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 Eggplant for skin cancer very exciting
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103 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2007 :  19:54:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to share my experience with Eggplant as a treatment for skin cancer...This information is very new so I will add more later...This treatment needs more testing before it can say this is a cure or on the A list of treatments...

As people on this forum know I have been raving about sunspot ES cream for a while...While I still like sunspot ES cream I have grown unhappy with its limitations...1 It does not penetrate the skin as good as I would like with out dmso..2 It only works where applied...3 You can only buy it by mail order..4 It crust up on the skin easy...

Doing some research on glycoalkaloids found in sunspot.....I read this here * Eggplant or aubergine (Solanum melongena) has been examined, and has been shown to contain the exact replica of BEC. This means that a fruit, which is eaten as a vegetable throughout the world, contains BEC. Each eggplant contains 7 to 25 mg of BEC per 100 grams of fruit. Eggplant contain more BEC than Curaderm.

I then read this article here...

Which gave me the idea to make a poultice out of the eggplant and apply it to the skin....I think the vinegar may help release the glycoalkaloids I am not sure really all I know is that it worked for me...

I got a eggplant and cut it up and put it in the blender.I then put in a mostly vinegar and some water and blended..Only add as much liquid as needed because you want the mix thick with some texture...
If you blend it to much it turns into liquid...

I have had some very nasty bloody lesions on my head..Swollen very nasty things..Plus a good bit of skin cancer on my face..

I applied the eggplant to my head and face and let it sit for 2-3 hours and massaged the eggplant into my lesions...The lesions let off a good bit of heat...The swelling went way way down and all the bloody cancer spots looked 100% better within hours..I have been doing this every day for about 5 days.....All my skin conditions are looking so much better that I hope to not be posing here any more....

The glycoalkaloids in the eggplant seem to get into the skin much better than with the sunspot cream even though the eggplant poulitce is not as strong(Note sunpsot cream is great stuff and can be used were needed after you use the eggplant}...This seems to make for a nicer healing and a nice clean crusting of the cancer spots...

I want to say I have been treating my cancer spots with orange oil for a few weeks before this so maybe the orange oil had already done some heavy lifting before I applied the eggplant...

I like the action of the orange oil on my skin cancer,it penetrates the skin wonderfully and seem to do some nice work cleaning up the cancer but I found the orange oil lacking in the ability to finish the job..The orange oil has very poor pulling action on the cancer...It does a good job identifying the cancer patches on the skin and starting to heal them but I really felt the orange oil needs some help and maybe that help will come from eggplant...

The eggplant and the orange oil have the huge advantage over other things is you can apply then every where and let them find the skin cancer...Skin cancer loves to hide and if you have a little skin cancer their is a good chance you have a bit more you do not see...

I would love some feedback on this treatment from other people...One really great thing folks is the eggplant hardly hurts at all its cheap and easy to apply....

See Below for full report....

Edited by - anivoc on 10/26/2008 10:12:56


103 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2007 :  06:14:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Info on Glycoalkaloids...Skin answer was the first name for sunspot cream before it was renamed...

Also the orange oil and eggplant mixture are a bit harsh on the skin aloe vera seems to be a good thing to put on afterwards....

Edited by - fforest on 08/04/2007 20:07:53
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55 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2007 :  10:47:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you for this excellent post. A well known cancer doctor in my area is recommending eating lots of vegetables that are rich in anti-cancer nutrients. He mentions that organic is better - if available.

In the SkinAnswer link from your post it is written "Glycoalkaloids are produced in many fruits and vegetables as part of their defense against insects and other animals." It seems obvious that if Glycoalkaloids are produced by the plant as defense mechanisn against insects, it is important to actually have insects trying to attcak the plants! If we use insecticides, it must lower the Glycoalkaloids (and other cancer fighting molecules) content since the plants do not have to fight insects anymore. So it would be preferable to use organic eggplant. I am sure there is still Glycoalkaloids in the non-organic variety, but probably much less.

Come to think of it, the fact that most of the vegetables on the market are not organic and lacking these cancer fighting compounds may partly explain why cancer is on the rise in general.

Nevertheless, eating lots of veggies even if not organic is a plus - that is for sure. But if you apply the eggplant on a cancer spot, wouldn't it be best to use the eggplant with the most Glycoalkaloids? The organic variety, the one that is not perfect from an esthetic point of view because it had to fight insects and other critters, may be the best choice for medicinal purpose.

Just a thought. Thank you for this great post. We learn everyday on this forum. It is encouraging to read good news like that.

Edited by - Mexico on 06/30/2007 15:53:13
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13 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2007 :  18:07:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Forrest, was there any eschar or anything like that such as when using the Curaderm?

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103 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2007 :  02:48:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Joe when using Curaderm or sunspot you do not get eschars per say..You some time get scabs but not true eschars...
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2007 :  02:58:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mexico that is a good idea to use organic eggplant...I went to Whole Foods and bought 3 different kinds of eggplants and mixed them together...
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668 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2007 :  17:34:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is good stuff...I was curious if our "eggplant" would be the same as the Australian " devils apple". exciting to hear you are having positive results.

Firstly I want to address Vinegar.

The active ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid. Most vinegar is @ 3 to 5%. I have been using vinegar off and on over the last year as a treatment in itself and along side first curaderm then sunspot.

The acid neutralizes the high PH that occurs in our skin via all the bad things we eat like meat etc.
When I apply vinegar to my face every potential AK and BCC light up, burn and itch. When Dr. Mohs ( The doctor who invented Mohs surgery) was using Bloodroot to identify "fixate" skin cancer tumors he would first clean the suspect area with acetic acid before he applied the bloodroot paste.

For certain I eradicated an AK on the back of my neck that was scabing and bleeding strictly using vinegar. For whatever reason other problem areas did not go away.

I was using vinegar every day after my shower but it is stinky and I quit. I have started back up and Sunspot definitely reacts better when I clean the area I am treating first with vinegar.

It's odd / coincidental that you mixed it with the eggplant / I was thinking about making a solution of Sunspot and vinegar this morning before I read your post.

Forest if you haven't already, start taking pictures and keep us updated. It would be awesome if this is the answer..similar to the broccoli idea .. good luck! as you know I am in a very similar boat as you and it is frustrating up to now. Certainly seem to be holding the ones I have at bay, maybe even shrinking them but just not closing the door completely.


Edited by - anivoc on 07/01/2007 17:38:47
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2007 :  01:55:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One thing I have noticed is if you let the eggplant mix sit for a day it seems to work better..I will write more later...

Edited by - fforest on 07/03/2007 04:58:52
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2007 :  00:18:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
fforest, this is great and I hope it keeps going! We would love to lose you as a poster. (just kidding!) Can you summarize the timeline of what you tried in the past few weeks?
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  01:01:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought it would be helpful to excerpt the reference fforest cited at earthclinic:

"It got rid of the melanoma in about 2 weeks.

Recipe: Ingredients

medium sized eggplant
white vinegar

Method: chop up eggplant & place in a glass jar (not plastic) Pour in enough vinegar to cover eggplant, cover with a lid & place in the door of the fridge for 3 days.

Every time you go to fridge for something, give the jar a little shake. After 3 days the liquid will turn a gold brown colour, strain the liquid & keep refrigerated in the glass jar. How to use: Can be dabbed on to melanoma several times a day or can soak a cotton ball in the liquid, place on top of melanoma & cover with tape (low allergenic kind) change at least twice a day. Need to do this for at least 2 weeks to kill off the melanoma. It only attacks the bad cells. The doctor said if it was a melanoma,after a few applications it could be quite painful when it goes after the nasties. If it didn't pain, unlikely to be of a menacing nature. (it also works on warts) Do it under a doctors supervision though. It definitely works,I have seen the wart disappear & the resident I referred to had a painful healing for a few days but it cleared up after a couple of weeks."

