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8 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2012 :  15:05:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cannot quite believe the change just since Sunday - woke up Monday morning all swollen, then again this morning - looks like I have a bad case of the mumps - do have a call into my derm, but she has not called:( . . . no swelling anywhere else other than my face, so not sure if it is an allergic reaction or not . . . well, maybe I'll go get some cheese for my 'whine' . . . thanks for this place . . . :) . . . well, she just called - use cold compresses - normal reaction to the damage done earlier in my tanning days . . . use sunblock!!!! She did say I could cut back or stop for a few days, but I'll try to tough it out and see what happens . . . later all:)
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8 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2012 :  10:16:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, how is everyone doing????? . . . it's been a tough week for me, but I'm pulling through - did put a call in today for some pain relief:( . . . sometimes the old saying "silence is golden" is not the case - my silence was due to no energy to share - I know this will be over in time, but it is difficult, but, better than the possible other choice . . . use sunblock all!!!!
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21 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2012 :  11:08:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hang in there MrsG!
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10 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2012 :  12:01:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My last day of efudex was Sunday
I just wonder how long it takes to heal up? Anyone know?
MrsG, hang in there!
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21 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2012 :  12:45:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Everyone is probably a little different. The worst for me was the week after I finished.
Healing progressed very quickly from then. I was various shades of red through dark pinks for about a month after. Then just pink patches that "flushed" after exercise, washing my face or applying sunscreen for about another 2 months.
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10 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2012 :  16:52:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the reply! I'm just a little to anxious I guess. I've lost a lot of hair also, but that will grow back. I've learned alot from everyone on this board!
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8 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2012 :  10:04:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All - hope you are progressing OK . . . @Jack Russell - you seem to be experienced in 30 day and 60 day treatments - I'm on day 30 of my 60 day cycle - curious, will I experience the sloughing at the same time the 28 day peeps, or will I have to wait until the 60 day period . . . just trying to prepare for a wedding I would love to attend at the beginning of November and wondering if I'll need a "fascinator with a veil":)

MsDubbs - hope you are doing well . . . thanks for the encouragement:)
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2 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2012 :  01:47:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am just about done with week 5 of Efudex. I finally called my derm today since I have been using it once a day and wanted to find out if I should use it until I stop getting a reaction to it or just stop after a specified amount of time. Of course I was only able to speak to a tech, and it seemed like I knew more about it then she did. In any case, the derm said to use it for 3 weeks. From this forum, that does not seem long enough, so I went to 5 weeks. I have had scabbing over for the last week and half. Just wondering if because I was only applying it once a day if I should go longer? I have been applying it to each cheek. Its been pretty sore and painful, today I resorted to putting ice packs on my face at work - thats always attractive. I just do not want to have to re-do the treatment.

Edited by - pamos on 10/06/2012 01:55:28
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18 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2012 :  09:05:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi MrsG,
I reviewed your posts and was unable to determine the frequency of your applications. For me, I had applied Efudex twice a day to my face, ears and neck for 5 weeks. If you are on the same regime as I and you are about 33 days into it then you will soon pass my 35 days.
I recall it taking me two weeks after ending treatment to finish with most the peeling, and taking me about a month to fully return to normal. Actually, the first week after ending treatment you will make tremendous progress.
If you are applying it thru October and attending a wedding in early November, in say in the first week of November, then maybe think about the veil – and also consider it for the second week of November. By the third week at least you'll be feeling better about yourself even though its noticeable, but at least much of the peeling is over.
I will tell you though, just making it to the last day, that last application and knowing that, that is it. That is such a great feeling. You’ll be anxious to get the healing over with and get back to normal, but just that feeling that you have put the treatment behind you is so good.
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8 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2012 :  13:48:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks JackRussell - I started Labor Day in the evening and do two applications a day on my whole face . . . when I saw my derm two weeks later, she said to do two months - admittedly, I'm not sure if that is two months total, or two more months - regardless, I'm still trying to figure out what state I'll be in in the first week of November. If I remember correctly, you mentioned your gf at the time did 60 days, and your brother did three months . . . do you recall when they started major peeling - I've had some peeling, but does not sound like those I've read on blogs, so not sure if my system needs a few days of no FU before doing it's 'after' job . . . oh well, it is what it is - I'll start shopping for a veil:):)

Welcome pamos and good luck . . .

