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 iodine therapy by Dr. Tullio Simoncini
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41 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2011 :  10:17:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I wanted to respond to the recent posts so the full benefit of the iodine treatments are manifested. First, it's crucial that people continue the iodine applications for 2 - 3 weeks AFTER THE LESION IS FULLY HEALED. You should see a smooth skin surface free of any blemishes while you continue to treat it. I understand it's laborious and I also know it's not Dr. Simoncini's recommendation, but I can tell you from personal experience that if you stop treatments before this, you'll see recurrence with new lesions. My personal theory is that Candida is difficult to eradicate and actually lives in colonies surrounding the primary lesion (Ground ero). If they're not completely killed, they'll multiply and attack again. That's why I recommended in previous posts that you brace yourself for the long-haul and nuke them. From personal experience, it's very discouraging to re-visit the iodine therapy after you thought the problem was behind you. I had to do that and made sure the second time that all was gone. It's now been several months and my skin is perfectly clear.

Next I want to re-emphasize that although Dr. Simoncini recommends using iodine with alcohol (tincture), I would avoid doing that unless you really love intense pain. When you use Lugols 5% solution, you're able to more liberally and more frequently apply it which means you'll be more likely to continue treatments for a longer term. That's crucial. If you start and stop, the Candida re-groups and you'll be in a worse condition emotionally plus not see the anticipated goal. So please take my advice and use Lugols, apply it liberally and frequently. I posted my personal application protocol in detail on this blog in case you wish to follow my treatment which worked perfectly.

Just here to help people avoid disappointing results or unnecessary pain.

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8 Posts

Posted - 05/03/2011 :  10:26:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
After posting the above, I read back thru this thread and found my answers. I will continue to paint the iodine until the core is gone and thereafter, for a while, as well.
As I said before, I do believe cancer is a fungus. All the remedies you see being used are anti-fungal. Baking soda, iodine, tea tree oil, garlic...all antifungals.
It seems the key is to kill it before it has time to adapt to the treatment and make sure you leave no cells to rear their ungly heads later.

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24 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2011 :  23:19:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Bought the Lugol's 5% Iodine and started putting it on my husband's ear where a cancer lesion has appeared. First put on one of the cancer creams I can't remember the name of and then I started putting the Iodine on. It has made the leasion worse..appears to be not healing so I have stopped the Iodine. A bit worried about this. Maybe I should have just left it after my husabnd put the cream on. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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21 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2011 :  07:20:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chuck


I wanted to respond to the recent posts so the full benefit of the iodine treatments are manifested. First, it's crucial that people continue the iodine applications for 2 - 3 weeks AFTER THE LESION IS FULLY HEALED.

I'm subscribed to this thread, so I get an email every time someone posts to it. I did a successful iodine treatment a year ago, but since I'm not currently treating myself, I usually just delete the emails. However, I have an undiagnosed growth on the back of my neck that I'm planning to treat this summer, and I think it was Providential I decided to look at the posts today. Your caution about the duration of the treatment will mean a change in what I do, and hopefully, the success I realize.

Thank you for posting when you did. Also thanks for reminding us about the greater comfort of Lugol's, since I have both solutions on hand.


Edited by - LaneLester on 05/06/2011 07:22:16
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41 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2011 :  09:14:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lane,

It's been awhile since we've communicated (almost a year). It's great to hear from you!

BTW, did you hear the Japanese government passed out iodine tablets to everyone living near the nuclear disaster? They obviously learned something about iodine from Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Take care and thank you for sharing your experience.

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8 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2011 :  10:31:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
grabec, I've read that it gets worse before it gets better and the initial angry reaction you see is normal.
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21 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2011 :  08:54:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chuck

Hi Lane,

It's been awhile since we've communicated (almost a year). It's great to hear from you!

Well, here goes with my second use of this technique. I reported on the successful first usage in an earlier post in this thread.

This time will be more challenging, because the bump is much larger than the first one, which was diagnosed as a basal cell carcinoma. This bump is undiagnosed because of the cost of examination and biopsy. It has been slowly growing for over a year, and I've not treated it before because it's located where my shirt collars come in contact. I was hoping to treat it this summer and just wear T-shirts, but my employment situation changed to where that's not possible. So I guess I'll use some kind of bandage to protect my shirts.