Both this method and fforest's are easy enough to make. Notice this method used white vinegar. fforest, what kind of vinegar did you use?
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2007 :  03:15:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used apple cider vinegar... Using the eggplant and vinegar mix and the orange oil maybe with a bit of sunspot applied where needed I believe this could be a huge huge help in treating skin cancer....After all my problem spots have healed 100% I will be writing a long and detailed report....

Edited by - fforest on 08/04/2007 20:39:59
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2007 :  16:16:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If anyone tries the eggplant mixture and or orange oil please post your results good or bad...I am having great results with this....The eggplant mix is very easy to make and super cheap..Its easy to apply but can be a bit messy...My cancer spots have started to look better within hours,but to heal 100% is going to take a bit of time...I will write a full report later....

Edited by - fforest on 07/14/2007 16:17:02
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668 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2007 :  17:13:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Man I hope this works!

Just to update you on my sunspot ES. It appears now that I am at an impasse. Certainly the sunspot does some good but the BCC on my forhead just won't go away. I am dealing with an area over my left eye @ 1" diameter that I had treated with blood root before and gone through a lot of pain and misery. The bloodroot did get it pretty good but a year later things started coming back. Now I first tried Curaderm which like sunspot got a reaction but jut can't take it out. There are several small lesions within the area. One will appear to heal and another one pops up elsewhere within the 1" area. There are usually 3 or 4 of these small sores going on at any one time I have been walking around with 3m micropore tape on my forehead for 6 months now... ugh!

I shower every day and treat after the shower. I was cleaning all treated areas with vinegar..BTW apple or regular vinegar really shouldn't matter... what is working is the acetic acid which is in both and varies from brand to brand. You can also buy acetic acid in stronger solutions and guess smells like vinegar.

Anyway I have started a new cleaning treatment which is seeming to irritate or do something that seems positive..
In the shower I first wash my hair and face with Trader Joes "Refresh" Body soap. I leave the soap soaking in my hair and face. I take a quarter sheet of a paper towel and wet it. I then reach out of the shower and pour a teaspoon or so of baking soda on the towel and then rub it around in the towel evenly. I then scrub my face ( kind of a micro dermabrasion) and any bcc's on my scalp with the towel and let the concoction sit for a few minutes... definitely starts tingling.
I then rinse it all off and dry off. I immediately apply the sunspot es to any area that has BCC's or AK's. The ones on my forehead that are actual sores get covered with the 3m micropore tape as I have described in the past with some trader joes refresh body lotion w / vitamin C to make the solution last longer and the tape come off easier. I then rub / massage the cream into the areas that are AK and that's that for the day. I'm sure I'm holding things at bay , maybe making a little progress but unfortunately I don't see this knocking it out completely.

I'm kind of waiting to hear you are sure this is a slam dunk and if so
I'll be eggplanting immediately.

Another thought was to do a broccoli / eggplant mix but if this works
I won't bother.. keep us posted.


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103 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2007 :  18:32:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK here is my final report on the eggplant orange oil sunspot treatment for skin cancer....

First off for people who do not know me I have tried many many of the treatments for skin cancer to many to list..The only ones I have not tried are.

Efudex-which I never want to try after seeing pictures of this treatment.
Aldara-which I would be open to trying but haven't...
PDQ Herbal-Which is just like C-herb which I have tried
Radiation-Which I never want to try..
High tech laser and sound wave treatments-looks interesting but these are not easy to find cost big money lots of waiting etc..They could be great I do not know I never tried them...

I now think using a combination of
eggplant/vinegar-maybe with a bit of dmso
Orange oil
sunspot cream-maybe with dmso
a little hydrogen peroxide
Is the best combination for treating skin cancer..

With this combination you can treat skin cancer with minimal pain and minimal cost.

2-3 Eggplants 5-6 dollars
Vinegar 1 bottle 4 dollars
Sunspot cream 1 tube 25 dollars
Hydrogen Peroxide 2 dollars
Cotton balls 1 dollar
orange oil 6 dollars
Dmso-??? many prices under 10 dollars..
Aloe vera jell (whole leaf)??? many prices
Total (around give or take) 50-55 dollars to treat skin cancer

note..If you had a really deep and nasty BCC you might need to add C-herb or some thing else to this list...

The orange oil eggplant/vinegar is a absolutely deadly combination against skin cancer.
Cancer builds up resistance fast to any kind of treatment..
With the orange oil eggplant/vinegar combination it seem to break the cancers resistance because they work in such different ways,one being very acidic and the other being very alkaline....

I had a many small scaly patches that never quite healed and if you picked at them they would bleed ..I had 2 or 3 nasty lesions on the top of my head that were crusty and would bleed easy..I had 2 really swollen deep BCC on my arm very red and nasty looking,I had a whole bunch of problem spots on my face and one big BCC that was on my right temple that was tender to the touch it was still under the skin but growing fast I could really feel it...

I have been treating all of these problem spots for about a month or so now and they are about 95% healed..

If any one tries this combination I would recommend treating your problem spots and areas for 1 or 2 days with orange oil then 1 or 2 days with eggplant vinegar and maybe taking a rest day or 2 every now or then..Or what ever combination works for you..On the days you treat your problems really try for 2 treatments in one day it works better.The treatments can be back to back..

When putting the orange oil on the cancer spots for the first week its going to sting like crazy for a short time but it will stop after about 15 minutes..As the cancer heals more the stinging will get less and less....

You can use the eggplant/vinegar mix in 2 ways one just put the blended pulp on the skin and let it sit for about a hour or 2 ..The good thing about the pulp is you can put it all over your face or arm or where ever it will not hurt the healthy skin but will find the cancer spots..The same goes for the orange oil you can put it every where...

The 2nd way I have used the eggplant/vinegar is to strain the vinegar from the pulp after blending and dip a cotton ball in the vinegar juice and put the Cotton ball on the problem spot use tape this is less messy ..If you wanted to get it really strong you could use the same vinegar from a few different eggplants in the blender,blend then strain,blend then strain using the same vinegar...and or put a little Dmso in the mix..

So I primarily used the orange oil/ammonia eggplant/vinegar mix some times putting on a little sunspot cream here and there.Occasionally using some some Hydrogen Peroxide on the spots to throw the cancer even more off balance and to keep the spots clean...

One thing that did happen on my face is I got a number of hard zit like spots at one point(maybe it was from the cancer spots dieing)so I took them off and had a scab for a few days..

Every one of my bad spots I wrote about is now 90 to 95 to 100% healed depending on the spot..My face looks great..

I hope if some one else tries this they will have the same results as me...Best Fforest

Post note...Just to add a bit more here..First use apple cider vinegar,White vinegar just does not seem to work very good..

2nd Putting the eggplant mix/pulp on the site seems to work best..

3rd. I also tried adding ammonia to the orange oil and got a very nice result the orange oil works fine alone but seem to work a whole lot better with a little ammonia...I used the household 3% ammonia..But you have to be very careful not to get it in your eyes,but other than your eyes it seems very safe to use,look this up your self....I know putting ammonia on your skin my not seem like the best idea.All I can say is you just must try this for your self to know how great this works...The ammonia will help the orange oil penetrate the skin much better...

4th..Whole leaf Aloe vera jell is a great thing to put on your skin after treatment...

5th For the cancer spots deeper in the skin you can massage the spot with sunspot cream and dmso and or massage the spot with the orange oil...

6th Folks Treating skin cancer is a ugly and painful thing to have to do its no fun but going under the knife or Chemo or doing nothing can be even worse..If this treatment plan fails ok then more drastic measures are in order..Start with the least invasive things and work your way up....

7th You can try only one thing in this treatment plan if you want and thats ok but every thing is here beacuse it works good together.
You can get every thing you need in 1 hour ( come on folks how many hours have you spent in the dermatologist office?) except the sunspot cream and the maybe the dmso..A good heath food store sells dmso...If your problem is small the sunspot cream can work fine alone...