Happy Fall all - the colors are beautiful here - well, what I can see from the windows:):) Maybe I'll go for a ride tomorrow to check out the area - we live in the most beautiful area of America for Fall colors!!!!
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18 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2012 :  19:00:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
[Hi MrsG -
I asked my brother and girlfriend if they recall at what point they started to peel but they were unable. In my case it wasn't untill I stopped the treatment, which makes sense since I would think your skin cells would need to start regenerating for that to happen and that will not happen as long as you are on EF5.
My GF had basil cell which was being treated. My brother was taking it without a DR's guidance to treat what he (in his non-expert opinion) thought was pearl cell. Last I read EF5 was OK'd by the FDA only for AK & basil. I had melanoma on my neck which lit up when hit with EF5 (I later had this surgically removed). So it obviousely reacts to many non-normal cells. My brother went 90 days and we thought he had permanently scarred himself but after several months he was looking great.
I'm glad you are more than half way there - I'm really psyched for you. Come the end of November you are going to be amazed by how healthy your skin is.
You have come this far and I know you can go the distance.
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8 Posts

Posted - 10/10/2012 :  13:04:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All - thanks Jack for your info . . . well, I made it to 35 1/2 days - had an already schedule with my primary and she was not pleased with the stage of my face, so we all decided time to quit . . . now comes the aftermath . . . stay strong all:):)
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3 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2012 :  14:54:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hello, newbie here. I found this site and have read it from the beginning. I am on day 10 of 2x a day and nothing yet other than a little fatigue and occational spot burning. I wonder, is this stuff just not working, or do I just not have any sun damage? I am doing the treatment because the derm did a biopsy on one of the little red raised spots on my shoulder and came back positive. I have a lot more of them and am putting this on my face, chest, shoulders and arms. My chest has the most. I just don't get why I have had no reaction. Anyone have any clues?
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2 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2012 :  12:38:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was on it for over 3 weeks before I started to see any reaction. Trust me it will come! You are covering a lot of areas so don't get discouraged.
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18 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2012 :  12:40:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Shaecakes -
After washing the area to be treated you must rub a dab of cream onto/into that area. Apply when the skin is dry. Do not wash this area until it is time for the next application. In my situation, I did not put any creams or other products on this area during the time of treatment.
In all cases with which I am familiar, during the first week (7 days) of treatment you are in the "getting pink" stage. After this period is when the more pronounced effects begin. At day ten, if you have sun damage then you should have more than a few red spots. You should be at a point where you are starting to see and feel the effects which have brought many people to this website. You should pretty much be at a point where you are becoming anxious and counting the days to when you can stop treatment.
Hope this helps.
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18 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2012 :  12:47:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
MrsG -
What was it that the Dr saw that caused the Dr to discontinue?
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3 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2012 :  14:47:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanx everyone, I am only on a 14 day treatment, 2xs a day. If I don't show anything by the time I am done, should I contact the doc? After everything I have read, it almost seems like 14 days is very little time.
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18 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2012 :  03:57:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey guys. I was prescribed 21 days Efudex twice a day by a dermatologist two years ago. He showed me pictures of people who had done enough and who had done too little. It was unpleasant and after 19 days I went back to my general practitioner to check as I had started to bleed into my pillow. He said I had done enough and to stop. I agreed.
I suggest people bear in mind
1) Efudex doesn't appear to cure melanoma ever, at all. Forget it. Actinic keratoses yes, BCC's yes, SCC's and Bowen's maybe if they are babies. The big M, no. It is open to question whether it will light them up, but I suspect it might. Won't kill them though.
2) there is some research which suggests a small amount of sun exposure during treatment potentiates the treatment (I didn't do this as it is too scary and inadequately researched)
3) My face is now fine and I have used the cream a couple of times to clear up stuff I missed (eg in the inside top of one ear for heaven's sake but it worked a treat in two weeks)
4) I pay these guys lots of money to tell me what to do. They have lots of experience of it. I don't, so I do what they say.
5) I strongly suspect the the treatment regime prescribed depends on the dermatologist's view of the extent and nature of the damage. Just do what they say. If it doesn't work you can try again, or something else. Love to all.
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5FU Bootcamp Grad