The bump is a little over 1/2" long in the longest dimension and is quite rounded above the surface of the skin around it. I'll report on progress as it occurs.


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41 Posts

Posted - 05/19/2011 :  10:28:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lane,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It will be interesting to track your progress. If I may be so bold, any bandage you apply should be very loose-fitting. As a veteran of this treatment, I'm sure that was your plan since allowing maximum air-circulation is crucial.

Mine was on my cheek so when I went out, I'd but on a very large band-aid and make sure the cotton pad wasn't lying next to the bcc. I used the band-aid simply as a visual shield. I pulled it off as soon as I was back home. Even that small amount of coverage time noticeably affected the healing rate, but it was during the holidays so I had no choice (just like your situation).

Lane, I know you'll be successful and wish you the very best!

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5 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2011 :  23:44:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Thank you for this most informative thread. Thought I'd share my story and also seeking further support and advice towards a full recovery. I apologise in advance if this is too graphic for some.......
I have a nodular basal cell ca. (NBCC) on my face, which first evolved about 3 to 4 years ago. I have been plauged with white heads which appear from time to time and I simply revmove same with a sharp needle. This BCC appeared to present the same way as a - tiny but firm round lump under the skin, only every time I tried to excise it, it simply became bigger. It was visually diagnosed by two doctors - one was a General Practitioner and the other is a high profile Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon who happened to be presenting at a conference I was attending. He said he'd bet his bank balance on it and that I needed to "have it seen to asap"
The NBCC was a raised circle of about 4mm diam x 2mm high and is sited 1/2 way between the left side of my lower nose and left lip corner - so it is highly visible. I chose not to seek surgery as given it's site, I would be left extremely disfigured if anything went wrong.

Before reading about Dr. Simoncini and stumbling across this site, I started to "burn" it off with an across the counter treatment. 2 weeks in and this eventually left a raised doughnut area with a raw middle surface. The raw surface never had any bleeding and was rather blanched in appearance. After reading from Dr. S. I purchased the 7% Iodine from a compouding pharmacy and launched into painting the area with a cotton tip which stained a dark brown. The iodine did initially give a strong burning sensation.
A couple of days later is when I think I found this site, so decided to follow instructions re: covering a wider area with the iodine. I painted an extra 2cms around the NBCC but ended up with a burn that was very sore - the skin went quite red and eventually peeled, so didn't revisit that idea.
The lesion has had a couple of scabs which have come away, and I now have an almost skin level "donut" shape remaining - still with a small raw middle "bowl shape" spot - but much smaller that before. When I apply the iodine now, I barely feel a tingle.

Is the "donut" of raised skin normal? Do others get this?
Do you think it will eventually heal and scar with this shape?
Should I keep going with the iodine?
Do you think it will scab again as I don't experience burning since the last scab came off?

I appreciate anything anyone has to share to help here. I have taken some photos and will see if I can load them. I don't have any of the lesion at it's worst during treatment, but you'll get the gist.

Thanks to everyone for sharing.
Rosebud, Melbourne. Australia.
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41 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2011 :  01:50:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

First, thank you for sharing your situation and in such detail. People following this blog are used to the graphic reality of BCC's.

I'm not sure what the difference is between a "nodule"BCC and just a common BCC so my advice may not be 100% since I've not dealt with that distinction. So I invite anyone that's knowledgeable to join in on this discussion.

Lastly, it's been mention about the better qualities of Lugols iodine and I listed some specific treatment details in case you experience pain. So please look for those if that need arises.

In response to your specific questions, but with the mutual understanding that it's difficult to truly assess things without more details, here's my thoughts to your questions:

QUESTION: Is the "donut" of raised skin normal? Do others get this?

ANSWER: Yes, the iodine will cause definitely cause a visible reaction where the affected area swells, cracks, bleeds, etc. This is inevitable and you should actually consider this a good sign. I can't speak to the specific shape, but the raised area usually represents the "sick" area.

QUESTION: Do you think it will eventually heal and scar with this shape?

ANSWER: It should heal if you complete the treatment and it should not scar as long as you don't disturb the wound (pick or peel the scab).

QUESTION: Should I keep going with the iodine?