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Edited by - fforest on 09/25/2007 18:55:55
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611 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2007 :  01:10:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is fantastic news fforest! I'm really happy for you! I think you mentioned elsewhere that you used Citrisolve for the orange oil, regular apple cider vinegar, ordinary eggplants, and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Everything except the SunSpot ES gel by Lane Labs and DMSO can be found in most supermarkets for about $20 total. I'm wondering if you feel that SunSpot and DMSO are essential to get started, or if you can add them if need be later?
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103 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2007 :  02:04:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You could start with only the orange oil for a week or two..The orange oil seems to do some heavy lifting at the start...But every thing seems to work good together as one treatment plan...
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36 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2007 :  21:11:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wonder how eggplant soaked in DMSO instead of vinager would work? Then put the solution of DMSO on the site. I'm going to try it and will let you all know. I've tried so many things now, its going to be hard to tell what worked in the end if I do indeed get rid of it.
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36 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  17:02:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I tried using the solution described above by fforest. I minced the eggplant with a garlic mincer until I had a small olive jar about half full. Then I poured straight (no water added) 5% organic vinegar to just cover all the eggplant "mush". The second day i put the juice on the BCC site every 2 hours or so. It would burn a bit, but then calm down. By the end of the first day, the BCC looked worse. More swollen, and now bleeding again (hadn't bled for 2 weeks). I was however thinking this is good as it seemed different than before using a pancreatin solution. Can't really describe the difference other than the swelling seemed more exagerated. I believe my BCC is very deep, so it was good in that it was getting to the bad cells for once. I was also adding a swab of DMSO solution just after the eggplant solution. It would definately burn worse just after the DMSO application. The DMSO was a 80% DMSO/H20 with pancreatin, ground apricot seeds, coral calcium, and ginger added.

Anyway, after 1 day of this, i got home and started putting it on every 10 minutes for about 3 times. Then I decided to add some orange oil. Then I held a cotton swab of H202 on it until it turned white in the middle. Back to adding DMSO, eggplant, orange oil....over and over again. The next thing I knew, it lit up like a christmas tree! I've never seen this before, but the shape and location of the cancer cells was VERY obvious now. It would turn pink, and then i'd add more of the eggplant solution and bam...there was the oddball shape. When I say it lit up, the cancer cells turned a bright white compared to the skin around it. And it was a BIG contrast. I took pictures and will post them soon. I've put MUCH orange oil and all the other stuff (much H202, pancreatin, DMSO) on it before and it never lit up. There is something in the eggplant mixture causing it. Maybe the eggplant, maybe the vinegar, i dont know.

So i'm thinking this is the first time I really got some solution TO the bad cells and actually affected them. Or maybe this combination was just enough to affect the cells. I was feeling like I was at a stalemate before yesterday. It wasn't getting better, wasn't getting worse. Good or bad...only time will tell if the fact its lighting up white means anything. But this is definately different. Will keep you all posted.
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  20:22:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Mark, this is really interesting about combining several ingredients and also about the cancer cells turning white! Looking forward to the pictures. Let us know if you have any trouble posting them.
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103 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  22:47:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dan I want to make a few changes to my first post why wont the forum let me make a change?
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2007 :  01:03:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks fforest, there was a bug in the forum software but I think it is now fixed. Let me know if it still does not work. Anyone should be able to edit their own posts. I feel terrible if this has not been the case.
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103 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2007 :  03:35:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mark please see my post note above..
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36 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2007 :  18:17:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
fforest - thanks for the update post! I'll try it as well. I've actually been putting a Pancreatin solution on after placing the eggplant mixture right on the spot. The solution i've made has the ammonia, and the aloe vera in it. And it seems to be working. I spend a good 45 minutes in the evening really working the eggplant, orange oil, DMSO and H202 into the site until the cancer cells (or at least what appears to be) turn nice and white - a distict border. It does burn, but not too bad. During the day i just dab it on about once every 2 hours. The area that seems to be cancerous is starting to feel like a lump of dead skin, though i can't be too sure just yet. The center pit still seems pretty raw. Once it is all dry, the area surrounding the lesion outside the cancerous area is also turning a darker brown now, almost like its bruised. About the size of a nickel or quarter. This is all new, as without the eggplant solution nothing was really happening. All in all, it seems to be working dispite the fact it looks worse. I'm supposed to have surgery on Moday....but I plan to cancel. I'll probably re-schedule as a backup plan, but I think I need to give this more time. The hardest part is the skeptics around you that SEE it getting worse looking. Most of the skeptics are the ones that think soda's, candy, and the Atkins diet (limited fruits and veggies) are heathy! For 3-4 weeks now i've been eating almost nothing but stuff with no nutrition label (i.e. fruits, veggies, water), and I must say that i have never felt better. I'm still convinced diet is a huge part of this.

For those that have had success, have you notice that the lesion heals from the outer perimiter in, inside out, or just all evenly at the same time?
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103 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2007 :  07:17:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lesions heal in many different ways no set way...Dont forget sunspot cream maybe with dmso in your bag of tricks...Sunspot cream is good good stuff,it will be the best 25 dollars you will ever spend...
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2007 :  00:38:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
fforest, it looks like in your latest edit that you now combine orange oil and ammonia. I assume you apply one and then the other rather than mix them beforehand, right? Also, everyone should realize that if ammonia gets into the eyes it can cause permanent damage. Also, ammonia comes in various strengths. Strong ammonia can cause severe skin burns. Household ammonia (3%) is not likely to cause skin burns, however. Always have rinsing water available for an eye wash if using ammonia topically.
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103 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2007 :  02:58:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes I should have said I used 3% ammonia..I mixed just a little in with the orange oil...It seems to work a lot better..The orange oil works fine alone but better with the ammonia in my opinion..Dan when you had said you had used ammonia I was afaid to try it,but after I did I was very very surprised at how nice it worked..I think I will change the edit back and put a foot note.....And good point about dangers of getting it in your eyes...

Edited by - fforest on 08/05/2007 03:17:07
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2007 :  01:01:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is an MSDS for Citrisolve orange oil. Orange oil should also be kept out of the eyes. It is interesting that its pH is 9.0 (somewhat alkaline). Combining orange oil with household ammonia (pH=11-12) makes it more alkaline. I think ammonia possibly promotes cancer cell apoptosis (programmed cell death, a good thing) based on recent studies of caffeine and exercise leading to less skin cancer. Exercise leads to higher ammonia levels in the body and caffeine inhibits its breakdown.

Just for completeness, an MSDS for vinegar is at 10% acetic acid vinegar has a pH of 2.2 (very acidic), more typical 5% apple cider vinegar has a pH of 2.9 . I wonder if adding ammonia to a vinegar (acid)-eggplant solution is a good idea. I would keep the orange oil-ammonia and vinegar-eggplant treatments separate and apply them on different days. But who knows, maybe a pH shock is more detrimental to cancer cells than normal cells.

Keep in mind that if a compound has a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) it does not imply that it is unsafe. MSDS's are available for almost any chemical and are simply a safe use and handling guide. MSDS sheets often contain valuable information not directly related to safety.

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La T

4 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2007 :  20:18:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My two cents: while I did use the kitchen sink approach (orange oil, aloe, coconut oil, HP-a little, pancreatin-maybe 3x, Colloidal Silver-had some already for eye problem, Cymillium-took so long to arrive used maybe 2 days, eggplant/vinegar) I feel the eggplant/vinegar mixture was the one that worked.

I used apple cider vinegar as it is a wonder healer for other holistic uses.

Also I did NOT refridgerate it (so used it about 6 days like that). I thought a slight fermentation would possibly increase it's potentcy and ability to penetrate. Also I slopped it on-not the dunk the cotton ball technique. Each time I removed the pulp the skin looked better, was whiter-even right off the bat-encouraging. Please see my other posts on 2 other threads on this forum along with a link to my very detailed blog:

I believe it is totally gone now. This forum has been invaluable. Thanks to all!
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611 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2007 :  14:06:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
La T, thanks for the great news! I recommend your blog to anyone considering trying this skin cancer home remedy.

