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 red clover
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Posted - 08/28/2012 :  14:15:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For Basil Cell and Squamous Cell carcinomas I use an amazingly effective topical liquid containing caffeine, red clover extract and a little DMSO. It is not effective against melanoma but I would try it for all other skin cancers including keratomas. Studies have shown caffeine and red clover extract effective against non-melanoma skin cancers. Two friends of mine have also used the mixture for their Squamous Cell carcinomas with rapid and painless success. Caffeine is particularly interesting because it it can reverse skin cancer not by killing the cancer but by converting the cancerous cell back to a non cancerous cell. In none of the cases used was an eschar developed and the cancer just disappeared with no noticeable damage to the skin.

One friend, a young field worker, had what appeared to be a significant squamous cell carcinoma on his nose and neck. In less than two weeks, the carcinomas disappeared completely. I tell him to continue treatment in case there are cancerous cells remaining under the skin. He applied the mix up to 5 times a day. The mix is clear enough to not be seen and has little odor (if you used only a little DMSO). I was very worried for him if it did not work because I have seen online the effect black salve can have on a even a small cancer on the nose.

The mixture:

4 tablets of Natrol Promensil … (just a convenient source of red clover extract that I already had on hand) (

400 mg of powdered caffeine (something like no doze can be used)

DMSO as desired (I used half a dropper)

Dissolve in 2 oz of vodka or rubbing alcohol


668 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2012 :  15:20:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Steve,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your recipe. I have to say it sounds to good to be true but will be EXTREMELY wonderful if it is true. A few questions to help us along the way.

Do you have any before and after pictures?
Were any of the skin cancers that you yourself saw eradicated either on yourself or your coworker ever biopsied to confirm they were either Basal or Squamous?

You mention no doze as a caffeine source, was that what you used? If not what did you use?

Alcohol?? wouldn't the DMSO itself dissolve the caffeine and clover?

Just curious if the alcohol is really even needed.

Anyway sounds very interesting.

Several people have been having luck with Vitamin C in a paste applied. I have switched to that getting mixed results but only applying once a day.. Perhaps this multiple applications each day protocol is key to knocking these out.
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Posted - 08/28/2012 :  17:01:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
None was biopsied. I went by online pictures. For myself, I had tried other treatments without success. I had tried Vitamin C paste, chaparral tincture, Poke root tincture , bloodroot tincture, eggplant tincture, combination of all and some others.
No pictures. The after picture would only show normal skin.
I used pure powdered caffeine but other sources should work.
The alcohol is also a preservative. I used only a small amount of DMSO to avoid skin irritation.
Frankly, I was shocked by the results.
I also had a large melanoma that it did not affect. I eliminated the melanoma with a radioacive rock and some additional oral supplements.
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Posted - 09/03/2012 :  16:00:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Steve...sounds like you have stumbled upon some very interesting alternative approaches.

Would appreciate you going a little further into detail on the oral supplements you took for the Melanoma and also more information on the radioactive Rock..( what it was called..and source) that's bizarre but interesting if you have had success.

I have decided to give the Caffein and red clover a try and am on my second day.. first day was weird but lets see. I have some open sores so wherever they were it burned but on the AKs and unopen lesions no pain.. I did feel a kind of minor "pulling" a lot less noticeable than with bloodroot..but like something was going on..strange... fingers crossed and hopeful.

Edited by - anivoc on 09/03/2012 16:00:32
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Posted - 09/03/2012 :  17:44:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am providing the radioactive rock info as informational only. If you want to try them I recommend you research Radiation Hormesis. This site is a good start ( I also have several books on the subject as online information is scarce. The Nighthawk people can help you select one of their grey stones to use. I did not use the Nighthawk stones but bought uraninite and carnotite stones on ebay. I looked for ones in the 10 to 30 mr/hr range. I taped the rock to the melanoma 24/7 for roughly 3 months. The melanoma will disappear in 1 to 2 months but you need to keep the rock on the site for a while longer to kill the roots too. Some say that radiation will shrink the cancer but not kill it however it makes the cancer more susceptible to other substances such a quercetrin and resveratrol. I took both with vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid along with aloe vera juice to increase the bio-availability of the supplements, twice daily. This method is completely painless.
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Posted - 09/17/2012 :  20:15:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Have you had any results yet? Even a negative result is important to know.
Thanks, steven88
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Posted - 10/04/2012 :  10:21:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Steve,

Unfortunately I am not having the same luck you had. I did not follow your instructions to a T as I did not use alcohol..