ANSWER: Absolutely! You must continue at least 2 - 3 weeks AFTER the bcc is totally invisible. If you stop too soon, it will probably re-emerge and you'll have to do this all over again. Don't think in terms of "curing it". Instead, think in terms of "nuking it". Yjos bcc is your enemy and you want to eradicate it once and for all.

QUESTION: Do you think it will scab again as I don't experience burning since the last scab came off?

ANSWER: It might. This is where an on-site inspection would help. Mine went through several scabs before it completely healed so it's hard to say for sure. Just keep treating it until your totally free of the bcc, your skin is perfect and there's absolutely no sign of the bcc. Once you've gotten to that place, keep up the treatments a bit longer to make sure it won't return.

Again, I've posted my treatment protocol that worked 100% for bcc. Please look for that. It details exactly what I did and why.

Good luck to you and thanks again for sharing your story.

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21 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2011 :  08:16:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chuck

QUESTION: Do you think it will eventually heal and scar with this shape?

ANSWER: It should heal if you complete the treatment and it should not scar as long as you don't disturb the wound (pick or peel the scab).

I was glad to see this part of your reply, because I was wondering about leaving the new scab undisturbed. I was afraid it was keeping the iodine from getting to the problem.

Reading the whole thread again is a bit daunting, so I'm assuming the above means, "Leave the scab alone!"

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41 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2011 :  11:24:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lane,

Yes sir, it's important not to disturb the scab. The scab tissue appears to be porous (more fibrous) so it absorbs the iodine quite well. In fact, a good way to monitor your healing progress is to watch how dark the scab turns when the iodine is applied. The darker the scab, the deeper and fresher is the wound below. As the wound heals, the scab becomes lighter upon treatment. That's one sign that you're making good progress. In the last days of treatment, the wound area has a normally light coloration like the surrounding healthy skin.

I don't recall you said it, but the beauty of iodine is that the wound heals from the "bottom-up" and not the "top-down". This allows the lower levels of tissue to heal first and the top layer heals last. If you remove the scab, the lower tissue may be healed OK, but the visible skin could be left with a scar or surface imperfection.

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2 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2011 :  20:02:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Chuck,
Are you suggesting that applying the Iodine in one layer 3 - 5 times a day is probably enough, as I thought Simoncini was talking about 10 - 20 layers 1 -2 times a day?
If you mean multiple layers, how many and do you apply the multiple layers straight away while it is still wet?
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41 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2011 :  10:37:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Fred,

I think Dr. Simoncini uses a brush and each layer is a "wipe" over the area. When you've wiped the area 20 times (one after the other while it's wet, that represents one treatment. That's how I understood it, but his explanation isn't perfectly clear about that.

I took away from his explanation that you want to heavily cover the area. Therefore, I simply used the tip of the glass applicator and carefully, but liberally "painted" the bcc and its surrounding area. As I ran the tip of the applicator directly onto the skin, it soaked into the area. I didn't have a specific amount in mind, just wanted to fully soak the area. I saturated it until I reached "run off" and it started to drip off the skin.

When I soaked the area as described, I allowed it to dry into the skin. I started a new application about once every 4 - 6 hours. Over a period of days, you can tell the iodine penetration was getting deeper. That was partly due to constantly saturating it each time and partly due to the skin reacting and "opening up" (cracking / peeling).

As you apply the iodine, the core of the bcc is very dark just after each treatment. On my light skin, it would turn dark reddish-brown while the surrounding area was a lighter red. As the bcc healed, the dark core began to disappear. That enabled me to visually track the progress even though the top surface of skin was still raw. Eventually, the dark core no longer appeared following treatment (even when saturated). That marked the final stage of healing and the top surface quickly improved.

But I made the mistake initially of thinking I could stop treatments after the top surface was free of blemishes. In fact, Dr. Simoncini alludes that this is OK to do. But my bcc attempted to re-form within a few weeks so I began a second round of treatments and this time kept treating the area for 2 - 3 weeks AFTER the top surface was perfectly clear of blemish. That's been several months ago and I've not seen any signs of a reoccurrence in that area. However, I've had 2 other areas (not on my face) that I needed to treat and those were recently cleared. So I've personally had this work 3 times on me.

Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I wanted to make sure you had as much information as I could offer. Hope this helps.

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21 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2011 :  14:26:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chuck
Anyway, sorry to be long-winded but I wanted to make sure you had as much information as I could offer. Hope this helps.

