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Posted - 01/08/2012 : 14:40:50
A bit of back ground first. I am a 58 year old male who has worked outside in the sun doing construction most of my entire life. I am fair complected. My many years of sun exposure has left many spots of ak and bc. Thought I would share what seems to be working for me and what didn't. I am not advocating anyone else try this. This is only my experience. Most of the experimentation was done concurrently on several of my many spots.
After reviewing all the wonderful information on this site I initially started with the eggplant/acv mixture. I had a couple of nasty spots on my forearm that were going to be the object of my experimentation. I applied the eggplant/acv on the spots twice a day for a week. Morning and night covering with a bandage. The eggplant/acv mixture while giving me a mild tingling reaction, really didn't seem to do much. The skin felt better, but once the treatment stopped the rough scaly spots returned. It might have worked over a longer period of time.
My next plan of attack was with the orange oil and dmso. Now this stuff had a much stronger reaction. At first I used the orange oil followed by the dmso. I did this twice a day. I also followed at least one application/day with some aloe gel. The orange oil and the dmso caused the treated areas to turn red and blister a bit. The areas peeled. I continued the treatment for another week (total of 3) and then let the area rest. The skin repaired itself and the spots were gone. Feeling good about the reaction on the first 2 spots, I then mixed the dmso and orange oil to cut down on the double application. They do not mix, so they have to be shaken together before each use. I applied the mixture to a couple of other spots on my arms. As with the first 2 spots there was some blistering and peeling. One spot was removed after 2 weeks and the other came back. The one that came back was a bc about the size of a dime. It felt like there was a small bump beneath it.
Feeling that perhaps the orange/dmso wasn't getting deep enough. I decided to try some c-herb. I had purchased some earlier. I applied it according to the directions. Once a day for 3 days. I had the expected reaction, the redness and the white ring. A scab formed and remained for approx 2 weeks. It fell off and I believed the entire bc was gone. I was wrong. It hadn't got it all. I reapplied the c-herb and the second time it did the job. The spot was removed and a hole was left that eventually filled in.
Figuring that the c-herb was really the better/faster of the methods thus far, I wanted to try it more extensively. Anyone who has used c-herb, knows just how little you get for your 30 dollars. It is less then a 1/4 tsp. So needing a larger quantity, (I have lots of spots) I set out to make some myself.
Procuring the herbs was not a problem. C-herb lists black walnut husks, white oak bark and burdock. Those I found from a internet retailer and were certified organic. The mineral salts listed on the ingredients I believed were probably Zinc Chloride. According to my research the Zinc Chloride has the ability to penetrate abnormal tissue, it is also caustic. It is used in many skin salves. Obtaining the Zinc Chloride was the most difficult part.
I finally located some on the internet, ordered it and then received a call saying they wouldn't ship it to a residence. Bummer! Not finding another supplier with small quantities of Zinc Chloride, I did more research. Zinc Chloride is used as flux or tinner's fluid. You can actually buy it at some hardware stores. Of course it is usually mixed with ammonium chloride and HCL which is unsuitable for skin use. I finally discovered another approach. I purchased some zinc powder and HCL (swimming pool muratic acid) to make some zinc chloride and I found a flux compound consisting of just petrolatum (vasoline) and zinc chloride.
My next series of experiments consisted of:
The herbs combined with dmso
The herbs added to the homemade Zinc Chloride
The herbs added to the petrolatum based flux.
The first was the dmso/herb mixture. The areas applied got red and a bit itchy. No burning, stinging or other reaction followed. I applied it twice a day for 2 days. It didn't seem to do much more then the dmso by itself.
The next mixture was the homemade Zinc Chloride and the herbs. This stuff worked better then the purchased product. I believe it is because the homemade mixture has a stronger concentration of Zinc Chloride. The concentration of this mixture can be adjusted by adding distilled water. Zinc Chloride attracts moisture and water. The spots on my arm reacted exactly the same as when I used the purchased product. They got red, the white ring formed and then the scab. There was some stinging that lasted for about 20 minutes or so after application.
The third and last experiment was with the petrolatum based Zinc Chloride flux with herbs. This stuff is aggressive. The concentration of Zinc Chloride is high and the petrolatum keeps it active. Much like putting an airtight bandage over weaker mixtures. It stung for about 35 - 45 minutes. After one application of 12 hours I was getting the white ring. I removed the mixture with H2O2 and left alone. This mixture obviously went much deeper. It looked like a burn blister. The spot had raised a bit and there was fluid underneath. It was sore. I put some more H2O2 on it and the top layer developed a hole. Fluid drained out. Not wanting to have a serious infection develop underneath the remaining skin, I removed the rest of the top. I cleaned it with some H2O2 and covered with antibiotic salve. It is almost totally healed now. Nice pink new skin. The hole has filled in. It scarred of course, but almost any removal of spots that size would have.