Anyone else, we are always looking for more feedback even if it happens to be the same as comments already posted. The more feedback, the better information for others to consider. Thanks!
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1 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2007 :  15:37:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope I am doing this right. I have never written on a blog before. But I wanted to thank everyone and to tell everyone who is considering trying the eggplant mixture, TRY IT !!!!
I am a fair skinned redhead who has lived in the South all my life, and I have had skin problems about that long. I have had MOHs on a BCC on my nose, suffered through a complete Effudex tx on my face, hands and arms, and have tried Cansema Black Salve. The Effudex made me look and feel just like the gentleman who posted a photojournal link somewhere on this forum. It does a good job, but it's a lengthy process, painful, and leaves you looking like a "mess" for a long period of time (you do NOT want to be seen in public). And the worse part is....a lot of the places have returned, although they may be new spots, I don't know. I have tried spot treating with Effudex, and that doesn't work well. I thought the black salve was an answer to my prayers when I found it a few years ago. The problem with it was that it tends to be very selective about the places it would react to, and when it did react, it would quite often leave a scar. The front of my chest is peppered with small white scars where I have treated numerous places. But at the time, I felt the trade-off was worth it. Then I found this forum. I was intrigued by all the items and combination of things that everyone has tried, but the eggplant- vinegar mixture really caught my attention. With an eggplant and just enough vinegar to keep the blender blades from sticking, I made a mixture that looked a lot like homemade applesauce. Not knowing what the stuff would do, I decided to first try in on the back of my hands. The backs of my hands were the worse looking with flaking AK's and a few raised lumps which are probably BCC's. My hands have also been the most resistant to treatment with both the Effudex and the Cansema, so I figured if this stuff worked on my hands, it should work anywhere. What I did was spread on enough of the mixture to cover the back of each hand at night before I went to bed and just left it on all night. I tend to sleep on my back so I placed a towel under each hand so it wouldn't make such a mess. Obviously if you roll around in your sleep or have a bed partner, this wouldn't work so well for you. In the morning I find that the mixture has dried and you can peel it off like a facial mask. I am sure that the physical peeling off of the eggplant helps also to remove dead skin cells. I am happy to say that I am EXTREMELY pleased with the results. I have been doing this nightly for exactly 3 weeks now and my hands have never looked better. I was hoping the process would be faster and if I were applying the "sauce" throughout the day, it probably would be. But from day 1 my skin looked better and almost daily, the scaly areas are getting smaller. I just hope that it doesn't reach a point where there is no further improvement. Until then I will continue to use the eggplant sauce, and as soon as my hands have cleared, I am going to try it on my face. The challenge here will be to keep the stuff from running into the eyes. That would probably not feel too good.
For anyone who is considering doing this, PLEASE DO. What have you got to lose? And for those who have contributed your time to this forum to help others like me......THANK YOU !!!!!!!!
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35 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2007 :  21:29:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Don, perhaps a "sleep mask" would keep the mixture from running into your eyes. I'm sure you could find them on the Internet. I bought one eons ago from TravelSmith when I was flying between Atlanta & London. It does fit snugly, but doesn't bind and it is made of soft material so it won't leave marks on your face. I just don't know if they are still available. So glad this is working for you.
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pete francis

17 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2007 :  11:22:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fforest, A number of days have passed now since you have written about your eggplant treatment. Did it ever clear up the bcc's? If not all of them, did any of them go away completely?
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Posted - 09/09/2007 :  12:47:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Congratulations Forest!

Please keep us posted as to your ongoing treatment.

It is really exciting to think we may be on to an inexpensive treatment protocol that works 100% of the time.

I've mentioned it in the past and I reiterate that we are lay people that are not very scientific in our approach.

The "everything but the kitchen sink" approach is what seems to be getting the best results by most of us here.

I believe in my heart that the eggplant vinegar combo is the nuclear bomb.

The kitchen sink includes..

35% Hydrogen peroxide
Orange oil
Pancreatin enzymes
Vitamin C

Being as I have plenty to test on I am going to try strictly the eggplant/ vinegar combo on one very resistant area on my forehead. I will document and photograph and report back with results.

Edited by - anivoc on 02/09/2008 10:45:31
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2007 :  15:48:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Pete the only thing I have changed sense I wrote the above is adding Lamisil to the mix...
All the above treatments work and work well to clear up BBCs and just about every other skin condition..Before I took the Lamisil I was having bad skin eruptions every week and have had no new skin lesions in a month now...

I believe strongly now that there is a connection between skin cancer and fungus... The Lamisil works slowly from the inside to knock off the fungus... The sunspot,the orange oil,and eggplant work great to clean up all kinds of skin conditions on the out side..Hopefully Lamisil is the right thing for the inside..Which as of now it looks like it is...

Edited by - fforest on 09/09/2007 15:52:24
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7 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2007 :  02:02:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thank you for this wonderful site, i check it almost everyday for anything new. i went to wild oats today to look for organic eggplant with no luck. but they did have baby eggplant which had me wondering if baby eggplant would be better or worse than regular eggplant. i also am goin down to the garden center tommorrow to see if i can find an eggplant seedling, as i would like to grow my own eggplant with lots of good rich organic fertalizers and soil. any ideas out there as to which varieties might be best?
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611 Posts

Posted - 09/11/2007 :  01:46:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome rx7eddie! I would expect a distressed eggplant to have more of the active ingredients (glykoalkaloids) because they are believed to be used as a defense mechanism for fungus and possibly insects.

I would also like to point out that the glycoalkaloids in the eggplant and vinegar home remedy are apparently the same as the active ingredients in Curaderm, and in fact Curaderm is now derived from eggplants. The good news is that Curaderm claims to be 100% effective against basal and squamous cell carcinomas as well as AKs. Curaderm is also nearly ideal in terms of safety and cosmetic result. There is a lot of supporting scientific work in open literature performed by Bill Cham and colleagues as part of the Curaderm product research and development. See Based on the science, I think it is inexcusable that Curaderm is not considered a treatment option by most dermatologists.

There is a 1996 US patent on glykoalkaloids at by Bill Elliot Cham and Brian Daunter. (download the pdf) The patent is difficult to read like most patents but contains some very interesting information. For example, they evidently use DMSO as a carrier. Also, various sugars such as lactose (milk sugar) can deactivate the BEC. They also talk about the cellular mechanisms that the glycoalkaloids use to kill cancer cells. It looks like this BEC stuff can also be used as a contraceptive. Maybe you are aware that cancer cells act like trophoblasts cells in pregnancy, something John Beard noticed a hundred years ago.
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pete francis

17 Posts

Posted - 09/11/2007 :  12:37:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have been using curaderm on a bcc on my nose since 8/29. I will let you know how it works out. I think i see improvment but it is still early. Does anyone know FOR CERTAIN if the small very-white spots which appear are cancer cells? Thanks to all for taking the time to write of your efforts. I find it very helpful!
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7 Posts

Posted - 09/11/2007 :  13:13:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
interesting stuff here. im still tryin to figure out if eating nightshade veggies (eggplant, tomato, potatoes) to fight this from the inside is worth it. some websites warn of eating too many nightshades in fear of neurological damage, and arthritis problems.
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2007 :  21:25:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dan

The good news is that Curaderm claims to be 100% effective


Being as I have spent over $400 on Curaderm amd used it on BCC's in several areas I can, with experience unfortunately say their claim is false.
Yes it did cause a reaction but I could never completely kill the tumors.
In a 1 inch area one part would heal up, which is supposed to mean it is cleared and another one in that 1 inch area would pop up. That one would heal out and where the last one healed it would reopen. A constant bandage..ugh!