Chuck, we all owe you a big debt of thanks for the thorough way you have shared your experiences with us.

My own current experience is moving along. The scab is considerably larger than the original "bump" and that may reflect the total amount of skin actually involved.

I'm following your procedure of dabbing on the juice until it starts to run, and I'm applying it 4-5 times/day.

The bcc (or whatever it is) is where it shows and where it would contact my shirt. So I wear a loose "band-aid" over it to protect my shirt and to keep from grossing out others.

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Posted - 07/08/2011 :  23:11:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Chuck, your detailed info is very useful, it is often
hard to find such details in regard to health issues.
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41 Posts

Posted - 07/09/2011 :  09:36:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Fred,

Thank you and Lane for those kind words. It's truly my pleasure to be of assistance. I recall the fear when my dermatologist nonchalantly announced my "spots" were skin cancers. I had several removed by laser and knife and most returned within 1 - 2 years. Due to success treating my bcc's with iodine, I appreciate this forum and enjoy giving back. Hearing from you and Lane makes it even more motivating.

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5 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2011 :  03:04:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Another success story for you.
As you know I've been treating my Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma myself at home (see my previous post) and am thrilled and elated to announce it has all gone! Yay!
I delayed posting this just in case any regrowth started but it's been all ok now for about 3 weeks.
There is a very small blanched spot in the middle which has left a small "dent" in the skin - but hey, it's better than the lump that was there before. The skin all around which I treated with the 7% iodine is all normal and pink.
I assume the blanched bit is due to what I was initially treating the lump with before I found this site.
I will massage pawpaw ointment in daily to see if I get further results.
I am very happy!
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21 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2011 :  09:01:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've been using Lugol's on my undiagnosed bump (see gross photo above) for two months now. I still have a big scab, which is a bit disappointing in that I thought I would see more clearing by now.

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41 Posts

Posted - 07/29/2011 :  10:05:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Rosebud,

Awesome news - I'm thrilled for you! The one thing I might suggest is be cautious about using moisturizing creams in that area. At least for awhile. I'm not sure if all creams are a problem, but when I used a cream on my cleared area (this was after the first round of healing), there was a small re-occurence which I had to re-treat. If skinb cancers are caused by fungus (Candida), the moisturizers may provide a fertile environment. I would wait perhaps a month or so before applying those if it were me. Just a thought.

Again, congratulations - you made my day!

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1 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2011 :  18:26:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I found this forum a couple of months ago and started using the baking soda on my bcc on my nose (about the size of a pencil eraser). I went through the OMG what have I done phase when it came to the surface and looked awful and then I switched over to the Lugol's iodine after it seemed to be settling down. I never got a scab and I didn't have pain from either the soda or the iodine to any degree, but I could see 'normal' skin beginning to fill the small opening. Then I got pneumonia. The doc said I needed to be hospitalized, but I refused. I did agree to treatment (prednisone for 12 days, a Z-pack AND 875mg of Augmentin). As you can guess, I experienced MAJOR yeast infection and the bcc swelled up big time. Now I'm starting all over. I'm going to go with the soda for a few days and then start back on iodine. I've seen the 'traditional' (Mohs) pictures, so this HAS to work! Wish me luck!
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8 Posts

Posted - 08/02/2011 :  15:26:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I said I would come back and give an update on my desmoplastic melanoma that I treated with the iodine. Here's a recap:
I had a bc removed which formed a "keloid scar" (as my dermotologist called it). A year later, it was bugging me so I returned to dermo. He said it had grown so he wanted to do a shave biopsy, which he did and it was desmoplastic melanoma. I'm not sure he even suspected melanoma nor did I.
I decided to try the iodine even though it was melanoma. I believe all cancers have a fungal link. I used 2% tincture boiled down, 5% lugols, then switched to the 7% tincture. Applied several times a day over the course of 3 months. The lesion grew and became swollen, and raised and painful. It began to look like a "tumor" and only parts of it would scab over the rest just oozed and bled all the time. I decided to go ahead with the WLE just last week. I figured 3 months was long enough to experiment and I should probably just get it gone!
Anyway, just wanted to say that I propbably shouldn't have tried this with melanoma and I dont recommend it. Who knows, maybe with continued use it would have killed it but after 3 months, I was afraid to continue. Also, if you have an undiagnosed lesion, I would strongly recommend having it looked at, especially if you have a history of bc or other cancers. I would never have thought mine was melanoma. It was smooth, pink and raised like a keloid scar. It did not have the typical A,B,C,Ds of melanoma.
If I ever have another BC, I will definitely use the iodine but it just didn't seem to be working fast enough for my melanoma.
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35 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2011 :  14:04:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Iodine (Lugol's, 7%) has appeared to work somewhat for me with a cancer I have had on my forehead. It's difficult to know if it's gone permanently, it still ocasionally feels tingly or itchy but only slightly. I used the Lugol's for several months. After a while it healed over leaving a dint in the skin.

