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 bloodroot paste on face? with journal and pics
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2018 :  17:03:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
58 yrs young - Have one confirmed by biopsy basil center of forehead (pictures to follow) and a confirmed also biopsied squamous on left side of forehead. I have not posted in a few years but have self treated for over 10 yrs mostly success with bloodroot, iodine and apple cider vinegar. Iodine and ACV for AK and pre cancer. I do not have direct access to petty spurge living west coast florida and its summer here - not great conditions for growing. Both lesions appear to be more surface but this is appearance right? The Mohs doctor I saw yesterday seemed to confirm this also. Before going under the knive I would like to try an alternative. Already making lifestyle changes with diet, supplements, alkalizing, juicing and apricot kernels. A little nervous here going with bloodroot because of the sizes 2x2 and 2x1 cent. on face. Any other suggestions? (sorry initial forehead pic is upside down)

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Edited by - bspratt on 05/05/2018 10:18:30


58 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2018 :  10:12:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok took the plunge and applied bloodroot paste on the top half of my BC (for 24 hours) this was the half that always bled and looked the worse. Typical stinging, mild headache but was able to sleep and off it came last night/picture from this morning. Had ice on it 3 or 4 times last night. Today's swelling not so bad. Will see this eventually work itself out in a few days and will continue to update. Thanks - Bill

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Edited by - bspratt on 05/12/2018 21:52:22
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2018 :  15:45:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay day 3 a little more action, little more pain (1 tylenol or ibuprofen every 4 hrs) more swelling; definitely active underneath. Even though this is "just basil" I do think it is the worst of the 2 lesions - hopeful anyways that the rest is more surface/superficial but time will tell. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow with the swelling around eyes will make me look more "snapchat" like. Just want to encourage those out there - one must be careful with bloodroot/there are plenty of good resources on the web to walk you through (there is always risk involved) and you may also want to be careful with whom you tell - be prepared for rejection. Fortunately, God did not create me to please man but Him alone Blessings - Bill

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Edited by - bspratt on 05/06/2018 15:48:36
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2018 :  16:18:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Day 5 - bigger blob already starting to break free and work out. Swelling has declined; way less headache. There will be a nice hole when this thing pops out. I am prepared with a couple of healing aids one called "all good goop" purchased online. This seems to be moving faster than past BC's I am thinking the diet, juicing, pancreatin x8 supplements (morn and night on empty stomach) apple cider vinegar 3 times a day (2 spoonfulls ea) melatonin at night even the bitter apricot kernals - are a help and a prevention.

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58 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2018 :  16:34:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
BTW, since this is an active journal, I have been asked more than once especially since I do have insurance why do I not just get these 2 whacked off an then proceed with the healthy diet and supplements? Good question and my answer is: I am still considering Mohs - have a doctor lined up ready and willing. However, having been cut on multiple times (one of them was a very bad experience) and every 2 or 3 years the cycle repeats I am hoping to address the root problem and not just cut off the symptoms. Having read books, websites it is clear that our bodies are designed to handle this but because we have polluted them with additives, preservatives, pesticides; while not providing the essential nutrients (think green; lean meat and healthy fats) our livers are often in need of cleansing. I will stop here before you fall asleep but we have to get back to what our bodies thrive on. Also minimize stress. Blessings - Bill

Edited by - bspratt on 09/18/2018 14:49:00
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16 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2018 :  18:14:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice job with that bloodroot (stingy summabotches) lol ...
i would suggest using vitamin E gel once you are done treating and just want to let things heal.

if it comes back, just hit it again and again.

Be Well Always,


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58 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2018 :  21:23:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bonders

Nice job with that bloodroot (stingy summabotches) lol ...
i would suggest using vitamin E gel once you are done treating and just want to let things heal.

if it comes back, just hit it again and again.

Be Well Always,


Thanks Bonder for the encouragement; how did your re-occurrence go from last September? What did you use and how are you doing?

Blessings - Bill
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/10/2018 :  21:34:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Day 7 - just washed off with hydrogen peroxide and some mild soap not much change - kind of looks smaller still working itself out. Pretty sure this is fairly deep; looking forward to healing phase but won't force the action it needs to take its course. Still debating bloodroot paste or something else for the squamous on side of forehead. Thinking I will hit it next then come back for the bottom half of this BCC. If you have a suggestion chime in thanks - Bill

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668 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2018 :  19:58:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ouch! That you only did part of it, I get ....but ya still got the rest...I am fighting a few monsters way bigger and just can't stomach what the bloodroot will do.....

