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 Excessive Pain w/ Curaderm this time
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13 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2011 :  12:57:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been using Curaderm with great success, but right now I'm treating a 1/2" area between my nose and upper lip that is so sensitive this stuff just reduces me to tears. Presumably it's because of lots of nerves in that spot, as I certainly can tolerate the discomfort when treating other areas. I've used this to great success, btw. After many removals by knife, cryo, etc., and the threat of removing my entire ear to get rid of large messy lesion, I found out about this stuff. It took a couple of long tries, but all traces of the cancer on my ear were removed by Curaderm (much to my doctor's dismay), and it has been about 3 years with no recurrence. It was an unbelievable mess. Couldn't be happier about the results.

Back to the point. I've used it in the temple area, nose, back, chest, neck, leg, many other areas of my face, and the pain was a pretty sharp at times, but just nothing remotely like this lip-to-nose area. It's really unbearable. In the last order of Curaderm, there were (finally!) some decent instructions, but also some contradictions. It says to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it.

I've never applied an ointment during treatment in the past, as I understood that it would block absorption of the Curaderm. My questions are; Is a Polysporin+pain reliever ointment a good idea, or a bad one during treatment, and is there an alternative? I've got to tackle it, but I also need to not be a whimpering mess for several hours. Just never had it hurt like this before. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
(honest, my pain tolerance is extremely high.)


13 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2011 :  00:11:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anyone? No one? I'd really appreciate some opinions, please. Thank you.
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32 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2011 :  04:37:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi GoodWillHumping,

From what I have learned from past success treatment with Curaderm BEC5 on a BCC, is you have to apply a smal amount on the center of the lesion twice aday and keep it covered with a micro pore paper tape.

If you apply too much Curaderm on the area, then you can witness excessive pain due to area sensitivity.

Also, I have never seen in the original Curaderm instruction mentioning "to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it". Please can you scan the instruction and send it over to me via email:

I would like to know also, which company you bought this Curaderm from?

I would suggested that is bad idea to use the Polysporin+pain reliever ointment.


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13 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2011 :  19:01:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I appreciate your response. I've stopped treating that area for a few days, but am keeping it moist with hydrocolloidal(?) bandages until I start up again. I've tried doing just a small area of the area at a time and wasn't any easier to manage the discomfort, and I'm not using an excessive amount of the product at all. I'll look for the instruction insert they provided and scan it for you as soon as I can (not in same location right now). FYI- The seller was "All Your Needs" via Amazon at this link-

Again, thank you. It didn't really help, but I appreciate the effort!
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13 Posts

Posted - 10/31/2011 :  19:42:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
wait wait wait. Apparently that bit about ploysporin+pain reliever was NOT in the literature provided by the Amazon seller!
I've re-read what they enclosed with my order, and it doesn't say this. I must have gotten this from elsewhere (on the net) and inadvertently linked it to the seller.

This is making me feel a bit sheepish.

I'll look about and see if I can figure out what or where this came from...but in all likelihood it was from another forum like this. Frankly, the point wasn't to blame someone for suggesting this addition to the treatment, but to get some help and/or opinion, but I guess I screwed up. I sure didn't intend to falsely attribute something detrimental to anyone else. arghhhhh.
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64 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2012 :  20:08:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I was wondering what the outcome was for the area you were treating with Curaderm referenced in this post?

I just began using Curaderm on a large facial bcc, treating a small area at a time, since it exceeds the recommended treatment area of 5cm x 5cm. Part of the bcc extends to the area just under my nose, so I'm not looking forward to the pain you described, and I also have a very high tolerance for pain.

So far I've had minimum pain, but I started treating the upper cheek area first. I do wish there was a formula that includes Lidocaine, that would help with some of the pain.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

I've been using Curaderm with great success, but right now I'm treating a 1/2" area between my nose and upper lip that is so sensitive this stuff just reduces me to tears. Presumably it's because of lots of nerves in that spot, as I certainly can tolerate the discomfort when treating other areas. I've used this to great success, btw. After many removals by knife, cryo, etc., and the threat of removing my entire ear to get rid of large messy lesion, I found out about this stuff. It took a couple of long tries, but all traces of the cancer on my ear were removed by Curaderm (much to my doctor's dismay), and it has been about 3 years with no recurrence. It was an unbelievable mess. Couldn't be happier about the results.

