaderm. Have others used Fluorouracil? I know it needs a prescription in the USA but I am in Arabia where if you can say it, you can buy it. For background I am 65 and have spent most of my life without suncream in Florida, Bermuda or Arabia. Lately I have started wearing a cricket hat on the beach that shields the ears. Perhaps I have had success because I was so early in treatment. This forum is excellent in trading results but it is disappointing that the conclusions and results are so varied making it hard to reach a conclusion on the efficacy of treatments.
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Posted - 03/21/2015 :  15:56:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Bruce, thanks for your advice. I'll look into whether fluoracil is available here. I have no doubt that it will need at least a GP visit and prescription. Perhaps even a referral to Specialist appointment. (they have it all sown up!) Unfortunately our generation didn't know of the dangers of sun damage and sunscreen wasn't available when we were kids. The sun here in Australia is very harsh and most of my damage was done as a child. In my experience, its not until now that the skin cancers begin to show and all you can do is try to prevent further damage. It's been years since I've had sunburn as now I avoid being out in it when the risk is greatest.
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Bruce Albrecht

9 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2015 :  22:01:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the comments Deeo I grew up in Clearwater Florida with its long white beach. We would play in the sand and water without sun screen and no umbrella. Shirts were not worn even when playing at home outside. We all had a "healthy" deep tan. Research now shows that those with this type of sun experience are not as much at risk as the Northern pale faces that came to Florida for the annual tanning session that, of course, was really an annual deep burn session. Studies show that skin cancer odds increase dramatically by sun burns before you are 20. If you avoided burning by gently tanning the risk was less. Add this information to the statistics that show cancer rates in sunny areas are LOWER than more northern climates. Why? Because Vitamin D created in your own skin provides some protection from cancer developing. Mind you, this is not skin cancer, but other cancers. Looks like moderation was again the best strategy.

I have a tube of Fluorouracil in my bathroom medicine cabinet here. I will take it to a local pharmacy and see if they will sell me a new one on the spot.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  08:36:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yep born n raised in "Sunny" Southern California...and a real "whitey" among a bunch of golden brownies..It was considered healthy to have a tan in the early 60's my older sisters used to put baby oil on to get a "burn". I remember my sister having fun peeling the dead skin off of my back and saying what a beautiful golden brown my skin had become..

I also used to go out ocean fishing, no hat, no sunscreen and burn all day...wonderful.

I started getting AK's in my late 20's when it was finally known sunburns might contribute to skin cancers.. my first BCC @ 32....29 years later it has not been a lot of fun but I see people who have it worse so I just deal with what I have to deal with.

My oldest daughter who is 32 has already had a BCC removed and just had some moles biopsied..dang!

We were super diligent with her as a child and always slathered both of our girls in sunscreen... She did get a few burns as a teen when she was out on her own and didn't take heed.

Hoping the younger dodges the bullet as she played a lot of softball and got a few burns even with the far so good ...she's 29 ( fingers crossed ) Obviously genetics plays a big role..

2 of my 3 older sisters have never had a single AK or BCC and they are both in their 70's and got burned tons of youngest sister has dealt with a few AK's over the years ...she just turned 70 and she was a sun goddess.

Younger brother also got plenty of burns not a single AK or BCC and he is 58..

Lots of Cousins that also grew up in Cali and only a handful have the issue. Those that do ....not so pretty.

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668 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  08:45:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bruce not to "bring you down" or discourage but make you aware...

I used Fluorouracil in my mid 40's in my early 50's the same derm told me he had quit prescribing it because studies had found it may actually increase your chance of getting BCC's..