It hurt a bit and was a bit ugly at the destruction stages but hey, what would the doctors have done but put a huge hole in my face and almost certainly cut a nerve and disfigured me I was warned. I'm only just forty and I'm an actor and performing musician. It matters a lot.

I'm not entirely sure whether there is some cancer left growing beneath the skin, or some bad cells left in the dint where it was, though it's not looking bad at the moment.

I've acquired some Curaderm BEC5 and another restorative cream, but I'm careful about using them as they seem not designed to be applied on normal skin to reach anything underneath. If anyone knows anything to the contrary, please correct me.

Does anyone know where I can buy the Cesium Carbonate recommended by some, to dissolve in water and apply to hopefully knock out any remaining bad cells?

Edited by - robbiethegood on 08/11/2011 14:10:35
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41 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2011 :  20:07:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Overthere,

Thank you for the post and am so glad to hear you've taken th etime to research this. I wanted to quickly respond to your question regarding the quantity of Lugol's you should purchase. I've successfully treated four Bcc's and my wife has treated on of her own. I still have 1/3 of my original bottle. So for roughly $17.50 (67% of $25), we're treated 5 Bcc's.

So I feel pretty confident a single 1oz bottle will be more than enough if you're treating less than 6 - 7 spots.

I also want to mention one other thing, I can only attest to my personal results involving Bcc's. So to anyone besides Overthere who might read this, it's very important to have a professional diagnose the type of skin cancer. Personally, I would not attempt this treatment for Sarcoma or Melanoma.

I wish you the very best results!

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122 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2011 :  10:09:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
overthere, I used cureaderm for sc and bc. The spots spread across my face, nocking out aks rapidly. I am still dealing with some deep bc's, mainly in the places where I had moes 20 years ago. I am now washing with bobs bakeing soda, then put on iodine, let that dry, add curaderm, then I put on a peace of tape. I do the cureaderm twice a day. Curaderm works really fast on ak's. I had my whole face checked out by a derm. twice. Its been 5 years with no return. Once they get to be full blown bc's or ak's, thats when they take longer. I tried ps but I find it leaves a kind of blistery looking thing, that dosn't go away, so I am retreating those spots with the above method. I really like the iodine but bc's have those roots that spread out, and I worry that the iodine won't follow them all the way because of the hard scab.
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21 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2011 :  10:24:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I posted a photo of my "neck bump" before starting treatment in this thread 5/19/11. It's been about 3 months now of 4-5 Lugol's treatments daily.

In the photo below there is a large iodine-stained area of skin, a smaller hard scab area, and a central depression in the scab. I'm not sure what caused the depression.

I occasionally pick at the edges of the scab, due to lack of self-control, I guess. Originally, the whole iodine-stained area was scabbed over, but the scab size has diminished with time. The current scab is about the same size as the original bump.


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41 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2011 :  10:46:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Lane,

Thank you fo the update. It appears that although it's taking quite awhile that you're making slow, but sure progress. I recall you're working and needed to keep the area covered. I wantaed to ask if you felt the covering had unhindered air circulation? The less air (and thus less dry) the spot, the longer it takes to heal. So I was curious if the covering was loose and allowed air to freely flow undersneath it?

As for the size, the "core" you're seeing is Ground Zero for the entire cancer which has a much larger perimeter. So when you're down to the just the core remaining, the final healing should appear to be quicker (at least from my personal experience).

I know this isn't easy and I commend you for hanging in there. When that core is 100% gone, please treat it for another couple of weeks so you never have it re-occur. My wife and I still marvel at the area on my cheek that was huge and has been blemish-free for about a year now.