Back to the point. I've used it in the temple area, nose, back, chest, neck, leg, many other areas of my face, and the pain was a pretty sharp at times, but just nothing remotely like this lip-to-nose area. It's really unbearable. In the last order of Curaderm, there were (finally!) some decent instructions, but also some contradictions. It says to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it.

I've never applied an ointment during treatment in the past, as I understood that it would block absorption of the Curaderm. My questions are; Is a Polysporin+pain reliever ointment a good idea, or a bad one during treatment, and is there an alternative? I've got to tackle it, but I also need to not be a whimpering mess for several hours. Just never had it hurt like this before. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
(honest, my pain tolerance is extremely high.)

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122 Posts

Posted - 03/03/2012 :  11:54:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all you curaderm users! Well I'm finally seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel. I had 3 deep cancers that Ive been treeting for over one year. They are finally getting smaller and starting to heal!!!! These spots I tried petty spurge, Iodine, they were very deep. Fially I decided to just stick with curaderm, and keep it up for as long as it takes. Sometimes I would make it to 7 times a day. Most of the time I would use curaderm 3 times a day.Then I would go through periods where it was to painful and just use it 2 times per day. Some times in the morning I would put on Iodine first, let it dry,ouch,but then when I applied the curaderm I barely felt it. The pain only hurts for a short period of time, untill you get really deep holes, then its a dull kind of hurt. Thats my experince anyway.
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13 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2012 :  13:16:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, it's been spotty for this particular area, and for the reason you would expect. (I think) There are so many nerves around the nose & mouth that the pain is really unbearable when applying it, regardless of the size treated. Thus, I've not been good about treating it right there. As my BCC is in many other areas, I've been treating those spots with success, but not this one. I'm truly disappointed by the guidance form the comapany and/or representatives on the extreme pain. They pretty well ignore the problem and "recommend" that I use it as is, which does me no good whatsoever.
Anyway, the problem remains the same in this location, and there seems to be no one able to give me help with the extreme discomfort. I really don't know what to do. The dermatologist's recommended surgery is absolutely horrifying.

Love the curaderm, just not on this part of the face!
Originally posted by Grace2Go


I was wondering what the outcome was for the area you were treating with Curaderm referenced in this post?

I just began using Curaderm on a large facial bcc, treating a small area at a time, since it exceeds the recommended treatment area of 5cm x 5cm. Part of the bcc extends to the area just under my nose, so I'm not looking forward to the pain you described, and I also have a very high tolerance for pain.

So far I've had minimum pain, but I started treating the upper cheek area first. I do wish there was a formula that includes Lidocaine, that would help with some of the pain.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

I've been using Curaderm with great success, but right now I'm treating a 1/2" area between my nose and upper lip that is so sensitive this stuff just reduces me to tears. Presumably it's because of lots of nerves in that spot, as I certainly can tolerate the discomfort when treating other areas. I've used this to great success, btw. After many removals by knife, cryo, etc., and the threat of removing my entire ear to get rid of large messy lesion, I found out about this stuff. It took a couple of long tries, but all traces of the cancer on my ear were removed by Curaderm (much to my doctor's dismay), and it has been about 3 years with no recurrence. It was an unbelievable mess. Couldn't be happier about the results.

Back to the point. I've used it in the temple area, nose, back, chest, neck, leg, many other areas of my face, and the pain was a pretty sharp at times, but just nothing remotely like this lip-to-nose area. It's really unbearable. In the last order of Curaderm, there were (finally!) some decent instructions, but also some contradictions. It says to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it.

I've never applied an ointment during treatment in the past, as I understood that it would block absorption of the Curaderm. My questions are; Is a Polysporin+pain reliever ointment a good idea, or a bad one during treatment, and is there an alternative? I've got to tackle it, but I also need to not be a whimpering mess for several hours. Just never had it hurt like this before. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
(honest, my pain tolerance is extremely high.)

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13 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2012 :  13:20:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Where are the spots you're treating? Are they in the same general area of my face, because if so kudos to you on your lack of pain. The only place I have more than a short period of discomfort is around my nose and mouth. It is truly maddening.
Originally posted by marsha

Hi all you curaderm users! Well I'm finally seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel. I had 3 deep cancers that Ive been treeting for over one year. They are finally getting smaller and starting to heal!!!! These spots I tried petty spurge, Iodine, they were very deep. Fially I decided to just stick with curaderm, and keep it up for as long as it takes. Sometimes I would make it to 7 times a day. Most of the time I would use curaderm 3 times a day.Then I would go through periods where it was to painful and just use it 2 times per day. Some times in the morning I would put on Iodine first, let it dry,ouch,but then when I applied the curaderm I barely felt it. The pain only hurts for a short period of time, untill you get really deep holes, then its a dull kind of hurt. Thats my experince anyway.