"IF" I had ...I know this will sound crazy to you as "small of one" as that you have the deepest biggest part of it treated...I'd try a new method I have come up with that definitely eats small ones slowly and painfully but not the intense continuous pain of bloodroot.

It is clear Vinegar does kill small skin cancers...The active ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid... I purchased 100% pure acetic acid and diluted it to 30% (7 parts water 3 parts acetic acid....When I get out of the shower I apply with a small make up brush first then use a regular paper towel folded over in 3 layers in the shape of the lesion...I put the 30% solution in a small clear eyes bottle and soak the paper towel..I apply it to the lesion and cover with 3m Micropore tape...Not for the faint of heart it burns for about 30 minutes and is sore for a while and bleeds on occasion...BUT in no way as painful as Bloodroot...I took down a lesion bigger and thicker than your with this technique....Unfortunately the big ones are really messy so I am making a salve with the vinegar and zinc chloride and going at them slower...still nessy but nor as much bleeding...I am almost ready to surrender to the knife on these big ones's a bummer...

I have been reading about carrot juice and may go on a month long 5 cups a day experiment to see if it helps shrink these buggers...I qualify for medicare in four months so I'll hold off on the knife unless it becomes impossible to deal with before then...
Hoping and praying what I am doing combined with the carrot juice protocol can get me over the hump...

Good luck on your journey and THANK YOU for sharing and documenting your experience here!
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668 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2018 :  21:04:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ouch! That you only did part of it, I get ....but ya still got the rest...I am fighting a few monsters way bigger and just can't stomach what the bloodroot will do.....

"IF" I had ...I know this will sound crazy to you as "small of one" as that you have the deepest biggest part of it treated...I'd try a new method I have come up with that definitely eats small ones slowly and painfully but not the intense continuous pain of bloodroot.

It is clear Vinegar does kill small skin cancers...The active ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid... I purchased 100% pure acetic acid and diluted it to 30% (7 parts water 3 parts acetic acid....When I get out of the shower I apply with a small make up brush first then use a regular paper towel folded over in 3 layers in the shape of the lesion...I put the 30% solution in a small clear eyes bottle and soak the paper towel..I apply it to the lesion and cover with 3m Micropore tape...Not for the faint of heart it burns for about 30 minutes and is sore for a while and bleeds on occasion...BUT in no way as painful as Bloodroot...I took down a lesion bigger and thicker than your with this technique....Unfortunately the big ones are really messy so I am making a salve with the vinegar and zinc chloride and going at them slower...still nessy but nor as much bleeding...I am almost ready to surrender to the knife on these big ones's a bummer...

I have been reading about carrot juice and may go on a month long 5 cups a day experiment to see if it helps shrink these buggers...I qualify for medicare in four months so I'll hold off on the knife unless it becomes impossible to deal with before then...
Hoping and praying what I am doing combined with the carrot juice protocol can get me over the hump...

Good luck on your journey and THANK YOU for sharing and documenting your experience here!
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/12/2018 :  21:38:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Great to hear from you Anivoc! You are like the Michael Jordan of skin lesions! Hope that's a complement. Hey our own Tampa Bay Lightning are trying to make it to the NHL finals - but I digress...Sorry to hear you are battling the big ones but also encouraged you are still fighting the good fight - and that's what its all about. This board offers so much good info and hope - a real community; I hope the video game generation takes note of pioneers like you, Dan and others. Thanks for sharing your latest protocol of vinegar (topically) and carrot juice (internally) I think too many people are quick to treat what they can see and neglect what they cannot...again my mission and I'm sure yours is to stop the cycle/kill the root source not just make a cancer or two go away; though our patience does get tested with the variables of treatments. The "one size fits all" treatment is definitely NOT what cancer is about right? People - just because bloodroot or iodine may work for me does not mean it is the best path for you please be careful and take the time to study and test ANY treatment path. Anivoc, I am all about easing off on the gas pedal with bloodroot. Since squamous (my understanding) is closer to the surface skin than BCC I was already planning on something less intrusive - may give the vinegar a shot. Already made changes with the internals diet/juicing/ACV/apricot kernels/supplements but may push the envelope with raw organics - studying this currently; enough rambling for now will add you to my prayer list Blessings - Bill
Today the eschar(?) came out and I was able to slap the vitamin E goop on to begin a healing phase. Stay tuned...