1 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2012 :  01:14:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I completed seven weeks of 5% fluorouracil to my face and neck, once every other day for the first week, once a day for the second week, and twice a day during weeks three to seven. Before starting the treatment, I read everything that I could find on the Internet about what worked for other people. I want to share some things that I learned from my personal experience.

Removing dead tissue: Both my doctor and I was surprised at the extent of sun damage on my face and neck. About 25% of the skin on my face and 50% of the skin on my neck reacted to fluorocuracil and became necrotic. My husband joked that I looked like a burnt hotdog or marshmallow that had been held in the campfire too long. I initially decided not to actively debride any of the necrotic tissue present, but was forced to do so around week four because the surrounding tissue was starting to become red, warm and inflamed from the large amount of dead tissue present. I found that the easiest and most painless way to remove the dead tissue was in the shower. I found that if I allowed the steam and hot water to soften the dead tissue, it would easily come off with gentle rubbing using my fingers. To prevent infection, I washed my face, neck, hands, and fingernails thoroughly with chlorhexidine soap before and after. I debrided at my own pace, stopping whenever the pain was more than I was willing to tolerate and resuming when the pain was back at zero.

Pain control: I discovered that my face and neck would hurt only if I allowed my wounds to become exposed to air and dry out. I purchased and tried a lot of different products over the counter: Bacitracin (which I used while there was a large amount of necrotic tissue present and I was at high risk of developing a skin infection), petroleum jelly, organic castor oil, organic hydrogenated soybean oil, petroleum impregnated gauze, occlusive dressing, non-adherent dressing, etc. What worked for me and allowed me to remain almost pain free during the entire treatment was to liberally apply organic hydrogenated soybean oil (e.g., organic shortening) to the affected areas on my face and neck every four hours using a cotton swab (my Dermatologist really stressed the importance of using something organic because whatever was used would be absorbed into the body). After applying the organic hydrogenated soybean oil to my face and neck, I also covered my neck with non-adherent dressing, and to keep the non-adherent dressing from absorbing the oil and drying out, I covered the non-adherent dressing with a small piece of Saran wrap and held everything in place with a scarf. Because I didn't allow my wounds dry out and scab over, my wounds started to re-epithelialize right away and my wounds were completed healed in 3 weeks.

Hyperpigmentation following fluorouracil treatment: My understanding is that most people do not experience hyperpigmentation following treatment with fluorouracil. I recall only one person mentioning that it happened to her, and she said that her scars faded in 2-3 months. It was a concern of mine, and my dermatologist told me that I wouldn't scar from the treatment and was surprised when I did scar. I am now almost two months post treatment, and the scars on my face has almost completely faded. The scars on my neck will take a bit longer (2-3 years?) to completely fade. I wear sunscreen and a hat and avoid the sun, if I can, to prevent the scars on my face and neck from darkening.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/14/2012 :  09:03:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thanks for the detailed report...Wow! Congratulations! Sounds like you really had a lot of skin damage. This new protocol with 5FU is a lot different than what was prescribed 15-20 years ago. My sister used it but just for a week or so.

It is interesting to me in regards to the extent of damaged skin we all actually have.

The rub it everywhere and see where it reacts is a sure way to find all sun damaged skin, I just wonder if all of it would necessarily evolve into skin cancer.

There are so many people here using a myriad of alternative treatment I just don't know if I would go the 5FU route but for those that do, If you do the 5 week protocol it sounds like it is sure you are going to remove all damaged areas for a long while.