My conclusion is that the Zinc Chloride is probably the more active of any of the ingredients. It by itself might remove (chemically burn) most skin abnormalities. The herbs may have their own effect, but seem to be more of a carrier for the Zinc Chloride.
My next experiment is going to be fig tree sap. I ran across some info where it has been used to remove skin tags, warts and moles. It may be much like the petty spurge or other botanicals. I'll post back with the results. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2012 : 16:24:12
Wow Quercus awesome and detailed post. You and I are on the same page in many ways..also 58, very fair skinned, worked in construction for 20 plus years etc. but most of all in experimentation. I came here as a bloodroot paste user trying to find a more gentle way of dealing with these lesions. I studied and learned a lot about bloodroot paste before ever using it. Read Dr. Mohs early use of it.I spoke with dozens of people around the world that had used it and lastly a Veterinarian who made the paste to use on Horse sarcomas. With all that info I took the plunge. No doubt Zinc Chloride is the "Active" ingredient. I have been holding off on what I am currently doing to avoid having people jump on the bandwagon of hope before I know for sure I am on the right path.
Because zinc chloride is what makes the bloodroot do it's thing topically I have held off using it with my various mixtures.
I am having good results with AK's and smaller BCC's but I have one major ugly on my forehead ( a nodular BCC @ 1 1/2" big) that basically when I treated with the same more gentle mixture made me almost want to pull the plug on life for about 4 hours. Holy Smokes I wanted to put my head through a wall..whew it hurt! WAY more than bloodroot..If it had whacked the big one like bloodroot does I'd of been at leat satisfied it was worth those hours of excruciating pain but sadly when it was all said and done the tumor was still there just angry, red and sore.
So.. no more of that on the big daddy at least on the open sore area..ugh!
Happy that you figured out how to make your own paste though there are several recipes here that would have probably gave equally similar results.
One that I have considered is ground up petty spurge with zinc Chloride but again holding off for a little longer.
Soon ( in the next few months I hope) I will post what I am up to with results therein.
10 Posts |
Posted - 01/09/2012 : 17:05:59
Anivoc - So have you tried the blood root without the Zinc Chloride? If so how did it work by itself? There is a book out there about salves that I would like to get a hold of. Supposed to have recipes. I am going to check and see if the library can get it for me.
Zinc Chloride added to these salves seems to be a more modern addition. According to some of the info I have read, many of these herbs are supposed to work on their own. I wonder what they used as a carrier or binder?
Yeah open sores are nasty. None of the stuff I have tried has been really painful for much longer then about 40 minutes. I have some strong dmso and it seems to burn more then the orange oil. I had a crusty that I had scratched the top off. I put some orange and dmso on it. I won't do that again. Bout went thru the ceiling. |
668 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2012 : 18:28:06
quote: Originally posted by Quercus
Anivoc - Have you tried the blood root without the Zinc Chloride? If so how did it work by itself?
I reaction albeit I only applied two days but zip..nada..It's the combo ( I think) I haven't ever tried just zinc Chloride..maybe I'll give it a try sometime here in the near future just to see. |
1 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2012 : 15:15:05
There is an Italian specialist doctor using a 7% iodine solution to treat skin cancers. One can only obtain such a potent iodine from a vet store or online. Only farmers use such concentrations.
If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. When the eschar(scab) is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain.
This very same operation must be repeated for the second eschar that is formed. At this point, the lesion may be considered destroyed, because after the third cycle it is possible to reach the center of the neoplasia, where the colonies try to resist to the last.
This procedure works and is a lot less painful than your experiments. |
10 Posts |
Posted - 03/17/2012 : 18:02:32
Rob thanks for the info. I don't know if I would have the time or patience to apply a product that many times a day. The pain I experienced wasn't really all that long lasting. At best no more then 15-20 mins using the homemade C herb. The only real pain that I have experienced was putting the dmso/orange oil combo on an open sore. That lasted about 40 mins. I believe that if anyone has an open lesion, it is probably best to let it scab over and heal a bit before trying any cancer removal methods. Almost all the topical substances being tried are caustic to some degree. They literally destroy the damaged skin and cause the body's defense mechanisms to remove the dead area. When one applies these substances to open wounds, the reaction most likely will be much more severe, probably because the nerve endings are exposed. |
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