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Edited by - bspratt on 09/18/2018 14:50:07
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/21/2018 :  19:29:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
the healing on the center forehead was going so well thought it was time to jump on the SCC on side. Applied 5% iodine earlier in the day to prepare for bloodroot application seen in the 2nd picture. Stinging but so far not so bad. Since the healthy eating and 3 times a day ACV, apricot kernels, supplements for almost a month actually wondering if some of the cancer has been dealt with. This was an unusual SCC in my opinion because it never hurt or felt anything just the peeled skin. 22 more hours to go! The 3M tape is super cool if you have not used (on the BCC) and also have gone beyond clean eating to juicing and mostly plant based diet.

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Edited by - bspratt on 05/21/2018 19:35:43
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58 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2018 :  19:47:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
and Voila! Pain continues to be manageable not requiring ice though I did think about it earlier - it just appears to be very shallow. We will let this continue to run its course before evaluating the next step. If you are reading this and a believer, prayers are coveted (see coveting isn't always bad) Blessings - Bill

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58 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2018 :  20:07:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A couple days later, stinging,swelling,mild to medium headaches and some ice. Does not hamper me at work. I think blood root is a good choice because I may not have the patience to apply several times a day or for weeks to see results. Already looking forward to round 2 with the BCC center forehead. Blessings - Bill

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Edited by - bspratt on 05/24/2018 20:09:21
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35 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2018 :  15:46:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is it true you're not supposed to let it dry out?
I'd forgotten that, but I've just had to reapply the paste after a long period of remission.

I had no other choice, it's right in the crook of my eye and I don't want to risk surgery there. Other things didn't seem to be penetrating properly so I had to act fast. Problem is I can't put a micropore tape because of where it is. It's a terrible risk, I know, right just there, but I couldn't leave it and risk it worming its way into my eye.

I'm halfway through a bottle of red wine right now,, the pain is gone, just the eschar itching as it begins to separate.

Edited by - robbiethegood on 06/09/2018 15:46:55
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58 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2018 :  17:08:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, keep it "wet" vitamin E, aloe and others - Aquaphor has been my go to - just blends right in with the tape. Understand about the eye you could just leave a touch of (your choice) on there to keep it progressing and eventually will fall out. Glad to hear the red wine is working for you. Blessings - Bill

Originally posted by robbiethegood

Is it true you're not supposed to let it dry out?
I'd forgotten that, but I've just had to reapply the paste after a long period of remission.

I had no other choice, it's right in the crook of my eye and I don't want to risk surgery there. Other things didn't seem to be penetrating properly so I had to act fast. Problem is I can't put a micropore tape because of where it is. It's a terrible risk, I know, right just there, but I couldn't leave it and risk it worming its way into my eye.

I'm halfway through a bottle of red wine right now,, the pain is gone, just the eschar itching as it begins to separate.

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58 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2018 :  18:44:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
updated with 3 pictures from 5/28; 5/31 and today 6/9 things are looking much better. About a week ago I took a shot at doing the bottom half of BCC center of forehead. Got aggressive and put iodine directly on open wound (ouch) then slapped on a thick pad of bloodroot. Immediate stinging pain started and only got worse. After about 25-30 min I called it quits (first time I have felt pain like this) and pulled off the bloodroot and cleansed the area. After an hour pain was then manageable. Had some swelling for almost 24 hrs. This tells me I still have work to do and secondly don't ever get aggressive with bloodroot. I know folks have used it with DMSO and other poultice type mixes but we might want to cross this combo off the list. Still in planning stages as to when to hit it again in the meantime keeping the healthy eating/juicing/supplements protocol.

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58 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2018 :  16:55:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mohs surgery soon? Meeting a surgeon tomorrow. Had a miserable experience with a "new" dermatologist a week ago (she was all about fear and wanted to chop me in little pieces) Have 2 more biopsies waiting on results. Don't think they are serious we shall see. She referred me to their Mohs doc who only comes to our location 1 day a month. We have 2 Mohs trained surgeons in our county that I could find - one almost walking distance from our home. Praying that this guy is laid back and skillful.

