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Apple Seed
27 Posts |
Posted - 03/11/2014 : 11:57:23
I’m new here, but have been lurking for some time. I’ve noticed that many people using black salves have had repeated recurrences of their skin cancer, and that their use of these salves is mainly as a band aid rather than a cure as such. I removed a small lesion that looked like squamous cell cancer a few months ago using Cansema and so know it works, but ideally would like to be able to avoid any recurrence of skin cancer. Obviously, everyone who uses black salves would want this also, so have any of you suggestions as to how to make your body “cancer proof”? There are many sites that give advice on how to do this but very few testimonials.
I’d also be interested to know if anyone here has only ever had one or two instances of skin cancer and no more after that.
11 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2014 : 01:35:42
Hi there Appleseed,
The factors which predict skin cancer are:
1. Skin type - fair skin people have higher rates of skin cancers, and people with with lots of moles tend to have higher rates of melanomas. There are certain familial factors also. Certain genes are known to be associated with BCC and melanoma particularly, but unless you have detailed knowledge about your family history, we will need to wait until we have more readily available genetic tests.
2. Sun/UV exposure - particularly when young, and particularly if it is severe - ie. burning and blistering.
3. Age - the older you get the more likely you are to get skin cancer, and most other cancers as well.
4. Exposure to carcinogens - arsenic and some other chemicals, plus any type of trauma is known to increase the local risk of a skin cancer devloping.
5. Bad luck - cells in the body can spontaneously undergo a mutation which can predispose them to malignant transformation. most of the time the immune system will detect this and cause it to self - destruct, but sometimes, they evade this - and there isn't really any way of predicting this.
In summary - if you have had a skin cancer, or just concerned you might get one - stay healthy (eat well, get regular exercise, don't smoke and don't drink too much) avoid excessive sun exposure and get you skin checked regularly by a doctor trained to detect skin cancers. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2014 : 21:33:58
I guess I qualify as a person that had one or two instances of skin cancer and no more after that. I like what Peter laid out but I would go a little further with regards to skin cancer prevention measures. Any cancer needs 3 things to become established: cell damage, stimulating hormones, and a compromised immune system. We tend to get over-focused on cell damage as the cause for skin cancer which could come from sun exposure, trauma, exposure to carcinogens, chronic inflammation, or bad luck.
I think a big factor in the skin cancer epidemic has been the transition to polyunsaturated oils from saturated fats in modern diets. In some respects, you are what you eat, and polyunsaturated oils incorporated into skin cells are easily damaged by sunlight whereas saturated fats are much more stable. The supplement astaxanthin can significantly boost the body's ability to tolerate sun exposure without burning.
Candida fungal infections are a prevalent cause of chronic inflammation in the skin. Candida may result from eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar, consuming alcohol, taking oral contraceptives, living a high-stress lifestyle, or from antibiotic use. Many of the topicals considered for skin cancer treatments also have strong antifungal properties including orange oil, coconut oil, and iodine. UV light is a great antifungal.
There is a lot we can do with the other two factors, hormones and the immune system, that have been less explored.
The immune system for cancer can be aided by eating well, getting regular exercise, avoiding chronic stress, and getting enough rest. The specific main defense mechanisms for cancer are pancreatic enzymes and special white blood cells known as natural killer cells. Pancreatic enzymes are used for both digestion and cancer control. The body needs a daily fast of about 12 hours without protein intake to effectively switch the enzymes role from digestion to cancer control. The pancreas is also responsible for producing insulin and can be overwhelmed by high sugar diets. Gluten from various grains in the diet but especially wheat, barley, oats, and rye damages the pancreas. Natural killer cells need co-enzyme q10 which can be depleted by statin drugs. Anyway, if you eat a ham sandwich before bed like I used to do, you are asking for trouble from cancer.
On the hormone front, vitamin D3 (with vitamin K2) during the day and melatonin at night are your friends. I think the sun avoidance campaign has made people much less likely to get enough vitamin D from sun exposure. Plus some sunscreen chemicals have estrogenic properties that may be cancer stimulating. |
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/22/2014 : 03:40:07
Hi Apple Seed. I have been asking this question recently too and I happened to come across a book by Anita Moorjani called "Dying to be Me" which has had a big impact on me. She describes how she was diagnosed with lymphoma and after a number of years trying to cure it with natural remedies the cancer increased to such an extent that she was rushed to hospital in a collapsed state and actually died. She then had a near death experience or NDE and became aware of the reason she had cancer and was then put in the position of having to decide if she would return to her body or remain in the afterlife. She decided to return and on waking knew the cancer was cured. Three days later the doctors could find no sign of cancer anywhere.