I called, they said I needed to reapply more often. I did and still the same never ending circle. I am having better luck using sunspot es mixed with some vitamin e cream and then applying in the same way as curaderm.
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79 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2007 :  23:45:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
has anyone tried just the eggplant/apple cider vinegar mix and did you get a good or bad result?
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Posted - 09/20/2007 :  15:23:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Maybe I missed it in all the posts, but I didn't catch whether or not you use the skin of the eggplant in the mix. Also, can someone tell me if the orange oil has a burning sensation. If so, how long after the application does it burn? Will applying aloe help aleviate the burning? I will be trying this on my cat's skin cancer....and needless to say....he won't be able to tell me how he's feeling! Would the raw apple cider vinegar work better in the eggplant mix? I know I'm asking lots of questions, but since I'll have to put one of those nasty cone collars on my cat, I want to try the most painfree and expeditious remedies possible.

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Posted - 09/21/2007 :  11:30:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SoFl

has anyone tried just the eggplant/apple cider vinegar mix and did you get a good or bad result?

I started using just th vinegar eggplant sauce this week on my face. Many AK's a few BCC's that I haven't been able to wipe out completely.

I wanted to give it solely a chance and see what it does without orange oil, or cymillium or anything else just the eggplant sauce. I purried it in my blender and I can rub it on and it pretty much just absorbs in on the AK areas. I put it on thicker on the BCC's and cover them with the 3m tape.. I'll report back in a few weeks on this procedure. Things are happening though the skin looks pretty good but that could just be the vinegar.
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Posted - 09/21/2007 :  23:47:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have had a small spot on my nose since May. It was found to be BCC last week. I checked the net for alternatives to surgery, which is being recommended and found this forum. I have not yet purchased orange oil, dmso or sunspot. I assume that would be Sunspot ES? I did get an organic eggplant. I had some apple cider vinegar so I blended the eggplant and added vinegar. I put some on right away. The first time I had a yellowish film over the spot. This spot is about one quarter of the size of a pencil eraser. Very small. Today is my third day. I guess the mixture is just getting to the stage that it is supposed to work best? However, I can see that for the first time in 4 months this spot looks to be healed over in just 3 days. It is red. I have only had vaseline and a bandaid to cover it between applications. After reading the speculations that cancer may be caused by candida, I used some ketaconazole ointment today. The dermatologist had given this anti-fungal to me for seborrhea (sp?). I figured it couldn't hurt. I am curious to know when to expect the redness to go away and how long I can use the original mixture of eggplant and vinegar. How often should I make a new mixture. Anything with vinegar should last, but does the chemical structure deteriorate? Thank you, Gayle
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Posted - 09/22/2007 :  10:13:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by maugen

I am curious to know when to expect the redness to go away and how long I can use the original mixture of eggplant and vinegar. How often should I make a new mixture. Anything with vinegar should last, but does the chemical structure deteriorate? Thank you, Gayle

Hi Gayle

Not sure on the shelf life but agree it is probably a long time with the vinegar. As far as how long to apply before the cancer is killed, this is all new but I would assume until it isn't red anymore. I am treating several ak's and a couple Bcc's on my face right now. In the original post the recipe is using just the resulting vinegar juice. I am using the eggplant puree that was made by soaking in vinegar for several days and then pureed in a blender.

Good luck!
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79 Posts

Posted - 09/22/2007 :  16:45:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
ok I'm experimenting with the eggplant vinegar so I'll post my results here. I took an organic eggplant, and cut it up with the skin on, then I smashed in into a blender so the blender was full of eggplant and added only enough apple cider vinegar to get it to mix(about six oz vinegar and a large eggplant).

The result was a thick brown paste which I am keeping in the refrigerator. When I want to use some, I put a little in a cup and let it sit out to evaporate even more so it's like a thick goopy paste. I figured that since the active ingredient is supposed to dissolve in vinegar, if you let some of the moisture evaporate the mixture will be more concentrated.

My first report after only a couple days is that I'm surprised how refreshing it is. It doesn't burn or sting and it actually really feels good. I'm expanding my use to more areas because I like the way it feels so much. I just put it on top of an area I'm almost done treating with efudex and it stung for a minute and then it soothed the itchy pain completely. Even if it ends up not being a cancer cure all, it seems to reduce inflammation and pain for me at least.

I applied some of the paste to a raised scaly area (like an AK or something) about 1cm that has been on my lower leg for a while and was on my list to get looked at...after leaving the paste on for 24 hours, the paste dried up. I just peeled off the dried up paste and was amazed that the spot is now barely noticeable. It is DEFINITELY far less noticable by sight or especially by feel. At this rate it will be history in a couple of days but I won't jump to conclusions yet. I reapplied paste and will peel this off in another 24 hours.

I'll report back in this thread with positive or negative results...but it's passed my first several's cheap, easy and it doesn't hurt and it works not by making it get worse (like efudex) but by making it get better straight away.

Time will tell but thanks for the idea !
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79 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2007 :  12:04:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My Eggplant update.

I've been using the eggplant/vinegar for about a week now. A couple of very small (1-2mm) lesions (I would guess ak or scc in situ) have completely disappeared with the eggplant mix as the only treatment.
I can't say for sure if they would have disappeared on their own or not because my history is that some small lesions clear themselves, or at least appear to before they come back again.

I am using it on other larger areas and although subjectively I'd say they look better, they have not cleared. I used it on my entire back a few times and it felt burning or itching and no after effects. My back has a lot of atypical moles.

I had to take a few rest days on my lip because it was starting to do what efudex does...eating up the ak area but overall so far I am optimistic on the lip. Overall it looks and feels better and I liked how it was working. A few times I spiked the eggplant on the lip with
caffeine and chaga and mesima mushroom, which are both known to fight cancer. Supposedly in the old days chaga cured some king of lip cancer.

I bought some organic orange oil at Whole Foods and used it on two areas yesterday for a rest day with the eggplant. There was no significant burning or stinging but the Orange oil is a very lightweight oil and seemed to penetrate this one I got smells you rubbed an orange all over you.

Today when I applied my mix it stung which is a first. so, this was either due to the orange oil rest day yesterday, or due to the fact that the mix I'm using today is a week old and has been at room temperature for 36 hours or so. It definitely seemed to penetrate more and sting more. Whether that's good or bad, I can't say.

I know none of this is very scientific, but I guess maybe a consensus can evolve if everyone trying it posts.

Next week I go to see the derm so we'll see what he wants to slash and burn. I have a residual thing on my ear from a spot biopsied as "pre-cancer" and he froze it after the biopsy but it doesn't look like he cured it. I have been using the eggplant on that and so far no change to it's appearance. If he doesn't want to do anything on that I'm going to give Sunspot ES a try there.

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668 Posts

Posted - 09/28/2007 :  22:30:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have to say I am of the same consensus. As mentioned I decided to try just eggplant and vinegar to try and identify if this alone will eradicate ak's and bcc's. Same as SoFl the many AK's on my face seem to be shrinking getting better. I am still leary as I was using strictly vinegar several months ago and it too semi-cleared them up ..however this is different. They really do seem to be "melting" as it is described in one story about Dr. Cham's Curaderm.

On another note I have one of the nastiest BCC's I have ever had on the top of my head. @ 1" diameter and @ 1/4' tall..yuck! It has been there for a few years and I have tried a lot of things other than bloodroot on it to no avail including curaderm. To Curaderms defense I would not shave the area and cover it with a bandage. I just applied Curaderm everyday to the lesion. IT would irritate it butr couldn't knock it out.

enter eggplant vinegar... wow and ow! Originally I started with Sunspot mixed with vitamin e cream. It definitely started a reaction. Once I finnaly made my concoction of eggplant vinegar puree "EV" ad started applying it things have been getting painfully better. This thing is definitely shrinking and it is basically an open sore. I have made a special blend of EV with the puree, vitamin e oil ( thick stuff) and a small amount of dmso to carry the equivelent of BEC5 ( the active ingredient in eggplant named and patented by Dr. Cham to the lesion.