Here's what I did.

I bought a 1/4 pound of pure Caffeine powder off of ebay and a bottle of alcohol free Red Clover (Natures answer) and then tried to mix with water.....not so good didn't mix well.

I then googled liquefy caffeine and discovered that if you do a 50/50 mix of citric acid and or vitamin C in water and then heat the mixture it will liquefy the caffein ..that worked. ( I used Trader Joes Vitamin C crystals)

I then applied this liquid to all my trouble areas including 3 nice sized basal cells.. Definitely the first time I tried it there was a new reaction. but from there on it just stagnated.

You seem sincere and definitely tried a lot of the other things I have tried so I am a little perplexed as to why I am not getting anywhere.

Maybe the vitamin C changes something..
Maybe the alcohol converts the mixture or releases something in the mixture..
Maybe the mixture needs to be made fresh each day...not sure.

I will try mixing just the caffein and red clover in alcohol and try it on a small lesion I have on my arm and see if I get results and report back.

Thoughts, observations or suggestions are appreciated.

BTW I also mixed in DMSO in this mix every time I used it.

Edited by - anivoc on 10/04/2012 10:23:26
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Posted - 01/04/2013 :  16:14:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello to Steven and anivoc,

I've been using red clover/alcohol extract for about 2 months now, and am amazed by the results. I mix it with Oregon grape root/alcohol extract and noni focused/alcohol extract.

Please notice the extracts are each with alcohol - no glycerin. I mistakenly purchased the noni with glycerin one time, and my progress reversed. After replacing the noni/glycerin with noni/alcohol again, progress resumed.

Since reading Steven's posts, I may add caffeine.

Currently, I mix together about 3/4 eyedropper of each and let the alcohol evaporate. I then apply the mix several times a day when I'm home, and also overnight (It does show on my skin. It's brown). I use it until it's used up, and it's thicker each time (due to evaporation). The noni keeps the mix at a consistency that becomes somewhat syruppy, so easier to apply.

I got the idea from "Back to Eden" (originally published in 1939). The author, Jethro Kloss, recommends both red clover and Oregon grape root as cancer remedies (among several other herbs). I added the noni to my mix after reading about its healing properties. Mr. Kloss mentioned one woman who would heat red clover tea to a tar and apply that to tumors.

I have a large area on my nose that my dermatologist assumed was squamous. He wanted to cut, but I chose laser with another doctor. The surprisingly huge laser wound eventually filled in, and the area actually did look better for a while. However, the lesion reappeared a few months later as a red/purple scaly welt, and it continued to worsen. I began to apply oregano oil (straight, without olive oil). The oregano oil is very corrosive and completely healed several longstanding undiagnosed AKs (after about 3 applications each), but it didn't work for my nose.

I also used the oregano oil repeatedly on a lesion on and above my upper lip. The lip lesion had been frozen, but it reappeared about a year later. The oregano oil left a rather large indented scar just above my lip, but never healed the lesion.

Thank goodness (!) after using the red clover for about a week, I began to notice a difference. The inflammation and scaling on my nose went away on all but a couple of small isolated areas. Those areas have now scabbed up and peeled, leaving two much smaller dark pink spots.

My lip is also much better! The area continued to scab and peel for about a 1.5 months, but has now healed over and has not formed a scab for a couple of weeks. There is still some scaling on the vermillion of my lip. I will continue the treatment to see what happens.

I notice that when the red clover mix is not on my nose, my nose begins to feel itchy after a while, giving me the impression that something is active there. After applying the red clover mix, the itchy feeling stops.