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10 Posts

Posted - 10/23/2012 :  23:38:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been finished with Efudex for 3 weeks and my hair is still falling out. Anyone else had this problem?
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1 Posts

Posted - 10/24/2012 :  10:28:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am on my second time around with efudex. The first time was 5 yrs ago when I did my face, chest and neck.I had an excellent reaction according to my Dermatologist, I applied the cream 2x day for 21 days. I am now doing my neck and chest again, holding off on my face as I do not want to take time off work as I did before, as I stayed in and hibernated for 3 months, too embarrassed to go out in public.
As soon as I applied the Efudex this time within 2 days I had nasty red areas everywhere. I cannot really understand as to WHY this has happened again as I have never exposed myself to the sun especially the chest, the neck is exposed just naturally, but I have always used a high % sunscreen. It makes me wonder if all this pain and inconvenience is worth going through if it is not clearing up. This time the areas are larger as compared to the pictures I took before and is seems much more tight and painful and itchy. I am doing 5 weeks 2x day.
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10 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2012 :  11:48:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Samrad! I don't have an answer for you, but someone will come along that knows more about it than me. Good luck with the treatment!
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2 Posts

Posted - 11/18/2012 :  18:28:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I am doing my face with Efudex in sections. My doctor has me doing 2 weeks and wanted me to do my face all at once. I am curious if anyone knows if you repeat it again in 90 days do you have the same reaction or is it much less.
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10 Posts

Posted - 11/21/2012 :  22:29:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I haven't had to repeat yet, but see the doc. Nov. 29th and hope he says I don't have to. I did the efudex for 6 weeks though. There's pics and links in some of the older posts if you want an idea of what to expect. Betty
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1 Posts

Posted - 01/24/2013 :  14:35:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just finished using 5% fluorouracil on my entire face. I was prescribed a 3 week treatment twice a day but decided to quit at day 20 due to a severe bloody nose. Granted, I have chronic nosebleeds but this one was really bad and one of the possible serious side-effects of 5FU is thrombocytopenia, which is difficulty clotting, which can cause bleeding into the brain. This bleed did not respond to the nose spray as usual, so since I had had a pretty good response to the FU, I chose to stop 2 days short. I notice that some posters here recommend an extended course but I would hope that everyone will check with their doctor on that. I'm still doing the backs of my hands as prescribed by my trusty dermatologist. Her reasoning for the 3-weeks to the face and 4-weeks to the hands is that the skin turnover for the face is 3 weeks whereas for the hands, 4 weeks. So unless your doc states you should go further, I really wouldn't do it. FU is certainly a very miserable treatment, but I would rather do an additional one in the future, if it is necessary, than prolong the misery unnecessarily and risk some dangerous side-effects. Best wishes to everyone.
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39 Posts

Posted - 01/24/2013 :  16:28:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thanks for posting ghostcat. I was talking to a buddy about fu today and he said that one week is all that is needed. he also gets nose bleeds real bad so I will warn him.
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5 Posts

Posted - 01/25/2013 :  19:37:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am at day 10 of applying efudix twice daily and not a lot is happening yet. The cream does not absorb and has been sitting on the skin caking up with each application. Is this normal or should I clean it off before each application?
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18 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2013 :  09:13:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Caking up? That does not sound like Efudex. Efudex has a sllightly grease-like feel. You apply it to clean skin cleared of all make up, lotions, everything, in a very very thin coat. Wash your face with water before every application. It is best not to apply any lotions, make up or anything over it during the course of tratment. Within a very short time there is really no redidue.
If you apply twice a day, once in the morning and then aging 12 hours later, then by day seven your face will begin to turn reddish in those places where there is sun damage. If there is no sun damage then there will be no red.
Either it is not Efudex or you are applying it over or under something else like make up, etc.
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21 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2013 :  17:17:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sutiro, like JackRussell, I have to say that the cream itself shouldn't be caking up, unless you aren't removing it or using far too much, or applying it on top of makeup or something. My first tube was thicker in consistency than the second, but it never caked.