Anyhow, this thread concerns the forehead center BCC and left side SCC. They don't look horrible in my opinion and don't bother me at all except for the fact I have taken my shots and they are still here. Actually did not finish the bottom portion of treating the BCC. My thoughts are if I have taken 1,2 or 3 attempts at attacking these lesions and they are still not gone then its time to step up to the plate. My records show the BCC goes back to 2012 when I first hit it with a poultice cocktail. Mostly went away but not completely. I have run out of gas and patience. I do think they might be smaller and look much better. I Still believe in all the things talked about here mainly nutrition, rest, exercise. But it can take up to a year for your body to fully regenerate and I just need a fresh start. I will continue to document the Mohs procedure - should be interesting stay tuned. Blessings - Bill

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Edited by - bspratt on 09/08/2018 16:14:42
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76 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2018 :  10:19:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that the surgeon recommended surgery.

That said, MOHS is a well-developed procedure and you will probably be very pleased with the results. Hope you have insurance, though (and that the policy will pay for MOHS vs. standard excision.)
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58 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2018 :  14:12:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes my appointment is still 2 hrs away but I appreciate your humor and 100% agree he will be in favor of it. :) I do have insurance but have been getting a little hesitant with viewing youtube videos for Mohs on forehead - many say they had "dime" sized lesions and they take scoop of huge golf ball size of skin. Thank God I'm a believer because its all in His hands and He will see me through.
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58 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2018 :  20:08:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just a quick update - both my biopsies from last week (1) behind right ear where attaches; mostly on scalp and (2) left side neck below ear came back SCC. My new Mohs Surgeon/Dermatologist found possibly another small bcc upper left cheek just below eye; I like this guy very much he is cool with self treatment only talked to me about future lesions not allowing them to get too large. So for now I have 4 possibly 5 Mohs surgeries starting Sept 10th about a week or 10 days apart. Planning to document all of these - more to come.
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58 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2018 :  16:12:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sept 8th today - had my first Mohs procedure ever on Sat morning! Have 5 scheduled; in 10 days go back to get stitches removed from neck and second procedure will be performed. After that 1 week only between the next 3. Wanted to journal this treatment method also. Like my new doctor very much; again he is cool with self treatment; just says don't let them get too big before seeing him. He is referring to BCC and SCC and pre cancerous - non melanoma; if you ever suspect you have melanoma get it looked at promptly. Appt was this morning 8:30AM very prompt and fast the nurse wiped area with alcohol then applied locals (shots) other than slight pinch and mild burn not bad at all. Doctor came in we mostly talked about football as he took a scoop and cauterized wound; then sent sample next door to the lab. I went back out to lobby thinking that was fast! 5 min? Was not watching the clock but did not seem like 30 minutes (what I was told to expect) when nurse called me back into room and said good news margins clear - Hallelujah! Took about 10-15 min for doctor to sew me up, nurse applied bandages and said don't take off for 2 days then remove wash with mild soap and water and keep wet with vaseline or aquaphor. Will return in 10 days for #2 stay tuned.

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Edited by - bspratt on 09/10/2018 19:15:17
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76 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2018 :  20:40:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good update with pics! A lot of people who come here looking for options are wondering about Mohs. Off the top of my head, however, I can't recall anyone describing the personal experience + posting pics like you have so I think this will be useful. Not trying to make suggestions but: maybe you should put this into a new thread called "My Mohs Experience" or something like that so it won't get lost at the bottom of this topic, as the title refers only to bloodroot. Whatever .... good info and documentation you have provided.

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76 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2018 :  20:40:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good update with pics! A lot of people who come here looking for options are wondering about Mohs. Off the top of my head, however, I can't recall anyone describing the personal experience + posting pics like you have so I think this will be useful. Not trying to make suggestions but: maybe you should put this into a new thread called "My Mohs Experience" or something like that so it won't get lost at the bottom of this topic, as the title refers only to bloodroot. Whatever .... good info and documentation you have provided.

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58 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2018 :  17:09:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good idea Waverider - starting a new thread as you suggested - agree have not seen many journals on the experience side of Mohs. This thread has now been moved to "My Mohs experience" Thanks - Bill
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.