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 Question on eggplant
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Posted - 11/10/2011 :  18:14:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Getting ready to prepare the eggplant solution. I read thru the posts on using it, but one question remained. Do you peel the eggplant or use the whole thing? Just want to get it right.
Thanks Q


10 Posts

Posted - 11/11/2011 :  11:52:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well still no responses, so I am going to grind the whole thing up. Want to try this asap.

Thanks for the great site and wonderful info.


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Posted - 11/13/2011 :  01:03:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My mom cured a cancer on her upper lip with a mix of SWANSON'S EGGPLANT EXTRACT, zinc dipper rash cream, and willow bark capsules. It took almost a year, but it's gone. The only time I used eggplant, I soaked the peeling in olive oil for months before using it. It made the cancers peel, but didn't completely cure them.

Originally posted by Quercus

Well still no responses, so I am going to grind the whole thing up. Want to try this asap.

Thanks for the great site and wonderful info.



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Posted - 11/13/2011 :  10:38:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I ground mine up the other day and mixed it with ACV. It is turning a nice golden brown color in the jar. A couple of more days and I will try it. Perhaps the olive oil you used didn't release enough of the glycoalkaloids. I would think the finer the eggplant and the more permeable the liquid the more alkaloids would be released.

I was reading about freezing eggplant. It seems for eating purposes the food is blanched first. If you don't blanch it, the freezing causes the plant cells to burst and it becomes mushy. I am wondering that if you freeze the eggplant first then grind it up and soak with ACV if even more alkaloids would be released.
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Posted - 04/20/2012 :  21:34:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been reading this forum for a couple of months. I have an undiognosed bbc on my back. I have no insurance so I am on my own.

I found this "abnormality" aproxamately 10 years ago. It was a small solid blister. It stayed that way for years, then it became a bump the size of a peanut. Again it stayed that way for years.

Stress was a part of life. I was in a bad relationship, with (most of the time) 8 foster children. I got pregnant and had my first child at 38.

Six years ago I got out of my bad relationship and the peanut started to bleed and be sensetive, but not grow. Still no insurance so I feft it alone.

Nov. '11 it ulcurated. Within a month it became a quater size hole. A month later it was the size of two nickles (actually almost looked like a heart). I was also going through my second custody battle. My point is that stress has to play a role in how these things grow.

I watch the Dr. Oz show. I take what he says with a grain of salt. Meaning that I don't believe it just because he says it. Anyway, one day he was talking about the eggplant "cure". It was really a plug for Curadurm (which I can't afford).

I started researching eggplant. I made a sauce of eggplant grinded up useing vinager for fluid. I read somewhere not to use the skin and only enough vinager so the blender works.

I did not have much faith in what I was doing but I had to be doing something!

For the first 2 months I saw no change (I see it every day sometimes twice a day) but my daughters saw a change. I kept it up. I smell like vinager but at least I am doing something.

It was just after 2 months when I saw a change. Now I see a change almost daily! I wish I had pictures!

I had a crater with rolled edges the size of two nickles. Now I have "normal" skin through the middle and the rolls are collasping.
I don't know if it matters, but I now leave the "EV sauce" on for 24 hours at a time. It drys like a scab and pulls off. I clean with alcohol and put another big glob on.

I don't know how long this will work. I have not changed my diet, I do not use positive thinking. I have no choise but to do what I am doing.

I hope this helps someone like I have been helped by this forum.
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