Here's an article on the subject

Edited by - anivoc on 03/22/2015 08:45:53
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Bruce Albrecht

9 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  09:10:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the info on Fluorouracil. I was prescribed the treatment by a dermatologist in Clearwater, Florida. It seemed to work. I showed it to my dermatologist in the UK who said she did not approve as she favoured surgical removal. It is frustrating as a layman to receive such different views. I am going to the Cleveland Clinic for a check-up in about a month and will ask their opinion. I tan very easily and I do not think I have ever burned badly as I am not a sun worshiper. My wife who tans with difficulty lies in the direct sun to get a "good fry-up". She has done this for decades and has no skin problems. We sit on the beach together - me under the umbrella and her in full sun. I tan quickly and she takes a long time. Now that I have viewed skin cancer and taken an interest, I see it frequently on the faces and arms here in Abu Dhabi. Do these people not know that something should be done about it?
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  15:38:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That article was a bit scary! I think I'll avoid that stuff for now.
I've just mixed up a home potion to attempt to treat those suspect spots which may have been attached to the main BCC which is now undergoing scar treatment. I'm not keen to use Curaderm yet as I don't want to risk it re-opening the "bigger one" and one of the spots is right next to it. I first want to try something a little gentler. Anyway, I've mixed together c/nut oil, ACV and Olive Leaf extract. (equal parts) I included the last one as I read a recent article about how Oleapein kills cancer cells within 1 hour. (but I suspect that's in its purest form) I'm going to just rub the oil mix in during the day and put it on cotton wool with micropore at night. DO NOT DISTURB! SCIENTIST AT WORK!
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  15:49:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is that article I read recently:

Not oleopein, oleocanthal apparently.
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668 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2015 :  18:31:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good stuff Deeo..

I will start a new thread in the topical treatments section regarding this and we can all contribute there. There has been a lot of different Phenols that seems to kill cancer..

I just spent twenty minutes googling and there is a ton of info on this...we'll see...

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1 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2015 :  11:36:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I successfully used curaderm as did another friend of mine on a Basel cell. I think it's worth a try over using a knife...though it can get pretty gross before the healing process begins so be prepared for some ugly in the area. Mine took two months.
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27 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2015 :  14:39:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You need a biopsy to be sure it is gone. I thought mine was - twice. It returned. By time I gave up on Curaderm, the tumor on my face was huge. I wasted the better part of a year on it, and wish I had not followed Chan's advice to me to keep treating it. He truly does not believe it can ever fail - which is not the case.

Originally posted by RobMeister

I successfully used curaderm as did another friend of mine on a Basel cell. I think it's worth a try over using a knife...though it can get pretty gross before the healing process begins so be prepared for some ugly in the area. Mine took two months.

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Posted - 04/23/2015 :  21:57:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used Cureaderm after my wife convinced me to try rather than having BCC surgically removed. I used it every morning and night for just over 3 months and it was only after 13 weeks did something happen and happen it did. I woke one miring to find my BCC 'infected' and puss starting to ozze. My immediate reaction was to stop using Cureaderm and go to my GP. I immediately was frantic on seeing if this was a common problem and thank people on this site for posting since I read that this was not infection but cancerous cells coming out so I decided to continue to use Cureaderm. That evening it had worsened and the infection looked worse. That evening I showered and gently pushed either side of the BCC and pushed the puss out. This resulted in shrinking the size of yen infection and I repeated this the following evening. The third evening I again pushed puss out and was amazed that 2 'balls' (clay like) came out off the BCC (I had read on this forum others referred to this a a rock). The ball smelt vile and could be squished between my fingers. With the ball removed the raised infected area was dramatically reduced in size but was still very swollen. I continued to use the cream and 2 days later I noticed another ball had risen to the surface and I gentky applied pressure and it popped out. I contined to use Cureaderm for another 2 days and at this point the infection had virtually gone and pink skin had grown over the top of the BCC. I used Cureaderm for another 3 days and at this point it seemed like the time to cease as the BCC had completely covered over and was virtually flat now. There was a slight raised area on the top of the BCC and I began using Tamanu oil for just over 3 weeks. At the end of the 3 weeks the BCC is completely gone and only a faint scar. Thank you to everyone who posted on this site to help me as a giude
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15 Posts

