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 Update on my Hydrogen Peroxide treatment
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/21/2007 :  08:51:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thought I would start another thread since the other is so long. I stopped using the HP on Monday due to it being so sore. For 3 days it was very runny in the middle of the pit & very itchy. Since I had to run errands yesterday, I put a Bandaid on it. When I took off the Bandaid, what looked like yellowish pus came out of it. But, I did notice that the pit is not as deep and it is only bleeding a tad in 1 area. Is this normal? I did the HP 2X last PM. This AM there is no redness, the ridges around the "pit" are less pronounced, and a light colored scab is on the "pit" area which is no longer deep. I did the HP this AM. It sizzled, but did not burn as it did in the beginning. I started the HP on 7/9. Compared to last Saturday, there is improvement.

If anyone can tell me what is going on, I would appreciate it. I am not due to see a derm. till Sept. so I have plenty of time.


35 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2007 :  09:16:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not a good Sunday AM. This AM when I woke up, part of the scab was off. Very red, open & moist. Did the HP again, no burn but a sizzle. Just checked it again, still open. I am just so upset & disgusted. Yesterday I had such hope that I was on my way to healing. No such luck. I am just so tired of this , I wish I could just lay down and die.
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Posted - 07/22/2007 :  13:34:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sammy, I hear and understand your frustration, but scabs do come off – maybe from rubbing on bedclothes overnight, or some other reason. The fact that it sizzled but didn't burn sounds like a good sign, i.e., that it is healing. I have seen HP cause sizzling whenever there was redness in the “pit.” I think it's because the blood is so close to the surface, even though it isn't bleeding. (I'm not relying on HP alone though; I was using it only for cleansing. I didn't even realize HP alone was considered a treatment, until I read your thread.) Have you tried Cymilium? I'm no expert, but it might be time to try something a little more aggressive. I suggest Cymilium because I just started it on Wednesday, myself.
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2007 :  14:13:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sammy, skin cancer frustrates just about everyone. Roughly half of skin cancers can be termed "bleeders". I guess you have one of those. Skin cancer lesions will never perform as well as normal skin, so a scab on a skin cancer is extra fragile. Obviously, the end solution is to get rid of the skin cancer, but dealing with the immediate problem is no fun.

You are also trying a skin cancer remedy that has worked for some people and not for others. The two cases on this forum that claim success with hydrogen peroxide have been quite aggressive. John M tried to keep his skin cancer lesion wet with 3% hydrogen peroxide 24/7 for a week. Edielous used 35% hydrogen peroxide and aloe vera leaf on her skin issues. These measures may not be right for you.

With many skin cancer home remedies, the initial experience is that the treatment is making the matter worse as cancer cells are being killed. Many times I have been ready to give up only to find the next day there was significant undeniable improvement. I encourage people to take pictures because it can get really confusing.

You may find that battling through is worth it or you may decide to change course. It is great that you have a dermatologist appointment to fall back on. There are lots of other treatment ideas in this forum, including orange oil, Cymilium and topical enzymes, and Sunspot ES to name a few. I don't think any are without issues, although Cymilium was pretty good for an isolated lesion in my experience. Topical orange oil was the ultimate breakthrough for me, plus lots of diet changes. In any event, we appreciate your posting and we want you to succeed.
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2007 :  18:32:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you Mary & Dan. I am sooooo sorry for my over reaction and panic attack.

Dan, you are so right. It looked so much better Monday AM. I just swabbed it again with the HP and the rest of the scab came off. No bleeding or burning but sizzled nicely. Swabbed it again. That was an hour ago. No bleeding. I do have a pit, and I noticed that in 1 area it is leaking a bit of clear fluid. It this normal? Also, should I swab again with the HP or leave it alone? Is there anything I can put on it to aid healing. I cannot find an aloe leaf anywhere. Any suggestion????

Mary, I dare not try anything more aggressive. Using PDQ last year got me in this mess. What was a red scaly mark turned into a deep scarred pit(the 1 I am working with now) and it was back by Dec. I completed the PDQ treatment Sept.1. Did 2X per Skip's instruction. Also, the 2 red marks on my chest which reacted also came back. Too scared to use anything too strong on my forehead because of the ddepness of the scar and the thin skin of the forehead. When I mean scar, I mean icepick type. So , I am in a bind.