Before trying the red clover, I was considering picato, but now I will wait and see what happens without it. I'm really amazed! I thought these lesions would required either some extreme corrosive treatment or surgery. The red clover/grape root extract/noni combo appears to be gently healing my skin.

I'm also using it on some contact dermatitis that I've had for about 7 years. Prior to the red clover mix, the only thing that has ever been able to reverse the severe inflammation has been steroid cream. The red clover reversed my most recent breakout and is clearing the dermatitis, which is on my chest and back.
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Posted - 01/08/2013 :  13:17:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just as an update, I'm surprised to find that the indented "scar" I thought I had on my upper lip (due to treatments with extremely corrosive 100% oregano oil that never resolved the lesion) is now beginning to fill in and heal.

The lesion on my nose that came back after laser treatment continues to fade away until it's now almost completely unnoticeable. I'm also treating several probable longstanding AKs than are all fading away to nothing, plus severe contact dermatitis that is also disappearing.

Improvement seems most evident after concentrating the amount of red clover extract in the mix. I now add twice as much red clover as noni and Oregon grape root. All extracts are alcohol-based, NO GLYCERIN.

I don't have any idea how this mix might work for basal; but improvement has been so dramatic for me, that I would urge others who try this to give it at least a couple of months for determining if there's progress - maybe 3 months for basal - and don't expect a corrosive reaction. It won't happen. Hopefully though, the outcome will be somewhere near as good for others as it has been for me. I used to go to sleep worring about it. No more.

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Posted - 01/21/2013 :  17:33:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Allyoop, glad to hear red clover/caffeine is working for you. You mentioned you had several long standing AK's. When you say "long standing" - do you mean in "years"? Because I've got several long standing AK's too - small pink to red patches. Like you, before I read this topic I was thinking about Picato. But the fact that you are not experiencing any inflammation is astounding to say the least. With every single remedy mentioned on this site, you would almost expect some sort of caustic redness reaction to know it's working. Do you believe that it is the caffeine preventing/killing any precancer growth coupled with the Red Clover preventing any inflammation? How many times a day would you apply it? Is it colorless? ...odorless? Also, I'm not too familiar with DMSO, but I'm learning. I've always thought DMSO was something you shouldn't play around with.
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Posted - 05/05/2013 :  18:09:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi spettro,

I apologize that I just now returned to this site and saw your post!

To clarify, I did not use any DMSO or caffeine. I used a mixture of red clover and other herbal extracts (see above posts), with alcohol (evaporated before use), NO glycerine in the extract (important!). The latest I've been using is "Red Clover Burdock Compound" from Eclectic Institute. This is easy, because I don't have to mix it with anything except the noni.

The thing on my lip has cleared completely. It's just gone, no peeling, nothing. It used to peel every other day or so. About a month ago, it peeled and bled for the first time, and then it healed up completely and went away. This is after being frozen by the doctor about 4 years ago, coming back, and then being treated at home with very corrosive 100% oregano oil for about the next 3 years. There is now a little indented scar from all that oregano oil, but much smaller than I had anticipated. The skin is soft and smooth. What a relief. I still put red clover on at night just to make sure it never comes back.

The thing on my nose is still healing. After my last post here, it went through a phase where it became inflamed and had pus in several spots all around the perimeter of the area that was lazered. That seems to have mellowed now, and it's back to looking a lot better, almost gone (I hope for sure this time).

All my other AKs cleared up and disappeared except for just one along the bridge of my nose that was frozen once before and came back. I've had it for at least 4 years. I think it's better, but it's definitely not gone.

My dermatitis came back, so the red clover wasn't effective there unfortunately. I might order some red clover OIL and see how that does.

I also did get some petty spurge seeds just in case, and they're growing into little plants. I'm thinking that by the time they're big enough to use, I won't need them. We'll see!

Definitely, I like going the red clover route instead of using corrosive stuff on my skin, and so far I'm very impressed and encouraged with the results.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.