The thing is ugly but it appears to be getting flatter and smaller. I will start making a photo journal of this starting Tomorrow. I am hoping we are finally there.

I'll keep posting weekly as often as I can with updates.

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79 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  11:09:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anivoc

I have to say I am of the same consensus. As mentioned I decided to try just eggplant and vinegar to try and identify if this alone will eradicate ak's and bcc's. Same as SoFl the many AK's on my face seem to be shrinking getting better. I am still leary as I was using strictly vinegar several months ago and it too semi-cleared them up ..however this is different. They really do seem to be "melting" as it is described in one story about Dr. Cham's Curaderm.

On another note I have one of the nastiest BCC's I have ever had on the top of my head. @ 1" diameter and @ 1/4' tall..yuck! It has been there for a few years and I have tried a lot of things other than bloodroot on it to no avail including curaderm. To Curaderms defense I would not shave the area and cover it with a bandage. I just applied Curaderm everyday to the lesion. IT would irritate it butr couldn't knock it out.

enter eggplant vinegar... wow and ow! Originally I started with Sunspot mixed with vitamin e cream. It definitely started a reaction. Once I finnaly made my concoction of eggplant vinegar puree "EV" ad started applying it things have been getting painfully better. This thing is definitely shrinking and it is basically an open sore. I have made a special blend of EV with the puree, vitamin e oil ( thick stuff) and a small amount of dmso to carry the equivelent of BEC5 ( the active ingredient in eggplant named and patented by Dr. Cham to the lesion.

The thing is ugly but it appears to be getting flatter and smaller. I will start making a photo journal of this starting Tomorrow. I am hoping we are finally there.

I'll keep posting weekly as often as I can with updates.


Hi Tom.

I am starting to believe from experimentation that the mix gets more potent after time. The strongest action I've felt yet (testing on both new and previously treated spots) is with a week old mix (referigerated) that has now been setting out at room temperature for three days (covered). So maybe you or someone else can conduct your own experiments along those lines.

I think it's somehow a matter of getting the active ingredient out of the eggplant and in the active form. I've also decided to try next a banged up nasty looking organic eggplant on the idea that it may have had a rougher eggplant life and thus contain more of the active ingredient.

I am also coming to believe that spiking the mix with powdered caffeine enhances it's action. I'm doing some tests on that idea too.

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668 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  18:31:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well today I am feeling like maybe just the Eggplant vinegar "EV" mixture alone is not going to pull this off.

My concern is that a major BCC on the top of my head, there is an ulceration that is now healing but it is with a lump which in all my previous experiences means the BCC is still alive and well. :(

I'm going to stick with just EV and DMSO for a few more days but might start adding orange oil to it if it continues to look like it does now.

The combo may be the way ..It would be nice to know that one unique ingredient is the magic bullet but maybe that is just not the case.

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668 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  18:47:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fforest Citri-solv

Started looking into Orange oil just now and looked up Citri-solve and ingredients in the msds

Though it is less than 1/4 of a percent in the ingredient citri-solv does contain Butylated Hydroxyanisole which is a carcinogen. Wonder if there is orange oil out there that is just D-limonene?

Edited by - anivoc on 09/29/2007 18:48:10
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103 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  19:42:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If any one knows of a 100% pure source for D-limonene please post..The citri-solv was the purest orange oil I could find at a store near me...

Butylated Hydroxyanisole cant be all bad if they put it in food..It sound like reading this that it has good things and bad things about it...

Edited by - fforest on 09/30/2007 02:37:16
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6 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  21:04:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When first reading about using orange oil on this forum, and prior to seeing the photo of citra-solv, I automatically assumed the essential oils that you purchase at the healthfood stores is what was being suggested to use. I was under the impression that these essential oils are pure concentrated oils.
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6 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  22:01:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to share my experience with the eggplant/vinegar applications.
I started with the mixture of whole eggplant (organic) pureed and covered with organic apple cider vinegar. This had an applesauce-like consistancy. Somehow I missed the point of letting it sit for 3 days in the refigerator and put it on immediately. I posted above how it seemed to cover with a yellowish film the first day and within 3 days seemed to be nearly healed.
In the meantime, I had read how the original method was to cut up eggplant, large pieces, cover it with vinegar, let it sit refrigerated for 3 days and then use the vinegar solution produced. So, day four, that is what I used. It seemed to make the cancer spot look even better. I was very impressed. It was now reddish, but appeared to be healed over. The surrounding skin on my nose looked really good.
The next day, I put the vinegar solution on with a small gauze piece and covered it with tape. This is the same way I had done it the day before.
Up to this point all applications had felt very soothing.
Well, this day two of vinegar solution began to burn everywhere on my nose, good tissue mostly. I kept it on for a couple of hours. (The day before it had been on several hours.) I couldn't take it much longer, so I washed it off. My nose was blistered and burned pretty badly. I put vasoline on it and have kept it covered for 3 days, washing it and putting new vasoline and a bandage on twice a day. Today, the good skin looks fantastic and the cancer looks better than ever. Seems healed over to me. I do want to continue to put it on for two weeks, but I am not sure what may have caused the excoriation.
The second batch, the one that burned me, I had put into a canning jar. The canning jar has a seal that keeps it pretty air-tight. I wondered if this may have been a bad idea. I wanted to use glass and this was the only one I had large enough to put a whole eggplant into. The jars that I had put the first mixture into, the applesauce-like mixture, were not air-tight.
Could that have been the difference? Could the mixture have fermented too much in an anaerobic environment? I am a little concerned about what to use now. I don't think I will using a canning jar again. I plan to go back to my first method.
Fortunately, the outcome was good, but I really do not want to burn again. Maybe I have found a new way to do derm-abrasion, though ;).
I have only used eggplant/vinegar and vasoline with a bandaid when out and bedtime so far, and I am very impressed with what looks like a complete healing. I am not very experienced, having only one BCC in the past; 15 years ago. I will reserve my final declaration of a complete healing for now, even though it looks that way to me. I have a post-biopsy, pre-surgery appointment next week. I will see what the dermatologist thinks.


Edited by - anivoc on 09/29/2007 22:55:05
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2007 :  22:56:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I kind of doubt there is any difference in the 2 mixes. I think ( and this is just my thoughts) that vinegar is an acid just like the chemicals they use to do a dermabraision so yes the more you do it and the longer it is exposed the more apt to burn the skin. The first few days you were wearing it down and when you used the new batch it was just to a point that it blistered. That's my thinking on it. I'm not a chemist but it just doesn't make sense that the better seal would make a difference.

It is interesting about the gauze and the long time soaking of the lesion. Maybe that is where I'm going wrong. The problem is that my BCC is on the top of my head so I will need to shave that area to cover it and tape it. I'm not too keen on that. Reality is if I have to go to the Doc for this that's what he's going to do anyway. I'm in sales and a bit self conscience about doing that but it may be time to bite the bullet and just do it.

Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope the results with the derm come out well.. Do let us know.



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19 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  00:55:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Forgive me, I'm new to the forum. I posted another thread asking for suggestions for treating actinic cheilitis. My lips are peeling constantly, often raw once scabs/skin comes off and very painful. It really sounds like the vinegar is going to BURN badly. Am I right??

Also - where do I get Orange Oil???
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50 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  07:55:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mandi, I used NOW Foods organic orange oil. It is probably available in health food stores, but I bought mine on-line from iHerb at Just search on orange oil. I got the 4-ounce size for $4.69 plus shipping. NOTE: Orange oil burns too, especially on the face.
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77 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  10:48:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by fforest

If any one knows of a 100% pure source for D-limonene please post..The citri-solv was the purest orange oil I could find at a store near me...

Butylated Hydroxyanisole cant be all bad if they put it in food..It sound like reading this that it has good things and bad things about it...

fforest or anyone else,
The bottle of CirtiSolv that I have lists only D-limonene and "biodegradable cleaning agents (derived from coconut)" as ingredients. Would the biodegradable cleaning agents be the BHA?

