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13 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2007 :  14:04:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I know I have a post on baking soda as a treatment but I wanted this to get attention. In my other thread I mentioned that I had healed a BCC with baking soda but it seemed like it was returning.

Ill see if I can explain this better. The baking soda did heal a pencil eraser sized lesion that was raised. Where the lesion was is still healed except for a small part on the outside edge which started to rais again but was not an open lesion.

So 2 night s ago I decided I would rough up that are to make it a bit raw and then I applied Hydrogen peroxide..waited about a minute then applied the baking soda paste. It started burning in about 2 minutes after I applied the paste.

Not real bad but was noticable...once the burning stopped..which was about 2 hours I would wash of the baking soda with a rough wash cloth ..apply hydrogen peroxide...wait about a minute and then apply more baking soda paste. I have been repeating this since....I also put some paste on right before bed.

This morning when I washed the dried baking soda off there was what I guess you could call an while I was trying to clean the area real good this eschar or scab came off leaving a very small crater in my nose that looked really healthy and clean and this area is no longer is as flat as can be.

Someone else has to try this and post their results because this seems to be working for me!



668 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2007 :  15:33:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Joe,

God only knows right now.

Unfortunately you probably didn't photograph this.

Report back in 2 weeks on this and let us know if you think it really worked.

If you are still pretty confident it worked at that point, I have a real nasty BCC on my scalp I'll try it on.

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13 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2007 :  17:31:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry, I didnt get any pics...can you ad pics to posts? I could have the wife take some as it is still healing.

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13 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2007 :  18:11:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The scab or eschar or whatever it was must have accidently came of when I was washing the area and wasnt ready to come out. I have been continuing with the baking soda and a new scab or escgar has appeared. It still burns when I use the baking soda which I think is a good thing but it burns less and less each day.

The area aroound the cancer is a little red but not unusual for something that is healing.

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611 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2007 :  00:33:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Joe, I find the comment about it burning less and less each day really encouraging. Hopefully that is continuing still. Please do take pictures as I will figure out a way to post them soon.
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13 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2007 :  20:29:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dan, I really want to post pics here and I went out and bought a new digital camera and I am going to have the wife take pictures tonight then I can put them up on a free picture hosting site I found.

I am totally amazed at what the baking soda has done I only wish i could have gotten a before picture because the lesion on the side of my nose is now almost healed! I can try to describe what is was before and im sure you guys will know what I am talking about and it is a bit graphic but here goes:

This lesion on the side of my nose I have had for at least a couple years. I first thought it was a pimple but it would never go away...when I squeezed it to try to pop it a clear liquid would come out and no matter what pimple remedy I tried it would never heal. About 4 weeks ago when I first tried the bakling soda it had grown from a small pimple to what looked like a really big pimple lol Although now it was leaking clear liquid constantly and if I didnt pay attention to it it would crust up...the moment you washed the crust would leak again.

It had swelled to about the thickness of a US nickel and this was after trying ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, orange oil and whatever else I could read about here...and none of it worked...I think the ammonia and the hydrogen peroxide may have kept it from getting larger but it was doing nothing in the way of healing.

So I decided to try the baking soda. As I mentioned bfore I washed the area really good with hydrogen peroxide so that it was more or less an open sore. I made the paste with baking soda and water and took a gob on my finger and rubbed it and I mean I rubbed hard into my skin cancer lesion and I rubbed it in for about a minute and then covered with another gob of the paste. It didnt burn when I was rubbing it in but within about 2 minutes after I stopped I felt a distinctive burn...nothing you cant handle..about like a bee sting.

I kept applying every time I felt it stop burning which inducated to me the paste had dried out. Then I would wash the area agin with hydrogen peroxide and use the same process with the paste. I did the for I think about a week before the wife noticed a big difference and so did I. It wasnt raised any longer it was as flat as could be and it was dry! It was no longer leaking and had fresh pink sking filling the small crater that was left. My mistake was that I stopped the treatment cause I thought It was cured but I did notice that it was slightly raisng again a few days later but not the whole area. It was only raised near one side of the outer edge but again I thought nothing of it.

About a week later that small raised spot which I assumed was scar tissue was still raising but the rest of the area was steal healing and still not leaking any fluids. So I decided i would rough that area up and try the baking soda again. Here we are about 2 weeks later and this time I think I got it all! The area is almost completley healed and looks really really good which you will see in the pics later.

I also noticed something I assumed was another lesion right on the tip of my nose...barely poking through but It was there. I immediatley applied baking soda paste and again I felt this burning sensation...I felt the burning each time I put it on but more burn and I cant see anything there. As a test I decided to cover my whole nose with the paste to see if it made it burn anywhere and didnt...I even put it on a REAL pimple lol and no burning sensation...I know it sounds strange that something as simple as baking soda could have this effect but I am not stretching the truth whatsoever this has really worked for me and again I am amazed.

Sorry for such a long post but I wanted to be sure I gave as much info as possible and I may have left things out in previous posts. I will have pics soon.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.