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122 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2012 :  21:39:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I understand. Sometimes I couldnt even talk or think.I did a small spot above my upper lip. Ive almost done my whole face. My nose has had the most sun, and has been the longest to treat. Then if you bump your nose it really hurts. The pain shoots up into the forhead,then into the sinuses,above the eye. I cant belive how so much is conected to the tip of my nose. As I said, when the pain got to great I would do it twice a day. I think there was a couple of days when I took an advil.
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64 Posts

Posted - 03/06/2012 :  15:17:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello GWH, thanks for replying.

I haven't used Curaderm on my nose area yet, and I'm hoping I won't have to, since I'm experimenting with using essential oils. The Curaderm is working very well on the part of the bcc I started with, and although it's painful the pain doesn't last long, like you experienced.

I'll be posting more extensively about the use of essential oils in another thread, (also see my post about Thyme oil for skin cancer) but I want to address the pain factor here, since that's what this thread is about. I've found that Myrrh essential oil works well for pain on my bcc (no-Curaderm area). And that includes my nose...the side, tip, and it's headed onto my upper lip. When there's nothing on it for pain, I can feel little sharp, shooting pains all the way into my upper lip, into my nose, and up to my eye. So I know the nerves would carry the pain from Curaderm by the same route.

I apply a few drops of undiluted Myrrh to the painful area, and it may slightly sting or burn for a few minutes, but then it soothes it for hours. Even applied to raw flesh from skin peeling, it's almost painless, and it helps stop bleeding. Myrrh is known for it's anti-bacterial properties, so it does double duty for having an open wound.

I have some Thyme Linalol oil ordered and will be posting my results after I start using it. I'm starting a new thread with my before and during pics, and to post about my use of essential oils.

A pure essential oil has no alcohol or other additives, and a few drops go a long way.

Both derms I saw said they would start by cutting off more than half my nose, including the tip, a large area of my cheek, and up under my eye...basically half my face. So I'm trying one thing after another until something works!

Hoping for the best for you, and for all of us fighting the skin cancer battle.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

Well, it's been spotty for this particular area, and for the reason you would expect. (I think) There are so many nerves around the nose & mouth that the pain is really unbearable when applying it, regardless of the size treated. Thus, I've not been good about treating it right there. As my BCC is in many other areas, I've been treating those spots with success, but not this one. I'm truly disappointed by the guidance form the comapany and/or representatives on the extreme pain. They pretty well ignore the problem and "recommend" that I use it as is, which does me no good whatsoever.
Anyway, the problem remains the same in this location, and there seems to be no one able to give me help with the extreme discomfort. I really don't know what to do. The dermatologist's recommended surgery is absolutely horrifying.

Love the curaderm, just not on this part of the face!
Originally posted by Grace2Go


I was wondering what the outcome was for the area you were treating with Curaderm referenced in this post?

I just began using Curaderm on a large facial bcc, treating a small area at a time, since it exceeds the recommended treatment area of 5cm x 5cm. Part of the bcc extends to the area just under my nose, so I'm not looking forward to the pain you described, and I also have a very high tolerance for pain.

So far I've had minimum pain, but I started treating the upper cheek area first. I do wish there was a formula that includes Lidocaine, that would help with some of the pain.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

I've been using Curaderm with great success, but right now I'm treating a 1/2" area between my nose and upper lip that is so sensitive this stuff just reduces me to tears. Presumably it's because of lots of nerves in that spot, as I certainly can tolerate the discomfort when treating other areas. I've used this to great success, btw. After many removals by knife, cryo, etc., and the threat of removing my entire ear to get rid of large messy lesion, I found out about this stuff. It took a couple of long tries, but all traces of the cancer on my ear were removed by Curaderm (much to my doctor's dismay), and it has been about 3 years with no recurrence. It was an unbelievable mess. Couldn't be happier about the results.

Back to the point. I've used it in the temple area, nose, back, chest, neck, leg, many other areas of my face, and the pain was a pretty sharp at times, but just nothing remotely like this lip-to-nose area. It's really unbearable. In the last order of Curaderm, there were (finally!) some decent instructions, but also some contradictions. It says to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it.