PS: It's been going on a year and the scar is still there. I chose this PDQ because it's website touted "little or no scarring". I also, per Skip, used Lavendar Oil on the scar. Nothing. Also the pit never filled in as I was told it would.

Just don't have much faith in PDQ. I also read that some of you had not had any luck with it either.
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Posted - 07/25/2007 :  07:54:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Extremely itchy this AM. I applied nothing to it last night. It looks like the "pit" is filling in. However, the fill-in looks to be another scab forming from the clear liquid that was leaking. It is not a regular scab tnay you would get from an abrasion. This looks more like the type of scab you would get when you had a fever blister and it broke. I am very confused by this.
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35 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2007 :  08:03:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I stopped the HP for a day and started using A&D Ointment for the dryness. Have started using the HP again 3 to 4X a day. There is no bleeding. There is also less sizzle. I started using again because if it is still sizzling, I figured something is still there. I am just washing with a mild soap very gently. I noticed this AM that the "pit" has filled in more, but it is leaking a little bit of clear fluid in 2 areas. I do not know if this is good or bad. It is also itching this AM when it didn't yesterday. I don't have a clue to what is going on. Do I see improvement to what I had last Fri.? Yes.
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Posted - 07/27/2007 :  20:28:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dang! Since I was home today, I thought I would be a bit more agressive and used the HP every hr. Since John M. said he really soaked it. I tried to do the best I could, but with working I just couldn't soak constantly. Just washed my face and noticed that the areas around the pit are bleeding again. This is the area with the ridge that I thought was scar tissue. No other areas are bleeding. I do not know what to do. Help!

PS: I sent John M. an email 2 wks. ago & he never responded which is making me suspicious. I just hope I didn't do more harm to myself than good.
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Posted - 07/28/2007 :  12:42:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Put A&D Ointment on before bed. Woke up with crust on forehead where I leaked during the night. Lesion still bloody around ridges. Just used the HP. Still sizzling. Will use again before bed. Really looks bad. Had to put BandAid on. Makes me sick to to at it. Will put on some AD Ointment. I just don't know what to do.
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  20:12:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
sammy, thanks so much for the posts. I am glad you reported trying the A & D Ointment too. I found it to have amazing healing powers with diaper rash in the past, and I thought it could be helpful in healing skin cancers also. I wish it was going better and I'm sure you do too. But it is very helpful for people that follow you to see the day to day problems with hydrogen peroxide as a skin cancer treatment. I think by now it is safe to say that the results John M experienced are certainly not guaranteed for anyone else.
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103 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  22:22:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think all Sammys posts here should be a good lesson for all who read this forum...If some thing does not work try some thing else...

Edited by - fforest on 08/02/2007 19:03:57
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2007 :  01:05:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think it is very difficult to decide when to give up on a course of treatment. One problem is that it can take six weeks or more for even some of the proven topical skin cancer treatments such as Efudex to work. Another problem is that treatments almost always seem to make matters worse before the healing finally becomes evident. It would be great if hydrogen peroxide worked consistently because it is cheap, safe, and widely available. At this point all we can say is that hydrogen peroxide does not appear to be a miracle cure for skin cancer like we had hoped it might. But it could still fall into a lessor cure category for some people and some types of skin cancer.
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5 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2007 :  04:48:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think that looking for a miracle cure in one form is a mistake. HP is a very good antiseptic and oxygenater. And Aloe Vera is full of nutrients (over 200) beneficial to the body, is a PH balancer, and stimulator of normal cell growth. These are a start.

But what is being done internally to help the blood do its proper function in feeding the cells what it needs in its biological manner?

Several books are stating Gotu Kola is used for skin ailments such as Skin cancer, Leprosy, and Psoriasis. Gotu Kola is known for its ability to improve circulation, cleanse the blood, and balance hormones.

The Edgar Cayce foundation suggest almonds (raw will keep its sensitive to heat vitamins such as A in tact) which is rich in Calcium, Vitamin E, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, dietary fiber, the mineral boron, and phytochemicals .

A PH Test will answer if enough is being done to encourage a cancer hostile environment through the foods consumed.

