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2 Posts |
Posted - 05/06/2012 : 12:25:19
I had a wound on my nose where eyeglasses would rest (I don't wear glasses). It bled for at least three months, and every time it would scab but never heal. It would bleed each time the scab came off from things like washing my face.
I read the info about the home made Cymilium cream, and also about Perrins Blend. Here is what I did that cleared up my wound in about 4 weeks.
I added equal parts of an aloe gel and Burts Bees therapeutic skin lotion in a contact lens case. I added half a capsule of pancreatin powder from capsules, and about 15 drops of standard ammonia. I dabbed it on and around the area three times a day. Keep this away from your eyes due to the ammonia! Not much happened, but the wound did seem to bleed less after a week or so.
Next, I added some coconut oil as per another article that I read, as coconut oil will penetrate deeper into the skin. One of the effects that was pointed out was that the whole area may get red. This happened to me and so I backed off to a non-coconut oil blend. After a week I went back to using coconut oil in it.
A week ago, I got my Perrins Blend. This stuff is like a red tar, not an ointment! I put it on the wound each night and covered it with a band aid. After a couple days I added a small blob to my cream and stirred it in. Since my aloe gel was green, this blend was sort of brown and looked more like a skin color. I was able to dab some of this mixture on during the day without a band aid, but still applied pure Perrins at night.
Over the week, the wound became just two smaller scabs, each the size of a pin head. This morning, when I washed my face, both scabs came off, and there was normal skin underneath! No bleeding at all.
If you have not read this article, I highly suggest that you do: and study up on the home made solution and the part about the coconut oil. You may also want to get some Perrins Blend. This combo cleared up a problem in less than a month that had been going on for at least three or more months, not responding to any standard care like anti-biotic ointment or Tea Tree oil. I did not have it diagnosed as my health insurance at my new job did not kick in yet, but it sure as heck matched what others have described who have been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma.
I want to thank the author of this site for providing this useful info and hope that others may be able to use the home made mixture to their benefit. |
611 Posts |
Posted - 05/08/2012 : 00:09:16
Thanks JoefromPhilly, for the terrific post! You made my day!
There often seems to be a fine line between success and frustration so it is important to get the details when things go right. You covered everything very well, using topical combinations of several anticancer ingredients. What brands of pancreatin and aloe vera did you use?
Also, is this the Burt's Bees lotion used? Rosemary oil is interesting being anti fungal plus it contains d-limonene.
Perrin's Blend is a thick, sticky, honey-based, burgundy colored ointment with Grape Seed Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Vitamin E & C, and Grape seed oil. Their website has testimonials for skin cancer healing and several people on this forum have used it as well. In that thread we wondered if Cymilium (ammonia, aloe vera, pancreatin) followed by Perrin's blend was the ticket, which was the sequence here also. More perrin's threads can be found using the search link in the upper right of each forum page.
Again, your warning about avoiding any ammonia contact with the eyes is extremely important to anyone trying this. Even a small amount of ammonia can cause permanent eye damage. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 05/30/2012 : 12:44:18
Yes, that is the Burt's Bess lotion used. I do want to add a bit more to this. Once the initial scabs came off, I thought everything was OK. Well, it was not. I continued to get some breaks in the skin and there was some additional discharge. The area around the sore got red and tender, but I stuck with the treatment. I started to use a makeup base lotion to cover the redness while at work and around other people. I would wash it off at night and then apply the Perrins Blend to the area and cover with a band aid. In the morning, I would reapply the other lotion mixture. About 10 days a go, I was down to just one small scab the size of a large pin head, and the rest of the skin had healed and was no longer irritated. Then a week ago, the little scab came off while I was washing my face, and this time there was no more opening underneath. I kept with the treatment method, and now the skin on the nose is normal. There is just a slight mark about the size of the nose pad of a pair of eyeglasses, where the skin is slightly pinker, but hardly noticeable. I had continued applying the cream mixture once a day and there was no more irritation or rough spots, and I have been putting on the Perrins at night. But, no more bleeding, no discharge and no scab! Just new skin.
Oh, for the pancreatin, I used Twin Labs, and I used an aloe vera gel that had no alcohol. Sorry, that is at my house and I am at work. The coconut oil I used was an organic brand. At room temperature it looks like lard. I really did notice a difference in the skin penetration when I used the coconut oil. The area got redder and larger initially. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 06/04/2012 : 11:09:37
Cool Joe...Let us know in a few months if this knocked it out permanently |
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