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Posted - 08/15/2011 :  11:03:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Overthere,

In reply to your questions, I just used a small pair of scissors to carefully clip my beard hair that grew near or in the affected area. I wasn't too worried about getting it close, just enough to keep in control. As for showering, I never directly touched the area, but allowed the water to briefly rinse it. But don't use soap with moisturizer - a very important detail. Also, let it air dry totally before you treat with iodine. The area should stay as dry as possible so the iodine soaks deep into the skin. Moisture and heat is a perfect growing condition for fungus so you want to keep the area dry with plenty of air circulation.

Hope that helps. I'll be out of pocket the next several days due to a family emergency, but will respond when I return in case of further questions.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2011 :  11:26:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by OverthereI think Hydrogen Peroxide is a MIRACLE with powers far beyond what we know. I think it permeated the skin and (maybe) acted upon all affected cells.

I never want to question someone else's miracle, but here's some information you may find useful.

The formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. The 2's should be subscripts, but that's not possible here. Each molecule of hydrogen peroxide is composed of two atoms of hydrogen (H) and two atoms of oxygen (O).

The bubbling that is observed when H2O2 is applied is caused by the presence in all living cells of catalase. This enzyme breaks the molecule down to hydrogen (H2) and oxygen O2) gases.

1. The curative power of H2o2 is (in part) due to the way it delivers EXTRA OXYGEN to the site. So if these "cancers" really are FUNGAL in nature, that extra oxygen should help kill them!

You're right about the delivery of oxygen, but I'm not sure how that would harm the fungus. I don't think any fungi are obligate anaerobes (fancy term for critters that can't live with oxygen). I might be wrong, though.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2011 :  11:35:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ChuckI recall you're working and needed to keep the area covered. I wantaed to ask if you felt the covering had unhindered air circulation?

Unfortunately, the "work" has dried up, but fortunately, I don't have to keep the area covered as much. I use a regular "band-aid," so I think air circulation is pretty good at all times.

I was glad to read your recommendation about having the spot dry, and this may relate a bit to my slow progress. It's been my practice to soap the spot during my nightly showers and then to apply the iodine almost immediately afterward. I will immediately change that behavior!

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2011 :  12:21:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Overthere
Lane ==
Is the lesion in the new picture smaller in diameter or reduced in height above the skin, as compared to the original photo?

I'd say it's about the same size, although it's hard to tell with the scab there.

I like your suggestion of increasing the frequency of treatment. I think I'll up it to about every 2 hours or so and see if that helps.

Another excellent possibility that I am preparing for is Petty Spurge sap as explored in this thread:
The thead is almost 500 posts long spanning three years, so reading it provides a real education.

Thank you for that link! It certainly looks like an approach to consider. Too bad you can't just buy the sap somewhere, but I guess the "drug company police" would prevent its being marketed. One would need to find some other non-medicinal use for it, and sell it only for that purpose.

That's a LOT better than three months of 10 iodine applications per day (how many shirts have you ruined?)

Ha, ha! Actually, I've been very careful and only stained a couple of T-shirts.

I'll read... or at least skim... the milkweed thread and see if I think growing them is feasible. I'm not sure about growing seasons and such. I'm not in a situation where indoor growing is likely to be possible.

Another suggestion for you:
Apparently almost all cancer patients turn out to be Iodine Deficient. Do some research and consider taking two drops of Lugol's orally per day (in a glass of water or other liquid).

Actually, I used to take iodine that way; don't know why I stopped. I think I'll start again.

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johnny Mac

2 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2011 :  08:39:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi there! New to all this! Could anyone tell me where in Rome Dr Simionici's clinc is? Does anyone practice this method in the uk? I'm having a hard time getting in touch with him or his team. I would really like to have the Bicarbonate of Soda treatment on a slow growing brain tumor. Any help would be much appreciated........thank you.
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5 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2011 :  11:25:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Johnny Mac,
I believe from my google research that Dr. Tullio Simoncini works out of THE SHEN CLINIC
Have a look at their website & you may be able to send an email or give a call.

Good luck with it all!!
May that brain tumor go take a hike!