Or did you mean it's caking up because you're applying it over scabby, peeling skin?
I found this rather tricky to do and uncomfortable (and later on in treatment... a bit of a relief getting some moisture on my skin, even if it was Efudex) but it never caked per se.

Either way, I agree with Jack... wash your face prior to each application (with a mild cleanser if your skin is very tender) and then apply a thin layer to your skin. Do not apply anything at all prior to application of Efudex, just in the off chance you are doing so.
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5 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2013 :  21:16:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
deruo & jack russell thanks for your quick responses. The cream is marketed as Efudix in Australia but it seems to be the real deal - Fluorouracil 5% w/w. The instructions that come with it basically say to do everything in accordance with what the doctor says. All my doctor said was to use it one spot at a time with a new spot every two weeks and not to come back complaining of the pain if I use more than that. His skin clinic is a surgery and is always booked out. I've had 8 BCCs cut out so far at $300 a go, so I understand why they are reluctant to promote Efudix. It empowers the patient and reduces the demand for surgeries. I won't be going back to that doctor so I am self medicating at the moment while travelling in SE Asia.

The cream is water resistant and so far I have had no nasty side effects. The ulceration is commencing under the cream and I'm getting a tingling feeling particularly when I bend down. I am a male, so no cosmetics or anything else are being used. It might be a new generation of the cream that I am using? On the packet it lists all the side effects but it also says that I may not experience any of these, fingers crossed. Anyway I'll try removing the old cream before applying the new. Thanks again for your help.
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21 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2013 :  21:42:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Sutiro,

Okay, I think some of our confusion may be over what you're using. I notice that in Australia it's called Efudix vs Efudex in other parts of the world. Essentially the same 5% Fluorouracil. I also see that Efudix comes in an ointment form and yours could have been manufactured by ICN.

Efudex (made by Valeant out of Quebec, Canada, and possibly others) comes in cream form or at least thats what I used and am familiar with.

Obviously, the ointment would be water resistant and I can see where it may clump. Actually, I think that may be a better way to go as my face was so dry and tight (and painful) that I used Aquaphor (an ointment) to get relief.

I would still try to wash as much of the old product off before you apply a fresh batch. It's interesting you mentioned the tingling when you bent over. My face usually started tingling at night. Like a million mosquito bites all at once. It was fine during the day... just happened at night - usually around midnight. So much so that I couldn't sleep without some heavy duty help.

In any event, I'm not surprised at how busy your Dr is. Most of my Australian friends have had or know someone who's gone through this, and even my Dr here in Canada does little else but treating AKs and sun-damaged skin.

Hang in there!

Edited by - deruo on 01/26/2013 22:46:03
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18 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2013 :  14:51:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Sutiro -
Something you mentioned in your post caught my eye. You mention surgery, usually that is performed on basal cell. If that is in fact what you are treating then 2 weeks is inadequate. Really, 2 weeks is inadequate for pretty much all actenic and basal, but Dr's have resigned themselves to prescribibg the 2-week therapy because such a high proportion of the people who do this cannot tolerate the discomfort. Since 2 weeks will kill, say, 60% of what needs to be killed, Dr's figure let just do the 2 and be thankful and then in a another year or two do another two weeks.. and so on. With Basal cell, you must treat it aggressively, which usually means 6 weeks minimum. My girlfriend had basal cell surgically removed and required two follow up cosmetic surgeries to fix the scar. The next time she needed basal cell removed I talked her into Efudex. She braved through 8 weeks. Three 3 months after treatment she looked great. (She should be here touting the benefits of Effudex. She is so glad she went that route, pain and all.)
P.S. Stay out of the sun. Efudex makes you overly suseptable to photo damage. And going forward after treatment you will be suseptable even more than before treatment.
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5 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2013 :  23:51:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Jack
I'll do it for as long as I can stand it. Day 13 and so far it's a doddle???l (I'll regret saying that) No pain but things are slowly starting to happen. My wife cleaned off the caked on cream on my forehead with a cotton bud. At least 10 raw sunspots can be seen. I'll have to postpone my modelling career:)
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39 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2013 :  18:34:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So should someone who cannot avoid the sun, not do Efudex?
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18 Posts