I've never applied an ointment during treatment in the past, as I understood that it would block absorption of the Curaderm. My questions are; Is a Polysporin+pain reliever ointment a good idea, or a bad one during treatment, and is there an alternative? I've got to tackle it, but I also need to not be a whimpering mess for several hours. Just never had it hurt like this before. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
(honest, my pain tolerance is extremely high.)

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64 Posts

Posted - 03/06/2012 :  15:20:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello GWH, thanks for replying.

I haven't used Curaderm on my nose area yet, and I'm hoping I won't have to, since I'm experimenting with using essential oils. The Curaderm is working very well on the part of the bcc I started with, and although it's painful the pain doesn't last long, like you experienced.

I'll be posting more extensively about the use of essential oils in another thread, (also see my post about Thyme oil for skin cancer) but I want to address the pain factor here, since that's what this thread is about. I've found that Myrrh essential oil works well for pain on my bcc (no-Curaderm area or after cleaning Curaderm treated area). And that includes my nose...the side, tip, and it's headed onto my upper lip. When there's nothing on it for pain, I can feel little sharp, shooting pains all the way into my upper lip, into my nose, and up to my eye. So I know the nerves would carry the pain from Curaderm by the same route.

I apply a few drops of undiluted Myrrh to the painful area, and it may slightly sting or burn for a few minutes, but then it soothes it for hours. Even applied to raw flesh from skin peeling, it's almost painless, and it helps stop bleeding. Myrrh is known for it's anti-bacterial properties, so it does double duty for having an open wound.

I have some Thyme Linalol oil ordered and will be posting my results after I start using it. I'm starting a new thread with my before and during pics, and to post about my use of essential oils.

A pure essential oil has no alcohol or other additives, and a few drops go a long way.

Both derms I saw said they would start by cutting off more than half my nose, including the tip, a large area of my cheek, and up under my eye...basically half my face. So I'm trying one thing after another until something works!

Hoping for the best for you, and for all of us fighting the skin cancer battle.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

Well, it's been spotty for this particular area, and for the reason you would expect. (I think) There are so many nerves around the nose & mouth that the pain is really unbearable when applying it, regardless of the size treated. Thus, I've not been good about treating it right there. As my BCC is in many other areas, I've been treating those spots with success, but not this one. I'm truly disappointed by the guidance form the comapany and/or representatives on the extreme pain. They pretty well ignore the problem and "recommend" that I use it as is, which does me no good whatsoever.
Anyway, the problem remains the same in this location, and there seems to be no one able to give me help with the extreme discomfort. I really don't know what to do. The dermatologist's recommended surgery is absolutely horrifying.

Love the curaderm, just not on this part of the face!
Originally posted by Grace2Go


I was wondering what the outcome was for the area you were treating with Curaderm referenced in this post?

I just began using Curaderm on a large facial bcc, treating a small area at a time, since it exceeds the recommended treatment area of 5cm x 5cm. Part of the bcc extends to the area just under my nose, so I'm not looking forward to the pain you described, and I also have a very high tolerance for pain.

So far I've had minimum pain, but I started treating the upper cheek area first. I do wish there was a formula that includes Lidocaine, that would help with some of the pain.

Originally posted by GoodWillHumping

I've been using Curaderm with great success, but right now I'm treating a 1/2" area between my nose and upper lip that is so sensitive this stuff just reduces me to tears. Presumably it's because of lots of nerves in that spot, as I certainly can tolerate the discomfort when treating other areas. I've used this to great success, btw. After many removals by knife, cryo, etc., and the threat of removing my entire ear to get rid of large messy lesion, I found out about this stuff. It took a couple of long tries, but all traces of the cancer on my ear were removed by Curaderm (much to my doctor's dismay), and it has been about 3 years with no recurrence. It was an unbelievable mess. Couldn't be happier about the results.

Back to the point. I've used it in the temple area, nose, back, chest, neck, leg, many other areas of my face, and the pain was a pretty sharp at times, but just nothing remotely like this lip-to-nose area. It's really unbearable. In the last order of Curaderm, there were (finally!) some decent instructions, but also some contradictions. It says to treat with Polysporin or the like after cleaning, and if necessary use one with a pain reliever in it.

I've never applied an ointment during treatment in the past, as I understood that it would block absorption of the Curaderm. My questions are; Is a Polysporin+pain reliever ointment a good idea, or a bad one during treatment, and is there an alternative? I've got to tackle it, but I also need to not be a whimpering mess for several hours. Just never had it hurt like this before. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
(honest, my pain tolerance is extremely high.)


Edited by - Grace2Go on 03/06/2012 15:21:38
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