Her main realisation from this experience was that her fear of being her true self had caused her cancer and the moment she realised this her body was healed. She recommends not focusing on the cancer itself but rather on becoming true to yourself and loving yourself and becoming aware of areas of your life where you allow fear to change your behavior, and stop you being who you really are. Yes our bodies react and respond to the outside world but they and our illnesses are actually being created in every moment by our soul and spirit. Interesting ideas to ponder I think. |
Edited by - trueson on 05/22/2014 03:47:04 |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/22/2014 : 21:50:26
Good thoughts, trueson. I think there is much untapped potential in combined physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It seems to me that it is difficult to allot time to what should be really important to us, especially spiritual health, and it takes a conscious decision to not settle on just consuming news. It is a real problem, for me at least, in terms of wasted time to be a news and sports junkie. I was reading that suggests we should go on a news diet. Here's some of the topics discussed. Many of them seem counter intuitive at first glance.
News is to the mind what sugar is to the body. – News misleads us systematically News is irrelevant News limits understanding News is toxic to your body News massively increases cognitive errors News inhibits thinking News changes the structure of your brain News is costly News sunders the relationship between reputation and achievement News is produced by journalists Reported facts are sometimes wrong, forecasts always News is manipulative News makes us passive News gives us the illusion of caring News kills creativity
668 Posts |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/26/2014 : 22:00:03
I think supplements have a role in cancer proofing. Here's what I have taken consistently over the past few years and it seems to be part of what is working.
Mornings with fat (coconut oil, full fat organic plain yogurt, ground flax seed, and/or egg): Vitamin D3 - built up to 5000 IU a day Vitamin K2 - LEF Super K Coenzyme Q10 - Qunol Ubiqunone 100mg Omega 3 fatty acids - Trader Joes 400mg EPA 200mg DHA Astaxanthin 4 mg Life Force Multiple no iron - 1/2 Tablet = 1/4 dose Grape Seed Extract - Trader Joes 3 capsules 150mg proanthocyanidins Magnesium - Nature's Plus Dyno-Mins 250 mg
Night near bedtime on empty stomach: Melatonin 3 mg Pancreatin - Now 4x 500g
Less consistently: Vitamin C - various amounts and types Sulphur - various types NAC, Chondroitin Sulphate, MSM Alpha lipoic acid, Acetylcarnitine, Quercetin
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/27/2014 : 04:57:38
Interesting thoughts on the news Dan and I agree that it can become kind of an addiction-guilty myself at times. That's quite a regime of supplements you're taking-when you say that it's working do you mean that you're not getting new outbreaks since starting it?
Thanks for the link to Anita's video Anivoc. You inspired me to search for more of her youtube videos and there's quite a few. I've also been reading quite a bit about Anthroposophy's explanation of cancer including skin cancer and it seems to tie in in certain ways with what Anita says. Putting it into practise is the big challenge however. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/27/2014 : 20:49:49
Yeah, it is a lot of supplements. I went through Mho's surgery for basal cell carcinoma after a failed excision in the 1990's. In 2001, I returned for a spot on my forehead that the dermatologist said was most likely squamous cell carcinoma. I asked if this incident was just out of the blue again and he said after looking me over that I should expect recurring problems from skin cancer. He told me that he sees some people for surgeries almost once a month. He wasn't going to do the surgery right then so I went home and prayed to God that if there was another way I would tell others about it. By the way, I was really not that strong of a believer and realistically did not expect anything but a crappy outcome.
I happened to apply a mosquito bite remedy called Cymilium that I found on the clearance shelf of a supermarket. I knew nothing about it other than it worked awesome for insect bites. It made things worse initially but I kept going. Within a week, I could tell it was working. I did an internet search, kind of a new thing in 2001, on the ingredients and cancer and found out about pancreatin and Dr Kelley. Here was a guy that had most of the answers for cancer in the 60's and 70's but everyone thought was nuts. My follow up visit with a different dermatologist two months later showed no sign of skin cancer. Anyway, I feel blessed that God answered my prayer like that.