Also, worth googling Dr Bryzinski as well if your interested (he's in the usa)
(With apologies to all for the digression.....)
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johnny Mac

2 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2011 :  14:28:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you so much for your help Rosebud and Overthere! I will check the Shen clinic out and see what i can find. Will also look at the Dr Bryzinski.
I have already been on the websites you suggested Overthere ,but can not seem to get a response? I have read Dr Simonici's book but it still only gives directions to the various websites. Will keep you posted! By the way......what an amazing thing this forum is, and how wonder full are the people that contribute to it . once again....thank you. x

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8 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2011 :  15:30:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Johnny Mac, I recently had contact with someone from Dr Simoncini's camp by e-mail. They said I could "write him directly at or phone him at +39335294480". Hope this helps.
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21 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2011 :  13:55:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Overthere

Today is DAY ONE of my Lugol's 5% Iodine Solution journey. I believe The Love of God brought me to, and to this particular Iodine Therapy topic (and brought you too, but that's your business )

Well, I'm certainly praying for healing along with doing what I can.

The Lugol's runs right off my face. I'm painting it on with the glass dropper, but it doesn't sink into the skin initially, and since my cheeks are "vertical surfaces", much of the precious Lugol's just runs down my neck... Is there some method for applying to vertical skin that yields better absorption?

My current spot is also vertical, and the scab seems to be the main absorber of iodine. I don't remember a problem at the beginning; maybe your skin is too "greasy" from the earlier treatment. I seem to recall the scab formed pretty quickly, so maybe that eliminates the drain-off.

I waste a certain amount of solution with each treatment, because I dab it on with the dropper until a drop forms at the bottom of the area. Then I use a folded tissue to blot the drop.

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55 Posts

Posted - 08/19/2011 :  14:02:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used a Q-tip and re-applied several times a very small amount each time. No running off issues this way for me.
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10 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  09:35:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Quick question for everyone, I work for a dr office and recently had them order an extra bottle of iodine solution. Its a 7.5%....Is this the same a Lugols? I did a little research and it appears to be the same. Thoughts??
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55 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  10:07:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
About LUGOL:
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41 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  10:20:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You want to buy Lugol's from JM Crow & Company. Just Google that company name and look for the 5% iodine. Lugol's is a maximum 5% strength - the 7.5% is probably iodine tincture which means it contains alcohol. That makes it very painful so you'll want real Lugol's which is water-based.

Good luck!
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21 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  10:47:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by srbernz

Quick question for everyone, I work for a dr office and recently had them order an extra bottle of iodine solution. Its a 7.5%....Is this the same a Lugols? I did a little research and it appears to be the same. Thoughts??

I suspect that's a =tincture= (alcohol solution), whereas Lugol's is a solution of iodine and potassium iodide in water. the former stings a lot more.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  10:53:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Overthere
It seems like the SCC site is not burning as much as the other three sites. I want that one in particular to BURST INTO FLAMES(!) just so I know something's happening

Yes! I've noticed I get more burning if the scab is wet, such as from a recent shower. I know the recommendation is for the scab to be dry, but I suspect a moist scab absorbs better than a dry one.

I may be wrong, but in light of my slow progress, I have started applying a warm, wet rag before every other application. I'm applying every two hours now when possible.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  13:01:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by OverthereIt' a 7% Lugol's, and for only $9.69 per ounce. I sent an email inquiry last week asking them to compare it to J. Crow's 5% in terms of grade: USP or ACS or ? No reply so far, and I've proven to myself many times that you get what you pay for. I'll try calling them because I need to buy more Lugol's.

I look forward to what you learn. I just got my second bottle of 5%, so I'm set for a while.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  14:44:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by OverthereEach application is taking 30 minutes (waiting for iodine to dry/absorb) and I don't hit it with a fan because I think that might evaporate it instead of letting it absorb.

I don't think there's any danger there. The I/KI is not volatile; only the water will evaporate, leaving the iodine behind.

OTOH, while it's in solution, it can soak into the scab more readily, I would think.

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21 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2011 :  16:21:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Overthere

Are you saying "no danger" of evaporating the Iodine? What about all the other DANGER mentioned in that post regarding Iodine Overdose?

Yes, I was just commenting about the evaporation. I don't know anything about overdosing.

But yes, I find it actually painful after I've applied the warm, wet rag for a while and then applied the iodine.

I googled that hydrogen peroxide will soften and dissolve scabs. YMMV, but I'm tempted to try it.

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