Posted - 04/24/2015 :  01:22:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
@ Gunge. Your user name says it all. I've got one at the "gunge" stage at about 4 weeks and its hard to have self belief and keep going. I remember with the last one, once the pus stopped, the red area began to reduce, the pain lessened and the skin grew back in a very short time. This time its happening a lot sooner but there is definitely more gunge happening.
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Posted - 04/25/2015 :  00:29:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I must admit I was convinced to stop using Cureaderm when it became gungy. It really looked terrible and my wife who was the one who wanted me to use Cureaderm was thinking "oh no what I have done''. If not for reading about other people's same experiences on this forum I would have stopped. Thank God I didn't as those 'Balls' (rocks) would have never emerged. I was always annoyed that no real instructions cane with my Cureaderm or a list of things that would and could happen as it would have put my mind at ease. But thanks to this forum I was able to have some sort of a guide as to what I could expect. I thought I had better pay it forward and contribute to the same forum that helped me out and now BCC free.

@Deeo incredible that this has happened to you at only 4 weeks. Was that because it was relatively a new BCC. Mine was around 6 years old so I guess thats why a lot longer to treat ?
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Posted - 04/25/2015 :  15:48:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
@ gunge
The one I'm treating now is one that became evident after I treated the first one. It was hardly visible before, just a little nick on the skin with some irritation. This one has opened up bigger than the original and is just as ugly. I haven't had any rocks emerge from either of mine. I got my curaderm from a place in Perth and they sent me Dr Cham's book free. Even with all the info in the book,I still felt unsure of what to expect. The book doesn't describe just how ugly it will get before it heals and its easy to give up just when the situation is about to turn. Both of mine developed bright red raggedy edges around the outside of the lesion with blistering. No one else seems to describe that. Luckily you had your wife's support as it takes a long time.
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12 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2015 :  23:17:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
if I'm honest it doesn't look gone at all - it still has the suspicious raised area around the surface. Mine healed similar after curaderm but a few months later i felt the bump and got a biopsy, and it was still there - just hidden underneath all the new the skin - and bigger than ever :( I was so upset!
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Posted - 05/06/2015 :  08:33:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, I'm new to all this and am in need of some advice. A biopsy showed precancerous cells in the top section of my left ear. I've been applying BEC5 to it for the past month. I have all the usual reactions. Skin peeling off. Redness and in places raw flesh.

My question is about how to know when to stop. I've read here that when the cancer cells are all dead the skin will heal. But my understanding is that as long as I'm applying the BEC5, the acid in it will continue to eat away at the flesh. So how do I know when the cells are dead? Or am I not understanding the process?

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Posted - 05/06/2015 :  21:02:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi DEK, deciding when to stop is not an easy call for any cancer treatment and most treatments are at least skin irritants which makes it even more difficult. I like to use the sting of topically applied orange oil (d-limonene) as my best indicator. When applied to normal skin, orange oil will not cause a stinging sensation. When applied to cancerous and perhaps precancerous areas, orange oil causes a sting after about one minute that lasts for about 25 minutes, perhaps less for shallow affected areas. D-limonene has mild anticancer properties as well. Some people may be allergic to it but otherwise it seems safe to me to use it as an indicator. I have used it on large areas of skin for several weeks. If and when you decide to try it as a diagnostic tool, I would recommend letting the affected area rest for several days to avoid a false reading. The stinging can be intense but it goes away like clockwork. Orange oil and/or d-limonene capsules are inexpensive and available at vitamin stores.

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Posted - 05/06/2015 :  22:21:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dek, If its precancerous, its probably a keratosis and Dr Cham's book (which I've mislaid atm) said to apply twice a day for 3 days for a keratosis. If that's the case, you've possibly over-treated it. Maybe you could just do the orange oil test as Dan suggested just to be sure. Let us know how it heals up. I have a keratosis on my nose which didn't completely heal with cryotherapy. I'm a bit reluctant to treat it with BEC as I've seen how ugly the BCC treatment was and don't dare do it on my face. If yours hasn't made deep holes which exude profusely then it probably was quite shallow and might heal without any drama.
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Posted - 05/08/2015 :  14:29:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Dan and Deeo for your replies. Dan, one question: Am I correct in thinking that I should let the tender and exposed parts of the treatment area heal before using the D-Limonene since so much of the pain reaction would be to the rawness of the flesh and not the presence of cancer cells?