I thought for sure Cymilium would work for everyone but unfortunately it doesn't seem to. It works for some and not others. With that in mind, my supplement regimen evolved and my skin health improved, but it probably doesn't work for everyone either. I will say it took about 5 years before I felt like I was in control of my skin cancer. I really have not had any outbreaks in 5 years or more. Wow, there's been a lot of years since 2001! |
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2014 : 04:46:44
5 years - that's excellent! Sounds like you might have a good protocol there for prevention. Cymilium sounds interesting. I might try some for this persistent BCC I have. Cymilium appears to be relative non-destructive of tissue compared to say Black Salve - is that correct? I need something that wont leave a huge hole even temporarily as its on the very edge of my eyelid (I know you have to be very careful with it around eyes). |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2014 : 21:02:36
Hi trueson, Cymilium is normally as gentle as a topical skin cancer treatment gets in my opinion. However, the high pH from ammonia in Cymilium is a real concern for causing permanent damage if it contacts the eye. There are not many good options for use near the eye. I worry, maybe unnecessarily, that since ammonia penetrates skin easily, it could still cause trouble even if it doesn't get in the eye. Make sure you have an eye wash readily available. You could consider making your own topical with baking soda, pancreatin, aloe vera, and maybe some coconut oil or Vaseline where the lower pH baking soda replaces the ammonia and is unlikely to cause damage. I've even seen internet writeups of baking soda eyewashes. Pancreatin needs an alkaline environment to be effective against cancer which is why ammonia or baking soda are used. |
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/29/2014 : 04:50:59
Hi Dan, thanks for the reply and suggestions. I did a search on ingredients of Cymilium and found your thread here:
Apart from being a carrier of the pancreatin what function does the aloe vera have? I would have thought it's an anti-inflamatory and soother of skin which I would have thought is exactly what you DON'T want in a cancer treatment. From what I've read especially in Anthroposhophy cancer is a failure of the body to create an inflamation response which is the first stage of the immune system's way of fighting any invasion or internal mutation of cells.
Most of the topical applications on this forum seem to work at least partially by creating an inflamation response where the body has failed to make one. |
Edited by - trueson on 05/29/2014 04:58:21 |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/29/2014 : 20:16:25
Hmmm. I would characterize Cymilium as a strong anti-inflammatory in response to an insect bite. Yet when Cymilium was applied to a skin cancer there was an inflammatory reaction for me at least. Your observation about the inflammation response seems right. Assuming the Cymilium formula works, we are put in the position of trying to find out why and what can be left out and still have it work. I've always wondered if the magic of Cymilium with regards to cancer is hit or miss based on a production variable that may not be important for insect bite relief but could result in good batches and dud batches for skin cancer. That is one reason it would be great to nail down an alternative formula (such as supraclens, aloe vera, ammonia, etc) like on the link you included.
The ingredients disclosed on the Cymilium box are the active ingredient ammonium hydroxide 3% in a base containing aloe vera, cetyl alcohol, diazolidinyl urea, emulsifying wax, methylparaben, mineral oil, pancreatin, petrolatum, polyethylene glycol distearate, propylene glycol, propylparaben, sodium laurel ether sulfate, stearic acid, urea, and water. Some of these ingredients are not well regarded in terms of cosmetic safety but it is hard to tell what to leave out. One good thing about the links below is the function of each ingredient is listed.
Aloe vera is well known as an anti-inflammatory. It is hard to argue for the inclusion of aloe vera based on that property. But aloe has other properties such as being anti-fungal and full of enzymes. Maybe one of those enzymes activates an enzyme in the pancreatin. I suppose it could have something like a unique sugar type that cancer ingests and is poisoned. Anyway, I have a lot more speculation than answers.
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/31/2014 : 01:43:08
Interesting information Dan. It's possible that the main active ingredient Ammonia which is included to treat insect bites is not the ingredient which attacks cancer cells which is perhaps the pancreatin and aloe vera. I say this because I know people who use normal household cloudy ammonia on insect bites especially ant bites. As someone on the other thread had good results from using lens cleaner which contains pancreatin together with aloe vera on their skin cancer this may be whats happening. As you say pure speculation but I have ordered some lens cleaner (!) |
44 Posts |
Posted - 05/31/2014 : 23:37:21
Further to prevention/support strategies, Dan have you looked into the role of stomach HCL levels? I've just been reading that if your stomach hydrochloric acid levels are low, and this tends to happen as we age, then the pancreas doesn't produce as much pancreatic enzymes and sodium bicarbonate as it should. And it's interesting that these 2 substances, as supplements, are frequently used to treat cancer. I've just ordered some vegan HCL tablets and will be curious to see if there is any noticeable effect from these, although it will take some time to know whether they help with cancer prevention.