Also, the bottle that I have is different than the one that you posted the picture of. I bought it at Whole Foods as well. It may be just a different label, or maybe it is different altogether?
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668 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  11:00:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Martha1

Mandi, I used NOW Foods organic orange oil. It is probably available in health food stores, but I bought mine on-line from iHerb at Just search on orange oil. I got the 4-ounce size for $4.69 plus shipping. NOTE: Orange oil burns too, especially on the face.

I went to the local health food store in my towm and I am pretty sure this is what they had. When I read the ingredients ( very fine print ) it said it was orange oil mixed with other natural oils. I'm looking for 100% d-limonene (Orange oil extract)

Mandi can you take a look at what your label says and report back?


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6 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  13:28:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Forgive me, I'm new to the forum. I posted another thread asking for suggestions for treating actinic cheilitis. My lips are peeling constantly, often raw once scabs/skin comes off and very painful. It really sounds like the vinegar is going to BURN badly. Am I right??

Also - where do I get Orange Oil???


I am not sure about actinic cheilitis. The eggplant and vinegar mixture did not burn and was very soothing for the first 4 days that I used it for my basal cell cancer spot on my nose. I had an open wound there also from where the dermatologist had done a biopsy. I was only leaving the mixture on for about an hour at a time and it appeared to be healing my spot completely. I had burning only after I made the mixture a different way and left it on most of the day for two days. Even with that, everything healed in three days and looks wonderful. I am not recommending that, though.

I know you can buy pure orange oil at most of my healthfood stores. It is with all of the other essential oils. I am not sure that is what is being recommended and I have not tried it. I understand what has been used does burn.

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6 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  13:37:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
[quote]Originally posted by anivoc


I kind of doubt there is any difference in the 2 mixes. I think ( and this is just my thoughts) that vinegar is an acid just like the chemicals they use to do a dermabraision so yes the more you do it and the longer it is exposed the more apt to burn the skin. The first few days you were wearing it down and when you used the new batch it was just to a point that it blistered. That's my thinking on it. I'm not a chemist but it just doesn't make sense that the better seal would make a difference.

It is interesting about the gauze and the long time soaking of the lesion. Maybe that is where I'm going wrong. The problem is that my BCC is on the top of my head so I will need to shave that area to cover it and tape it.


One thing that makes me think it was different was that it had a sort of "sudsy" consistancy and the first one didn't. Maybe I had just left it on too long?

Could you part your hair at the spot and put a soaked cottonball or gauze there and not shave the hair? Keep it on when you are home for however long you determine? You could tape the gauze/cottonball down. Of course, it would be taped to hair and you may have to hold pretty still. You could do it longer on the weekends or more times on the weekends?


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79 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  13:39:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandi

Forgive me, I'm new to the forum. I posted another thread asking for suggestions for treating actinic cheilitis. My lips are peeling constantly, often raw once scabs/skin comes off and very painful. It really sounds like the vinegar is going to BURN badly. Am I right??

Also - where do I get Orange Oil???

Hi Mandi. I have a similar thing on my lower lip. About 10 years ago I also had an scc in situ removed surgically from that area.

I have been using the eggplant/vinegar mixture on my lower lip and it doesn't burn. It actually feels soothing. I don't get scabs situation isn't that bad.

Once the mixture sits for a few days, the vinegar seems to get less acidic. It actually gets a little sticky/sugary and I think that has something to do with the plant sugars in the eggplant that have the active ingredient in it.

If you do get scabs, you might want to have it checked out by a dermatologist (biopsy) because ak can morph into scc and on the lip that can be serious. That's what happened to me. It has a greater rate of metastasis on the lip. That's what I was told by the derms anyway.
The standard treatment for it is efudex which burns like a mother on your lip and after a few weeks your lip looks like it had battery acid poured on it. You have to repeat the treatment every few years. I've done it 4 times now. I'm looking for something better.

I bought some stuff at whole foods in the womens aromatherapy section by the vitamins called Aura Cacia Organics Sweet Orange Certified Organic essential oil. I believe it is pure orange oil. It definitely smells and feels like pure orange oil. It is an extremely lightweight volatile oil. The bottle is small. .33 fl oz.
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79 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  13:43:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by maugen

[quote]Originally posted by anivoc


I kind of doubt there is any difference in the 2 mixes. I think ( and this is just my thoughts) that vinegar is an acid just like the chemicals they use to do a dermabraision so yes the more you do it and the longer it is exposed the more apt to burn the skin. The first few days you were wearing it down and when you used the new batch it was just to a point that it blistered. That's my thinking on it. I'm not a chemist but it just doesn't make sense that the better seal would make a difference.

It is interesting about the gauze and the long time soaking of the lesion. Maybe that is where I'm going wrong. The problem is that my BCC is on the top of my head so I will need to shave that area to cover it and tape it.


One thing that makes me think it was different was that it had a sort of "sudsy" consistancy and the first one didn't. Maybe I had just left it on too long?

Could you part your hair at the spot and put a soaked cottonball or gauze there and not shave the hair? Keep it on when you are home for however long you determine? You could tape the gauze/cottonball down. Of course, it would be taped to hair and you may have to hold pretty still. You could do it longer on the weekends or more times on the weekends?


based on my experience so far with the EP mixture, I agree that the longer you use it, the more likely it is to burn for the reason you state...the acetic acid in the mix sort of works like a slow chemical skin peel.

I also believe however that the mix is more prone to stinging after it has been mixed up and left out at room temperature for a few days. I don't have any theory as to why that is.
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19 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  14:33:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SoFl

Originally posted by Mandi

Forgive me, I'm new to the forum. I posted another thread asking for suggestions for treating actinic cheilitis. My lips are peeling constantly, often raw once scabs/skin comes off and very painful. It really sounds like the vinegar is going to BURN badly. Am I right??

Also - where do I get Orange Oil???

Hi Mandi. I have a similar thing on my lower lip. About 10 years ago I also had an scc in situ removed surgically from that area.

I have been using the eggplant/vinegar mixture on my lower lip and it doesn't burn. It actually feels soothing. I don't get scabs situation isn't that bad.

Once the mixture sits for a few days, the vinegar seems to get less acidic. It actually gets a little sticky/sugary and I think that has something to do with the plant sugars in the eggplant that have the active ingredient in it.

If you do get scabs, you might want to have it checked out by a dermatologist (biopsy) because ak can morph into scc and on the lip that can be serious. That's what happened to me. It has a greater rate of metastasis on the lip. That's what I was told by the derms anyway.
The standard treatment for it is efudex which burns like a mother on your lip and after a few weeks your lip looks like it had battery acid poured on it. You have to repeat the treatment every few years. I've done it 4 times now. I'm looking for something better.

I bought some stuff at whole foods in the womens aromatherapy section by the vitamins called Aura Cacia Organics Sweet Orange Certified Organic essential oil. I believe it is pure orange oil. It definitely smells and feels like pure orange oil. It is an extremely lightweight volatile oil. The bottle is small. .33 fl oz.

Thanks for the info. I bought some eggplant today and I am going to start ASAP. I REALLY hope it works as I am a nurse and I was REALLY dreading the efudex treatment (can't take off work during treatment time and I don't want to look awful at work during that period). I'm at my wits end. My lip is constantly swollen, peeling or raw and very painful. I think I should get a biopsy, but I will do that if this doesn't work. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
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19 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  14:46:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also either over looked it or it wasn't mentioned...since I cannot bandage my entire lip, how long should I leave the mixture on and how often should I treat it?
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50 Posts

Posted - 09/30/2007 :  16:43:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by anivoc

Originally posted by Martha1

Mandi, I used NOW Foods organic orange oil. It is probably available in health food stores, but I bought mine on-line from iHerb at Just search on orange oil. I got the 4-ounce size for $4.69 plus shipping. NOTE: Orange oil burns too, especially on the face.