Posted - 02/08/2013 :  12:39:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dolfan - Sorry for the late response.
If you cannot avoid the sun then you will have to put on 50 spf and cover up as much as possible. Up until now, many of us have gotten use to doing very little for protection from the sun. Protecting ourselves seems a big inconvenience but it is just what we have to live with going forward. I have actually changed some of what I do outside so that I am in the direct sun less often.
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5 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2013 :  19:48:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm now on day 4 of the recovery period. I stopped the Efudix treatment after 21 days, not because of pain or discomfort, (apart from pus running down my face at night) but because I felt it had done its job. I've had no trouble showering. It was actually quite soothing. Redness appeared mainly around the heavy ulceration and didn't spread further. I used lots of vaseline on these areas. It is one of the best moisturizers and costs very little. The wound is healing very quickly now but it is still heavily scabbed.

I think now that everyone reacts differently to the treatment. I am keeping a photographic record of it all and will find a forum to post it on to help someone else considering the treatment.
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2 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2013 :  14:01:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, my first post here. For the last few years I have had a number of scaly patches across my forehead, temples and nose. I am 41 years of age, Irish and naturally have very fair skin with freckles. I have also had a fair exposure to sun over the years. I went to a Dermatologist who prescribed me Efudix 5%. I applied the Efudix as a spot treatment only as opposed to applying to the whole face. After day 3, about 15 red spots stated to appear, by day 7 these spots are now looking very angry. My Dermatologist advised me that this would happen but nothing can prepare you for the mess it makes of your face ! I am a Police officer and deal with the public every day, I am now very conscious of how I look and am considering how i deal with this. I am only at day 7 and I am thinking of stoping the treatment to the 15 spots and apply to 3 spots at a time. I know this would take the next 9-12 months to treat my whole face but the visual impact would be less alarming. Has anybody tried this ? What happens if you stop the treatment after only 7 days, will the red spots disappear ? ......
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Posted - 02/20/2013 :  15:56:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No I did my whole face a year a go in April. By June my face was pretty much clear. I must admit I was shocked at the amount of cancerous cells I had on my face and, when I go back to my dermo in April and if I have to do it again I would. I didn't stop going out in public and offered information to people letting them know that I was doing chemo on my face because I'm a Melanoma survivor. I can't tell you how many people knew about the treatment or heard of someone they know that has done it. Some knew what was up with the sores on my face and asked if I was using Fluororacil (Efudix). Otherwise I knew it wasn't forever and if someone didn't like it too bad it wasn't there health that was at risk, it was mine.
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21 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2013 :  16:41:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Donal101, welcome! Your skin sounds very similar to mine, but I didn't see any nastiness until about week two. When I started my dermo suggested I do my forehead first and then the rest of my face. I did the whole shot at once and I'm glad I did. Yes, it was trying but I was worried that if I did one part of my face, I may never get around to doing the rest. I would advise against stopping the treatment without consulting your Dr. and sticking with it as he/she suggested. I think most people here would suggest sticking it out and going to the max. Just my 2 cents.
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2 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2013 :  17:31:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My hubby was told by the dermo to do his nose only about 6 months ago so, Donal101 good for you, now what do I tell my hubby to get his nose done finally, although I agree with deruo the whole face is much better at once rather than fooling with it throughout a year. And I actually meant to say "pre cancerous" cells. The efudix won't do anything to parts of the face that haven't any pc cells. At least that is what I found on my face.
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Posted - 02/21/2013 :  02:04:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Many thanks, i will consult with my dermatologist to wee what options he suggests, in the mean time I will battle on........
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39 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2013 :  06:46:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm on day 12 of Efudex on my chest and it is starting to get active. I like the way it takes so long, because it gets you in a routine of applying the cream, before the reaction starts.
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39 Posts

Posted - 03/03/2013 :  13:43:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
wow! things are cooking now
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39 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2013 :  19:14:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I cannot imagine doing my face.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.