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Ken Murray

34 Posts

Posted - 07/02/2012 :  04:28:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In case you are inquisitive, there is now a Facebook group page, titled: "Skin Cancer & Other Cancer Treatments" at:!/groups/312598548784634/

This site has been set up in the public interest, where people can go and swap notes on treatments for skin cancers and other forms of cancer.

Warm regards,
Ken Murray


13 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2012 :  11:57:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I want to thank you, Ken Murray. I've now used Cansema on two cancers, one basal, one squamous, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. Your posts here, your youtube videos, and that facebook skin cancer group with all of the photos, testimonials and comments gave me the confidence to try this. While I've not yet tackled the cancers on my face (waiting for my month-long vacation starting next week to begin that), I've used it on the two oldest, trickiest cancers on my arm and chest. Those two spots been cryo'd and excised repeatedly, but they always return.

The salve was fascinating to watch and use. The first cancer, the one on my forearm, was only about 3/8" in diameter, or so I thought. I applied the salve to what was visible, and not much happened in the first 24 hours, so I re-applied it the next day. After a good bit of itching and light stinging, it attacked a tumor (or two) about 1" in diameter, worked on it for about 9 days and the thing just plopped out in the sink, leaving a nice clean (and deep) hole. Within a couple of days it started filling in and fresh, healthy skin has been closing it up. My entire forearm got quite red and sort of hard in that first week, but it all calmed down within a few days. I'm still waiting for the eschar (a/k/a the blob) to come out on my chest, but it is looking great. My body seems to be ejecting these things a bit faster than I most, but I am relatively young and healthy otherwise, so hopefully that explains it.

I'd had great success using Curaderm on my ear, but I couldn't bear the twice-daily PAIN when I used it on my face. We're talking something like 90 applications for a normal course, and on my face it reduced me to tears each time. The notion that I'll probably only be applying it once or twice for each cancer on my face, and MAYBE be tolerating a week or two of writhing pain (lol) is a lot easier to stomach. Seriously. I can do that, but 45 days of Curaderm is daunting. The cancers on my face are comparable to the those you had, with the exception of one nasty one above my lip.

I'll post photos sometime soon so I can join the chorus of success stories. This SO beats the heck out of what my dermatologist has been able to do. Thank you, Ken and raulrosado, for your guidance and support. Know you've helped another!
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.