I went to the local health food store in my towm and I am pretty sure this is what they had. When I read the ingredients ( very fine print ) it said it was orange oil mixed with other natural oils. I'm looking for 100% d-limonene (Orange oil extract)

Mandi can you take a look at what your label says and report back?



Tom, it was I who wrote about using NOW orange oil. I'm looking at the bottle now, and it says "100% Pure & Natural Orange Oil." I don't see any other mention of ingredients. In the directions, it says it is for use in aromatherapy only, and if used for other purposes, it should be diluted with a carrier oil.
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19 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2007 :  10:18:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I did three seperate treatments yesterday for about 20 min each time (bandaging lips is complicated and somewhat messy). The definitely changed colors, especially where the worse areas are. There was some burning during and after treatment. I will get some aloe. They looked worse than normal this morning. I don't know if that is to be expected.
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79 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2007 :  11:07:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandi

I did three seperate treatments yesterday for about 20 min each time (bandaging lips is complicated and somewhat messy). The definitely changed colors, especially where the worse areas are. There was some burning during and after treatment. I will get some aloe. They looked worse than normal this morning. I don't know if that is to be expected.

I used the mix several times a day for a week on my lower lip. It felt better but it did seem to be eating on the ak areas over I'm taking a few days off before I go back on. The key for me is that I'm looking for a treatment that will make it better without getting worse first. So I'm going to try a longer term less frequent use approach with the EP mix on the lip. The lip is more sensitive than other areas. I've been using it daily on my hand which has some suspicious spots and it's just about completely cleaned up without "looking worse" or feeling worse first. I believe there is something to this treatment but I think there are a lot of unknowns in terms of what's the best way to to make the mix best..etc.

I'm also going to talk to my derm about a new product called solaraze
(Diclofenac Sodium 3%) made by a company in Canada this week. It's supposed to work by being an anti inflammatory agent and is approved for use on AK. It says it's "well tolerated" whatever that really means.
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Posted - 10/01/2007 :  14:28:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I guess I need to take some pictures so you guys can see what I am dealing with. Besides, hopefully, I can use them later to show SUCCESS with the treatment.
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611 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2007 :  21:52:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There have been concerns in this thread regarding orange oil products. I have used three orange oil products: Ecover (now discontinued), Orange TKO, and NOW essential orange oil. The Ecover and Orange TKO products were definitely more concentrated than the NOW product. I have not used Citrisolve because I was also worried about the ingredient list.

11.9 KB
I think the Orange TKO product is a good choice. Shown is a small spray bottle that can be handy for areas other than the face.

This is part of the FAQ section at

"Q: Is TKO safe to use around food?
A: Yes. Orange TKO is non-toxic. In fact, you will find our Agriculture Number on the label, which means that TKO is approved by Agriculture Canada for use in registered food establishments.

Q: What exactly is Orange TKO? Tell me how it is made.
A: Orange TKO is an emulsifier made from the peel of the orange. D'limonene is the active ingredient that gives citrus cleaners the punch. Through a double distillation process, d'limonene is separated from the orange oil, removing the acidity, leaving Orange TKO with a neutral pH. This double distillation process preserves the organic integrity of Orange TKO. Orange TKO is not corrosive, and leaves no residue. Two environmentally friendly (EPA approved) surfactants are added to allow d'limonene to blend with water. Surfactants are also wetting agents, which gives TKO more cleaning strength.

Q: If there are no synthetic chemicals in TKO, what IS in it?
A: Orange TKO contains d'limonene, surfactants, and oxygen has been added. There are no petroleum distillates or other synthetic chemicals. It is 100% natural."

The same company also has a MSDS (material safety data sheet) at

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668 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2007 :  22:19:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well I went to the spice section of the local grocery store. Schilling makes an orange oil extract. Obviously it is for human consumption so I would hope it is safe. It does have alcohol and water in it. It was $5 and I have tried it today. Smells good, stung a bit (Alcohol?).. we'll see.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2007 :  22:27:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Orange Oil Overdose!

Wow! I wouldn't have thought it could happen.

I got my Schilling Orange oil extract and with a q-tip spread it all over my face where I have AKs and BCC's. It burned a bit and all the effected areas lit up red. Didn't think much about it, it usually takes an hour or so for things to subside...uh uh

It got worse and my whole face swelled up.. not Quasimodo style but definitely noticeable.

It took about 4 days for the swelling and redness to go down. Much of my cheek skin looked similar to an orange peel in texture.

Powerful stuff.. Now I am using the orange oil specifically on real problem spots and letting it sink in for a few minutes before I put on skin cream..

Still working on the nasty on top of my head ..maybe making progress but if I am it is Sloooooow.

I clean it each morning and apply a E/V sauce mixed with orange oil dmso and vitamin e cream. Then cover it up with my hair. In the evening I soak it with eggplant vinegar and then smear a dollop of e/v sauce on it for the night. It dries up overnight and keeps the ulcers from bleeding on my pillow case..( I know gross )

It might just be a sad case of high hopes but I think it is getting smaller, albeit sloooooowly. I'll keep posting till I either win or give up on this method.
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50 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2007 :  22:59:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Anivoc, I also found that orange oil stings when applied to the face. Once I applied the NOW organic orange oil with a Q-tip all over my nose and surrounding area - cheeks, forehead, and upper lip - and it stung all over, even on skin that looked completely healthy. I assume that means the skin of the face is especially sensitive and vulnerable. Maybe that's why so many of us have gotten skin cancer or pre-cancer on the face. I don't usually bother with sun block, but I am wondering if it makes sense to use it on the face, even if one doesn't use it on the rest of the body.
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1 Posts

Posted - 10/15/2007 :  21:50:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First I want to say Hi! I am new here but not new to what you are all doing. I actually came here while doing research for my natural cures book -- and I want to thank you all for sharing your experiences.

I had a couple of comments after reading your posts that I wanted to share. Actually this will sounds somewhat contradictory but I think you will get it. First if you want to put the mixture of EV on your face without it getting in your eyes -- use vaseline around your eye area to create a barrier - the mixture will not pass through the vaseling but will ride around it.
Second don't use vaseline - not on skin you want to heal -- after a burning or stinging sensation. Vaseline is a petrochemical -- use ALOE it is natural and will heal while it soothes your skin.
I am anxiously awaiting further comments from all of you on your successes with your own natural cures!
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1 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2007 :  06:49:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Regarding the glycoalkaloid in eggplant and others; ie devil apple here in australia. The active compounds are solosanine and solamargine and SOLBEC Pharmaceuticals call this compound coramsine and it is active against most types of agressive cancers. However, be careful when mixing eggplant extract with oils as if a reaction takes place it binds irreversible the active compounds and neutralises their effect and you cannot even separate them in a HPLC. These active ingredients work best in a water based compounds. From memory there is a method of extracting these active compounds with a vinegar process, which I saw on a science paper when perusing medline etc, or conversely alcohol or methanol. I work as a scientist and have followed the development of these drugs for many years. They hold great promise. Farmers here have used the devil apple extract for generations to get rid of suncancers etc.
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668 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2007 :  11:45:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome Rusty,

Thanks for the info! Probably one of the biggest problems with what we are doing here is the stab in the dark, no standards experimenting we are doing. Your input, thoughts and suggestions are encouraged and could help a lot of people so please feel free to jump in and share.

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18 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2007 :  15:19:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been reading all the postings with much interest. I haven't seen anybody checking in for about a month now, and I'm wondering how the eggplant treatment has worked for all of you.
I have a question: would freezing the eggplant mixture be detrimental to its potency? I made up a batch (blended) and there's so much of it I wonder if it will go bad in the refrigerator before I use it up. My BCC is only the size of a pea. This site has been VERY HELPFUL. Thank you so much for all your inputs.
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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.