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 If money is of no concern-which treatment is best?
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55 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2007 :  09:12:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is a great and important forum. But it can easily become confusing. There are many treatments - both conventional and alternative - available. Some are basically interesting ideas without much real life experience. Others are somewhat dangerous and/or painful. Others seem to be too expensive for many.

I am new to all of this. And even if I completely understand that the money has to be part of the equation, I would like to have your thoughts about the best treatment available. My question really is: if money was of no concern and if all doctors/therapists were rapidly available to offer their treatment, and if any drug or herbal preparation was easily avialable, what would be your very top choices to deal with skin cancer? And why? Which drugs, herbs, surgery, etc would be your choices. Please explain why this would be your choices.

There are so many good resource people on this board that I think we could get very interesting and useful responses.

Thank you.


668 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2007 :  15:57:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Unfortunately as of today Money can't buy you a best way to treat skin cancer. Like the saying goes when they refer to doctors practicing medicine ..they aren't kidding. There are known scientific facts in medicine but with cancer in general though we can see it and semi understand what is going on we just don't have the answers yet.

The common cold still baffles us in a "cure"

We are still very much in the pioneer state of medical evolution. Doctors are not Gods and they don't know everything. In one of my previous business's I had a customer who is a renowned Oncologist. Brilliant woman but looked at me like I had 2 heads when I told her about bloodroot. Totally closed minded to the idea that there may be something out there natural that will work every bit as well as the knife or some huge drug manufacturers latest magic bullet. Though as far as I know none of us here on the board are doctors, collectively there is real valid knowledge to be gained here that your local dermatologist most likely is unaware of. I have blown a few of their minds with the pictures of my own treatments and results therein. Unfortunately they are held to a very strict protocol plus the risk of litigation if they go unconventional.

Edited by - anivoc on 06/16/2007 16:00:08
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55 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2007 :  17:33:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It is difficult to be an MD with an open mind. My own regular doctor cured someone of some severe thyroid problem using trace elements. He was sued by his own medical corporation for practising unconventional medecine even though the patient testified that she was now cured and the nothing else had worked for her! So maybe the future of healing is in the hand of ordinary people trying to better themselfes and willing to spend countless hours researching what can be helpful. We all may be part of a profound revolution. Or maybe not.
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668 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2007 :  21:09:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mexico

So maybe the future of healing is in the hand of ordinary people trying to better themselfes and willing to spend countless hours researching what can be helpful. We all may be part of a profound revolution.

We are part of a very preofound revolution and the enemy at this point is the beuracracy and hypocricy of the FDA. I'm not saying it is a diabolical government plot. I am sure there are many people within the organization who have the most sincere and purest intent. Unfortunately in their quest to do their best and based on a criteria that is very narrow in broad arena they have done harm to many innocent good people trying in their own "practicing " way to come up with solutions to biological problems of which the "approved" methods are barbaric and no better than the alternative methods.

On both sides of the fence their are going to be opportunist just out for a buck and those people need to be stopped when identified. As an example I am aware of, making an honest vendor of bloodroot paste take down real pictures and testimonials from real verifiable satisfied customers is just not ethical. Some of these vendors have been jailed and or put out of business..and that in my heart is every bit as criminal as the clowns that are fakes and frauds. In making them remove verifiable testimonials they are in effect trying to blinfold the public from making informed decisions on how to treat and deal with their biological problem whatever they may be.

Sorry for the rant ..It makes me mad that they have shut some of these people down who have saved lives and helped 1000's of people. e.g. Compin and Compex.. a real pisser I tell ya!
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611 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2007 :  01:12:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I put an insect bite remedy with pancreatin enzymes on a skin cancer and it disappeared in a few weeks. I must say I was taken aback when I found the 1967 book by a dentist William Kelley called "One Answer to Cancer." Kelley cured many cases of advanced cancers with pancreatin enzymes and nutrition. As crazy as Kelley sounded describing the government's efforts to shut him down despite his success, I have to think he was telling the truth. It is clear to me that walkathons and ribbons on cars are not going to lead to the answer to cancer, despite the good intentions of the participants. Maybe it will, but what we are doing here could be a lot more important.
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103 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2007 :  03:16:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not saying it is a diabolical government plot.

I think it is a diabolical goverment plot lol.........
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103 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2007 :  03:25:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You really have to look at the big picture...Certain factions of the goverment want to control just about every thing..Health care is just small part of their over all drive for control...
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668 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2007 :  16:32:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Here is an online version of Dr. Kelley's book updayed in 1999..

I have only grazed it but it is extremely interesting and again documents the witch hunt of the FDA. More importantly this document can take an average educated Joe, and if they take the time to absorb and research what is written here, give them a vast and broader depth of the understanding of the human body and physiology therein. In some ways above and beyond what the local GP down the street is going to know.

Keep in mind as you listen to Doctors..and again I am not slighting them they are just not Gods and don't know every thing.

50% of all Doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class..

Some are brilliant, some are blithering bafoons and most fall in between the 2.

here's the link.
It is 218 pages long. I printed it out in PDF then converted it to word for my own personal use.
Some of the fonts are messed up but you can read this excellent document. It is a great learning tool. BTW it is, as with all things not Gospel.. it is Dr. Kelleys thoughts and beliefs as he has come to understand cancer and it's causes. Maybe he's 100% right he does make a lot of valid points and gets the "thinking" juices flowing.

Edited by - anivoc on 06/17/2007 16:35:10
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.