I agree it's too early to tell if HP and Aloe Vera aren't "working". There probably is more going on than what can be seen with the eye and a little help on the inside may help these agents (HP and Aloe Vera)perform better.

note: The fizzing is the HP "Killing" bacteria and germs. The itching, a sign of healing with the blood trying to feed the cells and the nerves signaling activity . The Pus is the bad stuff coming out. A little Echinacea or Pau D-arco will help the body clear infection (promote cleansing the blood and natural immune stimulation).

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35 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2007 :  12:27:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all! Just wanted to let you know where I am at in my treatment process. I stopped using the HP completely on 7/28 in oreder to concentrate on clearing up the infection. From 7/29 till 8/6 I used Tea Tree Oil and applied a BandAid 3X a day. In between dressing changes I used compresses of Sea Salt and warm water. The pus drained and went from gray with flecks of black (don't have a clue what that was) to yellow and then white. The last bit drained on 8/6. Last Tuesday, 8/7 I noticed the only drainage I had was a clear fluid on the BandAid. And the deep pit I had has filled in. I finally found pure Aloe Vera Gel and started applying several times a day. Itched like crazy the 1st 2 days. A thick white scab has formed on 3/4 lesion. The other part is red & looks like the scab you would get from an abrasion. I am just rolling HP over it 2X a day to keep clean at full strength. It sizzles over the scab, but there is no burning or bleeding. I then apply the Aloe Vera and apply several times throughout the day. I do think the aloe is drying me out a little too much. I may put some A&D on it before bed so that the scab will not fall off prematurely. If anyone has any other method, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

I don't know whether this is good or bad. I have noticed though that the scab is flush to the skin around it. No identation or ridges.

If anyone has any input or thoughts about if this scab is a good or bad thing, please let me know. And, any ideas when it will fall off?? I it hasn't been a week yet, but anxiety is setting in. Thanks so much all of you.

Edited by - sammy on 08/12/2007 17:03:06
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50 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2007 :  17:49:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I don't have any advice, but several things you reported sound similar to my experience.

Pus – I had pus from the first lesion I treated with baking soda & castor oil. It went from white pus to clear liquid (or maybe the other way around, I don't remember), then it bled and then formed a scab before healing. (At that point, I stopped treating it, and it eventually came back.)

The red scab that is flush to the skin sounds similar to the one I had recently after treating with Cymilium. Half of it came off after 4 days, the other half the next day. I had the same idea as you – to keep it from coming off prematurely. I used castor oil, which I find to be healing.

My gut feeling is that your gray, then yellow, then white pus was BAD stuff being drawn out, which is a good thing. I also feel the scab staying on a long time is good. When my last scab stayed on several days, there was healing going on under it. Once it came off, there was soft skin in its place.

The red part probably means it bled underneath - do you know? I don't know what the white part means – maybe there's still pus under it?

Best wishes,
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35 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2007 :  15:57:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks, Martha. I find it reassuring that we are experiencing similarities even though we are trying different methods. I am sure that there is no pus underneath. Today the red part is becoming the same. The best way to explain it would be to compare it to a scratch where the scab turns white and dry and then flakes off. It will be a week on Wed. when it formed a true scab. I remember Dan saying that scabs from damaged tissue are different so we shall see. Hope your Cymillium treatment is going well. We ARE going to beat this thing.
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Posted - 08/13/2007 :  17:15:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also find it reassuring to hear about your experiences. BTW, after posting my last reply to you, I had to laugh to myself. How many people are chatting on the internet about such things? We have SO much in common - our pus and our scabs - sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship! (Laughter is healing too.)
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35 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2007 :  08:53:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The scab fell off during the night. I have been using the A&D ointment to keep it moist. The skin is perfect. No red, no pink. It matches the rest of my skin. I decided to be brave and rolled a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide on it. Nothing happened. I did notice 1 thing of interest. The scarred area from the PDQ (the area I treated)is less deep. I used to have a pronounced pit similar to an icepick scar from acne. This is no longer there. The skin has filled in. I still have a scar, but it is at least 80% better than what I started with. It still itches, so I will keep the A&D ointment on it.

I do not have an appt. with the derm till mid Sept., if it flares up I will go. I am really hoping I will be able to cancel.
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Posted - 08/16/2007 :  10:43:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's great news, Sammy. Thanks for sharing.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.