My own prevention/support strategies include regular exercise, giving up sugar, daily home-made kefir, taking Chinese herbs for my liver (the liver is said to play a crucial role in cancer prevention and treatment), Mistletoe injections, vegetarian diet including brazil nuts for selenium and flaxseed oil for omega 3, and occasional use of Budwig flaxseed/quark mixture. While these have not cured my BCC I feel they have helped slow the growth to some degree, although this is hard to prove. |
Apple Seed
27 Posts |
Posted - 10/25/2015 : 06:14:39
quote: Originally posted by Apple Seed
I’m new here, but have been lurking for some time. I’ve noticed that many people using black salves have had repeated recurrences of their skin cancer, and that their use of these salves is mainly as a band aid rather than a cure as such. I removed a small lesion that looked like squamous cell cancer a few months ago using Cansema and so know it works, but ideally would like to be able to avoid any recurrence of skin cancer. Obviously, everyone who uses black salves would want this also, so have any of you suggestions as to how to make your body “cancer proof”? There are many sites that give advice on how to do this but very few testimonials.
I’d also be interested to know if anyone here has only ever had one or two instances of skin cancer and no more after that.
Hi, just an addition to by original post (quoted above).
Since writing it, I had five or six more instances of skin cancer, which I removed with Cansema and/or bloodroot paste. After the last incident (about a year ago) I read online somewhere in a forum that omega 3 fish oils have been linked to cancer. That shocked me as I had been taking these oils for three years before my first skin cancer appeared. So when I heard this news, I immediately stopped taking these oils, and have had no incidents of skin cancer after almost a year. Before I stopped, I was getting incidents of skin cancer every month or so.
I can only tell you that this worked for me. Maybe, the cause of my skin cancer was ONLY due to fish oils, and not the sun etc. For others this may not be the case, so I’m not telling people to stop taking these fish oils.
Edited by - Apple Seed on 10/25/2015 06:15:51 |
58 Posts |
Posted - 10/15/2018 : 19:40:26
quote: Originally posted by dan
I think supplements have a role in cancer proofing. Here's what I have taken consistently over the past few years and it seems to be part of what is working.
Mornings with fat (coconut oil, full fat organic plain yogurt, ground flax seed, and/or egg): Vitamin D3 - built up to 5000 IU a day Vitamin K2 - LEF Super K Coenzyme Q10 - Qunol Ubiqunone 100mg Omega 3 fatty acids - Trader Joes 400mg EPA 200mg DHA Astaxanthin 4 mg Life Force Multiple no iron - 1/2 Tablet = 1/4 dose Grape Seed Extract - Trader Joes 3 capsules 150mg proanthocyanidins Magnesium - Nature's Plus Dyno-Mins 250 mg
Night near bedtime on empty stomach: Melatonin 3 mg Pancreatin - Now 4x 500g
Less consistently: Vitamin C - various amounts and types Sulphur - various types NAC, Chondroitin Sulphate, MSM Alpha lipoic acid, Acetylcarnitine, Quercetin
Hey Dan, just saw this posting of yours from 3 yrs ago and have wondered if your supplements have changed? I get the morning (fat) breakfast formula and the night time Pancreatin and melatonin but the stuff in between would love to hear the logic on those or how you came to choose? Thanks - Bill |
611 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2018 : 00:24:12
Hi Bill, most of those are still on my list but now I have added even more. In addition to skin health, I am especially trying to optimize overall brain and cardiovascular health.
The present morning supplements are: Mornings with fat (coconut oil, full fat organic plain yogurt, ground flax seed, and/or egg): Vitamin D3 - built up to 5000 IU a day Vitamin K2 - Vitacost Ultra K Coenzyme Q10 - Qunol Ubiqunone 100mg Omega 3 fatty acids - Warehouse store Krill Oil (2 x 500 mg) Astaxanthin 4 mg Life Force Multiple no iron - 1/2 Tablet = 1/4 dose Resveratrol + Grape Seed Extract & Red Wine extracts - Vitacost Magnesium - Drs Best magnesium glycinate and Magtein PQQ 10 mg P5P 50mg Tumeric 95% curcuminoids 500mg Glusosamine Chondroitin MSM Hyaluronic acid - Doctors Best
Nighttime the same near bedtime on empty stomach: Melatonin 3 mg Pancreatin - Now 4x 500g
Less consistently: Vitamin C - various amounts and types Sulphur - various types NAC, Chondroitin Sulphate, MSM Alpha lipoic acid, Acetylcarnitine, Quercetin
Anyway, it seems to be working. I'm getting older but still feisty. |
41 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2021 : 05:13:59
Lots of info here, thank you. |
81 Posts |
Posted - 08/18/2021 : 21:08:48
I'm also taking those supplements, and it worked wonders for me. :) |
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