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 Essiac as a Topical Treatment
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Posted - 02/08/2012 :  14:35:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm still fighting a large BCC on my face and most recently added Essiac capsules as part of the "working from the inside out" battle. In researching Essiac (or E-Tea as it's sometimes called) as a cancer treatment, I had trouble finding references to it being used for skin cancer, or specifically as a topical application by itself.

I read in this forum where someone included Essiac in a topical recipe with several other ingredients. But I'm wanting to know if it works as a stand alone topically like it does (according to reports and testimonies) when taken or drank orally.

I planned on making the tea, applying it directly with a cotton pad a few times a day, and see if there was any reaction after several days. While waiting on a new order of E-Tea capsules to begin trying that in addition to taking it orally, I continued to search for topical references or testimonies. Today I came across a website that has a testimonial with pictures of a skin lesion disappearing after topical treatments with Essiac, called 4-Herb Tea on their website. He used the "sludge" from making the tea, not the tea itself, which would obviously be more potent.

I am in NO WAY promoting this website or their product! I'm providing this link only as a place to view the pictures and read the testimonial.

I order my herbal products from a trusted source I've used for decades; their Essiac formula is called E-Tea and comes in capsules that can be taken orally or opened to make a tea. After reading the instructions for making the tea from some of the herbal websites that sell it in bulk, the capsules are definitely an easier option. If anyone is interested I'll post the link, but I don't want to seem to be promoting any particular brand or company.

Has anyone here had experience with using Essiac topically on skin cancer? If so, I would like to know how it was used, and the results.


Edited by - Grace2Go on 02/08/2012 14:39:31


23 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2012 :  02:19:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
While I have never tried Essiac as a poultice - here are directions on how to make it:

Essiac Tea Herbs is excellent for skin conditions when made into a topical poultice! Directions for making a Topical Poultice: Place 1 teaspoon of Essiac Tea Herbs in a cup and add several drops of water until you have a thick paste. Apply to affected area and cover loosely with a bandage, letting your skin breathe. For best results add 2 drops of Fulvic Acid X350 or 4 drops of Fulvic X200 to the mixture. May be applied to tumors, wounds, spider bites, or goiters.

This is from the following website:
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.