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92 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2015 :  08:54:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found that apple cider vinegar also stings but I was testing a patch on my forehead thats undiagnosed. I started using Curaderm on it yesterday. It softened it up a lot, just a little tingle today. I am healing from a basal treatment on the other side of my scalp I used Vitamin C on successfully (with dmso to go deep) so that crater is starting to heal up now. The BEC was a backup if that failed but it worked nicely.
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Posted - 07/09/2015 :  07:33:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
3rd day, (4th treatment) of curaderm, definitely stung when i put it on, burning a little but not too bad. dark patch seems to be breaking up in appearance.
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Posted - 07/09/2015 :  10:27:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This was my experience, twice in a year. It looked like it went through all the stages, healing beautifully. Both times a wound opened up several weeks later.

The cancer was not gone. Mine was infiltrative BCC. The curader could not reach deep enough to get it all (I found later from the surgeon.) It was still very small on my skin, but underneath had grown quite broad and deep.

It can look great after healing - but the cancer was only trimmed and is still deeply imbedded. The surgeon said the problem with these self treatments is that we are pruning the top, but not the root system (like a plant) and it grows back even faster.

I have another spot I'm watching for another week or so but I will not hesitate to go in. Delaying the surgery went from a minor procedure to needing 10 days off work, and skin and cartiledge grafting.

Originally posted by mandyyy

if I'm honest it doesn't look gone at all - it still has the suspicious raised area around the surface. Mine healed similar after curaderm but a few months later i felt the bump and got a biopsy, and it was still there - just hidden underneath all the new the skin - and bigger than ever :( I was so upset!

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19 Posts

Posted - 07/09/2015 :  11:43:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree. Using Curaderm for 6 months turned what could have been a simple procedure in the dermatologist's office into a life threatening ordeal requiring extensive surgery and months of healing. I'm still not back to normal activities even after a year. I have a reconstructive surgery planned for the end of the summer. It's just not worth the risk, in my opinion!
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Posted - 07/11/2015 :  20:22:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i wasnt able to stay with the treatment, it would scab over almost immediately if left uncovered, like overnight. Since the area is undiagnosed, I dont want to use it on that area. tonight i picked at the scab and it peeled right off, clean skin under it but cant tell yet if the pigment is changed. It sure did something though.
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Posted - 09/13/2015 :  16:41:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What do you mean by..that you are applying eggplant? Are you just taking a regular eggplant and putting the inside of the peel on your face. Please let me know. The curaderm has gone up to $144 from $110 the last time I bought it and I can't afford to spend that much.

Please email me with your recipe for using real eggplant. Thanks.

Originally posted by Allie

I was planning on ordering Curaderm, but since marsha's post, I started questioning it's true effectiveness. It does seem curious that despite the 100% curative rate claimed by Curaderm, no one on topicalinfo has yet posted a conclusive positive result.

I googled "Curaderm scam" and came up with some discouraging information. One website claims that there are no records in Great Britain of the clinical trials claimed by Curaderm advertisers, and that the positive claims found on some forum websites actually came from the same source on Vanuata, which is where the Curaderm is sold from (not Australia).

I think I will not order the Curaderm after all. I'm currently applying eggplant, and although my lesions seem to have vastly improved after 5 weeks, they are still not fully healed. I plan to be patient a while longer, but will consider other possibilities, maybe including surgery if I can find someone who does MOHS.

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8 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2015 :  16:44:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is there any place to order curaderm that isn't as expensive as $144? I used to spend $110 and that was a lot..what would make it go up so high now?
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.